ITT: Actual leaks from Yea Forums

This guy got 4/5 things right.

>LA remake looks like an uprezzed 3DS game
>WarioWare Gold became a thing
>A 3rd Dillon game actually got announced that next direct

The only one that's still a mystery is VB Wario Land 3DS, but seeing as Skip was shitting the bed as a company and the 3DS is finally dead, who knows if it'll ever come to Switch or just get canceled. I imagine the impetus for it is no longer there since muh 3D gimmick

And the best part about leaks like these is that no one ever notices them because they are buried among a mountain of other fake leaks made by attention whores

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All nintendo does is recycle it's own semen. It's not exactly difficult to predict what will be coming out on any nintendo platform.

I always love its the leaks no one replies to that are the real ones.

El oh el

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I was in that thread and they got tons of replies.
Also Kotaku reported it very soon after.

The LA thing is bullshit because it's made in UE4 which the 3DS outright doesn't support.

It's also bullshit because the image outright says that it's a 3DS game, not that it looks like an upscaled 3DS game.

>>LA remake looks like an uprezzed 3DS game
Thats not how this works at all, no one cares what you think it looks like. It's not an upresed 3DS game and it doesnt run on A link bewteeen worlds engine. Sorry to break it to you user

>people flood Yea Forums with fake leaks day after day
>they cover such a wide array of fake games that one or two eventually coincidentally happens


I do think that the idea that an LA remake might have been planned for 3DS and moved to Switch is plausible enough, but I doubt it could've gone any further on 3DS than the conceptual stages, Aonuma already implied in early 2017 interviews that we'd see 2D Zelda on Switch and in mid-2017 Grezzo put up job listings for people with UE knowledge for a new Zelda remake. Grezzo published both Majora's Mask 3D and Triforce Heroes in 2015 so I don't think they could've had much time to put into a 3DS LA remake.

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post the bloodborne ones

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Yikes those replies.

if i liked sekiro will i like devil may cry 5?


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Welp. For what it's worth, I still believe Banjo will get in over Steve.

fucking kek

Wasn't there a Battlefield where the MC messes with a Toy Dinosaur after some user said BF needed Dinosaurs?

I think I remember some guy leaking Dude Sex Human Revolution info too.


Anybody got the Bloodborne leak with actual gameplay?

ehh, it depends really. They are both action games but they focus on different things regarding the combat. Sekiro is more about the challenge of fighting aggresive enemies with a some cool moves and finishers inbetween while DMC5 is more about about just stylin' on everyone with the most inhumanly cool and over-the-top moves you can't find in other videogames. Game's overall pretty easy on normal, it only gets challenging after unlocking more difficulty options.
I like them both but for some reason Yea Forums has put both of these games fighting eachother even though they couldn't possibly be more different.

Jak and Daxter reboot.

Ill post a real leak for you right now. Link to the Past for the Switch rerelease (not remake) with filters, cheats and "official" randomizer (tho it has way less functionality)

>if I like apples would I like oranges?
Both are okay. Just pirate them or look up some basic gameplay vids.

Seriously, what a time to be on Yea Forums, no matter what side you were on. The first time Yea Forums has been fun in probably a decade.


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easy guess you retard
also cuphead got deconfirmed you retard

Much like the Bible, if one part can be proven wrong, its all wrong.
If a leaker guesses 99/100 and they get that one thing wrong, probably not a leaker.
The only way they can be proven right is if they announce something so out of left field no one believes them and then it happens.

Like the plant for smash bros, he btfo'd every leaker since not a single one fucking talked about him once and then they said "n-not important l-lol"
The one thing that could validate you is not important? Okay

I keep hearing so many say so, but yet no actual proof.
>C-C-Cuphead coming too Switch was a easy guess!
Gee I wonder what kind of fag would say this?

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>twitter meme
>dumb as fuck post
like pottery.

honestly this

It was an easy guess due to all the leaked Microsoft/Nintendo collaboration stuff, they even mentioned Cuphead and Ori on Switch. Still, I'd be down for Cuphead in Smash.

>Much like the Bible, if one part can be proven wrong, its all wrong.
>tips fedora

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>being on Yea Forums for over a decade

>he hasnt been on here for over a decade
gtfo newfaggot

WHO CREATED IT? I honestly believe it fell out of a wormhole from some other timeline where it was actually real.

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>LA remake looks like an uprezzed 3DS game
It's using UE4 you moron

Wow looks like if you get an infinite amount of monkeys to make predictions, some of them are going to be true

the creator never revealed himself, we'll never know what 300IQ genius was behind this

No, seriously.
Yea Forums is like death metal or k-pop
You're into it for a couple years and then move on

Can you imagine 30yos or 40yos posting on Yea Forums? Do something with your life, grandpa.

The Grinch marketing team

Good. It's nice that they're a mystery. Unlike that artsyomni cunt.


What ARE the chances of Nier Automata coming to the switch? I really want to play it

Decent? Astral Chain seems built on the same engine and Square Enix has a good relationship with Nintendo.

I'm just glad whoever made the leak didn't do it just to advertise their shitty youtube channel.

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sorry user, i have absolutely no life outside of here, so im not going anywhere any time soon, as i havent in the past. I browse other boards but this is the only one i keep coming back to besides Yea Forums

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MarioTehPlumber did it.

Every single reason why Yea Forums is such a garbage place is because people over 25 won't fucking leave.

Level-5 and Japan Studio making a geimu.

I-I'm only 26! I'll leave any day now!

What a fucking time. I didn't even give a shit about any of the leak except Mach Rider. I also actually like Incineroar.

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incineroar is fucking great, his moveset tickles the wrestling mark in me.

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I miss Mach Rider so much

Based reddit meme poster.

I figured it was too good to be true.

My best guess, based on everything we know, is that some French graphics designer working on the 3D Grinch film's promotional material, was making his own smash banner with his preferred roster as a side hobby (other graphics designers can surely attest to having some photoshop in progress open to fiddle with between work projects), he sent it to a friend and somehow it got leaked unintentionally to the open public, and the language barrier (and likely fear of being fired) prevented the original image creator from ever being properly identified. And I'm sure he is thanking his lucky stars it stayed that way until it was disproved

It's such an untapped IP. One NES game and Arcade title that were basically the same game. I know it's a meme to tell a big publisher to give a franchise to a name studio, but there's no reason to not let Retro or Platinum reboot the series.

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>Hate pokemon
>Love incineroar
why is he so fucking fun

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I dropped Pokemon hard after X bored me to tears but I fucking love this dude. To be fair if you put a buff dude with a German suplex in a game I'll at least attempt to play them on principle.

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The most frustrating thing about the leaks is that they would have satisfied EVERYBODY. That roster would have been hands down the greatest roster of any crossover game in history. But instead, again, we got shit nobody fucking asked for. I know, it's sakurai's game and ultimately (lol) it is his choice. I just think he could have made a lot of people much much happier if we'd gotten that fake roster.

I'm over conspiracy theories about Isaac but I will say it is really odd that the Direct got delayed because of the quake (quakes are pretty common there).

honestly this, its my weakness to have a wrestling based character in this kind of game

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There is nothing more Reddit than shoehorning your atheism into a thread about fucking video games

I was really hoping for Mach Rider to be in Ultimate then Sakurai's next project is a MR reboot like he did with Kid Icarus or something. They could make it something like Nintendo's own Twisted Metal.

I remember one night I literally snuck into the GameXplain discord expecting to uncover some big conspiracy

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Agreed. I fell off of wrestling in the past year because of playing more vidya, ironically enough (and also college and friends getting more of my time) but I still love seeing wrestlers and wrestling moves in games and such.

I caught Bryan vs Kofi though, fucking Top-shelf shit. Bryan is the GOAT and Kofi deserves that platform.

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Why is that Kremlin a ballerina?

Basic common sense is not a leak.
Here, let me """leak""" my insider info.
New Pokemon game is easymode trash for toddlers. Sells like hotcakes anyway.
New Borderlands is a poorly optimised buggy mess and for 2 weeks paid advertisers shit up Yea Forums trying to deflect due to /pol/shit.
Huniepop 2 delayed again.
New Rockstar game generates artificial controversy; gets justifiably review bombed, sells like hotcakes anyway.
EA produces yet another soulless cashgrab aimed at gullible retards with no sense of taste; delects with /pol/shit. Sells like hotcakes anyway but fails to make a profit because they spent so much money on advertising, including spending literal tens of millions paying people to deflect with /pol/shit.

Your leaks are shit

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Which ballerina are you referring too?

uh g-guys? is this legit?

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while i love seeing wrestling characters in games, i actually dislike the WWE games, they're really not that great, so i look elsewhere, and thats how i come to find and enjoy characters like incineroar

im honest to god shocked it took them this long to have kofi where he is now. He's great, and draws dimes too

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The one all the way on the left

Don't forget when Apex Legends was leaked here like a year prior to its announcement.

Pic related, one person months later leaked Ashe, saying that she was shown at some closed Blizzard party

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I actually don't even know what show it's from or the context.

But they are working on an elders scrolls


What if the car is dlc alt to shill MARIO maker 2?

I honestly prefer when it's just one character or move because it stands out more. My dream wrestling game would be about putting on a good match and the more realistic non-kayfabe side of career advancement. Things like checklists of spots to do, dedicated selling buttons, being able to shoot on people, etc.

Kofi is talented as fuck, I've known he was a Top-tier singles guy since he feuded with Cesaro for the US Title 5+ years ago. Also how's /wooo/ these days, being out of wrestling means I haven't been there in a while.

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i wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt "in development" at that time because after the reveal Todd said it was in the pre-production stage. The game is like 5 years away at minimum so it may as well not exist anyway

yeah i getcha there, sadly i don't think a game will ever come out like that, as much as i'd want one.

/wooo/ huh? haven't heard someone mention that on here in a long while. Never expected a 420chan user to be here of all places. It's been alright, still just a lot of shitting on WWE when possible, unlike Yea Forums which is just a bunch of brap threads

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It's just a dream; Fire Pro's insane CAW modes are the best we'll ever get. I think some of the WWE games that have you replay famous matches do something close where you recreate the historic spots.

I expected as much. A /wooo/ user is easy to spot because we're the only motherfuckers on the internet that have such high-quality 200x200 and smaller gifs saved. I miss watching puro, lucha, and indies in the tubes but I'm so behind at this point I'd just need to catch the very highlights of the past 10 months and then start fresh.

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>Prey leak
>The countless FFXV leaks
>Bloodborne leak
>MHW leak
I'm sure there's others in forgetting

yeah, i wish more games could be like fire pro, but they'd rather go for the same formula each time, with slightly better graphics but somehow buggier than the last

shouldn't be super hard to get back into it, as long as you have a lot of time on your hands, and yeah you got me there on how to spot one.

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Not a bad lineup honestly

the full roster of smash4 got leaked multiple times and each time people argued it into the ground as 100% fake, primarily people could not even fathom that Shulk or Duck Hunt would ever get added and tried EVERYTHING to discredit the leaks

No they aren't, Todd says it's all hands on deck for Starfield then they'll do TES6.

what the fuck are you on about, that was a terrible time to be on Yea Forums, 80% of threads were just grinch shitposting and not even the fun creative kind it was just wojacks and oh no no no shit. fuck you for likeing that shit faggot youre one of the reasons Yea Forums is in the state its in

Exactly. So instead I'll play the big jacked grapplers in fighting games and spam Buster with Nero in DMC.

I used to be really autistic about writing down every ***1/2+ match I saw, I was even using a spreadsheet to figure out who was having the best year. Maybe I burnt out doing that with so many companies that aired all the time.

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Princess Tutu. No context, one of the dance students is a gator because she just is.

>spam Buster with Nero
My guy, are we the same person?

yeah i'd imagine something like that would burn you out pretty quickly with so much going on. Try easing back into watching without that, and see how it goes

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There was some government leak on a different board that only received a few replies like "fake and gay" and "fuck off nigger"

no it wasn't, it was horrible like all roster faggotry

>The only one that's still a mystery is VB Wario Land
It's coming.

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>he thinks a title card "reveal" at E3 means they're working on it
Lmao, yeah it's been in pre-production probably since Skyrim
They weren't actually "working" on shit

I feel you, bros.

Archiving was a mistake

Gotta Powerbomb those Antenoras all day every day and give sick Dragon Screws to Behemoths, even if I'm better with Dante.

You're right. I like structuring things like that so I can remember good stuff and recommend things to people but if I'm getting back in myself I'm in no position to do that anyway. I think I'll watch Smackdown tonight to see how Kofi's reign is going.

>Wario Land exclusive to VR
Those motherfuckers would get me like that. I would've thought that I'd sidestep VR entirely.

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I wanted Shulk in but I was still dubious because there was still no official confirmation. Are you one of those /vp/ fags that believe every single leak?

havent watched it yet, but he was on raw, challenged seth in a title for title (shitty name) match

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Andre pls go

more like a free ticket to getting fired from work. It had his ID in that picture, and that company was under fire for a while before it was disproven

Pic related.

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Are we getting anything this week bros? All the “rumours” are just assumptions they would do some sort of send off stream right? I just want some Luigi’s mansion 3 shit man...

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No fucking way.

If that leaker had posted about Nero’s Devil Breakers or Cavaliere, how much would Yea Forums have collectively lost their shit?

I remember the one that said the SSBU story mode will be called World of light and Super Mario Party.

What does the NEXT signify?

someone posted the entire outcome of the ken inciniroar here months before the direct revealing it so i knew the entire direct before hand, can anyone find that pic for me? involved the entire cutscene of it.

>tfw I responded to this
Still ashamed, Yea Forums, but I'll never lie about being duped by the Grinch.

If we hear nothing tomorrow we're not getting one

I'm a 34 yo bored house wife that visits both Yea Forums and /vg/ daily

I'll bet money you're in the Devil May Cry threads.

No I've only played the first DMC when I wasn't a grandma long long ago

>4/5 things right

He fucking mentioned a Zelda mobile game and a Warioware Switch game, he just got lucky

Fucking hope so, I've got a Jak 3 porcelain figure that I've been hoping to sell one day.

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are other characters animals too?

Wait, whay happened?

>tfw this was me

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You deserved it

>Yea Forums is so ignorant they don't even recognise a repurposed Churchillism

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They only announced it so there wouldn't be backlash from Blades. It's barely a thing right now

totally forgot about blades. Let me guess , its filled with micro transactions and time savers?

yeah. It sucks cause the gameplay, while basic, is good enough as a mobile game, but they timegate and charge you up the ass for anything and eventually you just hit a wall where you need to either grind boring "jobs" like collect fire salts over and over again or pay for better gear

user Japan already got the third Dillon game revealed at the September 2017 direct, that’s not a leak

Well the main character transforms between a duck and a human, the dance instructor is a cat, one of the other students is an anteater... I can't recall if there were others right now, I don't believe so. Those three are actual characters though, the instructor is a recurring character and the anteater is a focus in one episode. The gator is sort of there in that one scene just... being a gator.

You guys can start destroying the leak that “predicted” joker Erdrich and the others

Persona 5S is turning out to be a fucking stage play, absolutely destroying the leak of being Persona 5 on switch

anymore of these? the responses are hilarious

The B Team's next game, which will most likely be Switch exclusive.

I believe it because she is the cameo queen now. 2B must be in EVERY game

any other funny images like the gator one?

i really love these btfo screencaps


a classic

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It’s becoming very fucking obvious that a lot of faggots pop up in the last second with 1 actual news and then fill it up with complete bullshit and it needs to stop

Liam needs to learn when to shut the fuck up.

People shouldn’t have let him get away with falling for the fake Star Fox Grand Prix hoax

Well, not this one.

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Why does Nintendo play the pretend game

They need to stop these fucking faggots from leaking everything

It's pretty much impossible to stop leaks. There's always going to be that one dude who wants his 10 mins of fame by leaking stuff.

fucking losers I still laugh at you to this day

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I always liked this one

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can i have some context for this?

I do remember before it was announced there was a leak that showed screenshots but they were blurry, and it mentioned Nero's Devil Breaker. I remember I was saying it was retarded and obviously fake because Nero has a Demon arm and it's not called a Devil Breaker, so whoever made the leak obviously wasn't even familiar with the game, and few others really believed it either for one reason or another. If Cavaliere or anything else in the game were mentioned in a leak before the game was actually announced people just wouldn't believe it.

Anyone got the Ridley at E3 one? The leak, not the reveal.

This is stupid. Remember when people would accurately accurately predict the day a specific veteran would be showcased on the Super Smash Bros blog, then would immediately follow it up by "Tapper is the next newcomer"?
When people say "here's proof I'm bullshiting", they're usually right about their proof, but it means jackshit for the rest.

>have the opportunity to leak any character
>leak the most predictable inclusion of all time

Chorus kids were the only ones I personally wanted, but goddamn do I want Mach Rider now. How awesome would it have been to have Nintendo's version of Doomguy in Smash.

The day Mallow was revealed was nothing short of amazing. The meltdown and denial was way too much.

Anyone here have pic of Versus XV leak?


That leak confirms they at least weren't working on it on Dec 2017. And the fact the reveal months later was a 10 second teaser with no name, region, date or anything at all hints that it was either in a very early pre-production phase at that point, or probably not even that and they just came up with a barebones teaser to "announce" something else and prevent a backslash of only announcing Blades. See what happened to Blizzard and you'll realize they were right in doing so.

They didn't even call Jeremy Soule for the music in that teaser. It was clearly an afterthought.

The ass creed kangz n shiet leak was legit

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The State of Play

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>i-i-it's the b-team!
Lmao Snoyboys already coping

It's not that i'm believe this leak yet but they actually did teased Versus in KH3 and Kingsglaive got standalone game even though you can't play as Nyx

This could just a coincidence or maybe not. Don't forget that some user here did leak entire FF15 story before game even release

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Who’s gonna be the big mouth of this E3 lads?

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That shit always makes me laugh



It's probably gonna be something Sega related

>World of Final Fantasy came out before FF7 Remake
>Samus Returns came out before Prime 4

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I hate roar but I love him at the same time because he's the only fighter I'm good with, at least until joker comes out.

Yeah, he clearly knows a fuckton considering his unseen64 shit, but when it's about new shit he drops the ball hard.

Sanzaru working on Sly.

Didn't some sony top exec said he wanted less games overall but bigger ones? Where does Sly go on this strategy?

Does anyone have the Daisy and Ridley leak from the night before E3 that got like 3 posts?