ITT: Open world games where the enemy will set up an ambush.
ITT: Open world games where the enemy will set up an ambush
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Is this Days Gone? The gameplay looks extremely floaty. That's awful.
wow dayz is looking really bad these days
that looks awful
The dev behind it hasn't made a single good game since Syphon Filter 2 like 20 years ago, and even that was shit compared to the first one. Why anyone expects this to be good is beyond me.
game reminds me of a mutilated circumcised penis
>literally nothing stopping him from just driving around
>Why anyone expects this to be good is beyond me.
Why does everything in this game look so janky?
>mark enemy
>those animations
>that framerate
truly the work of the makers of bubsy 3d
>braindead AI with a bat slowly jaunts up to a guy with a gun
You really need to let it go, game dude.
That's true, but I think the issue goes even deeper than that. AAA western games don't look much different than this. Animations and controls nowadays tend to feel and look extremely slow and unresponsive.
The most obvious shock for me was when I tried to play GTA:SA after years of being familiar with GTA4 and 5, I still remember the difference like night and day. High-budget titles just felt a lot more pleasant to play back then.
is this in slow motion? why is it so slow
>car rolls down hill
>guy jumps off right underneath the hill, right in the middle of the advancing enemies
You mean except from plot walls?
>Literally Third person far cry but worse
he could have just dodged it and keep driving
It clearly would have worked if the guy didn't for some reason brush off a baseball bat over the head. How can you expect that someone who looks like a normal chump is literally invincible?
This looks like it controls worse than RDR2. Also to answer your question sort of, Metro: Exodus had an ambush almost 100% like that.
Next time you guys want to complain that there's not enough white turbo-straight dudes in video games, remember this trite. It should be perfect for you. Even has a motor bike.
>That running animation
The virgin Chad stride
Yeah, as opposed to everyone's favorite original design: a black woman with an afro.
>but it's an alpha
The sniper rifle designed to almost never hit the player and make him take cover instead does a bit more damage than a bat
this game came out? lmao.
making him a shitskin wouldn't have made the game any more interesting.
God that character was so fucking awful
Can we just go back to animals or tastefully designed characters? She's ugly as sin and I want nothing to do with her. What was wrong with Banjo, Sly, Ratchet, Conker, etc? Why are people so immature that they're only capable of playing as 'hoomans dey can relate to'?
But the point is that you don't have to do this anymore. Instead of being outraged over black women, you can enjoy a gamer safespace created just for people like you in Days Gone.
yes it would have
make the protag a hispanic, the zombies drumpf supporters and you have a much needed game about race issues in amerikkka
this is the kind of games we need now
>Instead of being outraged
>enjoy a gamer safespace
Nice projection.
>Days Gone
Say what? This game looks painfully mediocre.
You gave yourself away when you broke out the "WOMEN IN GAMES THAT TRIGGER ME" folder, sweetie.
>Snipers in video games that are literally break line of sight from the red laser or you lose all your health
I fucking ABHOR this, and it seems like something only 3rd person AAA games do. Sniper enemies that are literally a timer to hide or take damage just piss me off for some reason.
two white
too male
I believe you did when you randomly brought up "white dudes" when no one had mentioned anything of the sort.
stop larping and go back to /pol/ faggot
this looks exactly like any other western open world AAA game
He looks more like a beta to me lmao
I merely made a poignant observation about the game in question. But that was enough for you to feel the need to show me some a photo of something unrelated that triggers you.
Did the player choose to dismount or did it happened by itself? Seems like the latter, because all that fucking free space, you could skedaddle ezpz, but nope, gotta fight. For the vines I guess.
>third person
It's a good comparison because Vine is deader than this game's originality (Trips confirm)
Fucking dropped holy shit
there's only 1 third person game being made over and over and over again
would have at least some lulz going for it
This game still hasn't come out yet? It feels like it was announced years ago
Stay mad you can't play it on your switch kiddo
I've been mostly a PS only guy since the PSX days. Sony just became super bland and super shit this gen, and they no longer have 3rd parties supporting them like in the PS2 era.
>supporting them like in the PS2 era
*with exclusives, just to clarify
That's mostly because rigging is done with real people in mind and they:
1. don't have a single clue on how to fight
2. need to be as realistic and work in as many directions as possible
Many years ago animations were done by hand exclusively and that allowed for them to be exagerated, convey what they wanted much better and adjusted indefinitely.
That's true also, and while it has affected games like DMC5 to a certain degree (that game went pretty much all in with mocap), and it no longer has that immediate "choppiness" of a PS2 game, they've still managed to make it incredibly snappy, cool-looking and fluid.
The difference is that Japs seem to stylize and touch up the animations more so than western devs. I remember a fight on a cutscene in Horizon where the characters looked like actors pretending to punch each other. On a TV show or movie that stuff is passable, but on a game that shit is jarring and uncanny as fuck.
Is that what the sony exclusivity looks like?
Name one game were melee enemies aren't fucking retarded. I dare you.
probably never been more disinterested in a game. the fact that sony puts out a new trailer every day to remind people that this exists makes me not want to play it even more.
Bandits set up ambushes in Assassin's Creed Origins, I can't actually think of a lot of other games that do it though, even Odyssey doesn't
Looks really sloppy and slow.
You mean the fact that it is a sony exclusive makes you not want to play it even more
hahahah this pic is so fucking good... i love how tiny the nintendlet is
DayZ was a mistake...
Is the main character canonically autistic? That's the only thing I can think of as to why he runs like that.
Also this game looks like shit. Why is every Sony game an uninspired 3rd person shooter.
looks awful
What about Tearaway, Spider-Man, Gravity Rush, Knack, Dreams, The Last Guardian, Shad of the Colossus, Concrete Genie, God of War, most of HZD, Bloodborne, etc
what about OTHER game
Days Gone surprisingly has a lot of mechanics going on from weapon durability, RNG, to even having separate ammo for each gun.
nice marketing brah
>separate ammo for each gun
like every other game ever
>knowingly walk into an ambush
thanks skyrim
Nigger do you even know what poignant means?
The chad morrowind stride
>separate ammo for each gun
really nigga
This looks like the kind of game that might have been a sleeper hit on pre-2012 Yea Forums.
that looks like the kind of "random" event you get in Skyrim, Fallout, GTA, RDR and most other open-world games. I guarantee that 100% of players who ride past that spot will see that exact sequence.
>Open world
Dropped. I have never ever played a good game that was open world except maybe some flight sims.
Wow that combat looks fucking terrible.
Play Red Faction Guerilla, Dwarf Fort, Breath of the Wild, and Fallout New Vegas.
>and they no longer have 3rd parties supporting them like in the PS2 era
>doesnt have third party support
i know you faggots always spout the old "no games" meme but thats just downright fucking idiotic.
God tier taste user
Based Sony giving us two Zombie ludos in one year.
>that AI
Oh god, are sonyfags seriously going to make webms to show "it's exclusive ergo it's fun" out of fucking Walking Dead game too? It's not like it worked with the good ones.
>no cinematic auto kills like skyrim or quicktime button mashers
just stop god damn
He's running like his pants are falling off. As someone who's gotta wear a bunch of shit on my waist though, I get why he's swinging his arms out so wide.
Well, Yea Forums, how does it feel to be trolled, memed, gif'd and, dare I say, pwned?
Who keeps making these?
I imagine it's kids in a middle school computer lab making all the wojak and pepe edits.
State of Decay who?
>shown off at Sony's E3 for the past 4 years
>they planned to show it off AGAIN
>people outraged
>Sony quit E3
omg my peen is not mutilated u scallywag
Skyrim enemies are some of the dumbest around fuck off
Except when they dodge unseen arrows at super high speed. And then die anyway
>implying that isnt gamebryos fucked physics engine throwing the enemy around
As you see Yea Forums can't break down world design for shit.
woah dude they put RNG in there????
Cope harder, Xcucks.
I agree user.
Daryl Dixon Simulator.
>Playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance
>Do the tournament free DLC
>Finish the tournament by beating a guy named Something the Black
>While returning to the city weeks later by horse, my neck gets hit by a rope and fall down
>The guy by the name of The Black is waiting to kill me
It was only at E3 in 2016 and 2017. They didn't have it in the conference for 2018.
Straight out of Uncharted.
>separate ammo for each gun.
Still gonna be a sleep hit
It was pretty obvious what I meant, and even my 2nd comment clarifying it somehow went unnoticed.
The Playstation name just doesn't have the same staying power as it once did. Almost every franchise people used to associate with that brand has either fallen from grace (Gran Turismo), or simply expanded into other platforms (MGS, FF), with the addition of online gaming becoming the primary force in the market, which Sony has had quite some difficulty keeping up with, not only in their network infrastructure and features, but also a lack of a truly successful multiplayer title of their own (they've failed spectacularly with their "Halo-killers").
Sony is obviously aware of all of that, and if their recent statements are anything to go by, they no longer intend on taking risks with weird and interesting titles like Tokyo Jungle, or even something on the level as Demon's Souls. Instead they've been trying to foster a new identity that will put them on the map in a more significant way, and that happens to be a bigger focus on fewer but larger cinematic games with high production values. That's the image people attach to Sony these days. You might get the occasional original title like Gravity Rush, but those games tend to die pretty quickly and have little to no marketing behind them. This is because Sony's main direction doesn't reflect on those kinds of experiences. If you want truly original and creative stuff, you're more than likely to find it on PC first, then console makers just follow the trends if an idea ever becomes successful.
Probably, but even if it is one it'll still be a dumpster fire on Yea Forums. Every thread will have no less than four dozen people post a Crowbecat type video while posting epic wojak edits.
this looks like that mad max game but worse
Most games just roll ammo for weapons that are already depleted or running low. Sometimes you can't even go above a certain ammo limit without going around the system. Days Gone won't magically give you that ammo for that one gun you like to use a lot.
So basically eve
Good post
>If you want truly original and creative stuff...
Actually, this is why I quite like the ID@Xbox thing. The stuff they've been pushing out and marketing has been stellar.
I honestly think Microsoft is positing themselves to be the leader of the next generation.
Tick tock, Xcucks.
Open-World games are the cancer killing the vidya industry. The devs behind this atrocity should be killed.
Red dead redemption 1 & 2.
Fallout 4.
I thought it was the SJWs who wanted to take away vidya but it's actually virgin shooter cocksuckers.
why the fuck is it still in alpha, it's been over a year since they showed it at e3
>guy runs up to you with melee weapon, stops, and just stares until you shoot him
Oh man, this game is gonna be such a dumpster.
kingdom come
I see
But then again most games crank that shit up to the highest graphics then cap 30 fps.
Read dead redemption primarily with lots of shooting had LITERAL fucking aimbot.
It's like that zombie game on Xbox.
I Made a Game with Zombies in It?
>and even that was shit compared to the first one
Syphon Filter 2 is the best game in the series.
This is from the people that made Syphon Filter games? Well, fuck.
If even the shill footage in OP looks this bad, I dread how the full game will turn out.
holy fuck its those guys? Syphon filter was so good. What have they been up to since then though
Looks like a PS2 game
Make sure to break out the tissues once the game flops, Yea Forums
such detail...
Are we reliving the E3 2006 again?
Check out our upcoming, AAA, OPEN WORLD game with a THIRD PERSON camera and SHOOT SHOOT game mechanics. Experience the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in this IMMERSIVE world where you’ll experience RANDOM EVENTS that make your game UNIQUE.
>separate ammo for each gun
>PlayStation exclusive
[insert ironic post here]
>wasting batteries on a fucking laser sight meme
not a fucking thing, user
There has been a shift sure but
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Persona 5
>Last Guardian
>Gravity Rush 1-2
are extremely unique games tied to the platform you can't find elsewhere.
For me, Bloodborne was also the game of this generation. The biggest problem they lost a lot of exclusives, Nioh and the Yakuza series specially.
In the end japs will continue to release games on PS even if it goes multiplat
The Order 2019 : Days Gone
Kingdom Come.
When you fight multiple opponents in melee they actually bother to surround you to attack from different angles. The combat system makes duels enjoyable. Too bad master strikes are implemented the way they are. This single feature shits on everything the game told you about combat but at least not every single enemy can do them.
No, Zombies in my Game 2
I can't find the video, but when the lead writer actually twitched his eye when the interviewer said zombies. Was it autism?
black girl with afro is great when white liberals are nowhere near it.
>even having separate ammo for each gun
>2-wheeled vehicle physics isn't a thing in UE4 so the devs jut rotated two wheels out of the way and removed all physics from them.
Unless the physics system also happens to understand what the gyroscopic forces are doing, this isn't going to cut it. Either this is a dramatic oversimplification of the hack or it explains why the bike physics look so comical. I'm guessing none of the people involved have the first clue how to actually ride a motorcycle.
Majority of the development team are bikers, including the studio head. How embarrassing.
Because fucking animals is gay af
>another generic "run to the checkpoint" open world piece of shit
>snoyboys are losing their minds over this
Shitty TLOU ripoff
yeah, fuck master strikes
Guess they tried for a while and just decided it wasn't worth the effort to get it right then. Seems about on par with everything else in the game, unfortunately.
>Animations and controls nowadays tend to feel and look extremely slow and unresponsive.
That's because of muh realism, this literally destroyed any artistic freedom and fluid controls/animation in western games.
lmao I wonder where they got this idea from
>GOTY 2019
That would be unironically TLOU 2
white people are aware that not all black women have afro's right or are they just sticking with that look in fear of them calling them out for something?
That shows how proud she is of being black. She don't conform to white trash standards.
>all the Xkeks here hating on a great PS4 exclusive
Everyone knows what you're doing mates.
Yea Forums hates every new game. Sekiro was supposed to be an easy casualised 7-hour movie game. Why would you ever trust them? Game looks great imo
PCMR will never play Days Gone
>black girl with afro are great when asians do it.
Fixed for you.
Dragon's Dogma has ambushes
Strenght in numbers, Arisen.
>everyone who hates on ps4 exclusives doesn't own a ps4
I've had a ps4 since release and I hate walking sims/plain bad exclusives more than any xkek or pcbro. In fact, I think the only ps4 exclusive i've really enjoyed was bloodborne as that had actual gameplay. Most of the are shit, and I'm willing to bet most people shitting on them also own a ps4.
It’s propaganda programming
Think of it like a meme, but forced and mk ultra level
Yes, but their kind ill likes fire.
Kingdom Come has nice ambush in the forest area. Sometime there are 2-15 people trying to rob you
didn't you get ambushed in farcry 2 like every 5 minutes?
I like it the sheer amount of enemies on screen at one time but I love serious sam.
they still fucking suck m8
My favorite KCD ambush was when some guy stopped me and said "Give us all your stuff, and maybe we won't kill you." and he was all alone. I was paranoid for a minute or so waiting for the "we" to come but they never did.
>completely stops when a weapon is pointed at them
Holy fuck this looks amazing!
Better than anything coming out on Switch, PC and Xbox One this year
Better than Devil May Cry 5 and Sekiro for sure
Holy fuck
Wait what? Are they the former 989 folks!?
Is this actually days gone? This looks like fucking trash, what the fuck. And this is supposed to be an exclusive.
looks retarded
>the tired old bloodborne machime argument
I would name all the very well received exclusives, but you're obviously a seething Xkek
>Burning gasoline to light a car on fire.
>In a fuel restricted world.
>An unlight car would have done the same.
A2 a cute
do you seriously think its the exact same team who made syphon filter. its been 20 years, theres maybe 1 or 2 of the original team left
>it took him that long to form a "response"
I know the ps4 is slow but I would have thought a dedicated sony fan such as yourself would be on a pro by now, but what does an idort know?
This is only 2 years into the apocalypse. There is plenty fuel.
I own a PS4 and I hate most of the exclusives. "Cinematic" trash heaps, the lot of them. That said, I only got PS4 to play Bloodborne in the first place.
>And this is supposed to be an exclusive.
And? It being trash doesn't mean it can't be exclusive. Whether or not it's exclusive has no bearing on its quality.
Usually Sony exclusives are a lot more impressive. This looks like a focus home interactive shovelware.
Also I'm pretty sure that running animation he does after the explosion with gun in hand is straight lifted from resident evil 2. Is there a public library of animations or something
Holy shit, Gabe's Syphon Filter run is back boys!