"Past a certain net worth, a man without a family can be a bad thing"

>"Past a certain net worth, a man without a family can be a bad thing"


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he can't he find a good GF?
I bet his worldview would change instantly.

He was a sexless NEET before he suddenly got rich because of Minecraft. Every girl that would be interested in him now is 100% a gold digger who's only going to bleed him dry and he knows it.

Wealth corrupts, that's why a lot of these super rich people who don't have any goals left end up sinking into depravity since they can get everything material that they want. I vaguely recall super rich paying to have sex with (dead?) animals in Japan for example, and it really wouldn't surprise me if human trafficking and torture goes on but we'll never know because the rich have the right connections.

Philanthropic pursuits are a good avenue for someone who has more money than they could possibly spend, you have an endless supply of places and people to impact and there's a lot of ways you can help if you decide to get involved beyond just giving millions to random charities. Not arguing for whether you should or not, just pointing out it's an effective way of keeping yourself occupied when everything material is available to you.

what are the chances of him findind a gf that barely follows videogames news

now that I think about it i dont know whaat the fuck to do with billions of dollars, even millions, like I could buy so much fucking shit.


>nooo why wont this billionnaire marry me so i can get half his money reee

imagine notch swimming lmao

Don't make me erect now.

He had a wife who then divorced him as soon as possible. Notch is too autistic to find someone who isn't a gold twitter. He's a billionaire but he spends his time on the internet instead of enjoying his ridiculous wealth, do you really think a guy like that could find someone who genuinely loves him?

you can make several, not one, videogame studios

notch is a retard faggot afraid of failing

even cliff bazinga fails misrably game after game and is there trying again and again

it looks pretty, but living in there? i dont know about that, too clean and empty

notch did nothing wrong except trying to expose the sickness of homos and trannys.

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>even cliff bazinga fails misrably game after game and is there trying again and again
this time, after Radical Heights, he stated he's never making a game again, though

Fucking... why though?

What's the point of this house? Seems like a fucking nightmare den. Do rich people just have no sense of creativity and can't think of better ways to spend their money?

radical heights doesn't feel like it actually happened

Imagine being a friendless unlikable fat fuck and buying a party mansion. It’s almost sad, like did he expect there was going to be epic gamer parties there every night or something?

He was married btw.

the decoraton is so fucking generic

no wonder guy is desperate

No wonder he’s fucking miserable, he’s still a fat nerd, he probably doesn’t fit in with anyone there and probably doesn’t even have people over because why would he? He knows any woman from that area he brings in there wouldn’t look at him with any more affection than a dead cockroach if not for his money and he probably has nothing in common with anyone he lives near.

So he walks around an extravagant mansion that’s most likely empty and all those amenities for dozens of guests at a time likely go unused.

All I know is that you do not want to get married in Cali if you're a man

So I take it you lot are really butthurt about Notch again.

>He was a sexless NEET before he suddenly got rich because of Minecraft
He was married and his wife divorced him because of the success, actually

know how I can tell you didn't lurk before posting

capitalism was a mistake

a rich guy needs to have balls to throw some parties and stuff

imagine hiring maids and dressing them up

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Good Lord. Look at that everything. What a waste of money.

Based eternal thots. Never change.

>Radical Heights
They weren't thinking at all, were they?

Why? Guys like Notch aren’t the type to do that, he’s the type of guy who is probably used to 95% of his time alone. If he threw that party, he’d literally be one of those memes posted here where wojak attends a party and sits in the corner, only it’s even sadder because it’s his party and he’s still the least liked person there.

>Anonymous 04/09/19(Tue)20:37:02 No.4579
How does it feel like to born into wealth? If your dad is Bill Gates for example?

I feel like they didn't get nearly enough shit for that. Most games have some passion or creative ideas behind them, but it seems RH was made just to ride the waves of fortnites success

you have material fun

but social life would be real only with other rich kids from rich people's schools

Then why did he buy a fucking party mansion, just fucking look at his house. He clearly wanted it to be a party destination.
>that time he had to throw out thousands of dollars of stale candy on that fucking candy wall because he didn’t have the sick parties he was clearly planning

I could never spend 85 millions on a house, and not a fucking shit house like this. Its not comfy and warm at all, I would buy a house that is good for gaming also.


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It seems extremely depressing living in a house that big and having it be completely empty most if not all of the time.

Dude should get therapy and lose some weights, its not that hard dude, you can get Jordan Peterson with that money.

is this what they call the "white man's burden"?

Wouldn't a thot stay with him for the money?

She was pretty legit about it, if I've read the story right. She just said she wasn't cut to be some rich guy's wife and left without trying to bleed him dry or anything

Yeah, it was essentially one of those Chinese clone games they make with zero shame or attempt to conceal it.

Yah he found out the hard way women aren't really into overweight beta males.

You have no imagination. I want to be a rich bastard with no family to take care of. I'd lounge in my jacuzzi all night drinking expensive martinis and whiskey, then spend all day playing vidya.

Moral of the story?
Incel is a state of mind. He's still an incel.

>Gym with multiple treadmills
>In Notch's house
really though, why doesn't the guy try to at least get fit?

I can't believe people with billions or millions of dollars not having fun if they are healthy. Please tell me why

this seems more like some holiday resort than a place I would call home

Why won't he just make video games again or indulge in some other hobby? Beats sitting around and ranting on Twitter all day.

>Live in this bigass house all alone
>Throws parties to impress people he doesn’t even like so he feels less alone

No wonder he’s depressed. Just because you have the money to buy something like that doesn’t mean you should. Imagine him huddled in the corner of one of those big ass rooms in that house all alone. Pathetic.

Dude has major issues, should have started a new company making AAA titles. What a waste.

that's not actually the guys home, is it.
looks like a little highlight reel to sell a home and someone slapped the notch name on it.

Unironically soulless, if I was Notch I would get a nice little cabin near the Baltic sea or Norwegian mountains and pimp the fuck out of it

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Because he’s not healthy. He clearly has some kind of mental illness, most likely he’s just fucking depressed. He has no friends and argues with people on Twitter all day.

watch the video and tell us how to have fun on that house

the m&m wall was his request

no that's a different thing

Not when you can get a shitload from the divorce settlement and not have to deal with the guy anymore.

Man I wish I could shitpost for a living. Seriously tho, he should really get to it, better himself, lose weight, maybe use the whole new look to meet someone new that doesn't know he's filthy rich and gently introduce her to his lifestyle. I think he could make it

because they aren't healthy mentally or spiritually. Notch needs to find meaning in his life or the money is worthless


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No, she divorces him so she can rake in a shitload of alimony and fuck 20 guys every weekend.

slide around the house with socks on and lay in the marble bath for 6 hours

He’s nearly 40.

you can do that for 6 months
but you will get tired of it

>How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

This woman married Notch BEFORE he got fucking rich. Do you really think she could sleep with 20 guys every weekend?

>females can genuinely love
kek, thanks for the laugh.

swedish people are a strange breed

She left before MS gave him $2b

And he'll be older if he keeps waiting

This is what I don't get
If he's so unhappy with his money he should give like 95% to charity, move back into his old apartment and start coding/pick up any fucking hobby he could think off again.

All my generic uninspired shit failed so guess I'll give up on video games
What a tool

Notch got a few billion thrown into his lap for spending a few years idly developing an indie title
He's basically got everything anyone would ever want and not any idea of what to do anymore, so his life is meaningless unless he can manage to pour some energy into creative efforts again

he is a fucking coward
it's what he is

fat mistake I would say. I bet she tried to contact him after, "yo we should talk" LOOOOL

Yeah but it's not like being a neet where you're limited to your shitty bedroom and the kitchen. He could go anywhere, do literally fucking anything, make a game low-budget indie devs could only dream of making. But instead he sits on one of his 10 sofas and plays pixelshit

Best part is, he doesn't even live in it.
He's still living in Sweden.

He wouldn’t get as successful again. People would call him mad. The fear of failure would prohibit it, not to mention he likely has no idea half as good Minecraft

It's never too late to better yourself, user.

I'm pretty sure I could spend that money, or do weird new shit or just fucking chill and play games like now. How hard is it? but he has a shit ego problem.

>Wealth corrupts
He was a depressed loser before he became wealthy.

Well he is a turbonerd so obviously he's gonna be petty and awkward no matter how rich he gets
If he was smart he would pour some of that money into seeing the world, coaching and taking up new skills

It really is though, he’s 40 and has been fat for 40 years. Pretty much nothing can change that now.

I almost find it weird Yea Forums shits on the man so much, but at the same time it isn't out of the norm for "4channel" to react that way now is it.

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who hurt you, user?

Should probably spend a little time off Yea Forums user, it's warping your view of the world

Oh sweet summer child

If I was notch I'd sell my depression mansion, ghost the Internet and go travelling for a while, then buy a reasonable home in a nice place that'd suit a single neet and work on myself and hobbies, maybe start up a games company that makes games I personally want to play and see how it goes, he's ruined a good chunk of his rep with his twitter depression spiral but there's people who would forgive or forget eventually and if the games were good peeps would buy.
Seems to me like he's going to just waste away in his big empty house shit posting twitter until he kills himself, sad desu

There's plenty of reason to shit on him. One is that he currently has over a $1.5 billion net worth and doesn't appear to be doing anything interesting or helpful with it. This is essentially anti-capitalist behavior on his part, besides that it also makes him a boring fuck.

I wish I could hang out with Notch and I wish he could be my teacher. Seirously

>Enough money to do anything.
>Does nothing.

It's fun watching highschoolers realize that Notch's ex-wife doesn't fit into their retarded perception of women

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It's not like he'd gonna live until 80 but come the fuck on. If there's a chance he lives until he's 60 and he gives up on everything at 40 then congrats he just wasted 1/3 of his entire life sat on his fat ass, when he could have made a complete u-turn in like a year

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because you're underage?

loneliness poisons everything it touches

Why are there more sheep on the immature side?

If he's shittalking tranny game devs on Twitter, Yea Forums will happily defend him. If he's just aimlessly shittalking on Twitter, then anyone would have a hard time defending him.

>Seems to me like he's going to just waste away in his big empty house shit posting twitter until he kills himself, sad desu
hes is also from sweden, he should start his transition to welcome refugees on his butthole

All of my ex’s who left me

teacher of what retard
you can rant on twitter by youself

yeah, i bet you had any, sure

Sweden also has a ton of remote and beautiful locations, so I dont understand why he doesn't just get a nice house up near the Finnish border if he wants to be a recluse

He has no passion, poverty creates a sense of motivation that keeps a man going. When you no longer have the desire to be better yourself because life is essentially always taken care of you, you don't have passion.

He needs to try and help people like bill gates, he would give me something no amount of money can magically accomplish, just work.

>implying a billionaire can find a non-gold digging wife
Literally how. What kind of a saint do you have to be NOT to consider the fact that your bf is a billionaire. Only if she's also a billionaire but I doubt she would be a good wife.

Looool i got the "hey bighead" msgs after I started lifting as well, needless to say I still hit them up kek

If he visited an unincorporated Amazonian tribe he might have a shot, but they'd probably mistake him for an Ox and slaughter him for food.

great rebuttal retard
because they're all me

To be honest if I had a lot of money like Notch I'd just buy a small house on a quiet place and I'd just live as a hermit there.

Don't give up on love, user. There's 4 billion women out there and I'm positive you'll find someone you will love and who will love you for who you are.

I genuinely care, please try to meet someone next week.

>your past experience is irrelevant because ummm

guy is a retard

he should be sponsoring loli games like wayforward's boss does

Same. I would buy a small house in Norway or somewhere in a quite but beautiful town and just chill. Of course I'd travel the world sometimes but when I'm home I'd do the same I'm doing right now and I would want to feel "home" and not in a fucking hotel that's all mine.

Imagine life as a MMO. Breaking the shackles of wagecuckery annd having that extra 8 hours a day to spend as you please + the bonus of not worrying about stuff such as rent,bills, etc is the post game. Some people could fuck around all day if they want, some rotten with lack of determination.
Another comparassion could be playing GTA. Once you finish every mission, side content, etc and have the world for yourself, everything is boring

I'd remain exactly as depressed and retarded but throw sick UT/Quake/Tribes lan parties 24/7 and pay deep web assassins to hunt anyone who kills me in game or disagrees with my autistic sensibilities at any time.

>there's so many potatoes out there in the world, I'm sure you can find a potato that doesn't taste like a potato

He's a billionaire, he can easily hide the fact. Use a fake name dating, buy a modest apartment to take his dates to, buy a modest car to drive to said dates.

How is he a bad thing? He's just minding his own business.

She did not. Actually look into it, there's a couple of articles about it.

How do you know he isn't? If I was him I'd do it anonymously.

Take up a skill and devote yourself to it, I wish I could spend all day painting, but I get maybe one or two hours here and there to drawfag between work and studies

with his money he could make his own gta

The right way to get a gf as a loaded SOB is to disguise yourself as a regular dude that's luckily retired with just a few million, not too shabby but not enough to attract she-pirates.

He wife divorced him before he sold the company.

He's rich enough, and not widely recognizeable enough, that he could adopt a second identity. Meet a girl, fall in love, get married. Then reveal you're a billionaire. It could work.

Nigga, I don't know how many potatoes you've tried, but you haven't tried them all.
I don't know if you're the same guy I initially replied to, but becoming cynical and jaded with half of the world's population isn't healthy or reasonable.

And you'll always be wondering DO THEY KNOW. Maybe the one who seems to be most honest is just the best liar.

He lives in the Vice City pad if the video above is anyting to go by

Why doesn't Notch just lose weight, get some hair, get a small bit of plastic surgery, get a fake identity, and go live a life somewhere quiet and start over.
He's rich as fuck.
Hell I'd keep "notch" as an online only persona and keep my business in order and live my real life as "steve".

This looks like some kind of small company building or Hotel rather than a house.
And you're telling me just one guy lives in here???

he is an attention whore tho

he have friends everyday
those friends that are always following the richest person

Use your 1.5 billion to learn Mandarin. Move to Beijing.
GG no one knows you're Notch.

I don't know, like programming? he made one of the most popular video game of all time.

Are you fucking kidding me?
Why did he even buy it in the first place if he never planned to actually live there.

He basically got the cheat code to life. He can do anything and doesn’t need to contribute for the rest of his life, and doesn’t seem to have any meaningful hobbies or passions so he spends too much time with the mentally ill on Twitter.

Dude should get a hair transplant, lose weight and get fit, and he’d probably feel better about himself.

>but you haven't tried them all
Nigger the point is all potatoes are potatoes. No matter how many churches you visit, god isn't going to get any more real and no matter how many thots you date, love doesn't become any less of a con either. Nobody chooses to be jaded, but once you're jaded, that's it. Once you don't believe in god, you don't believe in god and once you see that love is bullshit there's no going back either. You can't just choose to believe in what you've already identified as bullshit. It's nice that you're dumb enough not to see through it, good for you. But eventually you will, look out for that moment when you can't lie to yourself anymore

Seeing those billion dollar lotteries, one moment you're just working, suddenly you're a billionaire

I'd pay everything off, put all bills on autopay, and just disappear for a year or two, just seeing the world and getting into (better) shape

>poverty creates a sense of motivation that keeps a man going
No, poverty creates desperation and leads to crime and early suicide. Living "not exactly well-off" creates a sense of motivation to do better.

>the problem isn't me
>it's all the girls who left me
Oh the denial.

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Basically the vacation home to throw parties in. You know, you need a vacation after spending the rest of the year doing nothing.

the game is not what it is because of his programing skills faggot

this. I could launch so many project with that kind of money. Look at Elon Musk or Gabe Newell or Bill Gates. EVen Trump became a president to not get bored. I fucking wish I had that money man, I could change the world.

he should become a game publisher, he seemed happy with games, give him the ability to fund shit that isn’t AAA garbage.

yes it is dude, he is a good programmer and he made the game dude.

>all that candy that went bad in their dispensers

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All of that takes effort and work. Given his physical features, he's never cared much about his appearance, and it's probably hard for him to start caring now that he's essentially "won" life. This is why so many billionaires are fucking sociopath weirdos, when there's no horizon to work towards, you start believing bizarre things. Being a miserable billionaire is way easier than pursuing bettering yourself with basically infinite resources.

That implies that Notch has the personality to get a woman to fall in love with him which I doubt he could.

This. I'd take up a martial art, use my money to get the best coaches and all the time I need to practice. You could do the same with any other skill. Or produce games/movies, or become a philanthropist of some sort. Tons of ways to keep yourself occupied and fulfilled.

Imagine that you have all the time and money to be able to travel anywhere in the world, live there as long as you want and do whatever you like. Notch has probably no idea what kind of freedom he has.

>Once you finish every mission, side content, etc and have the world for yourself, everything is boring

Sometimes I only start GTA b/c I'm in a mood to ride around in a specific area, bump a certain kind of music and just enjoy the vibe. Notch has to figure out his own life to be happy, as nobody else will do it for him.

shitty bait notch

popular does not depends on mad skillz. it will never be like that. lololol kill yours self incel


I know this is Yea Forums, but I'm not going to fall back on ad hominem.

I hope you find someone or something that makes you happy, user. Just remember that you have more resources to meet people than anyone before you.

You can do it, I believe in you.

Funny thing is they are not sociopaths at all.

seething loser
a billionaire programmer

who i believe ? keep seething poorfag.

boy you are dense


there are only 3 types of wealthy people:
1)People born in wealth. They usually don't value what they have and either die young overdosing in drugs and their unhealthy life style or spend all of their daddy' fortune;
2)Self made people. These ones are never satisfied with their money. True jews that will die not spending more than a penny when necessary and not really enjoy the rich life;
3)People that struck luck, I.E. Notch. They don't know how to react, the jump in social and economical landscap change their world views and how they think life would go for them that they just straight up lose all their motivation and will to live

Rich retards have a compulsive need to spend money on "rich things"
It's like those chinese businessmen who buy a cup of coffee for 20 grand because it contains dried shit from some exotic animal, or buying a pizza wrapped in edible gold for a couple grand just cause you can afford it
A fool and his money, man

t. bezos

Why? Because past that net worth, with no screaming harpies and hellions to tether him down, the man becomes elevated to purchasing powers that society is afraid to handle? Because beyond that net worth, the money makes itself enough to sustain a man? Because a man like that is truly free?

We live in a society.


I think Notch said in the official podcast that he rarely even uses the house.


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Notch needs to get /fit/, lose the neckbeard sell the house and fuck off to Japan or China and start fresh.

Changing the way he looks and going somewhere no one will recognize you with tons of $$$ in the bank is the best way to go.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the 2nd best time is now

proof of him being a sociopath?

>his last instagram post is october 2018

Past a certain net worth, the person might as well not be human. They're so above everyone that it's impossible to truly sympathize with.

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Well it's also just basic bitch peacocking as well. No one drinks an egregiously expensive coffee with exotic animal shit in private, or eats things with gold flakes in it so their own shit is all sparkly without letting the world know they did it. Rich shitheads must let everyone know how much better they are by living in decadence. It's not enough that they have greater worth than millions of other human beings combined, they also have to spend frivolously so mouthbreathers worship them. It's a hell of a world.

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being rich is a meme

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Didn't he get absolutely destroyed in a twitter argument by a furry?
That's probably why he hasn't shown his face there since.

This is why captalism doesn't work out for anyone. You either die of poverty or straight up kill yourself over a life based in meaningless achievements and lack of actual meaning. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
People after some point should just be outlawned to give away his money to philanthropic projects and be backed by the government to have a good albeit not exorbitant life

stop doing this please youre making me cringe

hes a depressed loser now, but worse with no hope of ever not being

I actually fantasize about befriending notch and making his life good again. Lifting with him, running, getting him healthy and not asking for anything in return. I legitimately feel bad for him and want him to feel better about life.

It's human nature to flaunt what you got, doesn't make it any less disgusting and hollow however

>he is that guy who uses his switch in public

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>Caring about your image because of social constructs meant to push you to fit some mold for a dead inside society of machine people that were driven to forsake humanity in exchange for indulgence and "infinite" economical growth.

You know it, John, we were the robots all along.

imagine maintaining that entertainment center? cause thats what that is. that aint no home.
cleaning everything and keeping t spotless must be a bitch and a half.

Wouldn't be as much of an issue if social media exists, I have no idea why people follow rich fucks on instagram who do nothing but flaunt about how much better their lives are.

>You can't just choose to believe in what you've already identified as bullshit. It's nice that you're dumb enough not to see through it, good for you
Dude you aren't much better judging from this. Stop browsing those redpill sites and lessen your time on the internet, they rot your brain and you only surround yourself with people who try to bring you down with them. There are plenty of good kind hearted people in the world, but you have to go find them.

>become stupid rich
>move to california


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>1)People born in wealth. They usually don't value what they have and either die young overdosing in drugs and their unhealthy life style or spend all of their daddy' fortune;
Spoken like a true pleb. There are countless rich (and oftentimes noble) families that you never heard of because they have strict internal rules the members follow. They stay on the top of the social ladder through centuries because they know exactly what they have and how to keep it.

dudes been developing a game on and off for years now. but he's been removed from the struggle. and when you have no reason for it, why even attempt to make art if you're at the level of not even needing to worry about wiping your own ass.


>going bad

why this bun looks so soulless?

Should just have a waifu.

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Didn't he make a twitter post about believing QAnon in the past few months? He seems to have become pure boomer in all his wealth, what a sad way to go.

because its one of the best place on earth to have fun? Bunch of fucking sexy sluts and entertainment with good weather. Everything happens in Cali and LA dude.

When you get rich or otherwise maxed out in a videogame, you can do pretty much everything and things become a chore, so you start a new game.

But IRL rich people can't start a new game.

This house is 100 % a empty husk of a house. It look like a night club.

>60 million $ home
>300 $ game system
>4 $ burger meal

That's why you have servants and maids pasha

Wonder how much the workers who keep it clean get paid, despite no one inhabiting it for the majority of the year. I'm guessing bare minimum wage.

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Not my problem women aren't attracted to me. Even if they were nowadays, I'm too wealthy not to be a bit paranoid. One of my friends already got taken to the cleaners in a divorce.

When equal rights hits the divorce court, maybe I'll change my mind. Until then...

why does he have to show off

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nohtc why u not play minecraf

If I’d never had any female experience I have no doubt my life would actually be in a better situation than it is now.
Maybe, but then again maybe not.
I’m relatively good looking which is probably why I have been in relationships.
Got aspergers though and I can’t help but feel that’s probably the biggest contributor to them all leaving me.
I only posted that one singular post.
I’m not claiming the “problem” isn’t me.
But it’s not really one I can fix either.

thats his yard dumbass

>not a single person around
This is sad to look at desu

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>you'll never go back to the times when minecraft was still in its infancy, and notch was just a fat nerd who liked developing it
physically painful

I can't be bothered to respond to your last 2 points since I don't know enough, but your first point is blatantly untrue.
>1)People born in wealth. They usually don't value what they have and either die young overdosing in drugs and their unhealthy life style or spend all of their daddy' fortune;
Most wealthy people are born wealthy, it is incredibly hard to move out of your class. If you are born poor, you will most likely stay poor, your kids will most like stay poor, and so on, If you are born middle class, you will stay middle class, your kids will stay middle class, etc. Wealthy kids inherit their parents companies and stay wealthy. For every rag to riches story and are hundreds of thousands of rags to rags. You only think this because you hear stories of it, the other 95% of rich kids overdosing on drugs, etc doesn't generate the same amount of buzz as the other 5% because it isn't as interesting to report on.

remember that if you bought minecraft you directly contributed to this environmentally hazardous and ultimately unsustainable lifestyle

Because, despite all the whining about CA from /pol/ who are filthy proletariat like the rest of us, California is a fantastic place to live if you are rich. you have a solid 8 months of summer in southern California if you're a beachfag that isn't interested in climate that isn't a cloudless, sunny sky, northern California has some great mountains for winter snow fun, Hollywood is there so you get to meet other rich cunts, it's probably paradise. A damn shame anyone not making at least 7 figures is fucking miserable because of it, but America has already made it crystal clear if you aren't wealthy you're just a lowly human battery that is lucky to even kiss the toes of the rich so I guess it's fine.

why would you want people around
the only time you want people around is when you're having sex
leftist incels are so pathetic

>Notch tweets about a game he's playing at 3 AM
>tell him it's late and go to bed
Is he the Swedish Kamiya?

ms even had to rewrite his shit code. It was notoriously bad you brainlet. It's like saying britney spears is a god tier artist

Yeah but now you're in Beijing.

>In his own home
>Going out in public.

notch why you not play your game? it's minecrft

But you are surrounded by people every time you browse Yea Forums, user

I think what you and most others don't get is that all of that takes effort, a lot of it, even if he already has the money. If you have depression of the biological kind, there is genuinely nothing more appealing than sleeping all the time and letting your life fade away, and unlike the rest of us notch can actually do that. Now, he already has all the money in the world, so what would he push for now? Praise? He got all the praise a man could desire too. There is no way he could 'top' Minecraft so why get off the couch and try, when you don't even have to. Add to this the sad events of his personal life and you get a fuller picture.

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Oh you brainlet, he made a masterpiece consumed by millions of people just like Britney, whats your excuse now. Fortnite is shit but muh own game good?XDDDD

I was watching some streamer on twitch and Notch showed up. Just one of his donations was over $700.

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it like playing a game where someone done ever single side quest, max cash stack and ever items.


only pale shadows of real humans which i can easily dismiss and ignore at my whim with no consequences

Because he's rich.

No nigga. Nobody should be forced to do shit. That's the reason why every fucking socio political system ends up getting everyone involved in deep shit. Because everytime some fucking Genius comes along with his great idea for a sustainable socio economic model that supposedly free the people, the complete opposite happens. It's a cycle. Current system is shit, people is tired/starved/oppressed, Genius motherfucker and his gang of thugs shows up, people rally, revolt, install new system, literally force people who disagree at gunpoint to conform or die. System is run by turbojew oppressors who bleed the people dry one way or another, but by that point, people are so brainwashed by the status quo that they either don't see the corruption, are in denial to the point of actually defending it or are too cowardly to stand up even if they see the bullshit. Bleed the people until next revolution, rinse and repeat.
Monarchy was the rich bleeding the people, communism was the powerful starving the people, capitalism is the industry itself driving the people to burnouts, etc etc.

Nothing fucking works. Fitting people into molds turn them fucking batshit.

So all of Yea Forums users?

What games do I have to stream to get notchbucks

by that measure capitalism is the best, since it brings out the best of us. :) truth be told here

living the dream
i fucking hate doing things

He needs people to appreciate it because it makes him feel good. The rich honestly are the most fragile minds out there, they need to constantly be validated on their expenditures.

Just like real life to be honest family

Unironically based and breadpilled

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Rich people can do the same, even when they're standing right next to you.

The streamer was playing life is strange 2.

I dont understand bros, why would he sell minecraft if microsoft made more out of the game??? wwhy wouldn't he just stay and make more?

being the best piece of shit doesnt mean much

no political system will work until humans grow up as a species but we'll most likely extinct ourselves before then so whatever

I hate people who use this pathetic dickhead as proof of hurr durr money can't buy happiness. I'm sure having Notch money isolates you socially to some degree, but it's extremely fucking obvious he's content becoming more and more of a miserable sack of shit than he already was by sitting on twitter all day every day, rather than do fucking anything that would make him less of one. I genuinely think the only social highlight in his life left are the retards who cheer him on whenever he bitches about commie trannies, after someone tells him to just get rid of the money if he's going to act like such a bitch about it.

Any twitch whore would make double that from atleast 8 different "Notch's" in one day.

Agreed brother. Just stick to hiring escorts. Romancing women is far too high risk and low reward in this cultural climate.

that is one huge ass soulless house. Whoever designed that has the personality of a wet blanket.

If I was him I'd buy my own Island, not move to a rat hole in USA

Attached: Notchfrompol.png (562x404, 36K)

do you think he would pay someone to bear his child like cristiano ronaldo did ?

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Ew, poverty it is for me

its just the interior is shit, could have been comfier I think its not as bad if he changed the inside with stuff.

His problem is that he has more money than he knows what to with. Why the hell would he want to make more?

People that think Notch is depressed are idiots.
He's obviously comfortable with how he's living, otherwise he would have done something about it by now if he wasn't.

Statistically speaking, just having that kind of money makes him happier than roughly 85% of the human population.

Attached: notchthegamer.jpg (750x873, 75K)

I just hope I get to live to see the AI overmind come to power and kill us all. Hopefully when it indiscriminately ends all of humanity, I get to look into some rich assholes eyes as we both die, and watch them realize in that last second that in this moment, they're no better than me. It would be truly elating.

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They were a Swedish couple. She wouldn't have gotten all that much anyway because not everyone is as mad as the US.

He got money for nothing, why doesn't he get his chicks for free?

Funniest thing is that Notch barely even lives in this house

He parks his cars inside his fucking house!

He literally made multiple tweets about how unhappy he was and other depressing thoughts. He is a miserable dude who doesn't like being lonely by his own admission.

>hope you find someone or something that makes you happy
I have and it has nothing to do with god, love or friendship because all those things are bullshit. You will understand it one day user, most people go for the rope at that point. You better find something else, something inside of you. You can't rely on others, it's all bullshit.

His maids definitely pilfer his shit lol

>Then why did he buy a fucking party mansion
I think he wanted to be known as the guy to outbid Beyoncé

this, he is just weird or bored, still has better life than 99% of population faggots.

Why doesn't he just find a cute asian girl from a country that doesn't know what Minecraft is?

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But /pol/ told me that sweden is cuck capital and that she would ruin him to suicide given the chance

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Watch this

He's literally doing that shit for attention.
He's not depressed or unhappy, he's just a fat manchild who can't relate to anyone and blocks people on social media when they try to give him advice or call him out on the retarded shit he says.


a meal worthy of a president

I think people like notch are the vanguard standing between us and the red communist menace

and lots of candy in front of the gym lol

>it has nothing to do with god, love or friendship because all those things are bullshit
To you maybe

If he was happy he wouldn't be shitposting on Twitter. If I were a depressed rich person, I would be partying everyday, having escorts do blow off my cock, and traveling the world, sure it wouldn't cure my depression but it would distract me from it and it's better than shitposting on Twitter which I can do while I'm poor.

>MS: You probably hit your limit in terms of what you can feasibly accomplish with Minecraft so why don't you let us do the rest of the heavy lifting?
>Notch: I don't know...
>MS: Here's a check for 2 billion dollars.
>Notch: $$$$$$$$$$$$

theyre only free until they file for a divorce and take half your stuff

its probably hard/impossible to find people you can actually trust when youre super rich; especially if youre a socially awkward autist who can't even handle regular interactions let alone tell if someone is lying to their face

Why can't he be depressed and have a better life than most of humanity? It just means he's a weak faggot, which honestly is probably right on the money.

>He's obviously comfortable with how he's living, otherwise he would have done something about it by now if he wasn't.
Because people always do what's in their best interest.


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yeah, if only notch actually made use of that
he could be sitting in a condo right now in some shithole corner of russia and nothing about his lifestyle would change

To be honest I would get my own McDonald's buffet at least once if I had a bunch of money to spend

It can be both, user.

Because its one of the greatest place on earth to live? Why the fuck do you think its so fucking expensive

>If he was happy he wouldn't be shitposting on Twitter.
That has absolutely no correlation with someone's happiness you utter brainlet.
He's literally just bored and shitposts to get reactions out of people.
He's already "won" life so he doesn't care about consequences.
> If I were a depressed rich person, I would be partying everyday, having escorts do blow off my cock, and traveling the world, sure it wouldn't cure my depression but it would distract me from it and it's better than shitposting on Twitter which I can do while I'm poor
Instead you shitpost on Yea Forums as a poor depressed person and despite all that, you STILL have a statically higher chance of offing yourself more than Notch does.

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>Why wont he find the worst kind of materialistic subhuman and marry it

Sweden doesn't have divorce settlements like the US does, you don't have to sign prenuptials to not get fucked over in case of a divorce.

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Back to resetera tranny

You think notch cheated on his ex?

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you really think popular is what makes a masterpiece right

gta is also a masterpiece right

>why would he marry the only type of women that actually remain faithful in marriage and instead give it to some roastie who will divorce him and take half his shit? Man up!

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For most yes, but there are always individuals that didn't want to continue living in poverty, there are numerous rich people now that used to be poor/close to rock bottom.

because people are brainless and easily manipulated

t. californian, LA is a fucking shithole filled with homelessness and crime and endless traffic; it smells like burning trash 100% of the time and its going to be suffering from severe drought issues in the near future which will exacerbate its slowly crumbling infrastructure and increasing wealth inequality

hope this helps

show your slacked incel chin, also post shorts and crocs

>greatest place on earth
>just a big nigger village
Great place in terms of climate, but the city is africa tier unironically. I bet Johannesburg is actually a better city than LA

>he's just pretending to be retarded

Imagine believing Q when you actually have the resources to help prove it. Why isn't he pouring in money to put a stop to the sex trafficking? Is it just a game to him?

God I wish I was Lexi Belle's uncle that raped her

>92+% are SEA monkeys
Lmao. I love how they group Malaysia and Japan to make it appear like more there are more Nips there.

>lives in a poor town among the peasantry

notch lives has a house where he looks down on you and throw his garbage from the tower for you cockroaches to scavenge on

Yes LA is a shithole for the poor, heaven for the rich


Attached: notchknows2.jpg (640x411, 89K)

>Be literal billionaire
>Still be a genetic dead end


Who said I'm depressed? I used to be and I browsed Yea Forums a lot more, so in my personal experience, shitposting and depression are directly correlated. You lash and and try to get a rise out of people to make yourself feel better, like the two are intrinsically linked. A healthy happy person doesn't try to get a rise out of people user.

Japan is a pretty well off country isn't it? Don't most white guys who want a jap wife usually just go there to meet them instead of doing mail order shit?

Well lwhat you don't understand is that mail order exists because those brides come from SEA shitholes and they are looking for an easy greencard.
Majority of those men are +30 yo balding fat losers.

Much like yourself

You're thinking like one of the poors though, notch isn't a poor. Imagine if you had hundreds of millions of dollars, California is basically built for you then. Poor people being squeezed out and beaten down is just normal for our brave new America, it's not a bug, it's a feature. The majority has to get crushed at the bottom of the pyramid so the top can reach the heavens, sucks you're a part of it I guess but apparently this is the best our shit nation can do.

how come rich af people live in LA then? is that Lexi Bell? did notch fuk her?

also i bet he fucked tons of women at this point so who cares

Notch needs to take a lesson from good ole billy west on how to be a rich nerd. There was an episode of penn jilletes podcast were he talked about his yellow fwver and how easy it was to get laid as a rich white man in Asian countrys

Based notch destroying libtards

A place like this is only nice in the summer. Every other season it's windy, rainy, and miserable, and when summer comes along you have to deal with the wear and tear from the other seasons.

>billionaire man sad
poorfag cope

My fat, short, wall-eyed, lazy lawyer uncle got a Filipina mail order bride. She was sweet and super subservient. Had a couple of kids and they're being raised as Mormons.

>and his wife divorced him because of the success
Didn't he divorce her because he got scared she would try to do it first and take some of his money?

Spot which one of those system I am talking about that is capitalism.

System 1: Power to the fucking people y'all! Tired of the fucking bourgeoisie keepin da peasant man down? We talking DEMOCRACY! We talking fair distribution of ressources! We talking FAIR PRICE and, most important of all, a call back to CULTURE! REMEMBER CULTURE? A man should be self-made, but his duty is to his people, we will make sure of that l.

System 2: Hey y'all I'm kinda fed up with those fucking rich assholes. Ain't you? Well do I got the idea for you! MY idea is about taking teutonic ideals of our CULTURE to bring back POWER TO THE PEOPLE! We talking FOOD a plenty!We talking ECOMONIC GROWTH! We talking FAIR PRICES and EVERYONE GETTING THEIR PIECE OF THE PIE! A "CULTURAL DREAM of some sort. Join my fucking bullshit and I promise I won't throw the fucking country into a deficit in less than 10 years.

System 3: HEY you ALL motherfucks and friends I am FED UP with our wealth not belonging to us. WE WORK HARD FOR OUR SHIT DAMNIT! Power should be TO THE PEOPLE! Everyone deserves wealth and prosperity! Remember YOUR ANCESTORS? They fucking made your country! They were BRAVE and STRONG and through some serious hard work from their part we started from da bottom now we here. Every motherfucker should be able to build his life in his image. We talking FOOD FOR EVERYBODY!FAIR PRICES! ECONOMIC GROWTH!

And I assure you I had a specific and different system in mind for each of my 3 points. Capitalism is one of them. Pick one.

why do you deny the words of the man himself?


>tfw a womans life was so shit in whatever 3rd world trash pile she's from that shed literally pledge herself to fuck and serve a complete stranger just to get away from it

isnt this planet great

See? I don't get why more people don't do this. You get a more attractive women, who has a more pleasant personality, isn't entitled, and ages like a fine wine. White roasties are literally the apple/iphone of gender. Paying more for a lesser product.

Yes, saying retarded shit for reactions and attention compulsively every day is totally in line with what a healthy mindset looks like.

Honestly with that shit tier hairline, he's doing a service to the gene pool. It's not like he mapped the genome or something really worthwhile too, he just stumbled asshole first into a lucrative entertainment venture that autistic kids love. His type of rich should be genetic dead ends so other poverty folks have a shot at a lucky break.

holy shit learn to write dude and then we can have a discussion. capitalism is objectively good.

oh im sorry i didn't realize that being rich made all the crime, traffic, awful smell and impending drought disappear

fucking retards

They don't live in LA, they live in a big ass house outside of LA and don't interact with the plebs