>Trophy Girls gone from winners podiums
>Trophy Girls gone from winners podiums
Other urls found in this thread:
those niggers better not
We all knew it'd be like this, there's no way SJWs would let a bunch of bandiqts slide in today's industry.
fuck remakes
the physics and mechanics will feel like shit aswell compare to the original
Attractive women are the enemy. Thank god for modern vidya putting sluts in their proper place, the garbage heap
Still waiting on that PC version... Fucking bastards
Nah they actually fixed up a lot of what was wrong already. Look up some PAX East footage. This dude is annoying but he knows his shit and he covers nearly all of the footage that was shown.
No, gameplay wise it looks nigh perfect. When's the last time you saw some videos?
We don't know for sure though, they appear before that shot in the original aswell. Still reasonable to panic.
Soulless sjw garbage
Here is the OFFICIAL crash reddit roster wish list, pulled from a survey of 960 participants.
Full size:
I truly hate this soul/soulless meme
wow i cant believe they decided to add visual detail in a remake of a 20 year old game
I too hate when people critique games with ugly art styles. We should just buy them no matter how ugly they are
The Trophy Girls always disappeared once the platforms were displayed.
He's in
But it looks fine, fuck off with your dumb bullshit.
That's not ugly whatsoever you dramatic queeny bitch
yes but are there neutral boosts?
>Pre order on any platform
A-are they hiding the PC announcement till last minute?
>"we not coming for you game goys. just ignore us."
I don't get why people are panicking when its this that happens.
Why can't Nintendo sue? The question mark boxes at least are ripoffs.
How do you copyright a box with a question mark symbol?
>Didn't censor Tawna
>Didn't censor Pinstripe's gun
Don't disappoint me, keep the trophy girls, please
There's still time. We know for sure they always disappeared after their umbrella intro.
>Mascot Crash
Holy shit I want this
keep dreaming
maybe weenies like you wont notice a difference but i will
I dont care, fuck that annoying cunt and fuck crystalfissure. News channels are cancer.
remakes always fuck up the colours, even though correct colours dont cost anything or take any effort
sign of an incompetent developer
everything blends into everything in the remake. road, the walls, the background etc
Well please point them out because people that actually went to PAX have said it's a near perfect remake.
So I want to get one of the new cart racers on Switch when they come out. Should I go for this or Sanic?
nice strawman with "muh visual detail" as if thats the problem
>people that actually went to PAX
so what? most people are retards or not very hardcore fans
most people playing the crash remake at pax or e3 or whatever will have said it players just like the original
why are the trophy girls so important? they show up for like 2 seconds and then they're gone from the podium
They fucked up the beautiful pastel colors so hard for spyro that I dont even care anymore.
What if they kept the tophy girls but covered them up with a burqa?
Really wish they'd bring spyro to PC so maybe autists like Kaldein could change the colors.
thats diverse
Because think of the possible porn influx if they appear in a hot new game in current year!
This dude seems to know his shit, but it looks like your minds made up and you'll just "lolno" anything suggested.
Because there's no reason for them not to be there.
were you saying the same kind of things in crash remake threads before that came out?
Coco is going to be living in the minds of young boys rent free again with that tight suit and dorky attitude.
Canadian guy Eh jumps on every new remake game pretending to be an expert and part of the community. The guy's a hack, look at the early spyro release vids he doesn't even know half of the levels names, just clickbait.
We are not coming home, we are not coming home...
The trophy girls only show up for like, 5 seconds before the podium animations. They could’ve just skipped over them to show the animations
>Yea Forums is one person: the post
Done replying to your retarded ass
This is the first time I agree with the soul/soulless meme. The CTR levels look like the CB games... the new maps look like generic Dreamworks shit.
They could've also skipped over them because in (current year) they really aren't something you want at the forefront of your kid-friendly racing game's twitter updates.
>Mascot Crash is lower than N.Trance
Reddit needs to fuck off god damn
Ifa literal prop made the game for you I suggest getting a new hobby. I reccomend porn hub
I just want Tawna, Trophy Girl, and RillaRoo. Mascot Crash is pretty cool too.
>and RillaRoo
fuck off
I wasn't saying you were someone, just asking if you said the same things before the crash remake with it shit collision and physics proved you wrong. I seemed to have struck a nerve so i'm guessing i'm right
Heres some things i noticed:
Boosts dont stack. In the orgional doing multiple x3s in a row would build a reserve.
Default unreal engine collider. When the character hit the lips of things they bounce around and slide of like the in the crash remake.
When jumping/landing into upwards slopes they lose speed which they didn't in the original.
And im sure when i play, general, driving/drifting,turning will feel off
Why are you surprised?
You struck a nerve because I misunderstood you, hence the greentext. And no you're wrong, I insulted the physics and still do.
I'm pretty sure I saw boosts stacking what video are you watching?
No one's brought up the paid DLC skins? Isn't recreating the engine more important than selling useless cosmetics, it's a bad sign.
>Heres some things i noticed:
>Boosts dont stack.
Already wrong. Watch the current build before wallowing in preconceived bullshit like everyone does.
Good, them literally tongue teasing you and being lust objects made me just too uncomfortable as kid. I know I'm brave for saying this :^)
Anywaaaay…. Is Oxide canonicly the most evil character? He destroys worlds that lose to him (parking lot is an metaphor for WMD here, yes?) He admits you are the first one that made him lose a race, but he also mentioned he done this dance before. Thus he killed, he killed alot. Cortex and his crew got a killcount of 0 right? Even if he killed some of his own failed mutants and tries to make attempts on team Bandicoot all the time, it really doesn't compare now does it?
Is the deluxe edition worth it?
I'm just want some damn trophy girls.
I love how the CB2 giant polar bears probably ate up that native village. why the fuck did they change the permafrost walls to stone though?!
I only care about Tiny.
thanks doc
Fellow Tiny Chad?
More turning radius when not sliding.
Speed pads speed are nerfed.
Boost pads and boosts seem to be nered with more deceleration right after.
More accelerations, and more deceleration, basicaly keeping you at a constant speed no matter what you do.
Odd snapping when going in and out of a power slide. (this one seems to have recently been fixed)
When going out of a slide you wont go into the direction you were travelling but rather the direction your cart was facing, causing you to crash into wall at the end of slides. (this one has recently been fixed?)
Bumping into the side of other players now slows you down.
Getting hit with an item now conserves less momentum, you will just stop dead very quickly.
After watching the gamestop footage it seems harder too boost in a sort of straight line, there is more a forced turn radius on the slide. Also there seems to be no penalty for rubbing against a wall, you just slide along it. I think boost stacking is gone.
IE your boost will end at the same time doing 9 boost slides in a row as doing 3 boost slides.
what do you mean by boost stacking?
if you do continual 3 times boosts you could build a reserve, so that when you stopped boost sliding you could boost for a couple of seconds if you did a bunch. much more than if you have just done 1x3 boost slide
>Good, them literally tongue teasing you and being lust objects made me just too uncomfortable as kid.
I actually wanted to fuck Coco as a kid. The trophy girls were too tall and alien to me.
Coco invaded all my fantasies and some of my dreams, I wanted to do obscene things to her like hold her hand and her kiss my cheek.
I was a very degenerate kid.
got a time stamp for a good example?
No fuck you retard Rila Roo is cool because he's a gorilla and a roo
Did you send any of this info to the devs? They have a twitter, you can find the names of the people that are working on this and tell them to fix this, complaining about it Yea Forums won't change anything.
I sitll want to know what these yellow things on his head are Yea Forums.
childhood theory: he grows his own fruits
new theory 1: respirators, no nose, noxious homeworld. these guys filter it for his lungs
new theory 2: frigatebird balloons, he inflates them when he wants to rut. Like, inflate by a factor x5. I wonder if Oxide is ugly or hot by his race standards?
Are sure it isn't his hair?
>get hit by item
>lose momentum
>have to wait until the next boost pad/ramp to start chaining boosts again
Don't know what's appealing about this. Base mechanics of the game are clearly thought for time trial, and the only argument this remake has is online multiplayer.
>inb4 don't get hit by items
not an argument
This and the fact the the original crew behind the game gave them names and spots in the credits about what they went on to do.
>Good, them literally tongue teasing you and being lust objects made me just too uncomfortable as kid. I know I'm brave for saying this :^)
here is a (you) faggot
The girls were really cool and added to the F1 feel(altough it's a kart game).
far more retarded thing have been copyrighted
That is not a critique you mong
What a useful critique. Really descriptive.
theres a good example of it not working in that video
before 0.44 he does a bunch of powerslides and boost pads
but as soon as he comes off the boost pad and stops sliding his boost runs out
in ctr he would have had a reserve that boosted him for a couple of seconds
You should always save items to drop/shootbackwards so you don't get hit. When you are in first place you always get TNT and Beakers so there's no excuse.
>Nina Cortex that high
Oh Fuck off, she's only in the worst games in the series
Isn't it because they're going to be playable now?
>not an argument
You can literally not get hit by items. There's more items that block missiles and bombs than actual attacking items.
TNT, beakers, shields, masks. All of them block missiles and bombs.
Warp Orb and Tropy Clock are the only weapons that cannot be blocked with droppable items, and the shield blocks both
Literally don't get hit.
My dad mained Coco in CTR while I swung from Crash to Polar (I had shit taste) so Coco Always had that weird ''dad aura'' for me. I wonder why the fuck he chose her? I hope it's because cute and not because… you know.
I highly doubt it. it are solid lumps.
It's not feminism, it's a matter of my comfort. Also modern ESRB wouldn't let this slide.
Oxide was meant to be a gas huffing scientist at first:
>needing boost pad/ramp to start chaining boost
get hit in any kart racing game and you lose momentum. what's your point? also i guess my advice is that avoid getting hit
>have to wait until the next boost pad/ramp to start chaining boosts again
Online experience will be a spam of clocks and that electric orb thing
You need 4 boosts to start comboing genius
Imagine if you faggots actually did, then none of this would have happened
Good riddance
>Brio rightfully at no1
based and redpilled
>my comfort
>getting offended by feminine animals
>Brio, whom I Always wanted, at top
feels so good man. Am I an asshole that I find retarded characters hilarious? Beenox Ripper Roo is perfect. he shakes with schizophrenic energy and these noises he makes man.... I feel Nitrus Brio is a more intelligent and toned down Ripper Roo, as he also has his moments (tilting his head 90 degrees and cackling loud) I... dunno man, I just find Roo really funny as he's such a tard.
…. Didn't they forget 2 Twinsanity characters? If Nina gets in, these 2 should clumsily share a kart.
I used Tiny in the original.
I plan to use him again.
or he's a closet furry and doesn't want it to come out all the way
>literally getting triggered by imaginary animal girls in a videogame
>You need 4 boosts to start comboing genius
>This somehow has anything to do with needing a ramp to start boosting
My age was a single digit you cunt.
so you were an autistic tranny from birth
got it
>in ctr he would have had a reserve that boosted him for a couple of seconds
I know, but it's still there. Just a bit weaker.
Before this build it literally wasn't there. There was a vid of Tiny on Crash Cove who nailed his powerslides the whole race and not once built reserves.
I'm not saying you're wrong. However I think the Electron Avenue 'street' pads are the problem and just don't build reserves the same way. As you saw, all the jumps are super turbos.
It seems like staying on the 'street' pad is not meant to charge your reserves.
Don't you have to do drift boosts on turbopads? might remember wrong
The worst is that if you make a poll, most will want them to stay because why the fuck not if they were in the original they should be here too. If you don't feel confortable then GTFO videogames and literally kys because this is the mildest shit in life.
I am again reminded that the PS4 remake of Ratchet & Clank removed the ""glitch"" in Blackwater City where sideflipping in front of the racer girl made her boobs grow bigger. Apparently women are just off limits in the realm of fun now. Boobs exist solely to be attached to women for them to exclusively care about, nobody else is allowed to like them.
What console do I play on? I'm thinking Switch since I have 12 months free online subscription from that Twitch Prime promotion.
Timestamp 0:55. I love this design, not for Oxide but it could be salvaged for a mad Biologist? That position is kinda open with Brio out. I already got a name.
N. Zyme
>N. Gin pulls out his cyborg eye in his defeat animation
Yes. That's why they didn't stack.
If you entered N.Gins turbo tunnel you would still lose your reserves if you stopped powersliding.
>being this pussy as a child
I get the other kids also kicked your ass regularly
The same issue happened with the Spyro remakes, everything is great except the new skyboxes, again. I don't know what game devs have against gradient skyboxes but it's so boring to replace them all with generic realistic skies that are just blue or a deep orange sunset.
you playstation characters never learn
why are you being a cunt to that user
>If I capslock a sentence enough times I might win this argument !
Forgot your wojak
ESRB, retard.
I never quite got what that tunnel was or why N. Gin owns it. I kept it on a magnet tunnel. What a magnet tunnel is good for? I dunno?
>nobody voted for Ripper Roo or Pinstripe
>but they made sure to vote for obj_motherfucker
what is this poll
>ignoring the greentext
Nah, and if you find it pussy that I don't echo-chamber, sure.
You are only this big because of your headstart. With that kind of stagnation in quality you may want to look out to be… overtaken. The sanics prefer us over you already.
(yes I know what vid it's from, I just had to bash Mario)
>myself and a false statement
stop breathing
Aren't Ripper Roo and Pinstripe already confirmed tho?
>Not knowing the mechanics of a game excuses you when you shit talk the system
Kys nigger, the CTR system is the most fun of all kart games and you literally need to GIT GUD before trashtalking it. You can powerslide in a straight line if you know how to jump, you can start boosting as soon as aku aku drops you. You don't need to "wait" for anything in this game.
Nah the feminist overmind have literally made grid girls socially forbidden. They have put tons of beautiful women out of work in the racing industry and they call that a victory for feminism. Absolute clownworld
you can't add what's already there.
>Online experience will be a spam of clocks and that electric orb thing
As much as I hate the clocks, they are still blocked by shields. It's just way too fucking hard to predict them because it has immediate impact on button press and should be nerfed considerably.
>Getting hit with an item now conserves less momentum, you will just stop dead very quickly.
This one's valid, you seem to stall for about a second, I hope they get rid of this.
Feminism and social justice is even getting attacked by news outlets, they're not that much of a boogeyman you want them to be. This reeks of milennial coddling and soccer moms. The ESRB has to comply. Blame them, not Beenox.
I'm more surprised about Crunch not being there at all
>could have just made the girls less sexual, either making them some sort of mechanics on the sidelines or actual racers
>remove them completely
what a waste
what does the N stand for ?
>nerfing clocks
how about no? I whored the fuck out of old CTR consistently. and a clock will only show up once every 2 cups or so. Far too rare to be a problem. Do something about these red gas canisters, most useless powerup.
We've been through this it's stands for N. Cortex
Who does the ESRB 'have to comply' with? That's as good as admitting there is something pulling the strings above them.
oh, but he's a scientist user. a self-made one, no affirmative action.
>PS4 ice doesn't even have reflection
Milennial mentality.
''I'm special and must be catered to''
The right is also good at this, especially prostestantcucks.
This leads to that beloved ''outrage culture'' we all know and love.
Too much for this "woke" era.
hadn't checked what the confirmed roster was, my b.
>what you say in an anonymous board
>having anything to do with being a TOTAL FAGGOT as a kid
Kys faggot, nobody cares if you agree or not with the niggers in here
You're outting yourself as a plebian. Straightline powersliding don't change the fact that you need 4 boosts to start increasing the gauge that allows you conserve boosts longer. And I'll wait for your stupid aku aku after getting hit by any item without falling
My only problem right now is Polar Pass. My God what did they do that level?
>nerfing anything
literally no, git gud faggot. No item is going to make you win against competetent player. Plus you mostly get clocks and electric balls if you are last.
How are Naughty Dog so good at squeezing every drop out of a console?
>Elementals that unwanted
Damn I liked the Fire and Water ones.
They do, Yea Forums is a budhist monastery compared to /vg/ though. these people man... ew.
How does crippling work with gauge meters? you know, flattening, getting clockblocked, red phial….
Jesus noisy geometry lmao. Also why don't modern remake devs understand colour palettes? The crash remake was great but this and spyro are trash.
They're shitty items period. Not changing my mind
user, again, clocks are incredibly rare. I only got them maybe once every 2 cups. thus once per 8 races.
Didn't Crunch get confirmed already?
You know we're dealing with 3 seperate studios? I think they make the noise and detail this high to impress daddy Activision.
Unironically? Neo
Normal male sexuality is morally wrong, what are you a NAZI or something?
Good, it's 2019.
>implying straight line powersliding doesn't let you chain 4 boosts
>Implying you aren't literally spamming them constantly to the point it's irrelevant if you need 2,3 or 10
lmao nigger git gud
Devs really need to fucking take classes on color theory and why the fuck we had the colors in old games to begin with.
I look forward to more breviks in the near future
The SJWs have not yet learned their lesson it seems
Linking directly to twitter should be a bannable offense, just saying OP.
New trailer is here:
If they don't change from the original they'll all reset your gauge. It's been a while since I haven't tested but I don't think missing a boost breaks it though
That's it, you're officially a nigger. 4 boosts means the 3 regular boost + one from any source. If you just do the 3 again and again it doesn't work
enlighten me on color theory, what is it? I learned spectrofotometry in highschool (was a STEM school) and I found out how Complementary colors make great combinations. Such as Violet and Yellow for example. Is color theory basicly this minus the science?
Polar Pass looks ugly as hell. Too much visual noise.
The colors really aren't that different in the image. Now you're just grasping at straws for the sake of exaggerating folks.
They aren't spot on, but you're really stretching the truth here I feel.
Give us Trophy girls or we review bomb on Steam!
Spyro cobblestone meme is back? also, why did they change PERMAFROST TO STONE? POLAR MEANS ICE CAP. NO ROCK. (don't dare to autism me on Antarctica, the rocks are sitll below a mile of ice)
Then kys assfaggot
That's why there is no need of a nerf.
Please don't
Mate I'd wring your ass out in this game. I know all the super turbo spots and late boosting.
It's the only item in the game that deserves one I feel
Fucking dropped.
Do the single turbos (Nitrous can, red) need a buff though? I Always found them the saddest ''power'' up.
>All versions of the game come out simultaneously
>But Snoy's fucking censorship happy ass
I swear to god if Snoy had something to do with this...
>I never quite got what that tunnel was or why N. Gin owns it.
He's a physicist.
They disappeared in the original game during the player celebrations. Probably why they aren't there.
Engineer* what's the purpose of a magnet unnel though? just because he can Engineer almost anything, doesn't mean he should own machinery without uses? Or maybe this is just a ''for fun'' project?
>That's it, you're officially a nigger
Thank you racist, no need to bash one another
>the 3 again
Until you do another three you've already found another source of boost ASSFAGGOT, there is no track that's just a straight like. Kys tranny. The system is well designed unlike what you wanted to make it out to be in your original post.
The link in OP is advertising some preorder costumes. I'm probably missing something here, but how does that eliminate the trophy girls?
>ass out in this game
The faggots always want to out themselves even in anonymous boards
It's more so the fact that a cartoon game should look like a cartoon, not a realistic Dreamworks film.
abusing illegal shortcuts it's not skill, it's pathetic.
Podium view is from straight on instead of panning from the trophy girl to the winners
Nice backpeddaling faggot. I dare you to explain what happened in the webm you posted.
yeah sure, but what's the idea? use complementary colors? (these contrast the hardest) Use oranges and reds for showing heat and purples and blues for cold? I remember seeing DARK BLUE ROCKS in Skelos Badlands (Spyro) and it looked so weird...
>illegal shortcuts
It'll help faggots like
That complain about having to wait for a turbo pad.
All of you need to literally grow a fucking brain and stop being so fucking retarded every single second in your miserable fucking lives.
>girls with unrealistic hourglass figures and impossible body proportions who make alluring poses will be removed from a game aimed at children and families.
Say it isn't so!
>impossible proportions
>wanting to erase an homage to 4 important female figures in Sony marketing and PR and framing it as a good thing
Jealous woman detected. Begone.
Thank you based Monica for letting rules control the fun
but it's RNG though? can't we Always give thme in 3 stacks?
Holy fuck you gigantic faggot.
In the manual it’s confirmed to be nerd
>impossible body proportions
I audibly keked. Go outside, most girls have those figures.
Look we have to make little boys interested in women. It's the only way for our species to continue existing.
if it's for fun sure, but don't use this to win from Oxide's ghost….
What the actual fuck were they thinking?
There is no backpedaling. I stand defending the system of CTR against ASSFAGGOTS like you that say it isn't fun because you "have to wait" after getting hit.
Only thing unrealistic about them are their great big anime eyes
It's not a formula, it's just trying to make it look like a drawing as much as possible using colour combinations/lighting you'd never see in real life. It doesn't matter the "theory" for complimentary or split-complimentary or what have you, just as long it looks stylised and fun for kids. Children don't react to realistic dirt textures, they react to simplified shapes and bright (but not hard to look at) colours. Just keep it simple, the game could look like pic related with the lighting engine we have nowadays, but that doesn't sell so they have to make things realistic instead, even for a literal cartoon game.
>balloons on a stick are realistic body proportions.
Any couldn't they make a better way to pay homage to these people instead of weirdly sexualising them?
Those little boys earned that reward by beating the levels, give them a break jesus man.
Give them playable roles voiced by the very women they pay homage to.
I know about that. But due too Snoy it seems to be the only answer.
Looks like they weren't complete fags for once. But I still don't get the love for Twinsanity, and by extension Nina. I don't even know how it could be nostalgia. I was a kid when it came out and a huge Crash mark and even I disliked that unfinished garbage fire of a game.
but don't you come really far with common sense too? you know, practice, try out colors that would make sense to a non-retard? How about surrealist art? Doesn't that take
> look like a drawing as much as possible using colour combinations/lighting you'd never see in real life.
to the utter maximum?
lose some weight porky
They're not gonna be in the game. I mean look what they done with Crash Bandicoot 1, the original intro had a female bandicoot with very long legs and bright red lipstick being held by both arms by two scientists looking helpless, in the remake she has proportionate legs, no lipstick an angry look on her face, she leaps out of the darkness and knocks out one scientist before a whole FOUR of them come out and she looks nervous, they never even touch her. SJW trash.
They should call mascot crash, "Real" Crash
Played enough of the original to know that the time you have to wait between the moment you fuck up, and the moment your momentum is built again seems way too fucking long given the fast pace of the game. Not only your 4/5 first powerslides feel like fucking snails, but they all have a different trajectory because you're obviously slower. Never said the game wasn't fun, but considering this system and the future online item spam, I don't think it's gonna be great.
>empowers her more
>but also twice as many obj_motherfuckers
I mean aside from toning down the tits this just makes it better
Then they just redesign them.
Have them as racers ffs.
a mutated animal-woman meant for the Cortex military can punch out a few lanky, non-military utility androids.
yup, seems like SJW trash to me, all female characters must submit to the tiniest of threats. Even if they're soldiers.
It's more what the removal would represent that's the issue.
My dad always played as Susie Carmichael in the Rugrats golf minigame despite hating black people. Pretty sure it was just a joke.
>Complains about getting punished for fucking up
lmao git gud
Oh no
My dad was an ass though, he Always mercilessly beat me and laughed when I autismed the controller into pieces. he then told me to wait a week before buying a new one, else I'd ''learn nothing''. I agree with the latter, but if you play games with kids you should let them win? don't throw, make them work, but don't pubstomp them man.
Doesn't matter what they submit to they still all would just get the shit kicked out of them regardless. Pretending women can fight is SJW nonsense. The weakest men can still knock out 99% of all women easily.
hey anons is it worth the deluxe edition of this?
>but don't you come really far with common sense too?
Yeah, people that have worked on cartoony games a lot of the time already worked in animation industry and have that experience so they already have that initiative when things don't look right or too jarring for the aesthetic. Also surrealist art can come off cartoon-ish simply for the fact what you're painting doesn't exist so the lighting and colours are made up from imagination.
"look like a drawing as much as possible using colour combinations/lighting you'd never see in real life."
>to the utter maximum?
I should've mentioned it's not just colours, the lighting defines the form but in cartoons you don't have defined shading so the form comes off as flat looking (just look at crash on ps1, he was a flat coloured character with orange and blue). It's abut keeping it simple and don't go too detailed, like pic related doesn't have unrealistic bright colours, but the lighting and shape design is stylised and simple so it comes off as a cartoon.
Are Crash, Coco and Cortex the only one who are gonna get skins, they haven't shown anything for the other chatacters.
but Tawna is a genetic animal soldier! Obk_motherfuckers are thin androids that get thrown around by Crash like they're toys.
>one bit of bad news comes out
>tons of shitposters come out of nowhere to capitalize on it
Go fucking figure. And we were on such a streak of good threads too.
They're not deconfirmed
They're never on screen at the same time as the podium
Anyway, if they actually aren't there, then best case scenario is maybe they can be racers? That might actually be better imo.
Yikes, don't reply to me ever again.
You're really drawing an obscene amount of conclusions from just footage but the very least you could do is try to contact Beenox about all this, (they read reddit as well) instead of wasting all that energy here. You'll find they're actually critiquing the game as well. Only reason it's close to the original in feel to begin with.
You're delusional if you think basedmen can knock out musclegrils
is Spyro being purple so he's easy to spot in levels and won't blend color theory too then? Also, just for fun, do you got something extremely bad and ''anti'' color-theory? :^)
>mutant supersoldier that cant be controlled defeats these motherfuckers that means they're so weak that other mutant supersoldiers shouldn't have as easy of a time.
Tawna not being able to wreck a horde of motherfuckers just shows her as weak since Coco is more than capable of matching her brother's feats.
Color and restraint is something Nintendo still understands, and is why their games age so well graphically. People think this shit doesn't matter, but it does. Beenox added a bunch of whacky shit to what is supposed to be a bunch of frozen ice walls in the South Pole.
the closest to an anthro animal we got are chimps, and they wreck but the most powerful men. Their muscles are extremely dense. Tawna got run through the evolvo-ray, so why not her too? Reminder that obj_motherfucker can't even lift a bastard sword. (mediëval levels)
Cortex and Brio got GUNS. Guns that go kaboom! and turn you into ash in a split second. she made the right judgement call by fleeing.
>muh color theory
sure are a lot of braincels trying too hard to read into things
I mean she escapes but cortex keeps swooping in to take her back to get VORTEXED
>You're really drawing an obscene amount of conclusions from just footage
Not even, just using simple logic. CPU couldn't use items when they were too far from you in the original.
I don't think that's a good example of a good track in Mario Kart 8, tha track also looks kinda ugly and boring desu.
these fucking trees in POLAR pass irk my autism so hard. aklso, would it work better if the water was deep grey? you know, like real water. or is grey a ''bad'' color here? My initial idea was green, like the green ice in Crash 2, but that would be silly?
No. Oxide and his kart can be unlocked in adventure mode, character skins aren't worth $20.
well, Cortex wouldn't want to destroy his specimen now would he? if Tawna escalated and took all the lab assistants out, Cortex would escalate as he would be in immediate danger. Again, she had the right call.
I did research on Cortex's pistol, and to me it seems a gas discharge plasma pistol. think spheres of excited gas. Funniest part, his green shots are Radon gas which is highly unstable. His blue shots look like Mercury discharges, which means he is shooting deadly plasma-venom.
Very good optimizations
Pretty sure that's just a gag user. What would happen if he put Ripper Roo in the third time?
>is Spyro being purple so he's easy to spot in levels and won't blend color theory too then?
Yeah, also he was also originally green which was a bad idea since a lot of levels have grass in them. He's a dark purple so he stands out in bright areas( like the pink sunsets in the game loading screens), but also has bright yellow for his horns, spine spikes and tail so he stands out in dark shadows and textures. Having two colours, one being bright the other dark means no matter the lighting in the game, he will always stand out.
> Also, just for fun, do you got something extremely bad and ''anti'' color-theory? :^)
Pic related. You can follow the things I've said but you need to have a good eye and experience, otherwise it comes off as hard to understand, this is especially true for games. Nothing is grouped together in the image, there's no hierarchy of shape or value, it's just hard to know what the hell is going on.
If you take his ray settings from twinsanity into account he could stun, vaporize, immolate, and infatuate targets.
I dont have the file on this machine but pretend I posted massive_bandicoot_mammaries.jpg
In Crash's case they literally hacked the console to run higher texture resolutions and filtering.
How about you actually aspire to take care of your body instead of tearing down others, you worn-out roastie.
doubt that's even the same weapon. his Original one has a dish and had a very ''Fallout'' retro-scifi look to it. the twinsan looks like a hair drier and has a hole instead a pin.
… hm, I'm guessing. that guy is in a truck and yelling at that spider like it fucked his wife. Is this from that shitty tutorial website? you know, that seriously has tutorials on how to make IED's and how to take taken women from other men.
Judging by the plebs in this thread, normies dont seem to mind. Some even think the remake looks great
Correct Theory:
They were pipes of an engine integrated in Oxide's head before the idea was scrapped.
Beenox's own concept art for Polar Pass was leagues better than the final result lol. Way more clean too with no trees. Trees are for Blizzard Bluff!
I think a nice gray would work well. Naughty Dog had a sharp white and blue contrast with gray water and sky so that the track was still the most visible thing.
don't you expect devs to take that out before letting the modellers do their thing?
Charles did many iterations of Oxide. You can see how those things transformed from pipes to strange fruit shapes. I guess Charles thought they still looks cool and didn't cut them.
Tho he experimented without it too
also Oxide's butt
in the above one he has 2 tubes of Nitrous, as more concept art shows him huffing it. were they seriously considering to put in a character with a drug habit? I still hope he can inflate them and will one day.
Also, CTR's ending said Ripper Roo went into politics and tried for the presidency… he... he couldn't be the fabled email witch could he? I mean he's way too intelligent.
Because the OG Naughty Dog staff was a cut above the norm. Andy Gavin apparently was an MIT grad with a background in artificial intelligence and helped conduct research for the Mars rover project before even founding Naughty Dog with Jason Rubin.
Game devs are nearly Always overqualified, if you want money this industry isn't for you.
>rilla roo
Absolutely go and fuck yourself
Go Go Gadget fuck yourself!
Andy Gavin programmed the crash games in his own language called GOAL that other programmers had to learn. That guy spent a lot of time just to get those games to run the way they did.
It just shows them on the podium, not the actual intro animation that shows off the trophy girls
OP you are a fag, there still is no confirmation for their removal.
The trophy girls only ever appeared at the very beginning of the podium scenes.
I don't know why people are judging this already from a short trailer.
No F U.
Do you ever pondered why Rilla roo was created?
For symmetry! He is a counterpart to dingodile in terms of hitboxes. Bulky body and big tail.
Crash - Cortex
Coco - Brio
Tiny - K. Kong
Dingodile - Rilla Roo
I get why he was created, doesn't mean he is a good design in general.
Komodo Moe would have worked just as well.
but he and his brother are bosses.
They wanted Moe to be a boss character with his brother. Surely this will justify using a literal nobody instead.
That's some commendable programing. Crash being as good as it was certainly wasn't a fluke.
Every crash game introduced new characters.
Nobody complained about dingodile and tiny when they first appeared.
Tiny was a rilla-roo level reskin of Koala Kong at that time
Tiny Tiger and the Komodo Bros were established characters in Crash 1, they just weren't used. This is evidenced by their appearance in a canned animation that was intended for the intro cutscene before Sony decided to push for 3D presentation.
Here's the thing with Dingodile, N. Tropy, and Uka-Uka though: they aren't lazy 1-off villains that served no purpose. They stuck their foot in the door and stayed as villain staples.
Oxide is the only exception because he was meant to be for a 1-off game that would kill the franchise.
Anything after that falls into the OC do not steel category if they aren't able to stand their ground past a single fucking game. Literally-dead characters are the only ones that can be justified for not showing up later but that doesn't make it okay.
>that top 4
Shockingly based honestly
Look at how they massacred my boy
They're the only 4 that really matter imo. The others would just be neat extras at most.
Literally the best version of Tiny Tiger.
He is actually a FREAKING TIGER now
I don't get why they didn't just make up a new character or even just recycle fucking Koala Kong instead who had pretty much no prior characterisation.
>He doesn't know what a Tasmanian tiger is
Actually don't blame you, thing has been extinct for a while.
>Implying kids would even pay attention
>YFW they are now playable
Mario Kart is still around, no remakes needed. Let's see the Crash crew make an actual good sequel before we pretend its a MK killer.
Mario Kart's greatest power is its consistency