Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

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ADP was the best idea From ever had but the implementation was completely botched and now idiots think tying iframes to a stat in an RPG is bad.

I trly think DS2 is a great game and its major flaw is the art direction in some areas and sound design/soundtrack.

All of it.

locking the fist ring behind a lvl 3 covenant reward was a mistake, that's the kind of item you want to pick as a starting gift for challenge runs

It didn't have one, it is in every single regard superior to the other Souls games.

>evasion is tied to a stat

literally every RPG works like this since ancient times lol

Enemies having infinite stamina, dodge i-frames being decimated, stamina being severely nerfed without midgame gear.

It's by all means still a pretty good game, but it's the most frustrating soulsborne game for all the wrong reasons. It's the only game I consistently felt cheated instead of "oh that's my fault I'm a retard" during the majority of deaths

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Half-assed world design, slapped together bosses, fugly graphics, wildly inconsistent art design, feels really clunky to control, shittier hitboxes compared to their previous games AND to nowadays.
At least that's why I don't like it.

oh boy

did you play it? It fell short by miles from the first. Blue sentinels dosh work 99%of the time.

Halberds are shit, except Syan's being the only usable one.

None of dark souls furniture makes sense

Why are ordinary human sized chairs in a castle designed for giants and why are the doors unable to fit even their own knights

How does Gwynevere even get in and out of her chamber

Where does Gwyndolin take a shit

How would Smough even get around


Gwynevere in DS1 was an illusion created by Gwyndolin. The item descriptions tell you she fled Anor Londo.

The worst soul game period

It's the Anthem of Dark Souls games. Project was scrapped halfway and things got repurposed quickly. It was supposed to have a lot of darkness but instead they just completely ripped out the lightning making everything fullbright. Which in turn made the textures look even more ass. Most of the boss fights weren't memorable and just some dude in armor. Soul Memory ruined the online. 60 FPS made items degrade twice as fast. It's hard to point at a single thing that it did well. I guess weapon variety.

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Mastadon Halberd is good AF

Anor Londo is designed for humanoids AND giants, that's why there are two sets of stairs and two different gates for people of different sizes

here is the thing, evasion in DaS1 was already tied to a stat, Endurance. It governed roll type and the roll type determined your iframes

in DaS2, you still had Endurance for your equip load and it still determined your roll type. Problem is that iFrames are tied to A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STAT so you could have a fastroll but with low ADP, it means fuckall since you have no iframes

The castle is designed both for giants, humans, and Lords.
Lords are just slightly larger humans, so the furniture fits them. There are also separate elevators, doors, and stairs for giants.
Also, the Gwynevere as seen in the game is just an illusion, and not reflective of her real size. She's probably as big as Gwyndolin.
Smough isn't that big either. He's not as fat as his armor suggests, and his head isn't in the helmet, it's actually in the neck of the suit.

So why was there just a giant bed? Clearly some greatly hindered thing sat on it in the one room designed for it

If her real size was even close to what would fit in that chair she’d be unable to even get into the elevator to the cathedral downstairs

level design
all fucking dogshit

Worst souls game by a fucking mile, but a better game than a lot of AAA trash.

The size of characters in Souls are indications of power, and not actually their real size

They could have just made a bed for the sake of convincing people of the illusion. The room most likely wasn't made for her or the bed, seeing as how she has a bedroom in the corridor section. Maybe Gwyn just liked big beds.

>How does Gwynevere even get in and out of her chamber
I don't think her illusion is meant to be to scale

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>it means fuckall since you have no iframes
I can comfortably roll 99% of attacks in DS2 with base value ADP, hardly fuck all.
If I invest in ADP I / my character becomes a rolling god that's more aggressive and more reckless fighting more enemies at once. Which is a great feeling for a stat to change something so noticeably.

>Gwyn is normal-sized
>Gwyndolin is normal-sized
>NK is normal-sized

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>Which is a great feeling for a stat to change something so noticeably.

except no visual indication that you got more iframes

Too many bosses and too many locations. It's a good game, but fatigue can start to set in once you get to the main castle.

You know there's plenty of examples that show us larger beings could traverse around the Anor Londo right? Take the elevators that lead up to Gwynevere's chamber, for e.g.

ADP is garbage because it doesn't actually change your roll animation

in DS1 it's incredibly obvious that a ninja flip is better than a medroll is better than a fatroll

in DS2 it's the same roll animation but you just get hit by things that look egregious. there's no feedback or indication of your i-frames, you just have to wing it and then it constantly changes with your ADP. it's bad design.

>in DS2 it's the same roll animation
It's a little subtle in the animation I guess, but your controller vibrates differently (or not at all) and the sound is different.

In this thread we list things that make Dark Souls 2 the best Souls game. I'll start:

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights

The problem is that the ARPG genre is shit. RPG mechanics are an abstraction. In a game where you have full control over your actions, RPG elements become redundant and tacked-on. Any attempt to forcibly insert RPG elements into the actions themselves (like ADP) will fail, because it fundamentally does not feel good. You're shoving something where it doesn't belong and players notice.

So now the question is, was Gwyndolin a GTS-fag?

DS1 has most of those though.

>things Dark Souls 1 already has
>or changes to combat mechanics
Yeah you really got em

Sorry, I can't.

>evasion in DaS1 was already tied to a stat, Endurance.

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>/pol/tard can't even do basic research.

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>evasion in DaS1 was already tied to a stat, Endurance.

stamina and equip load was tied to endurance, you don't need iFrames to dodge shit, it makes no sense to dodge into enemy attacks to avoid them and it's a left over of their trash engine which was abandoned in Sekiro which is why all of you rollbabies started bitching you couldn't simply dodge into enemy attacks to avoid damage anymore and had to actually deflect them or move the fuck out of the hitbox

Mandatory logging to an online server every single time you boot the game
Shrine of Amana
Level Design
Endurance split
Soul Memory
Stamina consumption by spellcasting
Roll distance affected by weight
Base stamina regen
Duelshit focus killing invasions
Weapon timings
Weapon type resistance values being all over the place
Inconsistent attack tracking rules
Attacks still hurting you even though you interrupted enemies before they hit
Baby Jumps
Level Design
Art Direction
Sound Direction
World Design
Lack of Repair Powder shops until the 1M soul grind
Lack of Spell Cast recovery consumables until crow tits, later outright removed by Scholar
Scholar's existence
Scholar's Heide's further punishing Miracle builds as if it wasn't bad enough
NPC invaders being so abundant you start hating them
Fucking Forlorn
Farming mechanics
The DLC being Dark Souls 2 on steroids barring a few rare moments of quality design

No Original Vision remaster.
I want to play the fully realized non-downgraded overly ambitious project they were aiming for before scrapping everything due to technical limitations.

>dark souls 2 does it

>dark souls 1 does it
>n-no time is convoluted the ss-s-s-size is different b-bbecause the souls give them size b-but I really want to suck gwyndolin's penis!

lmfao hackazaki fans

autism: the post

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It was going to be a Skyrim clone, just get a roll mod.

There is none

>Brainlet doesn't understand how illusions work

>2fag can't read and resorts to ad hominem and insults
every time
DS2 couldn't even get soul types and estus right

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>dismisses every valid explanation
>architecture even shows this
Yui Hackimura fans, everyone.

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>stamina and equip load was tied to endurance

and current current equip load divided by total max load determined your type of roll.