
Attached: hc.png (669x491, 51K)

Nervous. RD2 had a budget of 750M with a team of 2000+ compare that to 343 and their crew of about 400. Bigger budget doesn't magically make it a better game.

Correct, but keep in mind a smaller team also usually results in more focused workflow, especially with a strong team of producers and senior directors.

more halo style innovation?
this time only 1 weapon and no health at all!

I liked Halo 5 for all its flaws and 343 has only been improving.

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It's probably because MS has been fucking around all generation. Halo is too big to kick to the curb so they just keep giving the studio money until eventually they spit out a product.

Look at all that marketing!

Read it again, you fucking moron.

Absolutely insane budget but I hope it translates into results.
We've known for awhile now that budget doesn't necessarily make a product good though

Absolutely insane budget but I hope it translates into results.
We've known for awhile now that budget doesn't necessarily make a product good though

And you honestly believe them?

It's a halo game, what the fuck are they doing with that budget?

No way no how partner

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It cost like 15 million bucks to make an airplane.

I would spend more than $500,000,000 to go back to 2007.

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I enjoyed halo 5 for what it was.

It’s a shame a game like that didn’t take off where fortnite did.

Halo 5 was fake and gay

What reason would they have to lie? If the game's shit, the game's shit, if anything they could reveal the game's budget AFTER marketing costs and "impress" people even more with the money going into the game.

Imagine being in 2007 and knowing what the future holds and being powerless to stop it.

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>What reason would they have to lie?
They know the company and franchise's reputation in in the can and they want to make more money?

That budget will go to getting people from all over the world with visas so the game will have their little chocolate box of diversity and inclusion. It's not going to gameplay and it's not going toward making a ton of maps.

If that's the case, then why was Locke retconned and thrown in the dumpster, and why is the game a spiritual reboot with no niggers or trannies in sight?

You could just go all in on bitcoin. At least you'd be crazy rich then.

And then use the money to vacation in new zealand.

This can't possibly end well.

Why does microsoft keep throwing so much money on games and always end up making crap?

I'm not impressed. I stopped playing Reach and 4 midways and flat out skipped 5. Maybe my mind will change once I see more about it, but $500 million dollars doesn't mean shit to me given the current state of AAA video games.

Great, hopefully it crashes and burns. Fuck 343.

Failed game it is, even if it is a success the amount of sales they would need to cover the costs is going to be ridiculous

>most expensive
>only "more" than 500 mil
It's like, maybe top ten.

>Most expensive!
>Biggest dev team!
>Almost a decade in development!
Are people actually impressed by such slogans? To me they are more worrying than reassuring.

Because nobody asked for advanced movement in Halo

I'm amused, throwing money at a game doesn't necessarily make it good

Lmao how are you spending so much on a fps game?

Check it. The most expensive video game ever right now is technically MW2, but it's really GTA5, and even that's only at 265 million. This will be more than double it's cost marketing included.

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Sounds like a disaster in the making, just don't fuck up the MCC port and I'll be fine

Half of which will go to marketing.

That's a great joke but every major MMORPG has expenses over a billion dollars over the course of its lifetime. Even WoW, which cost a lot less because they used a modified War3 engine instead of developing a proper high-spec engine eventually built up expenses over $1B since it's been around 15 years.
FFXIV is probably the biggest offender because they built it from the ground up twice for $300M each try and its got like five expacs now.

Someone is going to make a BR gamemode and map that will take off amd launch Halo into a new age of popularity

Please read the image before posting.