What am I supposed to do with $20,000 in this game?
What am I supposed to do with $20,000 in this game?
Complain about it on Yea Forums
Play dressup
Do we reckon they'll release any more single player content?
Have a nice dinner in the saloon, customise your gun , dress up. gamble.
Hold on to it. I blew all of Arthur's money with $1k left over after purchasing everything possible.
>more single player content?
b-but they wouldn't waste such an enormous, well crafted game world w-would they? :'(
You guys think this game would be better if they didn't let you savescum so easily?
Buy all clothes, buy the best horse, fully upgrade your weapons, buy a items, buy all newspapers. You can do anything with the money, you earned it, make some fun with it.
Make your character look like Brenton Tarrant and kill the invaders
Buy outfits and try on accessories because it's not girly when it's a make believe cowboy.
They did it with GTA V, what makes you think it will be different this time? Hell, they're already doing it at this moment, the new guns are Online-only.
i would sell my mother for another undead nightmare in this game
wait, who even cares about this turd in 2019?
You cared enough to reply. ;)
Mad PCfags never getting it
An undead nightmare would be nice
People like me who just got around to it
Good. Consolefags can keep this piece of trash.
now you get to fuck around and build up bounties so you can pay them off
This game could have been great. Arthur was a great character. Should have had a standalone story not a prequel and the shooting mechanics/gameplay needed to be improved immensoey because it was fucking boring putting down 30 enemies with such ease every mission. Also the fucking heists were shit too.
this game was great, it was a red dead IP, so a prequel was smart and welcome. make your own game then.