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Still not worth it.

This is gonna happen with the Genesis Mini


unironically whats wrong with it
other than muh raspberry pi can do that
are there legit problems with this


It's hardware is weak, the SNES Mini literally runs its games better than it

For the record, the NES classic isn't worth a buy either. Literally why pay for something you can put on your phone?

If anything, Nintendo just has more dumb fanboys than Sony.

>selling you an open source emulator in a shitty plastic case.

no thx.

Shit library, and the games run like ass.

I'm still not buying one. I have literally 6 other ways I could play PS1 games

All of the games aged like shit except RE2, VP, VS, Cross, Xenogears, SOTN & FF9. None of which were included in the bundle

It's a fucking scam, that's what's wrong with it.

No Ape Escape, no buy.

it runs some games at pal framerates and is basically a retropi in itself, it even still has debug menu available that lets you fuck with emulator settings. pretty dodgy product

Nothing. For the price it outperforms a raspberry pi and is infinitely easier to hack than a NES/SNES mini. You can get retroarch up and running in under 5 minutes and you can remove the hack just by taking out the USB drive.


It unironically is worth it now as long as you mod it which is piss easy

Granted, it is stupid to buy this shit, but there are some very clear reasons as to why no one wants it. Weak selection of titles, the games run worse than even your average emulator, hell the SNES classic emulates them better.

Basically, they really fucked it up. There's really no excusing it, not even scapegoating Nintendo fans can make them look clean.


Out of the box the game selection has some weird choices that are historically relevant but didn't age well and they chose to use inferior PAL versions of the game among other things like having a shitty emulator in the first place
However, that said at this current price point and if you mod it which is pretty easy to do its actually a decent deal

It unironically isn't when a hacked PSP and PS3 can do everything it can plus more.
Emulation is more accurate too.

>implying the NES/SNES mini is hard to hack

Didn't say it was, but the PS Classic is easier.

it has one job and it does it poorly

Nah, the Genesis mini is a better value. 40 games and the thing is being handled by M2.

It fucked itself by not having Dual Shocks.

Pal framerates, no joysticks, no crash or spyro

I can emulate for free

Or you can buy a PS2 for 10$, softmod it, and play the games natively from disk, usb stick, or internal hard drive.
All of these things are rip offs.

>No hdmi

not interested.


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For a bunch of ROMs, it's OK. I wish Sony released their ROMs with the third party emulator they used here DRM-free in GamersGate, Amazon.com, Humble Store or GOG.com.

Azure dreams and jade cocoon are better JRGs. Alundra is a good action adventure game

Sony try to copy Nintendo again and half-ass it. Again.

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>finding a chink dongle off Amazon or AliExpress is hard

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Emulation on the PS2 is fuckin garbage without a disc.

or you just emulate everything for free

These are shit. You'd get better results from plugging component cables directly into your TV


Anything stopping me from turning one into a solitaire email machine for an elderly mother?

Common sense I guess

>no dualshock

still not worth it. not even for $5

More proof that it's only good when Nintendo does it.

every model of ps3 plays ps1 games

>kept PS1 emulation
>removed PS2 emulation
What the fuck snoy?

Besides the 10 year old computer she already has still being more powerful?

Is it worth it just for the controllers? How cheap do they feel?

Worth it for the gamepads and a hack

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