Why the FUCK did TF2 have Dustbowl but not this?
Why the FUCK did TF2 have Dustbowl but not this?
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Italy maps belong in DoD.
What minecraft mod is this?
europe would have been an interesting theme for an event
Its Roblox moron
I swear someone ported it didnt they?
But the map is a city in the mountains
The OP was asking why it wasn't officially in the game, though.
where can i find that port tho?
Possibly, but urban areas were never the go-to for any of the official maps.
The map is based in a Italian city.
Still, they could change it around to fit TF2's aesthetic
Why is TF2 so slow and boring?
Fuck off, TF2 is way better than TFC. Atleast in TF2 I know when I fucking hit someone. TFC feels so fucking clunky it's unbelievable
>walks backwards then forwards
>teleports across map
lol kid you just suck kek i bet you can't bunnyhop to stupid speeds like me, i'm gonna BAZINGA outta here now, see ya!
because it actually wants to be a class based shooter instead of playing one class and autistically abusing physics bugs to cap the flag without even having to shoot anyone
There are no satisfying weapon in TF2, the speed is console-tier and the graphics are cartoony.
It's boring
>There are no satisfying weapon in TF2
Nigger are you out of your mind? TFC is the one without any satisfying weapons.
>the speed is console-tier
Not really, if it was, the console version would be actually playable
>and the graphics are cartoony.
And why is that bad? That's the reason it's aged so well.
that's because you can't play the game well and are unskilled
it's only the base run speed where tf2 is slower
neither game requires a high prowess to be able to use every available mechanic and excel at the game
this is not knocking tfc down
I do wish tf2 had shorter respawn timers and closer to action spawns for both attack/defend cp and pl
>the graphics are cartoony. That's the reason it's aged so well.
tfc game is still fun to play and in ways unique in the experience it provides and in that it has aged well
I don't give a shit about the graphics
I doubt that guy has even given tf2 a chance though
>it's only the base run speed where tf2 is slower
and the jumping
>it's only the base run speed
half of the movement of any TFC match is grenade jumping though
one grenade or rocket jump per life isnt half the movement in a match
most people can maintain the momentum from a single grenade jump for at least 4 hops, god help you if its a super sperg that has perfect bunny hopping and goes straight to the Intel in like 10 seconds