Thoughts on Valve Index and Knuckles, or VR?

Thoughts on Valve Index and Knuckles, or VR?

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Other urls found in this thread:[]=Controller

I don't know how much an improvement index will represent, Vive and Rift owners are waiting for a worthy upgrade and after 3 years I say it's about time.

I have a Vive Pro, so I doubt I will be interested in the index but I plan on preordering knuckles day one, I hope you receive boneworks with them.

I want the Knuckles so bad. The God aweduo vive wands are keeping me from playing cause of how bad they are for anything

im a little worried about how much theyre gonna cost tho

As long as they're under $200 each I'll be comfortable

>under $200 each
so $400 total?

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Should I wait for the Index or should I just get a Vive Pro?

Isnt vive pro like twice the price of vive? I very much doubt that small extra resolution is worth it.

no lol
index gonna dab on it

Reminder that HTC is total jews and sold the Vive at over 200% production cost to try to avoid going under.
They only got away with it because people thought it was the first party Valve device.

It will obviously be lower than that, even with HTC's insane price gouging the wands are "only" $130 each.

i just bought it because fuck facebook, i know all about htc

If it doesn't launch with any games, why should anyone care?

VR is a worse gimmick than motion controls, Kinect and touchscreens combined, so it's hard to be enthused.

Attached: Emoji_Icon_-_Thinking_large.png (460x480, 191K)

VR is a fucking meme and anyone willing to fork over money for it is a silly willy

It will.

Supposedly the units they sent out to devs have had declared value of $150 (per pair). I wouldn't expect the final mass produced consumer version to be any more than that. I think $100 per pair is the selling price, if they can manage it. Even better if they've quietly added some IR emitter tracking features enabling them to be used with WMR HMDs. Knuckles could be strong advertisement for the full setup.

HTC has gouged the hell out of aftermarket accessories, and with the Vive Pro, but the initial and contemporary OG Vive prices have had some real causes. The 1.0 lighthouses are themselves each pretty expensive to produce (probably the significant reason why the Vive price stopped falling rather than continuing to chase the Rift downward).

Why did they name a piece of their tech after the meme very much associated with VR?

Is it a coincidence?

Attached: dounodewae.jpg (1280x720, 38K)

Gonna need to see the price.

based knuckles poster

because of what it looks like

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Sadly it's now only named the "Valve Index Controllers", the lighthouses are also only named "Base Stations".
They don't like soulful names.

Want to know why Valve is pushing VR so hard? VR, like paid digital distribution, is another way for the industry to get more non-gaming casuals that won't play games without either easy access or a gimmick to start playing games so the industry has more pay pigs to extract money from

you probably think youre very smart

Pretty excited, I hope the price isn't insane.

Supposedly they're just going to name them Valve Index controllers.

The Index is a display device, just like a monitor. It's not a new console. It will work with all existing SteamVR-compatible games. As to what specific features it's offering, we don't know yet. The full reveal (and opening of preorders) is on May 1st.

In terms of its Knuckles controllers, there are dozens of existing titles adding native support and at least a few all new games coming (eg. Boneworks, Gallery Ep. 3), and they will presumably work just fine with nearly any game which supports the Vive wands, and actually work much better than the Vive wands for Oculus games run through Revive.

>normal people buying valve's vr shit when they didn't bother with even the cheapest of all the other vr shit
Admit it, you thought about this a long time, didn't you?

Because it's the future of videogames and it's the opposite of casual.

Lame. I want them called Knuckles and I want them RED ffs. How else am I supposed to no de wae.

theyre always going to be knuckles to me :)

The most important thing to me is: will it launch with wireless? If not, then I'll be waiting until they make an add on/conversion for that.

I'm jumping into VR with the Quest then waiting to see what the specs are for Index before buying PCVR.

They should have kept the name. Would have worked well.
>index & knuckles
>rift & knuckles
>WMR & knuckles

The Vive had stickers so the Index will probably have them too, I'm sure we'll see some red skin in the workshop too.[]=Controller

Attached: videoplayback.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>Average person playing as anime girl in VRChat.

>but I plan on preordering knuckles day one

Same, I'll probably get an index eventually

>Supposedly the units they sent out to devs have had declared value of $150 (per pair)

That's really good if that's true

God damn faggots like you will whine about anything and everything

They're definitely gonna have some bundled games since most of the previous headsets had bundles.
Vive came with Space Pirate Trainer and Tilt Brush, Oculus Xbox came with Lucky's Tale and Oculus Touch came with Robo Recall/Marvel Powers United.

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id fuck that little twink but the catgirls are fat neckbeards

Boneworks, The Gallery trilogy and HLVR

Same. If he's 18+.

>May 1st
>"Wake up, mister Freeman..."

Will they be selling ash-scented candles along with Half-Life VR?

More like

"Before it was a number..."

They've known for a year now that a chinese vaporware company has absolutely trounced everything out there in terms of FOV and resolution. If it just ends up being lame shit like jewtc and zuckbook adding a 1/3rd extra pixels per eye then I'm probably done with VR.

The 5k/8k one?

Probably gonna buy one.

yeah bullshit you're the same angry cripple camping these threads talking about eye cancer and you-can-do-that-already.

>If it doesn't launch with any games, why should anyone care?
A lot of people want to get into VR now and are just waiting to see how Rift S/Index turns out, with or without bundled games. Like me.


I wish oculus hadn't announced the rift S. The hope of them coming out with something decent in the future was better than the actual pile of shit they delivered. And HTC is just making up product after product to announce to make it seem like that they aren't going under.

If pimax gets their software sorted out then the 5k + knucles might be the only viable option unless valve delivers on a real next gen headset.

Pimax only has FOV, the rest is crap.

>eye cancer
I can have that just fine without VR


Attached: htc.png (649x414, 20K)

they should have died a long time ago.

>40TDW = 1.3USD

The valve index launch is probably in response to how bad HTC fucked up the vive and their obvious imminent bankruptcy. I almost lost my shit while watching CES when they came out with their joke concept models with mountaindew patterns on the controllers.

Shit gimmick fad literally strapping a monitor to your face

Wanna know how I know you've never tried VR?

is fallout 4 vr good with mods

It will fail just like Valve's all other hardware projects.

They were dead long ago.

>vr will be dead any day now g-guys

I've been hesitant to get into VR up until recent. I've been extremely impressed with Boneworks and the knuckles though, so I want to see how they are when they come out. I don't know a whole lot about the index though. What makes it so special over a vive?

Have to wait for official specs to be released. It could be a small upgrade or a big one from the vive

it's better if you hadn't played it before. I don't think mods are mandatory

Sadly it's a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

Wasn't the headset codenamed Sonic when it first got leaked?

>What makes it so special over a vive?
Index its already confirmed to run at an higher resolution than Rift/Rift S and Vive, as well as knuckles being the best controllers in the market. This times HTC isn't making this so thats a plus.

It's still the best legibility of any consumer headset right now. I love my rift, but it's impossible to discern details for things 15 feet away.

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>8k worse than 5k

Apparently that Reverb headset is better for clarity, but it's out later this month. Either case I'm not buying any VR headset for at least a solid year (had my Rift a year and a half now), so I'm curious to see where they progress from there, as well as how Index is on the specs end of things.

Mainly need to save up for a new PC before going for a higher-end VR headset. Foveated rendering is going to become mandatory as the screen panels get higher resolution, and my current card is incapable of that.

Pimax 8K is a misnomer. It's two regular 4K panels. Proper 8K would require four of them to get the vertical resolution needed.

We don't know anything about the specs for sure, but it being at least Vive Pro resolution can be safely assumed. It is at worst going to be Valves version of the Vive Pro. A significant upgrade over the OG Vive, hopefully without the absurd HTC tax price, this time.

Aside from that there's strong evidence of something unique about the optics that they're going to be making a selling point (trademarked logo, the name, and the old leaked photos showing abnormally long eye-tube optics housings), but we have no idea what the benefits will be. Also multiple outlets have reported verified anonymous sources saying it will have a larger than typical FOV.

So what is 5k?

>Foveated rendering is going to become mandatory

That's like another 4 years away and don't say vive pro eye since we've already established that HTC is bankrupt.

I just want them to ship the index with same res as pimax 5k and I'll throw my money at them.

>you will never be a twink
It's not fair bair bros, why can't _I_ be the cute little one that gets pampered and pumped?

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>hopefully without the absurd HTC tax price, this time.
people always say this and then it ends up being $800

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If Valve is going to charge $800 for a new headset, it needs to have FBT to catch my interest.

Valve fanboys are delusional, they seriously think this thing is going to retail for 500 bucks.


kek they dont call those "knuckles" anymore but people will keep using that word

>Valve Index controllers
shit name

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Any word on the Knuckles tactile feedback? I would hope there's a rumble to be felt along the strap that holds it against your palmfor shit like partially closing your hand over a thing, but not physically touching the controller.

morpheus was still morpheus until they revealed the PSVR

>Pros: backed by Facebook
t. poorfag

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not buying it unless it has eye tracking.

How? Also why?

They never officially called the lighthouses lighthouses too but no one cares.

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2560×1440 per eye. which is also what the 8K actual runs at, just stretched. which would normally help with SDE, except that the 5k+ is still better because it's a full RGB LCD vs the 8ks pentile OLED.

the 8k is a meme they did for marketing. they were supposed to have an '8kx' coming eventually which will use two HDMI inputs to drive the full resolution, but I haven't heard anything about it in nearly a year.

Who here /pavlov/?

Attached: hey give that back.webm (854x480, 2.56M)

At some point Knuckles will just have this weird sponge material you press into for its finger tracking.

This is loony tunes level of comedy.

It can already measure squeeze force.

Would if they'd fix the god damn Rift-users-are-giants issue. Granted anyone with a headset with a screen rez above a Rift/Vive have quite an advantage.

Attached: 1553349792306.jpg (285x267, 17K)

the new update is fucking nuts
those upgrades for the weapons

Squeeze force against a small round pole shape (eg. the controller). What if I want to grab something like a basketball? It'll look/feel awkward performing a hand grip around a pole to hold a ball.

what does the new update add? what upgrades?

The vast majority of objects are solid, it would certainly feel a lot weirder to grab a gun with a sponge texture.

Attached: 20190409_163156.jpg (4032x3024, 3.05M)

new hub
now you can buy silencers, scopes and shit on every fucking weapon
also new guns

I was not disappointed.

ill give it a try later. playing with bots is basically my singleplayer fps fix in vr since there are no proper sp fps games

Why would a dev kit include a god damn book instead of just a sheet of paper that has a printed address/QR code to a PDF?

Knuckles will be $100-200 per pair, lighthouses $50-100 each. This puts the full package price at $200-400 plus whatever the HMD itself costs. HMD will probably be in the range of $300-600, but that's total speculation as opposed to the others which have real basis.

Actually the over 1000 respondent reddit 'crowd wisdom' poll is saying ~$750.

I hope the elastic is replaceable on those since I don't see those maintaining their elasticity after a year of use.

It runs like shit in VR and the port is awful. All the weapons are one-handed and the scopes just fade to a black screen with a 2D render of the environment with crosshairs because they were too lazy to do it right.

Also huge fucking 4 foot cockroaches jumping in your face all the time

No way lol Sup ViveTwink. What's the vive like and how's the mileage been?

>not shipping with a 'full' vr title from valve


god I wish that were me

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Did your monitor launch with games installed you fucking retard?

It will.
t. not insider

I couldn't play this for longer than 20 minutes because of the deathgrip you need to constantly hold onto your weapons. Fucking retarded, it should be like onward where you can toggle the hold with the grip button. Also comically slow weapons with very unrealistic behaviour.

omg :o

since you can buy everything seperately does that mean I only need to get the knuckles if I already have a vive? Then upgrade the head set in the future at my own convenience ?

The elastic actually doesn't matter as much. It's the locking mechanism holding the elastic. If that breaks then you're fugged.

Still working! It's been through a lot the past 3.2 years since I had it. Had one lighthouse break and the 3 in 1 wires that connects to the link box. Otherwise everything has been keeping up fine.

My Vive Pre actually is in better condition than a newer Vive I got a few months ago when I thought my old one finally bit the bucket. HTC sent me a brand new one but it has a dead pixel. Dead pixels SUPER NOTICEABLE in the Vive.

No you dont

yes, exactly. knuckles and index will both work with your existing lighthouses.

Attached: steamvrcompatibility.jpg (800x611, 39K)

Yes, casuals are the core audience for near 2k+ startup cost of a hobby. Totally

I'm sorry bro but gabe raged the fuck out when he saw some nerd do what his team with unlimited resources could not. He fired them all and got in bed with those guys. Gabes been waiting for the next "leap" for half life and its VR so its objectively HLVR but its only going to start production after boneworks is done.

I don't know if you noticed but I literally attached a piece of paper to an old bible laying around. I wanted the biggest book available for the exaggeration factor.

The Pre did just have a sheet directing you to the Steam VR dev wiki.

Nice. You thinking of dipping into Gen 1.5 and picking up an Index or a quest or you thinking of staying put with the Vive till a later on?

Theres no saving that mess. Glad I got it free.

based fucking gaben

>No you dont
>lives in florida
you could totally do better than channels like nathie or VNN if you tried
patreon lewds when?

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>It's the locking mechanism holding the elastic
I presume it's the same cheap spring-loaded plastic thing like every other thing (shoes, gloves waistbands) that use that.

I am definitely picking up an Index. Whether free or not, I'm not sure. Valve is kinda random with sending me stuff. (I had no expectation of getting the knuckles yet here we are).

I'm not completely sold on Quest. Sure it may be a good experience for people who haven't been able to get into VR, but I feel it will suffer greatly from the “PC to PS VR" problem. Especially for me. Seems good until you've tried the best. Then its garbage.

>No price tag.

Wow, thanks for the relevant information.

I really appreciate that! Unfortunately I'm sorta an awkward person and people pick that up from my videos. I plan on doing more on Youtube than I have the past two year (I fell off due to lack of motivation). Mostly similar to the recent review I did on a game I genuinely liked. I feel thats best for me. Or other things, still not sure yet.

I enjoy doing Youtube right now. The VR industry is literally experiencing another renaissance similar to 2016. Im having a lot of fun being part of it. Not the random garbage. As far as your last question, you know exactly the kind of answer I'd give to that.

Its very similar to that, yes. Still a bit better than those examples. If you really want to know something about Knuckles breaking, I actually already ruined one of my EV3s.

I live in Florida, it gets hot. Impossible to play VR with the fan off. Well things sorta hit the fan due to this. My trigger and joystick got hit and ruined. Luckily I have DVs as well.

>My trigger and joystick got hit and ruined.
I would hope the consumer model is more durable in that regards. I don't know how many fucking times I hit the wall or my fan with my Oculus Touch controllers and they're still in perfect shape....somehow.

I hope so too. Valve got A LOT of feedback from developers on each iteration of knuckles in terms of how easy/hard they were breaking. The last two iterations (EV3 and DV) were honestly just addressing those issues.

I wouldn't be surprised if consumer model follows the same trend.

>Displayport 1.2
Literally why? That standard is almost a decade old at this point, and USB 3.0 is over a decade old.

It'll probably be 800 my dude.

Any word on what battery the current controllers use, and if they're replacable? Vive wands got a ton of flack for basically lasting only a year's worth of charges for a lot of folks and then just dying, and being told by Valve/HTC "Buy a new controller".

Its likely gonna be $750-$1000.

Wow, really? That's actually news to me because I have 5 Vive wands and none of their batteries died.

As far as what kind of battery... I honestly have no clue. The repair-ability honestly seem to have been sacrificed in the hope to lower costs for launch. No visible screws anywhere. I honestly wouldn't even know how to go about taking apart the knuckles without breaking it, and I sorta pride myself on being pretty able to do these things with electronics.

BTW, please do not take any of the things I'm saying as a final "KNUCKLES ARENT GOOD." I'm pointing out some "flaws” on non FCC approved dev hardware. The knuckles are my favorite VR controllers and I use them even for games that have no actual support for them.

see Probably a bit lower, but still almost surely $600+ for the full package.

It's fine. Anything is still prone to change for the consumer release. Opening Vive wands was annoying (so are the Rift's, but the battery is easily accessed).

I hate lack of visible screws since it means having to either use a heat gun or plastic spudgers to pry open the spots wherever the plastic shell snaps together. Either case I'm in no rush to get an Index+Knucks yet. Content enough with my Rift for now (which I replaced my Vive with awhile back) for a couple more years to see how Valve's take comes along.

Attached: chopchop.webm (1280x800, 2.49M)

That's honestly a fine decision. A lot of people are dying to upgrade/step into VR with the Index.

Pre-orders are probably going to be a mess. And the original Rift is still great. That's why so many people are trying to get one now that they know what the Rift S is.

I contemplate getting a backup set of Touch controllers just incase, although I'd have no use for a fourth sensor (they're bundled together). The main reason I want to wait is because a lot of VR games need to support the existing install-base still, which means Vive wands as the lowest common denominator. Not going to see too many titles taking full advantage of Knuckles' expanded finger tracking/estimation for quite awhile as a result other than non-gameplay gimmicks.

Attached: freeze bitch.webm (1280x720, 978K)

There's going to be a ton of existing games supporting them, and at least a few knew ones known in development. That's what Valve shipping them out to devs was all about (in addition to getting feedback on their design).

It's still awkward as fuck and unnatural feeling to grab people in this tech demo.

I just can't see any game going full "You need Knuckles to play this" until it's the new input standard. You can sorta cheat it with Touch since it has two analog triggers (one for controlling index, and one for the rest), but I don't know how WMR/Vive would do an acceptable equivalent without losing out on inputs for game-related business.

Ya but a lot of knuckles kits were popping up for sale on Russian eBay sites. Don't have expectations so high.

>I just can't see any game going full "You need Knuckles to play this"
Yeah, probably not even Valves games will. Native support does not entail explicit demand.

>It's still awkward as fuck and unnatural feeling to grab people in this tech demo.
Tell me about it

Attached: blade & sorcery Lovedolls.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

Attached: the unbreakable gumball.webm (480x270, 2.37M)

>I contemplate getting a backup set of Touch controllers just incase
I ended up with a backup pair since Oculus apparently doesn't sell sensors in Europe (yes, really, I even talked to customer support). I could have imported a sensor, but import taxes + overseas shipping raised the price so much that I was able to get a Touch package for the same money. So I bought another Touch pack for the sensor and now have a backup set of controllers too.

Why do the knuckles have that crazy large piece on the side. Looks like controller smashing waiting to happen

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>tfw want to learn to program so I can make some nifty apps in VR

>every single month a fucking VR headset comes out

holy shit.

>games can't get fucking passive cape physics right
>meanwhile VR games are trying to do proper hand collision modelling against interactable objects.

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Carmack working for oculus mobile is such a terrible waste.

Attached: blade & sorcery.webm (1280x800, 553K)

I betcha it was punishment for the Zenimax lawsuit.

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would 980 ti be enough for index?

gimme the price and let me pay steambux for it pls

He loves working with mobile tech at the least. Milking the most out of a set piece of hardware.

Attached: catching the dragon.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

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Do you post this because you think it's good?

nobody thinks this is good. awful idea

Because it's funny.

Attached: Pirates VR.webm (1280x720, 676K)

>want to get into VR really bad
>but want to wait for Valve's version
>release date of June 15 gets leaked
>that's my fucking birthday
Is this fate?

i have a fat steam wallet of over $600 from playing the market so if they let you use wallet funds to purchase this i might actually get it. if not, gonna pass.

what ? you don't need to hold it all the time, check your settings you might have fucked up somewhere

worked for the virtual boy.

>A company made a product to make a profit
oh the humanity!

That would be quite appealing and an amazing boost over my Rift. What's the source on the resolution?

They will. Steam machines and controller were buyable with steambux. You're getting a bargain, user.

I just want to ERP with the pole dancing vr cat loli

no thats facebook

valve is doing it legit

Attached: immersive.webm (1920x1080, 2.39M)

it's speculation. JDI stated they are making 1000 ppi display for a VR headset, it could be Index or not. Reverb is already running display like that

I'd love this to have the same resolution as the Reverb. Reverb seems to have nice screens, too bad it's basically non-viable for me due to the lack of IPD adjustment, limited tracking and probably meh controllers.

I said loli

People have been keeping their eyes open for where these might turn up, and then the Vertigo dev leaked the SteamVR render settings panel which told us the resolution which almost surely confirms 1440x1600, but MIGHT indicate something much higher, if the indexes default render scale differs from the Vive Pro (but still not exactly 2160×2432, unlike the alternative presumption - a major point against this speculation).

What's the difference? It's all the same.

nah i don't see that happening. Reverbs display is also smaller in size, this allows for visibly smaller headset. Index itself in pretty huge, I think they will use a traditional size display from a different maker.
VRfocus article from few months ago leaked that it will have "Vive Pro like resolution", which should be fine. I'm kinda rooting for LCD too, for less sde and more sharpness

Attached: vr life.jpg (639x754, 61K)

here's the supposed Index resolution leak. it appears to say 1913x2125 per eye at 80% of native resolution.

Attached: 1554088749605.png (253x220, 37K)

woah ive never seen any of these webms b4 XD

Isn't Reverb a single big panel? Why else would it have fixed IPD?

> I'm kinda rooting for LCD too, for less sde and more sharpness
It almost surely will, unless they've got some totally novel unexpected reason for sticking with OLED (eg. somehow required/preferable for their dream of an HDR VR display, which they've somehow made happen). Valve has made significant contributions to bringing LCDs up to fitness for VR and has been fairly outspoken that they are the better choice now.

>muh knuckle controllars

Who gives a flying fuck holy shit

It's 90% (very well confirmed by comparison to other peoples own sliders), and the thing to keep in mind is that this '100%' is actually 140% of the panel resolution (at least for the Vive and Vive Pro). And if you do that math is comes out to a perfect 1440x1600, vs assuming the '100%' is the panel resolution is comes out to some weird thing not matching any known panels in production.

I'll be dead before I get to try it out but other than that hype af.

Why would an LCD have more sharpness? Higher ppi or something?

That makes sense given there's rumors they have some audio trick to reduce motion sickness

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why are the same exact VR Webm's still being posted in these VR threads

better subpixel arrangement which changes SDE. (generally, in the VR context) LCDs are 'full RGB stripe' vs OLEDs are 'pentile'. you can see the effects in contrasting the 8k and 5k+. the amount of dead space with no color is much less with LCD.

>which almost surely confirms 1440x1600
That's about what I'd expect. Which is too bad, since there'll still be significant SDE, especially if the screens are OLED. I'm hoping for higher res.

Wasn't that speculation? I always had that impression but I'm not sure.

>Isn't Reverb a single big panel?
I'm actually not sure whether it was stated. I remember the per-eye resolution and the fact that it's using LCD, but I don't remember if they ever said whether they had a single screen or not.

Post your cock already

>steam controller
Valve's peripheral hardware is underrated, or in the case of Index hopefully will. But everything so far about Index looks promising

Attached: FF 15 VR.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

No, user. He has a GF. His cock belongs to her.

What does that matter. He's cute, I want to see him bottomless.

Attached: Leave.jpg (329x399, 44K)

absolute chad

One autistic guy spamming them

Vive Pro is bad in itself, let alone for the money

No, user. You don't lust after a woman's man. That is sacrosanct.

Sup /vrg/

We're weeks away from having official information revealed on Index, why would you even consider buying a fuck-you expensive Vive Pro at this point? Just wait to see what this is about at the very least, though I feel it would have to be exceptionally underwhelming to make a Vive Pro a good choice considering how much they're asking for the thing.

That's interesting, and I definitely noticed a fair amount of SDE when I tried an original Vive. Wonder what the plan is to counteract light bleeding, black uniformity and other black level issues inherent in LCD tech though. I'd think FALD would be impractical considering the application, not to mention expensive. A good LCD-based headset would probably be expensive either way, OLED makes for cheaper manufacturing costs than custom LCD displays.

Attached: Pimax.png (692x711, 279K)

in LCD each pixel can draw every colour, but OLED pixels are subdivided into different parts for each color, so when drawing red for example, there's part of the pixel that's left unused therefore increasing SDE
It's very evident from this pic, just look at red or blue parts on cameras left-top corner.

Attached: 5761a45be7e4f_pentilevsRGB.png.14eb071b7ba298c892639ddb1b762124[1].png (966x559, 1.09M)

I can't get any math to get a proper resolution out of it except that it is definitely 9:10 aspect ratio. 2125 / 90% / 140% is 1,686. it would need to be 95% for the math to come out close enough to 1600.

Another possibility is that it is at ~88%, which puts the native resolution at 2160 x 2400 per eye.

Looks pretty fun for a meme

I heard OLED is not actually that great for VR because of slow response time of pixels when they turn off fully.

>throwing the box around like it's not filled with delicate electronics

Attached: 1488937950916.jpg (130x131, 6K)

I'm more worried that throwing that box around is going to harm that delicate boy.

whoever thought pentile was a good idea for vr

>Pros: Backed by Facebook
t. owns billions in Faceberg stock, makes money shilling Faceberg stock, dreams about buying more Faceberg stock, wakes up to check Faceberg stock, gives Faceberg stock to their childrens' 16th birthday

Attached: 1525079023921.png (374x345, 112K)

The response time of OLED TVs is almost instantaneous, so I don't see why that follows.

I sitll call the N64, Nintendo Ultra 64. Causes a lot of confusion tho.

You mean "NU-64"?

youre mother

Rift has the way to compensate for that, but it also produces bad blacks and ofter weird artifacts on screen. It's enabled on default, and it always bugged me. Thank god you can disable it via windows registry - it added some black smearing, but for exchange you get much cleaner image and true blacks.

I meant pixels going from pure black (off) to other colors.
It's a known problem and at the same time darker blacks is usually what people praise OLED for.

Pentile does suck.. OLED still is better if done right. Sony made custom displays for PSVR. It's a hexagonal OLED panel, and reportedly look very good.
This should be a new standard for VR

Attached: Screenshot_54.png (1285x737, 2.66M)

It's not about pentile being a good idea, it was more about near-instantaneous response times and better black level (which is VERY visible when the headset blocks nearly all ambient light.

Yeah, Rift doesn't actually turn its displays fully off. Black level is still pretty good, but if you're in a scene which is almost completely black you can definitely see that it isn't off and you see brightness patterns since pixels aren't uniformly bright at such low levels or some shit.

>Thank god you can disable it via windows registry - it added some black smearing, but for exchange you get much cleaner image and true blacks.
How do you do that? I'd seriously like to try it. Can you give me a link or at least some relevant terms to search for? I don't know the technical name of this shit.


Thanks, I'll give this a shot.

I guess the idea is an LCD could do better there because the backlight never actually turns off. Always a trade-off with display tech, though motion and clarity are king in VR so it makes sense to prioritize those.

>darker blacks
It's true blacks, because the pixel is turned off completely, many panels have issues with black crush though.

Problem with turning that off is you may get colour banding in certain gradients.

enjoy your eye cancer and brain tumors

I'll have to see it for myself I guess. The Rift image has plenty of issues already, from the low-res pentile screens to halos/rays due to the lenses, I'm not sure if some occasional banding would be that bad on top of everything else.

Worth it. I had green haze all over my view, most noticeable in dark areas and I' happy to get rid of it.
Results wary form person to person though

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Is it bad that the first thing I thought of when seeing the blue in the corner and the yotsuba color was THAT post?


What? isnt that worse than current headsets?... That's garbage

So you're saying it's Sonic and Knuckles?

Attached: 1542602262617.gif (160x236, 477K)

What is the point of the Virtual Link standard at this point?

Per eye, so no, it isn't worse than the Rift and baseline Vive. It is worse than shit like Pimax 5K/8K and some new stuff like Reverb though, so I'm hoping it's better than that,

It's the same as Odyssey and Vive Pro.

Why does the description suddenly devolve into Latin?

placeholder text

is this a bait post to bait people who know what lorem ipsum is like the "only 1000 posts in a sticky?" posts

According to rumors and leaks HLVR has been in the works for a while, but it's a prequel not HL3/Ep3. That of course doesn't mean it will ship with Index or even this year though.

Attached: SairentoSideFlipSideSlash.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

Just because you invent a display standard doesn't mean the ports are going to materialize on everyone's existing graphics cards in less than a year's time.

I want someone to make a fuckhuge hub like Oasis from ready player one. like vrchat and gmod tower mixed into one. Problem is insane amounts of effort would be required.

I think they have more headset variants than decent, full length VR only games.

Attached: 1465308921574.png (696x860, 421K)

titty touch still technically counts as points for a hit right

Attached: 1554613506486.webm (900x506, 2.94M)

As long as it isn't below the belt, I'll allow it.

Pimax and Reverb's display resolutions aren't even practical for video games without widening the already gaping divide between desktop and vr graphics. It's better that they focus on lens technology and display fill factor like they are until foveated rendering is mainstream.

For now PC VR is just vive/rift/a billion interchangeable wmr headsets that don't really matter

god I wish I could jerk off Vivetwink using my Vive wands

I too, a very heterosexual woman, would also like to do that very much to Vive Twink.

You don't need to render at native resolution in order to get rid of SDE, though. They could also use fixed foveated rendering on the center itself, on my Rift at least if you look at the edge of the lenses shit doesn't look too great anyway.

Not that guy, but what I don't understand is why they would use Displayport 1.2 and USB 3.0 considering their successors have been available for many years by now. The 3.0 standard is literally over a decade old.

>You don't need to render at native resolution in order to get rid of SDE
Is there really any point to sticking expensive 4k panels or whatever in an hmd if you're never going to use it for anything besides upscaling? There are cheaper ways around screen door effect.

Attached: hitler vam.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

Probs not

>There are cheaper ways around screen door effect.
Are there though? Like what? Render resolution will always be dependent upon your PC hardware, but SDE relies on the headset itself. Ideally you want the best of both, but it's better to render at 1440p with no discernable SDE than render at 4K with a lot of SDE.

>Like what?
It's mentioned above, SDE is a fill rate problem. The obvious solution is the one they're already taking, switching from pentile oled to rgb lcd, other headsets have played tricks with the lenses to bleed light into the empty space slightly. Adding more pixels is the blunt force solution.

USB 3.0 is perfectly fine. What do you think the headset will saturate 5Gbps with? Audio streams and some positional data? It's far more than enough. 10Gbps USB is also ass to get to work in a stable fashion over longer cables or extension cords, there's absolutely no reason to touch that shit if the bandwidth isn't required. Same goes for DP1.2 as well, what's the point of going with a newer standard if the older one already provides sufficient bandwidth? It's not like the screens are going to spontaneously grow more pixels and require more bandwidth in the future. DP1.2 and USB 3.0 and widespread and widely compatible.

Using DP1.2 might tell us something about where the resolution could cap though. IIRC it's just enough to deliver 3840x2160 8bpc 60Hz, so if the headset is running 90Hz then the resolution can't go too far above 1440x1600 per eye. Of course, we don't know if the leaked information is real or just placeholder, but I think those numbers sound about plausible for a headset which aims to be a good quality product which won't be exactly cheap but also may not want to venture into the ridiculously expensive territory.

>you're never going to use it for anything besides upscaling?
Says who? You can buy a 2080 Ti right now, or you may perhaps want to use your headset 3 years into the future when you have a faster graphics card which can handle its native resolution, or maybe even supersampling.
>4k panels
It's 2 panels of about 2kx2k, not multiple 4K panels. Only Pimax 8K has 2 4K panels as far as I know (and doesn't have the display connection bandwidth to run them - so it is indeed a bit pointless).

(based on my own SteamVR settings panel)
'100%' = 1512*1680 = 2540160
vive actual panel resolution = 1080*1200 = 1296000
vive SteamVR default upscale = 2540160/1296000 = 1.96

leakdownscale = (1913*2125) = 4065125 = rendertarget*(0.9)

rendertarget = 4065125/(0.9) = 4516805.6 = panel*(1.96)

leakpanel = 4516805.6/(1.96) = 2304492.7

leakpanel = 2304492.7
1440*1600 = 2304000
1920*2160 = 4147200
2160*2432 = 5253120

It's almost surely 1440x1600. as was reported by UploadVR months ago when the original factory images leaked, as coming from verified anonymous sources.

Unless I missed a memo that 90Hz is some golden standard for VR then I fail to see a good reason to artificially limit the framerate through using Displayport 1.2 outside of cheaping out.

90hz was arrived at as the 'bare minimum' for sustained presence and minimal headaches through Valve and idtech exhaustive (practically clinical) research. It's what all panels made for VR currently target. there is no artificial limitation if the panel in question tops out at 90hz, anyway.

The first VR headset I will get will REQUIRE eye tracking.
Foveated rendering actually makes rendering frames easier on a headset than rendering a game at 2k and will completely change gaming.

Attached: arbiter.jpg (663x498, 24K)

>Valve and idtech exhaustive (practically clinical) research
Is there are source for this information? I'd like to see this "research" if it really does exist. I'm skeptical if there truly is that much of a difference between, say, 75 and 90 Hz, and if there is, that it can't be made up for in other variables like panel brightness, response time, persistence, etc.

This. Also I want to be able to wink and make eye contact when whoring myself on VRchat.

>Play VR game with Melee combat
>My arms are sore for 3 days after
Wtf I'm not even fat.

Attached: sad.gif (600x502, 54K)

I should've said "needlessly" rather than artificially, because I don't see a good reason to not go for say 120Hz over 90 when 90 is considered the bare minimum for acceptable performance, when you could very easily use a 120Hz panel and Displayport 1.4 with the same resolution. The target demographic for this stuff is desktop owning VR enthusiasts with good GPUs, not the average joe who likes google cardboard. If their GPU doesn't support DP 1.4 I doubt they've got the performance overhead to run these headsets at 90FPS anyway.

If you don't do any physical activity whatsoever you not being fat is irrelevant. Your arms are hating you because you never used them before

>mfw VR is too easy and I had to buy weights for my arms.
At 8 lbs each arm now playing beat saber you’ll get gud eventually.

Attached: 77E226B2-B132-4709-9D9F-9FB778B0AC97.png (500x365, 46K)

>Wearings wrist weights
You're gonna fuck up your joints

You can still do that, you just need to set up the macros.

Well, user? You ARE going to back FeelReel right?

Attached: FeelSmug.webm (1280x800, 284K)

I used to have a job where I lifted and moved PC towers and monitors for a large workplace tho.
Beat Saber doesn't count, I'm talking about gorn.

Not really, I have an extremely healthy diet and it’s a common practice for MMA but whatever bro.

Lifting heavy thing =/= Moving arms rapidly
Aerobic vs anaerobic bro

That resolves itself pretty quickly once your muscles figure out that they'll actually get used for once. It won't happen after that. It's a good thing you weakling. It happened to me too

>jog 3 times a week
>no longer get sore legs
>play tennis
>legs are sore

You're using your arm mucles in ways you're not used to.

Not him, but isn't strapping weights to your wrist or ankles like lifting without form? I wouldn't do it either.

That's a creepy smile right there.

Attached: 1510949102095.gif (200x200, 929K)

What smells do you think he's lusting over in his head?

>you could very easily use a 120Hz panel and Displayport 1.4 with the same resolution
VR-specific (low-persistence/fast-change) panels like that simply don't exist

>If their GPU doesn't support DP 1.4 I doubt they've got the performance overhead to run these headsets at 90FPS anyway.

DP1.2 vs 1.4 support is more of a generational issue than an actual performance one. eg. 980ti with only 1.2 ~= 1070 with 1.4. and 970 is still the low end of VR-ready GPUs, and the Index's official minspec.

Bet theres going to be a lot of delay mixing smells. Imagine running past a carcass and stopping to smell a flower in some game.

I bought a samsung gear vr on clearance for $6.97 to hold me over until this and I'm so excited for these controllers.

>VR-specific (low-persistence/fast-change) panels like that simply don't exist
Neither did the 90Hz ones until they came in demand, it's not like these headsets only use off the shelf parts.

>970 is still the low end of VR-ready GPUs, and the Index's official minspec.
You just proved my point though, how many people buying these headsets don't have at least a 1070? That card is almost 3 years old by now, if the "leaked" specs are legit then that makes it seem like they're targeting a pretty low-end demographic, and I doubt the price will be incredibly competitive to compensate.

I use form though it’s not like I whip around like an idiot and most the time I use simple arm curls or swings.
Maybe if you don’t have muscle it would be bad, but I’m in bretty good shape.
I do daily 1-2 hour stretches, workout everyday and eat a healthy diet.
I’m also a kinesiology minor so yeah if you are not healthy and knowledgeable I would not do it.

>anons actually getting #vrfit

This is good