Do u agree Epic is saving PC gaming?
Do u agree Epic is saving PC gaming?
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People don't seem to appreciate how much of a difference 18% is. That's a shitload of money going to developers instead of the middleman and it's a wonderful thing for the industry.
Oh well that's cool. Does that mean games will be cheaper on the epic store?
>That's a shitload of money going to developers instead of the middleman and it's a wonderful thing for the industry.
Do you even understand what the CONCEPT of a video game publisher is?
They're the ones getting all the money, dumbass.
yeah yeah it’s good for the overlords, i know that, but how long until we do away platform exclusives?
fuck off spic
Thanks, Epic shill.
There’s that word again...
It definitely ruined Valve
I care about my wallet not tue developer's, where are my cheaper games, where are my -50% promotions epic?
let me guess, he's salty he got fired.
And many devs self-publish. But even when it's just publishers, they're the ones who fund the games and now have they have more money to do so and can afford to take more risks.
It really is not, 30% is standard for digital, its never been a question till now, if it was 'killing' pc gaming why would it have taken till epic puts out its shitty launcher rolling in kids money.
IF epic had the same features as steam, a decent storefront it would be pretty neat, but as it stands it has nothing, its a bare bones skeleton throwing around bags of money to get any sort of meat to put on its bones
Goddamn, did chang pay for another 1000 shills today?
But why does it gotta be the china owned company to do this?
They are the ones paying dev's wages whether the game is successful or not.
Epic is not owned by Tencent.
>literally every console takes 30%
>steam takes 30%
>oh nonono they’re killing gaming
>epic chink store makes you pay the transaction fee to buy a product on their store, literally making buying games from chinks more expensive than steam
>Breaking News: MONOPOLIES ARE BAD!!!
no shit
sure thing insectoid
The corporate cocksucking at work here makes my stomach turn.
>30% is standard for digital
by companies like Sony, Microsoft, Google or Apple who use the 30% to subsidize the hardware and software they sell at a loss.
Steam doesn't subsidize anything with the profit from the 30%.
I don't really care as long as games are cheap, they are in one convenient library with an easy to use client.
Everything else is not my (the consumer's) problem.
Seems fair. It is hard work telling other people to work themselves till they drop. And think of all that time they need to spend making sure they never pay a cent worth of taxes.
We get it, you hate capitalism like the rest of Yea Forums.
This is paid mods all over again.
Who is this former valve employee?
Steam got me buying PC games. Before steam, I pirated literally every PC game.
ah yes epic is truly saving PC gaming, the company that completely fucking abandoned it in 2006 while valve stuck with it and has caused many developers to get very rich by selling their game on the steam platform despite the 30% cut
The price of console hardware is subsidized by software revenue.
My PC hardware isn't subsidized by Valve. Why should valve take the same percentage as consoles then?
>And many devs self-publish.
and none of these- on average- will ever get on the epic store, genius, so that is a non-argument.
John Strawman
donald trump
Those companies don't sell shit at a loss, my dude. But they do have more operating costs than Steam does, so I guess that's something? It's not really relevant anyway.
>Former Valve Employee
Gee, I wonder what his thoughts about his former employer will be.
There are several on the store already, what the fuck are you talking about?
Sure Timmy!
I'm sure this unbiased man also mentioned that steam takes a loss so that developers can create keys to sell on third party sites.
>30% is unsustainable
>literally every store does it
Epic bringing exclusivity to the platform is fucking cancerous no matter how you spin it. EA and Ubisoft do it to their own games and that's completely fine, but buying out publishers because you can't compete on a level playing field is pathetic.
Steam covers ALL transaction fees regardless of the service you use to pay for games.
EGS makes YOU pay the fee on top of the actual price, which is not any lower than on steam.
30% is really a lot of money for indies.
All launchers are retarded. I'm not rooting for either.
You're not considering the fact that steam made games sell better too. Good service made people want to comeback to steam, and back to it's store. Epic doesn't have that, and if games start moving to Epic then they're gonna see higher piracy, less sales, more expenses on servers, and faster dropping player account, and a lack of easy marketing from steam.
>gets fired
>talks shit about his former company
Woah shocker
Steam pays for Steam out of that 30%
Same as consoles covering the costs of their online infrastructure with their cut.
Right now I can download a game I bought off steam 12 years ago in a matter of minutes and have it installed immediately, that's what the 30% pays for.
Google is literally giving Android away for free so they can earn money back from the app store and mining your data.
Game consoles are usually sold at a loss or at least with no profit.
Game consoles are usually sold at a profit.
They're sold at a loss initially when production first starts, but throughout the lifetime of the console the creator and the production companies they work with find ways to streamline production and cut costs.
Why are you using a chinaman for that? Seems more like USAs motto than anyone else.
save what again?
pc has been doing just fine this gen without
You mean publishers, which is why the only games on EPG are from greedy jew publishers like Ubisoft.
I've yet to hear a single god damned thing that Epic is going to do for me.
You're just lying now.
It's going to significantly reduce the cost of producing games which comes back to consumers in subtle ways.
>the cut that has been the standard for years is "unsustainable"
seems pretty sustainable to me. when have stores ever gotten less than 30%? do people think that stores sold things for developers out of the goodness of their heart?
They are giving you the pleasure of installing another shitty launcher.
If you want to talk about subsidization but for some reason don't want to talk about steam machines, steam controllers, steam links, and the upcoming steam vr, then remember that around 75% of games use steams servers to function, steam also pays companies so that they will not take exclusivity deals, steam's developer support is a thing, steam eats the real cost differences in international sales, and just read what is on the back of this vive lighthouse.
that doesn't include the american tax you also pay and the tax your local goverment takes.
An indie dev makes less than 20% from all his profits.
what about multiplat games, which is most pc games? do you really think they'd make the pc version cheaper than the other versions?
Because the 0% cut they're getting from pirate bay is so much better?
stupid cucks
What does that have to do with "its sustainable because we've been doing this for decades with no problems"?
were retailers killing the industry?
30% is industry standard
No, but it's additional security for the dev/publisher which is a good thing.
>since 2012
Downloading a 10GB game costs Valve less than 10 cents. If you download it 100 times Valve is likely still making a profit and the average buyer probably only downloads it once or twice
is only killing the industry if valve does it according to epicfags
Maybe they should just make better games instead?
steam sales are what's killing PC gaming, they devalue games and they don't lower their margin so when a game gets sold at 50% off the developer makes almost nothing off of it
The consumer is gaining nothing from this "competiton."
That doesn't mean anything here, I don't know what the hell you're trying to say. More revenue means devs are better able to produce niche products, which is better in my book.
What? When have stores not taken 30%+? user don't tell me you think walmart and psn are charity services for developers.
So do my games become 18% cheaper?
just don't put your game on sale
why wouldn't they just pocket the extra money and make the same shit?
Epic should allow every game one their platform regardless of political message. That would show those western cuckolds how pitiful their SJW agenda is.
Retail stores always charged 15% for physical games, so yeah, 30% is a bit steep.
Walmart's margins are very small. Traditional brick&mortar stores never have 30% margins. More like 5%
Yes and?
>pornography is a political statement
no it's not
>Steam was killing PC gaming
>Epic abandoned PC gaming and made games (i.e. gears of wars) exclusive to consoles , which take a much higher cut than Valve
What did they mean by this?
Fuck off consolefag
Pornography is very strong political statement. It shows that morals no longer matter or should matter to the platform. In fact morality is stupid and should go frick off.
B A S E d
You are delusional if you think that devs/publishers get more than 70% of the money when a game is sold. It costs money to distribute shit and they also need to give royalties to whatever console the game is on on top of the cut that the store itself is getting. Developers are making more money with the 30% cut with digital stores.
>Steam works to eliminate the middle man of publishers allowing indie developers to flourish
>Epic uses Publishers to create false "exclusives"
Anyone who supports what Epic is doing is basically a corporate whipping boy. What Epic is doing is trying to kill the ability to function without a big publisher.
>but developers make less money on steam then they do on other platforms!
objectively false
The existence of epic has resulted in less exclusives. All these games Epic are buying timed exclusivity would have been non-timed permanent exclusives on Steam otherwise. The existence of epic has made more games available on multiple platforms.
You do realize that publishers/devs are the one who sets the sales price right?
What an unbelievably bad take. Epic is basically serving as a second publisher, giving devs additional financial security without many of the downsides. Epic isn't going to force you into acquisition or pressure you into aggressive microtransactions, they're just giving you money.
>Less exclusives
Most of the big games are already on fucking Uplay, and Steam "exclusivity" doesn't fucking exist unless you're using shit like Steam's servers.
>steam pays developers to make things exclusive
How much do they pay you, chang?
>Epic is working as a second publisher.
Gee, maybe if you were not an absolute bugman you'd see that was my argument.
Epic want Publishers to control everything, Steam is a platform, Epic is another hand in the pot.
You know if you use absolutely every fucking resource Steam gives you to help develop your game, Valve still has a legal clause that let's you publish it elsewhere without any problem right?
guess if they want to claim that they're dying they need to go to retail releases then
People don't even remember when Steam was first gaining traction and everyone made a big deal of how they gave such a generous 30% cut compared to what developers were getting from brick and mortar sales. Suddenly it's unsustainable, despite working for a decade. Nevermind that making more money doesn't mean developers will actually be getting paid more. Remember the last outrage over how developers working on games like RDR2 were overworked and underpaid by their corporate overlords? Is that Valve's fault now? Not to mention 30% is completely standard with online stores. And Epic has admitted their 12% cut is actually unsustainable and only a temporary measure. I can't wait until a year from now when nobody even remembers this shit happened and we can move onto some shiny new fake outrage.
You forgot the "without the downsides" bit. Epic is a middleman just like Steam and they're not taking any control away from devs. In fact they're empowering them.
>Epic is fixing this for all gamers
>By charging a bit less for the publishers
>And Epic has admitted their 12% cut is actually unsustainable and only a temporary measure.
No, they haven't.
>Steam cost are comparable to brick and mortar stores
ok retard.
>12% cut is actually unsustainable and only a temporary measure
They have never said this. What they say they can't do forever is pay for exclusives.
>No downsides
>Forced into exclusive contracts with Epic if you want any of their support from their platform.
Meanwhile Steam offers better Dev Support for fucking nothing UNTIL your game starts to sell.
As an indie Dev myself, there is literally zero incentive to even talk to Epic about their platform, it's barebones with support, gatekeeping AS FUCK and seems obsessed with wanting Publishers to talk to them over Developers.
>No downsides
Publishers offer literally nothing BUT downsides.
>you're ONLY allowed to sell on our store and your store
How is that not less control than steam?
How does that affect the devs? They get more money from steam. How is that unsustainable?
Physical retail stores take >50%. Shut the fuck up
Nothing. Just had to confirm you're chang.
Walmart's gross margin is ~25%
For that they have to pay all the cost of running a business, buy/lease land, build stores, pay cashiers, sales assistants, security, trucks, warehouses, drivers, etc.
Net profit margin last year was less than 2%.
Steam's gross margin is 30-35% (30% is applied to price including taxes so the margin is higher than 30% depending on local sales taxes)
For that they only have to pay for digital distribution which is always cheaper than paying for brick&mortar stores.
Steam isn't a publicly traded company so these numbers aren't public but it's safe to assume their net profit margin was off the scale compared to any store selling physical games.
The point isn't control. It's about the clear lack of support framework Epic offers.
"Her sum moneyz go exclusive" doesn't help an Indie developer trying to intergrate most of your fucking platform's usage.
Steam practically gives you functionality for that.
american goverment also takes a cut.
For all games*
*except those who got fucked by regional pricing
Fucking stupid takes. Exclusivity is not forced, it's an option for devs that gives them financial security. Financial security for devs is a very valuable thing for the industry. And why the fuck would they talk to anybody but the publisher? They're distributors.
Quoting you again because you're particularly stupid. Publishers offer the funding that gets games made. That's a downside? On top of that, Epic isn't even a publisher, they're serving that positive role without any of the traditional downsides. Idiot.
Tell that to the Apple and Android store cuts as well.
>1k phone is supposed to recoup losses from software
Yeah right everything is marked up in hardware by repairs and uses. Consoles are not a net loss by any margin. If anything Microshills should be taking a cut if anything that uses Direct X or is windows only.
Gamestop took 27.86% last quarter. Public information. So shut the fuck up.
What does that have to do with steam vs brick retailers?
>Payment Processor Fee: 6.75%
yea I wish
we don't
I guess tiny chink dick is easier to take to the hilt, based shill
>55% for consoles
I was looking for this, thank you.
This basically kills every muh cut meme
how can I appreciate the 18% when I get a worse service while paying the exact same amount of money?
>steam allows you to sell steam keys whenever you want, no need to give them a cut if you sell a steam key on another store
>epic only allows you to sell epic keys on their store and humble
Again, how is that not less control?
How do you think that is at all relevant to what I said or to what the person I replied to said? Try actually reading and following what arguments are being made
>"Her sum moneyz go exclusive" doesn't help an Indie developer
Yeah, it does. And they're not just offering more money for exclusives, they're offering more money period. Put your game on Epic and you get more money from sales. A lot more. And if you're using Unreal Engine, then they absorb the cost. They give you an engine to develop your game on. I get that Steam has features that are helpful, and that's great. But so does Epic.
Of revenue.
If you're going exclusive to Epic then you're giving up control of distribution, yes. But that's a choice. An option that you didn't have before. They're not taking anything from you.
Nope cost is passed on to you. Epic games charges credit card and transaction fees.
Gee wizz there chink, which would I rather deal with as a Indie Developer.
A company that only provides monatary aid if I sign contracts with them and doesn't allow me to sell my game on other stores if I want to.
Or Steam, who provides support framework for selling the game, AND allows me to sell on other websites while not taking a cut from those sales.
Epic has zero features that are helpful TO A DEVELOPER, they have dozens of ideas set up to help PUBLISHERS though.
and 7 other options so you don't have to pay a fee.
It's not Epic's fault paysafecard is so expensive compared to other payment methods.
$15/$60 = 25%
How the fuck do you think this is even an argument. Competition reduces prices. This is how capitalism works and this is universally a good thing. You can't say "competition is bad because the prices were just fine as they were!". Why would prices decreasing EVER be a bad thing?
And if you don't sign that exclusivity you get zero support from Epic.
Why did you ignore the chart?
Are you getting paid to lie or do you do it for free?
Epic does not charge anything for credit card transactions
>don't worry it'll reduce prices
>any day now
Epic gives you more money than Valve does with no strings attached. A lot more. Steam allows you to sell Steam keys on other sites. Great. Nothing wrong with either one of those things and you can use both platforms. If you're worried about financial security then you can even approach Epic for an exclusivity deal that's beneficial to you.
Publishers help developers. Helping one is helping the other.
Except Sony, Microsoft and apple have a monthly subscription on their online services and google has their ad revenue/info selling kingdom.
I'd much rather the store takes a bigger cut if it means they eat the transaction fee and have a store that isn't ass like the windows or Epic store.
Why did you not read the chart?
You'll get more money.
>chink saving anything
Funny how you say that when Epic games actively puts their APK for mobile out so you they can subvert the Android store so they don’t have to pay google a cent on all the kiddie cash.
>Every retailer in the world has a 20-30% markup
>But steam is bad for this.
Epic store eats the transaction fee for all payment methods you have ever used. Only exception is payment methods so rare you have probably never heard of them.
>devs get less money than steam but it's okay because it's not the store's fault
so does the money magically appear out of nowhere because the store didn't take it?
epic games doesn't care about black people
yo ucould set up a publishing compansy tomorrow and reduce the salary. you will easily outcompete all the other publishers since you are allocating money better.
good luck scum. some lessons one has to learn by first hand before it goes through the mongrel brain.
>Do u agree
Not really since PC gaming was doing just fine under Steam. Saying that I don't mind Epic having their launcher as well, I don't care
Breaking news: Dumbass gamers believe the entire world revolves around them.
That's not how it works, idiot. And they served 10exabytes over the 2018 year, anyways.
Steam has servers housed in numerous countries as an attempt to have direct connections to every ISP globally. This helps prevent issues that the open web would exacerbate, like fluctuating priority and speeds. This way Paolo can download Ass Defect 3: RapePlay Exceed in Rio while you can download it from a Denver server.
What's more is that they've piggybacked other services onto that pipeline to reduce latency globally.
And they're standalone, so if Denver goes down all the files there are accessible from Cali or New York. Likewise if Rio goes down you can get it from Buenos Aires.
EGS doesn't even comprehend the can of worms they're opening.
>PC gaming was doing just fine under Steam
you must be too young to remember how much better PC gaming was in the 2000s before Steam came along
>P-Publishers are good, we need MORE Publisher style shit.
Let me make this simple; This is the page for if you want to submit your game on the Epic Store.
All it cares about is money. Not helping the developer.
It's built for Publishers and publishers are literal scum.
>Steam goes down to 18% as well
What would happen then?
I agree that 30% tax is fucking stupid, considering the state will also tax your shit.
However, 1 year exclusive deal and chinese botnet isnt any better.
Both are cancer to this industry
How dare gamers not give a shit about lining the pockets of the chinese.
How can one company be so based?
>Buys Cheap Chinese made shoes
Hell no. Epic clearly has no interest in lowering prices or improving services for gamers.
Really, Epic-vs.-Steam is a war for developers, not customers. We're completely ancillary in all this.
You can rent servers from Amazon, Google or other cloud providers for cents per GB all over the world and that includes a healthy profit margin on their end. Valve is paying very little for traffic.
None of my shoes are made in China actually.
Competition is good. Exclusivity is bad. Tencent ... Is fucking Tencent!
The EGS cango fuck itself. We already have GoG.
>Why won't the distributor help me make my game!?
>Why do publishers want a return on their investment!? They should fund my game for free!
no I remember the glory days but I don't blame the death of RTS on Stream and I don't think we'll return to that with Epic.
But again I don't care, I'm not a Steam loyalist i just don't think Epic is saving anything
Because 100% of that 18% is still coming from me
The 30% tax also was the only thing keeping retailers alive, Hope you like not owning anything physically you clucks.
Steam is like a disease, I'm glad the chinks are giving devs more of their hard earned profits. Any game I make will definitely go on the epic store if I can get it in there.
Why do you people pay for games at all if you care so little about the devs getting their money?
>One platform gives support for functions
>The other does not
You know steam basically means Indie multiplayer games can be a thing right?
Is Epic going to support matchmaking?
Nintendo is the only one who does that regularly
You know Epic isn't taking Steam away, right?
So you think that developers and publishers made more money when a game was sold at a physical retailer?
30% sales cut in exchange for:
>Patch Deployment,
>User Patch version control,
>Cloud Saves,
>Community hubs,
>Community Forums,
>User information consolidation,
>User mod integration,
>Multiplayer Matchmaking,
>AntiCheat Protection,
>Friends list integration,
>Global Achievement tracking,
>Player Tracking,
>Near 100% server up time,
>Everyone who plays games on PC has Steam...
>I'm sure I'm even forgetting more
They should be happy steam isn't charging more. Yeah 30% is a lot, but they give you a lot in return you fucking idiots.
>Indie games can't have multiplayer without Steam
I can appreciate the 18% of my 0$ going to the poor developers.
China undercuts people, in other news the sky is blue.
In all honesty though valve can go fuck itself for not making HL3, this is divine justice.
Man, I'm gonna laugh so hard when Epic raises it's take to 30%. Just wait. They've already admitted they're losing money at 12%. It's typical chinese behavior. You should expect it. They've already lied and backpedaled several times on major issues. As soon as they get 'established', they will raise their cut. Just watch. And all of you people with your tongues 6" deep in Sweeney's asshole will look like idiots. I will laugh and laugh ...
This was when the ps4 launched. It cost 381 to make and was sold for 400 dollars.
>People don't seem to appreciate how much of a difference 40% is
Back in my day, the majority of the cost of a game went into manufacturing the physical media and shipping them to stores, it averaged 70% to 50% of the total cost of the game, so the "developers" only got half to a quarter of actual revenue.
>That's a shitload of money going to publishers instead of the developer
>And that's a wonderful thing.
All of those brick&mortar stores going under, just wonderful.
>Competition reduces prices.
too bad that there are many examples of this not being the case
What would be the point in not simply using Steam as the main platform then selling Steam keys to Epic.
Oh wait.. they don't accept them do they?
In theory, there's nothing wrong with a competitor to steam. Also, in theory, there's absolutely wrong with DLC in of its self. The issue is, is that it gets completely bogged down in trying to make as much money as humanly possible.
Also, it's better for publishers, not gamers. Fuck off if you're going to try and get me to believe that Dev's will get a bigger cut from the EPIC store or that the savings will get passed down to the consumer.
If you want to be a better competitor then you have to either offer a better service or offer stuff for significantly less. 1yr timed exclusives are literally the last thing anyone wanted on PC.
>devs get money
More goes to publisher
>devs get paid anyway
Most are overworked “gamers” who dreamed of being in the game industry and they work 90+hours a week for peanuts.
If devs wanted money they could...get an actual developer job or not work for mega corporations. Indie and patron devs make more anyways, not to mention the porn devs who make 70k+ a month from their dumb fan base
This entire fuss is over publishers being greedier
Nope. If you want to use Steam's multiplayer functions for your game then go ahead and use Steam. Where are you going with this?
>>I'm sure I'm even forgetting more
Don't forget a money processing system where you don't run the risk of getting cucked by chargebacks due to credit card thieves.
Honestly half of those are fucking mandatory for a Store.
Does Epic not have Patch Deployment?
Based and redpilled
Except their game servers are private. I don't think you know what an exabyte is, either. And their systems aren't monolithic, either. They use different providers for different services. They also have people in support to pay for, as well as their own internal team. They need translators and a business team to negotiate transaction services. They also have a developer help line. And that really only touches a fraction of it.
Except not only are prices not dropping on Epic, games are even more expensive depending on where you live and what payment type you're using.
You're braindead if you think a bigger cut is going to drop game prices. Consumers are so used to paying $60 standard that the cost to make games could go down to pennies and they'd still cost $60 so publishers could pocket the extra cash.
Yeah, you are forgetting things, mainly
>Built-in controller support
>Built-in Linux support
And also, and most of all
>A fucking shopping cart
But don't worry, people who are busy slurping Tim's cum are gonna tell you that they're useless bloat anyways.
... Steam keys are a way to sell your game with steam intergration off-site you moron.
At that point there is zero point to the epic store if you need to use Steam to control most of your fucking game anyway.
Sony/MS/Nintendo all take 30% from games on their platforms as well, how comes he didn't point that out?
Easy with those edges, coldsteel. You're scaring the children.
Regardless of who owns who, their corporate behavior and publish relation tactics REEK of China. The blatant lies, manipulation, sneakiness, and dishonor that just keep raining down. China has a long history of it. Sweeney is very obviously taking orders from someone in China that don't want to play by American societal standards. We may be corrupt as fuck, but at least we respect the consumers enough to keep them coming back.
>More goes to publisher
Who is either:
A. The developer
B. Funding the developer
>If devs wanted money they could...get an actual developer job or not work for mega corporations.
This is one of those "I'm just an asshole" explanations.
>Indie and patron devs make more anyways
We were just talking about developers, that includes them. You told them to fuck off from the industry.
Rerez btfos epic shit store
>getting your product available to millions of customers
based epic retard
Can you faggots explain to me how the person buying games benfits from any of this shit? All you talk about is something PUBLISHERS would care about. What benefit, if any, does this shit have for the players?
Yes, that's what we just established, you wouldn't be using the Epic store in this scenario. This is an irrelevant, off-topic conversation.
it cost 381 to make. Doesn't include shipping . Doesn't include the operating system. Doesn't include development cost. Doesn't include the profit margin of the retailer. Probably omits a lot of fixed costs.
Sony was still making a loss on every unit sold and only made it back when customers also bought some games.
Not exactly retail is always more expensive, With the burning disks and packaging and selling the games discounted to retailers on top of it all, However digital distribution takes advantage of that and hikes up the tax to be comparable to the cost of physical copies, If digital distribution becomes a even sweeter deal we will be seeing the end of the physical era in no time.
Publishers exist to do nothing but nickle and dime developers and only the absolutely desperate or corporate owned would do so.
>You wouldn't be using Epic store in this scenario
So why would ANY indie Dev use the epic store.
Healthier industry.
I'd imagine the strategy of throwing several millions of dollars are every exclusivity contract can't be helping matters either.
Epic's business strategy seems to hinge entirely on Steam going bankrupt within the next year or two, which is hilariously shortsighted.
>former employee holds grudge against company that fired him
who woulda thunkted
your installed program list gets bigger
How much do the steam server (cloud included) cost again?
>steam good because achievements, social functionality, user scores
>alternative cheaper store bad because none of these features. kill alternative store!
some of us just want cheaper games and none of that other shit. what's wrong with that?
>So why would ANY indie Dev use the epic store.
>Publishers exist to do nothing but nickle and dime developers
They fund the development of video games. Retard.
He wouldn't dare. Fortnite is so reliant on consoles(where 90% of it's playerbase is) that he wouldn't say a thing about it.
I'm sure it had patch deployment, but it doesn't have a shopping cart.
Oh yeah that's really important! I was very happy when I got to stop using DS4Windows to play controller focused games. Don't they also have an OSX client as well?
I agree that Steam sorely needed some real competition, and its ultimately a good thing that the EGS exists.
However, I can understand people's distaste for Epic's tactics. Having to download yet another launcher and make yet another account just to play a handful of games is an annoyance, no matter which way you cut it.
That said, I feel this is likely only a temporary strategy to accelerate growth. Once the EGS has fully established itself as a rival to Steam, and Steam has responded in kind, there will be less of a focus on courting exclusives and more on providing the better service.
Sure, but is it as seamless as Steam's patching services? I doubt it, they've been doing it for 10 years, and working with hundreds of dev teams with dozens of engines.
Less than 30%. Otherwise companies like EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda or Rockstar wouldn't make their own for cheaper.
Devs make more money to produce more games?
>More money
At the cost of dozens less systems and features that instead add time and costs onto the Developer.
So it's literally there for Publishers. Who exist only to make money and don't give a shit how much they ruin a game.
Nice work defending publishers you horrific shill.
A percentage cut a store takes is the price of putting your game on there. Prices absolutely have been cut. Steam reduced their cut (only for games that make a certain amount though) as a result of this so yes prices absolutely have been cut as a result of competition
If Epic gave a shit about providing a better service they would have invested money into that instead of going "LOOK WE GIVE YOU MORE MONEY PROMISE"
Indie games and porn games aren’t allowed on the epic store
>developer salary scales with revenue
This does not happen unless they are an extreamly close company or are publishing it themselves. Example EA gives 10 million for the project. Devs get paid as it goes on. They may get bonuses if it makes
More profit but generally it just assures them another project with more funding.
>that’s basically more money going to the devs
No it’s not. They would get moved to a different team if they didn’t get a new game to work or, or they would do live service, and maybe fucking switch to a better game company that can handle its project management right.
Wow the guys at the top of the ladder might get a big fat check but none of the actual workers will see a dime
20% and 30% are massively different numbers and I don't know why you'd act like they're the same. 20% is completely reasonable, 30% is ridiculous. Also physical retailers do way more work to justify the cut than digital ones do. Valve does fuck all yet takes nearly a third of almost all PC game sales
>At the cost of dozens less systems and features that instead add time and costs onto the Developer.
If they need those features then they're better off on Steam, but most games don't so it's not adding any burden onto them. Regardless, Steam is always an option.
>So it's literally there for Publishers.
Who are often developers. And when they're not, are the ones funding games. I want them to be healthy. I'm happy to defend publishers in general, and I'll criticize them when they do wrong. They're, at worst, a necessary evil.
Literally nothing, and they've still not said anything to the contrary. Manufactured competition looks so pathetic.
>Former Valve Employee
I'm sure the unnamed person is speaking without bias.
Useless abstraction. Concretia only please.
How does devs making more money benefit me at all? Epic store games are not cheaper than Steam games, so clearly the savings aren't being passed on to me, and the issue has never been that there are too few games being released (if anything, there are too many since it's impossible to even keep track of all games released these days, let alone play them all). The idea that devs make better games if they make more profit is also a fantasy since the most profitable studios in the world, EA, Activision and Ubisoft make some of the most awful games.
That includes PS and Xbox digital transactions.
If you defend publishers, you are anti developer and anti consumer.
>Indie games and porn games aren’t allowed on the epic store
This is a lie. Porn games are not allowed. Big woop.
>This does not happen unless they are an extreamly close company or are publishing it themselves.
Which is quite common.
>but generally it just assures them another project with more funding.
Which they can now do with less sales, which means that more niche products are now viable.
I'm a capitalist, that's all.
Steam saved PC gaming...30% is lot less than what Sony and MS take, and less than what was made on physical sales since that included other expenses.
your shilling won't work
in fact ill pirate every single epic exclusive, communist chinks wont get a cent from me
I didn't know it needed saving.
>Assembled in the USA
You're a retard, that's all.
Normal people only use about 2 of them.
No one cares about all the features.
Tienes que volver
Yes because DRM is definitely a feature that we should be happy about and want every launcher to have. Steam would be objectively better if it were easier to have Steamworks features without DRM
Im thinking that they are trying to get alot games now to their platform and after they have a lot of ppl with lot of games in their
EGS account. They will change that fucking 18% closer to Steams 30. JUST MARK MY WORDS
They're not cheaper though idiot
You clearly don't understand how these things work, user.
The first priority for EGS is to grow the platform's userbase. Given they're taking on a goliath, the most effective way to do this is to secure content for your platform, and yours alone. Once sufficient growth has been achieved, you can move on to other matters like improving the actual service.
>18% but also Tencent's slave
there's no winning move
You're also dumb if you think Steam isn't also pocketing a lot of that 30% cut they get.
Valve provides:
>Patch Deployment,
>User Patch version control,
>Cloud Saves,
>Community hubs,
>Community Forums,
>User information consolidation,
>User mod integration,
>Multiplayer Matchmaking,
>AntiCheat Protection,
>Friends list integration,
>Global Achievement tracking,
>Player Tracking,
>Near 100% server up time,
>Massive Install base
>Integrated controller support even for games without it
>Streaming Services
>In Home Streaming
>Good payment processing
>Ten years of name recognition and a good track record
>Linux and MacOS clients
>Allows indie games on their platform
>No exclusives
>Still lets you play games even if they're no longer sold
>Converts old games over to their multiplayer services if their servers go offline
For 30% of sales. If you buy a $60 game, valve gets $1.80. THE HORROR.
Why should I give a fuck what publishers take home out of the price that I pay, which doesn't change no matter what the revenue split is?
When has a niche project ever been green lighted after more funding. Now a days it’s all about targeting more consumers to make more money. Even in cases like paradox. The series only opens up as time goes on, despite the niche interest from the fans.
>indie games not getting on the store is a lie
It’s not. Epic has been denying indie games that already have thousands of sales because it doesn’t meet their “standards” which is their choice. But that type of language makes me takes the stance that epic is only for AAA games.
>a 30% tax that is already lower than the cut ANY retail store takes
>killing the industry
man he mustve been so retarded they fired him
>$60 game, valve gets $1.80
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
>30% of $60 is $1.80
American education
Completely untrue.
I think we can all agree that GOG in this aspect.
>If you buy a $60 game, valve gets $1.80
Keep working on that mathematics PhD.
I don't care, Valve gives good support, sales, and keeps my giant PC Game Library all in one place.
If Epic starts having massive sales I'll start buying from them too though, I want to see Metro for $20 or less.
>a 30% tax that is already lower than the cut ANY retail store takes
traditional retailers don't take hat high a margin and they have much higher costs
Nice products are produced all the time. The Epic Store has indie games now and will continue to have them. Their "curation" seems a bit too aggressive to me, but that's another issue.
They make your games doofus
So why are you choosing the weaker platform?
What's that? The platform with weaker services bought the rights to the games you want so you have to support it? Woooow that really is 4thaplayas and not at all like ransoming.
Steam sucks dick too btw. Its all shit. Burn the industry down.
Publishers don't make games m8
Never said they weren't, faggot, but they've made it increasingly evident over the last 10 years that at the heart of their business structure they don't have biased priorities and tend to do what is morally correct.
>he still doesn't realize Epic is saving PC gaming
>Valve gives good support
I've bought game keys from illegal key resellers that have better support than Valve
>traditional retailers don't take hat high a margin and they have much higher costs
no they definitely take much higher margins and also have less high of a cost, they don't supply infrastructure like valve does
>They're a plague spawned on the Earth to plague upon the virtuous
literal tween age zoomers you mean, everyone else prefers steam for good reason
It's still a whopping amount for barely doing anything but providing data. 10% would be reasonable
>he thinks owning a fucking retail store is more expensive and complicated than providing the infrastructure and feature that steam does for tens of millions of users
Dumbest and gayest shit in this thread
The game is done long before I open my wallet, and the people responsible for its creation paid. I don't give a flying fuck what the publisher's profits look like. It doesn't benefit me in any way.
So if I'm an indie developer who doesn't want any features like achievements or trading cards or multiplayer or any of this useless fluff then I'm supposed to be content with losing a third of my profits because... they allow indie games? And because "no exclusives"? The only real valid point you have is that they have more users and therefore more sales, but if a store were to take only 15% for example then I only need to make half as many sales to make the same amount of money. Ultimately I'm just using Steam because users are picky and don't like buying from multiple stores, and sure I'd have to accept but I certainly wouldn't be happy about it
>no they definitely take much higher margins and also have less high of a cost
Already been discussed in this thread. Walmart and Gamestop are publicly traded companies. Their margins are lower than 30%
>they don't supply infrastructure like valve does
correct. They provide much much more expensive infrastructure because they have to warehouse, distribute and sell physical goods.
Kek, yeah... I did the math for 3% and didn't even realize, because of my autistic fanboyism. That's on me.
The scale of astroturfing Epic is willing to do is unbelievable they know that many games use Steam services (servers, support, ratings, exposure) to keep things running smoothly but keep pushing the narrative that they are taking a "Huge" cut from ever sale.
jesus christ you are retarded.
How do you think Amazon, Apple and Netflix completely wiped retail chains off the face of the earth? Because digital is more expensive than brick&mortar?
>and keeps my giant PC Game Library all in one place.
Yes having your giant PC library locked behind a wall of DRM is so great isn't it? I love Valve! What would I do if I just owned my games and didn't have them tied to a DRM platform?
The valve employee is correct but epic's launcher and service is too bare bones and insecure. They need to spend some of that exclusivity money on their platform and make it at the least on par with steam.
>then I only need to make half as many sales to make the same amount of money.
I think you should check that math again, brother.
>People have been shitting on publishers for years for ruining games
>Epic store comes out with more publisher friendly and publisher focused profit margins
>Suddenly people start defending Publishers bullshit
>assembled in the USA
there's a lot of crap that comes from china and i can't actually remember reading this on the back of anything else
look fagola steam literally only get where it was because it was cheaper for publishers than retail and the drm
you can try to pull shit out your ass all day long but it's not going to change shit and no amount of coming up with irrelevant negligible expenditures is going to outweigh the maintenance of the infrastructure and services valve provide
We don't.
I'd say our information is safer if we stick with steam but Epic launcher already scraped everything if you had used it at all recently.
Honestly I don't care about the part of this industry that relies on big publishers. I care about indie games, and 18% more revenue is great for them.
Jesus, just give it a rest with these fucking threads already.
I couldn't give two shits about this corporate dick-waving. If I like a game, I buy it where it is available. Sadly for Epic games, they have nothing that interests me. Same with Uplay and Origin.
I have most of my games on GOG.
what the fuck are you smoking, why would people shitting on publishers be in favor of publisher friendly profit margins you absolute cretin
my favorite part is consolefags pretending they aren't cucked from the start
If you can't understand the difference between the margins of a retailer and the total cost of distribution to the publisher than you should seriously jump out a window
>Built-in Linux support
If I didn't have any other complaints about it there's still that they don't have the launcher for Linux.
>inb4 don't use loonix then
>Don't they also have an OSX client as well?
I couldn't find any link for it, but I assume there is since I found some people asking for help about it.
If the argument is that steam is too greedy and publishers deserve more money...than why not just use the Ubisoft store, or the Bethesda store or Origin...
That way almost all the money goes to the publishers and i get the same features as epic store.
Then why not the discord store instead?
>inb4 unity refund cut pricing
Discord store closed, m8.
wait, steam only account for 18% of PC games sales? Where the fuck do you all buy your games ?
Then they should be more than willing to match steam's refund policy
Holy fuck, the absolute state of pc gaming! AHAHAHA!
When you read a post, do you ever think about what you just read and then try to comprehend the meaning of said post before posting a reply? You stupid fucking nigger. I'm amazed you haven't choked to death trying to eat your own keyboard.
>Epic is only 48% owned by Tencent, they are practically nonexistent!
They used the excuse of the digital copy needing to cost as much to prevent brick and mortar stores from refusing to stock physical copies. Now brick and mortar stores don't even stock physical copies anymore since steam made it popular to buy digital because of the "convenience" Yet they still charge full price for the digital copy.
eat my fucking dick you fucking faggot yeah i kinda jumped the shark my bad
resetera trannies and other forms cancer like gcj are shilling for Epic store, and it's enough reason for me to never install it
Never bend the knee for soulless chinks.
We didn’t see people flocking to it when is wasn’t though
Maybe I will, faggot! That's alright, I kinda guessed.
>The only real valid point you have is that they have more users and therefore more sales
You're completely disregarding the entirety of digital distribution, version control, payment processing, hosting, cloud saves and a way to talk to your users without using """twitter""". If you don't want those features, release your game on your own FTP and set up a paypal like Notch did. Then you get 100% of the cut.
On a side note: one of the reasons that achievements have become so popular is that they are a way to gauge player retention in games. If 90% of players never beat the first boss, you probably have a problem.
It's definitely not a "one size fits all" deal. However, if you made an indie film and then were able to get it picked up by a production/distribution company like MGM or Lionsgate or something their split would be similar. If you told them "I don't need it to be in 5000" different theaters, they would ask you why you even came to them in the first place. Problem is that steam has backed themselves into a corner here, if they let the little guy opt out of the features, the big names are going to want the same treatment. And then suddenly every ubisoft game is only using steam for patches, and we all have to go to reddit and twitter to read guides and get updates from the developers.
Most semiconductors are manufactured in CN, including SMDs and shit, and getting those at reasonable prices is absolutely pertinent. Even if it's just the casement that's being assembled in the US it's a boon.
>epic store
lmao, some games are more expensive AND the launcher is Bethesda launcher tier, and dont forget the fees
Except Steam, GoG and Humble Bundle doesn't force the user to pay this fee.
the margins of the retailer are fucking irrelevant, this is about total cut taken by them on the sale compared to that of the publisher
>Do u agree Epic is saving PC gaming?
>Instant PirateBay exclusive
But I have to install another thing to click REEEEEEEEEEE
Wow, are you niggers serious, good luck with that shit.
I'll take greedy Gabe over chinks.
Except it is. If Steam takes 30% and yet Walmart can make a profit by only taking 25% then obviously there is something wrong with Steam.
The "industry" needs to burn. The biggest benefactors of this shit are shitty companies like Ubisoft.
people dont seem to appreciate all the downsides for the actual consumer
they should have some standards and blueball epic and their cohorts
>Richard Geldreich
>Geldreich means Moneyrich in (((German)))
Can't make this shit up.
People would find another reason to shit on Steam.
lol i read this and what the guy said. the whole things reads like some kiddie who got vac banned and blames valve for everything. how much you wanna bet the guy was fired.
Walmart has such an unimaginable scale compared to steam. Valve didn't kill the mom and pop store.
>it's a wonderful thing for the industry.
you're a fucking retard if you don't want to see the industry crash by now, literally -% of extra money earned EVER goes into real gamedesign, look at fucking anthem those fags had 7 years and still fucked it up while literally being made by the biggest western publisher
Yeah, after this review bombing horse shit, I really couldn't care less about interacting with Steam users.
No more midweek sales, no more lunar events, no more holiday sales, games will get more expensive.
Steam makes a ton possible with those 30%.
there's no such thing as "epicfags" you retarded stupid fuck
It's right there in the fucking OP, you stupid smegma sniffing cum guzzler
a fucking former VALVE EMPLOYEE said it, not "epicfag"
>Disagree with review
>Call it review bombing and remove all negative reviews
Great, so when are games on Epic going to be priced at less? Clearly since devs are making more they'll pass the saving son to me and that's why I should care, right?
Their CEO said they're caring more about devs than customers
And Chinks by their nature don't care about regular people
that's incredibly wrong and completely besides the point because we are talking about retailer margins, NOT the cost of physical distribution.
You're more than welcome to not buy my game dickweed.
ex epic employee here, tencent ownes more than 40% of the company and sweeney is compromised
>30% cut
>physical retail copies
>55% cut
the only thing Valve ruined was digital's potential of being cheaper than physical by default
>another client to add friends on
>another attack vector on my system
>another system with personally identifying information
>another system with my debit card linked to it
>an untested system with personally identifying information and my debit card information
>a system that says it can screen someone's social media in the Privacy Policy
>a system that screened another system's data without user permission
>another client that will ignore what I'm doing and use system resources
>another client to randomly start updating games while I'm trying to watch Netflix
>another client with another EULA with a series of mercurial points on my system where I store illegally downloaded software, personal information, browse porn and do my damndest to keep private
No thanks.
>retailer margins
Alright nigger then reply to my other post How about we talk about the 70% margin that devs make then
I'll happily pirate your game and then shit on it every day you trash cunt. I hope not only you receive no sales but you also get review bombed
No one will.
Small video game stores have gone out of business years ago. Big chains losing money and closing soon.
>we are talking about retailer margins, NOT the cost of physical distribution.
It seems fairly silly to ignore the cost of distribution as it's a cost that exists regardless of what you believe in, but in that case what is Walmart providing that warrants it's percentage?
Former Valve employee here, ask me anything.
They went out of business because of game stop and best buy.
Who's the employee? If there isn't a name than the person isn't who they claim they are.
is it true that Gabe has a chariot that's pulled by 20 chinks?
>30% cut
and remember this is ONLY for games bought directly from the steam store, if you buy from one of the 90 gorillion publisher partnered third party sites valve doesn't see a penny of those sales.
Why should I care about devs (read: publishers) if I am not one?
The employee is Richard Geldreich.
>an anonymous ""valve employee"" comes out singing Epic's praises
>conveniently at a time when people are mad at Epic again and something coming out to make them look good would be really handy about now
>Tim Downey cries people are spreading misinformation about Epic
>Sets his hordes of shills to spread outrageous misinformation about steam
Walmart only makes 1-2% net profit. Almost all the margin is eaten up by the cost of running stores, distributing the product, paying employees, etc.
It's simply much more expensive to sell physical goods than sending data over the Internet.
Common misconception, it's actually 18 chinks with a competing nip and gook leading the thing.
The name is right there, are you americans really that stupid?
Small bird
>The game should be on both platforms
>Then a free market will truly decide which one custome-
>Thinking that Steam users aren't just users
>Disregarding my entire post with a No U
Sorry about your game, user.
That's Amazon. Not Steam.
Why does everyone blame steam for its cut, when the console manufacturers take the same cut for their digital sales as well?
Steam drones ding dong diddly SEETHING
>Why can not I pay with my PayPal wallet?
>Epic Games does not allow purchases with the PayPal wallet without a linked source. You must have one of the following items linked to your PayPal to make a purchase:
>Credit card
>Debit card
>Bank account
>Make sure you have one of the above items linked to your PayPal account and try again.
Good luck saving PC gaming by limiting payment methods.
But what do they do that warrants it's percentage? It seems like they only stock content, why shouldn't their percentage be far less than online stores that offer far more?
before valve
>piracy rampant
>big companies like microsoft and EPIC were leaving the PC market for consoles
>PC ports were fucking dreadful because of companies like ubisoft and GEARBOX half assed ports like RE4 and james bond nightfire
after valve
>piracy has decreased and PC sales have increased tremendously
>more and more companies are returning to PC or making games that were not available in the past available now (see pheonix wright which released today)
>even japanese devs who are notoriously shit at PC ports now make better ports than western devs
>lots of indie devs and small teams making bank by making great games like baba is you and risk of rain
Wow valve really fucked up PC gaming. They worst shit they did is make it a little too easy to put shovelware on the store, tried to make paid mods a thing and enabled the cancerous lootbox culture we have today but the good outweighs the bad. The only thing PC needs now is AAA exclusives, nothing against consoles but some games don't translate to controller well and therefore end up being dumbed down for PC.
M8 you're unironically responding to an epic shill.
Not really. Steam provides a lot of services to both consumers and producers. They just recently released a new multiplayer API for free server hosting earlier this year even though chink shills keep saying that Steam is stagnating. They've always been pretty good about keeping the PC platform relatively open with monetary incentives to prevent VR games from becoming exclusive to Oculus and developing Proton so fewer games are restricted only to Windows.
The people who would benefit the most from Epic's smaller cut, smaller indie studios without much established clout, aren't going to be approved by Epic in the first place. It's funny to see all these no-name indie devs cluelessly yammering about what a game changer this is for them only for actual small indie devs to be declined when contacting Epic to put their games in Epic's catalogue. Epic Game Store actually benefits nobody other than Epic and these threads are made by either literal paid shills or just faggots fishing for (you)s.
Then again, I don't buy games because I'm not retarded. Just figured I'd raise the point that Epic is doing literally nothing to make PC gaming better and Tim Sweeney looks like a child molester.
Maybe they should stop loss leading then, devs need to eat
Fuck off chink, go suck yellow smallus-dickus.
>Could be
They aren't right now, definitely not for me as a consumer.
They are still the mayor stockholder, and by their history they are not people I trust
They are the only reliable way to openly show disain for shit practices- still a "review developer/publisher" option separate from the game would be good
>Benefits devs
You mean publishers?
The customer still has the final say chang. The customer decides what he does or doesn't buy
I mean I was replying to him, but kind of just posting in general.
>That's a shitload of money going to developers instead of the middleman
>I'm just gonna pretend publishers don't exist!
Imagine being this much of a lying shill piece of shit for chinks
uplay store takes 30%
origins takes 30%
nintendo takes 30%
sony take 30%
gog takes 30%
microsoft takes 30%
yet for some reason steam is evil because they dont do 30% they do a certain percentage based on the sales of the game "Starting from October 1, 2018 (i.e. revenues prior to that date are not included), when a game makes over $10 million on Steam, the revenue share for that application will adjust to 75 percent/25 percent on earnings beyond $10 million,” Valve wrote in the official blog post. “At $50 million, the revenue share will adjust to 80 percent/20 percent on earnings beyond $50 million. Revenue includes game packages, DLC, in-game sales, and Community Marketplace game fees. Our hope is this change will reward the positive network effects generated by developers of big games, further aligning their interests with Steam and the community.”
everyone else does 30% so how is valve the bad guy?
I don't care because games are cheaper now than ever.
>But muh Season Pass/DLC
No one tells you to buy the game when its just released and overpriced.
You can play them in offline mode. Not that you'll care.
I'm unironically considering downloading every game I have to external hard disks and storing them for later in the event steam dies. 400 games is only like 3.5TB
>channel has 817k subs
>only 10k views on a video uploaded 3 hours ago
actual fucking yikes
>posted shortly after the video was uploaded
>They just recently released a new multiplayer API for free server hosting earlier this year even though chink shills keep saying that Steam is stagnating. They've always been pretty good about keeping the PC platform relatively open with monetary incentives to prevent VR games from becoming exclusive to Oculus and developing Proton so fewer games are restricted only to Windows.
I will never understand where the 'valve is lazy' thing comes from. I can understand valve time because when valve made games they took forever to release updates but as far as improving steam valve has been consistently active in that area, it's just usually in areas that are not directly beneficial to the customer but it's beneficial if devs use those features.
China has been generous.
>Steam was killing PC gaming. It was a 30% tax on an entire industry
What what does that make the 30% take from Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft?
What is it with leftists and defending corporations?
>I will never understand where the 'valve is lazy' thing comes from.
From ignorance, as usual. Unless you follow Valve, you will never know about all the shit they do. All normies know about them are HL3 memes. In their mind, unless Valve makes video games, them make nothing. Curiously, same can be said about Epic, except they not only make no videogames sans Fortnite anymore, but they flat out refuse to work on their shitty store.
>That's a shitload of money going to publishers
ftfy you dumbass wagie shill
Steam is what made digital distribution viable.
Yeah, probably not the best idea to announce that you're an ex-employee if you want to people to take your criticisms of a company seriously.
Competition is good.
No amount of "gamers are upset" headlines or "China is using gamers to take over the world" conspiracies can make me feel otherwise.
As someone stated, Epic wont mention that since it's where a large portion of their Fortnite money comes from. It's career suicide since those 3 are way bigger then Epic still.
So why is it so wrong for steam to charge 30% when consoles charge the same for their digital and retail for physical is 60%?
winnie the pooh
I'm all for it. More competitors are usually a good thing.
>And Epic has admitted their 12% cut is actually unsustainable and only a temporary measure
They haven't, the paycheck from the Chinese government for all of the free information they mine is more than enough to make up the difference.
Artificial competition is not good.
People are not mad that Epic is attempting to compete with Valve. They are mad at HOW Epic is attempting to compete with Valve. Competition through exclusive goods is, bar none, the most anti-consumer way to compete and worse yet, it outright allows poor services to garner a userbase when something is only available on that service. So it not only fucks over the consumer, but also discourages innovation.
Oh yeah, did you say the same thing when Microsoft Introduced Xbox Live?
Nah. I was 8 or 9 when xbox live happened.
I like how the more time passes the worse epic store looks, it's to the point where it is now unreasonable to support EGS
>which comes back to consumers in subtle ways.
What a convenient way to say that it doesn't bring any benefit at all for the consumer
I remember thinking "who would pay to play games with other people?" I didn't get xbox live until Gears of War. Up until then it was Maplestory and playing Monster Hunter online with the PS2 for me.
Based trips speak the truth.
On top of that, Sweeney constantly shoves both feet in his mouth in every interview now.
What do I, the customer, get out of it?
>>It's going to significantly reduce the cost of producing games which comes back to consumers in subtle ways.
Like what?
Since EA created origin what have they done to give back to origin users? We got Anthem which is a giant stinking turd, BFV which was a buggy mess with barely any content and Battlefront 2 which had the biggest lootbox scandal this gaming industry has ever seen. Reminder that 100% of the money spent on origin goes to EA so there's no one taking a cut from them, yet their games and service are garbage despite them being a multi billion dollar company.
Where is my 18% off then?
You got Apex.
Okay. So will I get cheaper games then?
Define what you mean by "artificial competition".
Epic buying exclusivity? I wouldn't call that "artificial"
Can't argue with trips.
Developers get paid a salary and publishers take 100% of the profits or maybe pay 1% of it to devs. But publishers are mostly banks, and all that extra money will simply be used to pay shareholders dividends.
Meanwhile the games on EGS will be shit because cashgrabs don't incentivize quality and the publishers flocking to Epic aren't in it for anything other than money, and as such, 100% of the extra money will flow straight into marketing, PR, advertising and not developers. And so the marketing budgets will swell and that's literally the only change.
Worse still, this will turn videogames into a spyware datamining platform now that people are turning away from Facebook and this will be the new goldrush. And none of this has anything to do with what videogames are about but not that that's stopped any shill from ever spamming Yea Forums with dozens of pointless threads.
I wish shills would just fucking move to /biz/ already where they belong, since money is all they care about anyway.
It's manufactured competition. Epic themselves is creating a problem that they then offer the answer to.
Developers get paid wages WHEN they're developing the game, not after. In fact it's industry practice to fire more than half the teams once development is complete.
I love how this was ignored
I literally do not fucking care about Steam or anything related to Steam
c ya
yeah imagine going to work and some ass hate takes 30 percent of your pay fuck that shit
Watch this guy get banned for spamming
Nigga steam has the biggest marketshare out of all of those. Of course steam will be targeted.
>every pc game should be available on steam
>if youre fine with a game being on a different app youre a shill
>if the game isnt on steam then ill review bomb the series in order to stop these epic store shills
>nobody disrespects my precious steam
>you can get 10% off an 8 year old game every now and then
>if its not on steam ill just steal it
>epic store doesnt have forums that just redirect you to better forums
>god all these epic store shills saying its fine and doesnt change their lives are shilling so hard
Hi Chang Swiney
>manufactured competition
I mean, technically everybody is.
Why is it so hard to understand that the problem is not that the games are not on Steam, but that they are EXCLUSIVE to the Epic Store. This means they are not available ANYWHERE else.
People take offense in the exclusivity. If Epic was selling the same games as Steam in their store, no one would have a problem with them, because they wouldn't be competing by denying products from their competition, but rather with the quality of their platform.
Wasn't exclusivity started by EA and Ubishit because otherwise nobody would use EA/Ubishit's launcher because they're fucking EA and Ubishit?
Apex is fotm BR trash and everyone went back to fortnite
>>every pc game should be available on steam
your premise is wrong
no one is crying that anthem or OW isn't on steam
>>every pc game should be available on steam
>>if youre fine with a game being on a different app youre a shill
This strawman is getting desperate.
The argument is, paying developers, and especially publishers to not release their games on other stores in not a competition, it's forced monopoly. It forces people to use an inferior store (inferior to every other store on the market, not just Steam btw. Even fucking Uplay is better), and in case of publishers, devs actually get jack shit from the deal on top of that.
I am.
You know why steam has a monopoly on PC games? Because the competition fucking sucks. Epic is just gonna be that game launcher you dust off when you play one or two games.
In the big picture they arent gonna be convincing any steam users to convert. Theyre just gonna get into digital retailing to make their cut and the service wont improve at all. With any luck theyll take the dumb tranny indies with them too.
>mfw discord already shut its store down
>planned to do 30% cut originally then made a bad buisiness reaction with 10% thinking that would get more devs
>only thing left is Nitro which will be gone once the contract ends