Tekken 7 Season 3

I know most of you don't give a shit about Tekken 7 anymore but I am here to leak the Tekken 7 season 3 pass anyways:
>Bruce Irvin
>Ryu Hayabusa
>Liu Kang
I dont think is the last season or the last characters. It seems Tekken is taking a "League of Legends" route of adding characters until a set number and then "8" will release with newcomers etc

Attached: Official_Tekken_7_Logo.jpg (256x280, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:


they better worked on Zafinas kit.
half her moves are amazing while the other half and combos are dogshit

Attached: tk6-zafina.jpg (550x1080, 81K)

also it seems like Kunimitsu is very likely as well.

Might have to pick it up again

when's mokujin coming back? I know he's not viable competitively, but I love him as a character

Im sorry but no one fucking cares about bruce, theres no way this is real

I doubt it would have so many guest, also, Harada hate Zafina fags so i doubt she will be back.

Mokujin won't be back.
they will however have a new mimic character : Harada, he will be free.

>3 guest characters
>MK guest
Putting this "leak" in the trash

he will probably return in tekken 8 as training dummy that can mimick dlc character kits for labbing.