Other urls found in this thread:
switch when
>Getting the blessed run almost done with the 20 rounds
>Round 19
>overloading worm
they gotta come out at some point
How do you play this game multiplayer on a cracked copy?
Is it easier to get deicide solo or multiplayer, because I've been trying it solo and it's not working out
>"He thinks he's about to have a good run?"
can someone on EU host
Buy the game
But I like the key.
16 player lobby when
>lightning worm spawned as regular enemy
>kite it down
>two spawn as boss
i'm reminded
I'm so sorry. You can do it user.
>Half an hour waiting for that EU 16 player room to start
If you're waiting that long, don't bother.
Commando can dodge roll out of it with precise timing.
unable to
Miner w h e n
I didn't make it
>Engi in my fugus field
>Blaze titan on me
>Shields up but I'll refresh it before he fires to make sure I'm safe
>He fires in the gap between the last shield fading and the new one appearing
>Half my health gone straight away
>Fungus heals me to full straight away
>Tick dead the next instant
Loving every laugh
fuck off switch virgin
>it got made
Blessed as fuck
at least post the GIF of that one celebrity guy walking like he has a huge shit in his pants
All these laser attacks should be turned into projectiles like the guardians in botw. The wisps also have bullshit quick windup for being little shits
>Horde of many elite level 1
Sometimes I think the boss spawner has a chance to roll a higher tier because fuck you.
Because it fires as a shotgun m8. You can quail jump out of the way with luck/good timing
when are they adding voice chat so every game doesnt become a rush to grab every item before someone else does?
Acrid best happen eventually or I'll murder someone.
for the easiest time save up some coins
then do solo drizzle
open up as many shops as you can but don't bother if you notice a celestial orb because those count towards stage count as well.
>tfw 43 sticky bombs with merc
>tfw hitting a boss with eviscerate
Shame I died to a fucking blazing wisp
>play merc
>having a good run
>wrecking shit left n right
>wreck shit into a stage hazard
I think I'm done for today
Any good merc wallpapers for pc?
Big one or small one?
The wisps (both lesser and greater) were pretty easy to dodge in the first game too, literally all you had to do was jump at the right time.
Just run away and shoot them from miles away.
Big one
>tfw best girl artificer only has a third of the pics that huntress does
1/4 vanilla
Why does losing good runs make me not wanna play this game for more runs until I take a break? Like, I'll get killed by a wisp or a golem I couldn't even see or dodge and i'll just kinda close the game and come back to it an hour later.
Shit didn't happen with ROR 1, is it because theres no end game? Or because getting bullshitted out of a good run by shit beyond your control isn't fun?
Like, I can account for golems doing so much damage but I can't account for a wisp sniping me across the map, or a blazing lemurian hitting a shot I couldn't even notice because I was too busy killing the hundreds of other lemurains whos fire looks exactly the same.
Deicide is the kill elite boss on monsoon challenge
I can't find the comic but it's a Perry Bible Fellowship strip where it looks like a guy is jacking off but he's just really happy to be picking mushrooms. Can somebody make an edit where it's the Engineer instead?
Not until a full release. The game just came out in early access.
Probably because a good run is actually kinda rare with how scaling works.
What the name of this game again?
long neck artificer is a pretty good meme
someone post the modded .dll with wake of vultures and blazing fixes
i want no more of blazing stone titans
oh right sorry had a brain fart
I did it with engy but mul-t or just good rng in general.
It might be easier with a partner but I would see keep on hunting for good rng
>trying to unlock gesture of the drowned on drizzle
>game decides to bless me with a sticky bomb printer
god damn it, should I just run monsoon only from now on and progress towards it whenever I can or I should focus on killing 20 hermit crabs in one run?
Why do people complain about rusty key?
Okay anons. Engi advice, please?
And what's the consensus on rushing vs taking your time and getting loot?
Fucking Acrid WHEN.
do you need a mod to join a modded game for 16?
>55 mins in on monsoon
>Going 200 miles an hour
>a hermit crab "snipes" me mid jump with 6 quails equipped
yeah, sure thing game.
>jump boots
>frost relic
can i get a good red sometimes
Engineer: Get shrooms but remember that Turrets are expendable
Because it's a "potential" payoff instead of just being an immediately useful white item like a syringe.
Yes, version name differences = no online
Any new mods/updates today?
Hoppo please release more content.
I did it in one run, and I don't recommend it.
You'll be running up and down the cliffs looking for the retards for an hour, and god help you if you have drones or are playing Engineer and have the turrets out, because the crabs will run from them instead half the time.
Does anyone have a website with a complete list of items and how to unlock them? Every fucking website is missing a good number of items.
>niggas didn't even play RoR with Yea Forums trying to get 16 clovers
zoomers should leave
Pretty good you say?
Just text edit that shit in when you get all other items
I hate it cause finding the lockbox is too much of a fucking pain. I must GO FAST, and I don't have time to scour the entire map for a tiny little box. It should be easier to find, so I can actually get the benefit out of the fucking item I got.
Imagine getting a Syringe, but it doesn't raise your attack speed till you find a tiny switch in the next 2 levels, then you actually get the benefit from it.
2/4 spots
please join
Will a crowbar printer make rebar worth using over sticky nailgun? Not including other on hit effects.
Literally just look at the logbook and challenges you retard.
I tend to take my time more when playing Engie because his playstyle is more forgiving. Dumping down turrets as a distraction when chased, and making your own temporary little fort by combining all your abilities at once means you can often punch above your weight anyway.
It can backfire sometimes though, but thats more the RNGs fault for giving you items that don't work as well with Engineer's playstyle.
What's the code for it? It looks like a fun item, but I don't wanna grind that shit out.
Nigga it took me like 15 minutes to do the same thing. Obviously you were doing something wrong.
It took a while, but the Risk of Rain wikia was finally updated in the last 5 days.
You can't view them in-game, homo.
It was a combination of luck with their spawns and me having six bajillion drones at the time scaring them in random directions and trolling me with kill steals. Damn straight I was doing something wrong.
>not having the radar thing
you are small time
How would you feel if she got in the game?
lol no
>Predatory instinct doesn't give crit chance
Wait what the fuck
I'd rather have Gordon Freeman
RNG, you dummy. The last 6 times I've looped, Monsoon or Rainstorm, I simply have not gotten hermit crabs on Titanic Plains or Distant Roost.
accept fate
>That bandolier description
I can't stop playing engineer. I'm going to suck at the other characters at this rate, but making sentry nests and watching them annihilate everything is too much fun.
spotting it is pretty easy in 4/6 of the levels
Why would it? Didn't do that in the first game.
idk man I dont think I want nintendo to be involved with this because then it would have to become a kid game
>one huge hit that might not even one shot the enemy
>Bombs that apply more often and do more damage the more you have
sticky bombs you drizzlet
>but but muh lower proc coefficient
You have a shit ton of attack speed items and items that can proc bombs too. In fact those same items would ruin the crowbar stack since they might bring the enemies under 90% hp
>roll into a barrel or some shit and shoot it
>it manages to do over 1000 damage and kill me
does barrel damage scale with difficulty? cause if so fuck that
pretty fuckin good dude, wowee
I wish I could draw cuz I want an Artificer as a Kaminoan meme now
I just kind of assumed it did, even in the first. That feels silly. Also, 1 scythe gives 5% crit chance but more don't, is also super weird to me.
it did, 3% for each stack. same with reaper scythe
Risk of Rain is already a kids game tho. You get a teddy bear as an item.
>literally copy-pasted from in game
Thanks, anons.
Any lobbies?
she would actually fit pretty well, I would unironically be thrilled
Tfw no big butt huntress gf to kill overloading magma worms with ;-;
So is blazing bugged or something? I had a blazing stone titan hit me for .5 seconds and then death.
Artificer buffs when? The class is the shittiest, even Drizzle is Monsoon for them.
I wouldn't say there's anything inherently kiddy about the Metroid series, what with Samus killing things on a daily basis and her getting mutated in Fusion and so on.
Plus, she is one of the few characters that fits thematically with the game.
Is Sniper a dude or a chick?
I always imagined they were a girl.
just don't get hit
>fits thematically
just stop.
Needs some kinda vacuum item so monster teeth isnt shit and bandolier can be broken.
ngl she looks pretty kickass in this pic
This is not a game you would want to play with analog sticks
>max heal per second goes down with each corpsebloom
why would they do this
Nah man you just gotta intentionally lead them away from the teleporter if they're not a boss monster. Just completely don't engage with them. You don't have to fight them, y'know. Git gud.
Yes. So avoid the barrels and pots.
So im new to ror1, any tips for sniper? I feel like Im fucked past 10 minutes cause I can never keep up with the amount of enemies that start spawning.
Think it lays on too many stacks atm something like 24 if you get tagged with a laser for a bit
If you could modelswap any survivor with samus, who would it be?
Bullshit. I just ran around the cliff back and forth and crabs just kept spawning. Took me like 5 minutes.
The developers posted a thing saying they're looking up to sudden damage spikes and shit like that.
One thing that would fix everything would be giving a half a second of invulnerability if you reach low health on any character.
>2x gesture and 2x fuel cell
>royal capacitor
>any tips for sniper?
don't. Or just bank on getting the ceremonial dagger
>Want to try to get the 20 stage achievement
>Find a newt shop
>3 glass blades and that item that gives you a shield instead of health
>Deal 9999+ damage every single fucking shot with Commando
>Teleporter boss lifebar doesn't even have the time to show up from all the shit (missiles, fireworks, daggers, lightning and tesla) flying everywhere
>200 minutes in, didn't die once with 400 max health
Why are meme builds the most fun and effective?
In agreement, but it IS early access, after all. Makes me appreciate just how balanced RoR1 is. I hope 2 is balanced the same.
Rebar is pretty great at clearing flying dudes, helping your teammate across the map and hitting golems at full health. After that you just switch to nails for closer combat.
I try to use Rebar as much as I can because it's so easy to land, but not worth it against bosses unless you're really far away from a safe spot.
i can't get past 12-14 stages
>Kill Overloading Magma Worm on Monsoon
>Don't get Decide
Well, looks like I'll just have to go at it again.
always jump to reload so you can maintain momentum, always perfect reload
Wide, flat areas are your friend and where you want to lure all the enemies into spawning
It's been a long time since I last played ror1 but I really loved sniper, felt so good to play
according to the new development thoughts, they're gonna touch her weirdly low proc rates.
currently, M1 has 0.2 and icewall has 0.0.
keep in mind that each flame bolt really hits 3 times because of the ignite, so making it full 1.0 will be alot more potent.
What? It's true. If someone painted her inverted colors and nicknamed her "the bounty hunter" and put her in the game, no one would have a problem.
Man, I dunno... Probably the Bandit or the Commando. Tho, it would make more sense for her to have her own skillset based on her games.
The OMW is its own class separate from elites, and even Magma Worms.
its on steam. whats the problem?
youre not a pathetic loser without a job, right?
Does proc only check once for AOE attacks? because those are both aoe as well
It's literally dealing 24x the damage it should.
>Gesture x2
>fuel cells
>missile launcher
seriously stop. I don't care how cool you think it is. It's not only not happening ever but also very stupid.
Idk why but I keep dying in the first two rounds now all the time. Just now I died after getting a red as my first item what the fuck
That's only if it hits for the full duration of the beam since it places a dot for each tick. Blazing fire dot just does a shitload of damage later in the game because of out of control scaling in general.
Well that's some shit. At least I'll probably get it while trying for the 20 stage thing.
get gud vinny
Just stop sucking
Eu West 16 players modded
In what level is it easier to drown the crabbies? Does it have to be in the same run?
Do these red niggers have a single-shot laser or are they like the huge bosses with a continuous stream that tracks you?
>Today on No-Shit News: Yea Forums hates fun and is soulless, as always
it's taking into account the base damage of the monster instead of the actual damage dealt
so even though stone titan's laser deals small amounts of damage really quickly, it instead just takes the whole base damage of the stone titan so you end up dying in half a second because you're taking something like 1k-1.5k damage a tick
People find they tend to spawn more reliably during a loop with Titanic Plains. Grab a Cube.
The first loop stage you're on, Titanic Plains I think.
Milky Chrysalis is pretty good when you've got enough damage, and can't make use of the fruit.
you can only do it on titanic plains on loops
Go back where you came from.
Rebar in only good in early game and for sniping blazing faggots from the other side of the map.
>Holy shit this game is awesome
>These levels are amazing
>Oh ... the same again?
>and again?
I thought the levels were procedurally generated :(
If I mod the game can i still play with people playing vanilla?
i think it's only once per aoe attack and doesn't roll per enemy hit.
Put him in Hopoo
Do shrines of the mountain even spawn in single player? How will I ever find 2.
>What is RNG
Favorite character/"builds"?
is there a modded .dll with fixes to wake of vultures and blazing damage?
No, but all you have to do is replace the modded Csharp.dll with the original.
Probably came from smash threads or something, I can't believe how retarded people can get with speculation
did something update?
my 980ti is randomly dropping frames.
Makes sense, thanks
Well they are but not in a minecraft kind of way.
How is it stupid? Indie devs do game crossovers all the time and Nintendo's been doing some crossovers lately with all kinds of games. If Mario and Rabbids can work as an X-com clone, anything is possible.
I figure they could do it as a promotion for Prime 4, for example, whenever that game will ever come out.
single-shot laser that hurts a fuck ton
People seem to have trouble with Abyssal Depths in general. I found turning off shadows improved my performance greatly.
Fungus engineer but with the red item that launches skulls each time you get healed
I don't have any disposable income at the moment so I'm going to play it on a pirated copy until I can buy it. I just wanted to see if I can play with my friends. Stop sperging out.'re losing sight of what Risk of Rain is. It was never a colorful character romp, it was survivors being pitted against all odds.
Has the best class been confirmed for ROR2 yet?
unlocking rusty key was the worst mistake of my life
High crit+the attack speed masks+scythes+antlers commando.
Not as good as sticky stacking though great in combination, but being able to heal to full instantly and outheal titan lasers is a lot of fun. I love the ramping up of attack speed from the masks too, and being able to give syringes to my merc friend.
This. The other maps run fine, but Abyssal is a slideshow by the second loop.
Man, having a pony in RoR would be so cool, it would add a lot to the experience, on top of being a perfect fit, thematically speaking.
i cant find the teleporter on roost(1st stage), i already went to the obvious places but still cant find it.
He's dead, user.
This game became pretty easy after I gave myself a bunch of coins, Gesture on demand is pretty sick.
Not him but if Samus never existed (i.e. She was a Risk of Rain 2 original), you took one of her more toned down designs, reworked it a bit to fit the style of this game (probably make her colors less jarring) and put her in she'd fit perfectly.
The problem in reality is that she's an established Nintendo character with all sorts of things attached to her, but she'd be a good fit in a vacuum.
That's what I did today + 4 tesla coils. I just jumped around the map and even overloaded worms died without chances. And then blazing titan appeared...
There is nothing to imply that he died in the medpack lore. The med-e bot only cared about him and wanted him to stay safe.
On the ledge of the other distant distant roost.
Is the bridge available? If so, peer over the edge of the cliff on the island it leads to, the teleport can be on a ledge down there.
vanilla us host pls
So, zero suit samus? Since that's the weakest playable samus.
How do you get a build that amazingly bad
Shh, shhh, it's okay. I miss him too.
The end of RoR1 has him turned into a mutant with his shield fused to his arm doesn't it?
x gesture and 2x fuel cell
>>royal capacitor
inb4 drizzle, I was unlocking shit
Trying again after updating to 1.4.2
I'll host some vanilla U.S. in 20 minutes.
I'm getting GPU spikes the same settings I had yesterday. I think something else is running. Fuck. Probably Windows Update.
Getting dunestrider early is so fucking awful
Yeah, classic Metroid games have very much the same tone as RoR1 has. Isolation in a weird alien landscape where everything wants to kill you. Hopefully modding will be a bigger possibility in the future so we can get custom characters.
you guys make me jealous, I don't have gesture yet.
found it, thanks.
I can see that point, true.
Sorry, I just got finished playing Fusion and the whole aspect of Samus getting mutated, being manipulated and her being someone who's continuously traveling through the galaxy fighting off invasions of Metroids and Xs and isolated all by herself made me think of this game, but less claustrophobic (or more, depending on perspective).
do i just end my run now?
monsters stopped spawning and now im essentially just killing jewish golem in rotations
Is there anything to suggest that any of the classes in RoR2 are the same characters from RoR1, and not just people with the same profession?
The medkit lore even says "Without the enforcers we probably-" which implies there are multiple enforcers.
>Tried to give multiple rusty keys a try
>7 rusty keys
>Get Ceremonial Dagger, Happiest Mask, and Tesla Coil in rusty boxes in a row on 3 successive maps
I appreciate this.
would be nice to get pickups that arent just spears or crowbars
more keys are better loot
no one cares to remember that
Go get sequenced you coward
>chrysalis as Artificer
this is way too fun
>luck is on your side
i havent seen any shrines of order in forever but ill try to find one
what if we gave the merc
2 swords
she and huntress benefit most from it. It's super fun to use as MUL-T though as you can ram wisps in the fucking face while flying. Always fun to do.
This, I really want miner. He's peak fun in RoR and would translate super wrll to 3D
I had a run where I had about 900+ HP as huntress and one of those blazing bull things one-shot me just as I landed after a jump ;))))) Really happy about that.
Did it specify that it was good luck?
No, that'd be lame visually and gameplay wise. When I said toned down I basically meant the ZM Power Suit's visuals (but I remembered that after I wrote that part of the post). It wouldn't be too hard to make her not OP.
Go cry some more about it bitch
host vanilla US?
Hey, is this game fun?
lads, could anyone with a spare copy share it with a fellow user?
it is horribly addicting to a ridiculous degree
so yes, it is fun
My only worry is I'll burn myself out before it's even out of EA
oh shit bros
Why not pirate it and play some singleplayer for a demo, it's not very big data wise.
take a break or something
space loli
Thats not her problem though. Her problem is how limited she is in all aspects.
>get backup mags or just lose
>get alien head or just lose
>no defensive ability at all
>wall is fucking useless even at high time runs because any GOOD character would melt an enemy in half a second, so if you need the wall to kill an enemy you're already fucked
U.S. west, vanilla, Rainstorm
to be fair the original metroid had that feel.
I don't think it's said, since the ending line takes Sniper's spotter drone into account, hence the "they".
This is my main worry with early access titles as well. A year down the line it'll probably be better but who knows.
Golem single
Titan beam
she's inherently shit
What are the differences between difficulties?
Let us remember that Loader after leaving the shithole that was this planet, rebuild his life and is probably happy now.
Still pisses me off such a great soundtrack and designs were wasted on some bullet hell garbage where every boss is a shitty gimmick fight.
How do I go about modding this game? I have been having fun but I kinda wanted to dick around with sacrifice mode for lulz.
Fact: Artificer lacking a defensive option wouldn't be so bad if Shift were replaced with an circular AOE frost bomb and M2/R didn't break sprint.
Making an all-offense character stop all the time and giving them a "wall" is counter to that playstyle.
No one cares because rusty key is fucking trash you toss into the nearest sticky or syringe printer.
when you install the mod pleb
I really enjoyed Furi, enough to dive straight into hard mode after beating the game. Then again I got it dirt cheap and didn't have any expectations.
how do I not be shit at arti?
If we're getting a crossover character I vote for OPBOT
Where the fuck are the flying lemurians?
You are a shitty gimmick fight
>stack of keys
>activate printer
>hoof goes in
>activate printer
>hoof goes in
>activate printer
>syringe goes in
>decide to sacrifice a run to copying 7 items
>first printer I find is the item that makes healing faster out of combat
>I'll just get it and die
>behemoth drops
Also inc
>63 min
>Stage 7
I know..
You don't, it's a shit class inherently. It needs a redesign, and I'm afraid the shit for brains retards in the Discord will prevent that from happening by mindlessly spamming "SHE'S FINE" when all they fucking do is plain on fucking Drizzle for 20mins or less.
Don't reply to me if you dont know shit, retard.
>finally get 11 lunar coins to unlock artificer
>get the altar
>enter the portal
>crystal prison thingy hasn't loaded in
>can't buy him
never stop sprinting/casting.
manage cooldowns so you're never dicking around waiting for M1 charges.
movement items (quail especially) and backup mags are your best friends.
she's fun as fuck once you get the hang of her, and imo completely trivializes the early/mid game, but she's still FAR more item-dependant later on than other characters and has alot of issues still.
What causes the de-sync in multiplayer.
Is there a fix?
reminder that if a crossover character really happens, it will probably be a borderlands character (since gearbox is publishing the game)
Every day I hope and pray the Miner fans get their way
she's not very good, sadly. if you stack syringes and backup magazines then machine gunning with nanobomb can be kinda fun. her kit is just oddly designed though.
Spear wielding survivor when?
>hopoo adds flying lemurian elders
>it's just this
The whole system is little busted tbqh since it's extremely biased towards attack speed late game and the damage your actual attack does on its own pales in comparison to the on-hit and on-death effects.
No fucking shit I had the strong longing to play a spear wielder in this game yesterday
would be so neato
Extra mags and steroids.
I don't think you know what a bullet hell or a gimmick is.
No one also cares to realize that getting excess keys is worthless after a certain number.
how close to 100% invul is this?
where are my based commando mains at?
You can't. Play RoR1 if you're poor
if only i had more shit to sac, but still holy shit
Get enough goat hooves and feathers and items that proc on hit for flamethrower to keep you in the game for as long as possible after nano bomb and flame bolt stop being able to kill bosses.
that was a lot of items
this is a good red but its shit when stacked. it does almost nothing after a single one. Don't waste it
>didn't get a gifted copy from one of your ""friends""
About 86.6%
I'm not sure how the flying Lemurians would work in 3D, they just kinda flew at you, then landed and became regular Lemurians basically. If they got a projectile like the other regular RoR2 Lemurians then I question how they'd be all that different from Wisps.
fellow based default character with a boring kit!
only another 10000 bears to go
>he didn't give his gift to one of his "friends"
ended up with a pretty big banner
You still got a long way to go
The way the scaling works makes it extremely difficult to even approach 100%. It's like 600~ to get to 99% and 6000~ to get to 99.9%
mostly glad i could rid that wake of vultures
This game needs a easy mode
geez, did I pick a bad day to wear white...
post yfw
40% damage reduction in Drizzle. Other than that, heightened prices and how fast the difficulties on the top right change. This is a big deal because HAHAHAHA gets harder and harder as the game goes on.
If you meant the top right difficulties then it's similar to how it was in RoR. See the Director bit of this page.
The director uses points to spawn bosses, instead of just elites, as the game progresses in difficulty.
It has one.
About 86%
>yfw you find a ukulele printer
Commando is like that starting weapon that you think is garbage but becomes the strongest weapon in the game if you don't abandon it for something flashier.
oh in that case, yes get that shit
there is one hilarious and topical shitposter
M1: Basic three thrust attack
M2: Spin around and knock back enemies hit, deflects projectiles
Shift: Leap forward and impale first enemy you hit, stunning them
R: Dragoon Jump
How do I get environmental logs for the other areas?
Also what is the point of the gilded coast?
vanilal usa
>40% damage reduction in Drizzle. Other than that, heightened prices and how fast the difficulties on the top right change. This is a big deal because HAHAHAHA gets harder and harder as the game goes on.
Really, felt like shit died faster on drizzle too
It could work.
I had this and a happy mask one run, my computer was dying from all the ghosts
but the scaling is awful?
>Get sequenced down to Sticky Bombs, Ukuleles, and Tesla Coil
I don't even have to play anymore.
>mfw sticky bomb printer as the commando
>found a syringe printer early on as merc
>2 hours later quit the game because having like 20 syringes made shit trivial
THIS is a big warbanner
Has the game been patched at all?
Went hard the first few days and haven't played since, any updates? Is Artificer still shit?
Does WoV appreciably increase the damage of your attacks with the elemental effects?
NA East Modded
Gonna go with however many we get by the time I get out of the shower
uke printers are garbage
since it doesn't raise chance, anything past like 2/3 is a huge waste
No, as in you take 40% less damage.
So whats the secret? High proc on his neutral shot?
Whats the point of /vg/ when you have generals on Yea Forums
You buy them from broken technology bits.
it's not as good as you think. it only adds on jump chance or # of mobs it jumps to, not damage.
you want tesla coil for real electricity.
hopoo replace miner's backblast with a big leap stun and he'll fit in perfectly
1 more
>The class is the shittiest
you just suck m8
I don't understand this idea that backblast can't work in 3D. Lots of 3D games have a backhop as a dodge move.
Chance to proc twice on basic, Full metal jacket has infinite pierce and range. Also has really good range so you can plink away at blazing enemies from a safe distance.
niggers always forget more ukes = bigger distance the spargs can jump
the additional enemy jumped to per stack is also great
Do those sattelites show up in those areas too? I've never seen one in the bazaar or the fractured moment and been there a bunch.
When are the Clay-men coming back anyways?
>hoof printer
>hopoo feather printer
Hey, what's down in that seemingly bottomless pit?
More or less, in conjuction with its range and fire rate, so you can absolutely hose out damage from afar.
>play engi
>find zero (0) ((none)) fungus
>get multiple hopoos
>updates come out twice as fast
It increases range and number of targets
Don't go nuts trying to get 50 of them but 5+ lets you start crazy chain reactions
god this guy is retarded
hes not even trying
I don't think itemless TTK varies if the top right difficulty is the same between D/R/M. E.g. First 30 seconds of Monsoon /should/ have enemies who are as squishy as they are in the first 30 seconds of Drizzle.
this one in particular you're much more likely to backblast into 18 things you can't see that can kill you near-instantly
although, if backblast stunned enemies hit with either miner or the blast, and hopoo gave him invuln during, it'd be pretty darn pretty darn
If I unlocked an item in my client and then joined a host who hasn't unlocked it yet, will it be able to appear in that game?
space things out
>empty m1
>full charge m2
>empty m1
>empty m1
>fully charge m2
>ice wall top stop advancing enemies
The only actual thing holding Arty back are fucking wisps
>shroom and infusion on first level
glad i picked engi
on the engi run I just did, if I hit any enemy on the map, it would kill everything in the map due to a combination of gasoline, wisp, atg, sticky bombs & clover
I only had like 3 ukes, but rockets would fly to the other side of the map & start a chain reaction there
>Get frustrated and switch over to Merc
>Find 5 funguses on stage 1
i had a run like that
the 30 stickies made up for it
does infusion invalidate the no healing for three teleporter event achievement? it gives you health, sure, but it didn't seem to health you when you get the +1 per kill.
engi is literally the worst person for that item
>open rusty lockbox
>get rusty key
fucking horse shit
suck my ass thats the point
does every level have a logbook for the stage or is it the newt level only.
Fuck off Yea Forumstard
I know snowzone has one, you pay a buttload of money to a radar dish lookin' thing and get a logbook entry. I'm sure the other levels have something similar.
Yes, as I found it on the third teleporter event and grabbed the infusion I got from the boss and failed it. Honestly just avoid anything that affects hp and you'll be fine
when can i unlock qt huntress? i've only played two hours, honestly
yeah, i agree. i play a lot of EDF 4.1 on PC with a controller, and i thought RoR2 would be the same, but it's really not. it's almost like i need KBM for this game
Get to level 4 without dying.
Shower is finished, but the lobby is still open
more health is good though
how do i merc
Says your on a different version.
most likely you'll barely get any because turret kills aren't attributed to you
get shield generators, sprint shields & teddies on engi instead
wait, i think i did. what did i do wrong?
get 1.4.2
Floor is lava, use your M1 and M2 to keep you floating whilst your shift and R are on cooldown.
For the people that missed it
Main pastebin:
Forwards & backwards compatible again (aka you don't have to update)
>Merc will now sprint after every move other than M1 (which doesn't interrupt it)
>Blazing Titan's Megalaser should now apply shorter DoTs (1 tick of damage per hit you take in comparison to 8. You can still take 24 ticks of damage if you get hit by the entire laser duration)
>Sacrifice should give more items early & less items late
>Command will prevent hidden items ( ? icon ) from spawning in Multishops
>All types of elites should now spawn.
Is it possible for the teleport to spawn in inacessible areas?
I’ve roamed Distant Roost for 16 minutes on Monsoon and couldnt find it
Most of the time just mash all your abilities whenever they're off cooldown. You can use your R skill to avoid big attacks like Vagrant's deathblast because you're invincible for the duration of the attack. So learn how long it takes Vagrant to charge up, then R into it just before he explodes and you'll skip it completely.
Backup mags are very good because your M2 functions like a little double jump. Getting enough of them and learning to time your abilities out means you can go an extremely long time before needing to touch the ground, if ever.
Also something merc newbies don't seem to realize is that your dash is actually 3 dashes. You dash through an enemy and get an extra, up to 2 times before the cooldown automatically begins.
But really above all you wait for Hopoo to buff Merc damage and nerf Blazing damage.
no, in your case its probably off the side of that 'island' off the side of the cliff with a path leading up to it. It has a large ledge underneath it that isn't obvious when you're coming up to it.
Based ModAnon
>Risk of Rain in the Endless universe.
Would fit pretty well tbqh.
Check the lower plateau on the island, check behind the door in the lower main area if it's open, and check the upper starting area if you didn't spawn there
Optionally invest in some glasses
Did you check through the door if it's open? Did you check the lower ledge on the island only accessible by the bridge (if it spawned)?
>first boss is Wandering Vagrant
Power Beam: Fire a three-shot burst for 3x80% damage.
Missile: Fire a slow-moving missile for 300% damage that explodes and knocks enemies back.
Screw Attack: Summersault forward, damaging and knocking enemies away for 150%.
Screw Attack negates fall damage.
Hyper Beam: Stand in place a fire a powerful beam for 4 seconds. Can be cancelled by other abilities.
i didn't like furi either
How do you even play Engi against worms/imp overlords? Your shit dies instantly.
>Stand in place for 4 seconds
W-what game are you playing, user
tranny containment zone desu fampai
How the fuck do you deal 5k damage to get the tesla coil?
>try out new 1.4.2 mod
>it makes Merc sprint after every ability
>there's plenty of times I want to hold forward without sprinting, or just let go of forward all together
>if I hold forward now it'll make me sprint
>if I don't hold forward I won't sprint as you need to be moving forward to toggle sprint
>playing naturally now leads to sprint falling on and off
>sprinting lowers your sensitivity making 360 dashes require two different mouse movements
>also be sure to hold M1 the entire game as there's no reason not to as Merc
Fuck this auto toggle shit. If abilities don't maintain sprint, then I'd rather just toggle it manually myself. The only time it's convenient is when moving from point A to B as there's no reason to let go of forward. Holding M1 is also pretty cancerous as it just serves to hurt my finger when I could instead get AHK to toggle it for me.
>can't find shrine of gold anywhere
At least I can do a tiny bit more damage.
Bandoliers and mobility items to replace dead turrets instantly. Also don't put them next to one another.
how can i go about playing as an enemy other than the lumurian? i really want to try out the worm
The idea I had is that she keeps enemies away with her missile and screw attack. Its supposed to be high risk but you're right in that it might be suicide regardless of how good it is
>tfw probably drowned 50 bulls on the ice map
>dude wheres my unlock
>its actually crabs
is this a good videogam fellas
i loved ror1 but im kinda worried about the whole 3d thing, i feel like the gameplay and the art is much more suited to 2d
i mean how am i supposed to see whats going on? late game ror has like 30 enemies stacked on eachother, how does that translate to 3d? and things like the big golem, lava worm, them niggas huge, wont they take up like 90% of the screen. and enemies like parents, them boys huge too. what about the jellyfish? motherfucker goes through land, imagine that shit in 3d, you cant tell if a 35ft wide flying jellyfish is about to start shuffling on you
Do Shrines of Order stop spawning after a certain point like monsters?
Im trying to sequence my items before killing myself but ive gone through about 15 stages since monsters stopped spawning and havent found 1
force spawning legendary chest after first loop when
I think editing how characters behave oversteps the bounds of what the mod should do and I don't like that it's a package deal of getting artifacts and using someone else's idea of character balance.
Welcome to the internet, retard. Please check out to see uncut gameplay footage of the game you're interested in.
Abyssal depths always has at least one garaunteed gold chest.
you sound like a skeptic who was scared of the N64 lmao
the game is great bro, it translates with nearly no problems at all
ya'll watchin his stream?
eu vanilla
5 fuel cells
5 whorls
1 meteor
I do not recommend
where did these guys go
didnt it hit for 9999 since your 30th stack already ?
that's a whole lot of fun though
dead, just like the actual wisps
>2 runs ended by stage 4 to blazing greater wisps in a row
modded eu lobby please
even the mushrooms :((((
I believe the 9999 is a visual limit only. The actual damage done climbs higher but it doesn't display beyond 9999.
Vanilla Monsoon US East
Door closed, Spawned in Upper Area where sometimes the bridge doesnt spawn, checked everywhere
how the fuck do i play mul-t
>he doesn't play on the super secret soul mode
pick something else.
I hope not or I'm converting a bunch to some other 3D printer I find.
Good to know.
>use machine gun
>deal damage
>golf cart away if low health
Its not that hard, man.
>reddit spacing
go back
>Mfw 3 fuel cells and missile launcher
>Tfw got in the mood to ror 1 again
>win game once
>try out sniper
>memories start coming back of falling into the rhythm of the shots and reloads
I hope they make ror 2 sniper play similarly. It’s such a comfy mechanic.
region ?........
Do you feel this way about it on other characters or just merc?
I'll make you a version without it, but I need to know what I need to remove it from
it's not exactly balance, as you can press shift after every attack to have the same effect
it's just that people were extremely annoyed by utility interrupting sprints on other characters, so I assumed it would be the same on merc
I have the opposite problem I'm too stupid to play any other character.
You can but it's a bit iffy go to cs rin ru and check the posts there and see if you can get it to work.
I ended up buying it because one of my friends couldn't get it to work.
better than sex
I play with a controller
Those only spawn in the underground nasty cave levels, there are no underground nasty cave levels yet (the fire cave one doesn't really fit).
>dude I need fungi for my engi lmao xDDD
What the fuck happened to people getting good at the game instead of complaining?
i just can't fucking get the long road
i just fail everytime at 12-14 stages
Brother please I am hurt. Give me some fungus.
Wait you need to play this with a kbm? I thought everything was autoaim. Did they turn it into an FPS?
Abuse Lunar Pods/Celestial portals
Summon newt portals whenever possible, going to the store counts as clearing an extra level.
>newfag can't even crosspost
I mean I'll adapt(leeching seeds are actually pretty decent early game) with what I have but why are yall literally picking up F- tier items when it would be S+ tier on me.
where da robits at :((((((((((((((((
this snow map is better too
mechanical spiders were aids and I'm glad they're gone
Why does it upset you so much that people are talking about a video game in a singular thread on the video games board?
That suddenly really makes me want to swap mercenary with zero.
Unironically, the snow level in ROR 1 is kino as fuck.
God Tier:
>Desolate Forest
>Sky Meadow
>Ancient Valley
>UES Contact Light
Good Tier:
>Dried Lake
>Sunken Tomb
Forgettable Tier:
>Damp Caverns
>Temple of Elders
Boring Tier:
>Magma Barracks
>Hive Cluster
You still have spiders user
They are pots and souts with tar in them with the ability or a cremator.
I unironically want VR support. This game is gorgeous. It looks like Wind Waker, which also looks great in VR
A man of taste. In high loops, and with 5+ keys, you are getting a green or red each level, which is especially important once chest spawns start decreasing to 4-5 a level (besides spooktown of golden chests)
Zero as in the Mega Man X character or Zero as in the Borderlands 2 character? Both of them have swords.
Why are you not on /vg/? You have a general there. What is so wrong about going there? They have a lot more resources in that thread and people.
Remember to go to the secret level to get the T-shirt.
You didn't answer the question.
She really needs some extra special features
like, Backup mages give her more M1 stocks as well
or, attack speed increases her M1 cool down
eu monsoon 109775241000299335
Oh, I forgot about borderlands. I thought his name had an actual zero in it.
well since you didn't respond, I only removed it from merc.
You didn't either.
You know what, hiro should delete /vg/ and just bring all the generals on here Yea Forums
i hated those faggot ass robots
Dried Lake...
what is your defense for the daily Sekiro, DMC, etc threads?
>we have a snow map in 2
>the Golems aren't covered in snow when they emerge from underground
and why aren't you in Yea Forums? we are talking about video games here, kid.
/vg/ was a stupid solution to a nonexistent problem since it was introduced. I don't give a shit if they delete it. Stop crying about people discussing video games on the video games board, faggot.
>playing monsoon right now with the game as horribly balanced as it is
Brought it on yourself. None of my monsoon runs last longer than 50 mins, none of my non engi monsoon runs last longer than 45.
I opened it once to be in both Yea Forums & /vg/ threads at the same time to get more people
people were exchanging discords in the /vg/ thread to ERP
No fucking thank you
At least you're playing without artifacts, Yea Forums's meta was cancer
it was hard to let go but i had to
More maps is a given, but I hope some of the others are added to. Distant Roost is a little too small, its good early on since its a quick run through but I'd like loops to add an area here, there etc
I blame the recent april fools
God, I got so tired of glass
git gud.
lmao why the fuck is t-pain playing this game?
Honor is best artifact and is always great.
Glass was needed
But Command and Spite were boring as fuck and lead to an unfun meta of "If you dont get at least 3 items per level your fucked and should just quit". It's more fun to play without knowing what your gonna get and let the builds become OP over time
>/vg/ only became a namefag ERP meetup zone since april fools
holy SHIT lurk moar
Because /vg/ is an eternal circlejerk full of regulars and tripfags. Like a literal circlejerk I swear half of them have formed long distance relationships and are very busy ERPing with each other and the discussion of the game has stagnated so hard after the 500th thread that it's completely tertiary forum gossip at that point.
usually it takes longer for a /vg/ general to devolve into circlejerking, but I'm not going back to check if it wasn't a fluke
Risk of Rain 2 reminds me Unreal Tournament 2004 Invasion mode.
I figured, he also a drizzlet which is pretty funny
>solt my soul to Mul-T drizle for merc
i feel like a prostitute
its so unearned
Need to make a version of this with a goat hoof counter in the top right. As it steadily increases he speeds up and catches fire.
It's one item per level at most, and half the time you won't find the thing. Stacking them theoretically increases the item rarity but even at like 10 of the things you won't get reliable greens. Basically, unlike the clovers from last game, a key just isn't worth more than a decent white item and doesn't really pay for itself.
They could probably tailor the game's balance and add more auto aim to basic attacks but its probably not on the radar yet since the game is blowing up on PC and they still have work to do before porting.
Gearbox is publishing it so they could end up doing the ports while Hopoo just add to PC.
makes the most sense. i think the crowd that is probably watching this haven't even played the games, and there's no better way to showcase it than to play the easiest difficulty and steamroll the game
With other characters you use mobility moves to traverse. With Merc you use 'mobility' moves not just for mobility, but to attack. When you do use them to attack there's often no need to sprint as you're circling a single enemy over and over, which makes the sprint sensitivity issue even more apparent as repeated 360s brings out slight sensitivity changes more than any other mouse movement. The issue isn't being unable to sprint after an ability, but abilities ending sprint in the first place. When sprinting and spamming abilities to move forward you want to maintain it, and when you go from sprinting to doing Whirlwind then you're likely attempting to close a gap making sprint more useful, but when you're dashing, eviscerating, and whirlwinding on top of a boss or in the midst of many enemies and are waiting a moment in mid air to pick the next target to dash to you don't want fluctuating sensitivities. Maintaining sprint works for traversal, and doesn't require restraint on when you hold forward in combat as to prevent undesired sprint toggles. I don't really want multiple alternate mods with different control tweaks. I also don't want any burn changes, or whatever is the next 'Obvious bugfix/QoL change'. It feels more and more like a github fork than a modification to the base game. I'm not complete impatient, it hasn't been 2 weeks, a burning change is coming soon. The only value I really with gameplay changes is it being a potential beta test for how similar changes might work out in the base game.
I'm pretty sure it's Zer0
>not getting a qt IRL animu girl on /vg/ who takes off her clothes at the sound of a specific whistle tone
>Sacrifice item drop chance increases with 57 leaf clover
>Want to meme up a run with Shrine of Order just to see what happens
>Haven't seen one in days
in in in in in
did the game just desync?
Requesting edit of this with engineer.
WE 2
Artificer's Snapfreeze should just be a wall that cuts off enemy advancement and blocks shots. She desperately needs a defensive option
>The only value I really with gameplay changes is it being a potential beta test for how similar changes might work out in the base game.
I could have tried looking into making it carry over sprint, but since you say you're not really interested in it, there's probably no point.
I'm basically just doing the things hopoo is going to do in the next patch and some options for the anons who want it.
He already confirmed that he's fixing headhunter (which I did), he already confirmed he's making titan laser burns significantly weaker (which I did) and he also talked about looking at blazing elites as a whole (for which I added the burn DoT multiplier)
I always set the multiplier to 0.5 and it feels a lot more fair now, blazing elites still hit like a fucking truck and the DoT is still a force to be reckoned with, but getting hit twice by a lemurian doesn't sign your death anymore
also, just to be sure you see it,
the freeze/slow effect should be permanent or last much longer.
If you could actually use it to slow down a massive group of monsters and eliminate 1/3 of their hp it would super useful.
will you accept a west us fag?
random opinions from hopefully unbiased anons are far more interesting to me than the autistic screechings of a 20 something childrens entertainer overhyping to get views
sure i can watch fags play it but i cant play it myself. if something is shitty or doesnt feel right the only reliable sources i have are friends and this shithole. eat shit fagola
NA East Modded
We got 5, Get in boyos
They are pretty rare. I only saw my first after about 35 hours.
2h ago, but whatever, guide for anons. Get the clean game and steamfix from, extract, paste ect. In cream api config file replace appid with one for "gocco of war demo" THERE ARE 2 APPIDS IN THE FILE. Start downloading gocco of war. Start RoR2, it'll probably crash. Close steam, start it again, start ror. It should work now, you can stop dling gocco & remove it. If you have build id probles the one without id 0 has to restart steam.