It's just not fun

it's just not fun

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, that ogre sure is something else user
I'm sure you can beat him if you really try though

I enjoy pretty much anything while I’m high , and I’m almost all the time so a ok

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why are you like this

Then don't play? What a great thread.

t. liberal

Contrary to what journos say you don't have to like every game just because it's popular.
If you don't want to be scared don't play a horror game, if you don't want to die against shit until you get decent don't play Sekiro.

It's ok OP, you shouldnt force your self to play games you don't enjoy

There's plenty of games out there so I'm gosh darn sure you'll find something nice to play :)

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Is the outfit a part of her or is she wearing the skin of her slain cousins?

It's fun on my side.


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Keep going user I believe in you

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It grows out of her flesh like a separate organ

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If it's not fun then you're not playing right.

I can't
the damn lone shadow keeps kicking the shit out of my posture while my camera is suffering a seizure

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I agree, combat is just not very fun, it gets better but not much.
I really wish it had more weapons or that the attack speed was a bit higher because as is its just a tad too slow. It also doesnt help that the encounters boil down to chip away the posture until they are open to a heavy attack.
Mikiri counter and other tecniques should have been given to the player since the beginning.
I love the levels and running around them tho, from should have made traversing the enviroment and mobility a higher priority.


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If I took off that skirt, would she die?

>Lone Shadow
Had to unequip everything and get in the zone to beat this nibba. This isn't a game so much as an interactive exercise in Zen Buddhism.

Don't be shit
Seriously if you can't beat this game you are worse than DSP

Sekiro thread? I pirated it but I'm legitimately considering buying it because of how much fun I'm having. Two and a half big questions though.
>Did they fix its inability to detect the Switch Pro? I'm using an Xbone controller which kinda sucks ass in comparison, especially since the USB barely connects properly.
>What are the odds of a sale anytime soon?
>Are there achievements?

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Im using a switch pro for it fine.

why does dragonrot exist
if it weren't for it I wouldn't feel so bad about dying and kept trying but I keep feeling that I'll fuck up my story or something if I keep giving everyone the plague

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It's not supposed to be fun to be a weakling user

It's not so much that it lacks fun, it's tedious.

It's pretty fun once you understand how to deflect.

I'm my third run trying to beat bosses by deflecting only.

Parrying sucks ass and I hate that From chose to make they SHITTIEST style the only choice in their latest game.

I don’t care what anyone says, this shit IS a SoulsBourne game, and the one with the worst mechanics and environments.

You only delay questlines and they had you a ton of cures so it's an extremely marginal problem.

Dragonrot cures are plentiful and sometimes you can die 20 times in a row with nothing happening
Also all the NPC questlines are pretty lousy, don't worry too much about it

just run away from regular fights and quit out of boss fights if you feel that way, dragonrot goes byebye if you don't suffer "final death"s

it's needless tedium


For u

How are saves stored then? Is it possible to transfer my pirated save to a legit copy?

Just stay in the open area and don't run into the Hallway where the camera is bound to fuck you over

Not really. The main mechanic of dragon rot isnt to fuck up questlines it's to make your unseen aid go down thus making death more significant.

What is really killing you that much outside of bosses? I'm pretty sure there's more dragon droplets than there are bosses, just pop one whenever you overcome whatever is walling you at the moment.

the one in the well? make sure to jump from the crack above him to get a free stealth deathblow and then just deflect and attack until his posture fills. the camera does suck in that well though i'm with you.

Did you play as only mage in the souls games??

I think it's a lot of fun on the first play through. Has the same problem as Bloodborne though, it gets old real fast because there isn't a lot of variety in the gameplay.

That's the exact reason I stopped, permadeath or anything related is a red flag for me. It discourages expirimentation and turns the game into a tedious "how many enemies can I avoid" mission

You stopped because you're garbage

Dragonrot is curable, and the cures are pretty common. Not only that, its effects are negligible.

It's completely fucking pointless. That entire mechanic is a waste of time. There is no negative effect other than people acting sick and side quests and dialogue being postponed, it won't kill anyone. Unseen aid is a joke. The most you can get is 30% which is too low to be useful or reliable so there's nothing really bad about losing it. And on top of all that if it does make you feel bad Dragon blood droplets are piss easy to acquire and fix it. Seriously the whole thing is pointless, there is no meaningful downside to getting dragonrot and no worthwhile upside to make you want to avoid it, unless you count shame and guilt of dying so much I guess.

Run around him like soujiro from Samurai X. He will miss almost every combo. It's not that difficult to parry his attacks either, they just come two steps after they are telegraphed and you think they are coming, his timming is basically in 3/4 rythm. You can mikiri the last kick he makes. Use sugars. If panicking, spam deflect and regain your composture.

do i give the divine girl the infested chapter? I don't want to bad end her like the divine tome chick in DS3

Its a pretty fun game. Every time I hit a wall I get frustrated, but as soon as I beat it I get an intense sense of satisfaction. Trying to beat Demon of Hatred atm.

dragonrot means absolutely nothing though. you have like 15 items to cure it by the end of the game. nobody dies from it except the mother that gives you the buddha which i think happens anyway.

i was bitching about it at first too especially since after like 5 deaths your chance of unseen aid goes from like 30% to like 12% or something but it really doesn't have any affect on the game. die as many times as you like and just cure people when your unseen aid gets really low or you want to advance a quest of a person with dragon AIDS.

I’m convinced the whole unseen aid mechanic being worthless is a nod towards the pointless world tendency mechanic in Demon’s Souls

>make sure to jump from the crack above him to get a free stealth deathblow
Goddammit first the Corrupted Monk now this, next you're gonna tell me there was a way to stealthblow the Guardian Ape.

sorry the mother that gives you the thing you use at the buddha not an actual buddha.

t. gaming journalist

>sekiro is hard

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>he doesn’t know
Don’t worry, killing the shitflinger without stealth is an achievement in its own right. Congratulations user.

i swear miyazaki was just trolling with unseen aid. why not just have it be like every other game since dark souls where you can recover your XP when you die. i swear everytime i had a small amount of XP left before getting a skill point i'd never get unseen aid and then when i had 0 XP and 0 sen it'd always flash on the screen. it was a joke.

The worst what can really happen is the wheezing gets annoying when you upgrade your junk at the temple

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Honestly world tendency, while still a little shit, was way better that he dragonrot/unseen aid thing because it actually did something. Black world tendency made the game harder and drop better things, white did the opposite. There are many events, items, enemies, and characters that will only appear if you have a certain world tendency at the time. At least it actually mattered in that game.

The fuck does Unseen Aid even do?

why would anyone leave the chained ogre until the very last part of the game though? he's not THAT hard. plus he gives a prayer bead.

So you're saying I need to flay her alive to fuck her?

play Samurai Jack: The Shadow of Akku instead

From really needs to rethink how to manage multiple targets at once because this game shows that they cant design it for shit.
Aside from sweeping prosthetics theres really no other way since the swing is not either wide enough or far reaching to attack multiples, the Ashina castle antechamber was my bane since those swordmen attack all at the same time and tend to call their friends to join in the fun.

I guess you skipped the prompt that told you exactly what it does
Prevents exp/money loss on death

it allows you to keep your XP and sen when you die. otherwise you lose half of it.

I'm not very far in yet.

*stays silent*

Some parts are amazing but bosses like guardian ape and owl daddy are anti-fun, should have been way more fights like genikino because that was the highlight of the game for me

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>Still have to get Shura and all skills
>I'm just over the game at this point
>Stopping now will mean I have to get good again whenever I pick it back up

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That's an unchained ogre, just a standard enemy. Not even red-eye.

Yeah clearly we need From to start using bamham combat for your delicate western sensibilities

this is a new ogre that appears specifically at the end. there's also one during the first siege in the bottom of the castle.

It literally tells you what it does the first time you get it.

damn i must have missed them in my playthrough. i didn't really fuck around in ashina outskirts that much endgame just killed demon of hatred and then went to the reservoir for isshin.

>I haven't played for a day already
Am I fucked?

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I haven't "gotten" it yet, I just saw it floating in the menu.

There's only one in late Ashina Outskirts, directly before the Demon of Hatred
It's interesting in that it sort of implies that the Interior Ministry is setting these motherfuckers free and giving them xanax or something

play something else, nothing is unanimously fun

Literally going hollow

>tfw im finally about to play DeSouls after playing the other games first

Thinkin of going ungabunga build, and ready for some old vibes

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For the longest time I didn't know you could counter his kick. After I realized that he became piss easy. Just keep the pressure high.

>stops you from finishing the game

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I did a greatsword + full fluted armor the entire first playthrough, was pretty ez
I really like how fluid DeS feels compared to DaS, i feel a lot more agile in it than in any other souls game

>tfw your friend always complains Dark Souls is too easy
>tfw he always plays as a mage
>tfw in this game you cant sit away and throw spells at your enemies
>tfw he is struggling with Genichiro

Loving every Laugh

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*teleports behind you*
psss nothin personnel kid

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>beat the twin monkeys
>welp that wasn’t so bad
>time to see the sculptor
>want to return to the den
>idol deactivated
>there’s a Sushimen there now
Fuck you too, game.

I started up ds3 for a sec and sekiro feels like delayed ass.
Not sure what fromsoft was thinking making the gameplay based around consecutive timing with these seemingly slow inputs.

can't you literally buy droplets from a merchant for lousy 180 gold? how can dragonrot ever be a problem?

They didn't have the Recovery Charm before

There’s a finite number. But yeah, even if you’re awful, you can just pop a cure after each boss, advance all sidequests and resume dying.

>>there’s a Sushimen there now
literally pop a divine confetti and watch his health bar drop, if he jumps, deathblow him, retard.

I killed him dude, but you gotta admit it’s kind of a dick move to make a new boss spawn in the arena literally just after the previous one.

>every single time you have to reactivate shit in the ashina area


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>first castle invasion
>start from the dungeon entrance, get most idols back pretty quick
>second invasion
>dungeon entrance is blocked off from the rest of the castle
>lost as fuck because you have to start from the roof
>doubly lost as fuck because everything is now on fire and everyone is fighting
what's even the purpose of deactivating everything? the idols are still in safe spots and I was going to visit them all anyway to see what changed.

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Give it some time user It truly is fun

Fully agree. Only autistic unemployed losers who do nothing but play video games would ever even remotely consider playing this complete worthless piece of trash.

>one playstyle: Total obedience to your opponents' movesets

The reason autistic subhumans enjoy it, is because they crave the submission and slavery it demands of them. They don't want to have to think, or have fun, or enjoy anything, they just want to be Mind-Raped and controlled and made to obey their Japanese cuck-bulls.

If you enjoy this game, do the right thing for humanity, do the right thing for the gene pool, and just immediately fucking kill yourself on livestream. Apologize, then slit your wrists and die. Thanks.

sekiro is a rhythm game

The combat is far too basic and forgiving. The frame for Mikiri counter for example is stupidly big.

>Weak homosexual demands people kill themselves because he's too much of a beta to buy a gun and do it himself
Don't have time for some arthritic monkey that can't even press L1.

I did exactly that and killed him on my first attempt, but learned afterwards that there was some dialogue I missed by not confronting him directly.

This game is just exposing people who use magic builds in Dark Souls.

what are you 12? if you cant come up with an excuse for From games to have shit combat outside of 1v1 duels then dont even bother replying to me, i know youre full of shit.

Not really. The combat would be infinitely more interesting if you could use more than one fucking katana.

Same as Bloodborne. Anyone bitching about "muh build variety" is mad they don't have easy mode anymore.

Just hit him until he dies, you don't even need confetti. Maybe occasionally a sippy from your purple mottled gourd so you don't heart attack.
It's one of the few apparition minibosses with a worthwhile reward.

what's the thread about user?

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>w-why are they teaming up on me they should wait their turn
lmao loser, go play shadow of mordor or ass creed

How do I beat the first Owl fight? Do I just keep throwing myself at him until I somehow win?
Just because you don't like a video game doesn't mean it's not a video game.
I'm sorry your Janitor application got rejected.

>it's another "From games shouldn't have group encounters because I have to actually think about when, where and how to attack for once" episode

>tfw counter never works
Ogre was fucking easy. The guy immediately after kicks my ass every time though
Either deflect is off or it's a sweep. Fuck me just wanna git gud

Why am I so bad at the one thing I do

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damn kid, shouldnt you be doing your homework? or your chores?
tell me a single reason why Sekiro would be worse for having an wide sweeping attacks or a further reaching attacks without relying on prosthetics, i'll wait.

wow you sound like an epic gamer my dude, totally rad dude, keep up earning dem gamer cred my dude.

Hit him until he dies
More specifically learn his moveset instead of burbling incoherently like a lost child, we can't help you if you can't be specific.

What like the weapon arts? Play the game nigger.

I had to practice on the undead guy in the dilapidated temple before truly getting the timing down.

Why did they feel the need to put an invisible wall near ledge grab edges? Fucking shit killed me because I couldn't fall off the damn fucking ledge.

but i like the game, what are you talking about you big autismo

Samurai type minibosses can't deal with charged thrusts after they whiff an overhand swing, abuse spacing.

Ishina is on fire and it's taking me 10 minutes to clear out the area with the fat guy that looks like jinzou just so i can die to him then rest and clear out the area again, fuck these minsitry red guys, they are so annoyin with their delayed attacks and infinite fuickin posture and shit man god damn it the AI got harder after ashina went on fire right?

is this game playable on keyboard and mouse or its like ds series where playing it without controller is masochism ?

the weapon arts have plenty of sweeping attacks tho

>clear out all but one ministry stormtrooper
>puppeteer him
>quickly get a stealth deathblow on fatty miniboss
>finish him off with your pal
Drunks are weak to double tap flame tool and apparently the spear

no just lift the skirt, clothed sex is best

then play something that is fun for you.

This, soulsbabs got fucking exposed.

The one in the castle? I brain controlled the guy right next to him and it was way too easy, beat him first try. Felt kinda bad it was so easy. I'm getting railed by the owl bro

Imagine a four armed samurai in Sekiro.

I was working in a dudes apartment while he played sekiro on mouse and keyboard for 8 hours straight and he was doing better then me.

Hed literally just started the game and I think when I left he had beaten the first horseback boss.

Talked to him a couple days lter and he had apparently destroyed his keyboard in anger after fighting the old lady.

and people ask "why would you buy this expensive outfit just to take it off"
who says I'm taking it off them when I fuck them?

So what are the triggers for the castle invasion? Do I need to get all the materials or just some? And can I do Hirata 2 without doing the first one?

All and no

Well, time to go kill Butterfly then I guess.

Wait a minute, so there isn't even a third fight with Genichiro? There is a literal immortal lightning zombie man on the prowl, and we just never hear from him again?

I just met the Demon of Hatred, so maybe I'm wrong. But it doesn't look like he comes back! What gives?

Just go beat the game dumbass, Genichiro died on the way back to his home planet

How can he come back if he was literally split in two by his grampa?

If I'm open-minded and like the DMC series especially DMC5, will I like Sekiro?

there's a third fight but he comes before the final boss so it's not the main event
still satisfying to flawlessly beat him in 40 seconds

Nope. Sekiro is not a stylish game. It's a game about testing patience and fighting bosses with cool set pieces.

Yeah but Unseen Aid only kicks in a max of 30% so people barely even care about it anyway.

nothing is DMC, nothing comes close to the depth it has but sekiro has it's own combat system, I gameshared it with my friend and sent him a long thing telling him about all the basics to give him a good start because the first start in sekiro can be frustrating to the max

anybody have any advice for the goddamn rice farmer darth maul motherfuckers in senpou temple??
I am having trouble with their moveset and they are wasting my precious sips.

That's fucking terrifying

I liked both. But Sekiro and DMC are about as different as you can get while still being an action game.

Yeah just skip them, there is zero reason to fight them and they don't show up anywhere else

lol asked in 2 threads and got the same answer in both. Will try

>Demon of Hatred
optional boss, save yourself the trouble, go to ashina reservoir and go to the secret passage you get to by going under the bridge, same as the intro
you can get there by going to ashina castle and taking a left, going in the building and dropping down, there's an optional miniboss, just grapple past him unless you like ganks

Gen is just a stepping stone.

Unlike any souls game, fun only really last for 1 playthrough. It becomes a chore after that.

Wrong, you can't play it without the charm until NG+.

Good luck with it man, it's the most annoying boss in the game

I have never once gotten the prompt for anti air deathblow. I even jump at airborne enemies.

I disagree

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Dragonrot as a game mechanic and thematic element exists to support the recurring notion that "immortality is bad" in Sekiro.

By resurrecting using the blessing of the divine heir, and thus, being immortal, you involuntary take or, borrow, the life force of someone in the general vicinity of the castle, giving birth to dragonrot.

Sort of a "benefits few to the detriment of many" scenario etc.

I'm currently at the demon of hatred, but I have to say that I feel like the game is nowhere near as fun after fountainhead palace. Getting similar vibes to DS1 post lost izalith.

Apart from that, what's with all the articles saying this game is too hard? It's much easier than any dark souls and those have been out for ages. In dark souls the main mechanic is dodge rolling, but the game is still difficult even after you learn how to do that. There are also so many stats you have to manage like weight, different types of damage resistance/absorption, stat requirements for different weapons, etc. The game is just more complex in every aspect compared to sekiro.
In sekiro, once you get the hang of deflecting there is very little increase in difficulty in fights (as long as they are 1 on 1). You have a weapon that blocks 100% of incoming damage, with no stamina, and your posture meter empties out by continuing to hold the block button. All of that right away makes the game SO much easier than dark souls. On top of that, there are no different armor pieces or weapons that you have to try and find, and the skill/prosthetic upgrades aren't as complex as the stats from dark souls. There's no stamina, no weight, no bleed/lightning/dark/magic/whatever resistances that you can change. It is mechanically simpler than dark souls and the actual gameplay is easier as well.

Honestly have no clue why tf so many people are pissed off at how "hard" it is.

>Honestly have no clue why tf so many people are pissed off at how "hard" it is.
Literally mad because bad.
They see people talking about Sekiro and get upset that they can't pang the game out in an afternoon on easy mode.

Making it so easy to cure undermined all that though

The thing is resurrecting doesn't actually affect it; it's only dying for real that affects it, even though Emma's dialogue implies choosing to resurrect does it, and making the choice to resurrect or die useless.

It's still the same, I was already parrying more than blocking in my 1st run. It really just punishes you if your a filthy L1 spammer.

It's not that hard, its a chore.

It's more as a way to tie in the idea of respawning with the games narrative I suppose.

Like in Dark Souls with hollowing, and the supposition that once your player character dies, they wind up at their last bonfire somehow. Whether that be a result of the darksign, simply walking in an undead haze, or whatever.

agreed, got the shura ending and can't force myself to get the other ending(s)

git gud faggot

>counter never works
Mikiri? Stop holding a direction while you press the dodge button. All you have to do is tap dodge. Holding a direction while you push dodge makes it more likely to fail because it can fuck up positioning. The window for a successful counter is enormous and once you successfully counter one they become trivial to perform.
Saw this yesterday

it's ok. probably going to finish DMC5 first the cutscenes alone make up for any shortcomings

I CE this game, now is quite fun.

Do I need to kill him to get the achievement for beating all bosses?

>mfw Isshin second phase

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>spoiling the final boss for someone who is mad they can't get past chained ogre or juzou
tsk tsk, you're right but who cares what they think
also that webm is less than ideal, no offense since you did well to get him to phase 2 in 30 seconds without using any heals

>jap owl
What the fuck? He sounds legitimately slow/retarded. Is he supposed to be senile or something? I thought Hirata Owl is the prime Owl.

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He uses a pretty exaggerated old man scumbag voice and frequently pretends to be a fool just to catch you off guard or guilttrip you, I'm not even sure what you're getting at. Is he supposed to sound like Sasuke or something?


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see and go to the final boss because fuck demon of hatred
unless you want to increase your attack power but the final boss is more fun and you don't need it

Honestly feel like a last minute thing they added. I feel like the npc quest lines are one of the last things they add to the game

Doujun was the only remotely interesting NPC questline IMO along with Sculptor's It was taken straight from Jekyll and Hyde but still

Okay, so is there any japanese speakers here? I think I've nailed down the possible meanings of this kanji symbol here but I'm not sure, please assist me in finding the correct meaning.

>Attack cannot be deflected or blocked
>Attack CAN be deflected
>Attack CAN be blocked
>Attack can be mikiri countered
>Attack CANT be mikiri countered
>Attack can be jumped over to avoid

Attached: Mysterious Kanji.jpg (212x157, 7K)

It means "danger" you goofball

Ohh I thought you were gonna be extra ballsy and parry that huge vertical attack he does. I also dodged that shit, to behind him and just got a few hits while he just stands there.

it's the same symbol each time right?
In that case, the only sugguestion of yours that makes sense is
>Attack cannot be deflected or blocked

I get you're doing a bit, but a legit answer is it just means 'Danger' in general.

I mean lost izalith screamed "unfinished" and I think they flat out admitted to it, Sekiro still feels like a finished product even if we revisit the same core area a few times. Because things do change around that area.

I assumed he was just saying the things you need to do to avoid those attacks is bullshit and inconsistent and wasn't actually asking for a translation.

yeah nothing in sekiro screams unfinished like lost izalith does, but I am feeling very close to how I felt playing through lost izalith at this point.

They could have done more with doujun . Man npc quests are getting worse with each new game

I started having a lot more fun with the game once I realized the "parrying" isn't actually like parrying at all.
I always tried to just tap the button when I was about to be hit but in reality it is super lenient. You just have to hold the button instead of tapping it.

You basically have to play it as if you were "blocking well" in dark souls, i.e. where you don't hold up the shield constantly so you can regen more stamina.

wait you don't have to tap it?

damn that's based

I really enjoy the feeling of improvement this game gives
Just beat 2 Ape and 3 of the headless, now farming for more Sen so I can buy divine confetti to beat the other two

I’m growing more powerful with every minute. Soon I’ll be able to level all of ashina with one swing of my dick

>Getting absolutely destroyed by Shinobi Hunter Enshin
He's not even a boss

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that's fine. I like the aesthetic of the overall game so I have a different opinion, but that's just what makes us who we are. It's still a pretty good game, I really hope there's some DLC in the works for it. Imagine them spending as much time on a DLC as they did for the whole game. If it gets DLC I feel it's gonna be pretty sweet.

No, and I'm getting the feeling that this exact problem is why some people seem to have way more of a problem with this game than others.
If you just don't think about it as parrying and just try to block better and better, you organically start deflecting without getting punished with getting hit every time.

Definitely was overall a good game and an enjoyable experience. Feudal japan is, in my opinion, one of the most overdone and boring settings so it's clear we have different tastes and that would impact our enjoyment of the game to some extent.
I'm quite confident they'll release DLC since it's singleplayer only, so they should pack it with content to drive more sales.

Well, holding block in this lowers your posture damage buildup faster than not. It's not really an in-your-face thing to do, it's more to back off and hold block to lower your posture gauge and then get back in there. It's also almost always easier to deflect attacks after you have been deflected yourself because then you know a hit is coming and the time you have to wait to get the deflect off is filled with you being deflected so when you press l1 to deflect, it works nearly every single time. This is why being more aggressive is a good way to control what an enemy does.

are there enemies that deal posture damage even if you get a good deflect? Maybe I couldn't get the timing down but I feel like there were some enemies that still filled up my posture even if I was deflecting (like guardian ape in sword phase when he holds it all the way up and cuts down)

it's overdone and yet a lot of them don't feel as good as Sekiro's Feudal japan setting, and that may have to do with fromsoft being a japanese company making a game about old timey japan. I dunno. I like it despite all the games who have done it. I mean, games with a medieval theme are also overdone.

I think most enemies do, but if you can perfectly deflect a series of attacks, even if you'd be posture broken by any of them, you'd not be posture broken because you can't be when you perfectly deflect an attack.

What is wrong with the AI sometimes.

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to be fair, Sekiro didn't go around the whole corner with his body, he just pulled the guy to the side, however that doesn't mean the other guy shouldn't have the sense to go forward and investigate. I don't mind his not seeing Sekiro because Sekiro literally only reaches his hand out and it was super quick when he did it. Him just standing there after witnessing his buddy get pulled in never to return is questionable however.

Probably. Just keep at him. Once you know everything he can do it'll just become muscle memory and I assure he's not so bad then.

>FromSoft game
They only ever include the bare essentials necessary to have functional enemies and sometimes not even that. I had a dog run circles around me while falling off a step in an infinite loop last night

If you don't have mikiri counter, get it asap

mikiri counter user
hes tutorial for mikiri counter

I have it but then I just assume every attack coming is a thrust and mash circle into his other moves like a retard

thrusts, sweeps and grabs only come with the red kanji, so just wait and look at what he does when that appears, take a step back and stop blindly reacting to whatever it is he does.

I'll just ask here I guess. What happens if you don't do the final death blow after beating the Guardian Ape the 2nd time? Does he just come back to life later?

Even though you’re trying to be funny you’re an even bigger faggot than that guy was. The only way to rectify this is honorable sodoku

I actually demolished him right after making that post believe it or not. Feels good, I think that's progress

Just keep fighting him then, he will teach you the way
You don't want to be unprepared when you come across your first of the Seven Ashina Spears

I've been wondering that too, nigga doesn't give you anything for severing his immortality so why not
The game has some funny shit that nobody sees like if you don't finish off the snake after you deathblow it once

dunno. Never tried it, I feel there's little point to letting it live anyway. Both from a practical standpoint and a merciful one.

what? I got the Bestowal Ninjitsu from it.

there was an ogre with a shield at senpou and i broke his shield but failed to deathblow him, and he stood there motionless like he was holding an invisible shield until I proceeded to go over and get a free deathblow.

is it worth using a divine confetti to beat Headless (miniboss)?
I need one more bead fellas

Sweet, wish so could post mine.

Headless don't give beads.

yes it is

guess I'll have to defeat him to find out what he gives...

>Attack cannot be blocked
Thats it.
Thurst attack - can be deflected(not really worth it) or makiried.
Wide attack - jump only
Grab - reeeeeee bad hitboxes

I thought this too at first, but I kept playing and realized this is FROM's best game since Bloodborne.

Does that move you get for shura ending cost emblems? I'm enjoying dragon flash.

this, headless give unique items that are just the sugars without the sugars. They don't last quite as long but you can use them more times than the sugars, if you have max emblem capacity, and certainly so if you have the ceremonial dagger. You'll have to find a different miniboss sadly.

well I'm also stuck on Snake-Eyes how do I beat this motherfucker?

Okay guys, I just beat Genichiro, the monkeys, got the Mortal Blade and I'm at the idol next to Guardian Ape. Do I face Guardian Ape or go somewhere else? I don't want to miss any mini bosses/routes. Only mini bosses I haven't done I'm aware of is Shichimon and the first Headless.

It's amazing that after all these years that FROM still hasn't fixed the bug where your lock on gets detached for no reason during some boss fights. I don't think it's as bad as it was in DS3, but still bad enough.

One you can cheese in the poison. The other you can run past, then come back for a sneak attack.

I honestly don't have a solid answer for you with the snake eyes. I hear that you can jump away from her grab. You can also deflect her shots. if it's the poison pool one you can get behind by sneaking from the Poison Pool idol with a gachiin's sugar and get one bar off that way. If there's one enemy I have shit advice for it's the snake eyes. Sorry man.

Deflect first hit and hit her, if she kicks you dash into her and hit her. If she tries to grab you, hit her or avoid it and then hit her. Don't give her any space.
Actually an extremely easy fight but she does hit like a truck and the weird grab tends to intimidate people.

It's fine if you don't like the game but why should we give a shit?

git gud

>Ogre's retarded grab teleports to me from a 90 degree angle
How have From's games done nothing but get more janky over time? Indie game polish with a AAA price tag

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The only people who think Sekiro is really hard are the ones who probably try to play it like Dark Souls by dodging all the time. For the first time FROM has an excuse to why most enemies have such good tracking is because you're supposed to learn to deflect and when you're not deflecting you should be holding guard. Prove me wrong.

Defend moves that require you to dodge and have AOE-tier range anyway

I legit had no trouble with him other than the standard "I didn't know his moves the first few times I fought him and died" and no that's not me saying I'm amazing at the game. It just never happened to me.

>Ogre grabs me, get power bombed
Okay, I'm still alive, I can just--
>throws me off a cliff

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I dodge a lot in Sekiro and I don't think its that hard, even against enemies that specifically punish early dodging like Owl
Shitters are going to whine and find excuses no matter what

it it wasn't a move that had a danger symbol and has a wide area of attack you weren't meant to dodge it. Sword Saint has moves like that too, and Ogre's ridiculous tracking is an oversight but if you can't get around it's grab then go over it, dodging doesn't have to mean using the dodge button.

I think they did that to make you stay aware of positioning, even if you thought getting grabbed would insta kill you. If it doesn't and it's angled to throw you off a cliff, next time you'll at least try to keep that in mind for if it grabs you again and you survive the initial slam.

I feel like just sprinting away and then going back in with a sprinting attack is even more effective than the actual side step.

My biggest complaint right now is that if you use more than one res against a boss but still die then you either have to go grind before you can try the boss again, or face the boss with less resources next time.
I don't mind dying on a boss, but having to do busywork before trying again is annoying
>u shud git gud and not die XD
Yes, we're all impressed with what a pro gamer you are.

I've died a fair amount of times and I've never felt the need to grind ever.

How do I beat Owl 2? FUCK
Whats the best tech/prosthetic against him?

I don't mean grind for exp or sen. I mean to refill your resurrection orbs.
You have to either kill trash until it fills again, use a limited use item, or face the boss without all your resources.

I see the second revival as more of a blessing and less of a resource.

I do a lot of sprinting in combat but it's somewhat dangerous since you take a moment to turn if you try to repel and a lot of enemies have chasing attacks with good tracking.
Also the sprint attack is dogshit. But everything has its place.

You get one free rez per rest at an idol and you have to be running around a long time after your first death for the cd on rez to wear off and use your others. Ultimately don't waste your extra rezzes unless you're close to winning, also there's jizo statues which become insanely common in NG+
Of all the things to whine about lol

I'm still new to the game and thus not far in, taking my time but my one big criticism so far is dragon rot. It fucks with my autism so hard that if I have to use a rez I just run back to safety like a bitch to prevent permadeath niggardry from setting in

what? I just take the L because the respawn points are usually less than 30-seconds of traveling back to the boss
for minibosses I just run away and use the idol

I get that but usually the other nodes are locked off anyways when you res against a boss. and getting deathblows guarantees filling up the nodes whereas just letting them die when their HP hits zero is not a guarantee to fill the node up. It's annoying but they don't want you to be able to abuse the res system that heavily, especially if you have the hidden tooth item and can just use death as a way to get more HP and also be able to do it again if you feel like it. At least they give us one that refills from resting.

Keep Owl on the defensive, if you let him attack first you screwed up and you better hope he doesn't do the Fuck You supercombo.
Chase his ass down and don't let up, he only has a few very predictable responses.

it doesn't happen too often and is extremely easy to cure.

Reminder that changing deflect/attack to the triggers and arm/hook to the bumpers makes the controls feel a lot better.
>Miyazaki says that as Sekiro is different from Dark Souls, players may first find it to be difficult, but as they learn new ways of fighting and new tactics and get better, they should feel the pleasure of getting better, which is part of their usual unchanging theme of gaining catharsis through overcoming hardship

get better

this is true, in fact it takes so long to start that I still have a lot of dragon blood droplets left and I've beaten the game, just haven't gone to NG+ yet. I have like 9 left. I thought that Dragonrot was gonna build up on every death.

yeah I literally just let my dragonrot build up until I can kill a hard boss and then I cure it after I beat the boss. Still have like 4 stones left.

but what about muh easy mode :^(

Is anyone going to talk about how it has the most linear world AND level design? There are next to no optional areas and the level design themselves offers no branching paths, just bonfires right after another.

It's even worse than Ds2 in this regard

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>Shura Isshin's grab
This is the most bullshit move in the game. Fuck From for even thinking this was ok. Every fucking thing is fair except this garbage fucking move.


Aha a retard appears

>Back dash a couple times and charge a thrust
Emma's is much worse somehow

>B-b-but Hirata Estates!!!

Also not even going to mention how you have to go through the same areas over again because of MUH STORY

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It opens up a bit at Ashina Castle at least. Also DS2 was open as fuck and I think you meant to type DS3 which is incredibly linear.

Deflect and double ichimonji. Theres some vids on youtube detailing it. Also for the perilous just dodge backwards. You can also deflect it for posture damage, but holding block wont work, and i can never get the timing down, so i just dodged.

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Get his vitality down to around 1/2 to make it easier to deal posture damage. Maybe use shuriken to annoy him.
Don't try to rush it but keep poking him so he can't take the initiative.
Stomp him when he do the sweep. When he do that big overhead which take a million years to charge, stand a bit away and punish when he slamp it down. Don't circle around since he will switch to another combo.
That shadow rush after firecracker is a mikiri freebie.
The firecracker combo is annoying but if you keep your distance you can step back and dash in for a hit after they explode. If you are too close, go forward to his back instead.

sorry, I meant level design.

you clearly never had sex with a clothed woman because you would know how difficult it is to get cum stains off

How do you get from Bodhisattva Valley to Poison Pool?

>When that happens...good sir, please come back to buy...something...

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You die and die and keep dying but in the end you still have fun with the game. That's the From Software charm.

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I don't pay attention to the story/lore in FROM games, but I have to ask, what's the deal rice women?

>no interesting lore
>story is half-baked although it's the centre of the show
>no incentive to explore areas since you won't find armor or weapons
>since you there are no armor or weapons, there's no lore from flavour text
>cycle repeats

Truly the most normie of From's games. It's shorter than every other game and without even multiplayer. How they were able to sell this at full price is beyond me

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NG+ is extremely comfy once you get gud because the entire game is basically just a boss rush. Grapple lets you travel very quickly and Sekiro's base sprint is already fast, so you can spend your time just fighting mini-bosses or bosses. An entire boss rush run only takes 3-4 hours tops.

>only incentive in NG+ is boss rush, rather than trying new builds and playing the game in a new light

The absolute STATE of this game's replayability


Mist raven works against his own chasing slice pretty well. The two shuriken into air attack can easily be sidestepped. The charged overhead can be punished if you sidestep once he grunts, and not before.
Second phase is easier if you have mikiris timed consistently. Also jump the flame attack, then brace for mikiri. I had a harder time with Owl 1 desu, but i think its just me getting better at the game.

>beat Genichiro on the 4th try, no heals left, no Resurrections left
>"woo, what a good fight"
>Genichiro, Way of Tomoe
I should've expected this

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not a clothed WOMAN, no. I never said it wasn't hard to get them out. I just said I wasn't taking it off.

What do you mean by "fun"?

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You're absolutely retarded if you think that people who want replayability just want an easy mode. Enjoy Sekiro in a month when you've already done everything twice and drop it til the DLC. I'll still be enjoying BB and DS1/3.

you're in for some fun later in the game user

And everyone says Miyazaki's games are tough but fair when they don't even show you how many lives the bosses have

And all of them still play the same, mashing R1 Souls faggot.

It's to make you aware that you can grapple back onto the enemy, something you'll need to know for the Oniwa fight.

Any advice for the genichiro fight? I manage to get him down to his way of Tomoe phase.

I was nervous as hell before that fight, but he turned out to be more of a pushover than I thought. Came close to beating him on my first attempt, but I fucked up the lightning reversal and smoked myself. Got him on the second. The elite Ashina you fight just before him unironically gave me a tougher time.

after DS3 and many of the bosses having a lot of changeups I feel like I expected this. Aside from the initial surprise they are still pretty fair. After genichiro, you should just always expect them to have a second form.

>muh sour grapes
At least I get to mash r1 with more weapons than a katana with a mediocre moveset.

yeah you can grapple back to the ogre, I know this, I just never needed to. I saw the little grapple point icon on Oniwa and was like "i'm probably supposed to use this" so I used it.

>everyone gets tired of DS clones and wants something different
>FROM ties something different
>people complain it's not like DS

just keep attacking him. Despite what all the faggots say, this game is just as spammy as the other Souls games. You'll breeze through most bosses if you just keep pressing r1 and then press L1 when the enemy attacks. It's even more brainless than past games, essentially a rhythm game

Not him but Sekiro is the weakest when it comes to replayability. Its an amazing game, and im still playing ng+, but there really is no draw other than getting all skills and upgrades, endings and playing with no charm and with bell demon.
Souls are basically RPGs where you can customize how you will be playing the game for this playthrough, so yeah, replayability is baked within even if its just mashing R1. What you shouldve gone for is gameplay loop.

Sekiro with just one weapon has more variety and complexity than every Souls game. Cope.

snake cave

The only not-fun I'm having is grinding experience to get the last cheevo.

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>gets something different
>lacks interesting world/level design
>lacks varied enemies
>lacks lore entirely
>no weapon variety
>lacks replayability because of this
>objectively poo-poo tier forgettable music
>like 10 boss fights

keep pressing r1 occasionally, deflect his hits and side step his jump slash
His AI is really bad and he has no way to deal with someone who won't stop slapping him. It's actually pathetic.

B-But muh build variety
Having a longsword, straight sword, AND broadsword is super important, because they're all totally very different weapons.

Yes, Sekiro's combat is marginally deeper than Souls.
AHAHAHA. So, which weapon do you use? What's your offhand? Are you two handing anything? Are you using magic? What kind of character did you create for this Sekiro run, user?

i beat him no damage earlier, you gotta just stay on his left and learn the patterns

theyre all discord trannies


Bullshit. You cannot stealthblow the fucking ape you lying nigger.

I give up. Is there a way to cheese the game?

there's probably around 12 or 13 boss fights and mini bosses that can fuck you up as bad as a boss can. for the rest of that, they made a single player game that was more focused on telling a straightforward story. they weren't going for a world where people needed to connect anything and infer what they thought the lore was. music is fine. If the game was still what it is but like 30GB then I'd be like "where's all this size coming from" but it's a third of that.

just put down the game and then do a NG+ or NG+2 run before the DLC comes out. that'll allow you to get good again and hopefully get the shura ending and the skills.

shura ending isn't that bad. emma is pretty easy once you get used to her moves and isshin's first phase is cake. his second phase is annoying though. getting all the skills is a fucking grind though. i did a ton of XP farming in my original playthrough since i usually go for platinums in FROM games and i still need to do about another 5 hours of farming in NG+ to be able to afford all the skills. thankfully you just need the skills that you can purchase though. you don't need the ones you get from boss fights like the one from the shura ending.

download a trainer if you wanna be a faggot

Stealth for normal enemies and minibosses
Firecracker for bosses

Go watch an all-boss speed run. It's laughable how much you can cheese some bosses with the firecracker

my big problem is the prosthetics like the spear and axe are great for meme enemies but using them against bosses is a good way to get your shit packed in and is never any more effective than spamming r1 in their face

>cheese some bosses with the firecracker
This so much lmao

I meant the most recent ass creed has enemies not waiting their turn. It's not like a from game where they really won't wait their turn but it's definitely not a one at a time thing.

>I really wish it had more weapons or that the attack speed was a bit higher because as is its just a tad too slow.

Fucking this. Attack speed is ass in this game and just makes the whole posture mechanic even more tedious than it already is.

yeah i was pretty surprised when i saw it was only a 12GB download but i was more than happy with the size of the game. sure i'd love to have there been a few more bosses and for them not to reuse the corrupted monk fight but the shitload of minibosses helped to make up for that, even if a lot of them were used more than once. hopefully the DLC will be a pretty good size with like 4-5 more bosses.

>but using them against bosses is a good way to get your shit packed in
git gud

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sorry meant this post in reply to

because your fucking trash op (its okay, I am too)

well those are really situational prosthetics and are useful against enemies that have shields or ill-fitting armor, but across the board the best things to use are like shurikens, firecrackers and a few others. The umbrella isn't bad but I never really used it too much. In fact using it was more detrimental to me than beneficial. if Mist Raven was 1 emblem per use it would be a more viable one. All tools would be really, but some are so expensive with their really high cost.

I don't see why it wouldn't be, most of their DLCs add about that many bosses.

I feel bad I've gone pretty much the entire game ignoring the skill tree for the arms.

>It's fun when the combat clicks! you just don't get it!!
>it's literally just spamming L1 to bait parry
This game take no skill desu

Guys I missed some stuff on my first run, should I bother with NG+ or just do a NG? Also I didn't beat Demon because I got locked out of Malcontent because Shichimen Warrior refused to spawn in the Ape's Burrow no matter what I did.

At least get mid-air prosthetics

I forget, can you skip the first Shichiden warrior and run to ashina depths?

I got all the way to the final boss with only like 2 skills on that whole tree.

you can't bait parrying by spamming l1 you bait it by attacking them.

Yes. Go from the Ashina Reservoir well route.

NG will just be you getting all your beads, skills and upgrades back. NG+ just takes less time. You also can choose not to use the charm on NG+.

Yeah. All those guys are 100% optional.

that is certainly a QoL upgrade and I waited til fountainhead to get it. Being able to jump and use certain prosthetic tools is so fucking nice.

I agree. Apart from the bosses, it's jist a slog to play. The gimmick makes the game boring.

It's the best one my dude. The master skill let's you follow up flame vent to enchant your sword, the axe follow up does an extra posture breaking hit for free, and the umbrella skill let's you absorb damage and reflect it back with super armor.

Nightjar slash is underwhelming, though. Funny the most use I got out of it was against the nightjar shinobi enemies, but I got the feeling pretty much any art would have wrecked them. Return is useless, never found a practical application where you dont just get hit anyways.

yes you can wtf are you talking about

it's not baiting all it is is you waiting for an attack to happen. it's faster and easier just to attack to get them to swing. There's no point standing in place to wait for them to attack while spamming l1.

I've only ever managed to use it on the lightning bitch in Fountainhead Palace. It was completely on accident, too.

those are the ones I was trying it on too, it just never happened.

I did it specifically on the miniboss on the big tree. She starts up with a big jump, so I just sprinted, jumped, and attacked

Axe is great for posture bosses like genichiro and armored fuckhead.
As soon as I figured that out I pulled him to edge and did the spin until all my emblems were gone. Gg ez no re.

Is NG+ drastically harder with the posture nerf and all that jazz? I just want to replay the game more competently and at a slightly slower pace. Mind you this is my first Fromsoft game I've actually beaten (Souls bored me with the grinding and us Xskeletons don't get Bloodborne)

Hm. I guess I got it thinking it would be a big help, but I ended up literally never using it once across the whole game.

what do you think the story will be for the DLC? i'm assuming they'll save the return ending for a sequel but maybe not. i assume tomoe will be one of the bosses as well but other than that no idea.

I mean if you have kuro's charm it also negates chip damage from just blocking stuff.

Yeah, hard games aren't fun if you're a skill-less piece of shit.

then stop playing it faggot, don't treat it like your ex.

I don't know, but I did notice that Genichiro was largely taught by tomoe yeah? and that tomoe used lightning. Genichiro fights a lot like the Okami warrior women, and the tougher okami use lightning. I have a feeling that Tomoe might have been an Okami. I only think this because of the similarities I see when genichiro does that flurry combo where he's in the air swinging, it looks like some of the Okami's combos. I could be totally wrong. I hope it's more stuff in the present and not really an "old hunters" style thing where we go back in time to fight past versions of existing characters. I wouldn't mind it if it was all new characters to fight though even if it is in the past.

no NG+ isn't that bad at all even if you give up kuro's charm. i pretty much just sped through it to get the shura ending so i could get that trophy and the all bosses trophy. now i just need to do some boring XP farming to get the platinum. you can still upgrade your attack power every time you beat a boss but you can't upgrade your health or posture any more.



t. took the knot


the worst skills IMO were the emblem ones. they all cost like 2-3 skill points and only added one extra spirit emblem. should have been 2 emblems to make it worth the cost. plus once you beat the shichimen warrior and get the item that allows you to take half your HP and get 5 emblems 3 times they're even more useless.

> Die more time on Genichiro phase than SSI
I dont know how to feel about this.

Your loss

Lemme put it this way; the wiki reccomends endgame prosthetics, full vitality/posture and killing DoH. I did none of these.
Okay cool, duly noted. As mentioned above I skipped some shit inadvertently.

really? that's strange i usually made it through his phase without even getting hit. i thought emma was a lot harder for the shura ending but then after a while i got used to her too.

Once you figure him out he's very easy.

>tfw stuck on owl in ashina castle
you guys were right, he is the casual filter. I was the casual all along

>hit and running all the mooks to make the drunkard not a shitshow
>awful, each attempt took like 20 minutes and it was around 10 attempts
>beat Lady Butterfly first try
k then, how beat Headless? the mist makes me slow as shit

For some reason i always make wrong choice when he use his thrust/sweep/normal attack.

just bait his double shuriken throw and jump attack, dodge it, and then hit him a couple times in the back. when he throws the bomb that prevents healing dodge step and hit him a few times. once you have his health down to a point where his posture doesn't refill immediately then get more aggressive and hit and deflect him. he's hard but not too terrible. owl 2 is a fucking SOB though.

he's actually kind of simple, do not focus on his posture because it makes him ridiculously offensive. play defensively and hit him sparingly when he's open (lunge attack and anti-health pellet for example). it'll take like 8 minutes to take him down but it's still effective

Is that large bag of Doritos real? Where can I get one? It looks like it'll be a great value,

I hope we get a Sekiro 2, but I'm not what more they could do with this setting.

>beating enemies with the assistance of others
What a joke

that's cool. I guess just give the charm back and ring the demon bell. I can't really say any more than that if it's still not what you want I guess you'll have to put it down.

wait until you have the lotus umbrella and a decent supply of divine confetti before fighting the headless dudes.they don't give you prayer beads anyway just different versions of the buddhist candy that costs spirit emblems to use instead of being a consumable.

I was gonna greentext at you for saying you grinded in souls, but then I realized you probably meant loot grinding.

I want to say I really like how less grindy they made this game. None of the items are hard to grind at all you just ring the bell and you will get all you need in 20 minutes.

it's not big, they're just that small.

Wait for endgame then slap them with divine confetti ako sugar and pacifying agent. Throws in Malcontent for the quick kill.

actually my bad not the lotus umbrella the lilac umbrella. the one that can prevent terror damage from htiting you.

or when they teleport you can just turn around swinging like a madman, they can't can't grab you if they aren't behind you.

Started dumping in them when I ran out of less useless shit. I agree they were a ripoff, but at least only one was ever a prerequisite for better skills. Always found that using the tanto and popping a pellet before the boss always got me what I needed.

user I DO NOT want more difficulty is what I'm saying, what I'm asking is will NG+ fuck me worse than just starting over? I don't care about getting things again

yeah i would usually do the tanto and then go deathblow a few mobs to get my health back up before taking on a boss or a miniboss if i was planning on using lots of emblems.


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This is without contest the worst boss fight in the whole game.

Yeah Souls was fun but sometimes the crafting and shit bores me, this game streamlined getting everything I needed which was great and half the reason why I finished it

if you don't want more difficulty then don't give kuro's charm back and don't ring the demon bell. if you got most of the prayer beads and have nearly full health/posture you'll be fine. having all the prosthetics/upgrades and whatever skills you bought puts you at a pretty big advantage.

I mean you literally suck the life out of someone considering that the extra resurrection requires deathblows in order to reacharge itself

It unlocks an entirely new ending but only if you give the sad fat monk a white flower and swoosh him

it's not that bad. kill the fake one first he doesn't have much HP. use the mottled purple gourd as needed. continually dashing around the water causes most of their attacks to miss you, then just pick the spots where you can get damage in.

>beat it with a horrible off brand 360 controller with MUSHY AS FUCK r1/l1
>tried it on friends ps4
>looked like an autist savant beating everything in record time
I need to invest in a proper controller.

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Thank you this is exactly what I needed to know, I didn't really want to get all my upgrades and tools again.

You may want to keep kuro's charm and not ring bell and start working on those upgrades for the prosthetic and get skills from the trees. the more you have the more options you have for different situations. That'll make it easier. Kuro's charm is expecially nice since it fully negates chip damage when blocking. You won't take damage when you block attacks that would normally do chip damage through it.

I was still learning at that point, but its pretty rough still, especially if I lose cool/concentration, and then stuff starts to happen like almost getting killed by regular enemies. Sometimes I just need to step back and chill out then come back to it

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It's not difficult, but in terms of fun it's horrendous.

is that required for her to go to the one realm? some people have told me it's not required but I thought it was.

Owl has less attacks than Genichiro so he shouldn't be too bad to memorize. Deflect his sword swings and when he kicks, block the shurikens and get ready to dodge to the side after he jumps so you can get some direct hits on him.

I just went from "this seems impossible" to "oh some good RNG RIP" in 1 attempt so I'm going to have to agree.

Nice, someone actually made this

>mfw Xbox One Sport Red due to arrive tomorrow
NG+ is gonna be FAST

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keeping your cool is a pretty necessary thing. If you get mad you make mistakes. I was losing it against the final boss so much I had to remember to just breath and remain calm and eventually I will begin reacting to his moves more fluidly. and then I won, just today actually a few hours ago.

mfw i said the same thing until i beat butterfly and everything clicked
even when I get my ass handed to me, that feeling of adrenaline when i'm almost dead and the boss is almost dead and I land the killing blow
holy shit its the most excitement I've felt from a game in awhile

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Fuck those birds. I'm fine with bugs and ghost and fucked up shit and blood and guts but those fuckers creep me the fuck out for some reason.

I beat the underwater ones sooner than the land based ones.

>they're always watching you user, be afraid

I, too, was worried about this mechanic. Then I had something like 7 of the cures rotting in my inventory by the end of the game. Only a handful of bosses/minibosses killed me so many times that I got dragonrot though (looking at you, gun bitches).

I literally screamed in frustration after being pleb filtered by Butterfly for the 7th fucking time
I keep fucking it up at the absolute last second

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>Have mortal blade
>Killed the serpent
Where else do I go? Something about a dead sakura tree, but I don't remember seeing anything related to that

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Are you having trouble with anything in particular?

You dont need taro's persimmon, I got the frozen tears easy without it. The only requirement is to give them to her when she is unwell and she wont go if she doesnt feel good. For me she only got sick twice because I realized it was because I kept asking for rice.

Sending him to the thief is better because kintaro saves him at the end and you can find him to get item that grants discounts at all merchants.

can anyone give me a hint without spoilers on what i should with the snake in the cave beyond gun fort?
he's in the way of a house if i grapple next to it's head it just throws me to the void and i can't defend or avoid it

Why are they so big? Why do they want to murder you?

>Being afraid of the animals in the game
>When they're weak as fuck and died to 1 or 2 strikes

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Its not.

They're just weird. There's something wrong about them.

because they're all giant cocks

Monkey on the left

He's not worried about dying to them, he's disturbed about how they look. I have no issues with any of the animals personally, big snekos are cute.

god. dammit.

Give rice to the old woman by the Guardian Ape bonfire. She'll give you a hint.

Full autism, never used prosthetics on bosses aside a shuriken cheap shot here or there. On NG+ and things can’t get any better

You need to puppeteer on the monkey right before that to distract him.
Also this is optional ending shit, if you didnt already go the other way down there to get to guardian ape.

>It just works

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Make sure to read the description of all of your available tools.

Yikes. Shadows made you do that? Wait till you get to Endgame.

>Without spoilers

You probably just feel inferior to the bbc

No, I know what to do. I just needed a break. My last death I instinctively evaded her sweep when she was one hit away from breaking. What a great death animation, I'm pissed off.

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i thought about it, but now that you mention it, fire might scare him into doing something
nice, thanks
i guess that's the other way, i went to the serpent first

attack when she does the drop kick
throw shurikin during jump
naruto run away in circles around the arena during her butterfly attack
block everything else

honestly though killing the big black cocks is not that hard.

Just go back to her later. I killed her after almost getting filtered by Genichiro. That dude is a the games true filter since he forces you to master countering

the ai isn't very good, mobs are literal fish
they have a 3 second memory storage

Hey the other guy said to ask the old lady but she literally tells you to do that.

big bushido cock?

>just couldn't catch this 1 fish fucker
>okay how far do i have to go for it to respawn
>oh he has a particular spawn point
>wait how close can i get

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I know the feeling. In my experience, when you start to get frustrated like that, just take a little break from the game. Your brain knows what to do, it just needs a little bit of time to work through it all.

His advice still requires the guy to explore in-game. He didn't say where the old lady was, for example. Meanwhile you not only blurted out what she says, but also the end result of the whole thing. People like you really do ruin these threads.

I just slam dunked the fucker jumping off the bridge.

can you actually just camp at their spawn point to get an easy kill? You can also use gachiin's sugar before taking a dip and they really can't even see you coming at them.

Pirate niggers fuck off.

You just suck, stop sulking and git gud you lil bitch.

I don't think there are any Somalians in here.

Weird, I never had an issue with any of the fish as long as I was targeting one at a time. They could never get away from the extreme range thrust you can do underwater. Now those handful of areas where there were two at the same rough location? Sometimes one would get away then.

>no matter how good I think I'm getting, those pantless two handed axe niggers still manage to chunk me every single time
I don't even understand, it's like my brain is literally incapable of comprehending these regular toothless mooks, they're worse than torch hollows

>tfw you will never experience the pirate era
Imagine the wind in your hair when you sail the seven seas and the bullets that destroy your body when you were stupid enough to try and board a Russian tanker.

The Headless? You can literally just jump away from most of their attacks. And the "torch guys" you can parry the beam, so they're not too bad either.

kill yourself

i wasted all my confetti in headless near the bell

Man, I just beat ape, double trouble ape, O'Rin AND False Monk without resting. Is this what gitting gud feels like? Cause I like it.

Demon of hatred is bullshit. Shouldn’t be in the game but at least it’s optional

You can eventually buy more, so no. Until then, sort of. You can kill them without confetti, but it's slow as shit.

He feels like a Bloodborne boss ported over to Sekiro. For some reason I could never dodge that second stage giant fire wall where you're supposed to run and jump to the side, then grapple his head. No matter how I ran and jumped it just always seemed to hit me.

>he paid full price for Sekiro

The map splits 4 ways at Ashina castle. It's the same as Dark Souls 2.

You miss out on a memory and two lapis. So no. Just learn his 4 moves and keep smacking that big chimp butt. Malcontent finger whistle stuns apparatio s for 6 seconds. Use it on phase 2 or 3. Only works three times i think

what the fuck, how do you dive

Just progress through the game, you'll get it eventually.

>he's playing with a gamepad
it's mapped to a button on the keyboard, PC only

fucking feelsbadman, it's not fair. I just want to have jolly adventures on the seven seas with my pirate bros on a frigate in the early 1700s.

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>Malcontent finger whistle stuns apparatio s for 6 seconds.
Maaaaan. I read the description saying it did something to apparitions, but I never bothered using it because I figured the effect would be garbage. That would've helped saved me some headaches for sure on some of those niggers.

>It's fun when the combat clicks! you just don't get it!!

I hate when people say this. Combat never "clicks" in this game, you're just slowly learning boss patterns through rigid trial and error until you're eventually able to take them down.

that's just cruel man.

It's actually more along the lines of learning the perfect time to parry so you get true deflections for every hit. That's what the 'click' in this game is. The main one at least. Beyond that it's also learning the tells for sweeps and thrusts so you can jump counter or mikiri. Said tells are usually the same visually between most enemies, so once you learn it for one enemy you can tell when another enemy is going to sweep or thrust.

Sounds like you're just plain unobservant.

I think it actually is possible on a PS4 controller too, you have to draw the kanji for "dive" on the touchpad.

I can't believe FROM ripped off Arx Fatalis.

I already know this isn't true. It'd be funny if someone believed that and actually did it though.

>New Okami game where you use the shitty PS4 controller to draw with the celestial brush

Good thing you get a sword as a prosthetic upgrade

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now if only it didn't use emblems when you used it, I kinda wish none of the tools did, so that there was a broader use for most of them, I'd say not infinite firecrackers though.

I had tons of fun. The problem is it has no replayability.

This. My NG++ I’m losing so much fucking XP I’ll never get apl the fucking skills for the platinum without mindlessly farming for XP. It’s just boring.

Someone explain to me how they got away with an ending where you impregnate a loli?

do you find your reaction times get better or worse high?
for me time seems to slow down during combat in action games and i have more time to plan out my actions

I dosed that cunt in oil and set him on fire repeatedly, then slashed the shit out of him. Made him really easy.

I just run pass normal grunts if i cant spam r1 on them.

Cool, just don't ask for a fucking easy mode on your way out.

The old lady or the loli? Loli is immortal due to having a centipede up her ass, and the rice is literally her blood, like giant white blood cells. The old lady is just a waste of time that gives vague hints on things in exchange for rice.

Here’s the simple truth. The "git gud" crowd gets their joy and satisfaction not from beating a game like Sekiro, but knowing that others can’t beat, let alone enjoy, a game like Sekiro. This is why they fight so hard against having an easy mode.

maybe you should git gud or stop complaining about games being too hard like a little bitch

but the game is easy
it fucking teaches you how to play it
its your fault for not wanting to learn how to play the game

It's both really. And it feels damn good.

Here we go again with the le git gud response. I beat the game with cheats and so what? Butthurt dweebs that are upset that someone found an easier way to their own imaginary achievement

Not really, it’s because the casualizing of video games can do nothing but hurt the industry. There needs to be games for all skill levels or games may as well all be clicker games on a phone.

I think you might be legitimately retarded

Git gud then try again

kek i love this meme

Gatekeepers continue to be the worst. Just because someone has the ability to turn on an easy mode to complete the game does not belittle or lessen your achievement at beating it on the regular or hard mode.

This. Casuals are always welcome to try, though.


>I beat the game with cheats

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LMAO just use the tools the game gives you. I bet you most of these tards don't even take advantage of prosthetic weaknesses or the ceramic shards.

I AM IN YOUR POSITION except I’ve only got two endings and I just started NG+3. And I’ve heard there’s a long grind for all the experience points and I don’t know if I can be bothered.

Reminder that not being good at a game doesn't make you a casual. Giving up does.r

it's a common hazing process. seniors teasing junior members. you can become senior by gitting gud

the market appeal of Fromsoft games is the difficulty, or at least the reputarion of it. Taking that away removes a lot of the marketing and word of mouth around the game, more so than advertising dollars can make up for. It's also a distinguishing feature from competitors

Dark Souls plays like a pseudo turn-based game. Sekiro plays more like a pseudo rhythm game. I hope they keep mixing up the formula like this for each game.

just play something else faggot lmao

you did not beat shit

>getting grabbed by the ogre on NG+ with 19 vit one shots you
Kinda bullshit but I'll deal, just don't get g-
>flaming spear doesn't light him on fire

I want them to smash the two together and make alternating phases where it plays like Sekiro but then it plays like Dark Souls.

Something like Furi in how it shifts between close and long range combat.

Just beat corrupted monk round 2. How far in the game am I? Curious to know.

At the end just a couple of bosses left.

People that can't beat Sekiro should be publicly hazed & humiliated. It's the only way they might learn to git gud.

I play all my games with trainers enabled btw

: ^ )

3/4 of the way there.

>FROM's best game since Bloodborne
"Sekiro is better than Dark Souls 3"

Most games are. Now he'd really be saying something if he said it was better than Dark Souls 2.

>dark souls 3

Like a chastity cage for your little clitty of sorts. Adorable.

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Dark Souls 3 was worse than 2

They should permanently remove summoning from every FROM game post Sekiro. Fuck shitters.

Damn for some reason I felt like I wasn't nearly that far in. Thanks

this. but keep invasions

Wow, this is just sad, and very telling. You’re obviously a wagie who’s very unhappy with the way his life turned out.

I'm a git gud poster so I can let you in on a little secret no one was good the first time they played, but unlike certain others we improved and got better so when someone else comes in stuck like we were but instead of acquiring proficiency they bitch and moan we don't want to hear it

Or they could make a dedicated co-op game where you start and finish the game with a friend! If it was designed with it in mind from the beginning, maybe enemy AI wouldn't bug out!

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It is read as gi, as in GIT OUT FAGGOT

its hilarious that it turns out most of soulsfag in Yea Forums were just pretending "git gud", actually they cannot even beat souls without summoning and builds

sekiro is really great game, if you have a skill. IMO its the best of miyazaki works. git gud.

>Given the option to invade while shitter is struggling with a tutorial tier boss
Would be kino.

>first game they remove PvP from sees a massive jump in gameplay quality
I wish they removed all that multiplayer shit ages ago.

>have to take a break after every boss because finally killing them gives me a terrible, desperate erection
nice artificial difficulty fromtards

filtered by the chained ogre
absolutely fucking based

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I had massive jitters after every boss

Yes, got a sing dong problem with that, numbnuts?

i'm using a trainer but it's okay because i'm having fun guys : ^)

>filtered by chain ogre
How do you get filtered by chain ogre. Literally just set him on fire, and if you don't have fire you can be an absolute fag and just jump away from him every time he does ANYTHING for a 5 second unga bunga window.
drunkard on the other hand can get fucked

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>Every single drunkard have ton of adds
I just want to learn his moveset without send ten minutes killing everything around him.