The Past And Present Of Dragon Age 4

Its dead jimmy
Thanks Anthem

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Where's the archive, user.

thank god

Thanks for reminding me there was a Dragon Age 3

It should have died with DA2

Everyone who works at Bioware is a spineless wet blanket. The last 3 games they released required upper management at EA to get someone from the outside to focus everyone on finishing the game, because they fuck around with a million ideas which no one shoots down because no one there wants to be a leader. The first Dragon Age wasn't even that good, so I hope this series and this company have no future.

>The first Dragon Age wasn't even that good
you take that back or you getting slapped from across the globe young man

>dragon age 4
would have been worse than anthem

It was never alive.

DAO was their last good game. ME2 was passable. and yes, it WAS EA that restructured bioware to death. frostbyte for everything. no sane studio director would agree to that.

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>enjoy DAO to the point where I binge through it three times in a row in the span of less than a month
>DAOA was garbage but I didn't pay it much mind
>suffer through DA2 because muh save transfer
>turns out I didn't actually need to play DA2 because you can't transfer saves anymore and have to use some retarded Dragon Age keep bullshit
>finally reach DA:Inquisition
>just drop it after 3 hours
It's hard to explain but it just feels like I can't be bothered to play it, can't really put my finger on it. It's not perfect, but it's certainly not as bad as DA2 which is admittedly not much of an achievement.
Should I try and force myself?

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Eh personally I enjoyed it user, but I can see it getting tedious so try again but if it ain’t workin for ya move on.

>it's going to be an always-online game as service garbage
>described as "Anthem with dragons" by one of the lead devs
This is awful. Why? Why aren't they learning their fucking lesson? Why can't they make a simple fucking single player RPG? Why always with the gimmicks? DAI development was fucked because they had to scrap all those online MMO-tier elements and salvage the game. MEA development was fucked because of their retarded procedural generated content bollocks that they also had to scrap and salvage the game. Anthem was fully fucked from the get go because it was a game-as-service.

So why does EA still force this stupidity on Bioware? Let them make a fucking game god damn it. GoW and The Witcher 3 proved that narrative focused single player games can still be successful. The excuse in this article is something along the lines of "motivating the players to stick longer with the game due to its online features" but that won't happen. Fucking nobody NOBODY is playing Dragon Age Inquisition multiplayer. People forgot that it existed. Fan made mods on Nexus and Tumblr granted more longevity to that game than their shitty fucking multiplayer elements.

FUCK EA. God damn it I'm seething.

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>according to recent insider information it has come to Kotakus attention that development on Dragon Age 4 has been allegedly rebooted to focus more on the "games as service" model
>"Sure it is always a bit irritating to start a new. But a restart is also a plus. The original vision for Dragon Age 4 was to go back to it´s roots. A game that would have had more in common with Dragon Age Origins then the later Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age Inquisition. But now with the reboot we have the chance to look at the sequel in a completely new light. This doesn´t just include new ways to increase profit but also includes characters and storytelling. Personally I am glad with this change. Dragon Age Origin had some frankly very problematic aspects to it. The new Dragon Age 4 will go try to avoid the often sexist and toxic masculinity pandering depictions of women and instead go for a progressive, feminist empowering version. We are definitely going to feature way more transsexual characters this time around as well. Teaching progressive views to gamers is the core mission at EA." one inside source shared with Kotaku
well not like the game had any hopes to beginn with

DAO was amazing.
inquisition isn't bad, give it another try. my only issue with inquisition is that most of the party members have garbage story/personalities. varic, Cassandra and Blackwell are bros. everyone else is kinda garbage. specially dorian, fuck that self insert faggot.

Hey stop lying. That's not in the article.

>Another former BioWare developer who worked on Joplin called it “some of the best work experiences” they’d ever had. “We were working towards something very cool, a hugely reactive game, smaller in scope than Dragon Age: Inquisition but much larger in player choice, followers, reactivity, and depth,” they said. “I’m sad that game will never get made.”
>You’d play as a group of spies in Tevinter Imperium, a wizard-ruled country on the north end of Dragon Age’s main continent, Thedas. The goal was to focus as much as possible on choice and consequence, with smaller areas and fewer fetch quests than Dragon Age: Inquisition. (In other words, they wanted Joplin to be the opposite of the Hinterlands.) There was an emphasis on “repeat play,” one developer said, noting that they wanted to make areas that changed over time and missions that branched in interesting ways based on your decisions, to the point where you could even get “non-standard game overs” if you followed certain paths.
>A large chunk of Joplin would center on heists. The developers talked about building systemic narrative mechanics, allowing the player to perform actions like persuading or extorting guards without the writers having to hand-craft every scene. It was all very ambitious and very early, and would have no doubt changed drastically once Joplin entered production, but members of the team say they were thrilled about the possibilities.
This got canceled, and instead there's a chance we get "Anthem with dragons"

Play it for Trespasser.

Where's the Archive motherfucker?

>Single-player downloadable content like Dragon Age: Inquisition’s Trespasser, while often excellent, typically sells only a fraction of the main game, according to developers from BioWare and elsewhere across the industry
Its funny how the best part of Inquisition is also the part they're going to avoid because it isn't profitable

>Yet this wouldn’t be a “live service” game if it was a repeat of Dragon Age: Inquisition, which compartmentalized its single- and multiplayer modes. Fans in the past have grown outraged at the idea of BioWare putting a lot of emphasis on multiplayer gaming, but there are ways in which a service-heavy Dragon Age 4 could be ambitious and impressive. For example, some ideas I’ve heard floated for Morrison’s multiplayer include companions that can be controlled by multiple players via drop-in/drop-out co-op, similar to old-school BioWare RPGs like Baldur’s Gate, and quests that could change based not just on one player’s decisions, but on the choices of players across the globe.
thanks ea

They follow the marketing data blindly

though to be fair, ME3's multiplayer was pretty popular and lasted a good while after the release since it was a solid mode, so they thought they could emulate it again

Inquisition is actually the worst game

awakening was good

IT was okay but it only had a couple of really stand out mechanics or moments
It was a solid 8/10 but we hadn’t had a competent CRPG in a while so it was a breath of fresh air

>While reporting on Anthem, I kept hearing one interesting sentiment from current and former BioWare staff: They felt like the weirdos in EA’s portfolio, the guys and gals who made nerdy role-playing games as opposed to explosive shooters and big sports franchises. BioWare games never sold quite as well as the FIFAs and Battlefields of the world, so it never felt like they could get quite as many resources as their colleagues at other studios. High-ranking BioWare staff openly wondered: Did EA’s executives really care about narrative? Did they really care about RPGs? Those questions have always lingered, and still do today.

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Hire Capcom to make dragon's dogma 2 and name it dragon age 4

Lets be honest, you weren't going to get that game regardless.

i like dragon age

Inquisition is bad. Fans of Dragon Age are just so fucking disappointed after DA2 that anything in comparison is decent. Inquisition is an MMO in single player clothes. The characters are mostly garbage, they writing is still terrible, and the story and villain are completely pointless.

People will say it's worth it for the DLC. It's really not. There's nothing worth its pricepoint after Origins.

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I don't get it, what did Trespasser do to improve on Inquisition?

Update it to add Visceral

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EA doesn't make games, they don't case about player experiences - they make platforms for loot boxes and micro transactions.

>Thinking that Dragon Age 4 would be any good

It’s literally only because you can’t really shove micro transactions into a single player game. How they funneled resources from BioWare into fifa showed EA’s priorities exactly.

Inquisition is bad and questing feels more like a shitty MMO desu. I only liked the dragon fights in it.

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>unironically linking to Kotaku

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Yeah but people often forget that ME3 multiplayer was made from remnants of a canceled ME multiplayer game. There was a lot of resources and assets there to use, made from another team. It's not easy to replicate that while also developing a single player game simultaneously. Which is why DAI and MEA multiplayer are lackluster in comparison to 3's.

its probably going to use that awful frostbite engine but i guess thats the least of its issues anyways

>The first Dragon Age wasn't even that good
>IT was okay
>It was a solid 8/10

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