Look at this motherfucker

This is the ideal souls boss. You may not like it, this is what a peak souls boss looks like.

Also post your favorite souls boss thread I guess

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I didn't ask to be reminded of this

>give up trying to beat this guy and his constant rolling over me for half my health
>literally no summon signs in the area
I eventually got him but god damn

nobody asked you mate

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>gimmick arena
>not a "big dude in armour"
by all metrics this must be the best souls boss

I like sinh cuz he's sick and has a cool ost

I didn't know it was possible to actually die to this thing. he got you stuck?


Attached: no hood Friede.png (1280x720, 300K)

Hardest Soulborne boss by far.
Came up straight to him after my first Orphan of Kos kill and got literally rolled over to death by this fucker.

I like when common enemies gank you in a 1/10th chance of them aggroing from different areas

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I particular likes a lot of ds3 bosses and it’s hard to pick a a favorite from them

I’m actuall surprised that Manus don’t get discussed a lot when his design, in fact, is the template for DS3/bloodborne bosses design that people either love or hate. People often mistakenly gives that credit to artorias when upon closer examination, Manus actually fit that bill much more

I beat him first and got hit like 1-2 times. He has nothing special to avoid.

DS2 bosses are so fucking easy and bland compared to DS1. All they do is charge, triple swing, overhead swing. There's nothing to learn, you can eaily beat most of them first try.

It's rare but people have, I took some damage to it

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What game is this from? Where is he located, and is he optional? I don't recall ever fighting him.

>Soul-lets never played Demon's Souls
I feel sorry for you all desu.

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I played demons souls. This guy is easy to beat with the OP magic, and you can exploit some cover spots to avoid it coming closer to you

Dark souls 2, it is located around at the beginning of the game, he is not optional. However, it is easy to beat and probably you have killed it without even knowing it lmao

Ah yeah, makes sense. That game has a ton of bosses, a lot of which aren't very memorable.

>start DS1 today
>get to Taurus demon
>get stuck in a corner
>when I get you he walks off the edge
>stop playing for the day because I felt unsatisfied

Is there anything in any Souls game that isn’t easy to beat with OP magic?

Out. Yeah I'm being a filthy phoneposter because I'm also cooking.

Ya, but fighting him the first time is fucking terrifying. All those damn explosions just make him seem alot more threatening than he really was.

All of the Pthumerian bosses are fantastic but my favorite is Queen Yharnam. She looks really cool, has cool attacks, and I really like the lore behind her and the way she pops up during the main game but has her actual fight hidden away at the bottom of the chalice dungeons.

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Manus and Kalameet.

Dark soul 3 mostly because some bosses are made to fuck up magic user’s ass and magic is not that strong in the game

Covetous Demon is cute! CUTE!!!

Never played much of DeS

Ivory King/Alonne
Haven't played the DLCs, can't decide between Sulyvahn, Lorian/Lothric and Gundyr
Ludwig, although Orphan of Kos is a close second.

Don't all enemies in DS2 DLC have a lot of
magic resistance, because it was too op in the Maingame? I never played as a mage but I remember my lightning spears only tickled

dark souls 3 has at least 50% of magic resistant bosses and enemies

they are super weak to straight sword R1 spam though

Faith in DS2 was pretty weak

>summon dude to coop covetous demon since he put the sign on the door
>he wips out a bow and shoots down the niggas on the ceiling
>fight is already over as boss is so intent on chomping on the niggas that he lets us wail on him for 90% of his HP

I legit never knew you could do that

To this day one of the hardest bosses in the series. Too bad its the only hard boss in DeS though

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I did a fist only run of DeS and DaS (where possible) and beating Flamelurker is probably my greatest accomplishment in either.

This fucking bastard ate all my armor

Man Dark Souls 2 was pure garbage lmfao

Jabba the Hutt boss is one of the hardest bosses in the game. I had to smash down the corpses overhead to get him to eat them. The boss after him though I had to quit the floor was poison. Unfair as fuck.

I'm pretty sure he is optional, everything up to the castle is technically optional if you opt for the amassing souls option

It's either Gehrman or Ludwig.
Or Maria.

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>he's easy to beat if you use the one exploitable strategy
nice dude. ever think about not being a fag though?

>being so fucking bad you let a fat slug that barely moves kill you

Fucking really? No love for gimmick bosses?

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OP is wrong and a faggot, this is peak soul boss

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Controversial opinion: Souls bosses actually suck and can be easily exploited
I think Artorias and Manus were the only bosses i actually enjoyed and were actually well made

*blocks your path*

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Abyss Watchers, Twin Princes, Dancer and Friede immediately come to mind which is weird since 1 is my favourite overall. I wish Aldrich and Yhorm were on the same level as AW, they deserved a full kindling scene.

What were they thinking with these bosses

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Maria, not the hardest but the whole fight and the lore behind it is amazing to me, Freide close second.

I actually didn't mind the scorpion lady, but the demon of song was retardedly easy for an endgame boss.

Played sekbornesouls except one.
Is it still fun to play demons souls?
I missed out due to reasons.

Abyss watchers basic i know

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I have a saucy, dirty confession to make. Although I shit on DS2 all the time, Ruin Sentinels are one of my favorite bosses in the series. It is the perfect multi-enemy encounter and they have a really cool fairy tale look that I Love.

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I love Skeleton Lords, the sheer amount of skeletons that fight throws at you is pretty fucking great

Best thing about nicholas is when you finally can face them him head on, you can abuse them
I just bully him by knocking him over and over with boom hammer
This is a soul thread though user
Ruin sentinel design and ost is pretty cool. I wish they make the mechanic of the fight more intuitive. For no reason, only one sentinel jump on the platform when you enter the boss room but if you go down, then you get to fight 3 sentinels at once. However. If you kill that first sentinels then 2 can jump down on the platform at once so you would start to take the fight to the lower stage for more space. Maybe they should not have 2 sentinel spawn until the first is defeat or wall off the small platform then the destruction of the first sentinel causes the wall to collapse and allow you and the other 2 sentinels to engage each other

I don't mind gimmick bosses, but i hate micolash's fight.
Demon's Souls gimmick bosses are a lot better imo

>misses the joke
>plays the typical DS2 noise

Gimmick bosses are fun but it's hard to pick one as a favorite.

Forgettable fight but fantastic design. He always stood out to me just for how cool he looked.

daily reminder this nigga chewed cute girls slowly every day