I wish every major game dev was this down to earth

I wish every major game dev was this down to earth

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Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe it's time for grandpa to retire then.

wtf i love Tekken 7 now

Why does he randomly cuck out though?

Hey wtf i wear jeans and solid color tshirts
This has offended me


it's amazing how Harada never grew out of his edgy teen phase, if it wasn't for his amazing coding dude would be out on the street so hard.



>twitter screencap
>anti-SJW sentiment
enough of this shit please

>Make Lucky Chloe for Tekken 7
>Wester prudes throw a fit over her effeminate design
>Harada goes "Ok I'll fucking make a Muscle-Skinhead Chloe for you westerners" on twitter

>He actually fucking did it for the mobile version

Attached: Rodeo_3_Star_Outfit.png (2000x2286, 2.32M)

It's almost like this is the kind of stuff that flies in Japan and it's what caused T7 Arcades to make back the development cost before the home version was even released

Well, props to him for following through on his promises.

based harada

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t-shirts offend my religion


Harada loves connecting with his fans, but also with the trolls and shitposters too much.

The culture is changing. We're right on the cusp of people creating politically incorrect media out of fatigue/frustration, and not just because they're /pol/ larpers.



Based. All libcucks must fucking die, including the faggot retards infesting the site right now.

You heard me you disgusting dilating freak fucks, what are you going to do about it? Kill yourselves now.

Ya'll white boys deserve to say nuthin after watchyall done.

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>confirming you're a retard from /pol/


So, basically, there's a new punk movement starting.
I'm fucking ready.

A japanese guy is saying that he is sick of cowtowing to wealthy white wierdos and people who make money on shock and awe pr stuff.

Are you actually getting paid to push this EBUL DUMB NIGGERS ARE AT FAULT narrative?
Cause...it's not working.

I want to stick my penis into katsuhiro and watch his little uncut hairy Japanese penis flop around while I fug him

Whites have white privilege
Non whites are oppressed
Race shouldn't exist
Actually race doesn't exist
But celebrate our racial differences
And love diversity
Although showing it on clothing is problematic
Let's mix together and become one race
But not in Asian majority countries
And not in Black majority countries
Only in White majority countries
I don't want white people to go extinct
It's okay if White people do go extinct though
Less white people would be a good thing
If white people want white children they are oppressing others
White people should think and vote the way I do
So as long as White people are on my side it's okay
If they're not on our side they're oppressing us
But we don't want our oppressors to go extinct
It's okay if our oppressors do go extinct though
Less oppressors would be a good thing
It would be justifiable if we did get revenge on our oppressors
But we won't seek revenge if our oppressors keep oppressing us
It might look like I will say and do anything to acquire as much power as possible
It might look like the people representing me are importing immigrants to serve as an aggressive voting bloc
It might look like we're acquiring more power through importing more immigrants
It might look like emotionally manipulating people to vote for left wing parties in wrong
It might look like we'll become violent if people don't do as we say
But that's not what's happening, not in any way, at all
Life is much more complicated than that

>Are you actually getting paid to push this EBUL DUMB NIGGERS ARE AT FAULT narrative?
Cause...it's not working.

Whatchu talkin bout white boi?

He doesn't have shitskins, jews and SJWs breathing down his neck like we do in the West.

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This. What the fuck has this guy even done anyway?

Fucked your mom, lol

>This guy has an opinion that differs/agrees with mine, surely his product's quality or my enjoyment of it will be affected!
Who gives a shit what youtubers think. Who gives a shit about what developers think.

shitskins wouldnt be in our contries without the jews
Sjws wouldnt exist without the russians (jews)


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At least /pol/ has it's own board here. That alone makes them more welcome here then you

Based Jap devs, the last hope...

you need to wear branded graphic tee to be cool to japan man

I'm so glad there's a board that welcomes nazis and white supremacists here
are you proud?

have sex incel

Then maybe his series (by his own admission) shouldn't do 95% of it's business overseas.

“More than anything, 2017 is about the release of Tekken 7. Of the 44 million units in total console sales throughout the entire Tekken series, 95% of it actually comes from foreign countries, in the order of Europe > United States > Asia Oceania > Japan.”

Why is it only non Western devs taking a stand against this shit?

>someone thinks not the same way I do!
back to your safe space tranny

what does it tell you if even relatively neutral people on this board are welcoming to actual nazis before they are welcoming to neoliberal resetera interlopers like you? take a hint


This so fucking much

I'm not that user, but that just tells me they aren't "relatively neutral"


The NSDAP were radical centrists

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lol all this social justice shit stems from blacks whining and moaning for the past few decades

Fucking based.

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How about you fuck off and stop your friends from posting shit like this? You all grasp at straws to get offended by literally everything. Even shit you clearly haven't played.

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>Not even denying being from Resetera
If this place triggers you so much why don't you go back?

>relatively neutral

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he's talking about Yea Forums

Yea Forums is full of /pol/

>this board

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Only white people, women, and faggots care about this "offense" shit.
The rest of us don't give a shit and get annoyed when one of these groups has to display their stupidity by talking about how OMG OFFENDED they are.

>Haven't played Dragon quest
Then why are you bitching?

All boards are /pol/ except for /pol/

Nazism is much easier to sell to teens with its clear message? The message doesn't have to be based on facts, just catchy.
"Fuck niggers" sounds better to edgy teens than "we would all benefit from everyone being well off because the bigger the market, the cheaper and better the goods are. Plus, low income correlates to crime, so doing something about that would be beneficial to everyone, and because of the first reason and several others, deporting or killing those people is not a valid option."

This is why "the left can't meme". Jokes based on relatable feelings such as racism/other bigotry grounded in confirmation bias are funnier than facts used to move society forwards.

great for the devs. now tell Epic to be pro consumer

is the video game industry the only one that public shits on it's consumers?

Kek, no, all this SJW shit stems from white guys bowing down to their retarded fucking women.
You suffer because you allow women to lead you, not unlike American niggers who are also lead by majority female head of households, which is why they're such fuck-ups as a race, even more so than niggers usually are.

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He made tekken, a low-tier fighting game and uhhhhh that's it. Lol. Dude is a literal who tranny.

Nooooo stop using facts!

>epic twitter screencap bro
>stealth /pol/shitter thread

you are so epic bro.

Not as cool as a tripfag with a girl’s name

That's what I'm saying. Politics aren't fun if you want them to be based on truth and useful to society.
What do you want me to say? "Alt-rights are triggered snowflakes who can't handle facts and need to hold onto single sentences in studies that hint at vaguely giving off a scent of almost reaffirming their feelings"?

No, still not funny. Sorry.

replace westerners with americans

shut up tripfag tranny

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The film industry is up there.

Honestly Harada is the type of guy who could probably shitpost on Yea Forums , the guy just do what he want.

See Negan in tekken 7, he only want characters he like as guest, wouldn't surprise me if the season 3 guest character is fucking Kenny Omega.

have sex

I actually love this image.

Yea, kids arena alt-right, they just don't like the left because they're trying to become the authority of this generation that tries to police everything they do.
I'm black and every single one of my cousins and nephews under the age of 16 behaves like your typical /pol/tard because the left has gone out of their way to turn popular culture into anti-striaght male bullshit and they don't like that kind of shit.
It's also why so many males of that age are into anime instead of cartoons.
Cartoons are FULL of gay shit that panders to girls exclusively and MCs that spend half their time crying like little bitches nowadays.
Meanwhile a shonen anime like MHA has kids getting their limbs ripped off and tons of violence.

Telling SJWs "No" is all any dev has to do.

>"fuck niggers" is relatable humor
woah cowboy what are you getting at there? something you want to get off your chest?
maybe if everyone secretly thinks this way we should stop babying them by promoting special govt treatment and welfare that ultimately worsens their behavioral "issues" and further groups them together in shitty welfare communities


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Fucking kill yourself nazi.

so review bombing is retarded and people should leave based devs like pitchford and harada alone, right?

>hates trannies
>literally is unable to shut up about them.


This. Death to all Gamers™.

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Harada is such a chad.

>the left can't meme
it's because people actually need a soul to meme

No, but he's a self proclaimed fan of Natalie Mars.


Attached: i-do-not-think-it-means-what-you-think-it-means.jpg (600x400, 138K)

I'm black and I often post "Fuck Niggers and [other thing]", guaranteed (You)s and the tranny faggots and actual /pol/tards will shit up the thread and argue over anything. The true shitposting path is to bait and switch both sides to entertain yourself.

Attached: 4chan.jpg (800x800, 129K)

Not to mention most shonen anime has messages of self-improvement, friendship (without being gay), overcoming obstacles through sheer will, etc. etc.
What messages do cartoons have?
It's okay to cry?
Being emotional is good?
Bee ursalf?
It's literally all dumb shit for emotionally unstable little girls and womanchildren.

Isn't it known that Black people can say that word though.

>using meme as a verb
>using the word meme unironically
>using the word meme after 2010
ermegerd gershbermps! am i rite my fellow kids? if the cake is a lie then i guess the cake was bad luck brian!

when you think about it, these bathroom signs are outdated. Women these days rarely ever wear a dress like the one shown to identify women in this sign.

Attached: bathroom signs.jpg (900x680, 54K)

>Nazism is much easier to sell to teens with its clear message?
No, you can sell anything to kids.
I can easily flip this unto stuff like LGBT issues and race issues.

>Isn't it known that Black people can say that word though.
Everyone is white on the internet though, no exceptions.


pol really isn't the boogeyman people pretend they are

only aficans say "nigger" when they are called "nigga." they'll say

Watch out we got an elite gamer over here! He's gonna rise up!

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If you already have a disdain for black people, it could probably pass as relatable humor. Posting trihard in Twitch chats when a character steals something or spamming "6 GORRILLION" follow a more common format. I can speak from experience and being a white man, I couldn't fathom that other people could face actual problems when i was 16-18, so ridiculing people for not being able to pick themselves up was natural.
I don't advocate for putting everyone under welfare, but racism needs to go for any society to reach its peak.

>grandpa retires
>zoomer crashes and burns the IP
sounds about right.

Jeans offend me, everyone should wear kilts.

fukken lel. even you know how important memes are. seething @ truths, huh?

what happens when you raise a generation on shit like MTV and get a bunch of irreverent, aloof teenagers, then later in life try to make them respect your bullshit and take you seriously?

You are the establishment. Your politics are wholly in line with every major company's HR department. Even the people who pretend to be your opposition on the Hill still play by your rules.

>based on truth

No, your positions are based on power. In the past, you would be preaching fire and brimstone to the unbelievers. You are a zealot of the current hegemony, nothing more.

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You want to stop the oppression olympics? Ban anglos and anyone who identifies as any brand of "-American" from communicating beyond yes or no blinks for ten years.

>You are the establishment.
Pretty much this.
I don't know how SJW types can still pretend that they AREN'T the establishment.
ESPECIALLY the white ones, especially considering most of them are middle class or upper middle class (or wealthy) and just try to silence anyone who doesn't go along with their corporatist bullshit.
It's why I don't associate with white women nowadays, way too much annoying baggage, don't know how white guys put up with that shit.

>If you already have a disdain for black people, it could probably pass as relatable humor.
In other words, if you've ever been around black people for an extended period of time it's probably somewhat relatable humor.

>Yea Forums is now full of Republicans

What happened?

SJWs became the new puritans.

harada is the fucking man

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At least you can shown disdain on /pol/ unlike retardera and their "wrong think" instaban

based fishmilf

most people, in general, lean more-conservatively while having more-liberal interests and hobbies. the vocal-minority of extreme lefts are just that -- a voval minority

Tells me you're a dishonest nazi sympathizer.

Ban evasion is a banable offense trannyfag

Anti-SJWs throw a shitfit if you don’t stand for the special flag song.

>Don't call me tranny!!!

And SJWs throw a shitfit if you don't call a man in a dress a woman.
I'm not some white faggot, so I won't ever consider that anything other than batshit fucking stupid.

Seething millennials.
Go be irrelevant elsewhere, you wasted your decade of cultural spotlight.

>"Fuck niggers"

reactionary stance to whats probably an engineered opposition known as "sjw"

left and right are both controlled by the same big businesses and banks who have all the money; neither of them care about you. it's all a sham just to fill the pockets of the ever richer elite who continuously lobby (bribe) with their insane wealth to slowly tilt the game in their favor more and more

hope this helps

>SJWs get mad at something that actually has a negative effect on people
>anti-SJWs get mad over a song

Liberals and rebublicans swapped sides at half time

Oh the absolute irony, considering the fact that his entire culture is about conforming to normality and doing everything to not offend.

>Not going along with my lunacy has a negative impact on me!
Can't wait for you morons to go extinct.

You can't meme because you are too afraid of offending anyone.

That’s why we need Communism to stop the banks.

But Dinesh D’Souza said the Democrats are exactly the same as they were during the Civil War!

>body types of fictional characters
>actually has a negative effect on people
>but a song doesnt

ur brain dum

Are you calling Andy J. a communist?

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Who, craziers like this?

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Only underage claim this. Anti-SJW use this tactic after years of trying to reason with SJW and failing.
They saw the "throw a shitfit" tactic work many times for SJW and thought they might as well do it if too if they wana get anywhere

Oh look, its a communist posing as le radical centrist.

No dipshit, you are the problem, you leftists are the problem and anyone supporting mass immigration. Period.

Why is it always some ugly white dude?
Fucking christ.

Other way around. The Boomers that vote Republican and are too senile to critically think about shitty HILLARY INVENTED AIDS TO KILL THE TROOPS Facebook memes are old enough to finally start dying.

And good riddance.

>SJW get mad over a word
See, I can act coy too

No, by "you morons" I mean white people.
You're the only dumbfucks who give a shit about this stupid tranny shit.
The rest of us just to the world a favor and get rid of them.

Anti-SJWs have been throwing a shitfit over things for centuries. They burnt Giordano Bruno at the stake for offending them.

>literally cannot conceive of anything but a black and white situation where he's the good guy

you're too far gone already amigo i'm sorry they got you

This, I don't understand why everyone is still falling for it. Fuck the rich, the politicians and the media drones that are encouraging this meaningless culture war.

>This is what anti GG actually believes

>in the past, you would be preaching fire and brimstone to the unbelievers
How could you possibly believe this when alt-righters fall for the white genocide-, Jewish question-, all SJWs are neon-haired screechers-, race/IQ- and "left news are fake news" memes simultaneously which are preached to them by the likes of Stefan Molyneux, Lauren Southern and Paul Joseph Watson? None of which care the slightest about facts.

>le millennial politics general
Why are millennials even allowed to discuss politics?
You've spent 10 years at this and you achieved absolutely nothing but show that you are a generation of autistic manchildren and womanchildren incapable of understanding what being an adult means.
You even made politics be about superhero movies and videogames, you fucking, 5 year olds in bodies of fat 30 year olds.
A millennial is a rabid dog, a cultural terrorist, even flossing zoomers are more fit for adult life than you.

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Some street shutter can claim all he wants, but looking at the climate right now proves otherwise. Liberals are quick to shut down anything dissaproving of their mindset. That isn't liberal at all

Leftists like you who believe in the pseudoscience of racial equality are going to go extinct. The only difference is that I would prefer to see it accelerated. Imagine the cognitive dissonance of believing that supporting fag marriage makes you a good human, while you attack white people.


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I’m sure all the trans people of color out there would love to hear more about this.

>I want to be insensitive and hurt other people but please don't hurt me, ktnxbye

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>Yea Forums is now full of Republicans

People grew up user

There's plenty of black trannies, actually.
All of them are a danger because they are insane.

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You mean the ones that only hang around white people and in white countries since the rest of us wouldn't tolerate them?
I'm sure they would.

Same with liberals though? It's as if people get mad when people question what they believe?

This. They will scream and cry and threaten you and make claims about how your game will be dead but at the end when it's all said and done absolutely nothing will have changed, and your actual fans will be proud of you.

Back to the nursing home, Grandpa.

>the cheaper and better the goods are
Yeah that sounds great, too bad that's not even close to the truth. The lifetime and quality of goods has only been getting worse as the market expands because people are being called entitled for wanting the bare minimum while cocksleeves defend every anti-consumer movement of multibillion dollar companies so those companies can make a few billion extra for themselves.
Remember when Aux ports were a fucking standard in audio based technology? Remember all the people then defending Apple for removing a fucking standard and praising them because it cut down on the development price of the new iphone? Notice how it didn't make the new phone any cheaper?
Maybe the left should stop being the equivalent of condoms for corporations and grow a fucking spine.

did he died

>Immediately gets his shit pushed in when he tries to talk shit to a black dude
You do realize that you're just proving my point for me, right?
We don't put up with that tranny shit.

When did I say otherwise?

that's rich coming from Yea Forums, you guys told me to kill myself because somebody mistook "I might do a mobile version in the future" to "It's a port of a mobile game."

Gamers easier to trigger than SJW.

no he needs a kimono gaijin

Oh look. Nothing of substance. How about you just admit you are little retarded cowards afraid to take any stance, except the stance where you pretend you are above the rest of us? You blame all rich people as being the problem, ignoring the real objective fact that leftists have literally been pushing pseudoscience, and how their false narratives have had a negative effect on our society. You push a communist narrative, but pretend you are le radical centrists.

No dipshit. You are just a fucking coward with nothing of value or substance to say, so I'll ignore you, and if there is one thing at least those on the far right and far left can agree with, is that your first.

kill yourself retard

Anti-SJWs actively delight in the deaths of people they dislike. It’s pretty ghoulish.

You mean a bunch of worthless millennial "idealists"?
A millennial is a wild creature that only exists to be mocked.

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Pick one and only one.

>trans people of color

Stop using pseudo words; leftists words, and use the real term. NON-WHITE. Because that's all you leftists shithead use that fake word. To create a division between whites and non-whites. There is no connection between non-whites besides that, due to genetic differences.

t. Actual, not a meme, born between 1946 and 1964 Boomer

No shit, SJWs are cultural terrorists.
Plus, they are millennials, so it's not like they have anything of value to offer to the world since they are already old farts, even older than they should be due to their garbage lifestyles.

Attached: average millennial.jpg (1024x1024, 606K)

>I cut my arm off because I thought I shouldn't have a second arm
>I cut my dick off because I thought I was a woman and shouldn't have one
How are trannies not just glorified schizophrenics again?

i didn't push any narrative you stupid fuck besides the objective and obvious fact that the rich in the USA keep getting richer despite already having 90% of the wealth.

You're so goddamned brainwashed that you're literally fabricating a fake opposition to justify your own beliefs. Wake the fuck up and live in reality you stupid goddamned retard. None of what you said is fucking real or true.

Huh. Here I thought being a nigger correlates to crime.

this is goiing into my cringe compilation

Thank you for proving my point.

SJWs see those that disagree with them as people, albeit repugnant ones. Anti-SJWs actively dehumanize them.

No, the problem with millennials is that you are too old, and at the same time you mouth and talk like children.
You have the worst parts of young and old people.

Even your activism is utterly pointless and consists of blind trust in political parties.
How stupid can you be?

Attached: peak millennialism.png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

Not an argument tranny

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Not a big Tekken fan but there's no denying Harada's a cool dude.

Shut up nazi

I actually had no idea Tekken was that popular.

Sounds like anti-SJWs are based as fuck.

>low income correlates to crime
Not with niggers it doesn't. There is more crime in the wealthiest black neighborhoods in America than the poorest white ones.

I’m sorry. Allow me to use a more acceptable terminology: “non-white people” and “mayonnaise drinkers.”

A bunch of evil monsters who are making life horrible for anything involve, why shouldn't people desire to get rid off them? Its more justifiable then the murders SJW want done on those who disagree with their cult.

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He's made a long running fighting game series. Even shows up to the tournaments of his own game. Is EVEN GOOD AT HIS OWN GAME.

>my age group good!
>other age group bad!

Attached: brainlet.jpg (448x486, 19K)

its only popular in the asias really

a small following in the west but it takes too much autism for the average retard to learn the frame data for the entire cast

Because SJWs are "people" who hate beauty, who hate well being, who hate working and happy societies and praise scum like trannies.
What kind of person hates beauty?
It's pure evil.

Most of the designated bad guys of each era did what they did, in the end, because they thought it was the best for the world, but you don't, you actively seek to make the world worse.
You are Saturday morning cartoon villains.

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why are lefties so against big corporations and "aim" to "take them 'down' " yet they feed them right back and stay signed into social media and google 24/7?

You deserve to be dehumanize because you are not humans. Normal people don't act like you. Change your mentality or get selected out of the gene pool.

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Because they're not against big corporations, they're just corporatists trying to get rid of the competition for their corporate masters.

You're right, we should all inherit a large sum of money from our parents after they use their connections to net us a comfortable, high-paying job we're not qualified for like you boomers.

KEK that actually sounds right

It's a fact that people born between 1985 and 1995 have been extremely cancerous to society.
The 90s and 2000s were a pretty comfy decade.
Come millennials, this decace begins, and they start throwing an autistic fit of rage over absolutely nothing and making things worse for no reason, to the point of causing tension and violence.

You are doing more harm to the west than groups like ISIS ever could, you are literal terrorists.
We shouldn't be aiming our guns at some stupid muslims on the other side of the world, we should be aiming them at you, everytime you go out to protest, likely over some trivial shit you were offended about on the internet, we should simply send in the military and shut your mouths, nothing of value comes out of them.

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I’ve played over 400 hours of Tekken since launch an I didn’t even know either

It's not even surprising, that shit has been documented throughout history. There's a cultural shift every 50-60 years. People just naturally want to do the opposite of what is being shoved down their throats.

you realize boomers still have most of the positions of power in this country you stupid fucking retard

you literally just called out your own generation for making everything shit

Looks much better
Any way to use him on pc?

He makes Tekken which is currently carrying the FGC. He also made Summer Lesson. And as far as we know, he’s responsible for Tekken X Street Fighter which may or may not come out, and a potential Samurai Shodown crossover in the future

And what will happen when millennials take those positions of power, will they launch the nukes the moment someone writes an "offensive" tweet?
Will they ilegalize all cinema that isn't superhero movies?
What the fuck would a millennial do with power?
Nothing, you spent your youth, the cultural spotlight you had for 10 years, doing nothing but a mockery out of yourselves and proving that you are closer to kids that the generation coming after you.

Attached: millennial.png (754x560, 760K)

Man, who even cares anymore? The right and left are both a bunch of shitters. It's just a bunch of people huddling into their little tribes so that they can feel the exhilaration of being able to have an impact on the world without actually having to become a work toward becoming a person of use or influence.
You have privileged little shits that haven't encountered anything even close to real hardship that wasn't self inflicted crying about injustice or tolerance without every straying too far from comfort and complete fags that have little worth, have made little to no contributions to society, and have no real prospects touting conservative values while running around with a superiority complex over circumstances that they had no hand in creating.
Just start killing each other in the streets so this can be done with
Fucking videogames fk

A bunch of evil monsters who are making life horrible for anything involve, why shouldn't people desire to get rid off them?

I was hoping to try to appeal to conservatives’ sense of reason, but you’re right. It’s a waste of time.

The right wishes to replace reason with theocracy, render the planet uninhabitable, and actively rejoice in the death of me and everyone I care about. They deserve no sympathy.

When ever a Republican dies, I will laugh and spit in the faces of their grieving families. The only good conservative is a dead conservative.

You say that like SJWs aren't the very same way.
Oh also they wish rape on young children if those children especially young girls, don't believe their bullshit claims of sexual assault that have 0 evidence of ever happening.
Also SJWs are very VERY retarded people.
>I got a letter today saying not to delete anything that may be used as evidence in a court case against me BUT I DIDN'T GET A FANCY LETTER SAYING I'VE BEEN SUED. So now I'm going to say EVEN MORE INCRIMINATING THINGS THAT CAN BE USED AGAINST ME.
This whole animedub shitshow thing has been a fucking treasure trove of SJW stupidity.

You should work for it.
Every single other generation but boomers had to.
Absolutely every single person had to work for it, and yet you spent all the years you had to make something out of yourself rolling in the floor crying because the generation before yours was more lucky?
Is that what drove you to think that discussing the amount of blacks in dumbass superhero movies for little kids is political activism and will save the world?

I feel the same way, but about faggots, white women, and trannies.

Are you replaying to yourself?

Why do you assume I'm a millennial?

so says the generation that through sheer ignorant greed has permanently damaged the ecosystem of the entire planet to the point which all future generations will live lesser and lesser lives than them for the forseeable future of our species.

You literally failed the ENTIRE SPECIES, and then blame millenials for not being able to fix an unsolvable problem. Keep reaching for someone else to blame you pathetic sack of shit.

If you are part of any other generation, you should hate millennials for failing to do pretty much anything.

>You should work for it.
Why? Your generation didn't have to. You rode off the coattails of the greatest generation then pretended you accomplished something when you were handed a comfortable life on a silver platter.

Well, thank god you at least acted on it and used your 20s, your peak cultural relevance moment, stopping that, right?

>hen blame millenials for not being able to fix an unsolvable problem
Absolutely everything is unsolvable for you because you can't do shit that doesn't involve internet shitposting.
The moment real action is requiered you automatically give up.
It's amazing that protests still happen, considering those involve leaving your basement.

>he's so stupid he thinks people born at certain years are are the cause of all problems, as if it was the positioning of the stars that defined their futures
>he doesn't even think for a second that it has anything to do with how they were raised, the environments they faced their defining years in, the people who taught them to be the way they are
I'm millenial, i fucking hate all those whiney pathetic sjw's who think being offensive is a crime.
You, however, are vastly more stupid than even they are.

Why? Zoomers have done even less and are just millenials but everything is more extreme. Boomers are objectively the worst generation as they're the ones responsible for the steady decline we're in now. Gen X are just boomers lite. Gen alpha are literally children.

If she isn't in Tekken 8 I'm not buying it. She's my wife and I love her!

Boomers were lucky, but that's not how humans should be.
A human is meant for challenge, hardship and war.
Everything about your body was meant for you to be a hunter.

Humans are not meant to have easy lives.

millenials were raised by spoiled bitches to be spoiled bitches into a world of relative poverty. Is it really their fault or the fault of the parents who raised and taught them everything they know?

Once again boomers are fucking pathetic failures and reaching for someone else to blame. Truly the worst generation in humanity.

Not only that but he thinks millenials are responsible for anything, when they're not even in any positions of power whatsoever. Right now everyone in charge is either gen X or baby boomers.


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>Tekken which is currently carrying the FGC


Right, but you're hardly in any position to be making claims like that when you haven't had to work for anything you have.

Good thing being a good coder is more important in vidya than your fucking fashion tastes.

>Right now everyone in charge is either gen X or baby boomers.
Dude, the oldest millennials are almost 40, you're a moron if you think there are no 38 year olds in positions of power.

>born too late to explore the world
>born too soon to explore the stars
>born just in time to see Boomers die of old age

>nothing but bullshit strawmen and ignorance
typical fucking boomer. you literally did so much damage to the ecosystem in one generation that it's impossible to fix even if all emissions were stopped today (and they're still increasing). by the way, boomers are the ones who are still in power and refuse to do anything about anything while constantly shoving social issues down everyones throat through media.

Or do you think millenials actually own and control the major media outlets in the USA?

Keep fucking reaching. You're fucking pathetic and deep down you know it. Remember that.

Don't bother arguing with boomers like him, they will refuse to take responsibility for anything they do and will continue to just tell Millenials to "stop wasting their time and get to work" because all boomers care about is getting more good little goys to slave away for them until they die.

The boomer lit the forest on fire.
Meanwhile the millennial surrounded the still safe parts of the forest with gasoline to ensure the ENTIRE forest burns down, and when called out he says "BUT THE BOOMERS LIT IT UP"

The only thing we can hope for is that zoomers lynch all of you to death, and at least bring some justice.

he did either died or is now a vegetable

>/pol/ in charge of subtlety

>Semper Fi

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Of course there are. A fucking handful. Unless you consider "PR guy for a mid tier corp" to be a position of power
Right now the ones in charge are Gen X or boomers

So you admit you're the one who caused all this shit in the first place? Thanks for admitting you're a spoiled terrorist.

YOU are a moron if you think 38 year olds hold senior positions, holy fuck you are so unaware of reality. Like you've literally lived under a rock your entire life.

>holy fuck you are so unaware of reality. Like you've literally lived under a rock your entire life.
Well, he is a boomer

Dude, I work at a mid-level company and the director of finance is 36, are you fucking stupid or do you not know what a position of power is?

I'm 20 and i'm in the military.
I think I have plenty of work ahead.

>boomers are the ones who are still in power
What will you do when you are in power, exactly?
Redirect all resources in the country to make more ebin as fug Rick and Morty episodes?
Invest the country's economy in weed?
Declare war on anyone who hates superhero movies?

>Or do you think millenials actually own and control the major media outlets in the USA?
Pretty much since otherwise you campaign and try to ruin their reputations with internet shitposting, forcing them to tell you what you want to hear.

So you're either a Gen Xer pretending his generation isn't literally just boomers 2.0, or a zoomer who is butthurt that his millenial dad can't afford to buy him a second iphone. Which is it?

So you're a millenial? Why don't you off yourself then?

>all these people arguing about different generations like a couple of children like any of that shit matters
Can't we all just get along?

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>nothing but baseless fucking insults and no ability to defend the unforgivable actions of his own generation

Remember. It.

Wow it's almost like the left don't exhibit ANY HUMAN FUCKING QUALITIES IN THE SLIGHTEST.

>Mid-level company

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>a millennial dad
No, my father is 50.
Besides, the idea of a millennial having kids is laughable, having a family involves maturity, and millennials have the reasoning and maturity of a 5 year old.
You are even in a girl vs boy slapfight right now that can be reduced to
>Ewwww, boys/girls have cooties.

>I'm 20 and i'm in the military
So you're a millenial who is on the path to achieve absolutely nothing? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black

yeah like the ones that get beat to death in Brazil

So you're a spoiled millenial with a spoiled boomer dad, and you think you're in any position to be talking shit to anyone else lmao
kill yourself cuck

20 is '98-'99, that's prime zoomer material.
Which is even worse.

So, late 90s, so I think i'm gen Z.

The world you created ensured that the military industry will become bigger and bigger in the near future, I just made the most profitable decision.

>gender equality was never an issue in past generations

>no millenials are having kids or family

>nothing but baseless insults cobbled together from memes and youtube videos

typical fucking arrogant retard gen z who knows nothing but thinks he knows everything after reading some dumb shit articles on the internet

That's late millenial/early zoomer. And according to this post his dad is gen x/boomer, so for all intents and purposes he's a millenial.

user, someone who's 50 would have been born in 1968 or 1969.
That's gen X, not boomers.
Do you know what year it is?

if I was a millennial instead of working, i'd be leeching off my parents and dedicating my life to pointless internet activism.

>The world you created
The world your dad's generation created actually, you dumbshit zoomer retard.

Gen X are literally just boomers with a different name.

>That's late millenial/early zoomer.
No, late millennial would be '94-'95.
'98-'99 is solidly zoomer.
You are literally exactly the same as millennials, only you think that you'll accomplish anything by dying for Israel because you're an idiot.

>all of his life experiences come from shitposting on the internet
Yep, checcks out.

Can’t blame the guy since anything can be offensive and it’s hard apart from the obvious. People bitched about Katarina’s design but Colombians praised it. People bitch about busty characters, people bitch about clothed ‘sjw’ characters. Can’t win.

Gender equality?
When the fuck has there been a more retarded generation than you, who go

You are literally autistic, I have lost count how many dumbass millennials i've seen go
>hur im going to get a robo waifu fuck women and fuck families and shit
You are literal kids.

Did you stop it?
No, in fact, you welcomed absolutely everything, you are part of the problem.

Even worse he not only thinks he'll accomplish something by dying for Israel, but he was successfully brainwashed by the people who are going to send him to die for Israel into thinking that some other people are responsible for their mistakes.

>Did you stop it?
Nope, we didn't, for the same reason you didn't stop it.

>for the same reason you didn't stop it.
Because you're fresh out of high school?

>literally the most popular fighting game series of all time


>Cartoons are FULL of gay shit that panders to girls exclusively and MCs that spend half their time crying like little bitches nowadays.
That sounds anime as fuck tho

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Funny, because it's millennials the ones who think they are saving the world by shitposting on the internet about superhero movies.

No, i'm here for a paycheck, and the military is just temporary until I find someone that can get me into the private military industry.
I would never fight in the name of a government that's now lead by boomers, and soon will be lead by millennials.

>thinks joining the military is profitable and that he isn't a literal disposable brainwashed drone for the faceless corporations that lobby (bribe) the government to do whatever they want

this is important, zoomer. you're young and dumb. really fucking dumb. and arrogant. in 10 years you will realize just how much of a fucking moron you were and how little you actually knew about anything.

Hope this helps.

>You are literal kids.
Dude you're joining the military lmao
LITERALLY the stupidest decision that absolutely anyone could ever make, assuming you had any other options whatsoever. If you joined the military for any reason other than "the only other option was homelessness" then you are objectively a fucking retarded child who knows NOTHING about how the world works. Considering you actually bought into Boomers' "b-but we didn't start the fire :(" bullshit I'm going with the latter.

Every day that pic becomes more true

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In anime, characters (that aren't little bitches like Shinji) cry because they're actually suffering (usually because they've been stabbed/had an arm broken/lost a friend).
In cartoons, characters cry because they finally convinced someone not to be a big meanie or because someone said something mean (but not TOO mean) about them.

Yes, I should have done like millennials and just sit on my ass, eating garbage and growing fat, ensuring I die of colon cancer in my 40s.

And what are you millennials doing?
Developing entertainment media that's propaganda for dead ideologies and actively destroying the foundations of the society you were born in?
If anything, with luck they'll send me to deal with you once everyone realizes the danger of all this cultural terrorism you have been doing for a decade now.

>Funny, because it's millennials the ones who think they are saving the world by shitposting on the internet about superhero movies.
Nah, they just realized they have no power or agency in the world because of the actions of the people who you're going off to die for soon, so they gave up and just started shitposting instead. Sort of like how you gave up on trying to have a life or change anything and are going off to die for Israel instead.

>an anti-SJW is going to die in the middle of the desert

Sometimes, life is OK.

>the military is just temporary until I find someone that can get me into the private military industry.
Oh you actually believe this lmao

>And what are you millennials doing?
Jack shit, so basically, the exact same thing you are.

It's uncanny how this pic is real, i just got envolved in politics because THEY wanted to mess with my games

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>If anything, with luck they'll send me to deal with you once everyone realizes the danger of all this cultural terrorism you have been doing for a decade now.
Do you seriously think that would happen? the people in charge make a ton of money off that "cultural terrorism," why the fuck would they want to stop it or god forbid divert you from executing Israel's will to stop it? Are you fucking stupid?

You must be retarded or a scrub, because Tekken is the best-selling FG series in the history of the genre

Fucking based, love this guy.

Tekken still sucks, though.

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Yes, I already have contacts, I just need to spend some time to claim I have experience.

So you just gave up, and yet you act smug and like you are saving the world?

>Sort of like how you gave up on trying to have a life
Why the fuck would I want a regular life in the world you help shape?
So that me and my family are killed by muslim radicals in 20 years in our homes?

I'm roleplaying to myself.

and even if he survives he's going to waste his time trying to break into an industry when he doesn't have any relatives in the industry to get him a job too lmao
Will likely end up either dead in some shithole desert or if he lives, slaving away at a minimum wage job to pay his college debts that he got because he seems retarded enough to fall for the "you need to go to a good school to get a good job" meme.

>So you just gave up, and yet you act smug and like you are saving the world?
Yeah, just like you are right now.

retard, you don't know anything. the vast majority of our generation grew up with limited or no internet access. People who even used the internet had to rely on completely new experimental technology. we got to use fucking Alta Vista and Ask Jeeves if we were lucky. Nobody fucking knew how bad the climate problem actually was because the shit-eating boomers didn't tell anyone. The only way the information has been able to propagate at ALL is through the internet.

Tell me, what would you do if for your entire childhood you were told that everything was perfect and fine and all you had to do was get a job and family and life was going to be easy? you literally have no fucking idea about anything except what shows up on TV and in school.

remember zoomer, you're an arrogant retard who knows nothing

I have my fingers crossed, yes, I joined this to kill terrorists, after all.

>and even if he survives he's going to waste his time trying to break into an industry when he doesn't have any relatives in the industry to get him a job too lmao
I do, actually, they are the ones who gave me the idea.

As a black user, this.

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>I have my fingers crossed, yes, I joined this to kill terrorists, after all.
Well I hate to break it to you but you're not going to be killing any terrorists, puppet of Israel.

>what would you do if for your entire childhood you were told that everything was perfect and fine and all you had to do was get a job and family and life was going to be easy?
What i've always done, not trust those who tell me everything is going fine.

If I had to guess, probably for the same reason you fell for the memes on the opposite side of the spectrum - all, ironically enough, don't care for the slightest bit about facts.

Yeah and I'm sure they'll give you the GREAT idea of going to university and taking out loans to pay the tuition too dude! You should totally listen to them!

Then why do you blindly trust boomers?


No, the advice they gave me was to spend a few years in the military and get enough experience to get into a PMC, since they have contacts who can get me into it, but not unless I have previous experience.

No, only my family.

Why do you think that is, and what should America do about it?

Yeah you have to do that shit to get any decent white collar job nowadays. Quite frankly I hate it but the autism I have for my career choice blows it out of the water

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>wouldnt trust his own parents for his entire childhood if he didnt have any other sources of information besides TV and school

sure thing bud

If anything, i'll be killing muslims, that's less sandniggers you'll be welcoming into your countries.

Okay, so this entire time you've been arguing that you should work for success, and you're being handed success on a silver platter? Lmao moron

Not him but nigs just have a shitty culture in general. It's all bling and upping one another for "street cred" I would know because I live around too many nogs

What, you think people actually like Shit Fighter V other than the people who need to make a living off of it?
Oh wait, you must be a DBEZ fan.
I don't know which is worse

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He is superior to you in every quantifiable way. His value as a human being and member of society is immeasurable compared to you. People vastly more successful than you value his opinions and contributions. All you have is shitposting about him anonymously.

>No, only my family.
Did you even read his post, moron?
Nah, you literally just need connections, that's the only thing that matters. Experience and knowledge are irrelevant, just know the right people and do what they say in order for them to hand you a free job so you never have to do real work in your life like did

You don't go anywhere without contacts or connections and friends in higher places.
If you don't have any, get them.
Make friends, and make friends with their friends, you are bound to end up knowing someone that can lend you a hand.

Oh, you actually believe that? I see you're a great kike puppet. Keep drinking that boomer kool-aid.

>You don't go anywhere without contacts or connections and friends in higher places.
Right, because the people who are actually in charge (boomers) made society about nepotism rather than merit.

Well, right now they are our only enemies.
Although Africa is getting more and more unstable, maybe i'll be killing niggers, who knows.

>Yeah you have to
no, you don't.

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>Well, right now they are our only enemies.
Nah, our enemies are, conveniently, whoever happens to be Israel's enemies.

Thankfully you worked hard to try to fix it.

Nah, we didn't, because we have no power to fix it.

And you just decided to give up, ignore it, and then pretend fighting over superhero movies is the key to saving the world.


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It's because their IQs and impulse control are markedly lower. What we should do is take away all their gibs and let the smart ones find a way, while the stupid ones continue to shoot and abort each other.

Why subsidize failures when they'll just continue to pass their obsolete genes on.

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Nah, most normals don't actually care. If I knew how to fight back I would at this point. Fuck you fags.

What "memes on the opposite side of the spectrum" do you think I've fallen for? I'm curious what you think I believe in that's equally disconnected from reality as those I posted.

Right, that was the first question, and I mostly agree. What about the second one, though?
Since some amount undoubtedly can be attributed to shitty family situations, I would address those. Something like free contraception and better education. What do you think?


nah we decided fuckit might as well enjoy life as much as possible until shit gets unbearable

keep tryina fix things though its cute. we've all been there.

Pains me to say that tekken is the only thing interesting in the FGC right now.

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Then how did you get a decent job, millionaire?

Sounds like a biological flaw. Just nuke humanity please, the universe don't give a shit either way.

>Something like free contraception and better education.
We already get that and it doesn't help.
If anything the free contraception has only made things worse.
Just stop trying to subsidize our trash, you're only making things worse.

Nice feelings-based answer.

Can anyone explain to me why resetera comes here when they have their own entire fucking site? It's like a black person going to a KKK rally.

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So basically, you are just boomers?

And no, you clearly didn't decide to enjoy life considering you are spending it pretending to save the world and fighting internet shitposting wars that just make you more and more bitter.
You are desperate to save the world, but too lazy to do it.

You are not enjoying anything, otherwise you wouldn't be in millennial activism thread #4891074531908

No, it's boredom and escapism.
Just like how people in the optimistic 2000s went emo, goth and wanted darker media like The Dark Knight, and now that everyone is negative they want flashy colorful shit that avoids being sad.

Who knows, you should see when they were damage controlling here when we found out they were going after Dante's VA because he said he doesn't hate Trump, white people or cops

>even flossing zoomers are more fit for adult life than you.
God I hope so. I hate being a Gen Yfag, I hate my generation so bad.

>So basically, you are just boomers?
No, because we didn't have everything handed to us for free like you (personally, not your generation per se) did.

That really happened? God damn, what a bunch of retards.

That was funny because the entire internet turned on them, even reddit.

Yeah, they also found out about how much he likes the UFO stuff and tried to brand him a lunatic because of it.
That's outrage culture for you.
Fortunately, everyone saw through their bullshit and took a shit so hard on them that the mods started locking all threads in Resetera and tried memory holing it.

You won't convince me without providing a better answer.
The free contraception obviously doesn't end up where it should, or isn't used properly (poorly educated about it?), and the education obviously isn't good enough.

trade schools guarantee jobs way better than universities right now, at a fraction of the cost. welding, carpentry, electrician, HVAC. otherwise you could take the riskier route of learning to code or do something creative as a freelance. You don't HAVE to go to college, it's a lie sold by everyone who profits from the scam that is the modern university.

t. someone who graduated from a uni with a 4 year science degree

What do you need to get into those?
I only have high school.

You're clearly not black so you have no idea what you're talking about.
It's not an education thing, it's not a lack of contraception thing,
It is almost entirely cultural and genetic.

Thankfully a turn of unexpected events that brought together Yea Forums, reddit, twitter and even tumblr happened and they were turned into a laughing stock and nothing happened to Dante's VA. Just like my animes

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>Yeah, they also found out about how much he likes the UFO stuff and tried to brand him a lunatic because of it
This timeline, man.

If you imagine a bit, that chick's asscheeks are sticking out.

shitposting is fun you retard

i've been shitposting since i was 15 and frankly im proud of being such a fucking useless leech instead of dedicating myself to fixing a worthless and hopeless species.

>too lazy to save the world

yea sure whatever reasoning you need to keep blaming someone. nothing is ever that simple zoomer and if your arrogant ass lives long enough you just might be aware enough to realize it.

literally just a GED or high school diploma. but they have apprenticeships but even those are paid.

under neutral circumstances, i'd be deeply offended if someone called me a woman-hater / racist / all the other labels the hurt feelings brigades invented to shame people into agreeing with them
the way things are now, however, i just say i'm a Nazi to let them no i'm not buying the shit they're peddling

I wonder when things will go back to the norm. Just 10 years ago the internet was so normal. Everyone found their niche and people did not interfere with each other.
Current state of things makes me so sad.

>shitposting is fun you retard
No, it fucking isn't.

>such a fucking useless leech instead of dedicating myself to fixing a worthless and hopeless species.
Why not go back to the heavy eyeliner, eyeshadow and bird nest hair look? You millennials clearly retracted back into your emo phase.

>nothing is ever that simple zoomer
And yet your actions keep relying on that belief.

>im proud of being such a fucking useless leech instead of dedicating myself to fixing a worthless and hopeless species.
You mean. This isn't a global opinion.

no, the internet was the internet because there were almost no normies on it
now the internet IS normies

>EVO pre-regs
You know Tekken has its own world championships, right? Tekken's never had EVO for its main showing. Fucking Capbabies I swear.

I'm curious what part you think is genetic.
And for the fourth time, what's your solution?

The laughs /pol/ gives me from causing people like you to seethe makes me proud to host them every day

his idolmaster waifu

>you can't have fun doing something i don't have fun doing

your arrogant zoomer is showing

misanthropy isn't emo friend, it stems from empathy for all of the relentless suffering caused by humans to other humans; which leads to an unbearable depression and general dislike of the species as a whole (but not individuals)

hope this helps

Political Correctness culture is dying, maybe it won't even pass this year. It's the first time in history my country elects a right wing president and that tells a fucking lot

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You have to in order to fly for the military or the major airlines

Based Harada

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the internet was like that because it was small and internet culture was considered irrelevant shit only nerds care about
now that it's gotten big, every political movements wants to sink its claws into it
some are visibly more organized than others

Same here in Spain.
>everyone has hated the right due to the dictatorship
>communist party was actually gaining a lot of track earlier this decade
>far right party out of nowhere now climbing the polls

I wonder if everyone will stop being a thin skinned faggot next decade and we can forget this one.

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so does street fighter

Based, Reset niggers have the lowest sense of self awareness on the planet. You'd think anyone without severe down syndrome would have realized that normalfags aren't receptive to their brand of extremism after the election but they make up excuses for themselves whenever they sense a problem. It's never their fault, it's the "racist" "homophobic" "nazi" 99.9% that's at fault

I'm the guy you responded to earlier, and I sincerely think all nonwhites need to be kicked out of the Americas, Australia/NZ and Europe

Oh, you mean the championship that pays winners in change? lol

Based, fuck those Barcelona commies

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/pol/ btfo

Why non-white and not just all undesirables regardless of race?

This. The final registration numbers will likely increase anyway since EVO is a Master+ event this year.

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Maybe the west is aware that oversexualized characters take away the stimulation you get over meeting girls IRL????? Is this an agenda to try and attempt to get people outside?

Imagine the next right wing prime minister being from Galicia.
Good luck bros I hope your country gets better

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Hey retard, the utopia you think you are moving towards will never exist because the natural world is not a utopia and never will be

No matter how much money you throw at drug addicts, retards, 70 IQ somalian mouthbreathers and trannies, they are never going to contribute anything meaningful to society. Look at how your utopian liberal policies turn every city you touch into a feces and used needle littered homeless criminal waste dump.

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Blacks have Africa
East Asians have Asia
Whites have north North America/Europe/Australa/NZ
Middle Easterners have the Middle East
Latinos have everything from Mexico to Patagonia
It's only fair m8

Attached: we dont like your kind around here.gif (500x282, 1.64M)

It tells you nothing. We don't hate people for being neo-liberals, we hate people who try to influence our vidya with politics.
It's not that we like nazis, it's that nazis might as well not exist as far as we are concerned because they aren't going to do shit. If I saw a Nazi and a Neo-liberal without context in a public space, I would be geared against the nazi but if I see a neo-liberal trying to get rid of characters because he thinks that her being sexy is evil and the nazi is defending the characters right to exist, then excuse me for not screaming about how much I hate nazis in that specific instance.

Proud of you zoomy, you’re doing so well accomplishing everything I failed to do

I would rather western society die and the world become an uninhabitable wasteland than to give it up to niggers and spics.

>The youth of our society prefers the alt right
>"Fuck niggers" is actually pretty catchy
>We can't meme because we're too busy angrily typing up paragraphs of propaganda and don't have a sense of humor

What were you trying to get across with this post user

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Man, I can't wait for this loser to die. Just another complainer who never does anything but bitch on altright outlets like twitter and his version of /pol/ and Ill especially hate him forever for bringing FighterZ back into the FGC

I'm so glad Yea Forums's resident "nazis" and "white supremacists" are more ethnically diverse than resetera ever was or will be

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No, I did not mean the 90s or very early 2000s. Even in the early 2010s, things were very different. This whole twitter-mob thing did not exist. People did not try to ruin other people's life by finding a tweet from 10 years ago. Yea Forums used to be the place that was famous for doxing people with their nudes. Nowdays, every day on twitter there is some post with tens of thouands of shares where some guy says something and people are calling their employer, sharing their private information, full name, phone number. For me this is so unbelievable. Just think of that kid with the MAGA hat who was doxed by a media network with millions of followers. They were spreading misinformation. Imaging being some teenager dipshit in highschool and people are calling you 24/7 telling you to kill yourself. How is this normal? Just clear your mind for a minute and think about it. Journalists now support doxing people on the internet as long as they are on the wrong side. If any other group of people did that, it would be considered terrorism. Yet twitter is still alive. there is no stigma around it. even though it causes more problems than Yea Forums.
I'm genuinely curious whats gonna happen in a few years because things literally can't get any worse. And I know some of you will reply "it will" or something like that but I'm telling you it won't. They are already doing anything they could to destroy the entire life of people they don't like. There are people being fired for a joke they made 15 years ago. It can't get worse. So I'm genuinely curious whats gonna happen.

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Backlash god willing. Backlash so hard that it’ll make hitler seem like Bernie sandals.

hey this is offensive because jeans aren't feminine enough and it disenfranchises females and people who identify as female

>"we would all benefit from everyone being well off because the bigger the market, the cheaper and better the goods are. Plus, low income correlates to crime, so doing something about that would be beneficial to everyone, and because of the first reason and several others, deporting or killing those people is not a valid option."

Champagne socialists like you tend to forget that socialists back then were against open borders. Illegals and more foreign people lower the wages for the already existing lower working class. Even the illegals themselves don't want more illegals in the country. Importing people from shithole countries to do work for 1/10th the salary is the most capitalist thing that exist and I have absolutely no idea how leftists like you managed to adapt this thinking. So far what I've seen from the left is
>fuck working class yuck gross theyre like so racist and bigoted fuck them theyre dumb let them starve their problem if theyre so icky they deserve it
>at the same time we need to import more minorities
I'm genuinely curious how this kind of thinking would end up working in your mind

Proper rehabilitation for drug addicts and crime offenders is effective, though.
Option 1: do something about them so that they commit as little harm as possible
Option 2: let them reign free and fuck over good folk

What is a "white" or a "black" person to you? What do you do with mixed races? Why would you keep low-performing white people over high-performing black people in America based on something so trivial as race?

Both sides do propaganda, one is just simpler to swallow and the other is based on facts.

Because social media is descriptive in the numbers. When you have 10,000 people saying there are more than 2 genders. It sounds like a lot of people. When in reality it's only 3% of the of the nation. Because no one really interacts with 10000 individuals it seems like a massive amount therefore it must be right. So in turn they start saying it too.

>caring about tekken's story
are you retarded?

>What is a "white" or a "black" person to you?
a white person is a white person, a black person is a black person. it's pretty fucking evident. Mutts are mutts.
And for the record, the amount of high performing black people in the county is VERY small and not worth the risk of gangbangers

>he thinks it can't get worse
lmao, you're such a pure naive soul

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I unironically want Rodeo in Tekken 7. It's a crime he's not a mainstay, now.
I want fucking chad thundercock in my game about anime robots and demon-infused twinks.

Tekken has the best story of any fighting game ever. Wtf are you talking about?

It's even less than 3%. It's 0.6% according to The Williams Institute from UCLA.

He is right.
Twitter, in the end, only shows you the tweets of those you are following.
Even though it's social media, you can form an echo chamber in it.
Even 10k RTs are nothing, fucking furfag artists get that many retweets.

The problem is people who think that someone with not even 10k, maybe 100, or even less than 10 retweets is representative of the world.
Which is why I think Twitter threads are fucking cancer, it makes people think the world is vastly different than it actually is.

>one is just simpler to swallow and is based in the fact and the other is mentally ill garbage forced upon people by California and authoritarian faggots


Harada says some smart things

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There is literally no amount of money on earth that can fix them.
Best to invest that money in things that have guaranteed return like infrastructure rather than pipe dreams.

Give me a dollar value for what it would take to fix them

funny enough zoom zooms have become the triggered ones.

I was just doing 10,000/333,000,000 which is what I thought the US population was.

For a second for an honest to God second I thought that was Dante on the right

>Both sides do propaganda, one is just simpler to swallow and the other is based on facts.
Like gender pay gap? More than two genders? Rape culture? Patriarchal society? Coming up with words like "emotional labour" and "manspreading" and expecting people to take it seriously? Justifying 9 month abortion?
Have you read the Green New Deal? Let's ban airplane travel? Make cows unable to fart? Rebuild EVERY building in the US in 10 years?
The left has no facts or plants to fix anything.

I'm about to sleep, but basically, pure socialism/pure capitalism doesn't work. No sensible person believes in either. You think that there are a finite amount of jobs in the world?

>based on facts
Good one.


>am*rican media
Not even once.

Yeah and we already don't have "pure capitalism". How could there be welfare under pure capitalism? minimal wages? diversity hires? child support?
Are you out of your mind?

I did too, kek

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Save yourself first lad, dont worty about the species. Hope u smart enough to understand this

is she autistic?

Damn trannies really take out the knives when someone even hints at having opposing political beliefs to theirs huh.


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tekken is a fighting game with a fucking girlish panda fighting a devil man


No she just got the spotlight on her unexpectedly because she came up in conversation. That's Reuben's wife.

This. /pol/'s ethnic makeup is what diversity toting SJWs wish they could achieve.

when don't they take out knives?

It would take way too long to explain the relevant ones in detail.
>gender pay gap has more to do with women taking low-paying jobs and possible societal reasons for doing so, as well as relating to maternity leave and other complicated topics rather than wage differences for the same job.
>there are only two sexes but the theory is that social gender is on a spectrum. Basically, the things you would guess someone's gender based on aren't biological (you don't look down someone's pants) and they aren't exclusive to one sex (men can have long hair, women can be strong etc.)
>airplanes and cows contribute substantially (afaik) to climate change and incentivizing a decrease in either would be a decent thing. Pork, chicken and lamb are tasty too and better for the environment than cows.
Don't know about the rest. I'm sure you can cherry pick stupid things Twitter people write and attribute it to an entire side of the political spectrum.
I really need to sleep now. Good night.

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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>thinks he's actually doing the right thing by joining the military with the purpose of killing sandniggers
>when perpetuating war in the middle east only creates more refugees and radicalized muslims who will join more terrorist groups
>in the end he'll only contribute more to the problem he thinks he's fixing

you are a fucking kike puppet

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>proudly dying for Israel

>join to kill sandniggers
>because you joined and are killing sandniggers more sandniggers surge for you to kill

i dont see the problem

When it's a muslim because they're legit afraid of offending them. Or if it's a minority combo that's high enough on the diversity hierarchy.

>You millennials
t. 20 year old desperately seeking the approval of boomers that you'll never get. Have some fucking dignity you troglodyte

Because you are a bunch of dumbass millennials, you are born losers.

I'm in it for the money, killing muslims it's just a plus.

>thinks he will be killing anyone
Fucking lmao, you play too many games kid

This holy shit. both will kill you, but at least one's honest and """""respectable"""""" about it.

I do not seek their approval, they are cancer, it's just hilarious how loud and self-righteus and smug millennials are when they are just as cancerous.
You are boomers except autistic.

>b-b-but they were given everything in a silver plate, we live hard times
He says while sitting in a room surrounded of anime figurines worth hundreds of dollars and a mountain of funko pops.

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Pretty sure the military is all about killing.
Sure, drones do a lot today, but I can still contribute to their deaths.

Most Shounen MCs are not like Shinji.

it sounds quite cucked but i can understand it from a marketing perspective. for example, the sandnigger stage in 6 was probably included to appeal to the sandnigger audience. so when something potentially offensive to muzzies was in the stage, it made sense to change it to not scare of those particular consumers they are appealing to. there is a limit though to how much you can try to appease people before it goes out of control though

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>Look up Lucky Chloe

Why did people throw a fit? She's super cute!


why is apex legends supposed to be es jay dubya again? because it has a negroid character?

>Pocket change
lol u retarded
And almost nobody watches Capcup

Not to mention income inequality. You have homeless people right next to multi-million dollar condos in liberal run cities. It's surreal.

Black engineer invented pausing in video games

Every time you shift tab, press start or esc to take a shit, remember this

My tooth fucking HURTS

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Why do you care about 9-month abortion

for every engineer theres 20 of them in jail

>no u

one of the most popular manga and anime currently has a MC that cries all the times and tells his bully how much he loves him


SJWs literally infiltrated Occupy Wall Street to divide and conquer. Libs and socialists who didn't know any better fell for it and now attack anyone who doesn't conform.

He said that but you're overlooking one detail. Harada isn't hateful, racist, sexist, whatever ist buzzwords. He just wants to make cool video games. Yea Forums agrees but for all the wrong reasons.

punishing high-performers doesn't sound like meritocracy

It happens to white men all the fucking time

Is this projection?

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you aight black boi

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I never said we live in an ideal meritocracy.

That's right because if that black man didn't invent pausing then nobody else would have, ever.

>pick a fight with a gun owner and threaten his life and family
>why do they hate me so?

I unironically agree with your forced meme

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>That's right because if that black man didn't invent pausing then nobody else would have, ever.
Keep that same energy when someone brings up white inventions. "Someone else would have figured it out eventually".

Like which ones exactly? Also is pausing really that revolutionary? Like common.

"Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.
His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled.
A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour.
In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.
With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.” - Charles Darwin

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How long 'till you're 30?

can we just lynch all zoomers or something

fuck off back to your drawfag circlejerk

half the altrighters here wouldn't be altright if they had sex at least once
prove me wrong

Kys newfag

Nice video game thread we got here.

Uffffff that Raven outfit

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jannies be sleepin

sex has nothing to do with politics you permavirgin

have you been playing any vidya recently? I've been playing Mega Man X3 on and off but I cannot stand the PS2 controller, that shit aint comfy for that type of game

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Bend your boy pussy over and start converting them

>A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use.
Except all the ones hanging up in museums for the sake of preservation.

>What about your racist dog whistle thread on Yea Forums?
>Oh, fuck that thread. I'm gonna take a nap. You need any money or something?

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yes primitive stone age tools. Go to an actual museum and you'll see the difference between Asian/European tech and African "tech"

>sex has nothing to do with politics

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can we just talk about tekken lol

>the fags fuck each other in the ass all the time so that means we have less virgin than the alt right XD!

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sex is sex
>anime picture

no it isn't you aids ridden faggot

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Lmao. What did he contribute to society?

>actually replying to that retard
You're coming off as sexually frustrated, just stop replying you stupid nigger.

>screencap of an opnion piece is fact now

why would I be jealous of someone I consider inferior to me? Christ you fags are nothing but sex addicted freaks

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>Paul and Law
goddamn i love those buffoons

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i’m glad we could have a legitimate twitter screencap pol thread instead of all those shitposting actual game discussion threads that are against the rules

What even is alt right anymore?
Leftists killed the term like they killed racist,sexist,bigot and even nazi.
You people literally think jordan peterson and ben shapiro are alt right now.

Only white people care about this shit.

I still wince hard whenever I see a person get straight up killed on camera. I was not prepared for that. Beligerant people deserve to get their ass kicked but curb stomping goes too far for me, no one deserves to die that way.