JoJo games, any of them good?

JoJo games, any of them good?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>American can't understand Arrivederci

Heritage for the Future is pretty good. Everything else doesn't go far past the novelty/fan service factor.

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>Japanese can’t understand Arrivederci

>Heritage for the Future
When did people start saying this instead of the "the psx one"

Heritage for the Future is the best one, although it only covers Part 3 (with a shitty-looking Young Joseph as an unlockable). All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven have a ton of fanservice but are pretty clunky to play. They're not so bad that a fan won't find something to enjoy though, ASB in particular.

I hear that a fan-made game, The 7th Stand User, is pretty good but really grindy. Haven't checked it out myself.

>3 subtitles
for what purpose

PS1 version and the arcade version are kinda different.

>playing the playstation port when the arcade version is better

when it got a community
theres a discord of people playing the arcade version through an emulator with online play

An Italian is speaking Japanese, speaking Italian, being translated into English.

Why didn't namco made EoH for PC? They've released DBZ and Naruto games on steam then why the fuck did they made EoH a PS exclusive?

Is the ps2 golden wind game actually any good?

God, I want to fuck Spice Girl so badly.

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Arrivederci said with a heavy japanese accent sub titled in english
An explanation that Arrivederci means "goodbye" in english
And an explanation that Arrivederci means "さよなら” in japanesse

>with a shitty-looking Young Joseph as an unlockable
i still don't get why they called him "JoJo" in-game instead of Young Joseph, i mean, they went as far as to rename Kakyoin 2 times and add a prefix to Polnareff (New Kakyoin, Rubber Soul and Black Polnareff respectively), it actually really confused me when i played it for the first time, i only knew about part 3 and i remember that they called Jotaro "JoJo" so it really didn't make any sense to me.

Got a pretty lukewarm reception from what I hear. They probably didn't think it was worth the effort. DBZ games print money, and their Naruto games have received a lot of acclaim from fans of the series, so it made more sense to port those.

>Stands from part 5 and onwards look like fucking disgusting aliens
Part 1 to 4 and 7 are the only good ones.

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>Araki will never go back to this style.
i fucking hate his new artstyle, everything looks like it has down syndrome or like Iggy when he first appeared.

Attached: Iggy-original.png (322x252, 220K)

part 3 is the worst by far, every fight revolves around characters being completely retarded only to win at the last second with an asspull

Original Iggy was cool, I hated how he looked once Araki gave him a new look before his fight with Pet Shop.

Man why does Araki keep making cool stands only to never fucking use them

Haven't played them but I'm not a big fan of how Giorno looks and sounds.

Everything about 3 is boring. From the art to the stands. I don't even remember what any of the stands even look like.

>every fight revolves around characters being completely retarded only to win at the last second with an asspull
sounds like JoJo in a nutshell.

That's every fight in Jojo

Oh no a dog looks like a dog??

It's the part that I enjoy the least but the art and the main stands looked pretty cool, the jobber stands were garbage though.

Did you enjoy Trish first and only fight in the entire manga?

>implying i have a problem with OG Iggy
you are a retard.

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His new art can be super impressive at times but holy shit can it get monotonous when you notice that every character has the same fucking face.

There are two PS2 games.
Phantom Blood covers part 1, and is based on that movie that came around at the same time. It's an action game. Japanese only.
GioGio's Bizarre Adventure covers part 5, and is sorta like an arena fighter. It was translated recently.

>tfw hate part 5 and 6
I just want my Steel Ball Run adaptation.

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>I fucking hate this, ... like Iggy when he first appeared

Reminder that all JoJo parts are EQUALLY good. There isn't a single part which can be considered bad. Some people might find part one slightly boring but every other part is really interesting.

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>I hate that everyone looks like they have a pug face, therefore I hate the only pug in the comic

You really want those CGI horses?

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>"the psx one"
When did people start saying this instead of "the arcade one"?

>Japanese can't understand Arrivederci

I wonder how sticky finger and spice girls would fug

thick Stand thighs save lives

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How'd she punch off Biggie when it absorbed every other blow against it?

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You can't just fuck a Stand

She chopped Bruno's arm off with it


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How would you know?

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You'll never know unless you try

Says who?

>every fight revolves around characters being completely retarded only to win at the last second with an asspull

>hey narancia is acting super weird after he said he saw a stand
>he must be acting like an idiot on purpose lol just ignore him
until the blandest fucking JoJo ever conceived helps him out

Intredastng that Koichi and Trish who started off more as losers until they became more confidence, developed sentient stands.

It's a fan made game but 7th Stand User is legitimately amazing.

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>But muh dream and fate and stuff

All Star Battle was so close to being good. I wish they had just made a direct sequel instead of Eyes of Heaven

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it might just be localization, but some of the OC stuff feels real out of place
Where my MR.BIG niggas at?

Will we get another good JoJo fighter like HotF?

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They did this with Kakoyin and it made me upset and then we get yet another episode just like this. I fucking hate this trope.

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seriously how the fuck is Trish a more compelling character than Giorno
his dad was Dio, but he's such a mildmannered milquetoast-ass nigga

not to mention his stand's basically become a shittier version of Crazy Diamond

Not as long as CyberConnect 2 is at the helm. I just wish they'd play to their strengths and give us Asura's Wrath: JoJo Edition.

I'm still a bit upset that he didn't appear in Part 6

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He is the most boring Jojo.
At least Jonathan got a tragic end and a shitty life, living with fucking Dio for like, 7 years.

The worst part is that Gold Experience's abilities were much more interesting at the start of the series, but he stops using pretty much everything other than body part replacement after the Babyface fight, like he respecced his class into a pure healer like a fucking MMORPG.

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>15 years old
Yeah, right

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diamond records is the best gacha one prove me wrong

Jesus Christ, his entire existence becomes bullshit. His ability was cool at the start of Part 5 as a sort of inorganic organic transmutation, counter-attack stand. Should've just worked with that.

I'm glad he didn't. Part 6 doesn't have a lot going for it, but having Giorno poof in and infinitely gib Pucci with GER would've been so shit.

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GER was too OP.


Dio's other bastards showed up but I see what you mean.

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Reminder to those who say

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Is it ok if I want to fuck a stand?

Totally fine

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Sure. You're just fucking someone in their soulpussy.

Worst "girl"
Fuck that literal subhuman in a non lewd way

But why?

Made in Heaven could have beaten GER- only Jotaro and Annasui posed the threat in the fight. Pucci would have stunted GER had he known not to touch the stand.

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ummm, may I ask for the rest of the image?

Are you stupid? You don't remember Green Day and Silver Chariot Requiem? Or even the turtle in the first Diavolo fight?

Foo barely has porn. Just look her up on rule34.

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Ok, thanks dude

>was apparently "by trish's side" her whole life
>only decides to appear during the notorious BIG fight

She definitely could've helped during all the previous fights

Ain't it basically see ya?

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as an autistic JoJo fanatic I agree. Some panels in part 7 and 8 are jaw dropping but the series' art peaked at late part 3/early-mid part 4

this art being this based
Part 3 and 4 are golden age artstyle

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They're not equally good. They're all great because it's JoJo, but some parts shine brighter than others.

And Lucy Steel is 14. What's your point?

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>Cucks can't stop obsessing

>JoJo Gold Experience Requiem.gif
anymore of these stand edits?

This episode managed to make Trish really entertaining.
But if I remember the manga correctly, she's never going to do anything significant again. What a waste

based okuyasu

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I got a few.

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Jotaro was literally in the fight with MIH and still fucking lost. Emporio was the only one who even lived.

Oh boy is there.

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>delegated to daddy detector for the rest of the arc
Add her to the pile of Araki wasted potential with the rest.

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I really liked 4's SoL shit. Part 6 was really weird but I enjoyed it too.

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I wanna fuck Spice Girl

the question is, a stand can fuck another stand?

>one of the most OP Stands ever
>a retard has it
He's still pretty cool though

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Of course.

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What were Gold Experience's abilities even. To me they seemed to change to suit the plot.

God I was CHASE

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Creating life or disorienting senses or something


Could The HANDO have defeated Notorious B.I.G.?

Whatever vague bullshit you can come up with that has a connection to "life."

Wasn't that sense disorientation shit used only once? Also, what was up with that snake somehow finding the rapist assassin and biting his tongue?

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Yeah. Say what you want about the arcs all the bro-jos are really solid.

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>Trish blocking my view of Spice Girl stando pussy

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Have you seen 15 year olds lately?

Araki can't even get dogs right anymore

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>That Danny from the Phantom Blood colored rereleases.

user that's a fucking rock

Because she’s a thot

This. Teen girls nowadays range from looking more mature/older than their age to fucking roastie burnouts.

HttF is boomer-tier novelty crap, the characters are broken, Stardust Crusaders is the most boring part, and there’s just plain better Capcom games out there. Get it out of curiosity, but don’t expect anything impressive compared to Darkstalkers or 3rd Strike.
All Star Battle is excellent and really broke the mold for anime fighters, it’s heavily fanservice-based, but levels its head enough to maintain a degree of professional competitiveness, all the characters feel fresh & interesting, it’s got fucking Baoh in it, and it’s probably one of the sleeper fightan’ hits on PS3. Get it if you can, because it’s supposedly getting delisted from stores due to license runouts, you can still probably find a cheap used Jap copy though, it is literally the gold standard on how all anime fighters should be, not Furriez.
Eyes of Heaven kind of sucked beyond novelty purposes, it’s a pretty crappy one-player-only arena tag fighter with a hokey story mode, and it’s honestly not worth more than a few bucks.
Every other game since has been mobile gacha trash, as befitting of Namco, and literally fucking Fortnite.

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Looks like Maximilian's dog.

>All Star Battle is excellent
Stopped reading there. It's extremely incompetent as a 2d fighter. Aside from fanservice it's a pretty bad game.

>that kana font
actually fucking unreadable, how do the japs do it?

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Seventh Stand User is the best Jojo game despite being fanmade on RPGMaker

sexy lips

>there is literally a part 8 stand that gives everyone sameface
>only thing differentiating it from normal Araki art is that it's a different face plastered on everyone

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Fuckable stando

>HttF is boomer-tier novelty crap
Already lost me

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New jojolion chapter when

WANNABE her fuck toy

I wonder what's up with that old guy?

>Creates life
>Life it creates reflects damage back at the cause
>Hitting a person who's already alive puts them into some type of sensory overload
>Eventually able to create life at a cellular level to create specific things(Like Mista's bullet wounds and replacements for the cubes Baby Face stole) instead of whole organisms
>Fusion;(?) Giorno taking antibodies from the snake and fusing them with himself for temporary immunity to PH virus
I think there might be more but I'm not sure

I'd argue it was mostly consistent when it came to the life creation stuff, the rest of it just seemed to be forgotten as the part went on

>spice lady

ArcSys jojos fighting game when? The visuals would be god tier, same with the fan service most likely and every character would play as unique as their individual abilities so you won't get the samey feel DBFZ chars have most likely

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Seriously? 89 years old? What the fuck?


Are you sure he's 89? I don't think it was stated enough.

This scene was cringe

>Zipper Man
>Lil' Bomber
>Flaccid Pancake

I'm not really smart when it comes to understanding stando powah but can't The Hand just delet things from existence?

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Probably one of the best jobros in my opinion. Though part 3 has the niggas.

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Also the things created by life always go back to the source of what they were created from, except when they don't.


>implying CC2 will get to make another jojo's game after both games they made were a financial failure
We're lucky if we get another jojo's game honestly but if we do, I highly doubt CC2 will make it. We're either gonna get ArcSys or the DB Xenoverse guys

>Filthy Acts At A Reasonable Price

Joseph and Polnaref best jobros

>Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price

Have you ever smashed your keyboard because someone threatened to dox you?

>and every character would play as unique as their individual abilities so you won't get the samey feel DBFZ chars have most likely
>24 characters
>all punchrush types
>mash square to ora
>music is shit
>story mode is ungodly long and boring
>no single player content
>Sonicfox wins a gayness award
There, I just saved you the $65.

Angry Lad

>read all of jojo
>still haven't bothered to watch the anime past the first few episodes of part 4 and 5

Yes, literally deletes things from existence. The Hand is broken as fuck in terms of JoJo power scaling, it's just that Okuyasu is a special boy who knows like five moves.

>Pull shit towards him
>Fly through the air by deleting space

Josuke literally figured out The Hand's gimmick in like two seconds because Okuyasu has zero subtly and put way too much confidence in the swipe from the get go, despite the fact that from a range and fighting standpoint The Hand is just as physically capable as Crazy Diamond.

>Sphere Shatterer


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I'm waiting for all of Part 5 before I binge it for nostalgia

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Arcsys has always been good at making characters wildly different from one another, the only game that ended up being samey as fuck was DBFZ.


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Heritage and Seventh Stand User.

If Spice Girl is Trish and Trish is Spice Girl, then why the fuck was Trish so retarded that Spice Girl had to do all the thinking and work?

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Post the webm where it is edited of him explaining his power.

Cute feet

>Flaccid Pancake

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Because Spice Girl is the manifestation her fighting spirit, not entirely Trish.

Still pretty entertaining

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Don't you dare bring that here. I already know about this shitpost you fucking spammer.

>Has literally been watching Part 5 and apparently just ignored the existence of Sex Pistols, SIX sentient parts of a whole Stand separate from Mista's personality

Giorno is based.

Part 3 sucks and Jotaro is the lamest jojo.

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Man these gifs are fucking beautiful.

He's cool in Part 4

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>Grinding rail feet


Is there a funnier scene in JoJo? I haven't laughed at an anime this much before.

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>all punchrush types
There aren't even 24 punch type characters in all of jojo if you're just counting stands
>music is shit
if you think DBFZ's music is shit you have shit taste
>story mode is ungodly long and boring
>no single player content
Nice contradiction
>Sonicfox wins a gayness award
Sonic wouldn't play a jojos game, he only plays tag fighters and MK.

Also like another user said, ArcSys has a long long history of making unique fighting game characters, DBFZ is the only exception desu and even if the characters aren't unique the base mechanics of the game are pretty unique and interesting and tie in very well to the DB universe

why does everyone in this show look like a tranny


>Anime actually went out of their way to explain KC
It's shit.

I'm still fucking mad about Zipper Man.

Anybody with a brain would have called the Stand "Sticky Zipper" at the very least.

>Lag-Switch: The Stand

jojo makes me not understand copyright law

It didn't help anyways.

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Why does Araki like gay scenes so much? Part 5 had one too.

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> licensed games, sny if them good?

>It didn't help anyways.
Literally and figuratively untrue.

Nope, there's a lot of gold in the series but they adapted this so well. Joeseph's VA is so good.


>They renamed Little Feet "Tiny Feet" despite the fact that the band is called Little Feat
Like yeah, it sounds the same, but those two names mean entirely different things.

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Shonen manga usually have some borderline gay moments, maybe it's because of the fujos?

The whole series is gay as fuck in a gachimuchi sort of way

>OG Diego
>Hot Pants
Part 7 wasted so many god tier characters.

It was in the manga too

>Joeseph's VA is so good.

Not as bad as Echoes being called fucking Reverb when Echoes IS A FUCKING NORMAL WORD


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That's clearly a person that got melded with a dog by being buried with it.

Sandman had Koichi's Stand except it was much cooler.

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>Araki too fucking busy jerking off over Italy to actually make Giorno do something

That one is funny tho.

Eternal reminder this is the definitive version
>All unlockable characters to play in arcade mode
>You can play the entire part 3 Arc with fun minigames

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FAAARP doesn't sound as good as D4C tbqh.

>running directly under the stairs

What's his localised name?

Attached: Hey Ya!.png (299x308, 224K)

Hello, You

Heritage for the Future is amazing and is 90's capcom fighting at it's finest

All Star Battle is a decent fighting game but is only really great if youre a fan of the series

Eyes of Heaven is a weird beat em up and is only worth playing if youre a fan of the series because of the fan service and roster.

There's also a mobile game exclusive to Japan that's garbage and an RPG and a fan game that people pretend is good but they both look like shit

Greetings, individual


Ho, Thou!

How about F3RP?

I was born in Sardinia so I'm excited for the next episode

Yo, nigga

Luck Man


Attached: cyborg.0.jpg (1200x800, 154K)

Yo, Hi!


Man I can't wait for part 6 just because of the sheer amount of pussyfooting they'd have to do to get around it
It's as if Araki actively hates people adapting his shit.

Hello there

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Wouldn't actually mind that as a localised name.

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calm down anasui

Has this been done for that one guy falling down the stairs?

it's not a 2d fighter so that might be why

Why is she so much better than her stand user

>SO gets adapted
>"It's Arachnid Dude! I found him first!"
>"Where the fuck is Miki? If there's no Miki this shit ain't Crunchyroll!"

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>Muh punchy ghosts

It's a 2d fighter with a sidestep pretty much, but the gameplay is pretty flawed specially with the normal moves that most character have which are absolutely useless at stopping air attacks and the movement is pretty stiff.

I never realized Carmen had a panther mask on

i miss hamon

>hating on my boy

Attached: soft and wet.jpg (480x480, 32K)

>I never realized Carmen had a panther mask on
You can't be serious.

>Part 5 has a fight that is reminiscent of every other fight in Part 3 so Part 5 is as problematic or worse than 3
>Giorno eventually seeing what's wrong with Narancia is worse than Jotaro immediately having a solution, seeing through all bullshit, going from 0 to 100 at a video game after touching the controls some when he's never played a game before
The delusion held by rabid part 5 haters is baffling. The Part haters are never so rabid against other parts, even 6

>Joseph's pecs

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I honestly like this Stand design the most out of everyone's.

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How can you hate Part 3 when it has Polnareff?

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>Pucci can beat a stand that can do anything that conforms to the will of the user, acting outside of spacetime to do so


>Mickey Mouse will be public domain in 2024
>we just missed the steamboat on seeing Mickey in Stone Ocean animated based on David’s pacing

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It's because it's simple and cohesive. You get the Navy look from the chest anchor, which helps you tie in that the head resembles the sail of a submarine.

Soft & Wet is peak Araki design in a sea of very boring/muddled Stands in his later arcs.

How can you hate Part 5 when it has Polnareff?

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You only see her from behind, in battles, and I didn't use Ann that much, despite dating her first time around


Reminder that Giogio haters are on the wrong side of history and Araki himself knows Giorno is a fine character

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Because I'm Vanilla Ice.

Why is every other stand in part 8 a robot missing some limbs

>enemy shows up
>enemy cant stop spouting about their powers and explain to heroes whats happening to them
>almost kills good guy character
>last mine good guy character has a trick up his sleeve
>enemy dies or gets beaten into a pulp
>rinse and repeat
this show is so shit

I’ve seen 13 year olds with bigger tits

Everyone has sameface in new JoJo art, but it still looks good. I still need to start Part 8, but I might wait for it to end.

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Part 5 sucks

Such as the fights against the Sun or Oingo Boingo.

KC explains his ability to Bruno when the first meet in the manga bro

>realizing the hand could beat Ultimate Kars, Notorious BIG and every other “invincible” stand

>part 4 characters in the first two places
>bruno and fucking diavolo are above giorno
What I'm seeing here is that even Araki acknowledges Giorno is a shitty protagonist.

Who is the best villain?

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Sup bitches

Second half of part 6 is the highest concentration of pure insanity I've ever read. It's so good

>is being hunted by a group of elite mafia hitmen
>dresses like a stripper

that's literally every fucking fight in the entire series, dude.

Jobin, makes Josuke and his retards and the Rockniggers kills each other, with minimal intervention

>tfw Part 4 will always be your favorite simply because of the SOL stuff with Josuke and co. fucking around
The slice of life stuff combined with Araki's insanity worked really well.

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Shifts between Kira or Valentine.



the hand is LITERALLY the most op non mc/final boss stand in the series

If you are dressed like a whore it distracts from your face. Not that it matters since everyone has the same fucking face anyway.

No way, this can't be real.

Bohemian Rhapsody/Ticket to Ride/Green Green Grass

Better question, What is the best OP?

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>hate SOL shite
>but P4 is my favorite arc
What makes it so good? I also really love all the weird joke fights, like the face-morphing Stand from P3 (I forget the name; I've only read through the whole thing once and haven't watched it at all). That fight was hilarious to me. LEFT SIDE ATAXIA was also great.

Maybe it's because my favorite Stand in the whole series is Killer Queen, but who knows.

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The Hand was so good that I genuinely believe Araki should just recycle the fucking thing in Jojolion as an enemy stand and used by someone who isn't a retard. Just give everybody a taste of its full potential.

Part 6 is actual dog shit and I'm going to tell you why.

The art is garbage. Female anatomy is all over the place. Jolyne's hips and limbs are constantly the worst thing I've seen with my two eyes.
Jolyne is a terrible Jojo. Her entire character is based on daddy issues. And that's it. First it was I hate my father and then drastically into I have to do this for my father despite my feeligns 10 minutes ago.
Her supporting cast is not good. Not one of them. The only decent character is Weather Report and he's a memoryless sister banging faggot.

My biggest problem with six is that it's gross. And not body horror gross it's because they made everything unnecessarily sexual because Jolyne is a girl. The first chapter is Jolyne masturbating. And the next couple is her rolling around naked. None of the boys have ever been written like that. None of the boys talk about masturbating. None of the boys are ever really seen outside their uniforms. Just Jolyne. Just the girls are like this and it's disgusting and gross. And it's only done because most of the cast is female. Jolyne in crisis talking about how she's jealous about how snails can fuck anything. Hermes actually saying "dries up like a maxi pad," are you fucking kidding me?

I'm glad you all love part six because the tits make your dick hard but to defend this shit is ridiculous. It's the weakest most poorly written part by far and reading it was agony.

The only thing that saved this part, if you could call it saved, is Pucci. Pucci is good and I'm glad he reset the universe so none of this god awful part ever technically happened.


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Crazy Noise Bizarre Town

You can see when you go through team personas and when they level up you dum dum

Aye, Whaddup

Why is Sports Maxx there?

Stale pasta

>Giorno creates a clone of the turtle with its stand power in tact
>Doesn't clone himself a thousand times and Agent Smith fight Diavolo
Giorno didn't need Requiem he was already busted.

Jojo is at it's best when it's just fucking around and monster of the week shit and dumb gimmick shit, part 4 has the best of that

That entire arc where Josuke is trying to cheat Rohan out of dosh by using the alien as dice was fucking amazing.

The hand is overrated. It's a strong ability, but it's not busted like some stands that show up.

everything about part 6 is a mess honestly.

Is he the only JoJo to beat the final boss without some asspull? And he was handicapped from the start by having Stray Cat and Atom Father helping Kira

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Not pressing X as fast as possible, and running to the next battle, I didn't use my hoe again til the second to last dungeon and her persona was evolved fairly early

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I think it's the juxtaposition of Jojo being a really weird fucking series in general, and then planting you into a "normal" setting filled with all that Jojo weirdness.

>A whole sub-arc dedicated to frauding the lottery through a found ticket with fucking Stand powers

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Parts 5 and 8 have the best Stand designs, though I appreciated how most Stands in SBR were non-humanoid. I particularly liked Catch the Rainbow.

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Valentine, Kira and Pucci are acceptable answers.

Fuck off, gay priest is cool.

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One of the many reasons I hate part 5, why is it the most popular part in Japan? I really don't understand, and Diavolo is just as inconsistent, why is a guy that wants to be hidden rocking tats and died octopus hair

The Okuyasu revival, while amazing, was pretty ass-pullish from a plot perspective.

Also he was robbed by Jotaro.

In all fairness Diavolo gains a few spots just for Doppio.

he didn't even beat kira

Based. Catch the Rainbow is top tier design

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I don't think Jonny pulled any shit that wasn't previously estalished, I could be wrong though, maybe the gun? It's been a while since i've read part 7.

Jolyne didn't do anything bullshit, and tusk act 4 was built up the whole part

I love Josuke but Kira was going to fuck him up if it weren't for Okuyasu. They didn't need Jotaro though, Okuyasu should have pulled Kira into some DORA DORA before he activated bites the dust.

The guys in JJL don't have sameface I wouldn't say, the women kind of do though. My only issue with JJL's art is that the important panels look great while the inbetween panels look really sloppy, which is to be expected, but I feel like they look especially sloppy.

More recent stands in 8 are a let down visually, Three Leaves is cool though

But Jolyne didn’t beat Pucci

Yeah, but she didn't "beat the final boss"

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Kira, Pucci
Valentine, Diavolo
DIO, Dio, the Pillar Man + Kars

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>tfw we have to wait for and watch the whole Stone Ocean anime adaptation before we can get the GOAT Steel Ball Run anime adaptation

Yeah he got better with faces, sameface was a mid part 7 thing. Jobin, Josuke, Norisuke are all fairly distinct, etc

I know this is pasta but gappy exists.

Jolyne was cheated out of beating Boipucci

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Heritage for the Future is fine, until someone plays as Petshop. Then it's fucking garbage.


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How did people to react to part 6 when it first came out, anyways? Was there an online Western fanbase at the time, what with HFTF and the OVA?

Maybe David Productions can salvage it in some way? They've been prone to logical additions to the anime adaptions. I believe they included scenes where Star Platinum used ASSPULL FINGA more than once, correct?

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Man, seeing him talk about his time unconscious was very heartwarming. It felt nice seeing Okuyasu obtain closure like that.

Is part 8 any good? Stopped reading after Higashitaka mom came back from prison

>girls can't fill out early

This is how i know you haven't had sex yet

Let's go slow

Jonathan = Loser
Joseph = Aja -> volcano -> hand -> space
Jotaro = i times stops too
Josuke = Based
Giorno = GER
Jolyne = Fast man Pucci hitting the disc into emporio
Johnny = Based and built up

If Josuke counts as someone who beat the final boss without asspull, so does Jolyne. Josuke fought Kira until Jotaro and Koichi got the kill, Jolyne held off Pucci to save Emporio, who got the kill.

At least Petshop is banned


I liked the unnamed one in the most recent chapter, and I like Doggystyle and Blue Hawaii too. The only Stands in JJL I particularly dislike are Fun! Fun! Fun! and Speed King, but in Speed King's case it's just because I liked it so much before and so I can't help but see its changes as a downgrade. Its body looks better now, but I much prefer how its face used to be.

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Whammu was based, take it back cunt.

The ps1 one was a garbage port, only good thing about it was the super story mode.

Shit started happening finally


All the elite mafia dresses like some retard fashion model, so who cares?

Yeah, Jobin is a pretty interesting Protag, hes just playing smart, Rocks and the Main party are fighting over nothing. Also Snoop Dog guy is super cool

Okuyasu talking about his dream always gets me.

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bye, dio

That entire ending made me feel weird. I'm happy that Emporio was able to see his friends again, but it really wasn't them.

Don't remind of crackhead Speed King, why did he even redisign it in the first place

>not go fuck yourself dio

take out 1 and you have the two best parts in the series, by far. However, part 6 is also close.

fightcade + jojoban (the name for the ROM of HFTF) made a community that hosts weekly tournaments and some of the players there make some badass plays
it's really fun

Meant Antag, Phone is acting strange and getting hot

The battle royale game still exists? Remember seeing some footage last year and nothing more.

>Giorno haters in charge of understanding character histories
Jonathan's early life was probably better than Giorno's except for the time he first met Dio. Meanwhile Giorno had to basically take care of himself as a very small child and then had to endure being beaten by his stepfather until his encounter with the mafia. After that he just grew up relatively normally, compared to the rich lifestyle Jonathan and Dio enjoyed.

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They show the head doctor's face yet in part 8? Why are they avoiding it so much

Wham is cool, but he's not the main antagonist / the rest of the Pillar Men are boring.

>Spawn into game
>Kirafag has already touched all the weapon chests

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Yeah, if you choose Valentine, you can flip to a game where you're in first place

It's Joseph

JJASB can be a pretty average game, but the soundtrack is fucking sweet

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correct me if i'm wrong, but hasn't araki drawn a bunch of stands fucking eachother in a big orgy once? I recall seeing something like that somewhere

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Esidisi was cool as a reverse Joseph, Kars was confusing, what little character he had was thrown away. Thank god for rock humans


I assumed SBR Joseph died, didn't the higashikata register have him in it? Also who the fuck is Josefumi, hes apparently a cousin but hes also not in a register

I always thought his entrance was awesome.

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Josuke beat Kira until his only out was BTD. Jolyne only managed to hold off C-Moon long enough for Jotaro to show up at which point she did nothing while Star Platinum, Kiss and Diver Down all worked together to hold off MiH.
Her fight literally wasn't even Pucci's final form.

I have shit taste, so DIO

Stands for Stands. Get your own women.

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Yeah when iggy suddenly had a human face I thought I was going crazy.

He was merely pretending. He asspulled death.

A normal lifestyle in the late 20th/early 21st century is still significantly better than a rich life in the fucking 19th century.
And yet Jolyne was the only one who survived Pucci rushing the entire party and was instrumental in guaranteeing Emporio's survival so that he could defeat Pucci. If Josuke counts despite not killing Kira, so does Jolyne.

Because that "head doctor"... the one in charge of the "university hospital" that could be the "ke~~~y" to the secret of the "Rokakaka" is "89 years old."

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But Josuke shat on Kira every time they had a 1v1 fight. He would've lost twice if stray cat didn’t save Kira

Ill take Higashikata Zoomer speak over Valentine's pictures in speech bubbles any day
Could Josuke beat the more aggressive part 8 Kira

I don't know how I never noticed that a persona and a stand are like the same thing

And Josuke would've lost for sure if Okuyasu didn't save him at the end. Using your allies is a valid strategy.

how the fuck do you go from Great Days to Fighting Gold? It's like they devolved in OP making since part 4

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Fighting Gold is one of my favorite OPs I don't know why some people hate it so much.

He badly needs to do another one of these after the completion of Part 8, this one is nearly twenty years old.

Great Days is the peak, you can't go higher than that.

Hey man Chase was shit too


Post your part idea
>war story
>enemy soldiers are Stand users in addition to having guns
>can weave Spin into it with the bullets and things

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I meant to type
>JoJo is a grunt


I’m not denying Oukayasu saved him. Let’s say you had the Josuke fighting Kira 1v1 with no one else involved. We can all agree Josuke would win, no asspull a necessary. But we can’t say the same for Jolyne vs Pucci

He wasnt playing the game though?

Kira and Johnny Joestar

The difference is Kira's fight ended when he lost to Josuke and Okuyasu. The fight against Pucci didn't, all her efforts didn't even slow him down and the only reason she survived Pucci's attack is because everyone else was covering for her.
The moment MiH came out it stopped being a fight and became a desperate stall which is not by any metric winning.

I unironically prefer seeing that fat cunt in comments than that nigger Justin Y

Stands were a mistak

>have cool jojo idea
>cool stand ideas
>cool villain stands and personalities
>no idea where it would be
>no idea why the jojo would fight the villain

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this is what 15 year old italian girls looks like?

Yeah, if we're talking theoretical, but I'm just talking about how events unfolded in canon. The point is that if Josuke, someone who didn't get the final blow but arranged it so that Kira was defeated, counts, then so does Jolyne because she did the same thing.
>all her efforts didn't even slow him down
She made sure that Emporio survived so he could kill Pucci, what are you talking about? She's the only one who even got a hit in on Pucci. Even if she sacrificed herself, she made sure that Pucci was defeated. It was a win.

Goddamn right, it's amazing what the composer did with all the musical references.

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DP also added in some additional La Squadra scenes that further fleshed them out as characters and showcased them as a cohesive unit, something the manga never did. The adaptation isn't perfect but there are some instances that that are better than the manga.

This one's my favorite

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So next episode is Abbacchio's death, right?

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Stroheim ensured Joseph beat Kars, Kakyoin ensured Jotaro beat Dio, the entire gang ensured Giorno got the arrow head.
These don't count as their wins the one who fights the villains and defeats them is the winner everyone else is just offering an assist.
Emporio beat Pucci you're waifu a shit.

No, the episode after

The original post that I disagreed with is just talking about defeating the villain, user. Not sure what your obsession with who gets the "win" is, but sure, if we're going by your definition then Josuke and Jolyne are both losers because he didn't defeat Kira and Jolyne didn't kill Pucci.

I feel like it'll be two episodes from now, but I can see it being next episode. I re-read the Metallica fight recently because I was looking forward to it, and it is shorter than I remembered it being.

Next up is Doppio vs Risotto, the most metal fight in the series.

I frequently daydream about a what-if part where Shizuka is the main character. It involves her trying to nab the last Stone Mask back from a yakuza clan captain & Stand users under his employ, and shit goes south when his sickly daughter accidentally gets turned into a vampire and goes full-on power-trip. I wrote an outline and a few chapters, but stopped when I started uni, I should get back to it when VA’s done & my schedule frees up finally.

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What? Fighting gold is amazing you shit taste faggot. Kill yourself.

Doesn’t he say after the last fight that he can’t get the requiem version to work again?

Does anyone feel like having the Corpse be Jesus was kinda out there and dumb? They could've had it be the corpse of an alien that crashed to keep in line with the "Stands are an alien virus" thing from the OG universe

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The Jesus shit was cool

Fuck you Carlos

Anyway, who is ready for that fight. I have to say that is the best fight there is because it show that even the villain is not invisible. I wish more anime show the main villain struggling, it show they are humans, not gods with unstoppable power.

How can you hate pt5 wat

Great Days is the Reddit OP

Which Stand user could defeat Superman?

Depends on whether they count as magic. Same for Hamon and Spin.

Judgement could go to Lex Luthor and have him wish for infinite Kryptonite.

It's a part 3 retread with a worse jojo and villain. It ain't too hard.

Part 5's kinda lame. The main character is boring, most of the supporting cast are annoying, the main villain is uninteresting, fights range from either really awesome or a fucking snoozefest. I knew japs typically have shit taste and shouldn't have trusted them. The only entertaining character is Bucciarati

>hating based Mista
I don't even like part 5 either and still think you're a fag.

I got Howlin Wolf the first time. I love the designs of shit like Quicksilver, Carpenters, and Napalm Death though.

Implying Disney will ever let Mickey Mouse become public domain. They're overthrow the government before that happens. Be prepared for the most hilarious hostile takeover of all time.

The new OP song fucking sucks. I miss

I doubt it. No way in hell is DP is going to do Doppio's introduction, the Metallica fight, and Giorno's gang trying to find the Boss all in one episode within a 10 chapter basis.

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nah they are all good

Its shit. I'll kill you.

Part 3 was about a bunch of roid monsters traveling across the world to save Holly and stop Dio
Part 5 is a bunch of homos bumbling around looking for someone who should stand out like a sore thumb so they can take over his criminal organization

There are women in JOJO? I thought it was just highly sexualized faggotry.

I've been voting for Mickey Mouse since I could legally vote. The Mouse will reward my loyalty when the day arrives

There is no bad jojo-related material

fighting gold was fucking shit

>There are women in JOJO?

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CGI horses
oh fuck, I didn't even think about that, dammit now I'm worried

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You are the one who is shit kiddo.

Shit taste

What if they are CGI for long shots only?

Trator's Requiem>Fighting Gold. Fighting Gold was pure mediocrity.

>eoh story mode
>over heaven
>jorge joestar

>we're living in a timeline where we got an animated version of the meme
It's been, what, 12 years right?

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Good taste

>tricked by tranime onlys and fags that Jojo belongs to them
don't let them deceive you user

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Shit taste

kill yourself

Both Fighting Gold and Bloody Stream are trash. Change my mind.

What the hell is Araki's beef against dogs in general?

Isn't the Phantom Blood movie and the live-action DiU supposed to be pretty bad?

>does this shitty anime series has good games


They’re overrated but not bad. Nothing beats Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town though

Gives me flashbacks to when people where crying about cg stands when part 3 got announced.

>Fighting gold
>Bloody stream
Kill yourself.

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you are good grammar and spelling.

He's a chink

>Jojofags are denial bitches
No surprise there.

I never said I hated Mista.
He's alright tho, easily my second place character.

Crazy noisy falls apart when the lyrics start

Araki adores dogs, so he thinks one of the most evil things a person could do is kill one. He does it to establish some villains as irredeemable.

You're wrong but ok.

>Jonathan = Loser
Fuck Joseph and fuck stands

Kira can only make one object a bomb at a time.

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Narancia and Bucciarati didn’t deserve this...

The writing in jojo didnt age that well, desu

>here's an undefeatable stand user with a stupidly overpowered ability!
>there's no way our hero will win!
>but what's this....
>deus ex machina! (star finger, star platinum: the world, spice girl, gold experience requiem)

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Is part 6 just "le strong woman" being violent towards men?

If you’re a speed reading animeonly memespouting brainlet then yeah

Do people actually believe what they're saying when they say any kind of media has "aged poorly?" It's such a nonsensical thing to believe I don't know how anybody who has thought about what they're saying for more than a second could actually believe that a piece of writing was good ten years ago but it's somehow not good today despite the writing itself having not changed at all in those ten years.

It's like any other JoJo except with gurls

Best OPs are Bloody Stream, Chase, and Fighting Gold
Sono Chi no Sadame and Great Days are good
Traitor’s Requiem and Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town are fine
Part 3 OPs are shite

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>dude part 3 ops bad lmao

wtf is she talking about me or my dick??

Sono Chi no Kioku can't be bad, it has based Tommy Tominaga in it.
Also the Units version of Great Days > everything else

This one is actually really good
Even tho its a fighting game it has an adventure mode that follows the anime and it has varied gameplays styles, some hit, some miss, but its a fun and interesting game
Very ahead of its time
Its actually directed by based itsuno (capcom vs snk 1 & 2, DMC3,4&5, Dragons dogma)

Fuck the lovers stage tho

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I don't really think you can call Part 5 an asspull when the entire point of the finale was obtaining the object that would allow you to asspull in the first place

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because he is written like dio, but as a good guy
The problem with Giorno is that he is supposed to be super charismatic like his father, to the point he becomes the star of some one's eyes (notice how every one in part 5 can't stop sucking his dick in their own inner monologs?)
But because he has to be the good guy, he can never become as charming and interesting as his dad who used his evil doings to charm the audience
So now at most you get a silent guy who is hot and makes every one gay for him for a bit, oh he can also be a dick, but he has a heart of gold


>asspull fire punch
>asspull volcanic eruption
>asspull stand ability
>based josuke
>asspull requiem arrow
>asspull white snake disc
>asspull gun
Yeah pretty much

Giorno is best jojo fag

this had me laughing good
comedy gold

Part 6 is literally the worst written part. It's difficult to read through, the narrative is sloppy, the pacing is all over the place, the minor antagonists are lackluster, all of the stands are terrible and it has the weakest cast by a long shot. Jolyne is a pathetic MC who is just an edgy whiny bitch with daddy issues. Her poor actions are blamed on Jotaro and she doesn't have a moment of self-reflection to become a more mature person. Being a Strong Female Character™ isn't being mature, by the way. Pucci is a cliched, generic shounen villain with a backstory that is ridiculous, laughable and tacked on late into the story. DIO's sons were a complete waste as they were just more fodder of the week with no personality. And the ending is fucking terrible.

Literally-not villian?
Funny valentine

That's just wrong, and I like part 5.

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Stand Proud is fucking great you mong.
I personally think JoJo doesn’t have a single bad OP. All of them are bangers.

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Josuke didnt fucking die tho

>God tier
Kira, Valentine, OG Diego, Jobin
>Good tier
Dio, Pucci, Whamu
>Okay Tier
Esidisi, Diego from a different universe, Diavolo
>Shit tier
DIO, Kars

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Kira, easily

it's like Patrick Bateman with super powers
It's an absurdly good character
I knew I was witnessing something on another level when he stopped to put koichi's socks right on his feet

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watching part 4 actually made me cherish when I was in high school

absolutely wholesome

Monster's marketing team hard at work

>>>>>>>>>>josuke didn't die

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How is volcano an asspull? does luck even count as asspull?

Some think so

why the fucking fuck the author never did anything with this flashback?, I started Imagining how this could even happen, but when bites the dust showed up I knew they were going to kick the final fight 10 years ago with time traveling asspulls.
but why he didn't, that's the thing I never understood that about part 4, the set up was appropriate, and things could have gone full circle, would have made the ending even better.

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If luck isn’t an asspull then asspulls wouldn’t be a thing because you can just use the luck excuse

Japs love to fetishise Italy

A lot of the plotholes in jojo are genuinely just "araki forgot"

bites the dust going back that far in time wouldve been broken as fuck.

From what I heard, he couldn't figure out a way to make Bites the Dust send him back that far, so he just dropped it and you're supposed to accept it was some stranger who happened to look exactly like Josuke in his teens.
The author does that shit all the time, though.

What if it was just some random dude with stupid hair? It didn't have to actually be Josuke.

NOOOOO, my headcanon!

>no young Joseph during the Alessi fight
>no Giorno in part 6
Araki loves blue balling us

I hate what he brings back Polnareff for.

It's a great feeling

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>stupid hair

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the first party member personas are ALL better than the second ones, its so dumb

It's half the charm at a point, like femAnnasui.

post covers

Delete yourself

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cc2 only made all star battle

>part 1-4
parts 1 and 2 didn't even HAVE stands
also what?
how do the following stands look like 'fucking disgusting aliens'
>sticky fingers
>beach boy
>white album
>mister president
>rolling stones

and that's me being generous with the humanoid stands, and just in part 5.

I really didn't care for part 3 at all, and part 4, while the SoL was quality, had horrible pacing.

but otherwise, I agree.

I don't even like part 3 but come on. Jotaro never played "OH, THAT'S BASEBALL". Joseph did.

What are some of your ideas, user? I'm sure some people would be interested in helping you piece stuff together.

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i really like how the 3d models of eyes of heaven are
basically the later art style of each part if it actually had 3d form

Bloody Stream>Sono Chi no Sadame>Fighting Gold>Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town>STAND PROUD>Chase>Sono Chi no Kioku>Requiem for a Traitor>Great Days

Funny Valentine>Kira>Diavolo>Whammu>DIO/Dio>Pucci>The Other Pillar Fucks

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how would Johnathan react to seeing his adopted daughter, as she was in part 2?