It's already April, user.
You know at least 300 kanji by now, right?
It's already April, user
Fuck off.
Kanji are the reason I gave up, what a terrible system.
Korean runes are so much easier to learn
I dont have to learn Japanese anymore now that Majin Tensei 2 is translated
god I wish there was a real life dekinai-chan that lived with you and bullied you to learn Japanese every day
Haha, I know at least a couple thousands~! Too bad this hardly helps
I was going to try relearning the broken Spanish from high school I forgot after twelve years. Made zero progress. Still can't do the rolled R thing.
i know like 10
600 bitch, suck my soon the be yellow dick
Yes, but only 300 kanji is completely useless and I can't read anything
Imagine wanting to learn a useless language
I'm getting anxious because time is going so fast, every year feels shorter than the last.
I never get anything done
Imagine spending time posting terrible comments on an anime imageboard
That just means your journey to Japanese will go by in a blink! Ganbatte!
why is it that the Japanese speakers in 4channel are so polite when they use Japanese but so rude when they type in English?
i gave up and just enrolled back in university for computer engineering
Because they don't have the vocab to be rude in japanese
what is this?
Good ol' Kanji. Keeping an archaic system around solely to piss off the Chinese, and justifying it by refusing to learn how to use a space bar and "muh I wanna skim muh newpaper easy lolol" horseshit.
Isn't this that girl /pol/ praises so much?
How bad are duolingo and babel? Not for niponese but for real languages that are actually useful.
>tfw you think so lowly of yourself that your romantic fantasy is to have a cute girl verbally abuse you constantly because at least she's still paying attention to you.
really interesting post, you played the role of an incredibly stupid faggot in two different ways. honestly impressed
Fuck off, I only got started two days ago and it's Duolingo so it'll be slow going.
Yes, will finish reading my first LN tomorrow.
I dont study japanese but i still dont count all of the words i know for the language i do study.
>being this upset over time wasted learning a useless language
Give it to me straight. I am at the point I get all the kana, but I feel like I won't be able to get that far if I don't take lessons? I don't know how far I will get by myself, specially when it comes to pronunciation.
Lessons are useless
Pronunciation is the easiest shit in the world. You have to be an american to fuck that up.
It's not so bad.
You either enjoy the language long enough that you don't even notice, or you are held victim by it for so long you eventually understand. It's a very じわじわ process.
Third worlder, my English pronunciation is already shit, so I don't want a third language that I will also pronounce badly
Know 300 kanji. Have no one to speak it with, and I can’t find any on level material.
Best I can do is about 10
I know the one for dog
And... good.
And rape
Are you actually planning on conversing in Japanese? You shouldn't be too worried about pronunciation. But in any case, Japanese pronunciation is easy as hell. The vowels always sound the same. You may get tripped up with ha or wo or something at first but there are very few "tricks."
You also shouldn't need lessons so long as you've got something to motivate yourself. If you need a structured path forward check out a Genki textbook or something.
>golden sun
there's your homework for the next month
The thing is, I am applying for a STEM internship for 2 months, and everyone inside the university speaks English, but I don't want to spend the whole time cooped up inside the lab.
Alright, Ill learn Hiragana(again) and Katakana, where do I go from there?
>You know at least 300 kanji by now, right?
Japanese sucks to be rude in.
Simplistic english causes a lot of misapprehension.
>finish RTK
>can draw 2200 kanji with my pen
>know their meaning/keyword
>don't know any Japanese
>this was a year ago
>still don't know any Japanese
>Kanji is fading from memory
It really is impossible, isn't it?
Kanji (Kanjidamage has a useful approach)
Vocab (Kanji will help with this)
Grammar (Tae Kim is the go-to)
Who /wanikani/ here
>fell for the RTK meme
dude... you were supposed to fucking read, play games, listen to shit...
Are you telling me you couldn't read this if you were asked?
Why don't you learn words afterwards? I did RTK in two months and then C6K in five months. 40 new words a day and it took like an hour a day.
Did you just stopped after grinding RTK up to the end? This was the shittiest hurdle to get over for me and I'm happy to have finally moved on to real vocab, grammar and reading practice. At least, this way I can see progress being made.
I'll never respect non-Japanese people not living in Japan but know Japanese. That's weebs for you I guess
This is all that awaits all RTK brainlets. Just imagine, if you'd learnt some fucking readings along with all those pointless keywords, you'd know Japanese by now.
how do i learn japanese
Weird, those are one of the only groups of people I have any respect for.
People who create art/entertainment are the only other group of people I have respect for.
I am actually starting to lean more towards korean and just read my japanese stuff through korean translations.
Pronunciation is easy except for when it isn't. I STILL cannot pronounce ふ.
Accept that you'll never be able to speak without an accent.
im a mumbling mushmouth in english, my first language. should i even attempt learning japanese?
I tried that. It's so fucking boring.
I actually enjoyed rtk more than actual Japanese
Learning readings is fucking pointless, there's no way to know which reading is right for a particular word. You just have to memorize words.
pleb filtered: the post
Who is this qt
>there's no way to know which reading is right for a particular word
Is it 95% of words? Congratulations, you're right first time!
It makes more sense to learn what it PROBABLY is and then memorise exceptions, instead of learning the same reading a dozen times in different words before realising, "oh, 臓 is probably going to just be ぞう again".
Meh, I kinda learned readings just from seeing the same kanji in various words that had the same reading (or same but ki becomes gi kinda thing)
Post grids
>there's no way to know which reading is right
If two or more Kanji are together then it's 音読み, if it's only one kanji followed by kana then it's 訓読み.
There, now go learn everything again.
RTK1 is good if you have no idea about radicals since it presents kanji in a logical similarity order, instead of most course books that just want you to learn the "basics" quickly by giving the student some of the most used but completely different looking kanji, without actually building any groundwork for how you should differentiate new kanji you come across in the future. You shouldn't delve into it too seriously though, just enough that you start noticing major patterns and can move onto studying them with actual words. But yeah, stopping right after RTK is the most retarded idea possible and complete waste of effort.
>there's no way to know which reading is right for a particular word
Which reading you use is mostly logical. While there's exceptions and some have more than two readings, differentiating kango and native Japanese words themselves is usually very easy.
How about actually watching/reading shit in japanese? You won't learn anything with just mindless anki and kanji grinding.
That's wrong and even if it were right you still wouldn't know which onyomi it is
It's so boring when you barely know what's going on though