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Congrats bro. You can finally enter the job market now and earn those six figures.

I unfortunately work for a living so I can’t spend all my time practicing him, but last night I stayed up till 1am and I finally mastered his first phase without gourds and managed to get to the third phase with some fuckups and one whistle from Malcontent.

Tonight when I get home I will finally finish the job.

Any advice for someone stuck on the guy after chained ogre?

I played souls/bloodborne fine but this is something else for me.

Hug his nuts like you're the biggest homo on the planet

feeling motivated

Good work, user.

I just beat Sword Saint. My god he was hard to beat. I did get a couple of lightning reversals off though. I think I actually got the first two phases down pat so well that I could get through them with maybe 1 hit. I got a combat as well, which is kinda neat. Is the move you get from Shura ending isshin different than sword saint?

Shit, didn't even know about malcontent. Probably would have made it a lot easier. Good luck though user. I finished with literally zero gourds or pellets.

This, and consistently dodge to your right/demon's left. Jump for the lunge, bait out the fireballs.

yeah shura gives a different move

Sorry, thought you were talking about the demon. I can't even remember who is after chained ogre

you want to circle to his left (your right), and stay under him for some hits then back up. When he does the long arm overhead smash it's a good time to get some hits in.
Use Malcontent, it works up to 3 time during the fight.
Use Vermilion Shield/hat prosthetic against the flame projectiles in phase 2
Always jump when he does the perilous attack (the one where he goes sonic and runs to the other side of the arena)
When he does the huge jumping attack, jump just before he lands and grapple over to his head

What other lazulite weapons did you guys get first playthrough? I got the lazulite flamevent

Hmm the one that sword saint gives uses emblems no matter what. I dunno if I'm down with that, but I suppose that the other one probably uses them too.

shuriken and flamevent. Axe seems okay, but the flamevent seems to be more useful in doing straight up mystical fire damage. I've heard that the lazulite sabimaru is complete garbage compared to the piercing sabimaru.

Yeah the Sculptor mentions once (if you give him sake) that him and his partner “Kingfisher” used to train in the Sunken Valley. The Malcontent’s ring has “Kingfisher” written on it. So I guess by blowing the Malcontent’s whistle you bring up memories of Kingfisher which agitates the Sculptor/Demon of Hatred.

The lore doesn’t go into depth about what exactly happened between the sculptor and Kingfisher though.

>TFW when already make 6 figures but Demon of Hatred still whooped my ass

Good job user! Congratulations. Did you figure out you could use the whistle to stun him?

I got the Axe and Spear in hopes that it would make it feel not useless. It still feels useless.

At first I was annoyed at having to fight Genichiro every time I wanted to get to Isshin, but then I realized that I shouldn't because that fight is literally From doing what I wanted them to do with Gwyn: Don't make me have to run for half an hour to get to him, just put me RIGHT THERE, but give me an enemy to fight or something if you so insist on having a break in gameplay.

I used all my gourds and I don't feel bad about that because I sure as hell needed them. I actually saved a video to see how long it took me in my final attempt. 7 minutes. How the hell did I do this faster than the second ape fight?

he also says something about it when you upgrade it, felt like a dead giveaway to use it in hatred fight

No reason to feel bad user, you use them as you need them.
I think what screwed me the most during the fight was the unblockable forward sweep it does, that thing comes out way too damn fast for me to be able to respond consistently and it does a terrible amount of damage. And trying to approach it again is dangerous because the fireballs it can throw at medium range are a nightmare. I don't know if I actually ENJOYED Demon of Hatred though, even if presentation was cool and fighting Fire Manus is a cool idea. Although I think I'd certainly rank it lower than the Ape, the contrast between the two phases of that fight was neat.

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No I meant Sword Saint. Demon of Hatred is a cool fight but it's quite a changeup from what the rest of the game had been up to it.

This fucker gave me so mucj trouble that I cheesed him. Now I feel bad and I want to beat him skillfully in NG+. Will I be able to?

Oh yeah, in that case I'm not very surprised. Isshin is a hectic fight, you either kill him fast or you die fast. He's a great glass cannon-kind of boss, I'm glad they made the final boss actually feel vulnerable to being damaged and interrupted rather than having it be an invulnerable titanium god that has hyperarmor in everything it does.

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So the sculptor became the demon of hatred and killed everyone, including the minister of interior right?. So if you get any ending , who gets to rule?

I noticed he stopped regenerating posture at just above half health. So at least you only have to get him to around half health to then switch focus to pure posture buildup. That didn't stop me from still laying into him with more lightning reversals. but after using my last gourd it was basically "yeah I gotta just lay into you now there's no other option."

> including the minister of interior
What on earth would make you think that's the case?
Also, it's a game grounded on history, so it's likely to assume the war will end the same way, with Tokugawa getting the spoils.

I missed hearing what he had to say about it because I only upgraded to it once Ashina was already under attack.

Without Isshin and the immortality that Ashina had for so long, Ashina falls almost guaranteed. So probably the Ministry still, just with a different guy.

Shit game for weebs

Cry harder pathetic anglocuck

Found the retarded cripple.

But user, retarded cripples have proven to be able to play the game better than journalists

>What on earth would make you think that's the case?
[Spoiler] Well, if I remember correctly, when the minister is invading ashina, you can spy on some soldiers saying that he's garrisoned just where you find everything in flames and the sculpture that takes you to the demon of hatred[/spoiler], but I can be wrong. I can't say I remember that well, because I was pumped. And about everything else you say, it makes sense.

maybe he's a retarded, crippled journalist?

Well shit, sorry for the spoiler, didn't know the tags were case sensitive.

Just press Ctrl+S dummy
Huh? Is that the case, I actually had no idea. If that's the case it's actually a little bit disappointing, the item descriptions hype up the Ministry a bit and I would like to fight against its leadership in some eventual DLC.

You mean an Anglo?

retardation and crippling injury is not limited to the Anglo

But they sure have set the standard

so what's everyone's favorite boss and why?

The Ape is a great mix of beast-like flailing and humanoid intelligent combat, I quite like him for that. Owl is really good as a mirror fight, you distinctively get the feeling that it follows the same rules as you, counters included. Isshin is probably the best though, I like bombastic nonsense in my bosses the way Souls does, something boss fights in this game really, really lack, but Isshin goes the whole nine yards with the weather progression and his moves and his lightning powers, even if it still feels kinda subdued.

I'd say if it's bombastic we're going for then the demon is a good example. Isshin still follows the rules of the game where parrying and posture damage are good ways to win more quickly. In fact his posture stops regenerating at all around the time half his health is gone, which is them pushing you to start doing posture damage.

Owl (Father) just felt really fair. I never got angry despite taking 30 minutes to beat him.

My opinions on the demon are very mixed, I'm waiting until I fight him on NG+ until I can maybe get a new outlook on it, but that fight seemed to be very heavy on hitting away and doing damage and dodging rather than engaging the posture system: Essentially a Souls fight, but the catch is, in Sekiro you don't do much damage with your attacks for a Souls-style fight to feel satisfying enough, nor do they feel very meaty. I think of Manus, I think of hitting him with a big hammer and wiping out a nice chunk of his HP bar. I think of Demon, I think of wailing at him with a sword for chip damage. But that's really just me.

He really wasn't that difficult, I spent way more time at SS

>tfw 6 figures and I whooped his ass
Name a better feeling

No one asked.

sword saint is easy as fuck though, especially because of his lightning attacks

All I'm saying is that Demon of Hatred is way overrated when it comes to difficulty, anyone who struggled against him has never played other souls games or is bad at action games in general

I meant that Isshin's posture stops regenerating. Demon of Hatred really is a souls boss in a non souls game.

Owl 1 because it was such a great lesson in meticulously learning movesets

Learning movesets in this game really makes a difference.