why are white women in video games so ugly?
Why are white women in video games so ugly?
Why are you so ugly in real life?
have sex
they are not ugly! they are beautiful inside! REEEEEEEE
Have sezx incel
But seriously wh*toids are too ugly in general, manfaces etc. For me, it's a qt soft asian girl.
"in video games"
Blame Crapcum's current RE engine.
Because video games are made by ugly brown women.
That's a dude though.
White women in general look like shit, they age horribly and most of them are giant cunts
Blame shitty boomer parents reinforcing their princess being an insane entitled sociopath from day 1
Beautiful women are unrealistic.
incel,virgin, have sex, etc.
Posting a render with low lighting / shadows is about as valid as posting a cinematic bullshot.
Seething roastie
I don't get it she looks great in this but pretty awful everywhere else.
seething incel
His mother is white.
art imitates life
With ugly women? No way fag.
Toastie roastie
>Modern video game model looks like shit under XNALara's simple lighting
I'm so deeply surprised.
women are the target audience of games these days, and theres nothing a woman hates more than a woman who looks better than her.
trish's face is seriously a black mark on this great game
based, miscegnation is disgusting and only niggers and betas do it.
Weeb cope.
Two things
1. Eva's hair frames her face a lot better, Trish's elongates her face and makes it look kinda rectangular. Also draws too much attention to her forehead.
2. The nose. Sometimes it looks okay but still. Rest of her face isn't even that bad but the nose kinda draws in all the attention
happas are where it's at tbqh
they're uglier than below-average white girls in some cases though
White women are pretty ugly in real life as well. Now Asian girls *burps*, THATS a good female specimen.
but Lady looks fine. Wait are Romanians white?
she looks like xqc
She looks okay but she's still a big downgrade.
>inb4 the discord hamplanet horde descends on this thread
ironically ingame she looks worse in her alt costume but this was made before that
hi /r9k/
>"""""""w h i t e"""""""
friendly reminder that facial blindness is autism
3 >>>> 4 = 5 > 5EX
In 4 she had a duckface, in 5 she has a jewnose.
>discord hamplanet horde
did I miss something?
Also she'd look better in her alt costume without the lipstick.
Romanians prefer not to be labeled white for the advantages they get in international relations (most liked European nation by Africans...Causescu was best friends with Gaddafi, etc)
from 3 sure, but it's an upgrade from 4.
Do you really think that roasties post here? For they internet it's instagram and youtube
>4 Lady
la creatura...
this, the lipstick makes her look like an old lady
Yea Forums is endlessly terrified that a nebulous group of freaks from Discord and Resetera are coming to subvert "their" board by saying things they don't agree with and posting about things they don't like
Why do asian girls look black?
Nobody here has actually seen Trish in game lmao. She doesn't even look like this
She does, just with better lighting.
>why are white women in video games so ugly?
Correction: In Western video games
Asians know about and respect more Western beauty then Westerners themselves.
asia is a large portion of the world that covers a ton of different regions, it only stands to reason that some of them have features you associate with black people
cue the dmc5 defense force in 3...2...1
Getting a whore to fuck every few days is cheaper then having a gf
so much same fagging losers
This is unironically true.
Yeah but you get tired of the slappers after a while. Once you get a gf the real thing you miss (if you no longer have a gf) is the company and assistance you got from a significant other, which technically you could still get from a tutey but it will cost you more than the gf in that case.
Her model is actually olive skinned. She's like fucking WHITE in this shit. She's not great looking in the first place, they they plastered her albedo texture with a sheen of pure white so she looks ill.
The illusions the model's skin tone gives alleviate a lot of the geometrical blemishes he face actually has, while Trish's skin tone only goes to exacerbate them.
leon's actor is romanian too
ffs at this point nina makes a better trish that the crack whore we got
it's the bodies that really weird me out especially on trish, the new dmc5 one looks just so utter shit
a body like this one of nina would have been perfect (the face sadly also)
Who hurt you?
Have sex
Who what when where and why are "autism jeans"
Its a cope for these incels. They know they are wrong but they can only retort that way.
who gives a shit really, it's the end result which is important, and they fucked it up
no one cares behind the scene what was the intention
She’s so cute for a woman in her 30’s.
>How come is fucked up?!
>well son it-
Get fucked faggot.
>t. discord tranny
>wh*te women
why hello there reddit
Jews can be handsome too, you know?
DMC has totally ended up becoming a game that you can enjoy only for the husbandos if you want to ogle.
This doesn't help if you are straight yet love the franchise.
Nico unironically has a cute face, it's really the tats that are the worst part about her
Trish is really the worst of the bunch. There's something about her mouth I hate looking at. Like the scene where her and Lady are eating pizza, there's just something really off about the way she says "yeah"
Of course they can. Just look at Hollywood.
Well yes bt the demonic dmc succubi slut who's been in for several games is now a barbrah ((((((((((((((strysant))))))))))))
So where are the Trish mods
>the state of white women
it's just the females especially trish and spardas wife
also the blackwashing of dantes agent was really a dick move, I really liked him in the anime and I really despise these shit morgan freeman copycats
Both of those human types look ugly. Med master race.