Visual Novels

Are they video games, Yea Forums?

Tell me about your first visual novel.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, except for the kinetic novel subset. My first was Ace Attorney, which is more of an adventure game visual novel mesh.

Juicy Yuuji

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No they are not, but that doesn't mean they can't be fucking amazing reads

Of course they're video games

Monster Girl Quest was my first, I fucking loved it but haven't played many others yet

i dont remember because i skipped everything so i could see tits faster

Katawa Shoujo
they are games, as long as shit like The Last of Us is considered video games

What does Amanes milk taste like?

No they are not. What I don't understand is why it's so important that they be considered as such. It's not like when comics call themselves "graphic novels" to try and put themselves on the same level as literature. Why would you argue to want to be considered games?

I started with the best,Umineko.

Yes they are. What I don't understand is why it's so important that they not be considered as such. It's not like when comics call themselves "graphic novels" to try and put themselves on the same level as literature. Why would you argue to not be considered a game?

weebs are insecure.

Amane is whore who only fucks you because she misses your bi sister

Imagine if there was a platformer where all you did was tap space to take steps. Your character jumps when it needs to, and there's no fail state. All you do is press space to watch a sprite move across the screen one step at a time. You might still consider it a game, but you wouldn't consider it a good one, or one worth playing.

I heard about Doki Doki Literature Club but the initial info didn't go beyond it being about cute girls and poetry so I was in for a surprise
Katawa Shoujo felt much better

I prefer VNs that veer a bit more into adventure game territory like Ace Attorney, Snatcher, and The Silver Case.
I don't really care for eroge in general either, would rather just fap to the CGs. 9/10 times the dialogue is pretty abysmal anyways.

Well if there was a good story behind that platformer, art, music, graphics and it was engaging, I would considering it very enjoyable plarformer.
Not sure how that relates to VNs because they do have fail states and you have to make choices and there are branching paths, but what you brought up was a fun thought experiment despite it being off topic and irrelevant to the topic of the thread

When the FUCK will this been translated? Read Muv Luv like 7 years ago and it ruined VN for me because nothings coming close to it. Anons over 5 years ago said this came close and others said it was even better and fuck me if it STILL isn't translated

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Dont know, wouldnt call them as such. Some have gaming elements, but to me they are simply VNs. My first one was C;H which was a wild ride, followed by Rewrite

>finishing up Dies Irae
>have read FSN and Muv Luv Alternative already
Is there another chuunige out there that can hold up to Dies Irae or did I hit a dead end too soon?

>and it was engaging
Why would endlessly tapping space be engaging? I'm convinced VN fans/defenders are broken on a fundamental level.

>Baldr Sky
The jews at Sekai Project have it so its dead in the water; it might come out but expect Bannerlord to come out first and they'll probably try to get another kickstarter to "Fund it" some more.

For fucks sake why do people still support those kikes; have they learned nothing?

This might be a shocking concept but there's text on the screen that might be engaging

>Tell me about your first visual novel.
Got eaten by a shark outside my hotel room.

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Yes, that is something that

>text games are books

might be true, but

this is a bad way to

get a story across.

People actually thought that the parser-based text adventures were going to be the next stage of literature. The modern "interactive fiction" or "visual novel" is such a downgrade from that.

Really want to get into Umineko, I've been craving another murder mystery since the death of Danganronpa
Is the version on steam any good or should I look elsewhere?

best girl

I don't think it matters either, but the distinction only really matters if you think they shouldn't be discussed on Yea Forums. Given our history with them it seems silly to force them all on a glacial board like /jp/ or to one /vg/ thread just because of KS and later DDLC autism.

>"*scoff* we play these games for the rich and complex story."
>only ever talks about girls you want to fuck
Sounds like you're in denial about the reason you engage with these quote-unquote "games".

Kamidori if that counts, FSN otherwise.

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No fucking shit they're video games. Even ones that are just books with moving character portraits are games. They're programmed, interactive, and sold through game stores digital or otherwise. They're games and you're deluded for thinking otherwise. Now whether or not the genre is good is up to you.

My first visual novel was Danganronpa and it was aight.


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merely pretending

Read Steins gate and then SG 0.

I found her voice actress is the same as Na'vi and now I can't play OoT without my dick getting hard.

Yes they are, retards.

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Get the steam version but also get the ps3 sprites patch

Tokyo Bable, Comyu, G-Senjou and Rewrite.

All chuuni.

Play Chaos Child too.

they are video games to the extent adventure games are, the fact that people argue VNs aren't video games but old sierra/infogrames shot (or even pure text adventures like zork) are baffles me
anyway FSN, kino but not as good as tuskihime

Fuck steamfags

Bible Black was my first VN

>Tell me about your first visual novel.
Been playing Phoenix Wright from the get-go. Played every entry. Playing DGS right now
Moved on to 999 after that. Loved VLR too. Never played ZTD
Then Chaos;Head, Steins;Gate, etc
Monmusu in there somewhere
I've played quite a few at this point

I'm trying to get to Majikoi but the 800 x 600 box looks kind of sad on my 27 inch 2k monitor. I know VNs peaked in the 2000s but are there any decent translated ones with modern fidelity.

VN threads are unironically the comfiests threads on Yea Forums. People are actually discussing them and sharing their opinions without consolewar faggotry to be had either.
That is until the retards spouting "n-not videogaems" show up. Apparently fap bait, wojack edits, and waifu threads are fine, but a VN thread? Not on my watch! REEEE

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Japanese people own tiny box computers in their 12x12 foot apartments so every VN before 2013 is 800x600. Grisaia no Kajitsu and Sanoba Witch are pretty good new VNs, and if you want full no bullshit waifu dating experiences Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai and Fureraba are nice.

Does SubaHibi have porn in it for gratuitous reasons or is it mostly about the plot and it just has some sex scenes in it? I have very little experience with VNs, but I was thinking of trying some out and I heard good things about that, but I don't want to read one just to masturbate to. I don't mind if it has sex scenes, but I don't want to bother with one where it feels like you read it for the sex scenes and everything else is secondary.

My first VN was Crystalline, it's fairly good and got me into the genre. Yes, they are videogames according to websites, according to Wikipedia and according to my own fucking judgement. Car games are not games but driving simulators!

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Watched the DEEN and ufotable adaptions and liked them so I decided to read the novel
My progress so far

My first VN was turkeyhandle and then followed up with YMK

I'm halfway through the second SubaHibi route and it's got a few ecchi scenes but so far it's in no shape an eroge

What do people see in grisaia? Are you supposed to like the cringy gary stu mc ironically?

I would say it's kinda both
it has quite a few sex scenes and some do feel like they are gratutious, but in a way they set up the general tone and are pretty important to the story

They usually have auto modes if you really don't want to be tapping space (or clicking).
Besides, tons of games have you clicking through dialogue as you read it, I don't see the issue. The important gameplay part of visual novels are the choices you make, the method you use to advance through dialogue isn't really part of the gameplay at all, more of an interface/usability thing in order to view what is effectively an incredibly long cutscene.

Subahibi is not really for masturbating to, you read it for the batshit insane wittgenstein influenced anime plot

If it's similar to Baldr Force it's been completely overrated, story wise.

SubaHibi is rather extreme for a VN newfag

This is a book in which the reader must make choices that affect the outcome of the story, that uses sprites and animations to supplement the text and enrich the experience, that must be read on a computer or other electronic device. It is still a book.

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Probably the subversion of expectations. The VN starts like a generic moege with your usual generic heroines filling the common tropes that everyone has seen a million times, but then when it reaches the individual routes it kinda flips it all over showing that they are that way because of some traumatic event they had.
Personally I didn't care to much for it. Some routes were nice like Sachi's and Michiru, but overall I thought it was kinda boring.

Don't start with Subahibi. Pick something from the far left column of this chart.

I wanted to play it myself but if its one of those "it gets good 20+ hours in" VNs and the bread and butter is just some cunt's trauma i guess id pass for now until i feel like i'm running out of stuff to read.

Do I look like I know what a jpeg is I just want a picture of a god dang hotdog

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An MC with actual fucking character even if it is slightly cringy. Better than some blando milquetoast McNiceGuyInsert

The comedy is what got me. It's rare for a VN to make me laugh but almost every chapter had at least one moment I would chuckle at.
I didn't like much of the edgier stuff later on or the MC's ridiculous child soldier backstory so I ignored the sequels.


Well, they have me working my joystick more than most genres.

The cringy gary stu mc is great simply because 90% of visual novels (and many anime and Japanese games) have an insipid wet-blanket blank-slate idiot main character instead. It's so ingrained into the genre that Grisaia's main character comes across as a breath of fresh air by subverting it. Of course, that only works if you've played a ton of other VNs (or possibly experienced a ton of other media with the same problem) and started yearning for the opposite.

Death Mark, it's a great visual novel where every chapter you have to defeat a ghost born from hatred and you do that by searching his place for clues on how to defeat him.

I love the Mitsurugi twins!

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It doesn't get good 20 hours in. Quite the opposite, the common route is the decent part and it mostly ends up boring or just ridiculous (in a bad way) when you get to the actual routes. If you weren't enjoying it from near the beginning you were wise to stay away.

The Steam version of Umineko is good and so is Umineko itself, albeit its not a traditional murder mystery story.

>Good common route, shit character routes

No, it is visual book with routes.

>G-Senjou no mau and literal NTR porn starter recommendations

My waifu is the best and i love her.

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>starting with anything but Katawa Shoujo

/vn/ is not a great general and they have subpar opinions.

>starting with anything but DDLC
get with the times, gramps

I don't know if this is bait, but DDLC does a terrible job at introducing newcomers to the VN genre. KS isn't the best VN or anything, but at least it's an actual VN without any gimmicks.

Is Ayakashibito good?


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Katawa Shoujo

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Imagine if your first novel is Katawa Shoujo and you go through Shizune's route
You will stop reading VNs there

Sono hanbira or Fate
I don't remember

Drawn by a shit artist
She deserved better

Do you have a problem with my drawing skills?

Read Hollow Ataraxia too

Majikoi is also a good start

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>not Yume Miru Kusuri
Look at this turbo faggot

Still waaay better than how Inoue drew in Kanon.

That's okay, my first route was Kenji

Just finishing up Himawari. Should I read Subahibi or Dies Irae next?

Go flip a coin.
I recommend reading Subahibi though.

Finished Island already?

My friend managed to get kenji route too.

How can someone fails at playing Vn ?

Watched the anime way back in 2011 before the VN was translated

this, baldr force was so mediocre it's not funny

I've been on an older VN kick lately. What's your favourite pre-2010 VN guys?

Dies Irae is pretty much the best of the chunni VNs so yeah it's all downhill from there. The Steampunk/What a Beautiful series are good but they're less chunni and more weird fiction


At least the game part is fun

>play Yume Miru Kusuri as my first VN
>get the bad end because I didn't choose "come inside"
Pure bullshit and you know it, game.

I was being myself
I picked the choices that seemed fitting for someone who was new in class and was friendly with everyone, I didn't know the choice was going to be made for me so quickly

What's the consensus on that Tsujudou delinquent VN?

pretty much the best VNs of all time are all pre 2010
Muv Luv Alternative
Steins Gate

user you know after playing her route why that was such a bad idea.

Just read it with a dictionary if you want it so hard, it's actually an easy read.
But read a grammar guide before doing it obviously

>play a heterosexual romance game
>pick fag option
>get punished

Are Key actually good?

Try Kara no Shojo

Tsukihime is my favorite VN so that one.

High IQ

Overrated shit

Great game made by great people.

but we are still waiting for the sequel

good until LBEX and after that they fell of a cliff.
Kanon ENTERPRISE EDITION was their finest

Shit, right?

Air=Planetarian>Refrain>Clannad before after story>Little Busters before refrain>Kanon>After story
Kanon is still good though.

It's shit

post mbti types, i wanna see if vn players/viewers skew differently

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Sky is top tier. If it gets translated people will love the shit out of both parts (2 more so). Has the potential to rival Muv Rub praise

>MBTI types
Yeah I can tell you're retarded

intp here, everyone will be an i type

>Get bad ending with bullied girl because you leave your house to kill time instead of staying inside that one time

Starting with katawa is bad idea.
Imagine getting into genre and realising its all downhill from there, cause youve already read the best genre can offer

I'm Entp

what do you like about vns

Is this dox ?

They are video games by technicality, probably, but the important thing is that they should not be judged by the same standards or accessed with the same expectations as you would a video game with actual gameplay. That's neither good nor bad, it's just "different", and it really doesn't fucking matter whether you want to categorize them as video games or not video games to acknowledge that they're different and approach them with the appropriate mindset.

You shouldn't start with KS and ideally you shouldn't play it at all since that's a decent chunk of time you could spend reading something better.

getting mixed signals here

My first VN was Katawa Shoujo.
Surprisingly, I enjoyed it and it hooked me into VNs.
I still prefer actual gameplay like Kamidori and Sengoku Rance though.

it's pretty doo doo

>Sengoku Rance

Absolutely based

The duality of Yea Forums

Katawa Shoujo is polarizing.

Katawa Shoujo isn't polarizing.

>The dumb mouthbreathers in /vg/ still haven't gotten over KS
>have over 9000 threads on a single short VN

Katawa Shoujo could be polarizing.

Grisaia really good? Been sitting on reading it for a while.

what the hell are they discussing? how do you even masturbate to just characters that long.

I'm reading YU-NO and this shit better improve real soon, Ayumi's route is one of the worst things I have ever read

I don't even know what polarizing means and I don't care enough to look it up

what are some vns about polarity?

Read the guide without shame if the game mechanics are pissing you off

>9000 threads that somehow everyone forgot the number they were on and started over from 1. Twice
>Over 30,000 threads about it

Oh I already did since the start when I realized that gems were your only way to save the game and it was a one time only save

It's been a borderline off topic chat room for literally all its life one month after /vg/ was created. I know it seems impressive that they've kept it going but I'm sure they're just continuing fur the sake of it.

I remember when I lost all of my gems and I had to follow the exact order to get it back and couldn't open the map to guide me, that was not fun at all

/ksg/ talks about katawa shoujo as much as Yea Forums talks about video games.

Its devolved into shit/waifu/blogposting and spamming reaction images from a cursory glance

>Katawa Shoujo came out 7 years ago


Worst girl, best body.

Is Katawa Shoujo the only creative project Yea Forums created and finished?

>tfw I remember playing a little bit of the demo in HS
I downloaded it to a usb flash drive and I play it in java class. I never got the full game since I wasn't into VNs all that much at the time, but it was cool. Now the only VNs I played are Ace Attorney and the occasional suffering VN like Muv Luv Alternative.

It's got a long, meandering common route that's like 20+ hours, so if you hate SOL, it might be a struggle to get to the routes.

Forgot to mention that I'm talking about KS. Also my first VN was Ace Attorney.

Where is this from? The art looks good

A corny slice of life called muv luv

999. I was completely blown away by everything about it and was obsessed with it for a couple years. Played Ever17 later and was disappointed at how much of a slog most of it was, Coco saved it at the finish line. Still I couldn't understand why oldfags went crazy over it in the first place. Ever since DDLC and Bandersatch happened I realized you only like those kind of games the first time when the meta idea is brand new and mixed with your nostalgia for that first big wow endears you to it for years. Even now after the game whose name we do not speak came out I'm still fond of 999, though I don't think it's as amazing as I used to think it was. If Ever17 was my first and if I had grown up enjoying early 2000s anime and it's cliches it probably would've been my favorite instead.

Got bored at Nanoha's route, sex scene was where I dropped it. The route was cliche as fuck, why is it even mandatory.

>all the Baldr type games VN with gameplay are untranslated except for Duel Savior

such a fucking good VN, the MC was fucking refreshing, and the gameplay was like a fighting game with combos and shit HOW IN THE FUCK ARE THE OTHER VNs NOT TRANSLATED, STOP TRANSLATING HAREMS VNS

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Yea Forums wrote 2 books

wow, someone who knows japanese and isn't shitting on translations and EOPs
now that's refreshing

Pretty Princess Dress Up is pretty kino

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I will remind them

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>muv luv
lmao so that's why it looked familiar

I've only really played the first Grisaia and Katawa Shoujo, I really enjoyed them.
Is Grisaia series worth continuing past the first one, and are there any more with a similar feel as these two with lewds?
Also Loli VN recommendations would be appreciated too.

I started with Clannad
It hurt

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Exercise books

Where? Yea Forums can't even finish their reading group threads.

I'm really loving this so far. I will be watching the anime after I finish Koujaku's route. But I'm disappointed the rape scene didn't go all the way.

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Play the Silver Case.

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on the internet

Started with Meet'n Fuck and other Newgrounds flash crap with assets stolen from actual VNs
Moved onto MGQ, Kamidori and Sengoku Rance, all 3 about the same time, got really into VNs
Got really into other Alicesoft titles, discovered I liked vanilla content way more than rape and cuckshit
Now I can only read Moege with 100% Virgin Heroines, anything else kills my boner and ruins my mood

I did
is the 25th Ward worth going through? I got kinda bored of the Silver Case around 2/3rds in, also I probably wont play Flower Sun and Rain.

>Never7 finished happening two days ago or did it?
Fug, all the Infinity games are in the past except for Kid route in Ever17 now. They were set in the future when they came out, and now they're in the past. I'm having difficulty understanding this feeling.

i liked it

run of the mill vanilla comfy
few too many endings for me to bother slogging through though
shark teeth best girl

It's shit just like the entire kill the past series

I played through baldr sky with basic bitch combos almost the whole game that relied on sniper and gatling to play it safe, but for Heart, I fixed that shit. Baldr Heart's story wasn't as good, but I would argue the gameplay improved.

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i think it really depends on the game. Like no one in their right mind wouldn't call Ace attorney games or Danganronpa games despite the fact they are listed in the vndb. it really depends on how interactive it gets with the player

The only visual novel worth reading is Umineko, all other VNs are trash in comparison.

is it bad that ive spent twice the amount of time playing mods as as i have playing the actual game? haha

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25th Ward is a much crazier experience, it doesn't pretend to be a normal detective drama at all. It never turns on the breaks, because it first released as a low budget phone game and so they were allowed to do whatever weird shit they wanted. It's much heavier on the cyberpunk themes.
The game is better if you've played Flower, Sun, and Rain but I don't think it's 100% necessary. One of the 0 chapters basically sums up everything that happens in it, but you'd miss out on a really unique experience. The best chapter in the game has a lot of references to it, too.

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>my first one was C;H
My fucking nigga.

How is G senjou not a starter VN?

>tfw you can barely make it through moege anymore after having had a taste of plotge
I want to go back

Don't start with really good shit, start with something that is worse

Kill yourself.

eeeeh.... I dropped for some reason but I dont remember why, maybe it was so bland I dont remember anything

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I enjoyed G-senjou and is a great starting VN for normies

Yuuji went through hell as a kid dude. That's not a gary stu

Steins Gate is literally the GOAT of VNs,

Reminder that this is happening this year and you want to read it to be there for the threads

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I'm still an EOP please don't spoil

Yeah, that and Saku hopefully

That my game is an edgy piece of shit that makes no sense whatsoever!


When is JAST releasing this shit?

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I hope you're happy.

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planescape would've been a better pic related

>not reading it as an EOP while searching every single word




It's Mub Rub kiddy

New WTC, Ciconia


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What's the mystery gonna be this time?
How Okonogi manages to transcend time and space and be in every When They Cry VN?

We definitely need more cuckquean VNs

It's actually a picture book. VNfags are figuratively children.

Okonogi being a woman with multiple personalities

>he doesn't know

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Thank you user, now I can say that I'm an avid reader!

please don't remind me

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Maggot Baits FUCKING WHEN?

Just search every word in the dictionary nigga haha read a 1 minute paragraph in 50 minutes haha

yeah thats why the majority of them have some sort of sexual content

i want to rub this cute ninjas belly

>female protagonist

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I have never played a WTC game but I'm pretty sure I know who the killers are, should I still read them?


Yes and even if you do, you probably don't

entry level shit like Narcissu and Planetarian

well it's not hard to figure it out either way. We all know it was Gouda right from the beginning.

Hoshi Ori got already translated? Nice
I heard it's really long though



Most VNs are plot based despite having porn, if you just want to fap look up nukige.


Euphoria is the best nukige, prove me wrong

I can already tell it's going to flop. Ryukishi's strength as a writer is his suspense and horror, not his action. It's going to be a giant chuuni mess that nobody likes.

The sex scenes in SubaHibi are generally detrimental to the experience. It would have benefited from an all-ages version like Muv Luv Alternative did. Probably wouldn't have flopped either.

>it gets good at 80 hours I swear: the VN

Can i play her game or i need play the previous ones?

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Nah, that trailer is probably only for the first episode, which is going to be a bait and switch

>Ryukishi's strength as a writer is his suspense and horror, not his action
But Rose Guns Days was fantastic?

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>he doesn't know

>he lacks the knowledge

>her game

Sorry, I don't read fujobait, There's a reason almost nobody knows it exists.

>he is unaware

Can I get the quick rundown on Higanbana? Why does nobody talk about it?

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>he doesn't posses the information

you could potentially play it first but it'd ruin the other two for you


If anything Umineko is more fujobait than RGD

A VN Ryukishi wrote when he was at his lowest after the death of his best friend
It's 90% about bullying and 0% fun, with barely developed characters and no actual main plotline, just small sidestories about bullying that are pretty edgy and boring, not worth your time
Play Rose Guns Days instead for more Ryukishi goodness

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it's pretty short is why. it's not got a big overarching mystery or anything, just a collection of horror-themed stories like some kinda weeb VN version of tales from the crypt. the stories themselves are pretty uneven, most are alright, some are boring, and only one is really actually great.

It's nice to alternate between them

it's shit and just ryukishi jerking himself off over his social worker days

>A VN Ryukishi wrote when he was at his lowest after the death of his best friend

>woefully out of the loop

Grab a drink grab a glass.

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What is this pose supposed to represent?

>these are photographs
>these are photographs displayed one at a time, at 24 a second. it is still just photographs though

Not real any direct source but it's pretty cleat Ryukishi was in a particulary edgy phase when writing it, nothing he has ever done comes close so the death of his friend and the whole EP 8 fiasco must have gotten to him

>EP 8 fiasco
Wait what? what happened with episode 8?
If it's about the quality, I thought it wasn't the best but the conclusion was pretty good

Worst girls are Tama and Mikoto, literally nothing redeeming about them.
Best bodies are the best twins.

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stroking two cocks at once, obviously

the reception of it was terrible
Have you played Danganronpa V3 and seen the threads about the ending when it released?
It was that but a bunch of times more intense

no, you need to play 1 & 2 first. and for gods sake skip the anime.


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I didn't know because I read Umineko last year, but that's weird
I thought the last tea party was a cool conclusion and made everything worth reading. I can understand V3's hate but not with this one

Game would unironically have been more interesting with a female protagonists who also doesn't happen to have a talent that's super convenient for playing the detective. Just one of the random students who just so happens to be the protagonist. The game that could have been.

Ar tonelico. I assume it counts since it's in VNDB and it was my gateway into the real babby's first tier shit of the era, Yume Miru Kusuri and Saya no Uta.
Replaying your old favorites in their intended form after learning Japanese is such a good feeling.

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katawa shoujo

I played Kana little sister. It was an emotional roller coaster. For a first vn it was a good one.

only if it's this glass

Katawa Shouji, but my second one was Ace Attorney (counting trilogy as a whole), followed by Saya no Uta
I then moved on to Zero Escape, Danganronpa, MGQ and recently Umineko (on the final stretch of EP8)
I've got Fate, Tsukihime, Dies irae, Fata Morgana and Muv Luv on the backlog

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white album 2 is done.

This isn't though and likely never will be.

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t. someone who couldn't find Toko's true self

people got really mad at the goats part and felt personally insulted just like in V3 when the characters fight the in-universe danganronpa fans
It basically killed the entire fanbase, but I think that after years many people got over it and realized how much they liked umineko
If you don't know about the friend thing, BT, his best friend, beta reader, the "don't go full retard, change this part" power limiter that all writers need and basically the person he wrote for to see what he would think died around the release of Ep 5
It shows in Ep 6 where the quality of the whole episode is lower
Some people also got mad and thought he rewrote umineko out of sadness but that isn't true

>are they video games
some are, some aren't. some have game elements, some are just games with vn elements, some are literally just books with no gameplay whatsoever
>first vn
first one i really got into was probably f/sn
my favorite is little busters, though
majikoi is also good shit, group of friends vns seem to often be high quality

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>only finished Michiru route and never played again

Common route was fucking exhausting.

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I think people wanted a definitive conclusion


Michiru is my beautiful wife!

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>white album 2 is done.
No it's not. They still need to translate the ending part.


Act I of DDLC is your average VN condensed into the tiniest package possible. If a newbie to VNs liked Act I best, they could like other proper VNs much more. If they liked Act II best, then they're in it for the memes and unlikely to enjoy other VNs.

My first visual novel was Muv Luv Extra followed by Unlimited, currently have Alternative in a perpetual "pick up&drop" loop. Never got much further than Jinguuji-sensei was seen eating with another man although I am sure the wild ride only gets better from there. Imo the problem with Alternative is that everyone is too damn preachy, going on with this hour long monologues that probably the story could go on without. It's like the dialogue was intentionally padded out with meaningless words and quotes just to up the word count like in a school essay.
Or I'm just a brainlet reading big boy books and barely making any fucking sense of it.

Reminder that in Fate when you reach the Heaven's feel route you should pick the "persist on being a superhero" choice for a worth seeing bad end
Reminder to go for the HF normal end before doing the true end
Reminder that HA is even better than Fate and has a voice patch
Reminder that the voice patch overrides the OPs and EDs so you should check them out after you are done with it
Reminder that Sherlock is best boy

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Mine is G-senjou No Maou
I actually freaked out when Gonzo told the protag to fuck his sister and dropped the game
Finished alot, including Gsen itself ever since, and learned Japanese from eroge too

>theres three games and an anime before this game, do I need to play them before this one

Gee I dunno.

Will it be as kino as ES?

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My first visual novel?
Planescape: Torment, of course.

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search this

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I agree and it isn't even close. Steins;Gate Elite is shitty though.

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the translation is just plain terrible too
don't know why'd you pick white album 2 out of all games as your first project, it's as much of a pitfall as oretsuba
why not go for to heart 2&AD first to get your first wet? even the holy father of moege is far more manageable of a prospect

Nice try but that isn't a visual novel.

Brass Restoration is my first one. Pretty old and obscure. Then I'd play D.C.I and Shuffle after that. Good thing I played the old ones because I might not like them if I tried playing them today.

I love how Yea Forums shit's on most sony games for being "movies" but has no problem with VNs.
it's almost as if that meme is just cope or something.

don't forget Riven, that's a book too. Just with a lot of pictures in between words.

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Is the PC version done? I ain't buying a PS4 and modding it for that shit.

? the game isnt that long at least compared to some other vns like majikoi

>not wanting to read about a genderbent cowboy spaghetti star who is a slut who fucks an army to death, written by Urobuchi


Kouki was really big on criticizing Japan's lack of nationalism at the time which is why we got the completely unnecessary coup arc.

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>I love how Yea Forums shit's on most sony games for being "movies" but has no problem with VNs. it's almost as if that meme is just cope or something.
because VN's are a genre of their own, not the regression of action adventure away from deeper mechanics and player control. it's not complicated and you should be kind of embarrassed if you play games and don't get it.

Visual Novels: Worlds Slowest QTEs!

Sengoku Rance.

I played it after seeing it being discussed in 2009 on Yea Forums after the translation for it came out, and I started playing one of the greatest vidya of my life.

T-that's probably an exception bro
Search by radicals on jisho or something

The fuck you talking about, Grisaia has the longest common route ever.
Its as long as Majikoi, if not longer.

Because VNs are just VNs. Sony movies are for some reason seen as a step forward in videogames and their storytelling, when in reality all they do is constantly break the flow of the already mediocre gameplay with shitty "slowly walk over here while this other character spouts exposition to you".

>Look into I/O
>Apparently 100 hours of postmodern cyberpunk
Is it worth it?

Hey guys.

A while ago I made this 1 scene game as a test/joke and showed no one.
Now seems like as good as a time as any to just dump it.
It may or may not work in your browser.

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You also assume that everyone who shits on sonys movie games don't own a ps4. Most of the people who dislike the last of us tend to enjoy bloodborne, it's almost as if most sony games are shit regardless of consolewar bullshit.

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No, sorry I messed up there's still a huge chunk missing, see

I don't spend $60 on visual novels

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it's not 100 hours and it does not stay postmodern cyberpunk it gets real weird

I couldn't get it to run on windows 10. I don't think it wants to be played.

>have to click on the text box to advance, can't click anywhere

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Sometimes I think about dedicating my life to learning Japanese just to translate all good VNs that have yet to be discovered by the West.

Thanks user, very informative I know so much about cars now.

Another translated Bishop game never.

Name one (1) good EVN.
Hard mode: No KS

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>no sex
Is there at least a harem ending?

Season Of The Sakura.

I replay it every few years.

Crimson Gray

it's just a string of random insults without pause

there's some other shit that's literally nonsense but i don't have screenshots of that

Muramasa is such a fucking meme, it's decent but nowhere near good as people say. I guarantee in the future when it's translated by JAST it'll get shit on for being overhyped garbage just as Dies was.



Just finished my first route of Hoshi Ori yesterday and even the fucking Epilogue was like 2 hours long. I've been with this girl so long I know her social security number.


Crystalline is weird. It has only one route and the main girl gets a turn of attention in it, but your choices are kind of limited.

I enjoyed it for an even but its a pretty linear, one girl affair.

This one made my weiner feel real good, next Loca-love when?

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You should play it for the side routes, you're missing out on psycho nae

>recommending 0
Don't do that to him. The original is a solid story, but the "sequel" is a shameless cash grab that adds nothing pardon maho. It doesn't even come close in greatness next to the original.

They do seem to go pretty smoothly

You don't need to play that. Especially if you loved VLR. The cliffhanger might be burning inside you, but believe me, you will only find disappointment.

What are some real kamige then?

Are there any games with a noir setting beyond Kara no Shoujo, Silver Case/25th Ward, EVE burst error, and Chain: The Lost Footsteps?

Is there ANY decent VN with a harem end?
Rokujouma Anime/LN spoiled me in that it showed that a good harem was actually possible, but fuck me that's hard quality to follow up on.

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my first VN was that german one. You know the one.

Fureraba system feels more like a dating sim than actual dating sims.
You don't magically get close to a girl by just grinding stats.
You need to approach them, interact with them, get them interested in you.

Play the zero escape series, starting with 999. The creator of it is besties with the creator of DR. If you enjoyed DR, ZE will blow your mind.

Just know that the first two games are phenomenal and the third game is gonna destroy your hype.

Muramasa is never going to get translated partly because there's a whole fucking lot of it that wouldn't make sense in context beyond its original language, and a whole fucking lot would be lost in translation.
Dies is definitely 100% better in Japanese, too, but with Muramasa it goes beyond that. It'd be like judging Otoriro or Oretsuba entirely on the quality of their translation, that would basically be a huge hypothetical rewrite because their scripts would make no sense otherwise.
Basically just stop being such a bitch and learn Japanese, it's not so hard.

kyonyu fantasy

MLA was such a big Japanese fanwank I gagged several times while reading it.

The only other media to do that to me was GATE.

the start is solid as fuck then somewhere along the way it shits the bed and ruins eveything it had been building towards and reaches mindhack tiers of stupidity, plus the epilogue is literal trash
10/10 OST though

It was honestly funny to me. That entire conflict between the Japanese and American mechs was basically comedy to me.

>take jrpg and remove all gameplay
>leave only its most autistic feature: the anime storyline
>watch as incelibate turbo autists scramble to cash in their good boy points for steam giftcards

Are you still technically a virgin if you made it all the way with your VN waifu?

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Hotel Dusk

Challenge time.
Which VN with a good story also has the most consistent nudity?
I have a strong fetish for casual nudity and full boobwindow clothes.

Never read ML, but isn't it alternate history where Japan is still ruled by the shogunate or something ridiculous like that?

Couldn't make it past the third case, the artwork is too old to hold my attention and the dialogue was putting me to sleep.

Walken was right, Sagiri was a fag, Nippon can eat shit.

You're right, I botched it.

Thanks, I've always been a fan of cars.

Yeah user, we prefer real games like God of War for the epic PS4, are you excited about the new The Last of Us 2 too?

koihime games are great if you want trashy wish fulfillment quality harem bullshit
sengoku koihime is pretty baller beyond the haremshit too

Yes. If I recall, the nuclear bombs were dropped on Berlin instead of Japan for some reason as well.

>muh Japanese culture filled with nuance folded 1000 times
Just use footnotes lmao

Except that it's already a JAST project, the translation isn't the issue. The reasons Nitro+ projects like Sumaga and Django have been stalled is because of shifting priorities for the most part, as Nitro+ wants them to work on more profitable titles that sell like Sonico. It's only a matter of time before Muramasa is next.

where was that said? last I heard jast asked nitro+ for more games and got told to release the ones they already had. sumaga has supposedly been fully translated for like 5 fucking years now.


>not liking the rough 90s feel
I'm surprised you decided to call it quits at Parade. Most people get hooked during that chapter and those that quit generally don't get past Spectrum.

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>he doesn’t know

Give me Angel Beats! eng patch or give me death!

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Please enlighten me, i'll even genuflect for you.

Reminder that patricians with huge IQs read Seabed.

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Which is the one where they are trying to find the missing kid? I stopped there.

That game peaked in the Parade episode and its Tokio's counterpart

Now I realize what you meant by "third case", I thought you mean Case #3 for some reason. Yeah, Spectrum is the low point of the game. It was supposed to be a longer game that acted like a detective show, with more independent episodes from the overarching plot. But they ran out of time, so Spectrum is the odd one out because it's the only one that has no direct connection to Kamui Uehara.

Hey, aren't they going to talk about Anonymous;Code soon? I feel like I saw something about that on Mages' website

Ah, interesting, go figure.

Yeah, all the kamui shit is pretty trippy.

Do you even samozbor?

>the man is regretfully ill-informed

The VN in that image (Sansha Mendan) got translated

That's not
Gekkou no Carnevale

Oh I know that, that's why I said 'another' in the post. I've read that to completion a while ago. I was hoping there was some secret new translation I haven't hear about.


I had no idea Piglet was so eloquently spoken and well-versed in automobilia

Out of all things you could choose you pick the easiest Nitro game to read. lmao

It's already translated dummy.

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That was Tony.
Thanks, you made me realize that I should color code individual character text.

>and the third game is gonna destroy your hype
I've only felt this way with ZTD. MGSV was fun but ZTD went full retard in the last quarter.

Anyone used this? It was cool taking ever17/umineko/higurashi on the go.

Can't wait for that one user to tell me Android phones are spyware and all that shit.

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Pathetic. Take your take your consolewar shitposting elsewhere.
pls no bully ; _ ;
Wait what?
Whoops, I didn't even notice the transition. I'm a brainlet

Another one bites the dust.

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It's the game designers fault when that happens.

Almost like movies are already the most inherently shallow and limited form of entertainment and imitating them is pointlessly gimping the potential of the medium you're working with, while a visual novel is at worst still a book.

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>Suda made a game about terrorists blowing up airplanes in 2001
Really makes you think

It's because we all rallied like fools to get that piece of shit greenlit. We posted pictures of our DS and 3DS' with our copies of 999 and VLR. We sent an outpouring of support to Uchi and begged Chunsoft to get the third game made. Some fans even made a damn facebook group and started a small fan cult to show how much we care. Then, by some miracle, it gets announced. The jury comes in and it's a far cry from what we deserved.

We wanted a gripping story of one 70 year old man in the body of a 23 year old, fighting against the odds to save the world with his bitchy white haired friend. Complete with a brand new cast of characters and a traitor amongst the 9. A tale that would make all of us collectively think, "I'm glad this was made".

Instead we get alien fax machines, shota clones, brother being a joke, no explanation for left, no cults, mind hax, and enough shifting to make you never fear death again. Uchi burned us all and by god this next game had better be a damn good one.

If they have a choice and different outcomes based on that, it's safe to call them games.

the west still classifies ADV in with VNs.
if they keep doing that, VNs are games you mouth breathing shitstain

I had a dream about Somnium Files it came out and it was 999 tier. My future prediction dreams haven't been wrong so far so trust me on this.

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My diary desu.


Any news of the new sunrider? Really loved that gameplay they had.

I hope so, I sincerely hope so. It's on a decent track so far. That stupid a-set idol bullshit is annoying as hell, but that one video was pretty gory and a lot of them have cryptic messages and stuff strewn about. It reminds me of his style of writing from 999 as well. You know, when he did extensive research about interesting scientific experiments and theories that reinforced his story.

Any dreams about FF versus coming back to life?

Gonna Cry? Gonna Piss Your Pants Maybe?
Maybe shit and cum?

but the genre name isn't "visual novel"
it's ADVゲーム

Danganronpa is a visual novel
Danganronpa is a video game
Therefore visual novels can be video games

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It's 70% in translation and editing.

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The hentai component makes discussions civil, it's like in Yea Forums.

Does it have at least one bad end?
It's a game
It's not a game

>missed the comfy Yea Forumsn thread
Yes they are games.
My first that I played all the way through was Kanna Little Sister. At the same time I think I played Sagara Family, quit as soon as I saw the Ugly Bastard NTR with the mom. I was going for her route and that shit happened, legit pissed me off

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The ARG is shaping up into something more interesting than I thought it was going to be. I'm enjoying the egyptian mythic and cult themes. It's a whole new world and he doesn't have to work within the confines of the ZE universe anymore. I think he wasn't good at writing a continuous series and ZE got too grand in scheme for him to handle, plus he gets bored easily. I honestly wish Operation Bluebird didn't succeed and we got a manga or light novel to wrap it up. We could have at least seen his original script instead of the telltale thing he wanted to ape.

No sorry. I'm waiting for my Rune Factory 5 sneak peak.

Who invented the name visual novel

If he had only been faithful to the original japanese we would have less dumbasses shitting around these threads.

"Adventure game" is even more of a misnomer since most popular gameplay-oriented VNs involve investigations or social simulation.

I'd agree with that sentiment. Especially because I read somewhere that he had others help him write it.

Damn... Anything else interesting on the horizon? And what other prophetic dreams have you had?

Those people who "shit on X" probably isn't even in this thread. Yea Forums isn't one person newfag.

I played G Senjou no Maou and it was amazing. I got super into it. Then I played FSN and it was a slog in parts, never did finish Heaven's Feel.

I've played over 1000 nukige since then, mostly in Japanese, which I learned mainly for japanese anime porn. No regrets, in fact it was the best decision of my life.

Sumio is kind of a fucked up name to give the Silver Case guy when you think about it
>Means pure man/husband
>His childhood love got raped and murdered in front of him while he gets rendered permanently deaf
>Spent years seething with hatred and plotted a terrorist action to get revenge
>Finds love again... but she's a serial killer and get executed by the state
>Engages in terrorist attack, goes to jail, becomes a catatonic shell that his best friend can't break through
>Enters a huge magical semi-delusion in paradise but has to confront his past and leave

>that one VN where it's about a girl in some haunted aquarium
Has anyone read that one? I think it was on steam

Started with Snatcher many moons ago and am currently reading KNS 2. Disappointing lack of choices so far. Still p comfy.
Detective/police shit always seems to be miles ahead of everything else. Moe is ok. Chuuni can go fuck itself.

what about adventure game books. they're games and books at the same time. indisputable.

I really wonder how he got to Losspass. There's dialogue confirming it's a real place but it's overlapped by a dream where it's hard to tell what's real or not.

I will only read a VN if it has the Loli Heroine tag on VNDB.

VNs that subvert my expectations?

Attached: Game has absurd fall damage.webm (398x700, 1.89M)

this was my first and only visual novel, yaminabe aries.
it's very old and the story is very linwar, there are only 3 choices and 2 endings.
it's also STRAIGHT kemono furry, which makes it pretty unique.
the story is pretty sad. it has more focus on romantic stuff than outright sex.

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>Absolutely loved Redwall novels as a kid
>Instantly repulsed by furry imagery as an adult.
I don't know how a bunch of autistic faggots in fursuits managed to take their little joke fetish so god damn far

are you me

Anyone read Sekien no Inganock? Would you recommend it?

Before a new album from a band I like came out I dreamed I was listening to the album. I heard the voice of a singer that they fired a long time ago in it. The next day the album releases, and turns out the singer came back to do a collab for one of the songs. I was pretty shook when it first came up.

So my sample size is 1...Somnium Files would make it 2. But I trust this. New writer in an interview revealed he help come up with some of the plot so Uchikoshi isn't allowed to go full retard here.


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same, its sad how they've ruined anthropomorphic animals. Redwall is goat children's lit.

don't let lust driven autists that took it too far and made furry a lifestyle take away your enjoyment from a legit art form.

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I haven't read it to the end but I would 100% just because it has a really interesting world and characters. And its part of a series so you'll have plenty of content if you want something more after

>part of a series
Yeah I noticed that, do they tie into each other or can I play them in whatever order I feel?

Nocturnal Illusions

Played for the H, stayed for the story and characters. Not that I can remember them anymore though.

It's still alright when it's not in the obvious furry style

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afaik its any order, only played Inganock myself

>like 14 years old
>cosplay fetish academy just got an english release
>downloading it on my slow ass connection
>mother asks me why the internet is so slow
>I'm downloading a game!
>she asks what game
>I stutter out "c-cosplay fetish academy. its a"
>that's not a porn game, is it?

she never figured it out right?

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>no fail state
>what are bad ends
You are fucking retarded. It gives me great pleasure seeing you seethe every time there is a VN thread in Yea Forums (where it belongs) and you can’t make it go away by the power of your fee-fees.

She knew the answer before she even asked user, she just wanted to know if you were willing to lie.

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This was my first. Haven't played another since.

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How is ever 17? I only read like am hour of it and then quit it because I wanted to read something else.

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Hearing other enjoyed it makes me feel better about starting to play it. I picked it up as part of a humble bundle. Only a few hours in, but even the slice of life stuff in the beginning has been kinda fun.

and neither are "cinematic" games

30 more hours like that first hour and 5 hours of some fun.

First: Planetarian
Favorite: Ever17

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Dammit. I just want a comfy VN to read. I've already read Saya no Uta, and Kamidori. I just want something to relax at the end o fthe day.

It's very well known, but somehow I managed to play the Muv Luv trilogy last year with no spoils. That was a wild fucking ride.

>First VN

Bible Black

>Are they videogames?

Yes because i played with my dick a lot

i wish they had more scenes with Yukiko

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I think this VN illustrates how overlooked and underappreciated it is to have someone who will unconditionally be by your side, imagine if every day you went home, you had a smokin' hot, emotional available girl in a sailor uniform waiting for you, and was ready to chat or simply do chores while you're busy.
I mean, I'm aware women can't and shouldn't be subservient beings, however they should also realize a man's ideal day doesn't end with coming home from work to hear about what some stupid bitch did at your job 10 times before you get drunk and pass out in the bed and gain 40 pounds in a month.

Only thing stopping me from trying Muv Luv is the fact that any time I touch anything mech related I regret it.

Since no one on /vn/ is answering.
Just finished Himawari and I have a shit ton of questions.
First of all what did Cosmos mean at the end of Asuka's route about not remembering something five years ago
All the other questions I have are about the Toujou routes, like what exactly were the metal balls and why were they dermally implanted if they didn't actally do anything, why did Souichirou do what he did, why does Aoi know everything at the end.
I feel like I missed a route or something. Is all this stuff meant to be a mystery or is it some teaser for an upcoming sequel?

Sound of Drop. I tried it for a short while, wasn't in the mood for the kind of trial and error decision making it seems to be full of.

There's another android VN coming out in about a week called Trinoline. Might want to look in to that if you liked Lucy.

>Bible Black
One of my first VNs. Damn good.

Again, since I somehow went in blind, I had no idea it was going to involve mechs, but when they appeared I pressed on, even though I am definitely not a mech person. I don't like mech anime or manga at all, but Muv Luv still had my full attention.

>A story told with supplemental visuals that requires user interaction to complete and is engaged with through an electronic device

So it's a fucking video game then

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this is the only VN ive ever played, whos with me, bros?

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>sample size is 1
Lel. I've had dreams like that but I usually forget them until right before it happens.

When the fuck are they releasing a physical English copy of KD?

The morphogenetic field is real brother. we can all be seers it just depends whether the timeline necessitates you seeing it. Uchi will bounce back and you'll get your FF Versus, fucking RF5 came true why not that?

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This is right. Kinetic visual novels are literally just a novel with pictures. Games like 999, Ace Attorney, Steins;Gate, etc. are visual novels but they have gameplay elements. Even if the gameplay is simply a matter of trying your best to work out how to unlock a certain ending through combinations of dialogue choices, that's still a game.

>why not that
Because Tsukihime remake and Chaos;Hean Noah will come before it.
aka never ever

Someday I hope, I'm full phys fag and I would be on it in minutes.

what's the manga

Right? I'll probably just buy a physical copy of the JP release now since I've been meaning to go through it again. Would be nice to actually have it in my hands.


Kurayami Dance. It's Suda's original idea for Shadows of the Damned before EA ruined it with meddling. I'm so gay that I'm even reading The Castle by Kafak because it's (extremely) loosely based on it.

I'm thinkin that too.

You could try printing out your own physical copy of it, though the scanlation still has a few small typos that haven't been fixed (yet).

>In approximately one minute, the door on this side of the room will open.

>On the other side of that door is an elevator, and at the bottom of it a brilliant paradise awaits.

>We hope you enjoy yourself to your hearts content, here at the marine theme park, LeMU.

Attached: gfs_77845_2_11_mid.jpg (540x405, 45K)

I read 12 of the 16 chapters of 暗闇ダンス and I was waiting for the rest to be translated. I heard it has been by now but I haven't got back to reading it yet.

meant to reply to this

It's good shit. The reason for everything happening is petty as fuck though and I was actually kind of mad.
Then I remember that Suda probably meant for the reason to be petty since everyone is fucking nuts.

>piece of software made with the purpose of entertainment
Yep, it's a game.

The ending is some real "What even is this" but also "I sort of feel like I get it." I feel like I need to read it a second time since I was reading is per chapter as of the release of 10 and it might be better doing a full read uninterrupted. Seems pretty necessary to read Suda stories twice anyways.

I'm so confused figuring out how to install Cross Channel that I dled from erogedownload. Anyone know how to install it properly?

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I don't think Suda even understands the shit he writes sometimes. He just wings it and says "Yeah that works". Like taping a beaver to a megaphone to make a megaphone.

If mobile games are considered games, why not vn's?
My first was the cripple girl dating sim, my first choice was no arms girl.
Starless and Euphoria are my favorites but I haven't played to many others.

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They are the male version of match 3.

I think he has some core ideas of what he wants but that doesn't mean it's fully fleshed out and ends up being more of a thinking piece. Kurayami Dance and 25th Ward feel the furthest from getting those ideas out, could be a translation thing but I dunno. I'm really drunk right now

If you don't see anything in the comments on ED that help then grab the pre-installed/patched one from a torrent instead.

Know any good torrent sites? Nyaa and Nyaapantsu don't have it.

Simply use and erogedl as a last resort.

Is the Fuwanovel release of YU-NO acceptable or is there another recommended version? I know they have a bad reputation but that's the only version my private tracker had.

You are likely still in the (crazy long) flashback no? It has more branching once you are Reiji again.

never mind found one.

Have you prayed to your Savior today?

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>Kurayami Dance and 25th Ward feel the furthest from getting those ideas out
I thought The 25th Ward made a lot of sense. The only thing he's written that makes almost no sense is killer7 and that's because only 1/3 of the thing came out and Hand in killer7 just throws more dirt in already muddied water.

Which vn girl did you want to sex but they wouldtn let you secks her

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i can't get into moege anymore, it just makes me feel depressed. i even took a long break off them so i could have more translated things to read but now i don't even want to read them. shit sucks

Are the Sakura Wars VNs any good? They're rebooting the series and now looks like a time to jump in.

Killer7 might have ended up too "simple" from how much was cut but revolves heavily around post WW2 Japanese-American relations which I admittedly don't know much about so I don't think I have the best idea about it. The main plot still makes a good amount of sense but is really hard to understand since some things go unexplained in game such as Yakumo. Hand in Killer7 should be considered separate from the final product because it contains a lot of pre production planning so it clashes with the game and sometimes itself. I hope he gets to do the Killer7 director's cut he wants to someday. Suda not being able to do everything he wanted to is a bit too common in his earlier years.

Just after it. Already had a couple of choices. I thought that bit would never fucking end. Jeez. It wasn't bad but I wanted more 50s Tokyo not village in the middle of nowhere

Utawarerumono 3 made slogging through the second game worth it.