Can we discuss how VA's have singlehandely fucked themselves out of being rehired because of how much it cost to hire them for sequels, give them royalties, and pamper them like babies or their big bad union will throw a fit. I for one wish VA's would just stop being a thing in video games because they have been holding back gaming for a long time.
Can we discuss how VA's have singlehandely fucked themselves out of being rehired because of how much it cost to hire...
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Troy Baker doesn't give a fuck. He is on Sony's payroll now. He doesn't even do anime shit anymore now.
>playing games with famous voice actors
Cant wait for the point where they cost so much we just go back to text boxes.
That's funny because he is throwing a shit fit in that very article I just posted. He may be a big wig but a AAA game is still a good source of income for him.
>give them royalties
What's wrong with that?
Some of these games are resold for years and with digital sales most them games don't even disappear now and go on to make millions and millions.
At one point and time actors didn't even royalties.
The game industry is big enough now and growing to the point where we can start looking at giving royalties if agreed within the contract.
I'm not expecting any indie game developers to give royalties through.
>Boo boo I'm not getting another paycheck whatever will I do while I earn a paycheck from 10 other idiots willing to pay my fee.
Was hilarious when he didn't know why Bandai Namco wouldnt bring him back for the vesperia remaster. Like they have the cash for his expensive ass.
>I'm not expecting any indie game developers to give royalties through.
OH NONONONONONO Just because you are 6 developers in a basement somewhere doesn't mean you don't give me that 3% royalty since I worked a whole 20 hours on your project you entitled piece of shit
One last thing to say on this matter, honestly this is good.
If an actor doesn't want to do the part? They could have someone else come in and do the lines.
I don't want an another Terry Strong where she is literally voicing everything. She is an alright voice actor but I am tired of hearing on everything.
Most of these voice actors for games already have a limited voice range.
>I worked a whole 20 hours on your project you entitled
I'll get some intern to do the voice lines then.
How dare you take money away from our indie game company.
We're saving the game industry!
I'm pretty sure indie companies will decide for each situation.
Like royalties becoming a thing if it breaks number sold copies etc.
Not every indie company is actually independent anymore.
I don't think you understand how unions work. Most voice actors are going to be in one
he made more in one role than i did in an entire year of army service in my highest pay grade
Why would you rehire him when you could hire someone that kinda sounds like him for 1/3rd the amount
and so any supposed bitching he did in that article according to an user in this thread has no sympy from me
how much do you want to bet they are going to get matt mercer?
hes the better version of troy baker anyways.
>I picked a shit job in a shit field with shit pay
>therefore others work experience are invalid to me
People like you shouldn't come back
VA are not worth anything. You can literally take any non retarded person and let him voice a character.
Have you seen amateur VA vs TOP TIER PROFESSIONAL STAR VA? Literally no difference. The biggest difference is maybe that the amateur has more soul. Just watch some hentai and you see every VA is the same. Being a hentai VA is literally the death of a VA career, so you only find either amateurs or people who don't care at all for VA and they still sound as good as the most famous VA.
Matt's already been declining "formerly voiced by troy baker" roles for a while now, I don't think he'll do it
can't stop me, bitch
i'm here forever
Well your wrong because people pay for VA so what the fuck are you saying
They tried this before and failed. Also FUNimation is about to get sued and possibly lose the rights to DBZ. That’s going to really shake up the whole industry.
When's the last time you bought a game for good voice acting?
It's gone so far that Mercer is getting tired of that though. Imagine being hired just because you sound pretty similar to some other guy.
The biggest question is whether voice actors actually sell games the same way actors sell movies.
Has anyone ever made a game purchase decision based on who voices the characters? Genuine question.
Have there been games marketed around the voice actors. instead of gameplay and features? I can't think of any.
>Matt's already been declining "formerly voiced by troy baker" roles for a while now
how do you know? are you booking his voice roles?
>get sued and possibly lose the rights to DBZ
What happened
Darkest Dungeon maybe?
Imagine getting hired because you sound similar to a guy that makes 10x as much as you.
I wish i was a cheap alternative
How little could they have been offering him since it sounds like he's gonna voice Vincent again in Catherine? Atlus makes Scrooge McDuck look charitable when it comes to localizing.
Devil may cry 5
Think he declined voicing Yuri in Vesperia.
I don't buy a game because it says GOOD CAMERA CONTROLS on the back of the box but I will certainly dock a few points from a game if it doesn't have that
Is JP dub available on the Vesperia remaster?
>Troy being a flake as usual
Not really surprised.
I'm hoping that both Funimation and CR burn down, and every single parasite related to them, they are fucking useless.
>I for one wish VA's would just stop being a thing in video games
It won't be in the coming decades when synthesized speech improves. It's already sounding very humanlike
Already happened with the Yuri Lowell and he's talked about it in interviews about moving away from that typecasting
>Has anyone ever made a game purchase decision based on who voices the characters? Genuine question.
Depends on the game, I don't think anyone buys a game just for "voice acting" unlike other media you have multiple reasons to buy a game.
Is the voice acting good?
Is the graphics good?
And most important is the gameplay fun?
I have bought games with voice actors I did enjoy in it. It isn't so much if voice acting sells a game but do they help sell a game? People got hype for Crackdown 3 awful game for Terry Crews.
Saints Row people got hype for Keith David being in the game.
So yes I think voice acting can help sell a game but not alone.
Well the issue is that the replacement doesn't sound like him at all. It makes the Eng dub borderline unusable.
It's not
Luckily, yes. You don't get any subtitles in battles though. Which is an issue when there are boss fights with tons of dialogue in them.
Because actors don't sell games. Sure, there's exceptions like Hitman or Dead Rising where the VA being replaced would cause a huge uproar, and at that point they might deserve some form of royalties, but for actors to actively expect them to be offered in a contract is asinine when they typically matter the least to the game.
Nice argument there
>When you hire your family to do the voice acting
Dynasty Warriors 8 vs Dynasty Warriors 9 was probably the biggest drop off in quality I've seen from switching to amateur VA, they made Lu Bu sound like a lil bitch.
VA is the least of the game's problems sadly.
People weren't excited for those because they thought the voice acting would be good, they got excited because they were people they recognized as guest stars
And in SR's case it was more the comedy of just having literally Keith David in your dumb sandbox shootbang
The difference is that those are marketable Hollywood actors lending their voice and likeness to a game, does anyone actually care if these no name faggots voice a character that isn't one they've already done?
Bunch of VAs tried to burn a veteran in public, Funimation had all of them under contract, said VA decided to sue all of them.
Agreed. Look at Morrowind, the voices are a bunch of literally who's, and that game is fine. It has some of the most memorable voice lines of any game.
I MUCH prefer the format of dialogue + lotsandlotsoftext. The dialogue is purely there to set tone, and to make NPCs seem more animated. The text is there to carry the bulk of the information for mature players who are interested in the gameworld.
In contrast, the VA-centric Skyrim and ESO is the OPPOSITE of immersive because it's brief, uncanny, and inconsistent.
What the fuck is there to talk about and who gives a shit about this
What the fuck are you talking about?
Do you mean the English Dub of animes? Yes, the same 10 voice actors that work every anime are the best because they're bilingual, so they're in high demand. But we're talking about Western-for-Western video games. NOBODY gives a fucking fuck about voice acting. Dumb nigger companies THINK that it's what normies care about, but we see how it's inconsequential. Their "focus groups" and "market researches" are shit at their jobs and wrong. They've been wrong ever since they've become a component of video game production.
Like I said I don't think alone voice acting can sell a game.
But it's a bonus to see and hear someone you like compared to someone else you may not enjoy.
The voice actor Nero happens to be one of my favorite actors and voice actors.
This is just a bonus for what I really bought the game for.
I think voice acting can help but it's the last thing on the list people look for within a game.
Maybe for those more cinematic story telling games like the Last of Us and Detroit becoming human people care more about voice acting
Honestly no. maybe 10% of Yea Forums autist have done this and I doubt normies don't give a single fuck
I haven't played a game with this faggot's voice in it for a while, so can anyone tell me if he's actually that good?
He's back for Catherine Full Body.
He's generally pretty good at what he does. I like his Catherine and TLOU performances but Silent Hill 2 HD was awful.
i dunno but i bought announcer voice packs for dota
It's a much bigger deal in Japan than it is in the west.
This is pretty much the truth. Darkest Dungeon 2's PR campaign is basically all about the Narrator's voice acting.
I wish you died with your friends in iraq
can we discuss how souls games have fucking the most KINO voice acting in all of vidya?
and the best part is, the VAs are all literal who's but they sound so good
we lost like 3 people in the entire battalion and neither of them were friends
Joining the army. Worth it or no? Will I get killed?
Everyone involved in making video games should be part of some kind of union. Unions are good.
i don't recommend it and do i look dead to you
waste of time and you don't get paid as well as a VOICE ACTOR does and it's harder work and you get yelled at for dumbshit that probably wasn't even your fault
he was good in mgsv and catherine
those are the only 2 that come to mind right now, im sure he has lots of other good roles too..
Because 90% of the time the devs don't even get royalties. As someone who prefers reading text, the thought that VAs are worth more then the devs is ridiculous.
I meant i wish you and your friends died in iraq
looks like it's too late for that now, so giddyap because we are in for a wild rootin tootin ride yeehaw
Rockstar have been doing the same thing since GTA 4 and their games sound great too
teehee giggle blush
If I'm going to be completely honest, I have mixed feelings for American VAs. On one hand, I think that it's absolutely fucked up that their industry is so underappreciated that even the A-listers of it aren't treated in the same light as Ben Affleck or Henry Cavill. I hear all the time about how Japan's VA industry is like the complete opposite and that it's top voice actors in Japan are seen in the same light as American TV actors that are A-listers. I wished it was that way over here for a while.
BUT, at the same time, these voice actors have shown to be complete leftist retards, and considering the fact that leftists have been trying to get people on the right deplatformed and even banned from their own fucking banks, I really feel inclined to not give a fuck that the American VA industry is underappreciated. All I feel inclined to do is just tell these people to not rely on VA as a damn career if they care so much about money.
>what was MGSV
The issue is that VAs are treated like shit by developers. David Hayter didn't even get a phone call over Metal Gear, a series he had been involved with for almost 20 years at this point (shitty whether you liked him or not). Rockstar purposely downplayed how 'big' GTAIV was to the guy who voiced Nico.
>asinine to expect royalties
Big film actors get them, why not big VAs?
>typically matter the least
Yeah, because Mass Effect would have become a big franchise had Shepard sounded like a blubbering retard.
People who defend poor treatment of VAs are corporate bootlickers who think the likes of Ubisoft are wronged when an actor wants better pay.
> VA's have singlehandely fucked themselves out of being rehired because of how much it cost to hire them for sequels, give them royalties, and pamper them like babies or their big bad union will throw a fit.
Oh, so you know the numbers?
Post them then, how much would it cost?
>Because 90% of the time the devs don't even get royalties.
>someone else got screwed so you should too.