Stop cheat shaming, Yea Forums.
Stop cheat shaming, Yea Forums
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Stop lewding little kids, Yea Forums.
Since we're already done this thread every day, let's derail it with something interesting: What are some Vidya who's purpose legitimately just confuses you?
why are you trying to derail the discussion?
are you trying to defend the people who cheat in games?
Stop bullying the game journalists Yea Forums
Tingle's DS games. I don't even know what kind of games they are.
Why is this shit allowed? Can we just nuke the journalist industry?
Final boss in not that hard. You just need to understand enemy moveset, what you can do to counter this things, and your ways to attack if it's needed(it is for 2nd and 3rd phase)
sounds more like he thinks their viewpoints are so illegitimate we don't even need to discuss it. he's right if so.
I cheated myself to vitality and attack 20, the game is fun now
I loove cheating games in my life. Just downloading Them for free
Just got through the monkeys and now I can see the rape ape in the distance, what am I in for?
Literal shit
A game so impossible that the news had to report that the blue haired twitch fortnite streamer COULDNT BEAT IT
You mean Ninja?
>play game
>don't have fun
>enable cheats
>continue to not have fun, make it to the credits though
I win. somehow, that means I win.
You can play the game any way you want it, you bought the damn thing but don't expect me to take your opinion as a reviewer/journalist seriously where it's expected you actually legit play your shit to give people feedback on things. It's like if a movie reviewer makes a review just using the wikipedia article of the film instead of watching it.
this honestly. I dont care if you cheat but trying to spin it like its a good thing is fucking embarrassing.
And everyone agreed and the thread ended
Typical white people.
>cheats have been in games since pong
>suddenly cheats were removed for like a generation or two
>gamers raged
>now cheats are brought back through 3rd party and people whine
make up your mind, faggots
pc gamers are shit. who knew?
Cheats being available isn't the issue.
It's the use of cheats that is. That and the guys profession.
I cheat after I beat games. Not before. I legit finish and overcome the challenge and then cheat the parts of the game that were just lacking.
This man cheated the entire game because he didn't wish to face the challenge, He didn't wish to actually struggle and better himself. What's worse is he is employed to make reviews on a news site about video games. Games he cheats in. How can he hope to make a review worth a remote shit if he cheats his way to the credits.
It's like being a book reviewer and reading a book synopsis and editing someone else's Cliff notes to make a review.
Like big heads, flying, shit that breaks everything.
WTF psp game
Thats the thing thay always puzzles me about these journos. They always say something to the effect of "why do you care if random person does x, you must be some loser incel".
Yet its never beeb about rabdom people. There was never a dialogue about people using cheats before. There was never a debate on whether all games need easy modes before. Thsi all comes back to them, because theyre not so random joe blow. Theyre professionals in the fucking video game industry, so youd expect them to enjoy key asoects of games, ie the overcoming challeneges.
Itd be like if a astronomer though the earth was flat, or if a doctor thought vaccines caused tism. I dont give two shits if some random asshole holds these opinions, but these ideas bring into question your credentials as a professional.
The real question for me is whether these journos are just too stupid to understand this is why people give then shit, or if theyre intetionally trying to redirect attention from theyre blatant lack of care for vidya.
I've been using cheats in Hitman 2 to do god awful escalations, featured contracts, and retarded bonus challenges to get the unlocks. The shitty devs insist on forcing this garbage on me, so I stopped playing by the rules.
Imagine only being able to enjoy vidya when cheating.
Shit's funny as hell.