>he uses a360 controller on pc
He uses a360 controller on pc
I did for a long time. A lot cheaper than Xbone controllers and have a similar comfortable design.
>He's a pedo
I use a DS4 that pretends to be a 360 controller on PC
i use a pc controller on my xbox
I sure do.
>360 pad broken and casues my PC to bluescreen
>they dont make new ones anymore and anything that isnt a knock off is 100+ bucks
Is that Podesta?
>he uses a flight stick to play Ace Combat games
That's what I use and it's perfectly fine IMO.
Is there anything better?
just use your PS4 controller
you DO have a PS4 controller, don't you?
thats really dumb steam games just support DS4 now, and you're button prompts are are all for the wrong controller.
Why would I play Sekiro with mouse and keyboard? Makes no sense.
>buying games
I have been using my SwitchPro. It causes alot of headaches though since the 360 pad used to JUST WORK but now some game have some weird bugs like crash on start or requiring very specific drivers to get it to work
the left bumper on my 360 pad started acting retarded after falling off my desk a couple times it works like 75% of the time so I may try to repair it myself, hoping theres just some debris that blocks the contacts I can clear out.
the M&K controls for DaS3 were pretty good though, I would imagine that they would be on par for Sekiro
>not using xbox one the superior controller
carry on with your jerry rigged life style you fucking pauper.
but it just werks
you dont even need to buy games, just running a non steam program is all it takes. It even works with emulators
What's wrong with that, user? I know AC is an arcade shooter, not a super srs military flight sim. I just think playing with a stick is fun.
How else am I going to play 3d action games like DMC or souls games
They sell them at gamestop for like $20, just feel the buttons through the bag to make sure they don't stick
DaS1 PC controls were bad but 2 and 3 were pretty damn good
I'm not button prompts, YOU'RE button prompts!!
Contrary to popular Yea Forums opinion, some PC games DO play better with a controller.
Fighting games feel like absolute ass on a M&K
Older 2D platformers on emulators and stuff feel better with a controller
Games like Darksouls, Monster Hunter, and Devil May Cry feel better on a controller.
Games with fixed cameras like REmake have more natural movement on a controller.
And no console babies. First Person Shooters, contrary to YOUR beliefs, don't play better with a controller. Nothing in first person plays better with a controller. Nothing with a great deal of complexity, navigation of me us and systems, a ton of mappable abilities, or twitch movement play better with a controller either. That is also fact.
Anyone who limits themselves to one means of control instead of having options for every genre and instance they play is a faggot game journalist who doesn't actually like video games.
>Fighting games feel like absolute ass on a M&K
stopped reading there. as long as you aren't having ghosting issues, keyboard is fine. Its plays just like a hitbox and can even make certain actions easy as fuck, like IADs.
Doesn't matter, arrow keys/wasd for movement sucks in 3d games where the character direction is not mapped to the mouse, being limited to only 4/8 directions sucks
I would argue that they are more precise unless you are a super mario 64 God. knowing your movements on keystrokes is easier than a 360 degree stick. Its not like anyone on Yea Forums is ever doing a movement that cant be easily replicated with 4key movement anyway
Yeah, but you still need to use emulator for stuff outside of Gabens botnet.
you can use it on non steam games too you donut
>tfw stocked up before they stopped making them
I've got high quality controllers for the rest of my life. if someone makes better controllers one day I can sell the 360 controllers brand new.
I started doing that afterwards with my preferred brand of headphones and mice since I have autism and cant handle change. Wish I did it sooner
This, keyboard bad is a meme made by americans who were used to pads and sticks, never really tried playing on keyboard. Kb is literally hitbox, with maybe slightly more awkard button placement.
Hmm, never really used it. I'm thinking of replacing my old PS2 pad with something else, it's randomly pressing buttons or not registering.
What should i buy? I guess the only choice is PS4 and Xbone pad since , GameSir is just a Pajeet meme, right?
Steam isn't the only thing you can use a controller for you know. Emulators exist
I use an XBone controller for some games.
This except it's a ds3
what do you want me to do, play DMC with a fucking keyboard and mouse?
Why would anyone use an inferior controller? Are you high?
Anyway i'm pretty sure the point of the OP is that you should be using a keyboard and mouse since it offers a much larger range of inputs and more precise aim. Some games however i will use a controller with, for example driving games because a controller offers trigger axis that i can use to control speed.
I say driving games rather than racing games because majority of racing games it doesn't matter if you have an axis to control speed, you either are going full pedal to metal or stopping. So it's more leaned towards simulators or the likes of drifting games where control over speed matters.
tfw steam supports switch pro controllers
the comfiest controller
You can mod button prompts.
not with those shoulder buttons its not
Of course I do. d-pad is shit, but analog is good (unlike PlayStation analogs), and so are triggers. I bought wired X360 controller (manual said it's for PC only, but it works on X3600 too, kek) 8, maybe 9 years ago and fucking thing is still working with no problems. And I threw it a few times.
the newer versions of the 360pad have an ok Dpad, alot better than the any modern Dpad besides the PS4
Same it's really comfy.
source on that cute and funny girl?
I'm actually thinking about buying PDP Xbox One / PC Afterglow controller (for a change).
This. M&K is good for shooters, but doesn't really extend well to other genres. At some point, you're just handicapping yourself by using M&K because you want to prove a point. That's dumb. The great thing about PC is that you have OPTIONS. You're not limited to one control scheme. You can use a controller if you want.
Been using the Mayflash, and I gotta say, being able to use whatever I want is quite lovely. Though, I have to agree with 'cause any controller detects as a 360 as well, so I never have compatibility issues - combined with a CronusMax, I can use anything I want on any console/PC.
I would have to disagree. I had to restore both my PS4 & XBone controllers, and I'd have to say the best bumpers are by far Switch-Pro > DS4 > 360 > DS3 > XBone. The click on the Xbone has is completely insane, and if you open the controller you see why - it has direct contact with a small button that acts as the pressing mechanism, using the leverage of pushing down on the bumper to wedge the button down, which just makes it extremely easy to break on the XBone's bumpers (which were apparently quite common, I learned after doing some research online).
>he limits his possible methods of input for no reason