Geez. No wonder nu-GoW was so shit. This guy is becoming worse than Randy Bobandy and Cliffy Bazinga

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Other urls found in this thread:


why do they always make the :O face?

who is this guy

Side effect of s.oy

there is literally nothing wrong with easy mode

Nu-GoW director

Spend dev time on easy mode or you’re a bigot, we need to make sure subhuman cr*pples can beat any game.

Why does it trigger Yea Forums so much? I love it honestly. People here get so spastic or the most nothing things ever


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Why even keep cripples alive? They have no value.

>implying y'all here have

Yea Forums confuses me with this shit I thought anons don't care what the devs originally want for their own games

negative is still a value

Post your o face

Games like God of War exists so people who suck at video games can play too.

he directed gow 2 and 3 and worked on the OG GoW yet people still bitch about him for what he did with the last gow

Reminder that Yea Forums went full on Kotaku "fake difficulty" when discussing nu-GoW on the hardest difficulty.

GoW isn't even hard

What if it were to become associated with nazis. Take some stills of hitler mid speech so he’s making the face and spread then around

I don't remember this.

Who gives a shit? It's just video games.

Why? it's Yea Forums
When you post pictures of other people its supposed to be of others that you either creepily took yourself in public or from online in veiled attempts to boost your own confidence when in reality the fact that you have to make fun of appearances in an anonymous fashion is probably the most pathetic shit ever

Is that a fucking mole?

Its not even "cripples", cause they fucking deal with real life shit everyday. They usually figure out ways to play games. Its the fucking crybaby snowflake bullshitters from the "Everyone gets a trophy!" generation that's pushing this shit. It's time to tell them to grow up and learn to live in the real world, where you don't get a trophy just for showing up.

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Because as much as they hate to admit it, modern Yea Forums has a massive Nintendo bias and they are very angry about ANY Sony game.

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you must be one with that eyesight

Except when a dev doesn't toe the line there is a huge outcry and half the industry and all the journos rush to condemn them. I can't recall any instance where a game not having difficulty settings was such a headlining story.

Thought so.

He is saying that cripples can't play on hard, isn't that ableist?


Attached: 15536348849.jpg (1400x838, 115K)

Being a cripple is living on hard mode.

I have limbs.

How many?

his shirt is covered in skin flakes from scratching his beard

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They want the BBC

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Yea Forums have even less value.
bite the bullet and maybe we'll follow suit :^)


What's this?

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Who the fuck is that
Hey at least I'm trying :(

Reminder that gears of war is the same as halo and none of the story after 3 is canon.
Nothing you will say will make me think otherwise.

Attached: giggity.jpg (1000x1000, 91K)

>There are people out here that ,even when abortion and placental analytics exist, would rather give birth to a Downie or any other chromosomic syndrome than just kill the fetus

Ohnononono my shitposts!


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Why can't you just quote him directly you dumb faggot?

They dont. Yea Forums just seeks out the relatively few pictures where they do and spams them endlessly on Yea Forums and Yea Forums to perpetuate a meme.

Attached: 9FEAF408-B2C3-470E-A2D9-54727E06610E.jpg (2048x1365, 314K)

Hitler also wanted to promote soi beans to Hitler Youth, so both soi and the soi face could be associated to Nazis.

>Frame your autistic crusade against games that are slightly hard so you cant pretend to be part of the "in" crowd as a battle for the rights of cripples.

Games journalists arnt human and should be treated as less then such.

>backpedals instantly after he gets shat on

Attached: soi of the year 2018.webm (960x540, 2.48M)

He never did though

>this guy deleted his AIW video because of all the memes and shitposting he got over it

you're horrible at reading

based retard

They do. If that were true there would not be any pictures.

It's just something to say to get good boy points on twitter. They don't really care about people with disabilities. If they did they'd be talking about real accessibility options like button remapping, text size and contrast settings, and color blind modes.

Only letters I need to know are U, S and A.

who is he and what is AIW

>who is he
Some Youtuber who makes money overreacting to capeshit trailers
>what is AIW
Avengers Infinity War

You forgot
You can forget the the U tho, you wont be needing it

F*CK EASY MODE! Let's make the whole game play mechanics way more accessible for ALL the players!

Attached: But that's not a bad thing.png (635x1066, 484K)

noticing patterns in things is not being triggered by it you sperg

if some one hits their head on the wall you might not thing anything about it
then if everybody you know starts doing it you will find it strage wont you?

Nu-male meme had more soul.

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Shit, I'm an easy mode advocate because I have a mental disability that makes it hard for me to process information quickly which affects everything including vidya but that's just pure cringe right there. Physical disabilities aren't the only type of disability out there and stop calling people incels/Nazis/alt-right for disagreeing with anything.

>he didn't even say that and respects From Software

These threads are pushed by agenda fuckers to fight other agenda fuckers

Its the S OY Face. Its something about Californian faggots that seem to because of the shit they drink. Or maybe its in the water . Or in the pussy food they eat.

My money is all of the above.

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Ever see a child's face when you give them a new toy?
They are also so fucking insecure that they think they would be made fun of with a normal pose so they preemptively make a funny face so they can be "laughing with me not at me"
My coworker did it in every single picture and was a closeted furry tranny with 0 testosterone so it makes sense.

Didnt this moron do something similliar before as well? First he attacked someone over something he had no idea about what he was talking about... Then backpeddles and claimed that "Oh, i didnt know we were talking about this"... When people writing articles praised him for attacking people.

Happens when the media twists your words to the point that the original meaning gets lost and you get sucked into a discussion you never wanted to be in to begin with.

fucking soiboy. I thought he was happy getting GOTY from journo downies awards, but no. He ain't satisfied enough. He had to brag his soi balls

Are gamers the most easily offended group of people on the internet? Talk about triggered snowflakes.

Fucking spiders

This is one of those mass debates where people find it's much more appealing to mock the most extreme and illogical opinion from the other side than to establish any sort of reasonable discourse. One side is convinced that it's a matter of people who want to accommodate disabilities versus gatekeeping ego-stroking assholes, the other side thinks it's a matter of artistic expression versus lazy whiny casuals. The argument survives for an indefinite period of time because no actual arguing happens, only one-sided mocking on both sides.

I'm a cripple. I play computer games just so I can see a character walk around on two legs. I use nude mods to see what attractive women are like.

Life sucks as a cripple. Don't let them fool you; You want to be a normie. Science moves way too slow for us; There's no hope and there's no cure.

How's that easy mode treating ya onions boy?

Modern day game journalist. Pretty much. But it also shows how easy these California living leftists seem to just listen and believe everything people tell them about things. That they dont stop and think about WHAT they are even talking about. Cory didnt even KNOW it was a discussion about Easy mode in Sekiro and Fromsoftware games. And just jumped on the "Accessibility for disabled". Like some uneducated moron. But then again. Leftist sjw... They arent smart. SInce they all behave like a hive mind. THinking the same thing. Say the same thing. ANd get angry over exactly the same thing. And ignore the same things. All together. Also. All of them believe that "Orange Man bad"... like a bunch of reeetards.

every game is hard mode if you are fucking shit at videogames.

Not to mention. Making games easy. Just so disabled people can play thru them is insulting to disabled. Because if you make everything easy.. Just to apeal to them. That is treating disabled like they are lesser, than everyone else. But funny enough. Even disabled, with deformed bodies and arms. Are better gamers than game journalists. They should just do it like with Dead Space. Where a disabled kid just asked to be able to customize the key binds. And that was that. Not making the game easier, just because he is disabled.

Orange man is bad, asshole. If you worship an asshole who makes fun of us cripples, then you're an asshole, too. I may have full use of my upper body but I know several folks who don't have control over any part of their body.

We need pols who want more science, not deny it.

Like how when a dev doesn't toe the line there is a huge outcry and Yea Forums rushes to condemn them?

No wonder Americans are so illiterate

I play games for some disabled people when I go to the assisted living center. A lot of people with motor control problems just want to walk and talk like a normie. When I first started, I would just mod Morrowind so that there were no creatures. This one old guy would just walk around in 3rd-person mode all day long. I used to play Oblivion and these two kids who couldn't control their hands very well would tell me where to move the character and what to say to the NPCs. They had a blast.

post proof of your disability fag

Cory Balrog is based and know's what's up. GoW4 has an easy mode for nu/v/ babies, a hard mode for people who want a challenge, and a Fuck You difficulty for masochists. All of them available the moment you first boot the game. How is this not the ideal? Idiots.

Not him but my dis is balance-oriented. Nothing to see there until I try to stand. My leg muscles and my brain don't enjoy talking to one another. I've learned to use a walker and with a lot of PT, my legs haven't atrophied. However, it's degenerative so, at some point, it'll be a wheelchair for me. Not yet, though: It's the one game that I'm currently winning at.

If anything this is evidence for why we should all just play Pc games. Sekiro had a trainer day one that made the game super easy. No need for devs to get involved at all.

>or the most nothing things ever
you should take your meds

What a cuck he knew what he was doing

Gonna come at it from the passive aggresive angle

>We have basically gone back to shitflinging like cavemen

When are we just going to start killing each other?

It hurts Yea Forums that people who didn't completely invest their lives in videogames can enjoy "hardcore" games as much as the "hardcore" do. That's all there is to it - wanting other people to have less so the virtual experiences you have seem worth your engagement.

and GoW 2 director don't forget

It's a primal sign of not being threatening, the absolute sign that one is a beta male

Lobsters piss out of their eyes.

>cater to cripples
so, they need to make games harder?

His soiface isn't as bad in motion

That's pretty alpha

Neither do you, yet here you are, alive and shitposting.


>user that was always alone, is alone and will die alone thinks he has more value than Stephen Hawking did, the cripplest of the cripples

Do you ever worry that constantly needing to do greentext strawman exaggerations of what people you disagree with say only undermines your own side of the argument? If their opinions are so incredibly wrong why do you always have to put words in their mouths?

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Damage control with a hint of shilling.

You're a sucker, games journalists don't care about disabled people, they just use that as a cover. Nobody would care if they said they need an easy mode because they're not willing to put the effort in to master the game, so they pretend to be standing up for disabled people.

the real problem with this shit is not even
it's simply

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They create imageboards.

Is that some jewish shekelstein?

like 8gag?

Looks like an average white male to me desu.

I like the way you think user

Should all movies cater to blind people?
Should all music cater to deaf people?
Should all books cater to the illiterate?
Kill yourself

Nice. He's still a soiboi but at least he understands. Either that or he's back peddling faster than an Olympic swimmer

Guy is the first one to take the cinematic bullshit from Sony and actually give it gameplay
Game turned out so good it beat RDR2 for GOTY
Stay mad faggots
I'll be enjoying the inevitable sequels

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people are giving you a bunch of retarded answers, but I'll give you the real one: They want you to think they're having fun. They want to look really excited and surprised by whatever is happening around them, but after the picture's taken they'll go right back to whatever bored face they were making before that. It's all a facade to make them seem more fun and happy than they are.

Why don’t we start killing journalists, in video games?

>actually give it gameplay
But not really.

>It's all a facade to make them seem more fun and happy than they are.
That would explain a lot.

journalists don't play video games

>No wonder nu-GoW was so shit
This board fucking loved nu-GoW. Stop trying to gaslight people just because you're a snowflake, /pol/cuck.

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Never watched one of his videos before. Just looked one up. Clearly overreacting on purpose. People fall for this?

>actually give it gameplay

Compared to Last of Us and Uncharted? Yes. Compared to older GoW games? No it's very cinematic now.

What's this revisionism cuckery

GoWs hardest difficulty doesn't let you change it after you start and has exclusive unlockable shields it also has easy, normal and hard for any possible players.

>Gee, we should have a civilized debate with someone who's already decided we're evil, called us literally nazis, and that we need to be silenced or publicly shamed until we change our opinion.

Yeah, nah fuck these guys, and fuck your disingenuous attempt at silencing people you disagree with.

>This board fucking loved nu-GoW
only the tasteless newfags
makes a nice movie, I binge watched it on youtube for 2 days

I don't even know why the fuck is this even a debate. This game does not need and will not get an easy mode.

Nice to see my homeboards are unaffected.

>typed a paragraph just to say no
ha, hide that pretty little face of yours, fatass.

it's funny you say that, since nu-GoW is significantly harder than the old ones




Yes, their OWN games. They are now trying to heavy hand other Devs who don't agree with them

Literally every time they get told to pose for a camera it is the instant reaction

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Literally anyone can enjoy these games. You just have to try a little. They’re not unfair or unreasonable like hundreds of old 8-bit/16-bit games.

This. Death to all Gamers™.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting faggot. He's enabling this gay shit

>it's not a difficulty issue, it's an accessibility issue
>we're not gonna define what that means but it's definitely not a difficulty issue

I hate twitterfags so fucking much, they all need to be exterminated tbqh

I'm absolutely all for making games more accessible for the disabled.

What I'm against is to make games piss easy for subhuman nu-males and video game "journalists"

The easy mode debate is a lie. They are not pushing for it because of inclusiveness and to make it easier for crippled and physically disadvantaged people, but because of their subhuman failed aboriton failure at life bachelors degree in dance therapy video game blogging 'journalist' buddies are throwing a shitfit because they can't play video games for shit, despite the fact that it's their fucking job and they get paid for it.

Attached: video game 'journalists' are subhumans and the enemy of video games.png (3000x3000, 3.83M)

First they came for gamers.....

This satire is too on the nose, I almost didn't realise you were joking by doing another example of the greentext misquoting thing.
I guess that's the problem with Yea Forums, because there really are people here who are dumb enough to do a post like yours but 100% serious.

You can demand anything you want as long as it's under the guise of "inclusiveness". Whities once again taking advantage of minorities for personal gain.

Hardcore games can't be enjoyed by everyone, retard. That's why they are "hardcore". Other people can learn how to play the game and enjoy it too.

Somebody’s upset, kill yourself before you hurt someone that matters

this is actually a very funny exchange

This series has always been casual

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Yeah, it's actually really sad when you start thinking about it. These are always the people that go on about how the world is horrible, everything's racist, and the people in power want you dead, but then they'll turn around and take pictures with these really exaggerated happy surprise faces with some naff bit of pop culture shit. A part of me feels like it's also them trying to convince themselves that they can be happy.

>Whities once again taking advantage of minorities for personal gain.
don't lump all whites together and stop baiting so cheaply, it's not a race issue, at all. it's the holier-than-though trotsky fascists with a false sense of morale superiority and they will all hang from trees in the next 80 years, because history repeats itself.

Attached: on subhuman libshits.jpg (776x381, 69K)

If they weren't so obnoxious, I'd feel bad for them.

He got roped into a conversation thinking it was about something else because the journo-crew is DESPERATELY trying to frame it as that other thing. He made a simple mistake that millions of people make on the Internet every single goddamn day.

Thank fuck he had the awareness to catch his mistake. Although it would have been better if he'd had a little more to avoid making it in the first place.

Bruh I'm dead asf
White boys in her talmbow "We above this issue" IM CRINE

Attached: Screenshot_20190404-154310.png (1655x2048, 2.64M)

Based illiterate telling it like it is

>Soiboi Left-wingers love taking O-face pictures
>Boomer-ass Right-wingers love taking pictures of themselves in their cars with sunglasses on
politics puts some weirdly specific bugs in your brain

There is when a game releases without one and you bitch and moan about it not having one.
That's just him sucking at the game but being too spineless to admit it.

>Chad Fascists love being aesthetic
Its a no-brainer really

Attached: 1550315658050.jpg (517x800, 67K)

Cripples, unlike nu-males, can actually beat Sekiro.


mental sphere dwellers and societal humblers
They have cultural potential

Attached: I hurt myself today.png (306x292, 195K)

People have beaten Sekiro with one hand and Dark Souls with a guitar hero controller. The 'debate' is a lie.

I will now randomly go on instagram and use the hashtag... let's say... just plain old #gaming. Simple enough? And see how far I have to scroll down to get one of these photos.


And there it is. The 2nd photo of a white man is a s.oy face photo. The 1st photo was borderline btw.

Attached: 54800398_271029133841637_5077214369046501651_n.jpg (1080x608, 70K)

Boomers still think wearing sunglasses makes you the cool mysterious dude instead of the fedora weeb with a katana collection.

>release the easiest souls game to date (DS3)
>people are still surprised when the next game is boarded by casual shitters

this was the first pic.

S.oy face? hmmm, probably not but also not very flattering.

Attached: 56218131_2725286360846608_5175047560897766123_n.jpg (1080x720, 80K)

Based out in the field user

Scrolling onwards we have this fellow who actually has the confidence to smile naturally. Good on him.

Attached: 55783956_319869528674972_5239058440249253242_n(1).jpg (1080x1165, 102K)

Better than demanding every game cater to Republicans.

>literally makes an entire game about raising his wife's son

Attached: 1521278525268.jpg (644x800, 123K)

then there's this guy

Attached: 55813371_1180831122086972_2492812253747131256_n.jpg (960x960, 53K)

kek, actually true

Who actually fucking cares what Yea Forums does? Literally not even Yea Forums.

and this guy posted a throwback

Attached: 56702414_1091318781051599_5607367227589320927_n.jpg (1080x1080, 92K)


Actually just bring back cheat codes

Cuckoldry is based now because Japan does it

Attached: 220px-Yakuza_6_cover_art.jpg (220x272, 27K)



>Marc became a tranny


they're fun to look at

Fuck Haruka
Kiryu should have pumped and dumped while she was in her prime

Attached: 73695110_p0.png (887x1290, 209K)

did he really?

the success of from software was a reaction to the extremelly infantile state that video game difficulty was in a few years ago.

to implement this EZ mode for journos would be a betrayal to their core audeince even if it wouldnt cost them that much. it is a matter of principles and these journos dont represent the audience. i really hope the japs do the right thing here.

Attached: 1535525322742.jpg (400x400, 26K)

>i really hope the japs do the right thing here
Miyazaki has gone on record multiple times that creating challenges that reward perseverance is a long mainstay of his games. But you forget who the publisher is. Expect Daddy Activsion to force From Soft to add in an easy mode.

Capitalism wins again
Eat shit, SJW commies

and THEY call us entitled. HA!

Name five (5) good games made by minorities

but nu-GoW was good?

Attached: 1526418152851.png (634x513, 11K)

dumb frogposter

oh good, you're joking

guy is a retarded brainlet chipping on this week's hot topic just so that he can remain part of the conversation while the next nu-gow is in the works
motherfucker clearly wants to become the next big name director like kojima/kamiya/miyazaki etc so that he cant be backed off like it happened in the past
Seriously it's rare we've gotten so much press with this guys face on it since the game came out esp considering gamers usually dont give a fuck about western game directors. Who was the lead behind horizon/spiderman/rdr2?? yeah nobody fucking knows or care. It's not even just western devs...nobody cares abt who directed the botw etc. Then why put such a big spoiler on this retarded soiman?
What pains me the most is that the fuck went to visit fromsoft offices just months ago and now this feels like he's attacking them in some way. Why the fuck else would you shift the conversation talking abt sekiro's difficulty jsut to bring up accessibility(something that also has 0 to do w accessibility) in YOUR games
you can bet this guy played sekiro at fromsoft and had 0 words on """ACCESSIBILITY"" back then. Probs because it wasnt a hot topic he could use at the time to gain attention :)
I seriously hope his next game flops and sony just burns bridges w him

Attached: Kojima_CoryBarlog-450x300.jpg (450x300, 24K)

>AYEEEE epic gamer reaction to a paid review site
>WOW NOW this is EPIC!!!!
>look at me gamers make sure you etch my face on your brain right next to the memory of good-game-god-or-war :P game exist because of me
bet this soiboi even considered adding some huge red text on the miniature of the video "something EPIC just happened..."

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 10K)

>no-opinion-of-their-own-journos come in to just read the article to their public
>ahhh i see great gaming god cory says accessibility is good
>therefore sekiro bad
>ah cory you are so kind for tweeting abt cripples and how much you love them
>god forbid these japanese demons ever make a game the way they want
>god can we jsut talk about how good gow was :)

Attached: kinda-funny-s-greg-miller-da-accesorios-a-los-desarrolladores-en.jpg (500x500, 59K)

>"To me, accessibility does not exist in contradistinction [sic] to anyone's creative vision, but rather it is an essential aspect of any experience you wish to be enjoyed by the greatest number of humans as possible."
Sounds to me like he was speaking about more than just his games.


Non-meme answer, it typically comes from trying to emote more and give more expression. Like when you want to try and look overjoyed and can't get there with just a closed mouth smile, so you try and go beyond that, which is open mouth happy shocked face.

t. I did this in middle and early high school before I realized I looked like a fucking fish.

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It received decent reception for not being entirely incompetent but it's not on par with the OT

onions onions


not gonna happen. if you are right though, this will trigger a new gamergate, calls for advertisers to boycott review websites etc