Be honest: Did this game really Age well or is it just nostalgia?
Be honest: Did this game really Age well or is it just nostalgia?
Really well. Anybody who says otherwise is just memeing.
none of the Zelda games were ever particularity good, the only part of OoT that aged badly is that the big open world gimmick is overdone in modern games and not the spectacle it was when the game first came out
OOT is, in fact, literally the only good game from the 90s that did not age well. It's literally the only one.
It didn't age as well as Mario 64.
Why does this thread keep getting reposted? Just play it yourself faggot
>Did this game really Age well or is it just nostalgia?
Nintendo released this recently game on 3DS a few years with only cosmetic changes and the bare miminimum of QOL updates to the gameplay.
So yeah, I think OoT is just a very good game.
The problem is that underage shitters will stomp their feet claiming that modern games blow it out of the water, completely oblivious to the reality that those same modern games only exist because of OoT.
It genuinely aged well, see these & look at the games that no longer made the top 10
> IGN Readers 2005 Best Games
> 1. Resident Evil 4
> 2. Ocarina of Time
> 3. Chrono Trigger
> 4. Half-Life 2
> 5. Metal Gear Solid 3
> 6. SoulCalibur
> 7. San Andreas
> 8. ALTTP
> 9. Super Metroid
> 10. Panzer Dragoon Saga
IGN Readers 2006: Best Games Ever
> 1. Zelda: OOT
> 2. Chrono Trigger
> 3. Resident Evil 4
> 4. Super Metroid
> 5. Zelda: ALTTP
> 6. SoulCalibur
> 7. GoldenEye 007
> 8. Final Fantasy VI
> 9. Metal Gear Solid
> 10. Metal Gear Solid 3
IGN Readers 2008: Best Games Ever
> 1. Zelda: OOT
> 2. Chrono Trigger
> 3. SoulCalibur
> 4. Zelda: ALTTP
> 5. Metal Gear Solid 3
> 6. Super Metroid
> 7. Goldeneye 007
> 8. Metal Gear Solid
> 9. Resident Evil 4
> 10. Super Mario 64
IGN/GF Users 2019: Best Game Ever
> 1. Zelda: OOT
> 2. Chrono Trigger
> 3. Metroid Prime
> 4. Castlevania: SOTN
> 5. Metal Gear Solid 3
> 6. Persona 4
> 7. The Legend of Zelda
> 8. Zelda: ALTTP
> 9. Zelda: BOTW
> 10. MOTHER 3
I think it's fucking AMAZING for a 21yo game, that was also an old retro-series' first go at 3D.
I myself only got around playing OoT for the 1st time back in late 2011, as I was a Sony-kid during late 90s and most of 00s. And yes, I fell in love with it, and did play it on real N64 even. Been thinking of replaying it again for the past few weeks.
The closest game to it I'd played earlier was Okami, which I did enjoy and had heard of being a fine "Zelda clone", but only after playing the "real deal" did I realize how much it ripped from the Nintendo's series.
Damn, i'm amazed that RE4 managed to top OOT when it came out.
>the big open world gimmick
People spewing this BS meme have never played Ocarina.
It's not "open world". Just hub-based.
It aged pretty good but it ain't the best anymore. However if you've never played this game to completion you are a huge fag.
I played it a couple months ago for the first time and I actually liked it, the level design is still really appreciable. Some minor things like the framerate on the N64 showed its age but the dungeons and the gameplay itself are still very fun. Also this might sound pretentious but it has this thing where every single item and every location has its purpose like lines in a Shakespearean play, there's no filler at all, which is something most modern games fail at.
Yea. It has aged quite a bit. So many games brought in innovations on top of the tropes spurred by OoT, which it is pretty primitive in comparison to what we have now. It's not a bad game by any means, and it's certainly among the greatest milestones in gaming, but it's not perfect. Other great games that have released in the same frame of time as OoT have aged far better though.
>o this might sound pretentious but it has this thing where every single item and every location has its purpose like lines in a Shakespearean play, there's no filler at all
Idea of people now considering good game design ''pretentious'' shows how far we've fallen in the past 2 decades.
Why the fuck were boomers still circlejerking GoldenEye in 2008 when tons of far superior FPS games had come out?
I played it for the first time 1 year ago or so. It was ok for a couple hours, but quickly became boring as fuck. 4/10.
I'd argue that for someone who has zero knowledge of the game their first play through would be enjoyable, however to replay the game again knowing everything it hasn't aged well
It’s imminently replayable.
yeah I just thought the comparing it to Shakespeare part could be taken the wrong way
Some fag wanting to rile-up Zelda fans and boomers. It works, unfortunately.
the fuck? i've replayed this games more times than I can count and every time feels fresh.
Because more people were first exposed to FPS through it than PC games in the ‘90s. Also, it’s four-player deathmatch mode was insanely popular.
Tried playing this. Dropped after meeting Zelda, shit's so boring
definitely not nostalgia. I played it a couple of years ago and it's great. it was my first Zelda game and my first N64 game
im incapable of feeling nostalgia for anything other than pokemon silver these days, played master quest back in january and no, its still kino. Fuck you Arin.
For the love of the N64, I've never enjoyed any 3d game at all, Mario, Castlevania, Zelda, GoldenEye, you name it. F-Zero x was the shit and my always go to, and also many other 2d platformers games(Goemon's Great Adventure
and Mischief Makers come to mind), just not the 3d.
Do you guys think greater technological advancements makes games better? I must admit, games sure do look a lot better than 20 years ago, but that doesn't seem to help the immersion (well, to me at least). I can be as immersed in a few pixel blobs as I can in an ulta realistic 'modern' game worlds easiliy. In fact, I do even think it's easier if there's something left to the imagination.
Anyway, I for one played OoT a couple of years ago an though it was great, definately worthy of all the praise. Everything is so well thought out, from the flow of the game, the dungeons to the sense of freedom, it all feels natural. Not seeing this and blindly turning to 'modern' games as if they would be better is missing out I think.
games don't age
its not nostalgia, the gameplay is just superb
You don’t play a single 3D game? Why?
Played it just last year and loved it. Can honestly say that it's timeless.
I'm only referring to 3d games on N64, the control always felt clunky and uncanny. It's just me though.
Okay, I was just thinking that was a broad exclusion to make.
It's the best entry of the Zelda series.
> the gameplay is just superb
It was good for 1998 for sure but now it's clunky as hell
It's the best 3D Zelda
>Do you guys think greater technological advancements makes games better?
On the contrary: restrictions fuel innovation, and force people to focus on essentials.
Similarly, less detailed visual feedback can enhance immersion, as your mind fills the ''gaps''. Yet good art design is crucial.
>but now it's clunky as hell
nope. In many ways, OoT was a very ''modern'' action-adventure game, similar to how HL1 plays a lot like the contemporaries.
They just handhold you less.
games don't age, zoomer faggot
it's a bit basic by modern standards but it has aged pretty well
what hasn't aged well are non-sm64 platformers and non-arena FPS
Yes to an extent, but then there are diminishing returns. I would say the technological influence on game quality peaked with the 7th gen, and everything since has been bloat and mismanaged priorities.
All N64 games aged like milk. All of them.
Considering the game was supposed to take place entirely in Ganon's castle ala Mario 64, I'm glad we got the hub world we did.
Thank God they didn't do that that would have been the epitome of fad chasing.
The age is the beauty, no? Either way it’s still a solid game.
best game ever made op