Other urls found in this thread:
Absolutely based, instabuy at the $14 level
I bought 3
>no Backyard Baseball
just install SCUMMVM
I'm having a kid later this year, could not be a better time to pick this up and have it ready for him/her.
I only see freddi fish 2 and 3 there. how is anyone supposed to know what's going on if I didn't play freddi fish 1?
pajama sam fans doesn't deal with this horseshit. for fuck's sake.
this isn't your reddit tab.
Pajama Sam 2, Freddi Fish 3, and Putt Putt Travels Through Time are the best ones.
can't imagine why you wouldn't just pirate all of these
the original developers will see none of that money
>freddi fish 3
holy shit the memories
Please, user, think about the shareholders of whichever company holds the rights to this games. Why does nobody ever think about the shareholders?
>zoomer faggots in the HB Thread calling Humongous games shit
If you roll a 6 Im PMing you a key
>being a dad makes you leddit
Yeah okay fag
making comments like that does.
>Not Jumpstart.
Spy Fox > Pajama Sam > Putt Putt = Freddie Fish
>Putt Putt travels through time was my first Putt Putt game, likely first Humongous game.
>When he went to the future I was too young to understand the concept of the future
fuck man
>tfw unironically played Jumpstart a grade below me to make sure I have my basics down
was a really good way to refresh on old shit I suppose
half the shit in those games they didn't really teach me at all in school
Even if you do hate Night Dive who in addition to bringing these back, also brought System Shock and Turok back, you can send all of the money to charity so they see none of your money
Would have rather had Reader Rabbit or Clue Finders content, but I can't be mad at this.
>Those Jumpstart games with the dog, I think his name was Freddy or something
I fucking loved those games, especially the one where you play a few rounds of bumper karts (or something) at the end, and the skateboarding one. I think I remember there was also this music one from the early 2000’s or something with a rabbit. I’m tonedeaf as shit so I got stuck on one of the types of mini games needed to progress i watched a video of it on YouTube and even now I can’t figure out the later ones. Iirc it’s the one where you have to find the sour/wrong note in a song
Freddie Fish should be higher, bub
I already had two kids, the first one is the most difficult to pop out but believe me, after that it will be the most precious moments of your life. Im happy for you user
>$15 for a bunch of shitty kid games
kill yourself.
>Pajama Sam
I only played the purple car game
Meh Duke Nukem 3D was better
Case of the Missing Kelp Fish IS Freddy Fish 1, you fucking casual.
>watched two streamers play freddi fish 3 literally yesterday
>today it's on humble bundle
Guess this is a sign I should buy this bundle.
I want to buy it, but theres only like a 10% chance ill play them
Every one of these is like 1-2 hours long
>put most of the good ones behind a paywall
>Only Putt Putt and Pajama Sam are good
lmao no thanks
>No Pajama Sam 3
Fuck yeah, biiiitch
Congratulations! You probably have 5+ years before these games become relevant to your kid, though.
Damn talk about Nostalgia.
Little Howie Collection when?
This is the only good Jumpstart game. Why the fuck was it so much better than every other entry?
You should actually consider suicide
ClueFinders was the TITS. Actually taught me some shit
Freddi Fish 3, Pajama Sam 2 & 3, Spy Fox in Dry Cereal
Putt Putt Travels Through Time, Spy Fox 3 Operation Ozone, Freddi Fish 1, 2, and 4, Pajama Sam 1
Putt Putt Moon, Joins the Race, Pajama Sam 4
Freddi Fish 5, Putt Putt Joins the Circus, Spy Fox 2, Big Thinkers
is this the boomer general?
You bet it is
Get your ass in here
>JumpStart Adventures 4th Grade: Haunted Island
What the fuck were they thinking? Nightmare fuel doesn't help me learn shit.
>I would rather literally end my own life than reminisce on the past because I'm literally too mature to posses the natural feelings of nostalgia
What's it like living like this?
Where's Elroy?
Honestly, some of these games have such an inspired art direction.
Like LucasArts-tier stuff
They quickly replaced it with a western theme version because of fags like you.
Don't fall for this shit.
1. Download SCUMMVM
2. Go to your favorite rom site and grab all of the fucking roms that SCUMMVM supports, which should be p much every single sprite-based lucasarts adventure game.
3. Jerk it to Freddi Fish mermaid porn.
>could not be a better time to pick this up and have it ready for him/her.
What about a couple of years from now? What are you, a retard?
I'm glad someone remembers this.
Even as a kid I figured out software quirks like pressing alt on the keyboard would interrupt certain events, and could be abused to increase score non-stop.
A bit too early don't you think, mate? Maybe 3-5 years down the line, but don't think a drooling infant will really be pouncing on these that quickly. In spite of that, good luck and best wishes to you.
humble emulation bundle
old games, not even with the $1 of the first tier.
fuck you
you know it to be true.
>Go to your favorite rom site
Found a problem. They're all fucking gone
What about Putt Putt Saves the Zoo and Fatty Bear?
>no backyard baseball
Saves the Zoo is Great tier
Never played Fatty Bear
Atari owns the rights to it
>tfw you find out The Robot is also Creepy Suzie from The Oblongs
You're point? HE has two good games and neither are available. Fuck off kid.
pretty rude tbqh
>literal toddler games that zoomers are nostalgic for
Listen, I'm sorry. I got excited when I saw the HE logo, realized my favorite HE games were there and then I snapped at you when I saw the reply to me. It was a mistake. I hope we can move past this.
Millenials find these games nostalgic. Zoomers are too young to have ever played them.
I would worry more about getting a bunch of children's literature together before worrying about video games. Reading to a child from birth is really good for their development. Check out books like Pollyanna, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio, etc
fuck this trash you want to give 90's kid pc nostalgia put out a jumpstart bundle that made every retarded child a grade or two
my mom was so pissed when one of my teachers called home saying that I was somehow constantly cheating due to my grades magically skyrocketing in 3 months
Fatty Bear is shit tier but still comfy
The average Yea Forums poster talking about things they know nothing about.
>Humongous Entertainment
Dammit. The one time HB will get my money.
>An actual good bundle.
Tell me I'm dreaming.