>the face you make when you have a problem with valve taking 30% of a game's earnings but let the Chinese take 49% of your entire company
The face you make when you have a problem with valve taking 30% of a game's earnings but let the Chinese take 49% of...
Tim is real hero, get salty while he gets billions
This guy seriously looks like he has down syndrome.
Yeah bro. It's the launcher that's the issue. How long do you think you can who charade of feigning ignorance?
How the fuck are those two things related at all?
I swear the arguments against Epic get dumber and dumber every day. The ONLY argument you need is that the store is shit.
If you post this 500 more times I will download Epic store.
You know that Ubi still has to sell on Steam. You know why? Cause their own store is so shit they cant afford to sell exclusively there, people dont want to buy in Ubi store (Uplay?)
If Ebin store turns out to be bad and people wont buy there as much - then no one would be falling for the exclusive deals anymore. Vote with your wallet
Crows really are the smartest birds.
Oink oink
so this is the power of reddit
Nah, it's bots. There's a few of those screenshots hanging around. Humans don't actually support the EGS.
It's not surprising, Tencent (and thus, the CCP) is throwing cash at this like no tomorrow.
Lizard person, to be exact
they are testing waters, of course no one likes Valve's 30% cut
Wow, that crow sure is smart! Can't say the same for its other, more, primitive sibling.