>Monster hits them in the middle of wild swing
>Hunter fainted
Why do Switchaxe fags do this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


the only thing worse then switch-axe is those fucking useless dual wielding scum

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Idk, but for me, it’s hammer

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r*ddit tier thread

you hate fun

fuck you

Why tho? Switch axe, dual blades, and hammer are the only weapons I use

For me? It's the brapsword

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>buttblasted sa/db mains
you two cart every quest and can't put down shit for damage. I don't give a single shit what either of you two scrubs think. Hate me all you want but I speak the truth, your mains are the worst weapons in monster hunter.
you're only okay because the hammer. Hammerbros are always dope.

i like cb more tho, I just stand up for sabros from time to time

Charge Blade vs Switchaxe
Charge Blade
>Better movement options
>Higher Damage
>Better Stun build up
>Faster Clear Times
>Faster normals that are less negative
>Shield for defense
>Can sheath slightly faster...
What did Capcom mean by this???

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I use hammer like 90% of the time. Why don’t you like the other two?

SA is fun and requires high IQ in world
both are still more fun than all other weapons

I fucking despise that cringy "DEE PEE ASS" shit reddit came up with. There was also this "2am fucking chilli fuck" that's just childish

>he gets offended by "DEE PEE ESS"
dude its a game

>No need to worry about bouncing off armor or haphazardly switch because the phials are full, so no need to slot in Mind's Eye
>Extremely consistent attack movement
>Phenomenal arts
>Combo switch moves between axe and sword mode for smooth mode changing

dude you're a fuck
*tackles you to the ground and prone fucks you*

Charge blade
>boring as shit

Switch Axe
>actually fun

Why are monster hunter players so autistic?

You gotta know when to swing, and when to wing.
It should be no surprise that most players are bad, it can be more noticeable with some weapons than with others.

Useless ass hammer users

Swag axe, best axe.

>chain stuns your target monster free of charge
No problem bro


>it's cool because it transforms!
All you fucking Switch Axe and Charge Blade anime faggots need to die. Unironically more cancerous than a Dual blades weeb.

You just know someone who can't play switch-axe was posting this.

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Let's not ignore the gnat in the room. Insect Glaive users. Completely useless. Only rivaled by LS users tripping the entire team.


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>Insect Glaive users.

Have you noticed it's mostly women that use Insect Glaive?


exhibit b

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>not knowing the joy of knocking hunters mid air when they slow down the hunt by mining


>World didn't add any new weapon types
Will Iceborne pick up the slack?

Didin't they announce a weapon design contest, or is that just for skins like they do for every "G" variant?

Enjoy your 5 old monsters (2 skeletons) and a drip feed of even older monsters! (still using the same 2 skeletons)


What would they add at this point?
Tonfas were awful and I'm glad those never got added to mainstream MH.

You're embarrassing yourself. World is the best MonHun. Get with the times. Literally nothing but the amount of monsters was not improved in World.


The MonHun MMO has a magnet bow/axe thing, but it looks pretty stupid.
I'd rather a new ranged option, like the concept art for boomerangs.

>fail on two attempts at Nergigante because a random came in and increased the quest difficulty
>make sure to set the quest to one person
>"I'll try to catch him,I'll bring a shock trap"
>use it while he's sleeping
>his face when
>oh okay
>fight the last phase
>he stunlocks me on my two last lives

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Fist weapons that can pick up and throw smaller monsters.

Who mains more than one weapon here or messes with other ones at least?

HH, SnS, IG, and sometimes Hammer and CB. Other ones not such much anymore. I started out with DB and Bow though.

>tfw beat that aids sand dragon thing underground and then the next proper boss is a fucking reused asset
nah im good honestly

Attached: ok.jpg (345x333, 11K)

World has like 3 or 4 unique skeletons

>Can charge sword for native Mind's Eye
>Can combo into mode switches


>absolute Chad tier
Hunting horn
>gay homo tier
Everything else

That post gave me a boner

>World is the best MonHun

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>he doesn't know how to wield the best weapon like a true master
Sounds like you need to practice on some smaller monsters, champ

>support and healcuck weapon is Chad tier
hahahahahahaha, go suck some dicks bro

Switch axe would be fun if it encouraged actually using axe mode outside of upswinging tails.

I know you guys think you're some kind of old school veterans or elites who wreck with a basic weapon, but you're in fact just useless

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>me slow gameplay take big skill
>*barrels and cluster bombs instagibs ratha-mega-prime-sauralothos-raptor-dinosaur*
>iceborne me buy soon it fix all problem
>*replays same fight 20x for rng gear*
>a big grat gaem me like look hunter have bobs
>*dinosaur misses every attack*
>im like japan big praise on monster hunter game like because popular

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Oof, that's a rough way to learn that lesson.

I got no suggestions for Nerg. I can beat him consistently in 5-7 minutes now but he's my worst Elder (Kush not withstanding) and I usually end the fight not really knowing how I got there.

Lancer here, Switch Axe users are cancer. It's one of two weapons (the other being IG) that I don't know how to use because I hate them so much.

>healing with hunting horn

I've beat him once, it's fine. Just trying to farm him a bit for armor.

Sorry faggot go have some fun looking up excel spreadsheets autistically maxing your dps while I carry your dumb ass

Charge blade
>OP ass bullshit designed for spreadsheet memes

Switch Axe
>Simple and useful to a hunt.

>mfw greatsword cucks think they're leet for using the most unfun weapon

Is this meme weapon good to use in MHGU?

Genuine question, when it comes to learning new weapons, what's the best way? Just literally going through lower end HR quests and working back up through the roster? I've been running CB for 230 hours and this is my first MH. I'm interested in trying new weapons but everything feels super foreign to me.

I don't have much interest in ranged, but was thinking something like IG or DB to kind of be the antithesis of what I'm doing now.

>Shitting on HH
You're a Worldbab, aren't you?

>Too complicated for lance user

checks out.

Fuck you, I like slapping shit at incredible hihg speed.

Still mad about those TA results for @Xeno huh CBfag?

>Oof, I'm a faggot normie

I find the practice area and throwing yourself out into the wild is the best way to do it. Videos never hurt either.

Valor SA can go full Axe mode.

DB is great, if you aren't trash you'll do much better damage than a shitty hammer, especially in MHW.

Hammer is hot garbage in MHW and Bow is 10x better at KO's, while still being a great weapon. Seething hammercucks, useless at the only thing they should be good at.


More like, everyone becomes my bitch. The hunting horn is free stuns + any buff.

>faggot normie
Really? Do you have brain damage or something? It's normalfag you fucking jack ass

Might as well ask here:
Is Minster Hunter World good in terms of single player content?
I like to make different characters, level them up and grind for exp and/or weapons.
Would that be a game for me or is the online nd worthless leader boards were it's at?

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Striker SA is godlike with Energy Charge 3 and Demon Riot 3. Sword mode on steroids forever baby

For world Dodogoma is literally the perfect monster for trying out new weapons.

He can punish you if you fuck up, but he's predictable and a decent damage sponge.

How would a random join if you didn’t let them in

Don’t tell me you actually join random lobbies and expect to play solo instead of making a private one for yourself

You don't need to make seperate characters, you can literally spend SP building builds you like.

ppl say charge blade or whatever is the hardest weapon but desu its easy mode. A great switch axe player is the most impressive thing in mh.

Insect Glaive user here, I won’t make fun of any other weapon types because I know people can make fun of me. I just like to jump around and have fun, let’s all get along

>ywn be as good as bow when it comes to 50 sec tempered clear times
R.I.P. TardAxe
Press X to shit on grave

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You can play MHW entirely solo for every monster desu. The only thing you really miss is watching people cart to Kushala Daora when you join SOSs.

MHW charge blade is so fucking easy. They removed any of the difficulty like exhausting charge levels and now you just 123 rotation everything like a mongo.

the only way to know a good glaive user is to see if they stay on the ground or not.

>Geralt coming out on PC soon
Finally i can experience the way it was meant to be played

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>not having stun resist x3
>blaming difficulty increase
>'trapping' elders lol

Sounds like bad gear and pride.
Get your defense higher and make sure you're using stun resist x3 at least, until you're familiar and comfortable with the match up.

SA? This sounds too fullhearty for GS.

>Not if one stays in the air.

I make Kushala my bitch with superman diving.

When it comes to the amount of content you're better off with GU or 4U.
MHW is a new project, so it's more like the restart of a franchise.
You either love it or hate it when experienced with previous MH but they added a lot of fun gameplay too.
Ironically MHW feels like a ghost town, the online works in weird ways but you can even ask people to join you midcombat.

I've never played MonHun before and have no idea what I'm doing, but I like fun so I guess choosing IG was a good idea

>SA has one of the coolest moves in the game
>it's got long-ass startup, long-ass recovery, and does shit damage

They should really change it so it loses red shield on SAED in Iceborne.

thanks, anons. sound like i'm buying it

>The average non-bow hunter

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They could just rip the anime out of tonfas. I've never seen the magnet bow thing in action, but I know it just looks ridiculous as hell. There's always the chance of Prowlers returning, what with all the new toys they can play with, but who knows how well that would even look in World. What were those 2 official concept weapons in the art-books? Something like a dog sword/rapier that commands a wolf pet, and a giant boomerang?

What does valor offer axe mode? Isn’t valor sa just spamming discharges?

Welcome to a Monster Hunter thread, boio.

>stun resist x3
Faggot. All you need is crit and damage. Nerg is ez shit already.

>tried MHFU after getting sick of MHW being barely playable on my toaster pc
>went in prepared, chose a GS to main
>game is fairly tough, but playable
>some areas still look good and music is actually great
>managed to kill urgent Tigrex on a second try
>farmed for Diablos parts to get his GS and armor
>got bored and stopped playing after getting the full set
I wish I had as much autism as the game demands you to have. Everything onward would just become a crawl towards HR and then GR. I suck shit with almost every other weapon and GS is perfect for every situation without becoming an LS shitter.

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Arena quests? They straight up give you a full set (even if its not always fully optimal) and you don't have to spend any resources whatsoever and get like 8 revives or something like that.

Bow main here.

I stopped playing Bow in World because they dummed it down for literal retards.

Valor base makes it so your Switch attacks ( the moves that move you from Axe to sword and sword to axe" have a 100% chance to discharge an element and do extra phail damage.

So with Valor you basically constantly switch and discharge, and with the right art go full axe swing mode.

Try hammer

Bow is a crutch weapon, extremely shameful to main it or have it as high as your your fifth most used weapon.

There's absolutely nothing to bow apart from pressing B over and over again to repeat a 2-hit spam combo, maybe dashing forward every five minutes because the first B attack pushes you back half an inch and since you do it 40-60 times in a row you keep sliding away from your dinosaur

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Setbuilding was improved? That's my favorite part of Monster Hunter, I can't imagine how it could be any better.

>Tempest Axe will forever be confined to GU
Might as well rename it to Switch Sword at this point.

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Bow is easymode
t. bow main

It's bait. At least, I hope it's bait.

In Valor Mode, you can switch between modes at any time after any attack by pressing R.
Effectively, you can chain together morph attacks(which are more powerful in Valor) in one continuous combo forever.

Oh that sounds nice, I’ll try that later

switch axe was always a failure of a design even in earlier games, they should of balanced the axe and sword modes based on need instead of making a weak mode and strong mode you always want to be in.

think about how much more fun switch axe would be if you could viably use axe mode for moveset and impact based damage or switch to sword for cutting based damage and moveset instead of what we got where if your not going ham in sword mode your a failure.

>mfw my favorite weapons are hammer and SA
Simple is best.

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So you want the Accel Axe

Where my SnS bros at

>PC just got Arch-tempered Xeno
>only 15% of the SoS that I've joined survived more than 10 minutes
>more than half of the ones that died, couldn't survive a single hit from ANY attack
I bring a hastily put together Wide Range+Full Mushroomancer, make sure everyone has full buffs, and then they IMMEDIATELY die to his easiest to avoid move, the retard-rush. I could understand dying to a beam attack, as sometimes I'm too far away to trigger the emergency dive for the sweeping beam and just eat it, but with maxed out armor and full health I can survive any physical hit, if barely, so they should be able to as well. I always eat for Elemental L to avoid burning if that's a factor, I guess.

that's not how you play bow you mongoloid.

O-R2-O-R2-O is your best DPS way to get charge level to max (assuming mighty bow jewel)

O-R2-R2-R2-O is next best whilst not using as much stamina.

burning extra stam to dodge when at max charge to R2-O then dodge again and repeat is useful when presented with the chance. Use the O power shot ONLY to get a KO if the hunt will be long enough that you'll benefit from it, otherwise it's a DPS loss.

spamming nothing but O is useless 99% of the time esp. with close range coating. git gud, you probably play hammer

Why is brave hammer so much fun bros?

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It can't cut tails.

Hope you're not talking about the abortion that is World SnS

use boomerangs

Where are my greatsword Bros at?


Right here.

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Chain charging is fun

not exactly, i figured it would be nice to have the switch axe be able to swing around the axe and help contribute to a stun then switch to sword mode and help cut tails while being viable doing either, perhaps having a dual energy bar where the longer you are in one mode you get a timed damage buff in the other mode to encourage switching to the other every so many seconds (maybe 15-30 seconds?)

maybe i am being too hopeful as i used to play switchaxe in tri and ultimate 3 but have since switched to using Hammer and Great Sword mostly now with a splash of dual blades and lance during Ultimate 4

It's unironically great though. combo fluidity and fun charged jump with iframe backdash. raw shield slam and elemental builds are both viable and wide range/speed eating is fun and useful for helping shitters through quests.

>Your favourite monsters don't have their own versions of your favourite weapon type

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Eh, not my cup of tea. Losing Golfswing is pretty bad. But how the charges work suck. Using the max 3rd charge swing is actually worse than immediately using it. Impact Press makes it okay.

it's the only iteration of hammer I can stand to play


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Great sword valor is so goddamned satisfying

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>elder dragon
Every time I see this, I laugh.


If you don't learn at least 80% of the weapons you're a fucking faggot.
The fun of MH games is getting and learning all the best weapons

Talk all the shit you want, I carry hunts as a SA main

Fucking world shitters bringing this degeneracy to MonHun. You used to actually be able to have a decent and positive discussion around here.

most weapons are shit. ranged weapons are abortions and anything faster than a switch axe is boring cheese shit.

its beautiful and hRhR
was there a good mon hun on ps2 to emulate?

hardstuck in HR my dude

I have never used Lance, Gunlance, or HBG and I doubt I ever will. They don't gel with the way I play Monster Hunter.

>tfw SA's strongest move has lower HV than a single shot of spread 3 from HBG, not including the 43% dmg buff you get from 2x close range mods.

Must feel bad to play the worst weapon in the game

>he doesn't play bow

Where my Gunlance Niggas at

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>he thinks cheesing everything is fun
kys. i like for there to be actual gameplay.

>implying we're not doing mad damage with Demon Riot and Energy Charge


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it's unironically the most braindead weapon in MH. even more than clusters in MHW.

I really hope they make shelling scale well in grank/Iceborne compared to old games.

>Have weapon emblem tattooed on forearm.

I wonder how many people know what its actually from now considering world came out on PS4.

At least I’m doing damage and getting mounts
These dual niggers are only tripping me

You're certainly not.

Everything is literally just slamming the shield down, there is nothing else.

I just didn't think to bother since them joining has never been annoying before. It's only against Nerg that I've really felt a difference.

It's my fault, I ain't gonna deny that.

Also LS weeb, though in my defense, mostly because my strongest Electric weapon is LS, not specifically cause I like it.

>5k hunts on a prowler
>save file stuck on a 3DS because it's hacked
By far the most painful part of restarting the game on Switch.

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>World is the best monster hunter

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>game with oversized weapons
>complain when you and your team mates dogpile on the monster and end up hitting each other
Why do you fags do this.

This is a PSA for every shitter in this thread (reading the posts, this seems to be 99% of the thread)

IF you go online and have a weapon that can easily be tripped (Lance, ground IG, hammer, SA) slotting in 1xflinch free is not optional, it's mandatory.

If you don't slot it in for MP you are unironically shit. 4 people should be able to attack the monster on the same weakpoint in order to max team dps. if you don't slot it in you either need to 1. stay away from where people are, usually the weakspot (bad) or 2. tell everyone not to flinch you and steal the weakest HSV spot to yourself (1000x worse)

tl;dr Don't be a fucking retard and gem in flinch free.
If you didn't know that already then your damage is shit anyways, don't make it worse.

Yeah, as much as I like all the mechanics from GU, those nerfs really hurt the weapon overall.
Probably no one since gunlance is like bottom two played weapons along with lance

Post your weapon usage and prove you aren't weak shit

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Maybe in GU with the double notes
Definitely not fucking corner tooters

>get 1.2x MV on Sword moves
>Infinite phial is maintained with Energy Charge which also makes you a crit monster
>Use crit up skill for big boy damage
You have to be genuinely retarded.

literally not true.

Also, with the addition of crit element on the Kjarr weapons, there's even more reason to use elemental, which the shield doesn't apply. Learn before you spout shit famalam


>Shitting on sword and shield
Bring me my fucking oil
I got to teach this faggot a lesson

It's not. I have played quite a few MonHun and World is the most fun I have had with the series.

>want to try out Gunlance in GU
>heard about the heat gauge stuff
Is it really that bad? do any of the styles/arts help at all?

Oils make that weapon so fuckin fun to play, don't know why they didn't keep it in world and gave the shitty sprayers

Yea, you have to be genuinely retarded to possibly think your SA is doing more damage than spread 3 HBG.

>This is unironically what worldlets believe

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Bow is so easy you barely need to play the game

It's fun plus the blast dash art is one of the most hilarious arts in the game, play GL if you want to have fun.

adept style gunlance with blast dash is probably the most fun I have with the weapon. its really nice imo.

Generations was developed in parallel to World really.


Just shell until you get to red, then
Wyvernfire to lock into red for 1.2x damage. And yes, arts help with this, as does Gunlance type and styles.

>after affinity and chaos oil you reach 60% crit with minds eye, stamina+ko damage and faster part breaks
>with repeat offender you easily reach 90% crit on a 0% affinity weapon
Sns got fucking rediculous and I love it

Could be worse, you could be a hh main where like half the hunting horns are instantly disqualified due to not having aul

>SA even more going back into Sword mode only due to switch moves giving so much vail back.
>Longsword being fixed into spamming helmsplitter like a moron
>Element damage utterly useless outside of bow builds and crit element SnS
>Bow being hit so hard it's back to kelbi bow tier spam.

Every Hunting horn ever.

In what way am I comparing it to the fucking HBG you faggot? I'm just saying that you can do a lot of fucking damage with SA. How the fuck is it the worst weapon when the HH and Hammer are leagues weaker in dps?

it doesent give you 1.2 damage because they nerfed shell base damage. maintaining red actually just puts your shells roughly where they were in 4U.

>slotting in 1xflinch free is not optional, it's mandatory.
>tl;dr Don't be a fucking retard and gem in flinch free.
nigger what, getting some mixed signals here

I am a HH main

Attached: GIVE UP.jpg (213x237, 8K)

My version of MHG was hacked and I still transferred what do you mean?

Fucking hell why

>don't be a fucking retard, gem in flinch free
fixed for you

I'm paranoid of my Switch account getting banned by association since the 3DS is banned. Unlikely I know but whatever.

Adept gunlance is super fun but I wish it didn’t slow my hunts and trip everyone if I dared bring it online

Because GunLance in 4U was fucking broken on the level of IG and Charge Blade and was an absolute joke?

That only happens if there are 3 other hammer hunters in the group.

And boy oh boy is it satisfying to have a hammerbro gangbang.

I’m picking up some destroyer oil you want some?

a lot of fucking damage has to be comparable else it loses its meaning. If a lot of fucking damage means it gets outdamaged by most other weapons in the game, i don't think that statement has much validity.

Pretty sure that only applies to Gen. In GU, they buffed the base value back up. This is according to the damage value pastebin(s).

GL was ass in 4U, the fuck?

I think we know the best weapon type of all, bros.

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>All that shit you just wrote
They turned the Chad and Shield into Hammer for retards.
I know S&S had KO potential but this is ridiculous

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Do you understand my pain. I’m sorry brother.

No that's Longsword.

Who still remains ass to this day.

I use switchaxe because I'm a brainlet, and it's a very easy weapon to wrap your head around. It's has a pretty limited moveset, but it's always clear what the optimal thing for you to do is in any given situation.

>Friend carts
>Jumps back into the fray
>Into Nakarkos' death beam sweep
>Carts again

I thought we were gonna have MHGU fashion threads
Not more retards than ever

hammer is already for retards though. it has probably the most minimal BM moveset in the game. SnS dodging the third hit of light combo is already more complex than hammer.

Also, if you want KO use the bow. best KO wep in the game, not a shitpost.

>retard doesn't know how to switch

>retard gets triggered by anime in jap game

But the real ansseer to both of you is
>playing with pubs
Lobbies were mistake.

Adept gunlance is the ultimate Monster Hunter weapon

Did it really autocorrect so to do? Fucking hell

LS in MHGU is ridiculous if you get good at the guardpoint. possibly the strongest weapon in the game.

Good taste in cat armors

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Valor Insect Glaive, or "My bug can fight too"

>Lobbies were mistake.
wrong the way world does multiplayer was a mistake. Some of my best gaming friends I met in the comfy pre-world games

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Valor LS is alright, but it simply lacks the decent output.

World LS would be fine if Helmsplitter didn't exist. The dodgeback charge skill returning was the best part.

Valor vs Adept? Go Valor, no question.

Shit is fucking cash with that new bug art. Every other attack causing the bug to spaz out and attack like 5 times and then recalling it with a simple combo is so satisfying.

Oh that makes more sense, I'm not banned yet and that's fine. It deletes whatever progress save files you made on the switch as it transfers all 3 over so, it is too late now.

GS and Hammer for me. Bow if I'm feeling lazy and don't want to be that involved in the main action. Longsword users are cancer all around though, and you can't convince me otherwise.

No bully

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Watching a good LS user is a fucking art.


Surely, we are cursed.

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Can we all agree GS in World is a fucking sad thing.

It's so fucking horrible.

In your experience, what weapons do you see people join your hunt with and just know they're going to cart?

For me, above all else, is French. around 90% of the carts I see are Désolé...
After that, it's IG, SA and Hammer

I don’t man
I highly doubt you’ll get banned
I’ve seen legit Chinese hackers who make everything a sub 3 minute hunt and he’s not banned.


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Doing a jump attack, back attack, or forward attack sends the Kinsect out. Using Bug Majeure makes the Kinsect go into an attack frenzy when it hits the monster. So just by doing combos the Kinsect joins in too.

I wish I could play LBG more, but my favorite set is just status gunning

top tier taste my friend

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I'm kinda sad to see crit/punishing draw fade into irrelevancy, but being able to shoulder charge through roars/attacks is great. The final true charged slash is so satisfying too. I think it gained more than it lost, my only wish is that focus felt more significant. It obviously provides a nice DPS increase overall, but it doesn't feel the same is it did in previous games.


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Too bad 9/10 times they're all shit. I give credit to the ones who actually can play it though, don't get me wrong

>EX Zinogre Helm
>Droth mail
>Bath sleeves
>Strange Faulds X
>Gourmew Boots
Enjoy your wolf girl

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I'm not mad, just dissapointed..

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It feels contrary to how GS used to feel.

Before it was positioning and timing everything for that one big hit.

Now you just autistically shuffle in place and then spin your ass like a retard.

People let me eat, run to the bathroom and just chill and chat all before going ham on a monster.

The only game we’re I can play with complete strangers for 3 hours and actually care about them.

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It still heavily rewards positioning by pushing so much of the damage output into being able to perform TGS on a weakpoint, you just have more options now than sniping. it would be a nice compromise if they made critdraw/ draw attack charged slash do comparable damage overall to fishing out perfect TGS hits.

the only fashion that matters

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If only 99% of the hammers in world didn't look the same

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Gunning is so fun though
Light bow gun dodge shots are easily one of if not the most fun thing in the game

>You now have more options.

But you don't though, because GS damage is so back loaded on the TGS that NOT doing a TGS is pointless.

Wish they would try the great boomerang concept again. I liked the concept.

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>Not the doggo

If LS was shit in GU it wouldn't be the second most popular speedrun weapon behind Brave HBG.

What is with Monster hunters fans always bitching about anime? This shit also happened with Gens and I'm wondering now if MH fans just lack self awareness

Where my lance chads at?

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Big fuck off gauntlets that you charge phials in for Big-O pile bunker punches

I enjoyed it in 3U up until I started having trouble cutting tails in high rank. The limited vertical move set on the weapon starts to really hurt once you're fighting the bigger boys. I wish I enjoyed valor style since some are saying it's the best gunlance yet but the extra meter management and overall cheesiness of the style turn me off.

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LBG in GU got a lot of more fun once I configured it properly for Adept evades because the default options don't allow you to adjust vertically after an evade.

>not soloing

I don't have an image on me but

>Blango Cap X
>Champion's Body
>Champion's Wraps
>Droth Faulds X
>Champion's Shorts
>War Bongo or Native Spear

Enjoy being a buff tribal nigga

>World Switchaxe
>when no R inputs are used
Sorry for playing SWITCH Axe instead of Reload Sword, you know, unlike every other game with Reload Sword in it except Frontier.

Bow to your Viking goddess
(Netflix adaptation)

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I haven't touched World, but lance in GU is pretty dope.

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>not timing dragon piercer to drop a charghing mosnter
>not droping monsters with a well placed Gordo rain
>no mention about coating or whe is bettor to charge a shot rather than spam R2
if you spam B and do any significant damage you are at melee range, why play ranged to begin with?

the one armor set I really love from the female side is gammoths. wish males was as nice.

>Mecha Dragon Bug
God this game is too good

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I swear the main designer for male armor has the biggest hardon for Gundam
All the male armor sets look like Gundams

why aren't there unique weapons with different movesets from the regular weapons?
like why doesn't shit at rarity 8 get new movesets to change up the gameplay?

>making fun of braindead gameplay
>in a game that's all about braindead gameplay

Valor gunlance really pulled that weapon together for me, but when I need to cut tails, I just swap, its not worth the headache

>They say lance is slow and boring.

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Garuga is my bitch

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holy shit that ass, what outfit

>locking gameplay and moves behind rarity 8

This is the reason.

switch axe is fucking great though. i dominate with it

press x to doubt

Carrying people all the time. Feels good.

literally i use though. whats wrong with it? lol

you actually have to morph, it confuses the XXfetus who thinks Battery Sword is fun

What's more dead?
MHW before any new content or MHGU. Maybe i was super late on the MHGU train Becuase no one was doing low key hunting quest. I was doing them myself but got bored playing solo. Also all my friends started playing other games and I'm all alone desu

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XXSA is literally morph spam though

>Not using Tempest Axe
I shiggy diggy

Which monster has the best battle theme and why is it Great Maccao?

Today I will remind them.

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HR had a pretty active community recently, just tag your rooms properly (HR/LR/G X Keys, HR/LR/G X turns and so on.)
You can also post rooms here and I'm sure people (like me) will join.

Funny you mention that
I just got done slapping his bitch ass around not even a minute ago.

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Go back to your containment general

Taikun Zamuza

>play GU SA
>the Axe MV's are absolute shit
>the new art is absolute trash
>but Demon Riot lets me spam the fuck out of costless Discharges
Win some
Lose some, at least R became a Phial burst button instead of 100% Reload Sword

>not using Valor Morph Axe
lmaoing at your life

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What’s your FC bro?
I help out Low HR folks all the time.
I keep a low hr character just in case my +200 HR character is too op for the hunt.

God I love SnS. Been using it for since I started. It's so simplistic, useful, fast, AND it has that elemental/status damage.

I've never played GU but am considering picking it up, are turn rooms just a label or are they actually enforced in terms of who is able to post a quest?

>Classified as huge unga brute whose only Elder Dragon quality is retard strength
>Is the best Elder Dragon
How did Capcom do it bros?

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>tfw big crown and HR999 on GU

The gay chain and sickle from nioh
Captain america's style shield

T-Thanks user
I'll try to find a MH General thread
I'm a bow main
Also why are people retarded when i try to sleep bomb? I even say it before hand and have a quote saying I'm about to do it reeeee

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Switch axe is nowhere near the worst player. They use sword mode more than anything anyways. It's longswords that are the worst.

I did. It is literally Battery Sword 2.0. Axe is fucking trash but I was actually using an art that wasn't Energy Charge.

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labeled, the host can kick people and you rarely see people not obey the "rules" unless they are new or don't speak english

At this point I just use the hammers that look like axes.

Cool, thanks.

>Other monster’s themes
Aww shit it’s going down.
>Great Maccao theme

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I exclusively use the Great Sword since it probably deals more damage than regular sized swords.

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If you are in LR they might just be new and not know what sleep bombing even is.
/mhg/ is a shitpost central right now, I wouldn't recommend going there.

For the most part people full the rules
You can kick any dickhead not following the rules if you’re the host

It's incredible mobile, aggressive and stunning/exhausting, I can't use any other style or weapon. You can even evade once and keep charge level. Mained lance on world but in GU sucks, striker charge is so boring.

>get back into MHGU after months of not touching it
>only made charge blades
>can't remember half the combos or how to store energy into shield
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me

Make a custom shout simply put
“Stop! Stop!!! STOP!!!!”
Most people will get the message
I say most I mean like 70% will actually stop

Step 1. Git gud all over again

Charge Blade isn't unga bunga in GU. You'll probably get trashed a lot.

Try world and you won't go back to GU's spam striker's charge

good point

>extremely high status effect sleep bombing CB set
>playing with one gold crown gunner and one G1 IG
>IG keeps attacking on sleep FOUR TIMES despite macros telling him to stop
>gunner and i spamming the absolute shit out of the signal button as soon as the music stops

This is normally where I special attack retards.
Just enough to push them over
It’s the universal fuck you dude of MH

Sounds like an awful idea. One of the best parts of Monster Hunter is how the weapon movesets are independent of the gear grind so being successful at a certain weapon type is more tied to skill level, and you can change between weapons to find one that you like without investing too much in "unlocking" other skillsets.

That said, there has been some shit like limiter removal that is rarity-locked and changes the dynamics of how bowguns work.

Reminder Nergigante is so Chad he eats the other elders. That includes Fatalis.

>Powerguarding Diablos and severing its tail as it charges by.
Feels good

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His AT better be the best one yet. I also expect him to get some kind of variant in Iceborne.

Elders only come to the new world to die, Nerg is just bullying a bunch of senior citizens

He also can’t do shit against elders that are too big for him and can only win 1v1s

once we were finally done the gunner and i kicked him around for a while to interrupt (some of) his carves

>love using the sns
>but it's complete shit online since literally every other weapon trips you
Fucking bullshit.

I don't think unique movesets is a good idea, but I'd like more weapons with unique minor gimmicks, like how Seregios weapons can regain sharpness and Chaotic Gore Magala weapons have more/less affinity depending on whether you're Frenzied or not.

Thanks user but I'm gonna play a bit on my own to get my footing again
Aww really fuck
Great idea Desu

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In world? One point of Flinch Free completely stops being tripped by other players.

I play almost exclusively blast-element weapons and I'm realizing I'm an extreme shitter so I've been trying to branch out. Is para generally considered the best status effect?

You need to go back

No, still a 4babby, though I spent 80 hours in mhgu to get to G4.

What the fuck really

Good fuck him and his undeserved carves

Fuck it, just put a mantle in the game that makes them phantoms from dark souls

Why would I use wild swing when I can do Sword combo?

As a 4U CB who trips everyone constantly, I apologize.

Blame World and shield bash jumping.

>Bow user spams Blade Wire
Fuck off

Fuck you dude!

Yea, i still see a lot of people online getting tripped using weapons that you need flinch free for online. it might seem like a waste of a slot but realistically for some weapons, it's the biggest dps gain you can get.

since just 1 point of flinch free will stop you being tripped by other players. It's so easy to build for it that i'd bet being flinched by other players disappears in the next instalment, at least after iceborne anyway.

Fuck you nig I'll be here fucking stylin on you with perfect switches and blocks while you unga and bunga with the greatsword. shit if I could use the Accel Axe I would too.


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CB isn't even the worst offender, it's (((longswords))) that pissed me off the most in mhgu. Still, it's not the total fault of any one weapon, even other sns users trip sns.

>every normal attack you do
>1104032503024650340600453025 DAMAGE

What the fuck

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I like to rotate between my favorites

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give it too me.

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>Teostra and Lunastra have to gang up on him just to stand a chance
>Dying elders not shown to be any weaker than younger ones

Worst Elder dragon ever

>want to rotate weapons to try ones i'm interested in and git gud with styles
>buy a lance and go back to HR
>takes me twice as long as my g-rank times for the same monster
This is what I get for pouring all my mats into one weapon type. I almost want to start the game over or play an older game from scratch just to relearn the basics.

Question for any other ps4 fags in the thread.
I'm new to mhw and want to access the content like the golden whatdoyamacallit and the witcher missions, were these timed exclusives?

I love my 100% crit, status 2, crit status secta nulo G set for the constant stun/CC it brings.

>""""people"""" who makes lobbies and don't even appear for 5 minutes after people start joining and posts quests
>and spend 5 minutes after each quest fucking off doing who knows what
Why can't subhuman animals learn to make equipment and organize sets in their own fucking time. There's something really wrong if 50% of the time isn't even spent hunting.

nearly all the update monsters are post-story

Deviljho, Lunastra, the FFXIV crossover, and Witcher crossover are all permanently available

Everything else is on rotation

Epic. Thanks user.

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I miss the Yea Forums 4U lobbies. Playing GU online is such a hassle because of this shit I'm pretty much exclusively solo hunting.

t. Old good new bad nigger

No image and I can’t really remember it off the top of my head but:
>Rathalos X helmet
>Chaos Mail
>Artian X Vambraces
>Vangis Coil X
>Chaos Greaves
Made me look like a Tokusatsu villain, which made the little dance when you play a HH song even funnier.

Hammers are based you're a fag

Seethe harder Kushala/Teostra/Lunastra, just recognize your place in the food chain as part of a nutritious breakfast for my boy GigaNigagante.

>can only stun to be useful because damage is shit and it has no reach
>literally worse at stun than bow, HBG, LBG and even charge blade

Negigante has never beaten a single real elder dragon and is just a shitty scavenger that tries to eat them when they die of old age

Screen capping this
Sounds dope

Guess which game I started with.

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>>not timing dragon piercer to drop a charghing mosnter
>using dragon piercer at all
stopped reading there, you know about the bow

And I say this as a huge Jet Dragon fag.
Negigante is a nigger

>In-game shown to beat the piss out of other Elders
>In-lore shown to scare other elders enough to drive them from their homes
>Doesn’t wait for them to die, will kill them itself
By your logic, every predator is a scavenger because they go for easier prey when they can. Face it, your fave get munched on by Nergigante and even the “dying” Elders are still very strong and dangerous which makes their predator even stronger and more dangerous.

literally soloing everything is infinitely easier than relying on the average retard

how did these people even get to endgame? im not even good for fucks sake you just have to not be a complete retard

Close. Tri.

choose your voice Yea Forums

I've never had any issues with El Nergante but that might be because Gunlance is a pretty hard counter to him.

switch axe is the biggest reason why i can't play freedom unite anymore. it's that good.

Loli voice everytime

I know that feel user but you just got keep to it till the weapon clicks for you.

>World is the best MonHun

Nope. The only thing nergi kills is barroth.

You can play the game solo for something like 80+ hours before you even have to consider multi as an option. It's best to do that and dip into multi later so that you get basic fundamentals down, low rank multi honestly just feels like animal cruelty at a certain point

Nah fuck you, I focus on the elemental stuff in sword mode and only use axe mode to wait between being able to switch back

>hating on Switch-Axe

What the actual fuck are you on about? It takes like 30 hours to reach the end of solo content.

Monster Hunter Community before MH4U:

Monster Hunter Community before World:
>Jesuis Monte for the first couple of months before casuals dropped off
>Eventually became the typical fun and nice monster hunter community that we've had for years but just slightly larger

Monster Hunter Community Post Word:
>bunch of crybabies who don't know how to get good and complain when the game is too hard
>pretentious elitism despite them only playing 4U before World truly popularized the franchise

Prove me wrong.

Thanks bro. Going to get back to it this evening.

because its fun.

redpill me on the adept gl
I tried it and parrying shit is fun but it feels like I can't do anything else but stand around and wait for the monster to do something and hope I don't fuck up the parry timing or that the monster feints
also even if I do party something I don't even get to get hit them with the follow-up most of the time because it's so slow
I want to like it but valor gl actually lets me play the fucking game

drop adept gl and pick brave gl

A new player that's actually taking in the game isn't going to beat Xenojiiva in 30, much less unlock White Winds or grind out a Tempered jewel set. There's a lot of (repetitive) content in the game you don't have to, and very much shouldn't, do with other people, but it's still there and adds to solo playtime.

play Valor GL, its all the good parts of Guild with the good parts of adept

you can do another adept guard right after the initial parry, and even do another adept guard after that one. pressing X after adept guarding reloads all shells for your full burst making it extremely easy getting to the red. always use blast dash with adept because the counter attack fills up atleast half the bar.

just get used to sheathing if you want a better position, thats always been gunlance.

The part of the community that says MHFU is the best was cancer. Not as cancerous as World, but still a massive pain in the ass since they did nothing but whine about Underwater combat and go 'mum roster size'

The pretentious eliteism came from old players bitching about how bad World is tho. They have nostalgia goggles and are used to MH games having 100+ monsters, forgetting that those games usually build up that roster through a series of free releases and events and that MHW is still a little over a year old

>When Lagi is so pissed he can't fight in the water anymore he bites your hunter in half.

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That elitism has always been there. You should have seen the shitshow when MH first moved to the Wii.

You're being very disingenuous. People have many more complaints about World than just the size of the roster.

Did she die?

anyone ACTUALLY roll with valor SnS?

The flip looks cool but how practical is it really?

I've tried to hard to make it work, but I can't. It sucks.

>pretentious elitism despite them only playing 4U before World truly popularized the franchise
Just go to mhg, 40% of it is b!ngposting

SA is pretty fun, it just sucks how stationary you have to be sometimes.

I'd like to get my mind around CB and HH but I'm too unga bunga for them.

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learn to GP you faggot

I'm still weak shit but I'm trying to do 50 quests per weapon minimum currently, just working my way through everything.

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CB is flowchart fun desu, and there's a lot of cool stuff you can do with guard points into SAEDs. If you want to be a good CB player, remember the shortcut Y -> Y+B -> Y+B which is
>sword slash -> shield bash -> SAED
That way you don't have to mash R2+Y into Axe form into SAED like some bad chump who can't into good weapons.
Also CB sucks, SAED is not optimum DPS combos, play SA instead

>going from 4th Gen LBG to World LBG

honestly what the FUCK happened???

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Thank you Capcom for killcams

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Thanks user, but I apparently got one of the best CB's from Gold Mommy, I feel obligated to play it.

Amen to that.

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I hope it's the Horn. It's a pretty good one

2 of them actually. Still no bows, longswords, or HBGs though.

why is that monster cumming


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You know when you rub the back of your cat's neck and it arches its back? Imagine that with a lizard, but you're smashing a hammer into it. Naturally it creates a stronger pleasure response.

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It's more fun desu

Being able to strafe with the convenience of a controller finally got me to play ranged weapons

Same goes with HBG. It's subtle but being able to stay close to the head while using the spread shells shows

Switch axe is desgined for infinte combos.

based every weapon user bro

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People like you are worse

>"Every Weapon"
>Prowler: 4

I've actually been using it a lot more now, but mainly for gathering quests because they're fuckin useless for actual hunts, I tried them for about 10 hunts and I just couldn't make it work.

Keep eating shit boyo nomnomnom

Glad I switched to gunlance main. Literally just sit there until monster is dead. It's fun being braindead.

Literally me lol

That depends on the Bias. I went through all of HR and G-rank as a Beast, switching my supports and skills for a crit build. There were only a couple quests in G4 I couldn't complete alone, and mainly because they included that asshole Gravios, which hard counters Beasts. I even did Lao-Shan solo as a Prowler, though I could only repel him. And I still somehow get better times against Ahtal-Ka as a Prowler than as a Hunter.

crit beast, huh. i thought protection or something was better but i just didn't like prowlers playstyle in general to try and find the one that works best, but i'll try beast

Plesioth kills are so satisfying

>how stationary you have to be sometimes
I didn't play swaxe much in world but in older games evasion +1 would make the hops almost Lance-like with how easy it was to stick to the monster.

protection is good because it's safe. You don't get the best boomerang combo though and you only get the vanilla melee set

beast takes some getting used to but the mobility is honestly insane once you get the movement down

I may try that then, I didn't play SA at all in 4U so its still pretty new to me.

>using anything besides greatsword and hammers

It's like you want to be useless and suck shit.

>maining weapons
it's like you don't know how to play the game and obsess over DPS instead of having fun with Monster fucking Hunter

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>squad pussies out of arty drop becasue 1 (ONE) other squad dropped there


Blast-element weapons are fun though. No shame in that.


Here's what my Beast uses:

F Scratching Pole (White sharpness, 168 raw, 30% Affinity)
Neset Helm
Neset Mail

Support Moves:
>Claw Dance
>Release the Beast
>Weapon Upgrade
>Rousing Roar
>Flash Bombay
>Go! Fight! Win!
>Emergency Escape/Soothing Roll

>Critical Boost
>Crit Up L
>Artful Dodger

Crit Up L boosts the weapon's affinity to 50%, Critical Boost increases crit damage to 1.4x instead of 1.25x, and Artful Dodger increases the amount of i-frames you get via backflipping, which can be invaluable.

Claw Dance is just for burning through excess gauge by using a strong support move, Release the Beast is mandatory to get into Beast Mode. In Beast Mode you get Mind's Eye by default, and at Beast level 1 you get Rocksteady, protecting you from minor flinching hits. At level 2 you get +15% affinity, and at level 3 you get SP mode. So that's 65% affinity just from there. Weapon Upgrade gives you +10 raw and +30% affinity, putting you at a cool 95% affinity. If you get knocked into the enraged mode, that's another +50% affinity, boosting you to 100%. Rousing Roar is also mandatory, but it gives you and everyone in the current zone stun immunity and passes on all other buffs you have to everyone else too. Flash Bombay is situational and I'll switch it with Dung Bombay or Farcatster as needed. Go! Fight! Win! will give everyone infinite stamina and reduces Prowler gauge cost by 1, but can also be canceled out and you'll still get the effects for 10 seconds. I use that to spam free healing for full heals. And Emergency Escape or Soothing Roll are for healing and curatives, depending on the monster since Emergency Escape clashes with some other slots and is vulnerable to tremors and roars.

I also have Earplugs, Crit Up S, Tremor Res, and Negate Wind for my unequipped abilities for monsters that demand those skills. It's worked well for me.

For me, its the Heavy Bowgun. The most alpha, highest damage-dealing weapon in Monster Hunter.

Attached: 1000 hbg hunts.png (671x910, 411K)

I just like the explosions switch axe makes

Heavy shots > Rapid shots > Pierce shots > Spread shots

Hold R2 to mix powders
Like the Hunting Horn, certain combos lead to different effects.
After mixing, you get a few charges (balanced similar to bowgun ammo)
With charges, R2 + Triangle = Lob, R2+Circle = Fastball

Brass knuckles meets sawn off shotgun.
Deals fast, short range blunt damage.
Like the Gun Lance, you can end combos by emptying stored rounds you have to manually reload.
Rounds to big damage and can break parts, but have high recoil, and most Guntlets have low ammo capacity.

Guitar Axe hybrid
Medium Speed, low range, sharp damage
Holding R2 and jamming on the correct buttons with the correct timing plays a song to buff the player and their party. The buffs are stronger in base effects than the Hunting Horn, but are very short lived.
Finishing the song with a power chord (hold R2 after completing a song) locks the player in a vulnerable animation, but doubles the duration of the buff.
Combos lengthen and improve depending on current buffs, like the Insect Glaive.

Boltreaver Astalos a best

Hammer, Hunting Horn, and Insect Glaive are the most fun weapons
prove me wrong

I will never understand people who just never try any other weapon other than their bread and butter. You have 14 fucking weapons to choose from but you only stick to a couple of them. I don't get it.

I agree, and I've always loved the blast weapon designs in every game. But when I'm feeling lazy and want to play defensively I feel bad showing up in DPS mode with my blast CB and Challenger +2.

The Switch Axe is perfect in form and function. There is no situation or creature that can change this indisputable fact of life.

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Hyper Silver Rathalos

Fuck you nigga, I've been playing hbg since mh3u. I've overcome even shit like luscent nargacuga and tempered nergigante( no clust) and the bitch (zinogre,rajang and shagaru magala) quest with nothing but my sheer mastery and dedication to my weapon.
If you play any other way then you are a mega fag,unless you like akantorex ofc.

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Hyper Silver "Blitzkreig" Rathalos

this is the completion

Can somebody explain this to me. Is it ACTUALLY an MMO? Or is it just another Monster Hunter game with the classic 4 player hunts, except the hub can host errybody?

>this degeneracy
Actually user, it's just anything popular that gets Yea Forums's degeneracy attached to discussions.

>You used to actually be able to have a decent and positive discussion around here
>Fucking world shitters

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>tfw feel like I picked the wrong voice for my character
>don't want to start over
please help

play as a cat


They're pretty fun, nyaaa~!

guys i really like monster hunter. just wanted to say that.

Can any mhg(u) fags tell me what the point of supernova is for the hbg?
I completed the game (mhg) but couldn't find a use for the supernova because it doesn't really do any damage. I was super excited for it too.

>3u baby thinks he's hot shit because he's too lazy to learn other weapons and have fun with them
a true hunter enjoys all weapons and doesn't place one on a pedestal over another for "my weapon is better than your weapon" cred

just use them all, bitch

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>Love me some GL
>Have a great time
>That one person you hate says they enjoy it too
>Try your best not to let it taint your love for the Gunlance
>But you just can't use it anymore
>Your face as you try other weapons

I'm sorry! I just can't see you anymore!

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sometimes I get bored of using the hbg all the time, especially in mhw because of the shit selection(no reason to use anything other than dark devourer) and try another weapon for a while but I just can't stick to it like the hbg cus I'm too used to it.

I don't see the point in farming up materials for other weapons I'm only gonna use if I get bored. Hbg is my one true love.
-not the same fag

meowstress is cute!

Attached: cute.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

thats adorable

I used her wig with Duram armor to make a cool barbarian cat.
Why is there almost no porn?

Ancient leshen pushed my shit in with it's gimmicky teleporting and projectile spam. It's making me consider SnS

I'm too lazy to learn shit like the hammer,dual swords,long sword ...?

Hbg is harder to learn than most weapons(no clust ofc) I could learn them easily if I wanted to. That being said I do kinda want to learn gs because the charge attack looks cool and would take a shit ton of time to master.

Are arch tempereds supposed to one shot me?

>I could learn them easily if I wanted to
then do it

Attached: 1531187557234.gif (800x600, 48K)

yes and no

Not if you have Guts

>(no clust ofc)
you keep saying this

part of me wants to use hbg/lbg, the better part of me cant be doing with the extra hassle of managing ammunition on top of everything else. Blademasta 4 lyf

Keep that HH sharp, blade master

If you main hbg in mhw, you have to stress this otherwise people will assume you cluster bomb.

i'm assuming you cluster bomb now because you keep having to fucking say it

>Letting yourself get cucked this badly

'ate Weebs
'ate Switchshitters
'ate Greatcunts
'ate Bowhomos
'ate twinshitters
'ate bitchgunners
'ate Cringeblades
'ate bughumpers
'ate Kushala Dora

Love me Gunlance.
Love me Hammerbros
Love me Hornslut
Love Nergi

simple as

Attached: Oxygen tent.jpg (480x640, 33K)

Post screens of God tier weapon usage. I'll start.

Attached: MONSTERHUNTERWORLD_20190410_01-41-24.png (1280x720, 1.12M)

I actually went through four straight days of fighting that shit before they ever patched it. I only ever killed it four times and swore off on doing that quest ever again. All I can say as someone that had used almost nothing but Switch Axe up to that point, I actually had to resort to using Dual Blades. Demon mode lets you get in a few, quick hits and get out before it fucks you up. Don't think I could've done it otherwise.

If I hadn't said it people would go
>hard to learn
>cluster bomb
Even if you doubt me I'd rather have prevented a shit ton of messages like that and then go"N-no I don't use clust I swear guyyyz" than to have you doubt me for stressing it.

Contrary to the memes, Efficient cluster bombing is the hardest part of HBG outside of properly chaining status with magda. Emphasis on properly.

Non optimal status play or cluster is fucking braindead and probably the easiest weapon in the game. Choosing which way to move your icon in radial menu doesn't count as difficulty. Can't believe you keep bringing up non cluster as some kind of bragging right honestly

i might be the only aerial GL, i cant help but love that forward jump

>hbg is just pointing and shooting
>Clust bombing makes hbg hard
>Hbg was ez untik clust bombing meta
If you don't think this then why would you assume that me not using clust bombs would make me a noob, why wouldn't I just play like I did for previous games.
Also many things done efficiently are difficult. I'm not speaking low of the people who clust bomb effectively, I never said I don't clust bomb because I think it's piss, I said I don't clust bomb because I didn't want people to think that I was using it in the easy way like the meme.
The real reason I don't use it is because I just personally don't like clust bombing as much as playing the old way it isn't as fun.

How do I tear myself away from paralysis SnS in XX, bros? I'm stuck in an endless loop of paralyzing, stunning, mounting, and part breaking and the only thing that lets the monster move are the paltry sharpness restraints of high rank. I'm building up a crit element set, but can anything compare to the ultimate utility?

>how do I stop having fun guyz?????

I honestly don't know how to respond to this because it's so detached from what I wrote.

What I'm referring to mainly, is you stating that HBG is harder than most weapons to learn. But it's one of the easiest weapons in the game to learn. There are no charge levels to maintain, no combos, no gauges to keep filled or track, aside from the wyvernheart/snipe. Especially as you said it was one of the hardest weapons to learn (no clusters) when clusters are certainly not easier than just shooting sticky ammo or whatever.

Basically learn other weapons. Because you know how to play HBG does not mean that every other weapon is easier to learn, in fact it's the opposite.

It's hard not to play hammer all the timw since it's way too fun. Horn is pretty cool too. Never understood insecr glaive and the other new weapons. Hammer is like crack fml

This is only true for World.

I never said all other weapons are easy to learn and I wasn't talking about masterring other weapons, I'm talking about simply just picking them up abd using them. Do you think he average player knows all this shit, better yet do you think the average person on this thread uses this knowledge or maybe do they just play the game and pick random weapons without getting too technical.

You want me to get an adept understanding of every weapon, whilst I just want to master my single one weapon.

Depending on which mh you're playing, there's cheats to change your voice

>do you think the average player knows all this shit
I absolutely do not think they know, that's why I was trying to clear up misconceptions.

Fair enough. Contrary to what you think I actually have a lot of respect for clust bombers(good ones). I actually wanted to get into it because I watched one guy solo speedrun behemoth whilst clust bombing, I just chose not too because I'd rather play my way.