Everybody likes Juri and if you don't you don't count as a person

Everybody likes Juri and if you don't you don't count as a person

Attached: f4ad2a91b41b6a1bf4237a30fe273e33.png (700x874, 461K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So you just needed an excuse to start a foot fetish thread? State your business OP.

>modest tits
>short or long hair
>kick fighter
Juri a best

Attached: Juri Han.jpg (844x1024, 134K)

my business ain't feet but spreading the word of our lord and savior juri

Attached: 1552625542517.jpg (500x378, 43K)

i dont like juri becuase i dont like coreans!

also i'm a liar

Attached: 7c689c1ce3f6602e116dc76603123fe0a12556ee.jpg (900x807, 183K)

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!

Attached: SFV Juri is ass.png (185x239, 18K)

Based OP

*finger guns*

Attached: D0RE2EJX0AQ5xM5.jpg (887x1199, 136K)

Attached: a172ffb64b7f6d778db23853d7b64c39.jpg (579x616, 72K)

Attached: Disgust.png (318x318, 267K)

Would worship those feet.

that's the spirit

Attached: dfd013112d2c0993dd8db9c14ce92f307510f613.jpg (2131x1400, 2.75M)

Attached: Juri Feet.jpg (612x792, 271K)

>love Juri
>hate feetshit
Kill me

Attached: 1521482825749.jpg (1254x1771, 548K)


i don't care about feet

i just want her butt

same, it fucking sucks

Attached: 1514590289987.jpg (600x848, 59K)

damn you are missing out on a huge "two birds one stone" situation friendo

Attached: 64e838127a2bf46abe482e37f29564a7.jpg (452x700, 335K)

Attached: ef77143bb8cb0dbb15643aa64f8e9745.png (1726x1500, 966K)

also i'm aware this pics not the best but i'm all out of sfw juri pics desu

She isn't Chun-li though. I will give Juri this though, she is the best female SF design since Sakura.

Attached: 42C597A0-911F-443C-90D8-BB7441D6BDAE.gif (540x644, 2.41M)

Too bad she looks like shit in SFV

Attached: 1491754103952.png (700x878, 307K)


my man

Attached: 58547781_p2.jpg (1500x1250, 2.28M)


Attached: sf3rd-makoto.jpg (550x1100, 102K)

Footfags aren't people

Attached: 1549490139525.jpg (1080x1073, 444K)


Attached: Juri likes big bewbs.jpg (600x502, 58K)

Yeah cuz a training gi on female Ryu is a unique character design


Kill yourself footfags

Feet are objectively the most disgusting part of the human body

Attached: 1468460745269.jpg (1199x1200, 180K)

Why her feet is so perfect bros?

Can someone tell me her frame plan. So far all I got is
>charge up kicks
>try to combo into kicks
She doesn’t really have any long range options and her as kind of sucks. Are there any normals I’m sleeping on?

Yes, at least you acknowledged it

Attached: sf3rd-makoto-portrait.jpg (770x720, 108K)

user, you think Yea Forums plays fighting games?

Try finding a tutorial on youtube, by now just about everyone beside maybr Kage should have some good guides for you.

That's the ass, user.

Attached: 135325211812.jpg (2560x1920, 282K)

I like Juri, but I hate foot fetish because of how forced it is and everyone always shoving it in my face.

Use Medium Kick

the only good feet itt

Attached: 135325216545.jpg (1600x1200, 225K)

>Feet shoved in my face

Man I wish

Enjoy your vacation faggot

Fine taste, user

Attached: 1542751007985.jpg (586x700, 69K)

more giantess, less feetshit

Attached: 135326536547.jpg (3264x2448, 994K)

Attached: 1553734271356.png (332x255, 22K)

I need to get off this wild ride

Attached: 1529772777148.gif (200x150, 2.75M)

disgusting but based

Imagine saving dog cocks to your computer thinking it's gonna derail q thread like this on this site of all places where this wont phase anyone

Attached: IMG_20190408_141023.jpg (1080x1920, 172K)

>Yuri with loose hair

Attached: 1508930249206.jpg (346x404, 48K)

It worked
Thread is derailed

Somebody's butthurt.

thats a big asian

Attached: 1520216794798.gif (480x270, 1.74M)

Imagine thinking that's his reason for saving them.

feet are nice but why do fags include all this awful giantess shit and garbage artsyles

Only if we let it

Attached: 1554691684237.gif (477x348, 627K)


Barefoot and pregnant
If you dont like feet then you are a filithy commie

Attached: anime_femdom_caption_28_addtext_com_MTI0OTU4MTE5MjM4.png (600x849, 530K)

Why are antifootfags such obsessed 3rd world subhuman autists?

Just posting some futa kino

Attached: 718.jpg (1048x1200, 88K)


Attached: 1471664718157.png (472x472, 198K)

Literally the opposite my Indian friend.

This is pretty nice but does she have to call me a loser? I have feelings.

>people don't like the big hands and feet street fighter women have
>Tfw I'm fine with it because I like women with big feet

I just keep winning

Attached: juri_han_by_theepic627_dc560eh-pre.jpg (786x1017, 99K)

You autistic niggers brought it on yourselves for not being able to post anything anywhere without bringing up your fetish. You're like lbgtqbbwwe faggots constantly talking about their gender. No one cared in the beginning so long as you stayed in your containment threads but you faggots had to invade every thread on every board. That shit is on you, own it.

>not being able to enjoy a woman from head to toe

What a load of shit.

Is this a meme? I've seen you post this in other threads and this is awful futa

This is better desu

Is this not a containment thread nigger?

Forgot the link lmao

>Being able to enjoy a woman from head to toe
Feels so good

Attached: 1370291051126.jpg (450x600, 17K)

I used to like feet. But now you disgusting footfags ruined it for me.

you guys are the minority though, all true men like feet to an extent.

i always hear this pointed out yet never seen an instance of it before, you're probably just another parroting drone

Shit's awful

Everybody likes Juri, but which style?

Attached: 1501505680600.png (1024x845, 576K)

So user no penetration I cant get into it

If feet posting ruined it for you you never truly were a foot fag

Get out you disgrace us


>BBC is real, goys
It must suck to have a small dic and be blak

Attached: 1526784437315.png (540x540, 164K)

my brother

Attached: feet.jpg (800x800, 195K)

short is cute

I like the Side Tail and the Short!

>Ponytail and short

Damn nigga you're boring

Attached: 1554436109822.jpg (272x272, 19K)

You're on one now faggot, this is Yea Forums not /h/

>SFM porn

Attached: 1485565499295.png (500x338, 44K)

first reply best reply

I like Juri but that's a really rude thing of you to say about other people. I'm not mad; I'm just disappointed.

What the fuck are those feet fucking LOOOOOOL

>Stupid frogposter thinks his opinion matters

Attached: tumblr_o1yfq2LAqi1v6u2tlo1_400.gif (400x430, 409K)

Fucking this. I hate being a Jurifag and getting grouped with the shitty feetfags.

Attached: Super Street Fighter IV snapshot_02.17.png (1280x720, 1.36M)

Hime, Bob, Bobcut
This is the triforce of power.

Ponytail and long

Long and Side Tail masterrace

Short looks atrocious

BBC is real. So is BWC and even BAC if you can believe it.

All Jurifags are footfags whether they like it or not.

Im sorry

Attached: IMG_20190407_140600.jpg (500x280, 19K)

>every FE/Smash thread
>"don't insult my wife Corrin or her beautiful feet ever again"
>every SF thread
>"don't insult my wife Juri and her beautiful feet ever again"
>every /pol/ thread
"I just want to shit on niggers and masterbate to cute feet"

>he prefers 3dsmax, blender, maya, or mmd

Too bad for you chump, welcome to the future.

Attached: technology.webm (1000x414, 2.99M)

Nah, nigga

yeah would be better without the insults but you take what good art you can find

I like Juri, but I hate how she plays in 5

Attached: 1492435551460.png (700x700, 347K)

I like juri enough that shes watmed me a little bit on feet.
I wouldnt mind licking her toes if she wanted me to, but my ideal is still going to be her sitting on my face and forcing me to lick her butthole desu

mfw i bought SFV to jack off to the character
mfw i trolled myself because the game sucks dick

Attached: be boop.png (640x640, 382K)



>Communist China loved small dainty feet
lmao footfag delusions keep getting BTFO

Same. She was more fun in 4.

Attached: Juri Repulsa.jpg (883x1024, 78K)

You are correct, but which one is a cultural meme at this point?

>Feet gross, asshole good

You fuckers never make any sense

never thought id see such based taste in such a godforsaken thread

>Meanwhile people are spamming tits ass armpit fat scat futa trap furry bara gays twinks armpits musclegirls brown and loli every thread for anything too
>but no
>these two girls are the problem.

It's okay, user. I would never stay mad at you. I love you.

nah I'm just saying that the SFV models look like shit in SFM because they need proper lighting to actually make them look good. All the stuff with them has terrible lighting that just makes them look like shit, when in the actual game they look great.

Attached: txj0ha3uv1bz.jpg (960x598, 82K)

She is pretty good but she is no Makoto.

Attached: makoto.jpg (564x701, 38K)

Sorry user but with Juri it's pretty much a package deal.

Attached: 1542723876761.png (865x923, 459K)

Feet are gross in a different sort of way from a butthole.
That said, i still like both of them so it doesnt matter to me.

I love you too

Maybe the models are actually shitty because they require proper lighting to look good.

Kinda like how a horror movie monster is only scary when you don't know what it looks like.

Attached: the strain.jpg (476x1220, 91K)

Juri's feet are big! Big!

Attached: 682ef9f1ce3d2b069340684f5e0244e8acfd3e86.jpg (850x931, 109K)

>all the best juri foot art is nsfw

Attached: ac6f53960587085a8d850fe63d3459ba7bd45430~2.jpg (614x1500, 99K)


Attached: 1554713083058.jpg (329x372, 24K)



What's your preference user, size 8 and up ks the way to go

Juri love.
Fuck footniggers.

Attached: 1536452221042.png (1654x2047, 2.05M)

12 minimum.

>look up doujins
>futa or stuff from before 2016 even
what happened


Attached: 1520892998378.jpg (905x1280, 721K)

Most don't get as big as 12 or more and usually when they do they're fat feet, user

I still like them to look attractive at larger sizes

I would unironically rim Juri for hours on end.

Attached: juri16.png (620x900, 367K)

>every peach/princess thread is fat now
I'm mad.

>Why yes I do appreciate the intricacies of the feminine foot, how did you know?

Attached: 1541128061022.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

>Xrd and DBFZ have shitty graphics because it requires the lighting the games use, to look good
Jesus fucking christ I didn't know it was possible to be this stupid.

Futafags are actual scum and cancer.

Attached: compte13-350243-Seek_and_destroy.jpg (1000x1358, 467K)

Fighting games for some reason just aren't very prolific in the doujin scene. Plenty of illustrations, but not a lot of anything else.
Which is ironic because fighting games have some of the best female designs out there.

Attached: 1531353298542.jpg (1000x1399, 498K)

Attached: 70495330_jurihan1.png.d12641c1b1726d5fa200d61df5d0f92c.png (2894x4093, 2.72M)

>april fools 2018

We aren't talking about 3DPD here. But since you mentioned it eastern european women sometimes have ginormous feet that aren't blobs of fat.

Attached: Ekaterina-Lisina-Feet-4059767.jpg (1036x776, 95K)

>Held down by handcuffs and nothing else
Oh no, whatever will the taekwondo master with two different HK buttons do here? Truly she is helpless.

Well if we aren't talking about 3DPD then yes, you're correct

>That pic

Attached: 1554827866622.gif (404x347, 1003K)

>not admiring Juri's entire body
c'mon, step it up!

Post attractive big female feet

Attached: 1554444447739.png (425x633, 256K)

Damn, those are shapely.

Wrong thread, boio, go make your bara thread.

Sorry, blood was rushing away from my brain and into my dick, and I read it "big male feet". Attractive big female feet is kinda rare, specially since most women have small feet.

Juri is best girl
But footfags need to die

I would rather fucking kill myself than post male feet

I want to lick her sweaty korean poop chute.

based and rimpilled

Attached: 0ad7980f4b45e22f437d6823ae8877e8.jpg (3621x2454, 2.1M)

I've seen passing trannies which had good feet.
After you go through this enough times, you stop caring about it, as soon as you realize that it's just arbitrary to hate something even though it looks attractive.
Actually passing is really really rare though.

Erin's got some nice ones. Size 10s I think?

Attached: (m=eaf8Ggaaaa)(mh=DDQg1wOz7vKRHaRe)4.jpg (320x240, 19K)

sizefags are the worst, no matter the body part

Nah don't think it'll ever happen to me

Trust me I've considered it but as soon as I remember it's a man my brain just automatically makes me not like it. Instant turn off.

you'd have to show me proof of these "passables" to sway me

I'm not home
but I do ocasionally post a webm on /gif/ feet threads

>turtle fish is a patreon whore now

fucking cringe

thanks doc

Attached: 1554744874449.png (1000x1000, 418K)

wow yeah man fuck artist they dont deserve money

Congratulations faggot you're the second person in this thread to post this retarded unoriginal comic

Attached: 1554808683453.jpg (600x711, 137K)

As a man of many tastes I'd be fine with it if it wasn't 90% of the time, low effort garbage created just for the lols.

I'd like her more if she had her hair down by default instead of the dumb Rita Repulsa shit she usually has

says the beta who licks feet. kys.

Shittiest opinion itt

Attached: 1554654112683.png (226x161, 32K)

As a footfag, this triggers me more than people whining about her feet. Shit taste, m80.

shut up commie
bare foot and pregnant

They don't.

holy shit i wish i had someone to tickle me all the time shit makes me laugh

Fuck you Pink Noise+ is adorable.
>Translation never

Attached: PinkNoise.png (496x625, 257K)

why user, are you just jealous?

>modest tits
Yeah I know user, I too wish they where bigger


So whats the problem? artists provide a service that people are willing to pay for

Based and rock hard

Theres no problem. Why are you getting so upset?

>girls sucking/licking their own toes
you can't convince me that there's something better out there. there isn't. there never will be. it's prime erection material

I mean footjobs are way hotter but I won't deny a good self worship is great to see a girl do

>arrive thinking it's gonna be a great sexy thread
>it's a footfag thread
all of your kind should be lined up and shot

Attached: clipodbb.jpg (408x338, 34K)


>See a juri thread
>Expecting anything but a foot thread to develop

You're a goddamn idiot and deserve any frustration you got from this

>a Juri thread is a footfag thread

seriously, I'm surprised you're capable of typing out a post, considering you didn't see this coming

Usually a based Mika poster saves the day


Attached: 1554829361629.png (700x874, 521K)

I just like her feet

>not enjoying Juri's ass and tits
>and the best of all, her untied hair
in his land he is called "Fagolas", the prude

I enjoy all those things, but that ain't what's really going on itt

too little blood in my brain for me to look at anatomy, fambaranilino

Cry more, faggot.

If you wanted Mika all you had to do was ask


There's plenty of that in like half the pics.
I myself like feet showing up in non-feet-focused, and I can still enjoy this thread.

Have another

I'm not the footfag though
Not even, there's like maybe 7 or 8 pics that aren't focused on her feet itt
They're great pics though

Nobody said you were, retard.

>oh boy, this gon b gud!
>she slides up and down the feet above the dick instead of the one under it

it was implied

No, it wasn't.

people can twist their bodies when they arent fat as fuck


Attached: 1554238605784.jpg (750x726, 41K)

Isn't that how it's supposed to be done? Bottom foot props it up while top does the work?

pornhub link

This. I swear Yea Forums is either too fat to move their bodies or too skeleton that any twisting motion will break their bones

You entered a juri thread. You're a footfag.

Post other vidya feet


No, they got bigger in t when they didn't need to.