
Do you prefer Brood War or Starcraft 2?

Which faction do you play?

Attached: Zerg.webm (898x652, 2.83M)

Imagine if you stuck your finger in there.

cute vid

I prefer SC2 and play terran

Imagine planting your face into that

Imagine your dick in there haha

Brood war, SC2 can be fun but just kinda feels like blobs walking around

Imagine taking a heavy boot and hearing the most satisfying crunch as you smash the horde in one quick stomp

Imagine if you tossed a firecracker in there

>Brood war, SC2 can be fun but just kinda feels like blobs walking around
What do you mean by blobs walking around?

Found the zoomer. I am the fpbp and I distinctly said finger instead of dick because it has been overdone as a joke and is way too predictable unless of course you are new to life aka a zoomer.

What's the best game that I can play a hive mind in? I'm bored of SC and Stellaris sucks.


brood war is cooler but playing it makes my hands hurt, sc2 is just easier to play and a smoother experience. sc2 metas get real cancerous though.

Cringing is a zoomer emotion that is basically fear wrapped up in impotence.

Centipedes were created by the devil to instill darkness in the hearts of man.

imagine putting them in your asshole.
just for laughs haha

imagine letting those crawl into your vagina



Not the one youre talking to but dude have some decency to know when youve been roasted


>pretending to be another user

centipedes? In my vagina?

Cringe boiiiii

>if you leave them, they will grow and attack you one day
>if you crush mom and kids, you are an evil person

What to do?

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I prefer SC 2, but both BW and 2 are absolutely excellent games. This whole "rivalry" is false and there's major crossover with fans, can't we just have a nice Starcraft thread?
Personally I'm going through a race crisis, I started as Protoss because lazors and the absolute shenanigans they can pull, but I despise PvP (Protoss v Protoss not player vs player) and feel like it's hard to come back from a losing position.
I did try zerg for a bit and they were fun, I thoroughly enjoyed sending a 200/200 army to get salughterd and then just making another one instantly

Why are map zoom hacks frowned upon in BW but they weren't a problem from AoE2?
I don't get why I can't just see a bit more of the map if I want to, would make the game more comfortable to play.

It would be extremelly painful

Leave them, they're cute

bcs AoE2 is not a competitive game

neither is BW for many years lol

Imagine if you shot that

Zoom and cringepilled. Definitely unbased!

>Not competitive
Why do people who don't know what they're talking about bother commenting?

Its due to fair play. If someone can see more of the screen it gives them an advantage over other players.

I was introduced to it with SC2 when it went f2p a couple of years ago so SC2 is my favorite

bcs they're dumb or need attention


what's the point of FOW then?


torch em

nice zoomer talk

Zerg is too based. Terran is in this weird middle ground when it comes to unit strength I find, not weak and massable like Zerg, but also not strong but expensive like Protoss. I’m currently getting cruiser rushed by every gold/plat Terran I play, so I’ve been defaulting to corruptor/brood lords.

Brood for the pvp, the UED and zerg soundtrack, the goliath, scout, valkyrie, bcruiser voice and portraits. You had to learn the damage (vulture vs organics and sheeit)
Wangs for the campaign


>inb4 i was just pretending

>Tfw some Terran nerd gets PROTOSSED

>I am the fpbp
Is this bait?

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you are big guy