Red Dead Love Thread

Let's say nice things about the best video game ever made. Just finished story mode and I'm going to replay this game until im 96. Haven't been this in love with a game since GTA IV. Fuck the plebs who say otherwise, go play overwatch or fortnite, faggots.

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I like it.

Any tips for when I'm an irredeemable outlaw with $300 bounties in a couple counties?

I love how the story constantly changes throughout the chapters, makes it feel fresh to play throughout the story instead of simply having the sandbox be something you do until you're bored enough to continue with the story even if that is how it feels at points early on.

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Go for the achievement then revert save.

Aside from main campaign being really awesome, it is overall really comfy to wander around the map discovering things

God damn amazing game world and atmosphere.

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i was a pussy and paid off my bounties as i went, now im gonna replay as a bad mofo, shoot everyone and fuck tha police.

Finishing my second playthrough, nearly done the epilogue. Everything about the game is just so well done, going to take a break to play some other games in my backlogue but when I do start my third playthrough I'm going to stay on Chapter 2 forever.

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do you think there'll be another undead nightmare?

GTA 5 didn't get any SP DLC but I'll hold out hope since RDR2's online isn't as popular.

It had potential

I wish there were more guns

And it exceeded it :)

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>Very fun gunplay and firefights
>Emotional and interesting story
>Well-written characters, especially Dutch and Arthur
>God tier soundtrack
>makes you feel like you're a Clint Eastwood protag living out cowboy fantasies
>gorgeous landscape/map

>Horse riding is boring time filler, the only saving grace is that a lot of plot development happens here and the map is nice to look at
>some parts can feel a bit tedious
>chapter 5
>missions are very railroaded sometimes
>snap aim makes the game easy mode
>multiplayer economy is fucked
>90 fucking gigabytes

>>snap aim makes the game easy mode
Do people who say this just go for body shots all the time or something?

Don't act like getting headshots is supremely difficult

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don't act like it's brainless either ;)

sadie is so cute bros

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I want to marry Sadie!

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Free aim master race. Feels good getting those hits when you don't use any autoaim.

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Is this game ever getting undead nightmare?

Is there a way to hide posts from this creep?

will they patch the AO back into SP

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Well... it kinda is.

Is there sadie sfm porn yet?

no, it isn't

>ah GESS

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Chapter 5 was actually kino story-wise, especially the missions right after Guarma. It was a huge change of pace from the other chapters and kind of refreshing honestly, suddenly just crazy action and the story ramping up big time. Pinkertons attacking your camp right after reuniting with the rest of the gang was one of the best missions. Unrelenting insanity and it really started to feel like all the characters were fucked no matter what.

The problem with Guarma isn't its placement in the story, it's supposed to be a jarring development, but the way missions within the chapter are related to each other. The transition between missions where Dutch tells you to meet him asap but you go rescue the guys first and whoops you've been captured time to escape! Followed by another night's sleep before meeting up with Dutch again without saying anything and then suddenly it's all over, it felt a bit awkward to me.

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>more people complaining about Chapter 5 and not Chapter 6
I hope you get raped. Twice.

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Okay that's nice no taste faggot, but Chapter 6 slaps Arthur with a permanent stat debuff. How about you kill yourself for having a bitch fit for taking a simple reprieve from the Western setting for five minutes instead of addressing the actual problem that lies in Chapter 6.

Chapter 6 is amazing


woah calm down

> the actual problem that lies in Chapter 6.
uh, being...?

I just hope Epic is not a false prophet and delivers RDR 2 to PC.

its true some user said so

People actually like Sadie? Holy shit I can't fucking stand her. Her voice actress is terrible. She sounds like shes making a parody of whatever southern accent she was going for. Also hated the fact she was one of the key parts of the epilogue. Hated hearing her say "JAWN OVER HEAAR" over and over. Fuck her. Her character was shit too.

It's the best rockstar open world ever, only problem is that you can get stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do but slowly walk to a city or to your horse. Limited fast travel would have been nice.
But the interactions in the world, how much you can do with people, it's really just fun to pretend to be a demented cowboy killing people. The gore is surprisingly good as well, compared to GTA V where there was little

Spend all your money, buy shit you want or need, then get arrested and go to jail without any money. Your bounty gets dropped

She sounds like Bobby Hill.

>permanent debuff, can barely run anymore
>player is forced to watch Arthur take a breather after every mission and listen to him cough his lungs out in every cutscene because "sickness cannot be easily cured" hurr durr
>somehow, no one else gets this incredibly contagious disease.
You're right, it's so kino, much deep. Very Tarantino

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>game gets harder later on


I love red dead 2 its amazing, as for the multiplayer how can a team of developers so talented and large not manage to make a multiplayer game mode for their fucking lives. If there trying to force pvp then fucking make it good, not rehashes of the same gamemode over and over also fuck auto aim in online, it would be 1000x more fun with free aim pvp, free roam I know their fixing it for free aim but pvp will still be a shithole