Why are most Hispanic fighting characters from Mexico?

Why are most Hispanic fighting characters from Mexico?

We never see Argentines or Chilean ones

Attached: angelkingoffighters.jpg (1048x1397, 475K)

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Why don't we ever see any from Spain? Mexicans are like a dirty goblin perversion of Spaniards.

Isn't Vega spanish?

1 like = 1 sniff

There are Spaniard ones like Miguel from Tekken

Ask anyone to draw an accurate world map of countries that actually pop up in their head a bunch and it's actually
> A bunch of EU countries like France/Spain/Germany + UK
>Australia + New Zealand
The rest might as well not exist outside of maybe terrorism.

Because Japan has a strong relationship with Mexico,mostly from wrestling.

Because Mexico is stronger as a brand, if you will

Play more vidya
