Sekiro will be GOT-

>Sekiro will be GOT-

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>he thinks his baham movie game will be better than Sekino.

Yikes and cringe



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not everything
just this shitty game

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bamham combat > meme souls le hard combat

I love that some autist actually took his time to make this bait.


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Release date when?

Wait, didn't the gameplay trailer of Ghosts show a sequence that was exactly the same?

Sekiro has no replay ability because every fight is about memorization.
t. DMC/Bayo/every souls game/every plat game/pretty much any real time action game ultra chad

The sad thing is that the main combat looked more interesting in the Arkham games as well

And what exactly is wrong with this...?

It is an easy move and you can just buy spirit emblems en masse for 10 monies a pop. They cost 6 each.
Yes and people are shitposting ghost of tsushima for it but not Sekiro.

You can do the exact same shit in Sekiro with blood mist.

how do you know its baham faggot?

>Sekiro has no replay ability
I played through it four times because it was fun

i was looking forward to this a lot more than sekiro but having played sekiro for less than a week now i really hop GOT doesnt have shit combat that is too easy. doesnt have to be as hard as sekiro but i was severely dissapointed in red dead because the combat was so fucking easy that i got bored half way through
i love games with historical settings though so im still looking forward to GOT. the music in the gameplay trailer when he was riding through the fields was godlike. hope that atmosphere is maintained

cause you think your movie game that will play itself will have any replay value? At least journalists won't cry for an easy game with this one.

>Sekiro has no replay ability
why have i played it 3 times and am half way through my 4th, then?

>Sekiro has no replay ability
Based retard.

GoT is unironically going to be GOTY contender, anyone who disagrees is delusional. It doesn't matter how good DMCV or Sekiro or whatever is, GoT is literally GOTY bait along with Days Gone, TLoU2, and possibly even Death Stranding if it's even gonna come out this year. Can't think of any other games that are easy GOTY bait that is confirmed to come out this year

But you used the nigh infinite resource that you can just buy again without even resetting the enemies, so it doesn't count.

>using all your emblems on 4 basic bitch enemies

Game of Thrones is not a videogame, idiot.

it's pretty sad that Yea Forums cant tell the difference between these

in bamham you just press one button and your character automatically flies to the next enemy
you can do this as many times as needed, only pressing one button

in sekiro you have to use an ability you get halfway through the game, it can only be used 3 times in a row, using up non regenerating resources
and you have to manually position your character behind the enemies, you dont just automatically jump to them by pressing that attack button

Sekiro doesn't even have good combat. It's not really hard per se, it's just that enemies have way more health than you so you need to hit them a hundred times.

Also the whole posture thing doesn't make sense. You think in ancient times you would slam your sword against your opponents multiple times? That's a good way to damage your weapon.

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I predict this will have an easy mode and journalists will push for it hard, saying how much better and acessible it is than Sekiro, just like how they pushed how DmC was actually super cool and it was the gamers fault it got shelved when DMC5 came out.

>Buy them back without reseting the enemies for the money they dropped

>enemies have way more health than you so you need to hit them a hundred times.
how to spot a casual who got filtered

>Game has you fighting agaisnt flying ninjas, ghosts, lightining niggas and monkeys with guns
>You think in ancient times you would slam your sword against your opponents multiple times?

Realism retards should be hanged.

Won't happen, journos will completely forget about Sekiro by the time this game comes out

fuck i hope this is good. they said it will have diffculty settings when it comes to combat so im keeping my fingers crossed

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the game isn't hard, the last boss took me like 3 tries

That's not the point, brainlet. If you make a combat system, it needs to be fun and engaging, preferably have some sort of basis in real combat. This game has nothing to do with real combat, it's a joke. Also the fact that you do a finishing stab after killing every fucking enemy is also just annoying and unnecessary.

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>using up non regenerating resources
that you can buy for cheap infinitely without resetting the enemies.

I still can't believe that in this day and age people actually think western action games have good combat, all they are is just flashy, toddler tier shit.
But I guess when you are on the lesser side of the IQ average you don't have the wherewithal to differentiate between them.

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>Displaying the shura achievement as proof you finished the game

Now I know you're just baiting.

You sure about that? They're still butthurt about DmC to this day, I can see they hitting the easy mode nail for months to come.

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>playing through the game 4 enemies at a time

They won't, majority of games have an easy mode they're not gonna praise a game because it has one, only complain if one doesn't have one

>credits rolling
>"but you haven't done the real ending"

Days Gone: Sushi Edition

Prove me wrong. You can't.

You don't need to just like you don't need to in Ghost of Tsushima.

>it's pretty sad that Yea Forums cant tell the difference between these
You don't even have to play the game to know. Not a single post is actually saying they're even remotely the similar, it's just the one same autist samefagging.

how much do you want to bet this game is going to get praised because its easier than sekiro?

>just like you don't need to in Ghost of Tsushima.
That's the whole gameplay though

because youre poor and cant afford any other games?

But it's a samurai game, that gives them the opportunity to bring Sekiro up.

100% sure of it.

I think you're right.

Ghost of Sushi looks gorgeous but seems jjust a generic cinematic Sony Experience

Definitely not worth full price

Just like it is in Sekiro.


nah, you're just shitposting about something you want to happen so you have more shitpost material

It's gonna happen and you know it.

No that's the most inefficient way to play Sekiro

>tfw I will chill in the open world of Tshushima and enjoy it no matter how assblasted Yea Forums is

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You don't know if it is the most ineffecient way to play Ghost of Tsushima aswell.


Same. Also if we cant choose multiple weapons im gonna be pissed too

I like Sekiro BUT the lore isn't really that interesting. There's no mysterious feeling of Dark Souls or Bloodborne where you could feel that there were terrible things happening offscreen. And the fights are more like a rhythm game. You could probably make most of Sekiro fights in a Beat Saber song. If you try to play it like Bloodborne or Souls it either does not work at all or it will come off as extremely cheese (baiting for attacks). Because of no clothes, no multiplayer and repetitive areas I think people will stop talking about it soon.

In many ways it feels like a Best of of Bloodborne and Souls ideas. Blood infections, mysterious scholars that try to alter their existence, gods and dragons and the church.