This game is near UNPLAYABLE on a standard PS4
Late-game Ashina castle runs like dogshit, almost blighttown-tier
How can From keep getting away with this?
This game is near UNPLAYABLE on a standard PS4
Late-game Ashina castle runs like dogshit, almost blighttown-tier
How can From keep getting away with this?
From doesn’t give a shit about consolebabbys, and that’s a good thing (here’s why).
It has really bad frame drops at Ashina Caste on PC as well.
Get a better PC my dude
Smooth as silk 60fps on my end
Blighttown wasn't unplayable and neither is this.
Quit being poor
Try not having a shit PC
werks on my machine :)
no, blighttown on ps3 ran sub 10fps, sometimes less than 5fps, it was remarkable. idk if i believe op that this is as bad as that
Imagine getting filtered so hard by Owl2 that you need to blame the framerate for your own incompetence
You can lie all you want, and you don't even need a 1060 to play this game at 60 FPS. IF you try denying its poor optimization, you are a liar.
|>this new game doesn't run on my hardware that was underpowered 6 years ago
I don't know what to tell you
Quit projecting your shit my dude. I don’t have a shit PC, I’m sorry. I have a beast that doesn’t even struggle with Arma 3. I’m sorry for your lots
It seriously does, at the end of the game i was getting big frame drops even on low quality
I never had any problems on my old, used, shitty PS4. Why lie?
I'm on a Pro and I got quite a few noticeable framerate drops, most notably in the Lady Butterfly and Owl Round 2 fights. It runs better than Bloodborne but it's definitely not perfect.
>tfw 60 fps full way through
when will console baabies learn?
>big frame drops even on low quality
maybe don't play brand new games on a toaster?
When will zippies finally learn how to properly code and optimize a fucking video game? This game has every reason to run perfectly at 60FPS on Xbox One X, yet it doesn't. Why the fuck?
Now you're learning the truth of consoles
The recommended specs for this game are an RX 570 and and I5-2500k. If you think a 1060 is toaster tier for this then you really are delusional.
>tfw have a 2080 so ever experienced a single frame drop
Would say feels good man but they didn't give ultrawide res support so that sucks. Also, the colors in this game look weak as hell.
Why should the game run at 60 on Xbone X? If you say "because DMC5 looks better", shoot yourself.
Get a PRO poorfag.
literally running this on one and getting 60 fps on max
Do you even get anything for beating tutorial Genichiro?
Maybe I missed it but I don't remember having dips at all
I finished it on a standard PS4 and I thought it was fine. Didn't really stick around late game Ashina Castle though, because I was sick of the game at that point and the last thing I wanted was fighting obnoxious groups of standard enemies.
So this is the third time i've seen this thread in today, new direction for the sekiro shitposters?
Consoles run other games that look equally as good and better just fine at 60FPS. FROM just can't optimize for shit, like a lot of other jap devs in the industry.
Because it's the most powerful console on the market? Because it runs other jap games, including DMC5 and RE2, at 60FPS with pretty much the same output resolution and settings? Because it's also really easy to optimize the game on PC? Fuck off, cocksucker.
you get sniped instead of losing
get laid
these companys dont give a single shit anymore. I was dumb enough to buy bf1 for the standart ps4
It's not unplayable OP you're overexaggersting. However, I did watch my friend who plays on a base PS4 and in general sekiro doesn't look all that smooth.
I don't really care how shit the console version is since I'm having a smooth 60 fps max settings blast
you can't see framerate in pictures. they want the console versions to look pretty so they can sell more, average console-only normies don't know what framerate means
Playing on a base console gives you less frames and therefore less visual clarity.
If you play at 60 fps or higher you're experiencing the casualized version of Sekiro.
RE2 takes place inside a building through a series of hallways. DMC5 takes place in levels that are technically just a series of hallways with some pretty skyboxes. The Xbone X has a crappy netbook CPU that is barely more powerful than the base Xbone.
Shoot yourself.
I played in PS4, it was perfectly playable, nothing ever close to blighttwon-tier
I also beat it twice. Git gud
If you play with a controller you're experiencing the casualized version of Sekiro.
> they want the console versions to look pretty
But they don't? Even on PC on max settings, the game looks pretty dated, like all FROM games have been. Just make it work at 60FPS, use reconstruction like on PS4 Pro, I don't give a shit.
Both of those games still look and run five times better than Sekiro in general, especially on PC. There's still no reason they couldn't have gone for locked 60, especially because the currently unlocked framerate on consoles comes decently close.
There's more that effects the performance of a game than just its visuals. "There's no reason they couldn't have done it" says the person who doesn't know how games are optimized or the nature of the hardware or fucking anything else about anything.
Anyone tested framerate unlock mod? Does it fuck physics up?
I never dip on a 2080 Ti
Just beat Genichiro: Way of Tomoe edition and I think it runs fine.
Console players are used to it, I didn't even notice frame drops when I was a kid.
It feels good not obsessing over every texture close up or minor performance hickup and actually enjoying a game, I highly recommend it.
i tested it and got up to the bull fight with no issues apart from my raw asshole
In base PS4 it drops frame sometimes near places with a lot of particle effects, for example in the Hirata States, in the roofs before Juzo it might go down from ~30 to ~20 FPS for a few seconds
Mind you, I never got a frame drop larger than like 3 seconds, and it never happened during actual combat. OP is a fag once again, and a total scrublord
I have a ps4 slim and it seems to run totally fine, I've had maybe three obvious dips in over twenty hours.
once you begin to see, you can not unsee. i wish i could go back, i do, but i can't. it's a blessing and a curse to be able to fully appreciate low latency high framerate gameplay, only to notice every little hitch and be distracted from the game
>2080 Ti
I sure would hope a video card that costs a month's budget doesn't fucking dip.
I'm playing the game on a RX 580 and R5 2600 and I get 60fps at 1080p on max setting but the game stutters and the fps drops in certain areas. It's pretty clear it's unnoptmized as fuck, I get better performance in fucking Wildlands.
I keep wishing BB would go to PC for faster load times and higher frames. I can't stand playing it on PS4.
I'd be glad to just play it without the fucking chromatic aberration, that thing gives me headaches, specially when couple with that cinematic silky smooth 20 fps.
That's a bummer.
On PS4 pro with resolution set to automatic on 4K tv, it's probably the best running FromSoft game on console (still not 60fps but can't feel any framepacing issues either). Apparently if I put the resolution down to 1080p it should run even better but haven't tried it.
>it's probably the best running FromSoft game on console
that would be DS2 on PS4/Xbone;
and of course DS Remastered.
Shit dude sorry completely forgot those got ported. Also the das remake is probably 60fps on console?