the paycheck from epic games must have been really big
Gearbox "CEO" telling potential customers to fuck themselves
At least start your shitty Twitter thread with actual gold.
This is so fucked up! They are literally infringing upon our gamer rights. This is racism
Why would you support review bombing
randy's twitter shitposting has probably slashed the company value by half. especially around the battleborn era.
he's a retard but he makes for a good lolcow, let's admit it.
I'll probably install chink spyware for BL3, all they want to do is sell me stuff anyway. I don't have anything of value worth stealing.
those are my thoughts on the subject.
This is exactly what people use to argue on Yea Forums randy is literally Yea Forums
I dont get it
He's not wrong but this awful PR. Randy's always such a fucking idiot.
He said kindly though, so it's all good
How the fuck is gearbox not bankrupt with this man running it?
I'm surprised he even knows how to use a computer.
Why hasn't this guy been arrested for his child porn collection yet?
Didn't this guy get caught with possession of child pornography?
So what is another way then according to Randy?
Randy responds so much to trolling shitposts and it looks like its actually getting to him. At least its working more effectively than the review bombing
Fucking this, Yea Forums is so full of faggot little crybabies.
Just fucking buy at epic store you fucking pieces of shit, you don't have a choice now.
Borderlands performed very well, they pretty much only develop flops otherwise
but i don't buy games :)
Yes we do.
The exclusivity deal is only 6 months, and they paid $100mil for that.
I'll be waiting to get it on the customer friendly platform: GoG.
It is equivalent to protesting
Wait, i thought he got arrested for money laundering and owning child pornography! Why is he still alive?
BTFO of those steamtards
why the fuck do gamers think they are entitled to the ability to communicate their opinion to game devs? they should respect the developers artistic vision, it's their decision what happens with a game and if you don't like it you can fuck off and play something else
Yar - Har - fiddle - dee-dee
being a pirate is all right with me!
>The Game Store Wars
This fucking guy, man.
he is right, though
Why do you have
> launcher
Let me guess... Because of the exclusives and not because they are good.
The problem is that redditors and newfags are basedboys and can't accept the EGS because it is supported by Chinese who hate sjw.
Gam3rs should go fuck themselves, eat shit and die forever also. There I said it.
his greatest magic trick is making profit disappear
You would think someone with his legal problems would calm the fuck down...
more like pc gamers act entitled, like they do when games don't come to pc or denuvo etc..
also thats fine, piracy doesn't affect sales anyway remember :^)
Because you have the mentality of a 5 year old throwing a tantrum in a grocery store because they didn't get the cereal they wanted.
There never will be a better way. Publishers do not fucking care unless you affect their bottom line. It may not be "fair," but it's the only thing that makes them give a shit.
He thinks his pathetic flailing in a corner counts as a "war".
Meanwhile Valve doesn't even feel threatened enough to care.
>yet the same "people" wanting an easy mode is alright
Wow, I would have thought Epic would have at least made an attempt at damage control. But no, they're doubling down and telling consumers to fuck off. Seems to me they only care about publishers and throwing money at them so they only get their games.
Epic is the embodiment of everything wrong with the modern games industry. They don't care about games or gamers, they only care about money.
Chinese are quintessential sjws.
If people can only post constructive reviews then it nullifies the accessibility of the system, even shitty reviews help a person know if someone is being irrational or not. If companies dislike it then they should consider their fans more when making decisions.
1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre.
This. Where else would players voice their opinions other than randomly on twitter where the devs never see anything? At least both publishers, developers AND players can see reviews and take their own conclusions.
>also thats fine, piracy doesn't affect sales anyway remember :^)
Nu-uh, they're helping games to sell better.
Journalists are the only ones allowed to talk to the golden gods.
people who demand an easy mode are just as entitled as the people who demand games come to the platform of their choice, don't fucking buy instead of acting like crybabies about it
>Implying I have any of these
Well actually I got a PS4 gifted to me for christmas but that doesn't count.
>No other way to get the message across
Yes there is you fucking faggot. Don't fucking buy it.
>Telling people who are just going to pirate your game and had no intention of buying it on ANY platform to go fuck themselves
>Somehow a bad thing
He knows you're all shitposters doing it for (You)s. Literally nothing is lost by telling it like it is.
>Just fucking buy at epic store you fucking pieces of shit, you don't have a choice now.
>still give us your money for our overpriced shovelware though ;D
I'm not sure these chucklefucks realize that some of us aren't fans of the shit they are trying to coerce us into using their launcher for. Perhaps try to wine and dine us rather than acting like assholes entitled to my money.
All this shit does is make me more disgusted with the state of AAA gaming and play my classics and indie games more. My Steam library has over 300 titles in it, and I've probably played/completed a third. I could spend the rest of my gaming life playing discounted ~2 year old titles. We don't need them. They need us.
It just pisses me off that they're passing up the opportunity to destroy Steam. If they included the same features as Steam does such as friends lists, messaging and modding support with improved store curation - people would come. Instead they're doing the easy thing and just buying out the exclusivity because it's less work.
reminder: only download from the skulls.
I have none of these listed
Randy is a cunt but he's pretty based here.
>a sequel appears on a different store
>retards review bomb older games on steam
constructive criticism alright, you faggot.
Imagine being this much of an entitled dickbag that you're certain the paypigs will do whatever you tell them to do.
Imagine having such a bad memory as to what happened to all the other corporations that tried this shit. Microsoft, anyone?
I can't think of any time that would have gotten the message across. Review bombing is much more effective and actually gets you their attention.
cant wait til this pedo gets busted and killed in prison
>people seriously considered to buy his game after Battleblunder
Sadly the zoomers won't care and may get him out of bankruptcy
This people only respond when you fuck with their money
That doesn't get the message across
based gaben hiding review bombs was the best decision they could have done
Just don't buy the game or wait for the Steam release , ffs they want money so vote with your wallet . Bitching about it 24/7 is not going to change anything.
The message it gives me is that I want to buy 10 copies of every EGS exclusive just to spite you.
Randy makes me not even want to play the damn game. Forget waiting 6 months for Steam and forget pirating, I don't even wanna fucking touch the damn thing. He's such a loose cannon on Twitter. What possible benefits does he bring Gearbox and 2k? I would have ousted him years ago.
yes it will, it worked for fortnite when we wanted PUBG dead and it will work for this
Or you know I could just go play a goof game instead.
And people will try and argue this point by saying to use social media when that is the worst way to actually communicate.
Companies literally hire community managers as buffers between the developers who can actually make changes to the game and the fans, specifically so they do not have to be exposed to us.
Twitter you will get ignored unless you are saying something positive about their game or company and get blocked if you say something negative while getting a lot of likes and traction.
Developers openly admit that they do not go to reddit and read customer feedback because the negative comments are "bad for their mental health"
Review bombing at the least gets game journos to write articles about it which then get to the eyes of developers, but they will still not care because of the twitter echo chamber who will worship the ground developers walk on and protect them
>Implying you'll make a difference with your autistic spite.
Enjoy bankruptcy I guess.
because it's works if it didn't then they wouldn't complain about it
Go back to Twitter Randy.
>no other way to communicate
>literally communicating with whatever pitchford is now
Another day, another tweet from Randy showing he's a fucking baboon.
Randy, get back to work
>2K has steam page
>people complain about the Epic move
>thredas get closed and accounts banned from the forum
We've tried, didn't work. Not suprising that the only option left is being used.
But this is objectively false. A game I used to play, ARK, has an official forum, an official reddit, and an official steam forum. When they tweaked fliers a few years back people got loud on all of those platforms as well as review bombing them. So why did that bombing happen in spite of all those "effective means of communication with developers"?
>only Hollywood block busters are negatively impacted by piracy
That reminds me of this bit of research payed for with Hollywood money that tried to find out why ticket sales in China fell off a cliff, where even theaters had to shut down,, after they had been doing so well in recent years since their government decided to open the flood gates. It turned out that the reasons was that people just thought the movies were garbage.
Because these faggots work for us, and its about time they start acting like it
Where do you guys download your torrents? I heard from some particularly paranoid friends that not even skulls on piratebay are safe without a VPN. Fitgirl doesn't have shit like DUSK, Kenshi or Rimworld either. I miss kickass torrents and that one game torrent site that died years ago that I cannot remember the name of for some reason
Modding shit came to Steam after it had been going for, what, 8 years?
Yes, Epic Store is barebones, too bare really. But expecting them to have a comparable feature set to Steam is beyond fucktarded.
imagine giving this man money
He really can't handle the banter and he has nothing to base anything on. Gallop told everyone to fuck off and that he basically had a free loan from backers and that he doesn't need them anymore but at least he isn't getting into twitter fights because he is just a soulless money grubbing asshole now and knows it.
Randy is a fucking egotistical cunt and cannot STAND differing opinions or people telling him he is the asshole that he is. It conflicts too much with his own self-image.
the shit on this board has to be contrarianism on it's most delusional when people were actively going on and on about how much they wanted memelands 3
>I can't think of any time that would have gotten the message across.
>That doesn't get the message across.
What "message" you braindead redditfaggot? all Epic cares about or any publisher for that fact is money. They start losing money and they will push their shitty game on every platform and store at dirt cheap.
>Akron, Ohio
You know, I want to be disgusted and surprised that this abomination came out of this city. But I'm really not. If there is a just God out there he will burn this shithole to the ground.
didnt this guy have kiddy porn on a usb why isnt he in jail?
Because devs ignore forums and social media posts but pay attention to reviews since they hurt the bottom line.
A lot of assumptions there bro. If he was goign to pirate why would he even give a fuck about what launcher/DRM the cracker has to break through? Please think through you posts more. Only buyfags give a shit about DRM and platform.
Piracy generally doesn't affect sales, because the pirate was either never going to pay for the game even if the yarrrr version wasn't avalable, or couldn't afford it so isn't a lost sale either. In fact, I've bought plenty of games I initially pirated because I didn't know if they were shit or not. Or at least I did. Now I don't even bother to pirate because most games aren't even worth playing and those that are either start out at cheap 'early access prices' or go on sale for the price of a coffee.
>I'll be waiting to get it on the customer friendly platform: GoG.
I have bad news friend. GOG might not even be around by the time they work out the rights to a DRM-free version of the game. They're losing money and laying off employees. It makes me really sad, GOG is the only place I buy digital games, but they're definitely going to be shutting down soon.
It's the free market and they're trying to regulate it in their favor so they can cover up their fuckups.
>anons actually think and believe saying fuck you on twitter to some whos will cause the game to fail
holy shit I thought the other boards were fucking around when they said Yea Forums was retarded but I didn't think you were THIS retarded
Because the developers did not respond through those channels in an effective fashion and this is an actual problem with the game they were playing, hence leaving a bad review for that game.
>The old good story tellers of the industry are with the fans almost always
>If they're still working then they're completely silent because they don't want to be singled out and fired
Feels bad man. I hope we get more devs like Chet again
"I don't like your opinion so I'm ignoring it" isn't communication.
>So why did that bombing happen in spite of all those "effective means of communication with developers"?
People are complaining about the borderlands EGS shit on other platforms too, but the review bombing is the only one that gets responses like Randy's crying and bitching on Twitter so it works
based. im buying 2 copies now
>bicep push-up posture
non-ohio person here, what's wrong with Akron
>Implying you'll make a difference with your autistic spite.
wow it's almost like any sane person would say the same thing to review bombers
everybody who isn't a psychopath thinks that you people are insane. normal people, the bulk of people who buy video games, aren't interesting in this insane EGS vs. steam drama. when they see that they have to go use a different store to buy a game, they say "okay", because they're not maniacs.
the message you're getting across is "I'm an stupid lunatic"
First rule of pirating is.
You can say the same shit about Anthem.
It isn't fair, but you're held to the standards of the competitor.
Review bombing annoys me because it's disruptive, just like protests or riots to in real life because of how disruptive they are. But the effectiveness of both makes them necessities. As obnoxious as they can be, they work most of the time.
>PC a gamer
They did though. Even had explanations on "why things had to change". They still got review bombed.
this always works so well for the companies
Reminder, since Battle Born, Gearbox finance is limited.
Each dollar they spend on a shill, is one dollar not spent on the game. If you see lots of people praising it without having anything substantial to show, you should reconsider preordering it.
>Oh, there is no interest in this title anymore, lets shelf the franchise never to see the light of day, and never sell the rights
>Oh, we released at a bad time
>Oh, PC gaming really is dying, put less effort into ports (if that is possible)
>Oh, we need to adopt [trend]/games as a service because no one seems to play single-player or co-op anymore
Yeah, "We refuse to use the Epic Store until they stop using shitty anti-consumer practices" is for sure the only message the out of touch idiots in suits will hear.
99.9% of everyone here has nothing of value worth stealing. they just like to larp and think they're important
all of those companies make/publish their own games and even if i hate their platforms they have their reasons to keep games exclusives
Epic is just doing this for no good reason though
I figured I'd get this answer but so many anons have lost their elitism that I thought it was worth the try.
that says mt vernon but yeah you shouldn't live in akron
based randy btfo'ing incels
>wow it's almost like any sane person would say the same thing to review bombers
>One person buying ten copies of the game is the same as hundreds if not thousands of people leaving nasty reviews on products.
If it didn't matter, Randy wouldn't be crying about it.
>UN wants to ban loli
>doesn't want to do anything about actual sex trafficking and pedophilia from their oil prince overlords
The lesson in this as it relates to randy, is that if you have money you can literally fuck kids while they try and take away basic freedoms from people who don't have money
Based Randy triggering steamcucks
Based autist who takes everything literally
When someone says "communicate" in this kind of context, they really mean "communicate in such a way that the communicatee will actually listen, think about, and consider the communications presented."
review bombs are equally ineffective. lootboxes would be long gone if they worked
Why does Randy feel a need to reply to everyone on Twitter? Is it autism?
> launcher
bought the game on steam, ubi forces me to use their shitty launcher
What a few other anons said, plus the fact that Randy's tweet in the OP is wrong. You can try to take things to subreddits, official forums, or Twitter, but those are all heavily curated and it's really common for dissenters to be muted or have their posts removed outright. Devs who don't censor their community are the exception, not the rule.
thats what i've noticed about pirate fags on here, so goddamn elitist yet preach about it every chance they get. maybe thats just how pc gamers are
First it was Metro, now it's Borderlands, next it'll be Half-Life 3.
He has autism yes.
i sincerely hope randy gets fired due to feeding twitter trolls
When has randy not been a complete fuckwit though?
>Debate and making your objections clear never helps ever!
>Resistance isn't the answer to unpoluar policy!
>Obey! Be silent!
We are so totally fucked in the next few decades if you are an example of the everyman.
The original article reporting on it worded it in such a way to make it seem like it was cp, but in the end it turned out the cam girl in the video was legal.
Worked against Devotion, didn't it?
No one's larping, you faggot. It's the principle of the matter.
>popular films get pirated more
wow who would've thought
in OPs picture
If you honestly think Epic will bury its head in the sand instead of actually investigating why users won't buy their game then you're being delusional.
Exclusives are cancer.
Since it is aggressively pushed now, we are dragged into a new era without our consent.
But don't think we go down without a fight.
For me personally review bombing is OK, if it hits the right target. Gearbox deserves it and on top of that, they are known to employ shills. Remember all those hipsters playing BattleBorn in the promos? You saw the same people playing Law Breakers. So don't pretend hype industry doesn't exist.
everymen definitely don't spend their time screeching at people on twitter and spamming reviews on steam
It just works
Oh. That actually makes more sense. I wouldn't be surprised if the chicken bear came out of this concrete affront to God, but now that I know it came out of mid Ohio I understand EVERYTHING. South and Mid Ohio should be avoided. NE Ohio is the only salvageable part of this state.
because reviews mean nothing
You're missing the point, because you're an idiot. I'm not going to buy multiple copies of the game, but your awful shitty behavior makes me unsympathetic toward your desires. I hope you fail. I want your enemies to succeed. When most normal people see a review bomb, this is the way they feel.
Nah it's how Yea Forums changed. When I joined back in 08 they would be so elitist that if you posted a "lol" or an old meme you'd be bullied out of a thread.
We need to go back to being elitist
You know as well as i do that the review bobing was completely justified. That game shipped broken, stayed broken, sold dlc that made the game even more broken, proceeded to ship a new broken game off the back of the first broke game, and never admitted fault once.
What the fuck, Randy.
>It's the principle of the matter.
of course it is. i bet you also go to great lengths to not use facebook, google, and any other website that tracks your information, right?
Mate I don't know if you're from the US or not but that attitude is 100% in line with the average american in 2019 and it's one of the reasons I'm genuinely fucking terrified about the near future of this country
i always have a choice
i choose not to buy worthless, low effort, lowest common denominator trash entertainment made purely to make money and which has literally zero artistic or philisophical merit
eat shit nerd
Voting with your wallet alone doesn't work in this day and age and most certainly does not work in this industry because devs will just get their money from other retards.
Fucking do both, tell these companies and their developers how stupid they are and also don't buy their games
Isn't this proving the point that review bombing actually works to some degree?
He has responded to some legit low-IQ tweets like the one in the OP, and that hardly counts as banter. Sounds more like a naive child parroting some other guy's tweet.
>don't like the game go fuck yourself
Worked so well for Battlefield, lmao.
The review bombing only became a thing with the big dino nerf and the flier nerf. If it was a constant shitshow cavalcade then it would have been an ongoing line of increasingly negative reviews.
I don't want to be datamined, he said via google chrome on his windows 10 PC.
Yup, it was a totally 100% false accusation, but now that information is out there and in the public's mind, it is true. The damage is already done. I HATE bobandy but I really hope he has some legal ground to sue whoever the worthless piece of trash was who first started that disgusting rumor. That shit is not something you casually accuse someone of with no evidence. That shit will ruin lives.
Im not using your store Tim.
Fuck off Randy you cum guzzling twat I know it's you
What if Randy wants to make people believe that it in fact does so they vent out and forget shit later when the game releases?
>they have their reasons to keep games exclusives
Such as? Can't wait to hear your reasoning and why it doesn't apply to Epic and Gearbox.
the absolute madlad, bobandy is doing it again
>the paycheck from epic games must have been really big
i heard it on good authority that it was about $0.10
review bombs dont mean much
when it comes down to it they only pay attention to people buying or not buying their shit. for example, the complete shitstorm that started when EA shat all over Star Wars with BF2 only worked because enough people got so riled up that they actually didn't buy the game. Same with shit like Battlefield 5.
At best review bombs make a minor difference by spreading the word
>nearly impossible to avoid getting shit on somehow
>"well you should just get shit on from everything who cares"
>trying to turn this around and say the main reason for EGS hate is basedboys
I don't want to use a platform that will die immediately once Fortnite dies.
Why anyone would support this fucking creep at this point is beyond me. Fuck Randy Pitchfedora, fuck Gearbox, and fuck Borderlands 3.
The Taiwanese horror game? that's massively different than a huge western triple a studio
I don't have any interest in Borderlands 3, and never have plated any of the other games. If I did care about the game, I'd just pic related. I review bombed it, because it pisses him off, and it's fun to watch him bitch on Twitter.
>it's real
Wew, Randy really is the gift that keeps on giving. I thought he couldn't possibly go lower than that cringe-worthy song he did but he continues to prove me wrong day by day.
face it user, a distant apathy is the only bearable emotional response to true horrors of our modern dystopian existence.
any one who gave BL2 a bad review should be banned from buying BL3
>Randy making fun of steamdrones
Just imagine talking like an assface outside of Yea Forums
most underrated post ITT
devs and publishers are scared shitless at the power user-reviews can wield. they want to get rid of them completely.
they are not your friends. they fucking hate your guts and want to take every right away from you. they just want you as the sedated money milking cow.
It makes companies assmad, which is reason enough to do it.
No shit, retard, that's what reviews are for. That's all the more reason you should be AGAINST review bombing, which makes user review scores useless to the customer who is trying to figure out what other people actually think about the game.
The more user scores get decoupled from the actual quality of the game, the less seriously customers will take them and so the less seriously they'll take even your legitimate negative review.
>Steam did not have something right out of the gate, so it is okay for a competing product that has been able to observe steam for almost two decades to not have those same features
I don't support review bombing but I would cheer at anyone giving a big punch to the face to Randy. One can only hope it eventually escalates like that. The guy deserves a punch in his face. It's no longer "punch a nazi", it's "punch a greedy cunt".
Spotted the dev
ASCII dicks that say "FUCK EPIC" are simply gamers communicating, as is our Gamer Right.
None of these out of touch corporate suits give a shit about consumers.
A company not run by petulant children that actually cares about what potential customers think about them will look at reviews bombs and see an opportunity.
Look at all of these people that are passionate about your game!
Look and see how they make it crystal clear what they want from you!
Maybe you can't change what they want you to change or do what they want you to do.
That's fine.
But you CAN communicate with this audience and tell them why you are doing what you are doing.
You can show them that you see things from their perspective.
You can act like a fucking human being instead of a faceless corporate automaton.
Why? Because he makes steambronies cry?
Shouldn't he be in jail for Colonial Marines? What happened with that?
His game is shit so who cares?
wait.. wouldn't npc posting make you an npc too because you're doing the same thing that others are doing. or is it one of those things "it's not npc because I say so"
It's entirely possible to avoid using google chrome and windows 10, provided you actually cared about it, but you don't. You use windows 10 because it's more convenient than Gentoo. You hate the EGS because it interferes with your convenience.
That's all this "consumer rights" rhetoric amounts to. "Anything that stands in the way of my every convenience is morally wrong and I won't stand for it".
its fucking pathetic watching consumers practically beg for these companies' long term success while they refuse to take the opportunity in favor of short term gains every fucking time
how many times can these retards make the same mistakes before they fucking learn
Putting your game on a certain marketplace is part of the developers' "artistic vision"? Spjcy bait, friend.
Free market bad.
because gamers are the most oppressed group and this is literally holocaust GAMERS RISE UP
Randy is having a meltdown.
>but your awful shitty behavior makes me unsympathetic toward your desires
That's great.
Nobody cares what you think, they want Take Two and Gearbox to know shit's fucked.
you have to be 18+ to post on this board
I'm the biggest Borderlands fanboy there is and I'mma gonna pirate this game, Randy. You fucked up.
>corporate overlords capable of even acting human, let alone being human.
Peace was never an option.
>he thinks modern market is free
Surveillance and data collection is a key part of modern internet. You cannot use the internet at all without being spied on in some fashion. That said, the internet is now so ubiquitous to our culture that it is practically impossible for most people to escape. Even if you personally did not own or use a single electronic device, digital surveillance is inescapable without a life of total solitude living in a cave in the mountains. That is not a suitable life for most of us, but that doesn't mean we have to be okay with being constantly watched. We can still pick and choose what services to use based on privacy; I'd rather have 999 people watching my every move than 1000 people. If my personal information HAS to be hoarded, I'd rather it be hoarded by a reliable (as reliable as one who spies on innocent people can be) institution who is more likely to be secure rather than a literal nobody who might keep everything stored in plain text on a freely accessible server.
>i bet you also go to great lengths to not use facebook, google, and any other website that tracks your information, right?
Yeah? As far as I'm aware, yes.
I'm absolutely braindead today, what is he meaning here? Is this just ramblings of a mad-man caught in the middle of a shitstorm or does he actually mean something with this?
>I don't have any interest in Borderlands 3,
>*post in a thread about it*
Just FYI, you can't review bomb on 4channel dot org.
At the very least it pisses him off.
oh look, a NPC with a literal "no u!" loop response.
it's ok. when you're as rich as him, it stops mattering.
I hope Randy has a public meltdown on camera
Cry some more gamingcirclejerk tranny
No opinion on review bombing, but Rami Ismail is such a bitch boy he has onions bursting from every hole. Fuck him.
Both are shit games lmao
Bitchford is an example of why sensible rich people have people to manage their social media for them.
This cheapass probably doesn't even tip his cab drivers.
lol okay
>my opinion is so important and it matters because I'm a consumer and they need to know about it!
>but if your opinion is different than mine nobody gives a shit
The overwhelming majority of the customer base thinks you're a bunch of stupid retards and will only be more inclined to buy the game as a consequence of your behavior.
"They're complaining about it because they're SCARED". Maybe. Or maybe they want people to know what you're doing, so they say "I'm going to buy the game to show my support, and show these review bombers that they don't speak for every consumer".
the exclusivity should be the least of your problems. besides, aren't you Yea Forums who is supposed to think most of those exclusives are shit?
the real important thing is the fact that media is pushing epic's launcher as the "savior" of PC, when in actuality, it is far worse than any of its similar launchers in every fucking aspect. and guess what? normalfags are believing it. you need normalfags to see how bad epic's launcher is. they don't care about exclusive games because they're a bunch of console apologists who just want to see console-like wars on PC
Seems to me like a good solution is Steam showing what keywords come up in the majority of reviews
>But expecting them to have a comparable feature set to Steam is beyond fucktarded.
Steam's been around for fucking 15 years and had a multitude of features added/updated. You honestly think Epic couldn't have learned from those additions and implemeted some of those basic features when launching their own platform?
When most "normal people" see a game with a shitton of negative reviews, they just avoid the game. Exactly what review bombers expect normal people to do.
Why the fuck would you take "normal people" as the standard in this situation if they don't give a single fuck?
Fake but amusing.
Change it to "disgusting tranny" with the arrows changed to "someone calling you by your birth name", "someone saying he" and "dilating wand"
>implying retard gamedevs are entitled to my money
>here's my excuse for being a hypocrite
more like Gearbox "CEO" telling cuck customers to fuck themselves
dont include consoles you meme faggots
Yup, I just like to laugh at Randy Pitchford threads.
randy has always been a piece of shit, nothing new
>A game I used to play, ARK, has an official bunch of shit the developers and publishers ignore complaints on because it doesn't hurt them financially
seethe harder tencent shill
well it takes one to know one
>tfw you're not Randy Pitchford
Stfu Sony fanboys. He deserve to be beaten up.
Reviews are for making purchase recommendations. If there's a review bomb that hasn't been based on logical reasons to not recommend a purchase, I've yet to hear of it.
Instead of review bombing, why don't people just swarm their twitters? They check those more than their review section anyway.
Gotta hand it to Randy here, he burned that guy with the comeback and all he could muster was "W-well, your game sucks!"
nice buzzwords, schizo autist.
based crow btfoing that cuck bird while also getting the game for free
Why are you against free speech? If someone wants to walk around and call niggers lazy it's their right. Because when you start regulating hate speech the door is then open to regulate any speech.
Nice strawman. Flip the dialogue and you're closer to reality
> I hope you fail
Nope, we won't :)
> I want your enemies to succeed
Nope, seethe :)
I do what I can to minimize the amount of my data that's being collected, yes. But just because it's becoming increasingly difficult to avoid doesn't mean that we should take every ass-fucking that's handed to us.
>my opinion is so important and it matters because I'm a consumer and they need to know about it!
You're really dedicated to this bait.
Buying a game doesn't show anything. It doesn't mean anything. They can't tell why you bought the game. It's not a visible thing.
>admitting to being a basedfaggot
I won the argument.
Because like a worker's protest it actually hurts the companies.
And they won't do anything for you until you show them that without you they're fucked
Because setting up Twitter to block anyone that uses keywords that indicate they're making a complaint you don't want to address is easy and has a substantially smaller impact on sales.
Cause they can just block it, and posting on twitter doesn't hurt sales like a reviewbomb does.
Sales are the important thing here, its why fucking every big company complains about reviewbombs. Customers have learned that "vote with your wallet" doesn't stop these retarded companies from being retarded, so they hit them where it hurts instead.
Fuck off Pooh Bear
seethe harder tencent shill
Remember that one time when Randy Pitchford tried to promote Battleborn porn?
I wish I could get paid that much to be a subhuman piece of shit
How have they not let him go yet? Shouldn't investors be calling him a liability or something?
t. millennial
Why would you not? FFS, we're talking about online reviews of video games written by literal nobodies. What kind of an insane victim mentality do these multi-million dollar corporations have to have to get ass-blasted over what people are saying about their old games on the internet?
Randy is one of the most unhinged, deluded studio heads I've ever seen. Cliffy B tier.
>I don't think review bombing is good but
>go fuck yourself
A Taiwanese game got review bombed because it made fun of China's government. Do you think that's a fair reason to not buy a game?
reviews are for recommendations about the game you're reviewing. giving a bad review to borderlands 2 because of some characteristic of borderlands 3 is objectively abusing the system.
This goes probably for the majority who is being denied access through steam. I bet we can go and copy the save files from the pirated version to the steam one as soon as it releases.
This industry needs to burn...
Some weak twitter burn is not funnier than wasting millions on a bigger flop than my cock.
Despite being 1 out of 7.7 billion people in the world, Randy Bitchford makes up over about 50% of the world's faggotry.
I'm sure bribery has something to do with it
Yes. If the game is pushing political ideals you find repugnant that's a perfectly reasonable reason not to purchase it. I think the ideals that led them to review bomb it are repugnant myself, but that's hardly relevant.
It's not giving a bad review to Borderlands 2 because of some characteristic of Borderlands 3, it's because of a characteristic of Borderlands 2, namely the money from purchasing it goes to developers and publishers the support anti consumer practices.
Fucking federals are lazy. You can't even bait.
Reviews can be about the developer too you dipshit.
Am I supposed to dislike Randy because he enjoys rule 34 and barely legal porn? The more and more I hear about this guy, the more and more based he seems.
Keep BTFO'ing Steamcels, Bo-Bandy.
Not really, that's like tasting coke again and saying it's shit because a new flavour comes out. Happens all the time.
>embarrass self constantly
>keep child porn on USB
>marry landwhale
>son wears a fedora in 2019
That shirt is pretty fucking cool
>tfw at least burch had the decency to fall off into obscurity
>there is no other way to get the message across to publishers about the distaste of exclusivity
What's wrong with exclusives on a free launcher? Not a single review bomb has explained than spamming fuck epic and fuck china memes
What? No. It is the equivalent of children drawing dicks on a blackboard.
>go to cafe WiFi
>download sketchy torrent
>check it for viruses and watch it in a virtual machine before you put it on your own
Seems simple enough. In burgerland they can’t prove that it was you who used your computer to pirate anyways.
>game makes changes players do not like
>they change their reviews to negative
If you hate the Epic Store, you're just a fucking incel communist.
>never searched birth control
>Talk about it in conversation
>Have a chink smartphone
>Now adds on Yea Forums about birth control
The botnets real. They're going to send you stupid adds for shit shovelware games eventually on the tencent store.
so has BL3 so far been marketed with the epic word "badass"?
The Borderlands 3 exclusivity deal is permanent as far as I care. The Pre-Sequal (and every gearbox game since then) was shit.
>Game store wars
>Devs deciding anything
Yea they can go fuck themselves. I wouldn't have cared had they opened a store to sell things. I play PC specifically to avoid "muh platform wars" bullshit and now epic tries to fag it up? Fuck them. See how far this shit gets them.
on one hand, i want randy to die a horrible death
on the other hand, i want him to live forever so we can keep seeing him throw little baby boy bitch fits
How do you become, much less maintain being the head of anything with this complete disregard for professionalism?
Do people look him in the eye at meetings, knowing this idiot jacks off on twitter all day as a walking PR nightmare while he jacks off at night to barely legal squirters? "But it's magical!"
The only magical thing here Randy is that you haven't been ousted in a coup by saner, less retarded men.
It's not free, you pay with your data
>Reviews can be about the developer too you dipshit.
No they can't. Nobody has ever set up a user review system to facilitate activism. They're for reviews of the content of the game intrinsically. This rules lawyer bullshit is pathetic and disingenuous and it's entirely predictable that steam would put a stop to it despite your nonsensical bad-faith protests.
In that case the devs played with actual fire.
>Taiwanese shitpost on China with their game
>Rile up a huge chink horde against their game
>In fear for their life pull the game from Steam because they're now on CPP hit-list
They could only blame themselves for signing their death warrants
t. Pandy Ritchford
Omg, this picture touches me
It's been marketed with bullshit so far.
What other recourse do I have to voice my dissatisfaction in a way that they actually have to give a shit about? I can bitch and moan on the internet all day long, but that's just so much pissing in the wind if it's not affecting their bottom line.
everything else Epic has done with the EGS has been blatantly anti-consumer, why would they change their tune when consumers don't buy their games
>bigger flop than my cock.
I agree user, Battleborn was too small and ineffective at penetrating its target audience. Now it just sits lifeless for its user to play solo.
Why do they do shit like this? Even some actually important billionaire businessmen can't keep their dumb mouth shut.
Does twitter make everyone autistic?
Stop posting the new I AM SILLY.
Did you create steam user reviews? No, you didn't. So why the fuck do you think you get to determine what they are used for. Fuck off.
>conservatives shilling for a Chinese owned launcher for free
You can't make that up.
Based Crowbro
It is not hypocrisy. There is literally nothing anyone can do to escape surveillance, but just because you're being spied on doesn't mean you have to accept being spied on by even more people. Here's a common scenario based on the same idea that might make more sense to you. I don't want to pay taxes, but since I HAVE to pay taxes, all I can do is try to minimize how much I pay; is it hypocritical to say I don't like the idea of taxes while I'm paying taxes?
I support free speech
Anyone with a brain can discern what review bombing is and act accordingly, you dont need to protect the masses.
>crows are smarter than songbirds
>this image reflects that
Deciding not to spend your money on a company you dislike is not activism. They have no right to my money, they have to earn it by making good products and maintaining standards of corporate behavior I can morally justify supporting with my money.
Me kicking you in the nuts is free, why don't you want it?
If you actually think developers give a shit about people bitching and moaning in review bombing, you are stupid.
What kind of CEO tells fans to go fuck themselves? The board members at Gearbox must have no balls if they let Pitchford get away with this.
Shock me to my core that Yea Forums morons constantly whine about le reddit while simultaneously parroting the dumb shit redditors believe.
there are a couple of legitimate complaints against epic. for example, they lack a refund system.
it is just reddit getting angry at something and the passion will die down in 3 months max
>Bordelands got its start on Yea Forums as Viral Spam
>Randy continues the trend on Twitter for 3
A Full Circle of the worst kind.
It's either that or bombing their offices.
If you actually think tens of thousands of developers all think the same you are stupider.
Then why do they keep crying about it?
Valve is cracking down on review bombing because they agree with me, because everybody with a functioning brain agrees with me.
You want to abuse the system because you're a shitty sniveling little liar of a political activist who abuses every system you can in order to advance your agenda. Then you get shut down and you pull more disingenuous shit out of your ass to explain why your behavior was legitimate when you know full well it wasn't. Fuck your entire life. Kill yourself.
>/pol/cucks are so sensitive they try to turn every conversation into something political
Literally no one is calling people against Epic incels or communists. /pol/cucks trying to make people feel attacked about things that are completely unpolitical is pathetic.
>hey I'm Nikki from hairspray
Evidently they do or they wouldn't be so upset about it.
This is 2019, friendo. There is no such thing as accountability or personal responsibility. Literally nothing is going to happen to Pitchford over this. Similarly, literally nothing is going to happen to Gearbox or Epic over this exclusivity shit. In a month, not one person will remember or care about any of this.
Randy Bo-Bandy is about to have an aneurysm over it, apparently
Because retards are too lazy these days to make a Picket Fence and go down to Gearbox and protest, that might actually have consequences for them.
So you say that review bombing is essentially useless, since anyone with a brain knows it's just angry children on the internet.
Anyone else gonna miss Rany n' the gang's antics when Gearbox goes bankrupt?
Imagine the mental anguish these faggots must feel knowing their messiah has a habit of leaving his pornography behind for others to enjoy, among other things.
Leftists need to be rounded up and executed.
Because it makes randy pitchford froth at the fucking mouth apparently. I love watching this retard have meltdowns.
>Be fucking retarded
>Get btfo by another retard
>Come to complain about it on Yea Forums
I don't know what you want me to do other than laugh.
>actually going to tracker websites when qbittorrent exists
>What other recourse do I have to voice my dissatisfaction in a way that they actually have to give a shit about?
Your wallet.
>But ima pirate!
Then no one fucking cares about you b/c you''re not a lost sale.
>thx op i cum on cat and it hiss 10/10
randy just told me theres already a badass borderlands3 rule 34 subreddit bros
>Valve is cracking down on review bombing because they agree with me
Wrong. They are putting in some half assed thing to calm the devs whining which you can easily just opt out of and nothing changes. Fuck retard.
>If you honestly think "Fuck PC There's No Money In It Because Of Piracy We're Console Only Now Oh Wait Valve Makes Money Hand-Over-Fist We PC Again Now" Epic will bury its head in the sand instead of actually investigating why users won't buy their game then you're being delusional.
Nigga I don't care what they do I stopped buying their shit years ago.
I guess that means Randall doesn't have a brain
i haven't felt the need to pirate a game in a long time but im doing it for this. I cant stand just how fucking bad gear box is and randys fucking face.
Kill yourself.
They invested money in their development for years and not buy out exclusivity 2 weeks before release. If Epic was publishing these games like others nobody would give af, but they're doing the scummiest most disgusting way of console war faggotry while trying to look like saviors of gaming against le evil monopoly.
The punchline isn't what he said but the fact he has an active twitter account and actively uses twitter. Can't help but laugh at anybody who makes screencaps because they fail to see the irony in browsing a place they hate.
I still can't believe Randy was THAT desperate to sell Battleborn
>ugly tranny
>calling anyone else an npc
>complaining about safe opinions
trannies are all subhuman trash
I'm going to pirate borderlands 3 to contribute to the piracy numbers but not actually play it because borderlands is shit
Fuck I haven't read that in such a long time
into the dustbin of history his company goes
retard thinks his rehashed singular game that's been remastered 4 times in the past decade is at the same quality level of a cult classic.
you are so fucking mad that people don't like corporations lmao
the word salad SEO "description" he posted should've been the first clue
True but still gotta say
>unironically liking lolishit
>thinking that UN is relevant in anything
because game companies dont deserve respect considering the decline of gaming
Nope. Seethe
Reminder that no matter how hard you fucked up in life you are not and will never be Randy Bitchford
I'm mad that liars get away with lying because it suits the agenda of other liars.
Don't forget to bash the game at every opportunity and convince as many other people to do it as possible. Also go on twitter and claim that Epic gifted you a copy.
I'll never buy another gearbox game again
It's piracy for their entire lineup forever, eat shit Candy Randy.
You don't buy the game on Epic. You tell people why you don't like Epic so that they might do the same if they agree. You act like a fuckin person living in a first world country who doesn't try to stick it to the man by fucking up their own house.
Cry, tranny, cry
Hehe, nobody will notice I dropped this neat tune from Borderlands 2 (
Oh damm now you reminded me, although i only remember the last words being "Epic Battleborn Heroes!" or something
>They invested money in their development for years
Gearbox invested its own money in Borderlands 3, and now they get to choose when, where, and how to sell that product.
You're not making any sense.
B-b-b-but review bombing is political activism! we r protest.
its still viral. I have a hard time believing all the "people" trying to back pedal and say borderlands was a decent series. The first game was boring as fuck and the second one was a god damn mess and the pre shit was so bad it killed Australians as a species.
Depends on the game, but Randy definitely cares enough
You need to learn the difference between 2K and Epic.
>they should respect the developers artistic vision
Vote with your wallet is a phrase exclusively parroted by retards. Me not buying a game because I have a problem with the ethics surrounding it is thrown in with someone not buying a game because they were never interested in the first place. It's not enough to just not buy the game, you need to be as vocal as you can about the reason you refused to make the purchase or some soulless suit gets paid to spin a reason for you.
I never threatened to pirate this game, I have no interest in this shit series. No clue where you pulled that from.
>transfat, panfried
Fuck I don't know why this is what made me crack up.
nothing wrong with it, all corporations are bad
I'm wondering if the game is gonna even be worth pirating with this kind of leadership.
the signs were there all along
the first true shill campaign on Yea Forums - man this takes me back
Why not just have a separate review score for each publisher where people can legitimately leave feedback for anti consumer decisions like this? Then display it under the score of each game published by them with just as much emphasis, like:
>Game: 88% positive
>Publisher: 40% positive
This way review bombers aren't fucking up the scores of random games for everyone else, and people who don't want to support shitty publishers still get the heads up they need from the negative publisher score.
>Really it's all about ethics in my review bombing
considering how bad the other three games were, it won't be
No they didn't. 2k did. You could learn the difference between developer and publishers for starters before being retarded shill.
I boycotted EA games when they announced Origin. Not because of the exclusive games, but because they spat on the legacy of a studio they killed.
I tried for Diablo III and promptly uninstalled it.
Nothing Ubisoft has released has interested me in the slightest.
Why bring in consoles, you dumbass? I'm an idort, but this discussion is about PC gaming.
It was really popular with normies for some reason when it first came out. Makes sense that in 2009 normies hadn't yet fully invaded Yea Forums. Now that it's basically Facebook in terms of the number of normies, suddenly it seems like everyone here likes the game.
Customers would invariably assume that negative developer / publisher ratings are for past mistakes and not relevant for the game they're considering buying right then and there. The people who are critical of developers and publishers are the people who already know the truth and don't need it to be stated. Understand the point of these review bombings is not to educate people who are already educated. It's to help prevent the uneducated from wasting their money. Putting the reviews in the perfectly made quarantine zone will just ensure the people who need to read this criticism the most never will. It's a good idea on paper, but at the end of the day normans are only interested in the rating of the specific game they're looking at. They don't give a fuck about where their money is going or what sort of practices they're supporting because they're not discriminating customers. It's up to the informed to help those who aren't because nobody else is looking out for these people. Companies who care about those customers aren't getting review bombed in the first place.
It works, otherwise they wouldn't complain about it.
Randy does need to know when to stop tweeting, but that person is retarded. There are other ways to get the message across. Review bombing is a shotgun method and everyone gets shot in the foot.
it works in theory, but why would someone want the game % to be high when they're mad at the developer? Inevitably both the publisher and game ratings would be bombed
>he is now crippled from a stroke and waiting to die
>a fucking phone screenshot
>manly tears
Developers can very easily stick their heads in the dirt or only respond to certain people on those forms. To get them moving we need a better way to get them moving rather than just boycotting or forum posts.
>spit in someones face
>WTF why are they attacking me? JESUS CHRIST all you have to do is walk away why do you attack me for no fucking reason if i want to spit on you then just fucking deal with it's my decision to spit on your face if you don't like it you can fuck off
Randy is back with a vengeance kicking epic gamer ass. I love it.
remember that time an EA exec told his audience to fuck themselves, in slightly different words?
>worst selling battlefield ever
at least Randy has the chinese guarantee to meet a certain threshold of sales, huh?
Poor Randy. he desperately needs some media training and/or a social media coordinator, They're supposed to close ranks, shut the fuck up and weather the storm.
Didn't know Gearbox owns 2K
They will eventually but "eventually" isn't good enough. It could be years before they realize their anti-consumer business practices aren't going to work in the long run.
>There are other ways to get the message across
How? Name one good way to get the message across.
>don't buy it
Yeah so all the millions of drones who eat up every AAA release can still buy it? I'm sure that will really get the message across
>tweet them
Yeah so they can tell you go fuck yourself like we see in the OP. They'll listen for sure, right?
>email/leave feedback on their website/call customer service
Yeah so that the 18 year old monkey they hired to respond to emails with the proper copy-paste job can tell you how sorry he is that you feel that way. I bet he'll pass along his concerns to the higher ups, and I'm sure they'll care.
Not saying review bombing is a good way to get the message across, but stop acting like there are actual civilized alternatives.
yea lol
Manly tears pls
There he is, I knew you still browsed Yea Forums MT.
This. I get it too. The e-celeb is small so his mother would be small and she would need small tools and tiny food!
sometimes i forget just how long i been on here. Kids born in 2008 are posting here now :(
Randy, plz kill yourself
>born in 2008
>2008 + 11 =2019
>we are the heroes you need, we help you, trust us
Out of the two groups of people who are vying to control the narrative, one group wants to take your money, and the other group wants to save you money. Which should you side with if you're not going to look into the discussion yourself?
>souce: dude trust me, my dad works at EU
Damned frenchies trying to make me furry.
You're a fucking idiot if you go into pirating shit and you think
>oh boohoo that website looks scaaary
Literally nothing will happen if you aren't an incomprehensible massive retard
>Theres no other way you hate exclusivity
Don't buy it? Not agreeing with randy but the guy seems retarded if he thinks bad reviews do anything.
no sweettie i can play the game but no paying for it thats the option i did with metro and ashen , if the devbs do something i dont like im not going to whine an cry like /v im going to pirate and seed torrents about their game if they make enough money for a sequel if they not ,,,,bad luck regardless i will play their games but unfortunately for them for free
>Epic wants to kike you out of as much money as possible
>review bombers want Epic to stop doing that
>clearly Epic are the good guys here
Randy Bobandy has been CEO of Gearbox for 20 years now. This is just pent up rage from the Battleborn days.
bad reviews are how you let a developer/publisher know exactly why you aren't buying it
Bad reviews from journo's don't do much.
Bad reviews from users do a lot.
I don't like the series but it does have some merit. They got more right for a looter shooter than any of the other companies who have tried.
The pre orders are insane already so it is rare for anything like that to work. If epic is doing anything illegal, like so many claim they do on steam, then do something about it.
Try everything. Revirw bombing shoots everyone in the foot. We saw randy's initial reaction being one of spite before steam's review beta kicked in. He said something along the lines of being fine with future games being epic exclusives.
If the information that epic sells isnt actually grounds for condemnation, similar to the data google already sells about you, data even resturaunts and every day shops gather as well and sell, then it should not be made as big of an issue as it is right now. No one can escape being a statiatic anymore.
No, it's real.
I don't see it but okay. Still retarded to give them any attention.
>Reviews are for making purchase recommendations
They are for making PLAY recommendations, retard.
Consider you can't legally play the game without purchasing it I'd say this is a distinction without a difference.
being vocal about your reasons for not buying something is the only way to get them to change.
fell free to do it i will torrent and seed their games keep playing them but now for free , piratery spread like wildfire here (southamerica) and now thanks to the epic debacle is going to be like the good old 90s a new generaation of crackers and pirates to spite the devs better for my wallet because will keep playing their games for free like the golden 90s
Borderlands is probably the worst offender when it comes to bullet sponges. No other game do I run out of ammo at every boss despite landing 90+% of the shots on target.
>I really hope he has some legal ground to sue whoever the worthless piece of trash was who first started that disgusting rumor.
t. Randy
It's not the only way but it's the most reasonable way.
I never said Epic are the good guys.
>I'd say this is a distinction without a difference
Then you're a discriminating customer and this entire discussion has nothing to do with you.
Excuse me? You're trying to make a semantic argument out of nowhere like it fucking matters. Go fuck yourself.
So it's illegal for me to borrow a friends game then? I see user. I guess I'm a bad goy
If these companies had their way that's exactly what would happen.
>Thx OP I cum on cat and it hiss 10/10
Haven't seen this shit in too long
How much do you think they get paid to span this shit? I'm looking for a paycheck right now.
yeah they made the posting age 11 when they changed over to 4channel dont you know.
Not really. Not gonna go to a supermarket and start screaming about a product I don't like. I'll just buy something else I do like.
>If there's a review bomb that hasn't been based on logical reasons to not recommend a purchase, I've yet to hear of it
i started posting here when i was 11 in 2007
I saw it like 2 days ago. Lurk moar.
I share my steam library all the time with the family sharing mode. Must be considered a super villain by now.
I disagree. If a group is thinking themselves wiser and sees themselves as protectors of others, I get cautious.
Probably less than an actual telemarketer job.
So trying to make the distinction between purchasing the game and playing the game is irrelevant. You painted yourself into a corner. Keep your mouth shut next time, idiot.
But they aren't and they don't. So stop helping them, retard.
>I get cautious.
Because you're a discriminating customer and once more this discussion has nothing to do with you.
you can easily tell Randy is still salty towards Valve from working with them during the HL1 days.
How do you figure I'm helping companies fuck people by calling out a retard for acting like reviews aren't for people who plan on making a purchase.
Doesn't work with video games because of all the retarded little kids who go and buy whatever their favorite streamer is playing.
>Consider you can't legally play the game without purchasing it I'd say this is a distinction without a difference.
You can download anything off of the internet as long as it's not CP or something.
You just can't share copyrighted stuff (this includes torrenting because you're also uploading it while downloading).
>So trying to make the distinction between purchasing the game and playing the game is irrelevant
It is when the review hinges on how you get the game, retard. "WHETHER YOU SHOULD PURCHASE IT"
I can't wait until human recycling plants open up and we can throw all double digit IQ's like yours in them.
>If epic is doing anything illegal, like so many claim they do on steam, then do something about it.
Are people claiming this? This is the first I've heard of people complaining about criminal activity. I thought they were just pissed off about the exclusivity and the Epic client's data collection.
>If the information that epic sells isnt actually grounds for condemnation, similar to the data google already sells about you, data even resturaunts and every day shops gather as well and sell, then it should not be made as big of an issue as it is right now.
This complacency is the reason why these companies are able to walk all over the consumer. We shouldn't be saying "X is spying on us, but it's okay because so is Y". What the fuck kind of logic is that? This should be getting people aggravated and pissed off. It should be getting people rioting in the streets. It should be getting people to abandon their reliance on the internet. But somehow we've become too complacent. Obviously I'm just as much to blame as you are. I'm not doing anything about it either. But I'm not just going to pretend that everything is okay. Because this constant digital surveillance is NOT okay. Whether it's the NSA, Google, Facebook, or Epic. It's not okay.
I won't disagree that they have bad bullet sponges, but at least they let you come out the other side of it. Destiny and The Division and Anthem have scaling that keep you universally "challenged", Borderlands actually lets you annihilate weaker shit. And you can definitely end up against bosses who drain your ammo in any of them.
>How do you figure I'm helping companies
Because you're telling people that reviews are about purchases. That is the first step.
What country are you from? Surely not the US or else you're sorely mistaken
Not really much there to push up.
>They don't care about games or gamers, they only care about money.
As opposed to Valve, the company that makes billions from the industry for doing next to nothing and then uses that money to make to make 0 games.
>reviews aren't for people who plan on making a purchase
They aren't. They're for people to know whether they should play a game or not. Whether they make a purchase is up to them to decide with how much money is worth to them.
Holy fuck, can you not see the difference between buying a game and playing it?
gonna need a fucking source on that shit
>constantly has sales on lots of games
>best features of any launcher
>working on making vr not just a meme
How does it feel being a retarded corporate bootlicker?
>reviews are for people to make a purchase
Then what about free to play games? What happens there user? 5/5?
>2 launchers
Chink, can you at least count better than Gaben?
As far as I'm aware this is the case for most of Euroland.
I'm sorry for Americans then.
>best features of any launcher
Oh please, at least with Origin and Epic I'm not being shilled 2 hour long "indie" artfaggotry.
>Lick my favorite corporation's boots you bootlicker
>this level of strawmaning
Not doing a very good job of blending in Ping. 2 points have been deducted from your social score.
>favorite corporation is the one that benefits me the most
Imagine that. Kill yourself, retard.
If I wanted to blend in, I'd have taken a power tool to the brain.
I was just correcting your stupid greentext.
Yeah it's pretty shitty, here in the US you can pay to pass new laws, and the entertainment industry has enough money to make it very illegal and very punishable.
What in the unholy fuck did he even mean by this?
Also user, learn what strawmanning is.
They're for helping inform purchasing decisions. Not convince people to buy things. It's to help them decide whether OR NOT something is going to be worth their money. The potential purchasing part of this equation is the entire reason it's important. What the fuck kind of logic are you trying to make here?
What kind of fantasy world do you live in where reviews are only to determine if you should play a game and not purchase it. If you aren't risking your money then you're not losing anything by playing it and seeing for yourself if it's worth your time. The point of reviews is to influence purchasing decisions because purchasing is a risk that needs to be mitigated with information. That's why it's valuable to customers.
See above. If the game is free then there's no real risk in trying it yourself. Trying to make the distinction between reviews for playing games and reviews for buying games is a distinction without a difference. Trying to imply it's only to see if a game is worth playing is nonsensical when you consider the overwhelming majority of people use reviews to see if a game is going to be worth their MONEY AND TIME, not just their time.
>inb4 past ban
I support any and all forms of shitting on products.
It's when people leave POSITIVE reviews that I have a problem with it.
>people complain about how shit GFWL is and refuse to buy from it
>no one cares
>people complain about how shit Origin is and refuse to buy from it
>no one cares
>people complain about how shit U-Play is and refuse to buy from it
>no one cares
>people complain about how shit the Windows Marketplace is and refuse to buy from it
>no one cares
>people complain about how shit the Epic Games Store is and refuse to buy from it
>wtf why are gamers so entitled just give developers more fucking money
really makes me think
Doesn't change how reviews are used and what they're used for. To help customers make informed decisions about what they might spend their money on. Can people use it to determine if they should play a free game or get the game free elsewhere? Of course they can, but that's not the fucking argument.
>Gamers RISE UP by acting like shit.
>Randy puts them down.
And you use the reviews to determine if the game is worth your money. What the fuck is up with the half a dozen posts not understanding why the fuck reviews are here in the first place and trying to make it out like they're not used to influence purchasing decisions?
>correcting something with a retarded strawman
Looks like you won't be needing a power tool at all.
>They're for helping inform purchasing decisions
Which should be based on the quality of the game, ONLY.
>then you're not losing anything by playing it and seeing for yourself if it's worth your time
You are losing precious time that could have been spent playing other, better games. Only losers who have nothing to do don't understand this.
Try living in a country other than the ZOGnited states of amerimutt
You expect me to fucking personally try hundreds of games hoping some of them are going to be good? When instead I could simply read a GOOD reviewer?
You're fucking retarded.
>Which should be based on the quality of the game, ONLY.
Those are the most useful reviews.
>You are losing precious time that could have been spent playing other, better games. Only losers who have nothing to do don't understand this.
I'm not insisting people shouldn't use reviews. I'm insisting that people SHOULD. But first and foremost it is a tool to help customers save money.
Where in the living fuck do you see me saying that reviews should be ignored or removed? Look back at my god damned posts and read for once in your mother fucking life.
Randy married into wealth and the epic games exclusivity likely covered a ton of their development costs. He is clearly not worried about lost sales but Borderlands is really the only thing they got that still has plenty of fans. Their handling of Duke isn't going to help them out much.
>But first and foremost it is a tool to help customers save money
They can save money by simply pirating the games. So it's a pretty stupid fucking tool for that purpose.
It’s funny and I don’t care if the poor helpless AAA game studio full of diverse colored people are made somewhat upset about it, the collected ire of them and their twitter legions is satisfying to watch. Imagine being a multimillion dollar company that sells lots of copies of their games and some nerds on the internet literally make you cry.
You're telling me there's no risk, idiot.
I agree with randy here, steamdrones should just kys already, bunch of fucking pathetic losers with nothing real going on in their lives
Are you the one insisting that reviews should be removed now?
>Company that doesn't make any video games or do anything besides maintain a shitty DRM spyware program that people only use because it had a monopoly on distribution
>Beneficial to us
This a case of the pot calling the kettle black if I've ever seen one.
There isn't risk when we're talking about free games, but obviously if the game is free then the point about using reviews to save money IS FUCKING IRRELEVANT IN THAT CONTEXT.
Only if I say that they should be removed. Have I been saying that user? Please read over what I've been saying.