He thinks there's gonna be another Smash

>he thinks there's gonna be another Smash

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Spongebob reaction pics are cringe boomer shit. Grow up already.

>He thinks there won't be another smash
Money attracts money, bro.


What makes you think Nintendo would drop one of their most popular franchises? The worst that would happen is Sakurai passing the series to his successor, and the roster getting shortened somewhat.

Only Squiliam E3 is allowed on Yea Forums. Everything else is ResetEra bait.

>Nintendo giving up one of their most profitable IPs
Even if Sakurai says no (hopefully he does), Nintendo will hire someone else

>The only Spongebob memes allowed are the ones that I like
You can go too, zoomer.

I think OP meant for the Switch

likewise people that thought 3DWorld was not the Wii U's 3d mario

Oh yeah, because that's exactly what I said.

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>We want the cringe culture audience

HEY YOU, DOWN HERE!! What did you say about Smash?!

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Good. The gimmick has ran its course for me. Ever since they dropped subspace emissary smash has felt like a cheap party game.

I hope Sakurai makes a real game before it, instead of being cucked in the smash development hell

I’d honestly like that somewhat, it’d feel like a start of a new era.

>Scamco can literally reuse the engine they built like they did for Ultimate.
Imagine being so retarded.

Haha yeah bro just like Brawl right?
Like 4, right?

cringe and yikespilled

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>he doesn't think there's going to be another Smash
How do you expect Nintendo to sell their next Bing Bing Wahoo machine????

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there probably won't be one for 7-10 years sure

but saying "there will never be another smash" is just retarded

Wtf, onions boys look like that in real life??