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>pro tip: you cant

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This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen


what the fuck are some games that are normal-fun then?


I can't, it's completely right.

Games like Civilization, fallout new vegas, things that actually require a brain to appreciate

My opinion > your opinion

You cannot refute this

lmao fucking nerd

>translation: GAMES I LIKE

>fallout new vegas
>requiring a brain
braindead easy game

> games I don't personally enjoy aren't actually fun
> my qualifier for what's actually fun is that it has to have come out in 2002 or earlier

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I'm waiting for you to refute it. Or are you faggots still drooling over KH3

>fallout new vegas
It's already in the nu-fun nigger

>gameplay has to be baby-tier or non-existent
>Hotline Miami, Monster Hunter World, Dead Cells
There's a shit ton of people who quite those games because it was too hard, or tedious and time consuming for MH.

Pure facts. Spam it bros

I don't know who you are, but goddamn do I fucking hate you and all that you stand for.

Original image is wrong on that then

Death Stranding is there despite having not been released.

The post that destroyed neonu/v/eddit.

>being elitist over video games
This is why people laugh at people who play video games. The fucking delusion and self-importance deserves all the mockery it gets.

>hotline miami is basedfun
good, i knew i wasn't the only one who felt it was overrated

>it isnt released yet so how do you know!?
I can tell from all the trailers its gonna be artsy fartsy hipster bullshit Nu-fun game

Wouldn't that be basedfun then?

It has a demo up on YouTube

fallout nu vegas is the definition of nu fun basedboy pretentious reddit tier game. in fact reddit LOVES new vegas.

Kinda but it's trying way too hard to be 3deep5u

It's a sad world we live in. In its saddest times.

i mean it doesn't really take any explanation, there's games that haven't even fucking came out yet, the categorization is inconsistent and the overall thing is just trying to make people feel bad about enjoying anything made past the year 1800. it's just some sperg's ms paint job.

> neofun is appealing only to the lowest common denominator
> sonic mania, SFV, Stardew Valley
Fucking goddamn, user, you could've at least pretended to know what you're talking about and kept this category to mobile games and other total cancer. If you wanted to be consistent within your own fucking diagram you could've put Sonic Mania in basedfun, but that probably requires you to have a second brain cell for the first one to rub against.
> nu-fun is neofun but hidden
> includes fallout NV, Undertale, fucking Hollow Knight
Are you actually, unironically trying to imply that some random retard off the street who's never played a video game in his life (the lowest common denominator) would understand and appreciate undertale? In the slightest?
Are you trying to tell me that New Vegas and Hollow Knight require no skill?
> basedfun doesn't actually appeal to anyone, it just pushes progressive values or rides off of nostalgia
> includes hotline miami, splatoon 2, dead cells
Where the fuck are the progressive values in a game about tightly-clothed teenage cephalopods shooting their goo at one another? Where's the nostalgia in an IP literally made at the end of the last console generation?

>Oh man this game is fun.
>You realize plebb*t likes that game right?
>Oh fuck, i guess i cant like it anymore.

You are all sheep

Understandable. but I think that Undertale and MH: World would make more sense if they were switched. One is something that advertises itself as a friendly-happy game, and the other is a casualized version of a niche franchise.

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it's funny because new vegas is actually the perfect example of that 'nu-fun' description
literally only gets praised because it isn't as braindead as fallout 3
at the end of the day it's still the exact same ugly engine with the exact same gameplay
only the story makes sense now

I would say have sex, but you're OP

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>New Vegas
no better than the other fallouts gameplay-wise
>Hollow Knight
unironically has a designated heal button since they couldnt code health properly

The thing that's wrong with it is some pin-dick retard OP posting about people having badwrongfun when his mother should have aborted him the moment she knew about the fetal alcohol syndrome.

>every game after 2000 was shit!
>not a single 90s game on the list
this is how you can tell this list was made by a jaded oldfaggot

> no better
literally mechanically false
> designated heal button since they couldn't code health properly
What's "coding health properly" then? Regenerative? Tactical health kits/pickups? Finding a safe time and place to heal in the middle of a boss fight is just as valid of a challenge as navigating to the health pickup midfight.

Good. Negative stereotypes will filter out the drones.

>literally mechanically false
prove me wrong
>Finding a safe time and place to heal in the middle of a boss fight is just as valid of a challenge as navigating to the health pickup midfight.
not a challenge if the health pickup is a three second button press away

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords

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>A false sense of fun
How can this even happen?

How does one have a false sense of fun?

> fallout 3 has the framework of a decent fallout game, but doesn't reward specialization as much as it should, leading to a limited amount of ways to play the game
> new vegas takes the systems behind fallout 3 and lets you do literally anything that brings in the exp, refraining from going pussymode and letting you win a quest you clearly do not actually have the skills for
What boss fight just lets you decide without any strategy or planning to hold still for 3 seconds without punishing you by hitting you again? What boss fight doesn't force you to work to identify those windows of opportunity?
Go ahead, name it.

How do Dota 2, Six Siege and Hollow Knight not require skill? How are Monster Hunter, Dead Cells, Hotline Miami and Splatoon pushing liberal values and reminiscing over childhood? I'm curious.

Literally 90% of boss fights
>get your shit kicked in
>smack boss once or twice
>boss gets stunned and gives you free time to heal
In certain situations you can literally hop out of the arena and heal with zero danger.

What's a fun game for you?

browsing this shithole for example

I thought the nu fun meme died

> Get your shit kicked in
> smack boss at least ten times
> boss gets stunned and gives you time to heal once or twice, most likely at the expense of doing actual damage
And that's ignoring the fact that you claimed there was no prerequisite and no planning required; stunning the boss is a skill requirement.

Beyond the fact that it's ironic, you're right.

I don't think its fun and I bet no one else here thinks that.

hooorrrr me walk slowly towards tower with pointless army while hoping I have the perfect counter for whatever player is going to attack me first

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>using this reddit tier list

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It's not a designated heal button though. It's also used for all spells, like the soul blast, dive and shriek.
Last-hitting alone requires better reflex than 80% of games out there, including Civ and New Vegas.

>Hollow Knight
>Monster Hunter
>Dead Cells
>Hotline Miami

Imagine being so insecure in your life that you have to pretend to care about what people you'll never meet enjoy in video games.

Read that post again, slowly this time.

>Hollow Knight
>Monster Hunter
>Dead Cells
>Hotline Miami

how the fuck do you associate those 2 games with fast reflexes? why were these the first things you came up with

The person who made it (and those who agree with it) are probably depressed. I'm sad for them.

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Rolling for ten

Rolling for ballsack

That means they won't be in this world for very long, which is nice.


don't worry, once the reality of your shit taste hits you'll skip depression and go straight for the noose

>Hotline miami
kys yourself

Good, they deserve it.

Imagine making this garbage image and Actually be dumb enough to actually believe this at all

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why do you automatically assume I'm the same person?
regardless, you pressing le epic cinematic button before the other person does is not skill

>deadcells on basedfun
>undertale and weeb shit in same category of fallout new vegas
your tastes are shit and you should feel like shit

Rhythm genre is absent.

You idiots will argue about literally anything

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because it's actually fun
exception: osu!

rollan for wizards

B-B-But you can't!
It was listed as n-nu-fun!
You saw the faggots picture, they'll call (you) a nu-funboy! They'll all l-laugh at me, I can't live like that

Its shit but Witcher 3 there is spot on

>the host can only derive joy from pushing liberal values
>lists mario odyssey
So you're saying
>be me
>play bing bing wahoo!
>wtf? I love the lgbt community now!
Have I got that right?

no we wont you fag

note how it's always NVfags that make the most angry posts whenever this thread is made

wow, uh, this actually seems correct

on a related not, a person is not into video games if they haven't played EDF yet

>Sonic Mania in neofun
What the fuck? It shouldn't be there. Are you retarded, user?

If you want to start a console war thread at least use a wojak like usual

>Games I don't like that sell a lot
>Games I don't like that are well received
>Games I don't like sell a lot or are well received
What a fucking joke

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the strangest thing to me is that most of Yea Forums would have agreed like five years ago. what happened? the image is mostly correct. i really liked the parts about
>they don't try to hide it
>they try to hide it
because it is absolutely true

bee plz

Super Mario Söydessy is the biggest piece of crap overrated Nintendie game this gen, even more than BotW

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FNAF came out 5 years ago and people here unironically praised it

>there are still wii u buyer's remorse fags who haven't moved on

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.

>oh look
>it's another Yea Forums hates fun thread.

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>>they don't try to hide it
>>they try to hide it
Also got to me in how true it is.

>A false sense of fun
I don't understand this. How can one get tricked into having fun?

Fallout new vegas is in the fucking picture retard

What a garbage roll chart. Is this the kind of shit OCfags eat up?

S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Doom, old TES, Systemshock

>If I don't like the game it must be bad because my opinion is greater than anyone else's.

It's basically just assholes coping with the fact that people had fun with a game that they did not. This shit is so Goddamn stupid and transparent, I swear.

it's just that these big, public companies are aiming to take away any sort of creation, imagination, and improvisation from games. and once they did that, you get OP image. a lot of you just need to stay in your facebooks, reddits, reseteras, kotakus, etc

It exists.

>the image is mostly correct

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Reminder that all video games are made to diminish the white race. Stop playing games, stop reading fiction and read up on your blood's history.

looks good. something there to piss off nearly everybody

Civilization is the basedboy's choice of 4X games

What are some other adjectives we can put in front of words and pretend they mean something.

>people are still falling for "fun is a buzzword" meme

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yep -- it is

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Remember when Yea Forums chimped out when the so y wordfilter happened?

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