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she was rape in the book hehe
cum in the pussy

imagine the smell

LUK > any stat

>author had to retcon it because he got death threats from the fans
I really don't understand why they got mad, she isn't real and they aren't the MC.

Attached: 1551245831470.gif (480x270, 796K)

>cut sword in half
>two pieces of sharp metal still moving towards maid

It wasn't even going to hit her, lmao.

in the light novel only? manga she dreamed about it?

Attached: 1549942822655.webm (640x640, 1.46M)

imagine the smell

DEX a Shit

Attached: Str vs Dex.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

>Be in a fight or flight situation
>Flop about on the floor, climb halfway up a lamp-post with your legs spread eagle, then do a backflip


filthy fucking casuals

Attached: 1547684691006.jpg (262x206, 25K)

>manga version
>heh, I no longer humanly pleasure, so I'll just beat you up
I really never got this purity thing either. Is it simply not wanting to see something bad happen to your favorite waifu or something?

He strips her and beats her up.

Attached: 1532880252729.png (1686x1200, 56K)

That's not fair, I can't even do a push up.

If it's a man she is fighting then he is going to get horny and drop his guard

It's a mating ritual you idiot.

It doesn't look like she was doing those push ups right

The ending to MOB 2 was so shit dude im so fucking pissed.
However the "true muscle" scene was awesome.

A katana in CPM 3V could probably do that gif.


Attached: gay vaccines.png (500x518, 121K)

And INT a Shit

Attached: STR vs INT.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

I did not come on to Yea Forums today to get extremely fucking depressed


Reigen is a luck and charisma build you vegetable.

What manga?

It's shit, don't bother.

INT vs CHA more like

He didn't rape her in the LN he just fingered her, the retcon that i was some sort of illusion or something.

Christ what kind of a super steel is CPM 3V, that's some insane toughness.

you alright user?

It was amazing though. Mob saving Shou's dad was pure feels.
>not getting hype at mob going "BODY IMPROVEMENT! FIGHT ON!"

what show is this? I thought modern anime was meant to be shit in terms of animation, this looks good

Depressed about what you fucking wanna be normalfag

>Christ what kind of a super steel is CPM 3V

It's a new (by steel standards - I think 2003?) powder steel. A .125x20" billet (like you would use for, say, a machete) costs about $150. Powder steel is made very differently from other steels.

It's the toughest steel that can still hold a razor edge. For reference, the steel that razor blades are made from has lower hardness and wear resistance than CPM-3V, while having roughly 20x lower toughness.

Attached: knife steels wear.jpg (590x511, 65K)

Also, here is a "katana" in 3V. It's pretty hilarious watching the guy smash through trees with it.

that's endurance you stupid retard

its VIT

Nice physics

Pppppppoipeuyiparty++ on me

Stuff like this amazes me
How can she do this and yet still be fat?

solid endurance build


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>game has spells that let you swap a stat with the target
>you can cast these spells on your allies
>a high DEX character just happens to learn one of these spells
>you make the DEX character cast DEX-swap on your highest STR character
>they murder absolutely everything

Just incredibly delicious

Yeah, look at that chubby belly and those disgusting thighs.
Not tone at all.
Same with her ass, that is not shaped at all it looks like flab, really gross

>this purity thing
It's unironically an incel thing

The only impressive part about this is the backflip.

In works of fiction its fine, but if you dont have a child with a virgin girl enjoy your child not being 100% yours.
Women keep the dna of every single guy that cums inside them

Enjoy that roast beef, buddy.

Attached: partners and marriage stability.jpg (576x270, 43K)

Check your fucking privilege shitlord, in case you didn't notice that is a FEMALE. As if your lard ass could do any of that.

Attached: 1553043974218.webm (576x720, 2.87M)

Woman's vagina dont change with more sex unless they are literally tearing off skin.


>tooth gap

Attached: 1550429426805.jpg (500x403, 49K)

I am absolotely impressed, god damn

Ironically he breaks that katana on the very next thing he fights.

Shes perfect to breed a good child

>having children

I could do all of that minus the backflip, because I've never done one before.


Please tell me you're just stupid


user was obviously being facetious.

Scientifically proven, look it up.

He's not joking, though. Male Microchimerism in the Human Female Brain
Male microchimerism in women without sons: quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history.

>CONCLUSIONS: [Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons.] Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or [sexual intercourse].

Back to the grave with you, skelefag.

DEX gives strength at high enough levels

Attached: 3203521-7617458201-13624 (1).jpg (1280x1024, 336K)

You could do all that shit


just low-bar squat

>faggot harvested a new epic meme recently that he can repost for (You)s
>it's ancient but everyone is a newfag now so it works

when swords are made to withstand a fuckton of punishment they can smash through stuff like cinderblocks and marble. Not granite though, but the granite won't absolutely destroy the edge either. It'll damage it, and you'll have to spend some time repairing but it won't tear it apart.

Enjoy your lower back injuries.

Neither that webm or str vs dex is new.
Post accurate DEX vs STR vids

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Your average carbon steel wouldn't be able to do stuff like though.

What kind of steel is he hammering that through? I mean either way that's some strong fucking metal, I just want to know the details.

Why do chinks obsess with katanas?

>Women at the gym

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Name 1 game where this can actually happen
Hard mode: name a game where you can break the opponents weapon with your own that arent swords


>Be in a fight or flight situation
>Start exercising
Yeah I'm thinking she's based.

He said A36 steel, which is a fairly low-carbon (0.30) steel used in structural applications. Not hugely tough super steel, but it's not sheet metal either.

>fucking roasies ruin everything

Couldn't you shoot other peoples guns in Fallout 3/4/NV or was that a mod/dream?

You could. You could also punch it out of their hands or break their arms so they drop them.


>cutting through several inches of metal in one swing
>not STR

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hammering through a piece of metal used to make structures is a feat though. Though it's not like anyone will be cutting through metal normally. I guess it just shows that the normal use will take a looong time to build any wear and tear on it.

Wouldn't that be AGI?

FFT: Monk with Knight's break skills.

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what the hell happened to her leg?

Mob psycho 100
It's season two but also it was in the file name bro

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looks like just massive blunt trauma that dented it in. It probably also broke a bone, if it hit hard enough to make a dent in her leg.

I love Faiz