>is very motivated
>never gives up
>plays fair
>wants to save his country and his people
>trains hard for the rematch
>humbly accepts his defeat and kills himself to summon someone more qualified than him
he did nothing wrong
Is very motivated
>t. Jobichiro
He did shameful things to save his country. Nothing new. His motives are solid, what he had to do, not. He knew he had to become a villain to save his country. You can say the same thing about Wolf. He chose to forsake a whole country just to follow the orders of any of his two masters. And that in itself makes Wolf kind of evil, at least by association or apathy. The story is not a moral lesson. It's just a story about war and immortality.
>>plays fair
>gets a ninja assist in the first fight
>is technically immortal
>uses lightning like a bitch
Ragequitting because he couldn't win doesn't mean he's honarabu
I wonder who's behind this post.
>had to get assisted by a literally who ninja throwing a shuriken from miles cuz he was too weak to beat /ourguy/ Sekiro
he's a faggot
The only guy possibly more scummy than Genichiro is Owl
>plays fair
You haven't beaten him during the tutorial fight have you?
How did Wolf end up in the well?
>plays fair
And he still lost
He fell down!
Why did he fall down? He has a very good sense of balance.
It’s been like that for some time, “lamb calls wolf strikes”
Oi m'lord! I saw the CUTES shota I ever laid eyes on down there in that well! You should take a peek and see if you catch my drift.
>plays fair
His entire shtick is that honor is for losers.
He didn't fly so good
Tell me about Tengu. Why does he wear the mask?
Why did the Longswordman come and search for Wolf in the well?
Owl is a shinobi, he's supposed to play dirty
Anyways, despite being a scumbag, I really think he truly apreciated Sekiro, even if it was just a little judging about those lines you get when you finally kill him "that's my boy" and "killed by my own son, I could say the feeling is not completely unpleasant".
He may have used the mc, but deep down he was somewhat proud of him.
because its Isshin under the mask
he came there to laugh at him
>humbly accepts his defeat and kills himself to summon someone more qualified than him
Ultimate cuck
The subtitle placement insinuates it's Wolf who bursts out laughing.
Lol what?
>Tengu names you Sekiro. Later Isshin calls you Sekiro which makes Wolf go "You're..." in astonishment.
>Tengu is the one who gives you Isshin's super secret techniques when you kill the rats.
>Tengu's wardrobe is behind Isshin in the watchtower
>If you go to the watchtower when Isshin is elsewhere you'll find a note saying "Ree, the fucking rats are here, Emma.. Tengu's gonna go take care of them ;^)"
>Emma tells you "Isshin likes to disappear every now and then."
There's so many clues on this that it baffles me how people missed this info.
>SSI literally says "COME, SEKIRO"
I'd like to believe that you're lying and there isn't actually anyone that didn't pick up on that.
Why don't you just go suck his dick and eat his ass already then if he's so great?
>>plays fair
Would you drink rejuvenating waters and infest your body with a centipede to achieve immortality?
I missed it, but in my defence I'd forgotten about him in the Tengu mask by the time I actually got to him
No, but I'd drink some "dragon's blood" from a
cute little boy if you know what I mean.
I would eat her "rice" if you catch my drift
pedo reported to fbi
Why is he so fucking dumb? Sometimes you can beat him with ONLY R1 spam because he keeps trying to jump or shoot a bow or try some other gay little trick that just opens him up to a hit.
Did Tomoe purposefully train him wrong or what?
>sengoku-era japan
>pulls out a fucking glock
reminder sengoku era samurai didnt give a fuck about this honor crap that was invented once samurai became useless. Their only obligation is to fight for their lord
I know you are exaggerating but you do realize this is still a fantasy setting in a game. Its just using history as a base and then adding its own elements.
Too cool for his time
The "bushido code" was invented in 1899 as a way to glorify samurai of the past, and is not actually a product of the time period.
It's deep lore. When you first get to the Fountainhead Palace, you think From are a bunch of incompetent hacks because the last level is the easiest area in the game. Then you realize that it's telling you through gameplay that Tomoe et. all are just fucking terrible swordsman.
By the late Sengoku period, Japan had more guns than any European country.
When they landed in Korea, they took over the capital in 18 days.
Japan loved guns until they didn't.
Bushido as a concept was invented in 1899, but during the Edo period where there was no conflict Samurai became a lot more focused on looking important & honorable. What Bushido invented were a lot of the rules that people assumed were some kind of strict code iirc
imagine getting summoned back to life in your prime and still getting your shit kicked in my an amputee manlet
no wonder isshin wants you fucking off him
Samurai were glorified bandits working for a warlord and really the only rule of bushido at the time was "Do literally EVERYTHING your warlord says or kys." Much like knights and chivalry (which just means "Horsemanship" i.e. How well you can KILL on a horse) in that regard.
It made a come back later as a hyper-romanticized version for similarly romantic idealists to represent something more virtuous, just like chivalry. Then was revised a second time by the imperial government of Japan to drill and indoctrinate into Japanese soldiers at a young age to murder POWs, rape the "sub-noble cultures" and literally suicide into the enemy.
>believes that being a samurai was all about being honorable
>spends the first half of WW2 raping women to death, using babies and elderly as bayonet practice, and capturing men for human experimentation that would fill even the most hardcore Nazi with disgust
He was a slave to his duty. And his duty was ass.
Honor is just what the ruling class says it is.
Gotta make your ancestors at least a little bit righteous. Even if it's false
Hey what happened to this dude? I last saw him in thr serpent shrine.
He was the last boss
All these qualms about these other boss fights. I struggled through the chained ogre for like 40 minutes because his moves felt so telegraphed. Like his stupid jump grab has way too much range, and I swear his jump side kick homes in on you. It felt like such bullshit coming from a giant that should be too big to move that fast. That being said, will the other bosses "annoy" me like that one??
Bruh look at this dood
But Wolf distinctly disobeys the Iron Code by siding with Kuro
>In the year 1584 Ikeda Sen led a troop of 200 women armed with firearms at the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute and in 1600 at the Battle of Sekigahara, rare example of Teppō unit, or musketeer unit consisting only of women.
Interesting. I guess that's why the rifle wielders are women in this game.
Wat, he's isshin?
Only person in the game who calls you Sekiro
No, he just came up with the nickname Sekiro indepentantly of Isshin.
This but unironically
Most people miss it, that's why it's so fun to point out the mountain of details.
It's also why it's fun when stories don't spell details out to the audience.
>Emma turns to the camera
>Isshin, in his younger years, was known as "the Tengu of Ashina"
Worse game desu.
Sengoku Japan loved guns. Nobunaga, the most influential and notorious warlord of the era got so close to uniting Japan because he fielded large units of riflemen to mow down MUH HONORABURU SAMURAI. Even though he ultimately died and failed to unite the country, he's still the most successful figure from the time period since the ones who did unite Japan were just his underlings who took advantage of his assets after he was gone.
>Most people miss it, that's why it's so fun to point out the mountain of details.
Really? I found it kind of difficult to forget that egregious title drop, so it seemed immediately obvious when it came up again.
>play fair
>attacks you whike you're wounded and if you beat him one of his cronies steps in so he can cut your damn arm off
>sics the entire army of ashina on you
>accepts defeat
>calls on his granpappy to beat you up
Are you retarded?
>"Emma, the rats are annoying me, but don't worry the Tengu will take care of them" - note in Isshin's empty room
>Emma: "everytime I look away, Isshin runs off."
>unique red tengu mask is behind a folding screen in Isshin's room when he's present; not there when he's absent
>Tengu gives you name Sekiro, Isshin calls you Sekiro, Wolf replies "you are...!"
>You get the Mushin Esoteric Text, otherwise known as the skill book for Isshin's personal, highly refined fighting style, either from Isshin or Tengu (or Emma after Isshin dies, but she's only passing it on because he gave it to her to do so)
>same voice, same height
>only one to refer to Interior agents as Rats
>after Ashina invasion, the miniboss at serpent shrine is mourning his friend and saying that only someone as strong as a demon could kill him; Tengu is the one who killed him
I'm not sure, but there's at least a 60% chance that Tengu and Isshin at least know each other.
what if tengu is isshin's twin brother...
Lmao the chained ogre is literally just a normal enemy. His grab can be a little annoying but all in all he ain't shit. Its gonna get worse for you before it gets better.
can I get a 47 minute long youtube video (with ad breaks) confirming this
...Super Sayan Isshin?
I'd add on
>literally eats corruption water to forsake his humanity just to spite you
Genichiro was definitely not an honourable, play-by-the-rules kind of guy. The whole point of his character was that he was so desperate to save Ashina that he'd sink to any low to do so. Him clinging on the stagnant Ashina is a parallel to many other characters and their clinging to their lives via immortality to the point of corrupting it.
Tengu is Tomoe's dad, the clues are all there
>both use lightning
>both are really strong
It also explains why Tengu would be serving under Isshin
Can't wait for the tengu boss in DLC.
He's a tall guy.
Fuck that, Isshin gives you the same texts that Tengu would if you kill rats or max out a tree. Its no question, if you didnt catch on you're stupid
Someone ring up VaatiVidya, he needs to inform the president.
Sword Saint Isshin, come on bruv.
Could they be twins?
Perhaps Tengu was the deformed twin, as evidenced by his hideous mask. Shunned by his parents, but secretly incredibly talented and a far better swordsman than his more charismatic brother, Isshin, he grew humble, and talented, yet harsh.
Perhaps that's a secret Isshin will take to his dying, or undying grave. That he was never the unifying force of Ashina's lands, just the figurehead to lead them to prosperity. All whilst Tengu observed keenly from the shadows.
The purple niggas are from the ministry and they do have some knowledge about a certain shinobi running around jacked up on immortality. He just didn’t expected to see the guy running back to that spot.
Man even if you were retarded you seriously should be able to connect the dots when you see his Tengu costume behind him when you go and visit Isshin. Like the dude’s not even trying to hide the fact that he is The Tengu.
>some people still don't know Isshin = Tengu
Maybe people are so used to DS scattering lore in bits and pieces that they can't understand something placed so obviously in front of them.
What if the Black Mortal Blade doesn't actually revive people, and the Sword Saint we fight at the end is actually just Tengu pretending to be Isshin? He just pulled a parlor trick with Genichiro.
It also explains why Sword Saint Isshin is way stronger than the regular Isshin we fight in the Shura ending.
Stay woke, shinobi brothers.
lmao you're being set up just like with solaire, no way from soft would give these hints and then never confirm it
That's a good theory, but...
Tengu has white hair. Saint Sword Isshin had black hair.
Are you suggesting he dyed his hair just to trick Wolf?
>It also explains why Sword Saint Isshin is way stronger than the regular Isshin we fight in the Shura ending
Because the Isshin we fight in the Shura ending is a sick old man, while the Sword Saint is Isshin as he was in his prime during the opening Cinematic.
are lorefags mentally handicapped?
He's the type of mad cunt to that, I reckon.
They're trying to trick that fag vaati so he steals the wrong lore again.
all the retardation regarding isshin in this thread has to be shitposting what the fuck
And why do you think that is? Because Tengu is the younger brother.
The clues are all there, my dude.
pretty sure it's just funposting, relax dudes
No it's true, he is Tengu.
>join us user, you never have to die
You look like a goddamn mummy
>you'll never get sick again, or have to eat or sleep
Did you just vomit a cricket?
>you can be forever!
Who killed Isshin in Kuro's chamber though?
Was it Tengu?
Obviously im not talking about that, anyone with an iq over 50 would realize that
Considering he was holding a sword and had a white garb on, he probably seppuku'd
So I'm having a weird issue with Owl and Im not sure if it's just a bug or some mechanic I missed. Namely my gourd charges keep disappearing even when I'm not using them. I had 9 charges when I started the fight, used it three times during phase 1, and it was suddenly empty about a minute into phase 2 even when I hadn't used it yet.
I had the exact same issue with the Lonesword Spear guy where the Tengu used to be, so Im suspecting either Poison or Owl's anti-heal smoke bomb has something to do with it. Anyone else run into this at all?
Why is rice girl such a fucking slob
Tengu DLC boss when?
His mysterious unexplained patented anime illness that only super powerful characters ever contract just happened to kill him at that moment. Presumably it was aggravated by Genichiro busting in to take Kuro, but it definitely wasn't a combat death; I'm pretty certain he has no wounds on him there.
He's probably holding the sword to try and stop his chuuni grandson from taking Kuro. If he disemboweled himself in those white robes it would be extremely visible.
I've never heard of that, are you SURE that you're not double-chugging, or just so focused on the fight that you're forgetting times you've used it?
Right now dude, turn on CNN!
Well, I just started phase 2 again with 5 charges, so I'll keep an eye out and see if it happens again, and if so what happened when it did.
And used it once, ended up having 2 charges left shortly after for no real reason. I'm assuming poison has something to do with it since the charges got eaten shortly after I was poisoned. But I purposely let myself get poisoned afterwards and it didn't happen again.
I'd test it again, but I won, so eh. Really fucking good fight though. Highly enjoyed it.
>His mysterious unexplained patented anime illness that only super powerful characters ever contract
In other words, Tengu poisoned Isshin. It's the most logical conclusion.
Holy shit, 4d chessmaster.
He probably learned the poison attack from the Lone Shadow he killed at Serpent Shrine, it was probably one of the dudes that uses the poison fist attack.
If Tengu and Isshin are possibly brothers, is it likely we'll get a 2v1 Isshin/Tengu Boss Fight in the DLC? Also, I think Tengu may be Tomoe after she used the Fountainhead to transition Female to Male. The lore said she's tall amd Tengu is tall so there's a strong link. They both hang out in Ashina and know Genichiro as well. Tomoe wears the Tengu mask so you can't see his(her) girlish features. This is why Tengu is able to teach you Ashina arts, Isshin was into trannies which is revealed if you give him all 9 sake items in one playthrough. This lore goes pretty deep bros.
>If Tengu and Isshin are possibly brothers,
>The lore said she's tall amd Tengu is tall so there's a strong link.
I lost here, jolly good showing user.
Those guys saying that Tengu and Isshin are the same person might be on to something. I mean, has anyone seen both Tengu and Isshin in the same room?
Whats the best ending to take for a first playthrough?
Because they're estranged brothers and don't want to talk to each other, jesus dude pay attention.
Whichever one you get from playing blind.
they arent. When emma is visiting isshin ; behind isshin is the tengu costume
Really doesn't matter, although Shura isn't really recommended as it cuts the game short.
You're either going to play the game again and get the other endings, or watch them on youtube, so I guess just do what this guy said
Classic Iroquois Plissken, after Snake died on that tanker two years ago his brother had to get involved to see his legacy fulfilled. I love the angle From has taken with Tengu and Isshin, it's an homage to MGS2 in the best way.
fuck this guy, let me get my shota back
The dog ending
Fair enough. So definitely not the siding with owl one.
That's right, Tengu just leaves his clothes in Isshin's room because they're gay lovers. This is heavily stigmatized in the sengoku era, so they keep it a secret and try not to be seen with each other.
It's technically not gay because Tengu is a man(female)
can't believe sekiro doesn't just have age gap homosexual love but also incestual old man homo love.
so progressive, than you from software.
Finally, thanks to Sekiro I, a trans man, can go outside without feeling endangered.
Not because it was progressive, but because I can perfect parry and lightning reversal any neonazis that try to accost me.
Tengu is truly a master of disguise, he made himself look exactly like a tatami mat there and only his disguise gives him away
>plays fair
He literally says victory comes before honor when you beat his first fight and get suckerpunched by his goblin
Why is the interior ministry so goddamn stylish
Nah, they're female because it's a Princess Mononoke reference. Don't you remember Iron Town? The forge town run by women that had a bunch of face-wrapped lepers crafting firearms from the iron they produced?
I mean it's possible Mononoke was referencing something real, but I couldn't find anything online.
There's only two female rifle wielders in the entire game and they're leaders of inbred mountain savages
It's most likely a reference to both. The lepers were both female and male, if I recall correctly, which makes sense because so are the valley dwellers (only the Okami tribe they're descended from, at Fountainhead, are all-female). It seems like the big guys carrying shotguns and cannons are the males in the tribe. The dying guy in front of 2Ape definitely had a male voice, for instance.
I've never played this game, but I assume he's based for defeating "journalists".
He's stuck with that blank look on his face the whole game it's almost unsettling to see him smiling
journalists didnt even got close to him
they were cucked by based hulk hogan
and based spear monk man