Other urls found in this thread:
>use epic launcher
>gets arrested for shitposting in game
it doesn't matter because theft is fine too as long as you don't get caught. with piracy it's just easier not to get caught
theres literally nothing wrong with pirating assets from other games for use in your own games
>nobody wants to buy cars anymore since you can just steal another guy's car without any consequences
>demand for cars drops and cars are never made again since you can just copy them ad infinitum
Brilliant. Who comes up with these analogies?
Shut up idiot seethe more buyfag btfo lolololol xD
Olympic grade mental gymnasts
btw i WOULD download a car
the fuck is going on
moral piratefags are the worst. Just admit it's scummy and stop giving a fuck. if anything the fanbase grows if the pirated game is good and might secure a future sale
WTF bros?! This happened to me when I saw the pasta! Where are they taking me???
based and piratepilled
Holy shit. I honestly didn't believe they'd arrest people for posting that.
>admit it's scummy
It's not. Though it is gay to shitpost at people who buy games
so what did she post online?
>give noney, get a copy
>give no money, get a copy anyways
this "the original is still there" shit never made sense for digital media, just stop
>chinabots on Yea Forums will defend this
It's scummier when AAA companies release garbage games and I'm left with regret after spending $60 + plus tax + plus tip.
Also true: It's not lost revenue if I was never going to buy the thing in the first place.
Also also true:
If the pirate did indeed steal the game/movie, and I take it for free from them and send a copy back to the manufacturer then it cancels out because I've returned the one that was stolen.
Not even joking!
World A: No one pirates. Companies make games and software with the incentive that people will buy it since no one pirates.
World B: Everyone pirates. Companies have no incentive to create games and software since they'll just get it pirated away from them. With no companies making things, there becomes nothing to pirate thus piracy is impossible.
World B is a paradoxical world where everyone pirates yet no one pirates. If piracy was a logically good thing to do then we could have everyone do said thing without creating a paradox. Therefore we must strive for World A if our ethics are to logically make any sense.
Why you care so much anyways? I'm gonna torrent a game today just to spite you
what was this about?
So when I hijack your ship on the high seas I copy it?
>Nobody buy car anymore
>Tons of natural resources saved instead of keeping manufacturing the same shit over and over
>Insurance become mostly irrelevant (outside damage to people). Car damaged? Just copy a new one or the part that's damaged.
>Money saved by not buying a car or paying for some of the insurance will just be used to recycle used cars instead.
Everyone is winning really.
For posting what?I don gettitt
What's the problem? Now cars are infinite, there is no need to worry about precious metals like platinum anymore nor steel since it gets created every time you copy it. Plus with the revelation such a thing exists now you can copy food ad infinitum so the only thing to worry about is the interim period where humanity drastically changes to people being able to copy virtually anything and the only jobs left are manual labor, driving, trades, scientists, and engineers.
That's fine though, im pirating a game as we speak.
I just don't make excuses for this act.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as piracy, is in fact, prohibited filesharing, or as I've recently taken to calling it, sharing with your neighbour. Prohibited filesharing is not a crime unto itself, but rather another piece of propaganda of a dysfunctional media industry propagated by publishers and harmful laws like the DMCA.
Many computer users make unauthorized copies everyday, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the act which is widely performed today is often called "piracy", and many of the people who do it are not aware that it is basically sharing information with your neighbour, and not stealing.
There really is piracy, and some people are doing it, but it is just robbery at sea. Piracy is an act of theft: an action at sea in which goods are forcefully transferred from one ship to another. Piracy is important to be aware of, but unrelated to unauthorized copying; it can only occur at sea. Piracy is not normally used in combination with unauthorized copying - the two acts are typically separate. All the so-called piracy on the internet is really just sharing with your neighbour.
Piracy doesn't hurt the publishers so it's pretty much a non-issue. They still break sales and make huge money.
Imagine we are still using the same model of cars from the 1920s because its not profitable to make new designs.
Is anyone gonna explain what the fuck is l this is??
> You honor, i mean, its not revenue if i never meant to buy that Ferrari right?
You see how ridiculous that sounds?
>nobody manufacturers cars ever again
>everyone owns a model T
Yeah that would be fuckin SIIIIIICK
Her social credit score went below the acceptable threshold and they're taking her in for re-education
So? if i steal a Mac, Apple still keeps making money right?
>Cars are never made again
Good. There hasn't been a cool car for decades.
Considering their sales, yeah.
The little amount of thievery wouldn't hurt them in the slightest.
How is it theft? You're not taking anything.
I'm still not seeing the problem here. Everyone has cars, infinite gasoline, and government projects would fund things or even backyard tinkerers which everyone else copies. Someone, somewhere would do things like invent just because their life is boring or because it's their job and they're getting paid via the government or as a vanity project by a rich guy.
Yup. The kids who pirate parents weren't going to buy them you shitty games anyway. When you get older you can afford the games you want anyway. You pay so you don't have to bugger about with cracked exes and registry modifications. It isn't worth your time. Legislation fags are just traitors trying to shut down the internet and regulate computer activities for plebs. They don't care about imaginary lost sales to poor kids with no money. That is just a fig.
Man the story behind this was fucked up
>Piracy is not Theft, It's Piracy
It's still Coonery, you fucking nigger
>Software is free/open-source
>LOL it will never evolve and remain in its version 0.0.1-preAlpha because it's not profitable!!!
Since when profitability has been the sole component in "making new design"? Lot of industry have progressed just fine without just having profits in mind. You can be certain it'd be the same for cars, especially if everyone on the planet can make free copies all around. If we actually COULD download a car, we'd have the best fucking possible car humanity could design right this second, because there are enough car enthusiasts and engineer in the entire world willing to give some of their time, free of charge, to improve the design of a product.
damn who the fuck cares
you guys are retarded
>its ok because if only i do it it wont make a difference
tragedy of the commons
t. Entitled worthless to society NEET
The difference here is that cars are for utility. Games are entertainment. Enjoy playing the same single game for the rest of eternity, dumbass
It’s basic economics you fucking autistic bitch
If someone copied your car, without it affecting you or your car at all, but also getting a better version of your car than what you paid for. Do you get mad at the car company or the person who copied it? Do you blame the person for copying it if it's the only way to get the superior version of said car?
god you are retarded. government wouldnt exist because there would be no way for it to earn money, and without profit motivations innovation will slow dramatically
Why do you think nobody would make cars? I guarantee you people would keep making improvements to vehicles as a hobby, or for competition, then people could copy those cars for free if they wanted to instead of drooling over things they could never afford in magazines. It sounds like you're describing a pretty cool situation.
i pirate games. i know its immoral but i dont care lol
This image
If I stop, will that make everyone else stop?
i only pirate single player games really because i can never figure out how to get online on games with multiplayer if i pirate them
>give money
>get a copy
>steam / epic store decide to ban you
>money gone copy is gone too
No-one is actually retarded enough to pay to rent their games right?
You people are genuinely retarded
>people would just do things for nothing in exchange
Have you ever learned a single bit of history ever in your lives? The USSR tried to make people work for extremely little resources in return, and news flash, the USSR doesn’t exist anymore because it sucked fucking balls. When you take away the exchange of resources from a market it stagnates until it inevitably collapses.
>the government would fund people improving things, dumbass, LOL
Have you taken a look at NASA lately? They’re a government funded space agency and it sucks absolute balls because they’re too burdened by government autism and a lack of funds to make any real progress anymore.
TL;DR you people are lazy and it’s so bad even your thought processes are lazy and you have no knowledge of the real world or how it works, kill yourselves immediately
>imagining unlikely scenarios and trying to argue with them
Piracy happens and doesn't hurt.
Huge amounts of stolen physical products is unreasonable and happens too rarely but therefore causes real damage.
You have no argument. Piracy causes no damage and there is not a single company that died over piracy.
>someone hasn't naturally risen to power in every human society and power doesn't equal control
ok buddy
Wait there are people dumb enough to buy video games? Fucking hilarious. Pirate everything you dumb faggots.
these are joke posts right?
>or for competition
god you are awful at economics. no ability to sell means no competition. everyone will just pirate both cars, and without motivation of profit innovation will greatly slow.
not to mention that you can't copy things in the real world. if everyone were to pirate games then new games would almost never get made.
You also don't take anything when you buy, you get a copy of the original game.
The mechanism to buying a game is the exchange money for a copy of the game, when you skip the part where you give money and still get the copy that is theft.
>Cars are never made again
Oh no, what am I going to do without my 2019 Chevy Cruze® that's exactly the same as the 2018 Chevy Cruze®?
There's ALSO the fact that Piracy also serves as a Archive and backup for MANY old games, that would be probably lost to the ages.
if piracy never existed, no one here at Yea Forums would do black box or classic NFS threads
also the other good side of it is because the community may work on fixing or even modifying the game YEARS after it put out of retail selling.
he was a jew fuck him.
They are missing real sales because of pirate fags. it definitely does hurt. just because only a "few" do it doesn't make it better. they put so much effort into anti piracy for a reason.
>Imagine your car gets stolen, but it's still there in the morning
Why yes, I would love it if somebody had an exact copy of my car, license plate and everything! I sure wouldn't mind at all if they went for a joy ride in a vehicle that's registered in my name and got into lots of legal trouble such as running red lights with cameras, or even hitting people in the streets and continuing on!
How could that possibly go wrong for me? I sure didn't do anything wrong!
Because people have to work, you know, for food and things like that. And if everyone worked individually progress would be incredibly fucking slow. The power of a company is to organize a large amount of talent and get them to actually do things with that talent rather than being lazy shittards and jerk off at home downloading vidya illegally and believing they’re doing anything good for anyone at all.
good. fuck the auto industry.
Happens in Britain all the time too.
What's the story?
This picture makes no fucking sense because the shopkeeper isn't the one duplicating the balls, it's the people who purchased the balls previously. The shopkeeper misses out on potential sale because another vendor opened up shop right next to him selling exactly what he's selling for free because that shopkeeper has no risk involved and thus doesn't mind giving away what he copied for free. Fucking kill yourself you nigger faggot.
piracy hurting and not hurting sales is a false premise
gaben said it best when he said the better way is to create a platform that people would rather use in lieu of piracy
basically if people pirate your games, your game is bad or your platform is bad, get over it
it does NOT.
its 10-20 sold copies for 1 pirated DL, it was always like that.
I do still play game from 2002.
ive been pirating for almost a decade now. piracy is immoral and buyfags like that but i dont give a shit. fuck everyone. i will keep on pirating games :)
ITT fat retards who can’t into economics and perform literal mental gymnastics to avoid feeling guilty about not supporting an industry they genuinely care about
That's why I always pirate on pc
Except no one argues with that, this thread is just a bunch of brown people that want new things for free
Piracy is theft of intellectual property. You're stealing valuable copyrighted material without paying for it. If some guy came up with a way of duplicating cars then it would put people out of their jobs. In fact that's why you can't have some random person making their own cars and calling themselves BMW. Because BMW has the trademark to that name.
Are you like twelve years old? How do you not understand this stuff?
>No ability to sell means no competition
Oh my mistake I didn't realize there was a huge consumer market for million dollar formula 1 cars, I thought they were just in it for the sponsorships. Thankyou for schooling me on the economics of motorsports.
The picture isn't that hard to understand, brainlet.
If everyone comes into his store to copy his products, he sells nothing, goes bankrupt and becomes homeless.
I see they're learning how to police from their American comrades.
Also, [spoiler[THE TIANANMEN MASSACRE OF 1989[/spoiler]
The video game industry sure as hell ain't worth supporting. But I'm glad dumb people like you will buy instead of me.
I'd hate to live in a country like that where cops just take you in without any explanation. Even in germany at least you know hatespeech is illegal and can get you in trouble but the police can state the reason.
>selling exactly what he's selling for free
This, is the auto industry the biggest fucking scam?
I dun goofed
>5%-10% is an insignificant amount of revenue
>5-10% loss is basically nothing
Nigger, if you had $100, and you lost $5-10, you would guaranteed notice and wonder where the fuck your money went. Increasing values doesn’t change the fact that a percentage of your money is a percentage of YOUR money that you damn well are going to care about and notice.
If you had $2 million and lost $5, sure, you probably wouldn’t notice or care. That is completely different than 5-10% you absolute moron.
It's literally nothing.
They are competing for prize money you massive fucking drooling mong. prize money that wouldn't exist if no one had money because there was no way to make money because pirates.
I don’t feel bad because I wasn’t the one that decided to try and sell literal information as if it was ever a limited supply. There are no game sales outside of physical releases, just well-meaning donations. Game launchers and all sorts of that faggotry usually don’t even let you own the games, they’re put in place to harass you.
Then why do you even play vidya, why not fuck off and do something that apparently is worth supporting. Or are you just a fat NEET who isn’t capable of spending a single dime because he doesn’t have shit, so he relies on doing the only thing he can for free which is pirating games that apparently “aren’t worth supporting”
wtf but leftists told us the government would protect us...
You can sell something for free.
>If no one had money
Why would no one have money? Service jobs make up a massive portion of private industry. Do you think selling a physical product is the only possible way to make money?
>feeling sorry for merchants
Would he have given you a ball for free if your family was starving? No? Then why should I care if he starves?
god im glad to be an american so i don't have to deal with this shit.
10% is still an acceptable loss for any company retard ghetto double nigger from the Argentinian 3rd world
What are the point of these threads? none of the other boards of Yea Forums give a shit about pirating music, movies, porn etc yet Yea Forums endlessly argues about piracy.
That literally is a paradox you stupid fuck
it's ok to pirate games that can't be bought through normal means (no one lives forever, alien vs predator 2, a fuckton of retro games) and if you want to try a game (make more demos for fuck sake). Everything else is just an excuse
If you buy games the money all goes to big dick corporations that don't give two fucks about the creators behind the games. If I wanted to buy something from 10 years ago the money sure as hell won't be going to the original team that created the game itself. Hell even if you buy a new game the money won't be going to who made the game.
>"wasn’t the one that decided to try and sell literal information as if it was ever a limited supply."
>this is what piratefags believe
lmao yeah all those years of effort and tens of thousands of man hours are just worthless "information" lol
Don't forget to pay your monthly subscription fee to our dogshit radio that still has ads in it! What's that, you want to listen to anything besides your Spotify® playlist using the car's built in Bluetooth®? Sorry, our car is so futuristic and modern that it can't even play CDs. Planned obsolescence? What's that?
There is nothing wrong about pirating any game. I don't understand how this is even considered an issue.
Your family eats balls?
It's not that funny when you know that she got sentenced to death
Define "to sell"
it is not an acceptable loss and why are you even trying to defend it? you pulled it out of your ass anyways. just backpedal pull a smaller figure out of your ass this time.
>Most people will still buy cars because they're a) idiots b) think it's more convenient. Most AAA games appeal to this category.
>Some people will still choose to support car makers
>If your car is the most copied car on the streets then everyone knows its a good car, raising the amount of people that fall under the first 2 points as well as converting some pirates to the second point
>Even if putting a car out ceases to be profitable once it has been released there is still merit to funding potential cars prior to release with the promise of making them
>Monetizing changes to cars will still remain possible
>There will still be those who make cars as passion projects
what the fuck did she do?
>implying i "genuinely care" about the current videogame industry
Get off my fucking board. A second great videogame crash is needed.
>theft, noun
>In common usage, theft is the taking of another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.
>deprive the rightful owner of it
Piracy isn't theft you fucking retard.
Dumb sheep need to justify spending all that money on plastic and digital renting. And shills.
>expect 10% extra monies for your next big project
>suddenly that money is gone
>suddenly you have to cut out 20 employees and cut the project off by a month
>pirates and consumers alike bitch that their game was an unfinished piece of shit because their loss of money kept them from completing the project the way it was originally intended
Le shiggy mcfucking diggy you people have some serious mental gymnastic abilities, it’s almost as bad as talking to a liberal
I don't care if people pirate games either, its still theft though.
I do
Go to bed Wilhelm
Posted a Winnie Pooh meme
I don't have a problem, I just don't have any illusion as to why I would pirate a game
Yeah, being shot dead as soon as you open the door is a much better alternative.
Yeah it just goes to the company that employs those people and pays them so that they can afford bills and food for their families
It's not theft though.
you are literally taking their money retard and it is intellectual property theft. you don't have the rights for that illegal copy.
>Yea Forums is suddenly against capitalism
what happened?
I pirate games because I genuinely think I am entintled to play them for free.
At least in america they shoot you right away and you don't have to deal with the rest.
tell me you're just memeing me
They just need to find a better buisness if they're not happy with me pirating all their shit.
lmao eurocucks are so insecure that they have to construct false realities and samefag to top it off.
Who says I want to support the entire company? If the rest of the company makes only shit why should I support the entire thing? Also many staff constantly members change companies every few years.
It means nothing when you can just copy the information from somewhere, for free. The only value in games is the human value you bring up. Perhaps some game creators deserve donations but that’s all they are under the current system.
No it isn't. The concepts of artificial scarcity and the issue with determining the value of unlimited supply are complicated financial issues economic experts can't agree on.
You pretentious fucking faggot. Kill yourself.
"theft of intellectual property" isn't the right terminology. It's copyright infringement
it's.. deluded fucking retards dreaming they'll make video games one day, even though they don't even know what it's like making video games. Same kind of fucktards that vote against progressive tax, thinking: "but what will my retarded self do when I become a millionaire??"
>imagine your car gets stolen but it's still there in the morning
That analogy doesn't work when I'm trying to sell the car.
>Hey, I like your car.
>Cool, you can buy it for $5,000.
>Nah, I'll just make a copy. Now I have the car I wanted without having to pay any money. But you still get to keep the car that you're trying to get rid of so it's cool.
I am at a loss for how you can be this retarded.
good thing she didn't own a gun otherwise they wouldn't have been so manly
>even in germany I can get arrested for wrongthink
you're a cuck
highest crime rate in the world
No it's not scummy, no i don't feel guilty, no you can't pirate a car or any physical object really the definition (in this case) is for digital goods. No idea why people even make the comparison
>boo hoo muh sale
not my problem.
Well let me know when you recover. I’ve got binary to pillage
...but even if he sells a car he'll have a copy of it as well
Meaning he still has a chance to sell it to some retard
>being black
pirating is moral. every dollar you give to developers goes into SJW's pockets
No, he's really not.
Their GRORIOUS READER was memed about as resembling Winnie the Pooh because bad talk about him in public got you in trouble
So they use Pooh Bear to talk about him online
But now he knows and is arresting folk
That doesn't make it theft as theft still removes the original, that just means you're paying to get nothing basically. Unlike physical game copies before, you're cucking yourself voluntarily and digital games are not even cheaper than physical ones, when they should.
Intellectual property is a word made to imply that a thing has the same value as property when information has no extrinsic value once it has been made public.
What you are doing is sharing information that have been made publicly available with one or more other people.
If a kid ran into a room and shouted out instructions for how to play a game and then demanded people's money if they tried to play the game and wanted to stop people from telling their friends about it you'd think the kid was a fucking idiot and probably do it just to spite him.
It's not theft in the legal sense, but consider for a moment that you are gaining access to a product or service without having to compensate its creator in any shape or form. That is morally dubious, no matter how you twist it.
It's perfectly moral to share my stuff with as many people as I want.
shut the fuck up monkey
Remember that unauthorized copying is theft in the eyes of the Olympian gods.
Don't pirate, or Zeus will fuck your mom in the shape of a swan, and then your mom will be a furry.
t.3rd worldler
To exchange something for money. In this case it's 0 money. Get fucked losers.
Sure if you ignore the whole thread and only read what you want to cherrypick, sure it is...
I mean, the creator is a millionaire and most of the company's profits go to the executives anyway. Maybe if the companies were all worker-owned cooperatives, then I'd say piracy was evil. But it's capitalism, the workers get fucked anyway. Just look at Activision or whoever it was.
By being 50 times larger than any other country
Stay mad on your teeny little island Eurocuck
I'll be chilling here in the suburbs of my infinitely better Empire
Zeus is a hackfraud that got his place as the "king of the gods" by cheating. Absolutely disgusting.
t. Hades
>teeny little island
What did he mean by this?
>American sjws complain about orange man and muh oppression
>starting to look at China as a good example of what the US should be
Fucking commies, there aren't enough helicopters for their free rides.
Piracy is Jesus approved
Jewish bakers can eat shit, he's gonna duplicate those loaves
Piracy is only moral if:
>The use is for archieval and fair use purposes (like educational, critism, ect.)
>The product in question is a pain the access (being banned such as Hotline Miami in Australia, no localization, or is extremely rare&old)
>The product in question is old
>Said piracy would encourage developers to act more competitively (like emulators that have features far outclassing those of Nintendo’s official emulators or fixed bugs) and can be considered different products
>You already own the product in question, but lost it
any other reason for piracy will just make you a complete faggot.
american education......
so how do you explain the money lost from the pirate copying the digital media? Is that not a form of theft?
That's victim blaming (the real kind). You are excusing your immorality with the perceived immorality of the victim, as if that is a pass for you to be immoral in kind.
Rise above, user.
if you pirate, post your credit card numbers
im not physically taking your number so it's fine
I see it more as deciding the value of the “product” for myself since I’m able to. They are only selling limited licenses to information after all, why not just get only the thing I want and for free? If I was really impressed by a game and want to support the people who made it so they will stay afloat then I could always donate to them by buying what I copied, or at least promote them to others. The promotion and participation of pirates is never truly appreciated.
That's because your example describes a situation.
I'm talking about when they say we lost money to piracy, and in actual fact they did not.
The money was never on the table, you can lose something that never existed.
With the ferrari the guy is getting arrested because he stole a car, its nothing to do with mythical sales.
World B has the best mods though. Honestly, new games tend to fall well below expectations anyways. While there are tons of older games that could be given new life with mods. There is also the idea of Kickstarter like promotions for making money before you release a game that is free to play.
>buy game
>lend game to friend
>only one copy is circulating and only between few individuals
>make copy of a game
>put it on the internet
>everyone can get their own copy for free at any given time, thus resulting in loss of profit for the developers
you fucking faggot
No harm done ever to any company by pirating, friend, those who pirate will do 1 of 2 things. They will never buy the game and weren't going to in the first place, or they will buy the game after pirating it. There's no third scenario here. There's no evidence that piracy affects sales or companies, in fact there's evidence of the contrary. But keep sucking cock if you must, my copy of Sekiro is almost finished downloading
People who accept the possibility of pirating can play more games than they usually would and if they feel like it they can put their money towards games that deserve it.
There'd be more of an argument against it if Demos hadn't gone away.
*describes a different situation
>racist shmorky
she posted this image
I'm not against capitalism, just update your money making model. Like you think the devs of Summertime Saga care you made a copy of their unfinished smut without their express permission?
No, by definition it's not... That's the thing you retards come to argue, and when people show you the definition and explain you millons of times across different posts WHY it is not, you call them moral pirates, or apologist. Nobody fucking cares, the definition just doesn't fit that is all, why are you all so fucking retarded god...
Sure whatever. The more moronic buyfags there are out there who think they're superior because they spent money, the more I can continue pirating in the future.
>Why not just get only the thing I want and for free?
Because you should respect the work the creator put into the product enough to want to compensate them for it. If you do not, then you shouldn't even be interested in their product to begin with.
Star Trek replicators but even better suddenly exist but they only run on people saying the N-word.
What happens?
Missed one user.
>The product is only available on The Epic Games Store.
>Theftis the taking of another person'spropertyorserviceswithout that person's permission orconsentwith the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.
The exemple in OP applies only to physical property, conveniently forgetting that piracy is mostly digital.
Stealing a physical game would be taking property without permission or consent. You would have to exchange money for the consent of the owner to pass the good to you.
The thing is that the means in which we use to get digital media is through online services. In these you would have to exchange money for the permission to consume what you want from the server.
When you deny the server that money for the service that is theft.
you can go to a museum/gallery and look at artists works without compensating them
no difference in principle. If n cases is acceptable then so is n+1.
>being larger has any effect on the % rate of crime
American education hahahaha
I'm still getting calls from XM Radio to buy a subscription from a car I bought three years ago. I don't even have that car anymore but people are still trying to sell me something I can't use. I can't even block their calls because they keep calling different numbers. I truly really hate the current state of advertising and marketing.
But how can I respect the work of the creator if I haven’t even tried it for myself? Your second point makes no sense, there are plenty of reasons to be interested outside of wanting to pay them. This still doesn’t answer how something so easily obtained for free has any value. As I’ve already said, if I liked what I played I’ll be more likely to compensate.
There's always 1 retard that will buy your card don't worry.
dumb logic.
By your logic, if I find something floating the the vacuum of space, I should try to hunt down a 'creator' to push coins into his hand? Your thought process is completely corrupted by commercialism and profit.
Me and this 'creator' do not even belong to the same existance. To him , I do not even exist. To me, he does no exist.
Whether I procure his product or not though my own means is entirely of no consequence to him, since I would never pay or interact with him in the first place it's two completely different planes of existence and completely victimless.
But I don't give a shit about the creator. There's plenty of people out there who will suck it's dick anyway.
True, but you have to compensate the museum which preserves the artworks and sets them up for display. And in the case of living artists, they actually get a share of the revenue a museum makes when displaying their works.
The bottom line is that you do not just get free, infinite access to the art like you seem to imply. In many cases, photography is also banned inside museums so you cannot make that analogy either.
Copied cars would surely reduce the demand for bought cars.
>It's not theft in the legal sense
> you are gaining access to a product or service without having to compensate its creator in any shape or form. That is morally dubious, no matter how you twist it.
No, I'm not hurting anyone. If i pirate something I wasn't going to buy it in the first place, I will however buy the product if I'm impressed and also probably buy later products by the same creator. I did so with DarkSouls 2 and 3 and will soon buy Sekiro.
there are plenty of free museums that charge nothing to enter
define piracy
cute gopher
do you mind if I save it?
>And in the case of living artists, they actually get a share of the revenue a museum makes when displaying their works.
So do game devs, they already got paid by the time the game is released.
Ayo don't mind me white boi, just pirating yo wife
If you happen upon something in the vacuum of space, you cannot even be sure it has a creator. When you knowingly pirate a videogame that likely has a large scale marketing campaign behind it, you know full well who made it. You also cannot justify taking things for free due to there being a proverbial gap between you and the creator/owner of something. If that logic were sound, then robbing a bank wouldn't be immoral because you, the banker and the people who have accounts in that bank "exist in entirely different planes of existence."
Jesus said it's okay.
use your 2018 cruze instead
Therefore Piracy is not Theft, it is Piracy.
Add this to the millions of times it has been explained i guess
The wages paid to the developers are not what fuels the development of further products. Profit from sales is.
this could actually be a thing in the future, take a dna sample and grow your own pirated clone of someone
I don't know who made any of the games I've bought, I've never even paid attention to the credits
>and selling
I’m pretty sure the vast majority of pirates do not do that.
And they display art that the artists do not want to profit from, or art that has little to no cultural relevance. I guarantee you that you have to pay to see the actual Mona Lisa or a Picasso original.
To draw parallels into videogames, free museums are like freeware games.
you say that but if a youtuber pirates a fucking video everybody loses their shit
I mean its still theft, you can say theft of a product from multimillionaire corporation is moral under capitalism because the means the product where created where inherently imoral, so its not deserving of monetary compensation.
But im guessing you only give an exception to piracy not because you hold anti-capitalist beliefs but because of its convince. I could be wrong.
Then you are knowingly ignorant in an effort to try and justify your point of view.
if you travelled into the past and pirated everything you could find, there would be zero butterfly affect at all because you haven't changed of affected anything in any way. But the butterfly effect from stealing a banks money would be quite large.
so you can see that the two things aren't even comparable.not really the same .
If you would have then taken their money you leave them with a deficit, if I copy something for personal use no one is left with a deficit.
Imagine the same scenario but nothing about you is included in the copy. There's just a car with no plate or registry or maybe just a fake one. Do you really still care if a stranger is driving a 1999 Toyota Corolla like you? I don't understand why anti-pirates can't even come up with a decent analogy.
So piracy is just the act of creating an ilegal copy? Ok
Would you agree that its severe copyright infringement?
Not sure if you're being ironic but you're correct, pirates share freely with other pirates, major crackers and repackers are all free, only scumbag sites with malware with charge for copies that they didn't even cracked themselves. At least on video games. There's a whole different story if he talk about movies.
whoa bro why is printing money illegal? The original money is just fine :^)
Copying the money and then spending it, thus putting it into circulation, would lead to a little something called inflation.
>"Piracy" is the free exchange of information between individuals, each transaction of information being made with consent of the parties involved in that transaction
>"Copyright" is a governmental ban on the consensual exchange of information between individuals.
I can't imagine a more capitalist way to do business. Information simply has no intrinsic monetary value if it is made public beyond what can be accomplished by using that information.
>The thing is that the means in which we use to get digital media is through online services. In these you would have to exchange money for the permission to consume what you want from the server.
>When you deny the server that money for the service that is theft.
Which doesn't apply when you acquire the game from a third party as they are the ones providing the service.
If someone told me how to butter toast and I later acted on that information for my own benefit would I be obliged to pay the originator of the piece of information that is "how to butter toast"?
Because he was passing off content as being ostensibly his own. It's a different problem.
>Tfw piracy is legal in mu country
Suck it moralfags
>he was passing off content as being ostensibly his own.
all youtubers do that and then complain when the people that made the content get the money
I find this whole debate to be pretty funny when you realize that it’s all just entertainment media anyway. These are wants, not needs, and if they are available for free then they will be obtained and distributed widely for free. I will hand it to the distributors though, they do a good job convincning people there is value worth your hard earned money where there is none. I don’t hate them at all for it, it’s quite an impressive feat.
Absolutely. I'm arguing its definition only and so are the majority of people in this thread, given some some argue on its morality or justification which is a different case.
Did the originator of the idea patent/copyright it and explicitly ask for compensation for its usage? If yes, then you are obliged to compensate them for using their technique for your own benefit.
where do you draw the line? Is ad block piracy/immoral? If I turn of the tv/radio when ads play, is that piracy/immoral? piracy is a victimless crime, none of which should be illegal desu
Yes, unironically, it's totally not theft, it's copyright infringement. That's why we call it copyright, it's about who has the right to make a copy. The people arguing that you're just making a copy, and the original is still there, are not arguing that you have the right to make that copy if you haven't paid for it. What they're arguing is that it doesn't constitute theft, which it fucking doesn't.
Please don't bully my grammar I'm using auto correct.
Ask Zimbabwe how much of a buzzword inflation is.
>Which doesn't apply when you acquire the game from a third party as they are the ones providing the service.
The owner gives third party server the permission to distribute it though
if it was only for personal use in my own home like I said then even copying money would have no affect
eg. if i create a small closed economy within my house that has no interaction with the outside economy. I could for example, put a colour mark on each note so it doesn't ever accidentally get taken outside,.
sharing is caring. seed for at least 24 hours, user.
I used to pirate a lot, but steam and gog provide a good service and it feels better to have a "clean", legal copy (although I never got infected from piracy) + it support the devs.
with epic exclusive I'll probably pirate again. since torrents became a thing it's really easy and fast.
*swats u*
Nothin personnel, Tyrone
based and inductionpilled
that's not what I'm talking about though is it.. I'm talking personal use in the home only. the copied thing doesn't ever leave the walls of the house,, it doesn't enter circulation.
I guess you are right then.
Don't mind me, just posting the shitholes on earth.
Charging for a download is unethical, immoral, and anti consumer. Charging for a download should be illegal and piracy should be legal, it would save gaming.
Why can't piratefags come up with a decent analogy? There's a zero percent chance that cloning a car would end up working legally. Someone would end up getting fucked, whether it's the person who cloned the car or the clonee.
Here's an analogy for you:
>at a BBQ
>somebody took the last burger before you got one
>"hey bro, lemme see your burger for a sec I wanna pirate it"
>now you both have the same burger
>buy a car
>every day someone else "pirate" it
>"lol I don't care it's not like a lost it."
>few years pass, decide to buy a new car and sell the old one
>no one would buy your car because pirates are literally overflowing the market with copies
and that even without talking about how much of a fallacy it is to compare car owner to car manufacturer, like in op gay pic.
Even if this was the case, you would still have gained the money in an illicit manner. What you do with a product after procuring it immorally is irrelevant to this argument.
I'll said it twice already:
Piratefags are the vegans of Yea Forums.
Rindo Meu Cu Fora
Based retard
Don't mind me, I'm just pirating these notes.
its always the other way around though, pirates mind their own business until some moralfag tries to say that its wrong
it's more like copying a recipe.
> hey bro, nice rum and coke. Can I look at the recipe?
> you copy the recipe, then you produce your own rum and coke
The code for a game is essentially a long recipe of letters that combine together into a game, much like the ingredients making the drink..
You guys are seriously underestimating the kind of power copied cars could have. You’d be able to destroy our planet by making a copied car black hole. It’s a good thing there is no way to copy and paste physical matter.
you are absolutely right I'm against piracy. but I hate epic and the chinks so much that I don't mind fucking them. just like you wouldn't kick someone in the balls because it's not nice, but I assume you might break that rule if the guy is a pedo rapist. epic is the corporate equivalent of a pedo rapist.
Then why aren't pirates downloading the source codes for games and then creating the game from scratch for their own use by using the source code as the recipe?
Checkmate, piratefags.
>There are two extremes and nothing in the middle
its the opposite
How do you have loss of profit with those that would never buy in the first place
fuck off retard
its all ones and zeros bro
Picasso is dead and so is da Vinci, douche. That analogy doesn't work. Copyright should never extend past the lifetime of the author, anyway.
Is that actually what happened or are you just shitposting? What does the image have that makes it legal to arrest you.
Bread is all dry and wet ingredients as well.
U are unbelievable stupid my dude
Those weren't real policemen. Over in china there is a huge problem with criminals and thieves dressing up as a law enforcement and abducting people.
That was the last time anyone saw her.
digital goods can never be compared to physical goods and op is a fag.
piracy is immoral, unless it's against epic exclusives.
no need,,that's what the installer does, it mixes all the ingredients and stuff together and a game comes out
it's like a cake mix
did they gangbang her
There are no games in world B to mod.
That's not my point retard, my point is that good things are things everyone can do.
>I'm not a bad guy for reaping the benefits off of years of effort for free
>THEY'RE the bad guys for not entertaining me well enough
based retard
probably sold her organs
He meant larger concentration of niggers.
wow looks like YongYea's really hit hard times
Many of them have a constant need to somehow justify what they're doing, and trying to appear better than others for doing what they do.
>Piracy is inmoral
Ok shill
>Except agains company I don't like
Ahhh, an hypocrite too
How is this thread still up?
If I want to get a game, I have the choice of picking between new, used, and pirated copies. A used copy is half the price of the new copy for exactly the same product, so there's no reason to buy new over used. Buying a used copy does not benefit the creator in the slightest. At this point, nothing I do will give any money to the creator. There is no longer any ethical dilemma about lost sales. There is no reason not to pirate at this point.
No he isn't. Stop being a spastic. Theft implies deprivation of use. It's a fact. Just kys.
It extends to 50 years after the death of the last person involved in the work i think, then it turn to public domain. It passes to the family.
That's still a shit ton of time, but we gotta exploit the work of the dead for a while you know what i mean? Somebody gotta get something for all of these dead artist tribute movies and post mortem albums and shit.
>steam / epic store decide to ban you
Have you tried not being a faggot so you don't get banned?
>Did the originator of the idea patent/copyright it
This is simply arguing from the authority of whoever holds the ability to uphold the patent/copyright. I'm not obliged to follow it no more than I am morally compelled to follow demands like .
Should I pay the originator of the idea "How to butter toast" a cent when I butter toast in my own home and exclusively for my own benefit just because he made a deal with the government that gave him the ability to enforce his power over the idea?
What if he derived his information from prior information such as "How to spread butter on bread" or even acquired the information from someone else entirely?
That argument has no moral weight.
>Asked for compensation for its usage
Am I really obliged to do things just because someone asks me to? If someone is standing at a door and demanding payment to open the door for people am I obliged to still pay him if I enter before the door closes on the last person to have payed him for the task? He hasn't done any additional work after all.
In this case I'm talking about torrenting or similar practices. There is no service that is not being paid for in this case.
Even in industries where you actually consume a tangible product that cost effort to source and individually produce which now can not be sold to someone else you can typically return the product.
It's not exactly atypical to do so at a restaurant if the food is bad.
Why bother, it’s a raw deal no matter how you justify it. I’ll instead act for my own benefit. Mad? Don’t care.
>buy physical game
>be a faggot
>still have game
ever notice how Yea Forums is the only board that spergs out over piracy? There are literal shills on here that are trying to get your money, every other board on the site openly shares media and we have a dedicated torrent board. You fucks are so gullible that you actually fall for it
Veganism is morally justifiable i think, i just don't give much of a fuck about animals lmao.
But it is funny to confront your friends on why they would agree to eat cow but get disgusted when the chinese eat dog.
I am truly sorry, for you seem to be suffering from severe anarchism. My condolences.
Gamers are capitalist cocksucker's
how surprising
well we as a society have determined that dogs are more valuable as companion/working animals than livestock, so that isn't really a valid comparison
>I-I'll totally support the game if I like it enough. Honest!
Sure you will user. Sure you will.
Yes, and china as a society hasn't, and there is nothing wrong with that too.
next time you're fantasizing about how badly you want to hook up with the perfect cutie gurl asian gf remember asians are inherently cold-hearted and collectivist which leads both their families and their societies to be this manner of authoritarian and heartlessa and consider if that's something you think you want to pass on and introduce to your lineage
hi yes where are the broofs
is that way, adults are talking
>The government is just a spook!
>The notion of ownership and enforcement of thereof is just a spook!
>Compensation for work done is just a spook!
Max Stirner, is that you?
Imagine you own a farm and sell your crops to make a living. Then someone comes and copies your crops and gives them away for free. You can no longer make a living.
you can't use OP's image as logic for buyers. it is a seller issue.
>pirate game
The proper way
except that the chinese, and most asians really, are soulless subhumans
>there are 10 people + you on an island
>You decide to make and sell 10 X for 5 Ungabungas each
>5 will buy it no matter what because they don't know how/want to pirate (25 Ungabungas)
>4 of them aren't sure about buying X full price and will wait until a discount or something (potential 12 Ungabungas if the price lowers to 3)
>1 buys X and then gives it out for free (5 Ungabungas for you)
>the undecisive 4 takes the free copy
>you have lost 12 potential Ungabungas and have 4 useless X that nobody wants and you can't sell essentially making you lose 20 ungabungas since no matter how much you discount it, everyone who is interested in X already owns one
It's ok to say you're doing something wrong but still do it. I pirate games I would have maybe bought, but I don't feel bad about it or anything. Why? here
>it only cost you 10 Ungabungas to make 10 of X
Big name companies make hundred of thousands, if not millions off of their games, go look up the most expensive games and their revenue they usually make is at least twice their cost.
Pirating from small companies who are potentially struggling is where pirating becomes truly immoral. It's like stealing lemonade from a lemonade stand. You fucking love lemonade, but you can't spare like 1 buck or so to support the kid making them?
If you think you'll love a game from a small company you should buy it, they're usually cheaper too.
Do whatever the fuck you want with AAA titles though they will 100% make their money back and then some more.
Not that user but i do the same and i probably have more games that you ever will so it works just fine for me.
>sell physical goods
>still sell because they are convinient, appeals to a demographic, and comes with bonuses
>the guy copying your shit is catering to a digital audience and is actually HELPING your cause with free advertisement and word of mouth
Based moralfag retard. The DS, Wii and PS2 are among the most pirated consoles in history and more often than not they actually helped INCREASE sales. The only harm done were the games that failed to break even, but thats because people got a taste of it and found out the game was actually shit and not worth buying. Pirating actually CLEANSES the shit off the market and actively improves it. You're just butthurt because your shitty little indie game failed to break even because the pirate chads on Yea Forums took a steaming dump over it LMAO
got lost halfway through
shit analogy
It's not really surprising, look up any "show your battlestation" thread and see all the consumerist shit and anime miniatures these idiots fill their rooms with.
nature keeps fucking copying my corn, that bitch, im taking her to court
>government wouldnt exist because there would be no way for it to earn money
Just because you can copy shit doesn't suddenly remove the trade industry, the manual labor industry, or a whole host of other jobs like newspapers, magazines, news, internet, and so on. There would still be jobs all over the place and innovation would happen to further humanity or further those fields instead. The inventor's work would obviously be instantly copied millions of times over, but you could easily make it so such a person who invented such an object gets higher clout and a higher paycheck simply because of their invention and the money to pay that person would be taxed or, again, from government funds. You can't sell the object, but at this point society would be about paying for your home, electricity, and intangible goods since you'll be copying food and water infinitely.
Copying being accessible to people just shifts things.
>spend SEVEN YEARS paying your employees for a new game
>they do fuck all until the last 18 months
>then they ship Anthem
Digital "goods" aren't goods, you are brainwashed, you are trying to subtly elevate software which has 0 scarcity and is infinite once it is made to actual goods.
I started pirating because of Steam and GoG, fuck paying for digital distribution, paying for a download license being the only legal option forces me to pirate. I went from paying $50 at most for an actual physical copy that is better than today's collector's editions to being expected to pay for a download license, well fuck the video game industry I'll pirate instead.
They are not services. Digital distribution is neither a good or service.
"Support the developer" is not a reason to give them money, it is a glorified donation and they won't even admit it.
Charging for digital distribution shouldn't logically exist because people shouldn't be willing to pay for it, luckily for the video game industry there are plenty of brainwashed drones like you that think giving them money is a reason to give them money even though you get nothing in return for your money.
As someone that exclusively pirates, I want all games to be Epic exclusives because the multiplayer doesn't rely on some centralized servers like Steam or GoG so MP can easily be played on a pirated version. Most new games suck anyway because of the damage Valve has done to gaming by popularizing digital distribution and all the negatives that come with it.
Actual brainlet comfirmed, read this post again when you're out of grade school.
Faggots fail to understand that the same rules don't apply with digital goods. They literally think they're jesus for pirating games.
a shitposter getting arrested can't you read the title
Piracy is wrong
But some companies deserve "suffer" from this, like Nintendo
Larger country = more difficulty of crime prevention and control
>price is determined by a function of supply and demand
>supply of digital goods is essentially infinite
>thus economics states that all digital goods should be free
>Imagine spending police resources on people who "steal" 1s and 0s.
Ok rostie
Some of you anons are claiming that digital games deserve to be pirated since they're not physical, so how would you guys feel if you woke up in a hypothetical timeline where 100% of all games were physical.
You forgot man-hours.
>Literally giving food for free and ending world hunger
how is this bad?
That doesn't work when 95% of people buy your crops anyway
Demand is mainly determined by price. Higher the price the less demand there is and the lower the price, the more demand there is.
Supply however is mainly dependant on demand, an unlimited number of copies doesn't influence the price. A very low number does though thanks to scarcity. SUre it's cheaper than if it was limited, but not by much.
t. marxist
Damn that Jesus dude curing the ild and feeding the poor!!! Doesn't he know that he is taking my job!?
just eat the crops?
Piracy is theft.
>implying that's a bad thing
Man-hours are irrelevant, the game is the product and has infinite supply and 0 scarcity unless put into physical form, even then the physical form is the only thing with monetary worth.
Piracy can digitally distribute games for $0
You are a communist
Infinite supply means it is worth $0, commie
Paid digital distribution is Marxist, see Karl Marx labor theory of value
You know whats also theft? capitalism
so piracy is totally justifiable
Itt: Jew
> slaps fish out of fishermans hand
> seed from corn falls onto ground outside of farm fence and and grows
> small kid eats the wild corn
> throws kid in jail
>Work put into making a product is irrelevant when determining a price for it
I don't even know what to classify this retardation as.
Stealing a game implies stealing a physical copy which I would never do. Software "piracy" is nothing more than an unauthorized copy and paste.
>this kills the capitalist
Anyone have the same webm but without the (You)?
Because then you'd be a nigger. You don't want to be a nigger, do you user?
there's enough wagies like you to cover the cost of me getting the game for free.
How is piracy merely copying when piracy in the 17th century involved ransacking merchant ships for loot and gold?
I sell ice but I saw this guy take some some water to freeze! thats one less sale, it's affecting my rightful profits and its ICE PIRACY!
>Everyone is winning really
Yeah except the car companies who won't make any new cars, so you are stuck with an infinite supply of old ones
somebody else's ability to make a living isn't my responsibility.
everytime I made a bootleg big mac at home instead of buying one that's a lost sale for mcdonalds and its piracy wtf
how fucked am i?
Yeah now 10 milion people think like this and it starts to hurt
Would you want others to think like that if it was your livelihood on the line?
Why would the government do this tho, it would be a litteral money dump
Doesn't matter, it's well within my rights to not give a fuck.
It is irrelevant when the end result is something with 0 scarcity and infinite supply.
Me eating a $1 million meal doesn't mean the turd it produces is worth money just because it took $1 million to produce...actually its worth more than any digitally distributed game because the turd actually has scarcity and is finite
But no one wants your turd that's why it's worth nothing you big dum dum.
Man-hours cost money in the form of wages. The provider of the good/service will want to recuperate that money. Thus, they will factor in that money when considering how much they want for the product.
Posting this means you don't understand the fundamental idea that people invest time and money (time being food sleep and so on which is even more money) to produce a product so they could sustain themselves.
As a test to see if the game runs properly on your system and if you even like the game I see no problem.
The problem is when you never buy a game you enjoy (so that more can be made and to support the developers)
One of the reasons I don't pirate is simple, if its not worth my money, why is it worth my time?
In the end of the day people need to eat, and if they need to work full time in something else it makes it even harder to create proper video games.
In the end, if you can afford (based on a social contract) to work on the thing you love and make it good it should be possible to dedicate your life to the fine act (some would say art) of making a video game.
I think I wrote this kind of poorly (in which I mean its a lot easier to understand from someone else than me)
But you probably get the point.
Advances humanity, good publicity, shows they're "One of the people", allows them to advance further in tech they specifically want (Like the military), and so on. Keep in mind both civvies and the government would benefit from funding these things. Hell, museums and research is funded through grants and taxpayer dollars and the former doesn't really do anything besides show off history and only makes some money from the gift shop.
Yeah you gonna have to ride your fucking Ford model T retard
ok so take the costs, and divide by the amount of stock that it produced so you can find the per-product cost
its digital so there's infinite stock
cost divided by infinity is practically zero
so price should be much much lower, close to zero, and each thing would still be making a profit as it's selling for more than it cost to make
not if I copy a better one :^)
this is true, the fair price for digital products is zero, as there is infinite of them
charging for them is like charging people for air, only it's worse because there isn't infinite air [there's only a lot of air]
You do not pay for the good itself, you pay for access to said good. If you do not like that, you are free to not participate in enjoying the product.
You payed for the labor.
Access to the good is free elsewhere, so why pay?
and links therein.
That's just in general, I can't say anything about this girl.
>Yea Forumstards ferociously trying to bait each other with armchair economics
This shit always happens and it's always so sad
nope, if I buy something I definitely pay for the goods itself and not just for access. I'm not renting clothes
Out of respect for the people who made the product. You know, dignity.
they aren't entitled to my respect
Physical goods =/= digital goods
but the original LOSES VALUE by having copies created for free.
i pirate a lot but at least i'm not as delusional as these other piratefags.
They kind of are because they made the product you are enjoying. Without them, you wouldn't be enjoying shit.
I've about enough of this shit. Old games costing hundreds of dollars disc drives shitting out fuck it, I cave, I'm tired of being legit.
I figure I'll start by hacking my PSP since it seems everybody used to have one so it'll be a nice practice run then my Wii U since it doesnt matter if I break it all my games are physical and the drive shit out.
I guess you cant hack an N64 but I can get an Everdrive and ALL THE ROMS STEALING ALL THE GAMES DADS GONNA FLIP.
I pirate all Western games.
Any business who signs exclusivity deals with epic deserves to lose theoretical profits.
man, what a shithole the UK has become
>but the original LOSES VALUE by having copies created for free.
lol no.
They made their choice. I didn't hold a gun to their head and force them. If their game didn't exist I'd find something else to do with my time, it's no skin off my back.
so piracy is magic then, gotcha.
>its them who have to change to fit me
OK retard
value isn't inherent in anything and it isn't my responsibility to preserve it.
Pretty much any analogy fails to convey the issue with piracy. If we could duplicate anything, we would do it. It would lead to better lives for all of us. But we can't duplicate "anything". We can duplicate software and nothing else.
What do these people get in exchange of people pirating their games? Nothing. At least with a massive "multiply it all" machine you know you will get free food, free hosues, free cars, free anything.
People should know the difference
Epic and those who harbor them violated the NAP, they are now enemies of the republic, so it's okay to pirate their shit.
If that was true they'd be giving us free access to the good and asking for donations. The real answer is that it's still possible for them to limit access and charge for entry even though you can technically find the same thing for free elsewhere. They can do this because not everyone is tech savvy enough to be a pirate yet, as well as certain laws in certain places. From my point of view they are being exploitative and I don't sacrifice any moral fabric by pirating. There is no inherent value in their product since it is information just like this image.
based Jeditarians
This pretty much. I pirate, I know I'm being an asshole, but I embrace it.
But they DID create the game, and you ARE enjoying it. Hypotheticals are irrelevant for this argument.
Not having the decency to compensate people for their work if you enjoy it makes you a niggerfaggot.
so you're telling me that an apple can have not zero value, but NO value? that's just stupid. and whether it is your responsibility or not is not the question.
dumb post all around.
How about you deal with it
Im not a car company. Why do I give a fuck what happens to them?
I don't care about what you say it makes me. I'm not doing anything wrong by my own standards so I'll do it anyways.
You must be arrested because you are a bad consumer for no reason at all. Deal with it.
hmmm OR how about the employing company pays the people for their work
they are the ones that hired them, not me, its got nothing to do with me
Remember when Jesus pirated the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish by making 5,000 copies? Then the jews sentenced him to death for not buying the 5,000 additional copies?
>Piracy is as old as time
Zero value and no value are exactly the same thing, retard.
>so you are stuck with an infinite supply of old ones
Why do new ones need to be constantly made?
Great way to persuade the christfags, my dude.
The idea that content creators (of many different categories) would make similar amounts of money if people could pay what they wanted is fucking absurd to say the least. with that said though pirates are often also the people who spend the most, so locking them up doesn't benefit the creators either a lot of the time. it's complicated
The company did pay them. And now they seek to make that money back (and make profit to fund further projects) by selling the product.
>you wouldn't use your holy flesh to make a car
Piracy wouldn't work with cars, even if it was possible to 1:1 copy/materialize, because cars are basically ticking time bombs, planned obsolescence means they're all gonna break down at around the same time.
The same is apparently becoming true for SSDs, which wear down/break over actual age of the components vs usage.
the transaction has already been made though, the price was paid and the thing was made. anything after that is just life
>makes 1000 copies of your product on my own hard drive
>puts your product on 10000 flash drives and disperses them into the environment
>hosts your product online for 10000000 people to download
You'd think they might be a little worried about this obvious design flaw then
loledgy teens pirating software
Im gonna pirate your life faggot
loldumbfucks buying shit they can get for free.
t. retard.
Property is theft.
would you murder?!
Theft is WRONG
If I could get away with it and the person continued to live after...maybe?
"C'est la vie" is not an argument for being immoral.
DRM exists, and even if it didn't, these creators expect people to have the common decency to not be faggots. Obviously, you and others like you delight in showing them how much of a faggot you can be.
>doesn’t get mad at OP for being dishonest
>gets mad at some random user using the same logic
You’re a total sack of shit. Has anyone told you that?
When Jesus turned water into wine, he was pirating wine. You can’t say that the lost sales from the wine they would’ve bought had Jesus not been able to transform water are hurting the vineyards
Imagine that you murder somebody, but they don't die. That you assault someone, but they don't get hurt.
false equivalence
you cunts could maybe make the effort
Just because it's not hurting anything, doesn't mean it's helping. If you enjoy a game, you should buy it. All the scene groups that do releases have the same message in their NFOs. If you have the money, don't be a dick. If you're broke as fuck or the game is obviously some half-ass half-finished half-ported garbage, then fuck'em.
The only good game I've pirated and not bought in the last 10 years was Persona 5, and only because there's no PC version (played on emu). I bought Catherine Classic and never played it. I'll be happy to buy Persona 5 if they ever release it.
>Obviously, you and others like you delight in showing them how much of a faggot you can be.
Well that's not the intent, I'm just looking out for myself. I'm pretty selective when it comes to giving my money away.
Why would I want to help immoral corporations like blizzard, ea or activision? They steal small studios by forcing mergers, bullying them into being absorbed. Piracy is the moral choice. And not only do they steal the studios, they destroy them. Blizzard and EA are very guilty of this
But that's fine faggot. Cars would be infinite, thus we don't need to build them ever again and thus all those resources could be used for something else. What a faggot geez
>Just because it's not hurting anything, doesn't mean it's helping
You can help them by promoting. No sales are lost if they weren't going to buy in the first place.
If cars were infinite we would still be driving ford Ts because nobody would have any incentive to invent new cars, seeing how they will get cloned for free
if I torrent a game, no loss of sales occurs
if you steal a physical copy, a loss occurs
FOSS exists you retarded faggot. Demand or a lack thereof does not equate to a lack of innovation. If you're going to argue, at least don't be so transparently disingenuous.
>buy a fruit
>take the seeds and make your own farm
>give out the fruits you grew for free
>farm companies complain for decades that you shoulnd't be allowed to do that
We are in World C
People in USA, Japan and some other countries pay for videogames and support the industry, so we can pirate.
poor people, the thread
>he says as the rich people continue to save money
>lack thereof does not equate to a lack of innovation
with all that money they got from 0 sales, ok
You’re being serious
Why is there no FOSS car? Why is there no good FOSS game? Why is there no good FOSS movie?
FOSS is a very niche thing that applies to programmers and will never succeed outside of programming. And even then it’s very limited because most good software that isn’t niche is proprietary
FOSS cars. Lmao
Just because lots of people play their games doesn't mean it's more moral to pirate their stuff than some indie that only sales 10,000 copies. You're trying to justify something to yourself. You know everyone else still look at you like you're garbage.
So every company is basically pirating themselves because they allow digital game stores to copy their product
Have sex lmao most people I know pirate shit all the time
>seeks validation from stupid ass fucking retard friends
you and your friends are poor, assholes, and generally fucking retarded. that doesnt mean your behaviour is automatically correct
krita > photoshop, open office > word, linux > windows and osx. I could go on but my point is that you're wrong, things made for the love of it are better than things made for profit.
mm pretty sure krita doesn't offer the same PROFESSIONAL tools, workflow and service that photoshop does
i mean you wouldn't know because you dont work
That's literally a Utopia
that's how innovation happens. Isaac newton didn't make a killing inventing calculus, Alexander graham bell didn't get the funding of billionaires to invent the telephone.
I always wonder if people that parrot this idea actually ever produce anything. I feel like this idea sits most comfortably with consumers with few resources.
right but you're talking about people from >100 years ago.. expansive costs, saturated markets and extensive laws exists now. since you have 0 money piratefag, why dont you go and make and market an innovative product?
Private security force goons that the government turns a blind eye to, if not contracts outright, isn't exactly "thieves dressing up as law enforcement"
Now you're getting it
Non sequitur
cant believe people are this fucking dumb, no wonder they dont understand why pirating is wrong
Yes, but that doesn't mean piracy is right. Right actions can be done by everyone
i got it 20mins ago when i said pirates were poor, proven by the fact they cant afford games
t. Didn't read the bible
>expansive costs, saturated markets and extensive laws exists now
It would be nice if they didn't, and I'm all in favor of anything that tears those down. Piracy is the equalizer, the only tragedy is that I we can't pirate physical things.
Taking or using something for free is bad for your soul. You know you don't deserve it. Get a job and give back to society.
>proven by the fact they cant afford games
>Yea Forums shits on China for copying everything
>proceeds to copy everything
society can suck my dick
I'll stop pirating when pigs fly.
If only this analogy works for digital media. Then it might hold water.
The second supposition is actually true, though.
I am society.
>hurrrr the romans killed jesus, not the jews!!
t. jew
stallman pls go
That's not even close to what I was talking about
>emulate tons of past gen games and games that are a few years old
>still buy almost everything current gen
why do I do this when get things for free
anyone who says piracy isn't theft (except in cases where buying the game where money would go to the devs is impossible) is retarded, just say you like free games
It's not theft, it's sharing.
Remember when demos, and rentals were a thing? Of course not you poor zoomer drone.
No you retard the actual result is:
>Literally anyone can have a car now including the homeless
>Traffic gets even fucking worse
Which means we need to be able to pirate land as well
World X: Piracy serves as a somewhat obscure but significant check on shitty industry practices, since people can pirate but will monetarily support creators they like and want to see more from.
I'll support the devs and the Epic store
>ywn be part of a rl CP team
All they need is cool uniforms
So what do you call your bull? Do your wife's kids know about him?
torrenting a game results in literally no loss of anything
it's data. no actual product has to be replaced.
the most based thing to do is buy then pirate