yeah, im thinking EA is back.
Yeah, im thinking EA is back
Other urls found in this thread:
I like how they’re trying to get the yboi LARPer crowd back by adding some Nordic looking tunes there.
Fun fact btw: Nordic runes didn’t come from the Norse but the Geto-Dacs and Phoenicians.
It's gonna be shit, they'll fuck it up somehow and respawn will be kill.
that is the gayest lightsaber I have ever seen, EU included
>EA games
After the string of high quality EA games they've released in the past 10 years I'm sure this one will be just as good.
It's gonna be full woke wewuzzing crap
jedi rise up
Not expecting anything, maybe if they ignore everything added by Disney it could be ok
I'd bet they'll have alien slavery as a plot point
Let's wait and see until the game comes out
>Expecting a game and not a slot machine
>EA is the only company which has a license to make Star Wars games
>only makes, like, two games with it
Can someone explain me why EA isn't cranking up a new Star Wars game every 6 months?
>buying EA or Ubisoft games
is the main character gonna be some shit skin or woman?
Not how contracts work. They just have to wait it out
If they had any brain cells they could make the protag an alien chick from that red skinned race the sith came from and make an actual bad guy game.
Instead it'll probably be some nigress/muslim woman pilot turned jedi with a robot leg or something that's accompanied by some meme spouting fuzzy bullshit alien companion that happens to be a lesbian or trans.
>the only people that make good games there are Respawn
>they're the most recent purchase
Just wait until EA gets their grubby hands in. As soon as they start losing the freedom the game quality with drop and they'll end like all the rest.
It was bound to happen, it was a bidding war between Nexon and EA for the studio. Both are bad options. But i'd rahter have them be with Nexon just to spite EA.
No, the villain will literally be Trump, democracy will be painted as great and the party will be a colorful set of totally-not-earth-based minorities with all the possible sexual orientation,
>star wars
don't post your SJW shit here
Yeah, I'm thinking you're EA. pls go.
back to creating more shit you mean
>"EA" displayed in the title/logo
Guess EA basically wants this to fail
>Don’t stand out
Basically flat out saying the game is bottom barrel cookie cutter trash.
How the fuck is EA even allowed to touch Star Wars in 2019?
It does amaze me how proud they are of themselves. Even good company's don't put their name in the games logo.
It's like they lack any self awareness
>buying games just because they're Star Wars
You should have grown up by now, you fucking idiots.
>red skinned race the sith came
That race is actually called "Sith".
because in 2013 they got a 10 year contract saying they are the only ones allowed to touch it
>EA Games
>Don't Stand Out™
Who is developing the game?
I seriously hope it isn't DICE
Yeah, back on Yea Forums shilling their shitty fucking games.
Oh fuck off with you "EA is back"
Are you willing to pay the price?
We know anything about it?
>Star Wars
Giga nope, fuck off.
Literally worse than shit.
Just go back to OpenJA, custom campaigns for JO/JA.
>giving a shit about Star Wars anymore
Lmao oh sweety don't you know Star Wars is not for white males anymore? Let the womyn and PoC have their series!
was thinking it couldn't get worse
Being developed by respawn about the remaining Jedi being hunted after order 66.
Going to feature Inquisitors
Star wars hasn't been good since the seventies
>single player
>developed by respawn
im down to clown boys
It'll be an SJW "nu"game with cinematic bullshit up the ass
They will never ever make something like jedi knight again
Huh, could actually be interesting then. But y'know, probably won't be.
The info we have is that this is being developed by the same team as Titanfall 2, along with the story taking place between 3 and 4 about a Jedi trying to hide after Order 66 was executed.
Didnt they try to pull that "Hey guys, we totally changed" bullshit back when Battlefront 2 was in development?
What are you talking about? Respawn is literally the only good studio they have left
I feel bad for those devs. The game never stood a chance.
Star Wars feels so lame nowadays.
How is Respawn worse than DICE. Have you even played titanfall 2?
How can I get a job shilling for EA? Can you hook an user up?
>Don't stand out
SJW shitstorm in 5..4..3..2..
They do it literally every time they release a game
whats the game even suppose to be about? single player?
nah... gonna be multiplayer with some loot box or microtransaction shit
I still like it. I just don't like EA
EA doesn't believe singleplayer games sell
dude, i couldn't agreemore. DICE without a doubt has fallen from grace with BFV. They can't even patch the fucking game without breaking several other game features in some way. Even indie devs make better working games. I'm absolutely sure BFV was made by the interns at DICE and not a single dev actually worked on this game. What a shitload of fuck. Also look at their other games. Same shit every 2 years. I cannot believe EA hasn't fired most these fucks for loss in sales. If Blizzard has no problem firing 800 people, then why hasn't DICE been completely destroyed and burned to the ground by EA yet?? How does DICE get away with making SHIT BF and star wars games and remained unscathed?? how fucking deep does this rabbit hole go
the duality of man
mediocre fps with meme gimmicks
Spotted the gypsy.
>Jedi Knight
>but with Respawns TERRIBLE balance decisions they never walk back
>on top of SLOW updates and general lack of communication
Holy fuck this is the worst timeline.
Wookie slavery has been always a think, Chewie was one.
No, they just went full retard with live services instead of Pay DLC
I can't really see them making a lightsaber game an fps but okay I'll take your word for it
objectively, subjectively, factually, untrue since coptersabers exist
I'll give it a chance considering that Respawn Entertainment is behind this project
>That logo
I hope you don't expect anything good to come from it.
It will be absolutely a failure, but we will have shills here ramming it down our throats calling it best gamer ever and that people should take off their nostalgica goggles and anybody who disagrees with them is mentally ill.
Just you watch.
>EA is back
Shoo shoo, shill!
Sounds interesting. I hope it's not too linear and doesn't have stupid boss battles with helicopter lightsabers like in Rebels.
>shitty newfag anime reaction image
where are the oldfag anime reaction images
Why are people so mad about EA? Dont tell me you seriously just eat up whatever Yea Forums tells you. The only bad game they've made so far is Anthem and mass effect andromeda and that was more for technical mistakes than anything else.
Just throw it on top of the dumpster fire.
We already know it's going to be singleplayer focused, so everyone who claims otherwise, stop being gay.
Is this b8?
>helicopter lightsabers like in Rebels.
We might desu. We know the game will definitely feature Inquisitors but I don't know if the story group is brave enough to use that idea again
>yeah, im thinking EA is back.
Fucking underage faggot.
>The only bad game they've made so far is Anthem and mass effect andromeda
Who does more damage to their respective industry, EA or Disney?
That shill behavior is just standard 90's babies etiquette.
Everyone knows that the Gen Z only know the taste of shit. They've never played a good game in their lives. There not even human fucking beings.
>He doesn't remember the Sim City fiasco
>Or the SWBF fiasco
>Or the SWBF2 fiasco
>Or the BFV fiasco
>Or the Mass Effect 3 fiasco
>Or the Dead Space fiasco
>Or the Dungeon Keeper fiasco
Back to what?
You are forgetting the massive design mistakes everywhere.
Also name a single EA published Star Wars game that came out on the past 8 years that wasn't underwhelming as fuck.
>The only bad game they've made so far is Anthem and mass effect andromeda
>lucas arts
back up to their old shennanigans
>Don't stand out
>Take a knee
and Inquisition, and Battlefield V, and Battlefield 1, and Dragon Age 2, and Mass Effect 3, and SWTOR, and Battlefield 4, and Battlefield Hardline, and Apex Legends, and Battlefield 3, and their yearly sports games, and Command and Conquer Rivals, and Red Alert 3, and the Sims 4, and Sim City, and Star Wars Battlefront, and Star Wars Battlefront 2, and Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and Army of Two, and Dead Space 3, and Dead Space 2, and Crysis 3, and...
INB4 woman main character.
In an almost 30 year history of making games, only TOR, Andromeda and Anthem have been disastrously bad. Every other game has been decent to good. Sure they dont churn out masterpieces anymore but 3 bad games in 30 years is good. All the hate is way blown out of proportion and its purely politically motivated
It must be scary getting old.
Is there anything good to expect from Star Wars games using anything unique to the setting other than cool gameplay mechanic driven lightsaber battles?
If the game doesn't have that then I couldn't care less.
And they killed Nox
Lucasarts hadn't made anything decent since Force Unleashed, and that's a stretch. They also killed Free Radical's BF3 and a Rogue Squadron HD collection
EA isn't that much worse. They never greenlit Kinect Star Wars.
Long gone user, but thanks for posting one, all mine are gone since I never bother backing up my reaction folder.
> Disney
> EA
> Not lucasarts game studio
What could possibly go wrong and pozzed here?
We will never see a game like the jedi knights again, it will be more like some silly god of war type/arcadey type game. And don't forget the payed cosmetics, you can't forget the payed cosmetics and other zoomer type cancer.
Sounds like the retcon of star killers replacement. This games going to suck because EA is going to sell another “experience” instead of giving us movie battles 2 style combat, that’s tooooo hard for little tommy.
I pray that il get a modern Star Wars game that handles lightsaber battles the right away, please. Im not looking forward to how awful this cinematic feel good protagonist based game will go.
EVERYONE wants to self insert as a Jedi/sith... just let us build our own character and battle each other.
Yeah, im thinking this is gonna get cancelled in 6 months
Not nearly as scary as being born after 95, that's for sure.
>> Not lucasarts game studio
that's not necessarily a negative
it'll probably still be bad, though
is this a good enough anime
>Sim City
>not disastrously bad
Full retard
I think the last enjoyable EA game I played was NFS Underground 2 on the original Xbox.
Nowadays, their name and brand image evokes feelings of cheap commercial garbage. Like I'm being ripped off if I buy from them. Hell, even NFSU2 had a shit ton of ads in it.
>Ever being excited for an EA game
haha no
yeah. can't wait for online only microtransaction fest...yay...
Name one good game they've put out since 2010
what retard wrote up that bullshit
and these people discuss games with you here... fuck
For all we know blizzards revenue is substantially lower than the other studious. Dice might make awful games but it’s easier to pull in people from multiple gaming platforms, blizzard mostly if not exclusively deals in Pc gaming
Battlefront 2 has actually become pretty solid since release
Most of those are pretty good except TOR
Where's my boi Visceral, they got hurt too
Amazing bait, faggot.
Lucas Arts games were fucking top notch and I'll always hate Disney for killing them in favour of EA
DICE has suffered, they've lost over 80 employees after SWBF2 and BFV
If the next game they make is another flop, then it's curtains.
are you somehow claiming those studios weren't killed
Wasn't there going to be some big serious star wars RPG being made from some team with a good pedigree, but EA just shut it down?
I'm not buying their trash regardless, but that's just an extra cherry on top of the insult.
>don't stand out
>broken lightsaber
Called it. You'll be a padawan on the run, but using blasters. Lightsaber will probably be limited to one fucking segment of the game as an EPIC one hit kill everything button.
>Star Wars
We already know it wont be good, stop baiting us.
most of your brain must be pretty dead, then
Is this a YLYL 4chen thread?
I'm one of the few people who liked BF Hardline but it was inevitable that they were getting shutdown.
>Hardline came out early 2015
>Visceral got shutdown in mid-2017
Did they do ANYTHING in-between?
they didn't put out a single good game between 2006 and the buyout
People *liked* that shit?
From what? EA was always shit
Eh, why would you be using blasters if you're doing nothing wrong or don't want to stand out? If I were an imperial soldier, I would just assume that the kid running away while shooting at me is either a Jedi or some rebel terrorist.
>Nordic runes aren't Nordic.
Is it possible you were attempting to lie about the origin of just runes? Or are you implying the font of all writing must be traced back to its origin and we should call everything "uk-uk derivative"?
Stop giving EA money you faggots
jedi fallen order more like not fallen for that LOL
Anthem with lightsabers, cant wait!
>and their yearly sports games
Reminder that EA threw a hissy fit attacking anyone trying to make another football game and eventually just went exclusive with the NFL instead of just improving the Madden games. They can release mediocre Madden game year after year now without any competition.
worked on a Star Wars game
KOTOR and KOTOR II already happened.
fuck off back to wherever you came from
>Don't stand out
Ah, EA's philosophy behind making games
being a criminal with a blaster just gets stormtroopers on your tail, being a Jedi with a lightsaber gets Inquisitors and eventually Vader on your tail
1313 was meant to be their next big game
How do you even do star wars now that EU is dead? Post movie 6 is a minefield due to movies aint done and pre movie 1 is a blank state that I am pretty sure Disney wants no one to mess with yet.
and it was going to be garbage, look at how many times development was restarted and rebooted.
>shoot back at some clones
>Oh shit, a rebel, call it in
>cut up some clones with a lightsaber
>Blockade the planet, call Vader
set them in between TPM and ROTJ
this game is set in the Dark Times
Well I guess we'll never find out now because we're in the worst timeline where EA has full control on what's made
Who else can't wait for the shitstorm after it turns out to be a total fucking mess like Andromeda and Anthem
the drumpf times....
>It was going to be some hybrid between a linear action shooter, where if you're on the ground it's Tomb Raider-like, but then in space it's gonna be Black Flag. You flew your Millennium Falcon-esque ship around, boarded other ships, raided pirates, got booty, and that kind of thing
So Assassin's Creed Star Wars edition on that shitty Frostbite engine. Did it have a chance?
The EU isn't dead it's just new and entirely different and not as diverse.
Goddamn, I cannot even BELIEVE that people are shilling EA games in 2019...It has to be shitposting, it absolutely has to be. There's just no fucking way
J:FO is made by competent devs
not everything is le next TORtanic
Jedi Fallen Order, more like Just
Back from the toilet.
They collected their poop in a bowl and they're calling it a star wars game.
Or the dumpster. They gathered garbage, made a tower and called it a religious object
Hahaha, yes! Fuck you, DICE! People are like "uuuuh EA ruined them poor DICE" but these guys were always shit. I almost feel bad for EA for having to put up with them for so long.
we have exactly one example of Respawn's post-EA work, and it's fucking Apex Legends
You mean the team that has only made Titanfall and Apex?
Well that is how they made the movies.
Jedi Fallen Order? More like I can't get any boreder
This is because EA restructured the team fro the game to hell and back, only 30 members of the team were Visceral, and they started taking people of to work on Battlefront when that released.
it's not made by DICE
Like they shoukld ahve been with every game they released since the ps3 era?
yeah, nah.
Local troopers vs calling in a the 501st, at least one star destroyer, and inquisitors if lucky. Vader if you aren't.
Please don't fuck with the Jedi Knight series
Please don't fuck with the Jedi Knight series
Please don't fuck with the Jedi Knight series
ANOTHER FUCKING GAME that's all about stealth takedowns? What is wrong with you fucking people? Do you want to fight enemies or just sneak up behind them and press a button to instantly win?
they can't delete the originals from existence and this game wouldn't be canon to those games either way
>that's all about stealth takedowns?
that's a bold assumption
>Star Wars
LMAO who cares about this garbage.
>Don't stand out
>Game is about being jedi, just trying to live peacefully and not attract attention
nice runes, faggot
Name a single game in the last 5 years that doesn't have stealth takedowns.
Devil May Cry 5
resident evil 2
>EA releases a bad game that undersells
classic EA, that's what they deserve
>EA releases a good game that undersells
nobody wanted it because it's so bad, that's what they get for not making what people demand
>EA releases a bad game that sells well
casual trash
>EA releases a good game that sells well
EA killed [series] so I don't care, yes I know this is something all big publishers do but I only care when EA does it so I'm boycotting them for life
>two years later
Man remember that one game? I wouldn't hate EA if it would just make more like that one
>>EA releases a good game
I've found the flaw in your logic
people have big autism against EA I'll never understand why, they dont even make the games
>EA releases a good game
Name one fag
>he never played the superior game: NFS Most Wanted
Henry Hatsworth?
they own the studios who make the games
Last EA published game I bought was in 2011. I will never give them a single cent again.
and? they dont make the games
if the game's bad thats the devs fault
They get involved way more than they should.
more like
shiva the deceased
jackie chan
Common knowledge of how parent companies work
Have you not followed the Anthem controversy?
ok so no sources
yeah and that was bioware's fault
>EA buys Visceral
>Dead Space 2 and 3 and vastly worse than Dead Space
>EA buys Bioware
>every game after the buyout is almost comically bad
>EA buys Respawn
>their next game is a BR cash grab
It's going to be so fucking bad that's for sure
Yeah it's the devs fault for signing on with EA
No chance of that happening with Apex still being very popular.
I fully expect a low and close camera like God of War, and shitty melee combat to pair up with that. If they are doing a Star Wars story about being a Jedi, the lightsaber combat is literally priority #1.
As soon as microtransactions are confirmed at all, I'll know that I'm not gonna buy it
Theyll make it sjw.
Titanfall 1 and 2 were published by EA
>Ben Kenobi, Kyle Katarn and Luke Skywalker are all literally white male incels
Is this the real secret behind Star Wars' popularity?
How will you kids react when EA makes a powerful independent woman of color the lead character? I hope you don't kill yourselves. I really do.
>yeah and that was bioware's fault
In some ways yes, but EA made them use Frostbite when they has no experience or desire to use it, then they sent the Frostbite experts away to work on some other garbage, there's way more than that but it's not my job to educate
Yea Forumsiral marketing
>these bunch of lines was obviosly copied from these other bunch of lines!
jedi are chad incels though
just like monks
brb adopting a dog right now to trigger trannies
>don't stand out
yeah, be a sheep in the herd
>good game
You already messed up
>Ben Kenobi
Ben fucked the everloving hell out of Duchess Satine. Do not call him an incel.
>thinking EA will pull another lootbox/microtransations on a STAR WARS game after last time
they're not retarded, and no microtransactions is likely going to be one of their selling points, i guarantee it
but they didn't own Respawn until after Titanfall 2
Wait. if Gen Z ended in 2009, what's the generation being born now?
Too much effort?
>they're not retarded
Yes they are.
>and no microtransactions is likely going to be one of their selling points, i guarantee it
They just did it again with Anthem, just to a lesser extent. Eyes wide shut.
Obi-Wan was either voluntarily celibate, or he was fucking the shit out of Satine or Siri Tachi
>predates Sumerian from Uruk/Iraq
>contains the famous Y symbol and Swastika
>even predates Brahman Vedic by a couple millennia
>EA makes a powerful independent woman of color the lead character?
That already happened you retard.
You know how in many horror or sci-fi movies the first clue that a person is an evil monster in disguise or possessed is a barking dog?
There was a Rogue Squadron HD collection?? Fuck
no, because Lucasarts killed it
Disney. Micro transactions were always going to be a thing thanks to Asians and Europeans spending $5000 to burn down each other’s FarmVilles in mobile phones.
Literally proving my point
>buying EA games in 2019
>Dude it's made by Respawn they made that Call of Duty game!
When will this meme die?
they do it with "game as a service" games to keep the money going an pay for the servers and future updates now that they stopped making season passes
this star wars game will be single player, there will be no microtransactions
>can't name a single one
yeah im thinking you're exactly the kind of retard they market to.
complete fucking morons that forget everything they've done every single game they fuck up in the last decade
one little image it's all it takes to convince waste of oxigen like you that the company is good again,
please end your life user.
>Siri Tachi
I forgot about these books. They're obviously for kids but are they actually good? I remember almost nothing from when I read it twenty years ago.
>never named a game
>this star wars game will be single player, there will be no microtransactions
Life finds a way m8
they're ok for YA books
better than the Young Jedi Knights books, holy shit
Introducing some shitty MMO with microtransactions
>EA is back
...with microtransactions
guess who's back
back again with a great model for the industry
tell a friend
The only good thing to come from YJK was the characters that got used in NJO.
Even Junior were better stories for their demographic.
its ea, they havnt made a good game in forever, the ones that are "good" are just mediocre but good by todays ea standards. Im garenteeing ea will find some way to fuck it up, they always do
Disney is big enough to buy EA outright, why don't they just buy out the contract?
Oh shit, this better be KOTOR 3 tier
I've got a bad feeling about this...
They keep making them yet I keep ignoring them.
he's not the lead writer, and the director is the guy who directed God of War 3
so it won't be
Surely no ones gonna fall for their shit a third time
who member
>East AR Wars
Is it going to be Jedi Knight style?
fuck EA
I thought he hated SW.
he goes where the money takes him
Idk but I'm thinking this is there answer to people who've wanted a new JK game. It just feels like a reboot or some shit.
the director's last game was God of War 3 so probably not
is that quote like a reference or some kind of new propaganda term discouraging individualism
Aiden Versio wasn't too bad since she was the daughter of a very demanding imperial father.
Being a nerd I read the books. She's loyal to the bone and rightfully deserves the shit she can do. It just makes it m ore obvious Disney interfered with the original plot .
Please. For the love of god, please have decent combat and let me join the Empire.
Just let me be a Sith Lord and purge the Jedi. This is all I ask.
>tfw no "lord of the edge 2k19 simulator"
>Just let me be a Sith Lord and purge the Jedi.
Why would you want to play as the bad guys
Just let starwars die you stupid cows.
>EA not putting mircotransactions in thier games
>EA not being retarded.
Pretending to be retarded is not going to get you as many (You)’s as you want.
>the guy who directed God of War 3
I don't know how I feel about this
Its gonna be a looter slasher
EA said they will never do singleplayer games anymore
EA's strategy is ALWAYS
>come on guys, it won't be as bad this time!
Except it is, and you are an absolute moron because you fall for it every.fucking.time.
Because playing as bad guys is fucking fun
Based Doggo
>Thinking Respawn is worse than Dice
Hard yikes from me, retard.
I just want KOTOR 3. By a competent studio. (So, not Bioware.) I got bored of the original trilogy era and its characters decades ago.
It's going to be bamham/witcher 3 style dodge spam
cool blog faggot
Apex is still their top money pit.
The prequels themselves quality aside, the prequel setting/world lends itself better to more vidya genres than the OT.
Do we know what kind of game it is and what character you play as?
Please tell me its open world Jedi game!?!?
You say that but I haven't heard about it at all since that first week.
Gen Alpha then Gen Beta
Yeah granted numbers aren't as high like before but still it's literal EA's only good thing they can hang onto currently. Anthem is dead and gone, Battlefield is forgotten currently
no. likely a black female jedi
why the fuck would it be open world
>EA is back.
>Luke skywalker
>rebuilds the jedi order from scratch
>builds his academy on a moon full of dark side energy because it builds character
>woos, beds, fucks, and impregnates the assassin that had been following him for years
>fucks her so hard she marries him
So what is it then?
I thought EA doesnt like linear single player games
Is it going to be a jedi version of For Honor?
it's shit
nuEU is as bad as the sequels.
a four hour story movie about a super special Jedi they were allowed to create who bests the evil white Empire at every turn, including embarrassing whatever Inquisitor comes after you as a mid-movie boss.
That's a language from Expanded Universe, but okay.
Oh fuck yourself you obsessed pol faggot
Im trying to talk about actually video games
Fuck off and let someone actually reply to me that wants to talk about the game
You're so goddamn cringe
Video games are for little kids
Back to shitting up the industry? They never left
Since it's not Nu-Bioware will there at least be attractive ayylmaos?
yet you didn't refute any of the actual stuff that I said could easily show up in the "game." The Inquisitorious were completely shit and barely trained around the time period this game supposedly takes place in, so besting one or two that come after you to show your strength against the Empire is an easy-mode mid game boss. You think you're free from the eyes of the Empire and suddenly they turn up at your door step.
I'll describe the plot of the game right now.
>colored female protagonist
>works for the empire at first
>joins the rebels
>wins easily
I would to if I was working for them. you know you're not nearly as clever as you think
The fuck?
Pretty sure user's talking about Mara
>who bests the evil white Empire at every turn
It's funny because this is what I assumed Rebels was going to be, before Vader cleaned house.
>democracy is great because our big nose aliens own all the media and have successfully managed to bring nigger aliens to different planets where they make up to 50%+ of planets population
it still happens though. especially since they couldn't kill off Thrawn and they had to deal with Hera/Chopper/The Ghost showing up in RO and Hera showing up in the comics set after ANH, so those three at minimum couldn't get wasted.
>Most historians agree that those symbols are not a writing system
These are not runes. They are not even proto-runes. They are not related to the writing system from which runes are derived. Stop bringing up your misguided pet cause whenever runes are mentioned.
How many times must you get burned before it finally sinks in?
Sekiro will be shit guys!!!
Action adventure like God of War written by the guy who wrote Mafia 3
I've no idea about post-Rebels stuff, but as far as the show itself was concerned, I felt like most characters there got shat on often enough that the victories they had were more or less well-earned.
Respawn is almost as concerning as EA. And then you add Disney's Star Wars to the mix.
But Titanfall 2 was great?
>before Vader cleaned house
How did Rebels turn out? I only watched season 1.
>Vader: Wait. One question.
Who writes this tripe?
It is shit. Fortunately from was a big enough developer that activision had no impact on the development. Cant say the same thing with whoever the fuck is working on jedi last order
I feel awful after having read this, knowing this is completely possible with modern EA.
>le vague sentence that you can clearly see is a topic of argument amongst historians (because who wouldn’t be butthurt about NOT being the master race?) is a statement of proof to you
Don’t be a brainlet buddy
nothing is ever allowed to die. NOTHING. even the fucking addams family is being rebooted, AGAIN, they're talking about a beetlejuice sequel, AGAIN, the big show premiere right now is a remake of Twilight Zone, remakes reboots sequel-prequels soft seaboots it never fucking ends
>im thinking
your initial misconception.
Rebels S1 was playing it safe for the sake of lulling Disney. It was still enjoyable, but once they knew they were in the saddle, the gloves started coming off. I think Clone Wars is overall a better experience, but Rebels really came into its own later on.
Good writers aren't going to waste their time on Star Wars comics.
I never finished Clone Wars either. It's so long that I got burnt out but in order to finish it I'd want to start from the beginning. I'll once again get burnt out and quit.
>Nu Wars
Dude, we can trace the lineage of runes and it has nothing to do with these symbols, which are not writing. There is nothing vague about that sentence. I have no idea what your comment about "master race" is trying to imply about historians.
Do you really need to be a good writer to know the general tone of one of the most iconic characters in fiction?
you know, I'd say this is a retarded post because EA can never redeem themselves, but it's at fucking least not an Epic shill. Carry on.
Mediocre writers aren't going to waste their time either. Bad writers are all they can get.
it was shit
it started out pretty bland, showed a bit of promise for one season, then turned into complete garbage with exactly one good scene across the two remaining seasons
it is weirdly nice to see an old-fashioned EA shill thread instead of hostile Epic shill thread
Post more Jedi Academy webms
>Respawn's post-EA work
What? Apex Legends is an EA game.
>retards now bait pretending 2 wasn't great
ok then child
Disney by far. Their lobbying to change copyright laws over the past several decades has caused more widespread harm on its own than anything EA has done.
Chris chad Avellone's working on this and dying light 2, will it have rpg elements?
main protagonist is a hypersexualized female Twi'lek.
>top money pit
JA and JA2 were amazing. Bring back Kyle! Bring back the DF series!
That's not even a complete list.
that's what I'm saying, user. Post-EA as in Post-EA purchase
Back to doing retarded shit yep
No. He wrote a character and some cinematic scripts, he is in no way involved with the gameplay design or the overall narrative direction.
No he's not, you've been baited by shills
Ring-a-ding-ding faggots, we're gonna get a Lifeline-tier abomination at best.
Even not counting kissing his own sister, Luke has had more action than I have.
They are all chadlets compared to Ki ChAdi Mundi. He was the only one allowed to get pussy, and multiple pussies on top of that.
No. Protagonist is confirmed male human modeled after Cameron Monaghan from Gotham.
Yeah, forget that LAST monumental fuckup. Look at this New game we're going to mismanage and ultimately ruin!
>most boring human face ever conceived by our lord
But at least he's white, right?
Technically it's only modeled after his face and performance. They could make his character darker if they want.
When can I play as the Sith or Empire, the Rebels fucking suck
but what kind of game is it?
Battlefront 2
Instead of wasting time and money on mocap they could have made decent gameplay.
You aren't allowed to have preferences anymore, that's racist. You'll buy your gay rebel simulator, you'll shove the complementary dildo up your ass and you'll smile about it while praising our diverse* saviors.
*only 56% jewish
tune in on Saturday to find out :^)
What a time to be alive
He's worked on it, but not to the degree EA would want you to believe
>the villain will literally be Trump
I totally wouldn't mind playing this game if that were the case.
>the villain turns out to be the hero all along
just play assassins creed
Respawn is the last good developer in EA's dungeon, just waiting for to be EAd like all the others.
it already happened, did you miss Apex Legends?
To me EAd means the developer company is closed by EA.
I like screenagers
It insulting by default and can be made into reenagers when needed
>tattered rags lightsaber
orange man good
imagine being this retarded
>still caring about star wars
its all shit m8s
just remember the originals
Why is this bad? GoD3 was kino as fuck
I fucking hate this interpretation of Grey Jedi that flies in the face of every representation in the entirety of the canon
whats wrong with it
EA shills not even trying anymore
I think they said its a ten year contract so...
Going by EAfront 2 we'll probably be playing as a female minority that had amazing wisdom and was able to predict order 66 but the oppressive Jedi males didn't listen to her then the rest of the game sees her going against the big bad: a white male.
So what is this? Single player? RPG? FPS?
Or just another online garbage?
Single player
Yup. Half over though.
Be patient
What makes you think EUfags are anything but embarrassing.
>Implying things from the expanded universe aren't coming back all the time.
>passion, yet emotion
>serenity, yet peace
oi u wot m8
>Single Player
Sure thing retard.
Ten years is a very long time. At this point even its pointless since Disney has raped Star Wars with those shitty movies and the Knights series could never be great again anyways. Battlefront and Kotor are fucking dead and in five more years will be even more dead.
I'm just telling you what we know faggot
The only written language in SW I can think of is Aurebesh and it sure as hell doesn't look like that.
>EA releases a good game
When was the last time this happened?
>(((Star Wars)))
L u l
Maybe they should stick to franchises that AREN'T known for being low quality propaganda. If I were EA I would distance myself as far as possible from anything Star Wars. That franchise is bad publicity to be assocaited with.
>Different writers working for the same news source can't have different opinions.
That's not a Fox News circle jerk.
Battlefront 2 is really fun. I dont know why its mentioned here as a bad game by people I 100% know have not played it
>not a circlejerk
SW is bad, EA is bad. Looks like they have been made for each other.
Grey Jedifags are fucking retarded
Please do not associate the misguided selfish greed of EA with the intentional harm to others purely for the sake of hatred for western society of Disney.
EA can be bargained with. They respect money.
Disney does not.
This is the baitiest thing I've seen in a long time. Kudos to you for setting a new bar for stupid, I'm impressed.
thats photoshopped right?
no way they did that whole tattoo and never realized this
please no
>EA can be bargained with.
As long as they have FIFA and Sports there is no way you can bargain with them.They will be always winning even if they release a metric ton of shit.
If you know it's bait, why would you respond to it?
If democracy is so great then how come we can't vote against fractional reserve lending or "hate speech"? Checkmate, athiests.
I did an info sheet on the ones I read.
>Based retard thinking just because apex is a battle royale, it’s making them the most money
It’s fucking fifa you dumb fuck, no gives a shit about apex and went back to fortnite
They are the only people that have made sliding and wallrunning good on first person shooters, plus its shooting is so satisfying, they aren't meme mechanics in any way, have you actually played the games?
The emperors domestic policy basically was:
>nationalize the CIS corporations, including the banking clan
>punish worlds that went CIS (where a lot of anti-ayy sentiment went)
>put media under direct imperial control
>conquer planets on outer rim and holdouts along the mid
>take tithes from these holdings
>all political parties are basically imperial controlled
>secret police and suspend all civil rights
Make of that what you will
I mean it is Star Wars.
>they're not retarded
>tfw you want it to be good so badly but you know there’s a 99.99% chance this game will be absolute sjw trash with loot boxes and day one dlc
back before George had the retarded idea that Jedi were only allowed to have green and blue
>Jedi apprentice
holy crap I remember reading these back in 03 to 05. I only read the books up to The Day of Reckoning. I think I just lost interest in them after Revenge of the Sith came out. All I can remember was that two part arc of Melida/Daan.
Bring back the Boba Fett incarnation of 1313 you cowards. I want my Coruscant noir damn you.
Not that user but basically there are a few schools of thought about the Grey boys.
>Qui Gon Style: Basically a lightside leaning Jedi who follows his own rules. If he/she thinks a course of action is the correct one but the council/code tells them no they will just do it anyway and tell the council to eat a fat gungan dick. Basically a wild card but damn it, you get results.
>Jolee Bindo Style: A Jedi who has stopped seeing the force in terms of black and white and actively disagrees/fights parts of Jedi doctrine. Specifically that certain emotions will turn you evil. Jolee argued that love will save you, not condemn you and that attachments lead to jealousy and hate in emotionally unhealthy people. Learning to deal with emotion healthily is smarter than repressing it and waiting to go mental and evil. And by suffering heatbreak or emotional tragedy's you grow as a person and are thus harder to tempt to the darkside.Also fuck all you want, if it's meaningless it doesn't break the code and if you get attached and emotional how is that worse than close friendships/bonds with mentors? Basically the Jedi's demands that you have no family but the order is a form of indoctrination so the Jedi have no loyalties outside the order's bounds. Also regularly tells the council to eat shit. Jolee was based as fuck.
>Kyle Katarn Style: A Jedi who has fallen to the darkside and come back to the light with a sense of pragmatism. Still ostensibly a lightsider but might pack a few nastier traits or abilities from their days as a heel. Usually pretty chill, might shoot lightning, always have the bants.
Good post user.
Thanks bro
yeah would sucks being as retarded as you and being a low iq sheep
I think the original is Luffy but I'm not sure if that guy just stole the idea of if they edited it
Based as fuck
Must be fun living your life imagining up things to be offended about. I guess at least that means your life is pretty darn good if you can't just spend your time on actual offenses.
still not seeing what's wrong with the image... not seeing anything edgy about it. just balance.
I wish new Star Wars would show other followers/interpretations of the Force, like the Dathomir witches and whatnot. Maybe we'll get that in the Rian Johnson trilogy.
We never did learn much about the Church of the Force and Lor San Tekka minus seeing them get smoked by Kylo and Phasma's troops.
>two different authors
>opinion pieces
My region's paper has opinion pieces from different authors disagree with each other all the time, often on the same day with letters to the editor a few days later calling both authors out as being huge tools. In fact I would argue that if your news source doesn't have two contributors calling each other faggots (in printable terms) then your news source is shit because it doesn't have enough diversity of opinion to remain objective.
I have no hope for any Star Wars games under EA's banner because it's almost guaranteed to be the most creatively bankrupt derivative trash imaginable. They just don't want to take risks, which is absurd because big licenses like Star Wars are the place to take risks because there's a built-in audience. They've made TWO big Star Wars games, I mean how were they not assigning this to every single dev under their control, hell even the FIFA devs should have a shot at making Gungan Divegrass(tm) or some shit.
I'm actually on the team developing this game. Ask me what you want guys.
Yeah that'd be a real sjw corruption of the canon am I right bros, the Star Wars I know certainly never featured slavery as a plot point.
Should I get a pet?
I mean just from the picture there's nothing like you described as, and I quote,
??? ok
do you respect women?
Any hot Twi'lek girls?
Only if you have the means to take care of it and give it a proper life
There are a lot of Twi'lek girls in the game. There's a red light district in the city where a lot of them "hang out" at. It's where you go to scrap the parts you pick up in order to create different armor pieces for your MC.
EA games are so fucking wierd, they lack any content and some fraction of the game has something to do with micro transactions.
I just mobile games do this sort of shit to.
Day one pre-order.
Can I be the girl?
Fine, I'll play along. What's this city like? Is this the only location?
Which is ironic when considering that Mace Windu uses borderline Dark Side fighting yet is one of the most lawful characters of the Council
Somebody call Yong!
I want an AT-TE sequence/boss
Alternatively, one of these
So fucking funny to see people bitch about the social and political themes in Star Wars when the fucking pre-prequel EU established the Empire as human supremacist.
But the EU isn't canon user
No the main character is a male. I don't think there's a name set yet.
The city is Uscru District, Coruscant. There's a giant city with many districts. Mostly night life where you learn information and try to avoid bounty hunters.
There are vehicles in the game that you use to travel around. Nothing like in your picture, no vehicle combat.
So you don't find anything edgy or stupid about a fan made oath that includes shit like "I am the flame" in it? Or the bit where it acts like serenity and peace are somehow opposites?
You do you, bud.
Yeah that's pretty dumb, but I guess he's more "politically" aligned with the Jedi than anything else. In the old EU his special form basically let himself be influenced by negative emotions to the point where he'd brush against the DS but never actually use it. Which created a sort of feedback loop of light and dark and boosted him up.
It was super dumb and I'm glad none of it made it into the films. I prefer Windu just being a super badass, hard line Jedi. It fit his character better.
But yeah if he also stuck it to the council whilst he did what he wanted AND had a super lightsaber form than let him brush up against evil for a power up then yeah, he'd definitely fall in the EDGE category.
Respawn entertainment has anything to do with this game? You know if this game is a live service dependent game it aint going to do shit right?
And if it's a multiplayer/single player experience it's going to end up like Titan fall 1&2 right?
And lastly it's fucking EA
Also the game will contain zero fucking aesthetic characters also and ugly fucking cosmetics I could almost bet.
>the main character is a male
Not like i wanted to play your shitty game anyway
I live in a one bedroom house. I don't have a yard but live across the street from the beach. Florida is too hot for long hair dogs even though I want a fluffy. Seeing big fluffy dogs out in the summer is pretty close to abuse. I'm not very active so it'd be hard to match a hyper dog. I also travel a lot (2-3 weeks at a time).
Apex scored 98 million in the first month, let's see what the second month is.
It was back then.
The Empire were always fucking space Nazis and people need to deal.
Dude I was heartbroken about 1313 being canceled and not getting my seedy Coruscant underworld. You best not be fucking with me.
>no vehicle combat.
Not even fighting AGAINST vehicles? If what you say isn't full of shit and you just fight stormtroopers and sith then this game might be boring.
I don't care about identity politics, but go be dumb somewhere else
Cameos! Tell me the cameos!
I'm assuming at least the Inquisitors are showing up? Anybody else?
>You best not be fucking with me.
It's EA you dumb nigger. I accepted that nothing good will ever happen 11 years ago.
Inquisitors were the dumbest shit Rebels added. Just bullshit not-sith.
You forget Ashoka the White and time travel
The Inquisitors are cool. Who else is going to hunt down Jedi? Storm troopers?
501st got all but two (three).
Vader, Starkiller
is the game similar to Jedi Knight or at least combat wise?
Time travel outstrips everything else
This is going to be absolutely hilarious when the content creators just bukkake spam anti-EA and respawn shit for a month straight lmao.
They are seriously going to skull fuck any possibility of a TITANfall 3, even better is that before that game even comes out with a Blackout type mode Amazon,Google and MAYBE Spacial OS and Vr will already start another golden age in the gaming market.
Its a broken lightsaber dude
How do you work in a natural barrier/reason you can't reach the rest of Coruscant?
Any assets/concepts/locations from 1313 being reused/reworked?
>implying EA and Disney aren't going to shell out the big shill bucks to every streamer and Youtube channel out there
please dont post my children
He also bankrupted the galaxy to fuel his war machine so ya know
Inquisition existed pre Rebels
The rebels were nothing to the empire. Without Luke causing tension between Vader and Sheev the empire wouldn't have given a fuck about the rebels.
Easiest thing is that the transit station to other levels requires ID and your PC doesnt want to have to show their driver license to a stormie
a generic scripted cover shooter isn't a good game. You space wars fags are ridiculous.
This. They were from the EU.
Not as prevelent but they sure as hell aren't from Rebels
Guess you've never seen rebels?
There's a big emphasis on Coruscant and the districts that are in it. Getting information is a big part of the game and you are constantly on the look out for bounty hunters. There are a lot of districts with factions that you either gain trust or distrust with. Depending on who likes you they will give you information on the Bounty Hunters that are after you so you can better prepare. Getting captured or dying to them is a big deal and you lose a lot.
No vehicle combat what so ever. You are a fresh padawn with a lighsaber. You start out extremely weak and gain powers on your own as you study scriptures. You remain relatively weak compared to a full blown bounty hunter chasing you.
There is a big emphasis on keeping you as the character grounded in a giant world. A padawan is weak and that is pushed on you a lot as you try to hide and find out what exactly happened to the jedi order.
Yes the combat is very similar to Jedi Knight. I would call it far more casualized, there isn't nearly as much jumping but it is flashy once you learn.
>Any assets/concepts/locations from 1313 being
None. Sadly because I knew people who worked on that game. It was mostly a tech demo but it looked amazing.
>Uscru District, Coruscant
oh so this place?
>were nothing
Luke showed up near the end. He was basically invading the whole outer rim just because. And palpatine and several moffs certainly were concerned
There are a fucking dickton they didnt get
Answer me please
Only if it has no online none nonsense
>Yes the combat is very similar to Jedi Knight. I would call it far more casualized, there isn't nearly as much jumping but it is flashy once you learn.
ah simialr but more grounded. I am fine with that...
>I would call it far more casualized
oh I really hope it's not "you trigger an animation to do cool actions" type combat. I want to actually be pulling off moves myself rather than the game taking control from me.
More story details please. This is Rise of the Empire era, correct?
Also, do we see the Outlander Club or Opera House?
I fucking loved Star Wars: Bounty Hunter so if I get to see the area around Outlander Club again and get a similar aesthetic to that leve in the current era of games, I'll nostalgia wank something fierce.
It's currently impossible for EA to make anything not terrible. This isn't even "Hurr durr EA dumb" they have a board of directors and a lot of investors that are categorically incapable of seeing themselves as the problem while forcing the developers to make unabashedly terrible decisions in the name of profit.
They don't care about it even a little. Only profit, which they are getting incidentally so they won't change anything.
one of the best if you like actual art and animation
Reminder we will never get a proper kotor sequal.
Would you say the latest Spidey game would be a decent comparison difficulty/depth wise?
i love it when they advertise bioware and all the acclimation they have when everyone knows the original bioware is long dead and all thats left is shit wrapped in shit
Lol in advance for you cucks who will run to pre-order the next EA flop. I look forward to the week of this shit being spam posted with screaming wojaks about getting fucked out of your money.
What are we going to see in the first reveal?
Also, goddamn I wish Project Ragtag was released.
what you don't like your cinematic interactive media goym?
Don't tell me you wanted any actual video game. Who wants that anymore.
Red light district?
I take it this will be Teen rated still and 1313's MA rating will remain an interesting "what if?"
Star Wars Celebration this weekend
Get a tripcode.
God forbid we get an actual rpg instead of a "cinematic interactive experience!"
I know when, I asked what we're gonna see. lol
Any actual gameplay? Cinematic teaser?
There are only named cameos. You idolized a few Jedi that your master told you stories about. You never actually see another Jedi in the game. You do see Sith later on in the story but to you, the character, they are untouchable.
Yes it's Rise of the Empire era. It's focused on the underground part of the game and what kind of life happens now that the Jedi are gone. There's a lot of shady dealing that you as the character witness and have to take part in in order to find out what happened.
I don't know anything about the spiderman game so I can't really compare.
Another looter shooter, but SW. Calling it now.
>Game about the Jedi
>looter shooter
I would laugh a lot