GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWA aside, dubs or subs?
GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWA aside, dubs or subs?
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Subs, I've heard the dub isnt bad though.
Subs. Dub is so awkward. And German is the worst of them all.
it is
Wait, there's german voiceover?
dubs. the only games that should be played with dubs are anime games, which are all shit anyway
sub if you watch anime, dub if you're a normal person
Dub is ass since it's an afterthought, stick to Jap
Yeah, if you go into Language on the main menu, you can choose the voices. There's English, Japanese, Spanish, French, German and Italian.
There is and it ain´t so bad, better than English for sure
Subtitles for all media from any country when the work wasn't originally produced in English. If you ever do anything else you are a plebeian.
>game takes place in japan
>99.9% of characters are japanese
>developers are japanese
>default language is set to japanese
Takes a special kind of retard to pick dub for this
The english dub is nothing short of exceptional. I haven't heard any other dubs.
Subs, currently playing through the dub and I'm not impressed.
If you can't speak japanese then for fucks sake use a dub. What the fuck do you care someone is speaking in a language you can't speak? It's the most pretentious thing in the world.
If you played the dub you are gay
Shit I gotta try this in my language and cringe all the way to my grave
>What the fuck do you care someone is speaking in a language you can't speak?
It makes it more immersive
How much of a brainlet do you have to be to think like this?
>playing dubbed
Only filthy amerisharts do that. And this time the game tells you how much of a retard you are for doing that
English dub is good for pretending you're Dr. Kenzo Tenma or Illidan.
How is reading the bottom 5% of the screen more immersive?
Plus in the japanese dub all the children sound like adult women.
There was a whole generation of people before you that watched subtitled kung fu movies. The nip voice acting is great in this
Oh my bad, it's actually Charles from RDR2. I thought it sounded like Liam O'brien trying to be raspy.
Isshin and Kuro are fucking awful with the English dub. But the vast majority of the voices are still sub par with the dub.
The Japanese is the default for reasons. You can bet the budget for the dub is nothing in comparison.
>He doesn't know
t. Can't actually speak japanese and evaluate the quality of the japanese voices worth a doolalley fuck
>Isshin and Kuro are fucking awful with the English dub. But the vast majority of the voices are still sub par with the dub.
This is the prime problem with dubs in general, even if some characters are good, or even the entire main cast is good, there are always other characters in the dub that are horribly acted and bring the entire experience down.
French sounds pretty good.
>This argument again
If you can't judge how natural acting is even across language barriers you are likely socially impaired and probably also mentally impaired.
Dubs ain't bad. Makes me feel like less of the weeb I already am for playing this. Still a good game, though.
German dubs are always horrendous, in every anime, TV show, movie and video game
>tfw most jap games I play in english (persona, FF, etc)
>for some reason I really didn't feel comfortable playing sekiro in english
I'm not quite sure why
>jap game where you control a shinobi, fight samurai, yokai and other assorted nip bullshit
>hurrrr why do yuo care about the language?!?!?!
>caring about immersion outside of an RPG
Pure retard. Have fun getting "immersed" by hearing the same nip dialogue over and over when you can't beat a certain boss
German sounds like a civ leader introducing himself
What folder are his VA files in? I want to make his intro my ringtone
Sub. I don't usually care and can easily tolerate dubs, but given the setting and dub quality, I think the sub is considerably better.
The game straight up fucking tells you that japanese voices is the way its meant to be played.
How are people still too far up their ass to read subtitles?
Isshin too sounds awesome in French but the rest is really bad unfortunately. The voices don't match most of the time. For example, the merchant you encounter in Ashina Castle sounds like a 50 year old man and Emma sounds like a prepubescent girl.
I can't name a single dub that I've ever liked, even if you are not a weeb it just fits hearing it in japanese. Thats why Robertooo should've been a white dude screaming RObert, it also is the same reason as to why white dude shouldnt be screaming GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWA.
Nah, not always. They are either really good or really cringe most of the times, though.
For example the VA for Wolf is really good.
Which version do you have? I only have options for French, English and JP
>posts anime
>claims others are socially impaired
You poor weeb.
English honestly wouldn't be so bad if this fucker knew how to pronounce japanese names. Fucking embarrassing whenever a dub pronounces anything japanese
The day one release. Maybe it's region-locked?
>Thats why Robertooo should've been a white dude screaming RObert
It's actually Roberto though (he's portuguese)
>Implying Sekiro isn't anime as fuck
Subs. I don't really mind dubs for some fantasy anime shit but for more realistic styled games and games that have a shit ton of Japanese names being spoken lsubs are the better fit.
dubs to trigger weebs
No. Nioh is anime as fuck. Sekiro is good specifically because it isn't as anime as a usual sengoku era fantasy game would be.
And? Why do you care how another person plays their game in their own home? Are you really so autistic that you feel that your preferred way should be the only way?
Space Dandy dub is clearly better than the sub.
Americans have difficulty reading subtitles. They also become offended when they hear any language that isn't their own. Pathetic, really.
Why they even bother to taint the game with foreigner dubs?
quit out at /that/ bridge, switch to dubs
quit out when fog gate lifts, resume subs
>Why do you care how another person plays their game in their own home?
Meanwhile, in your previous post:
>for fucks sake use a dub
The sub is way better. I was really disappointed with the dub honestly, considering how good the Dark souls and Bloodborne voice acting was. There a few good ones though, Gyoubu obviously but I also liked the Pot Noble and Isshin Ashina.
>doesn't understand japanese
>i'm gonna pick le japanese for epic imersion even though I won't understand shit
Normally i would say play original, but From is notorious for amazing fucking english dub.
That didn't hold up with Sekiro. It's noticeably worse than any souls game.
I unironically like the pablo dub
>amerifat cant read subtitles fast enough
Not american and speak 4 languages, nice try though faggot
>Not american
It doesn’t matter, you’ll be skipping most of the dialogue anyway.
faggot is not a real language
souls games are not dubbed
english is original
Sucking dicks isn't "speaking a language".
I'm playing with subtitles because that's what it gave me, but it wouldn't matter to me either way since I'm going to skip most of the cutscenes on subsequent playthroughs.
pathetic cope
>Steel book with no slipcase
Why do publishers keep doing this shit? The case just stands out and looks like shit without it on my shelf. Only Sega/Atlus seem to consistently provide them.
Why the fuck is dub vs sub even an argument. Just play the developer's origina, whether it be English in DMC or RE or the other souls games, or Japanese in this game, an external localization team's interpretation is not a substitute for anything.
is there a difference