What is it about this game that makes Yea Forums so upset?
What is it about this game that makes Yea Forums so upset?
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Seething retail fags.
They don't want the 5000 hours they spent transmog and mount farming to be for nothing.
"You weren't there!"
Probably the fact that this heaping trash is being resurrected, and everyone will see up front that it wasn't as good as they're trying to say it is when they're hating on modern WoW.
This. Retail wow is literally one big case of sunk cost fallacy, everyone hates it but they're too invested to quit.
That people are willing to give the same company money for a different version of the same game despite only making decisions based on what will give them money.
Whats everyone going to be playing?
>Tauren Warrior
Not ideal for PVP, but I really enjoy the aesthetic. With half the Tauren classes being healers I can get started on my healer harem right away. Plus the extra HP makes me feel better for some reason even if it rarely ever makes a difference.
Mulgore is maximum comfy too.
I feel like crying for the fools who are going to give MODERN BLIZZARD wearing the skin of warcraft their money.
ref the other thread
the google survey claims that 13% will play priests, somehow I doubt that's representative of the majority.
You are not dumb enough to roll a overpopulated race and class, right, user?
It’s either mage or warrior for me. Either way I’m fucked. But if I go warrior at least I’ll be able to tank
First mage then paladin.
Why are there so many trannies and futaniggers playing Retail? I'm not even being facetious, I thought it was just a meme but turns out there's a lot of these degenerates out there, as much as in XIV. To be fair, you gotta be mentally deficient to stick with retail and whale for so long.
No one can play orc warlock except me
It allows them to pretend they're special social snowflakes while not talking to anyone and piggybacking off of others
because retail has perfect doll races that trannies love to think its them, thats why they hate classic, because you dont have blood elves, draeneis and other gay shit
It's a good game. It's fun. I've played retail vanilla, as well as several vanilla private servers 1x 'Blizzlike' and done end game raiding and content in all of them.
I had fun every time. You hear that? FUN.
Cant wait to shit all over these brainlet nuWoW retail players.
Troll Rogue, just about as snowflake as possible. I assumed they'd be much more popular.
keep in mind troll share zones with orcs so you are fucked either way
Where were these answers collected from?
leddit classicwow
reddit. it's also total bullshit because it's "what are you planning to choose" which as you should know nobody can decide what to play and it changes constantly. and pserver is useless data since casuals won't research and will just roll whatever
>nostalgiafags spamming threads and posts for the past 10 years circlejerking about how flawless and amazing vanilla was
Can't wait until classic is released and they all quit the game after a month
wrong, these stats seems about right, warrios are always overpopulated, humans are always overpopulated, all undead races are always overpopulated
Remember to start saving empty bottles now to piss in. Saves you that extra time when grinding levels.
>all undead classes
you're in
>people have been playing classic for 14 years
>wow classic fails
>nostalgiafags on suicide watch
>wow classic succeeds
>overinvested retailfags on suicide watch
Either way the shitposting is gonna be great
i'm gonna miss homeposting once classic is out. but we will have we're home bros threads instead
I'm thinking of getting vanilla wow discs from ebay. I already have them but they have the shitty nelf cover and I want the orc one.
are they actually worth anything
I like the way you think my friend.
elitist retards who act like the game requires skill
Probably not but the original manual is some top tier humor in 2019. Even better than the Minecraft farting jokes if you can believe that.
Together we shall witness the destruction of Activision-Blizzard.
None is pretending the game requires skill lmao
Well it does require more skill than retail but that's not particularly hard to accomplish
>all dose mages
Druid is by far the class you'll see the least in your own faction.
Imagine being that faggot who thought Classic had separate subcription with slightly lower price only because of outdated content experience.
If you're supporting Classic, you're also supporting Retail with that subcription payment you keep sending to Blizzard.
Yeah turns out if you pay a company they get your money
I fucking piss fifteen dollars you little shit
yeah we know, nobody cares, we're going home
It is the thing that scares the average Yea Forums poser the most - an actual game.
>tfw I have enough gold to last a year and a half without paying
Retail is content starved as is, but Blizzard is instead spending time and resources on another game.
Someone's still paying for that token and the shitty company receives their money from shitty practices.
I wonder if they will fix the mobs on that little island off hillsbrad that each drop a ton of money and exp. I grinded there for days with no one ever coming around.
I don't have a hate boner for retail that bad, man. Let go. Blizzard is living in your head rent free.
You really need to get new material.
I know plenty of private server fags can't wait to flee from their slav and chink-infested hell holes and will gladly pay blizzard for stable and fast classic servers filled with people that speak english and won't suddenly disappear without warning one night.
>Nostalrius at it's peak only had 20k players
>you shouldn’t give your money to a firm providing a product you’re willing to buy
Interesting take, but no
who /orchunter/ here
Are Tauren Rogues making a return?
>No cheevos
>No pets
>No mogs
>Only like 5 mounts to collect
What's even the point?
I'd consider playing it if i could xmog some missing t3 sets for my collection (i've sold 160 tokens so far for that, so it'd be cool to save up just so i can give asmongold a more generous donation this month)
you almost got me
lol this faggot so poor he cant spare $15, imagine being a brokeboi in 2019
Same bait as last thread? Come on now
>Classicfags get so butthurt by the banter they have to make echo chamber threads every day to comfort themselves
>echo chamber threads: threads for games I don’t like
>based threads: threads for games I like
Because they want to pretend that they will soon have the best skinner box to play.
I completely forgot humans couldn't be hunters in this game initially, how does that even make sense
>paladins that low
makes sense, seems badass in theory to be a plated crusader then you realise you need to wear dresses in raids
Hint: you need to double the numbers because horde can't be paladins
The PvP announcement single-handedly killed my hype. It's literally the worst case scenario, almost as if deliberately made to be the worst possible.
>NO battlegrounds
>dishonorable kills
>oh but you better farm honor in world pvp because we're adding in patently overpowered 1.12 pvp gear right away
*nostalrius blocks your path*
was done purely for balance reasons to keep the race/class combos around the same amount for both horde and alliance. it was the same reason dwarves couldn't be mages and why belves couldn't be warriors in TBC.
>deliberately made to be the worst possible.
it's blizzards design philosophy and it applies to all their games
>people are starting to realise that the people who are making classic are the same people who ruined WoW retail
Negro-san, do you even know how long it takes to get to Rank 14 even at best case scenario?
Also, vanilla launched with NO battlegrounds and this is emulating that. World pvp is gonna be fuckin awesome.
Troll rogue was my first character. High five.
>tfw running into this portal in classic will take you to your player owned house
If someone is stubborn/dedicated enough to actually farm up to rank 13/14 through world pvp alone then they deserve the gear. Also we have no idea how itemization is going to work yet, they haven't really talked about what they plan to do with gear that changed from patch to patch, so who knows how that'll go.
>Also, vanilla launched with NO battlegrounds and this is emulating that.
Yeah I understand the #nochanges retardation, it's still fucking terrible. I don't see anyone wanting old talents because it'd be an obvious downgrade.
You’ll still be able to get rank 10 gear quite easily before BWL is even out. Come on now, this is a fucking garbage way to do it
It’s also mostly zoomers who browse this shit board and söytendo players. They know we prop this place up and when us boomer bros finally go home, they’ll have nowhere to go back to. They’ll be left with this shithole circlejerking over games they don’t play while we’ll have the world to ourselves. Take heart warriors!
My mistake, I didn't realize I was addressing an actual retard. Carry on.
I played one in the beta, they look really cool with dual swords
>the people who originally were playing wow when it was good and now hate the game and don’t play the ones who ruined it in the first place
This one really made me think honestly.
You're the reason we have retail, and in the sight of things, the reason we're getting classic, so fuck you, but also thank you.
>in the sight of things, the reason we're getting classic
i get you're going for an epic gottem but this doesn't even make sense
>tfw no dwarf warlocks in vanilla
Troll Priest seems pretty underpopulated. I'd go Troll Warrior if my friend wasn't already planning too, I wish I understood why Troll's weren't more popular since Berserking is such a good CD and they look great in all armour types.
Nah I wasn't.
We got retail because people like him bitched for changes. We're getting classic because so many people hate the changes that people like him bitch about. Does that explain it better?
I'm going to enjoy ganking your ass
I'm glad blizz isn't listening to the whiney faggots. Bless them. We're going home bros.
I can't to see the forums full with people like this bitching after I backstab them for the 15th time stv. Gonna be great
>browse wow forums for years
>"can we have cla-"
>repeat for 348749873 times
>classic finally announced
>all no blizzdrones eternally BTFO
its a half year since the announcement but i still smile about it every day.
Retards making 48 threads each day.
Wrong. We only make 14 threads per day - one for each year we have not had the glory days.
the duality of man...
For me, it's Troll Warrior.
But you fags never played retail, that's the worse part.
>You really need to get new material.
so does blizzard
>won't suddenly disappear without warning one night
Did that hit too close to home?
I'm sorry.
>people have been playing private servers for over 10 years
>two months
dumb nigger
Forgot your pasta, shill.
undead warrior
>No cheevos
>No pets
>No mogs
>Only like 5 mounts to collect
What's even the point?
I'd consider playing it if i could xmog some missing t3 sets for my collection (i've sold 160 tokens so far for that, so it'd be cool to save up just so i can give asmongold a more generous donation this month)
WOW you will get 2 fucking BIS items before BWLif yiz tryhard like a retard bo fucking ho fuck off
>almost as if deliberately made to be the worst possible.
Bar the op weapons that are on par with naxx gear it's identical to how it was back then.
It's kinda weird how majority of 2h weapons were pretty close to each other in terms of dps, at least those that pushed for ~350 top weapon damage. The only two that break out of that group are Ashbringer and MoM.
Wanna play priest but don't want to roll dwarf... what do?
can I get a quick rundown on 2h warriors dps? is it viable for pve or does everyone just dual wield?
I'm leveling an allied race in retail and I'm thinking to myself how different leveling was back when I played vanilla, because I never reached the level cap and I think I hated it even back then. I don't like it, but it's all I want to do right now and I don't know why.
The only thing i remember of late classic is absolutely slaughtering whole graveyards with a rank 14 war and a t2.5 retri pala.
is that what's it's going to be like?
>muh dk's
>tfw rolling tauren shammy
Supposedly it's viable. Never played a Warrior but I hear 2h is frequently brought to clear trash. As for boss dps? I can only guess but if you were to get an early Bonereaver's Edge, you could do that...
99% sure you would still be Fury, no MS for you.
Pick the race you want to play, there will be enough dwarves
Go horde for that
They should add blood elves and draenei
Hell no
Which Ogre models are they going to have?
Horde doesn't have enough trannies. For the sake of equality, horde needs blood elves.
PvP weapons aren't even close to Naxx. They're closer to Ashkandi. Still super strong, but nothing like MoM.
Are you going to heal, user?
Oh, what a question. Of course you are (:
I like the newer model, personally.
>because I never reached the level cap and I think I hated it even back then. I don't like it, but it's all I want to do right now and I don't know why.
Same, played a dwarf hunter back in vanilla but never broke 50 I think. For some reason I just really want to play priest this time around and it's got me excited for a reason I seriously can't explain, because the very idea of it should be putting me off. But it doesn't.
People cheering the game that killed the mmo genre
retailcels are anxious that their shitty barbie dressup iteration will whither and die when classic chads steal playerbase.
ALLIANCE warlocks report in
Now that I think about it it's crazy how much retexture blizz has done with the models they introduced. 90% of their current NPCs are using skeletons introduced during Vanilla - BC - WotLK.
Nah, that'd be WotLK-Cataclysm with all the MMO-lite elements that turned the game into a single player skinner box with a chat.
Now that there's a chance to properly implement post vanilla contents, would blizz remake the sindorei? As in Silvermoon actually gets rebuilt at some point and male belves are chad spellbreakers and bloodmages instead of faggots?
That's typical of MMOs. I think it's because it saves memory and time. XIV also recycles a ton of assets from not only XI but other FF games too.
Have sex
and that's a good thing
wow was still a pretty big precursor to solo player mmos since its inception and had tons of casual shit like no xp loss on death.
cataclysm was the best raiding since TBC and WoW was always the casual gateway into the genre because prior to WoW everything was along the lines of UO where you'd have roaming rightwing death squads JUSTing everyone and taking all your shit. WoW was also among the first mmos to not feel janky as fuck
Nope, there will be plenty of female orcs and undead and shit but elves don’t belong on the horde
WoW was always a skinner box
It's okay, bro. You don't have to be obnoxiously negative about everything ever. You can be this thing called "cautiously optimistic".
Alliance will still be more populated than horde. There are very few horde streamers
I agree, but I do believe Vanilla was striking a good balance of being somewhat challenging/deep, without too many frustrating or boring elements... Such as EXP loss, which I'm sure I'm not the only one hating.
The thing I see replicated in nu-mmos are mostly taken from BC-Cata era. Dailies/weekly quests, LFG tool, instances everywhere,...
Please elaborate. It wasn't nearly as coldly streamlined as it is today.
>WoW was also among the first mmos to not feel janky as fuck
Yeah, that too is something. Coming from Runescape to WoW felt magical in that way.
Okay then I will play classic wow
WoW Vanilla is loved by most because of its leveling experience that basically always gives you something to look forward to with each level. Endgame is garbage because the gameplay itself is garbage. The game was designed around making you grind for rewards.
Not a bad choice user. Orc’s probably have the most under rated PvP racial in the game. I almost think it’s better than undeads. Not to mention the 5% pet damage increase
will we finally have battlegroups again? where my whirlwind niggas at
There's also not a single thing wrong with that, game is called Warcraft and if people can get good gear by no-lifing the fuck out of wpvp than more power to them. This entrenched idea that good gear should only come from carefully controlled instanced attraction park bullshit is retarded anyway.
>Endgame is garbage
I prefer vanilla raiding over post wrath cutscene galore. first tiers had some really interesting environmental storytelling. its funny how the whole onyxia chain is more epic than any of the new cutscene shit.
I'm rolling Druid solely because there's so few of them and they're always in demand, and since there's only like 3 druids in each raid, there's that much less competition for tier gear.
How is that different from any other mmo? Also what is wrong with providing the player with an incentive to interact with the content? It can go too far for sure, retail is a good example of that, but Vanilla never really just threw powerful shit at you. If you don't like that content then that's fine, but that just means it's not your type of game. I found the end game to be the best part of my Vanilla experience.
150k active accounts (accounts logged in during the past 30 days)
seething retailcucks trying to spread misinformation
Especially considering the wpvp grind will certainly take just as long if not longer than getting geared through raids. Not to mention only a very small handful of people will ever get that 'overpowered' pvp gear, whereas everyone can gain access to raid content with little effort. I don't get what this retarded gate keeping is about, this shit was never even a discussion in vanilla. If you had epics, through PVP or raids, it was clear that you earned them.
the initial wave of Nostalrius players was just the precedent for the much larger wave to follow it
the top two posts on r/wow are (in this order) the classic wow announcement and an overdramatic letter to blizzard telling them how fucking bad retail is now
classic will undoubtedly see a very healthy level of players
>How is that different from any other mmo?
Exactly. Vanilla is a skinnerbox just like any other MMO. See my first post.
I never said there was anything wrong with skinnerbox design. If people enjoy it it's all that matters. Just don't try to parade it as something that killed your favorite MMO when your favorite MMO is just as guilty of it.
>tfw human rogue
I honestly like shaman healing, but
>totem management
>having to spam potions/runes just to not OOM in 2 minutes
fuckin' cancer
It's partially retailfags, but there's a fair amount of classicfags that get enormously defensive about the game.
based and earthmotherpilled
>The WoW you remember is gone forever!
>Join a pirate server, make a priest and get to the barrens
>Throw a stamina buff on a random player as he walks past me
>He stops and types "Thanks!"
I have no idea why it is just like it was back then but I got a ton of /say thanks and whispers from people when I buffed them with stamina. Crazy nostalgia for me as I remember the exact same thing back in 2006 playing my priest.
probably, yes, since retail 1.12 had battlegroups and cross-realm BGs
the "MUH COMMUNITY" fags can go eat a dick, I don't feel like having 1 hour queue times
I gotcha, yeah that's fair. Didn't really read the conversation, my bad.
Home, bro. That's where we're going.
No sweat man, I hope you enjoy yourself.
>tfw getting a lvl 40 priest stamina buff at level 10
>getting ony buff at level 1
The best way to level a warrior.
I swear to christ those fags never actually played Vanilla. I remember when that patch hit and everyone was fucking happy. Especially if you were one of those unfortunate fucks who was stuck on a lop sided server, or one where one faction was demonstrably superior to the other in terms of pvp.
Those were either a band aid fix for dead realms or to prep the game for arenas in tbc or both. So this might not be a thing for a long time, if at all
So,I play currently on a classic server and my experience is kinda meh going back.
Give me one good reason why I should pay blizzard money for this ? Except >muh chinks or russians,both are not that relevant on my server.
Also another things is defend:
1.Absolutely garbage Class trees,with very questionable end talents.
2.one buttom rotation
3.Garbage PvP-System (I was rank 11 back then btw),that is just a mindless grind and premade nepotism
4.Absolute Braindead Pve-Encounters with the skill level of people today.
The only thing good about Classic that is good,it takes a bit more to grind in general.The World is actually alive,you see many people in all zones.Also Class quest and attunements are also very good,plus the design of the zones is very comfy.But other than that ? It is just to easy Pve-Wise and PvP outside of World PvP is an absolute garbage grindfest.
I honestly think about playing Tbc/Wrath on a Privatserver.
>Trying to cast a stamina buff on a player but he's too low lvl and it doesn't auto adjust so you have to open your spellbook to throw a lower rank stamina buff
I actually had two stamina buffs on my bar so I could buff the most people
Yeah no, you could not do that unless it was possible in early Vanilla. You'd get the "target too low level" message if you tried. Later patch (TBC?) automatically scaled down the ability if you casted it on someone too low lvl.
>wrathbaby is illiterate
Big surprise
>receiving drive by buffs from wisdom casters in everquest
zoomers will never know this feeling
I'm just a grown up now. I'm in school and I have a job. I can't sink 60 hours a week into this fucking time vampire of a game like I did when I was younger. It's a relic for me. I hope you young faggots who aren't even out of high school yet can enjoy this, but I cannot.
The fact that you still after all these months haven't formed your own general since you want to talk about it EVERY SINGLE DAY, making multiple threads in a single day on top of that.
And also the fact that you act all so high and mighty because you are getting to play a game that you already have played many times in the past, while current WoW is shit. Big fucking deal.
And you also expect nu-Blizzard to do you justice just because a different team is in charge of Classic. This goes to show how dilusional you are.
Gamers, remember to GROUP UP, GRIND MOBS, AND TRADE ME ALL YOUR LOOT! Just like we did in vanilla!
The level 40 stam buff can be cast on people around lvl 15 (but not lower); I did it yesterday, basically doubles their health
human warlock coming through
Thanks for the health, user!
Yeah let’s have smash thread or eceleb thread #5000 instead
I am not a Wrathbaby and English isn't my native language but nice cope.
I played WoW from Vanilla to early Cata,the gameplay from Classes in Classic is fucking boring.
>Join a instant 60 PVP server where everyone is on equal footing gear wise and have access to all engineering gadgets and consumables and cooldowns reset after every duel
>Fags consistently pop Free Action Potions, pop goblin rocket helm so they can heal themselves to full after getting bursted down, use tidal charms on classes that are already obnoxious kiters (mage, hunter) and so on
Whats the fun in cheesing every duel with 15m cooldowns? If that weren't bad enough these arrogant faggots lord themselves over you when they beat you with at least 5 crutches.
stop playing mage or warlock then you massive fucking faggot, and quit wasting your time on some shitty private server when classic is just around the corner
t. the guy who leaked the elysium meeting audio
Right, that makes more sense. Doesn't help that I misread the post and thought it meant they got 40 sta buff at lvl 1.
Can you please move sekiro threads to /vg/? There's always a thread up, usually multiple. I don't like it.
>getting rallying cry of the dragon slayer as a lvl 19 rogue
In my experience Classic fags are some of the most insecure and retaliatory people I've seen on Yea Forums and probably in general if you wanna throw people like Alexensual into it.
Now obviously there are some massive examples of this from /wpsg/ (Tewi) but even here if you bring up the most basic shit that has been agreed on as terrible by the community for 8+ years now people will jump down your throat. Like even bringing up the massive chink influence on the markets is a no-go in these threads. On the vast majority of servers Mara farms with a hunter alt have been made practically mandatory if you want to purchase raid consumables for the week in a reasonable time but the only response you'll get is "ACTIBLIZZARD WILL FIX IT, THEY HAVE MONEY LALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU RETAIL SHILL".
>comparing a brand new, demanding and exciting game with a 15 year old relic of a game
You just live in your own little world, don't you? It must be the reason of why you are so content with containing yourself with Classic so much. "Muh nostalgia" and all.
everyone knows what happened to rs3 after osrs released
There would be fucking war with the retailfags in the existing wow general.
Classic is an upcoming, new release just like any other remaster or remake. Don't be a semantics faggot.
I'll probably play it if it comes out in a content draught
>but even here if you bring up the most basic shit that has been agreed on as terrible by the community for 8+ years now people will jump down your throat.
I think you're just projecting and or being autistic because anyone interested in classic really doesn't give a shit if you or anyone else dislikes x y or z about the time period. No matter how you try to spin your gripes with vanilla, it comes down to "you think you do but you don't" which is just asinine because I assure you I do.
The fact that it is going to be dead on arrival.
Sounds like pserver garbage. You can keep your shit in /wpsg/ or whatever general that trash is in nowadays.
I really wish all these retail trannies would shut the fuck up, most of us have played vanilla countless times and those who like it will play it. Those who don't like it can fuck off.
Dwarf Paladin. My brother will go Dwarf Warrior.
This is the shit I'm talking about.
And a "You can't bring up the chink influence on markets because people I don't like also don't like Classic."
Insecure and Retaliatory.
>troll is the least popular race by far
what the fuck
>We're going home
>Classic is an upcoming, new release just like any other remaster or remake
But I thought you autists liked Classic because you will revisit things as were back in your teenage years. "Going home" and all that?
Or do you think that Classic will drastically improve in something like graphics like REmake did for example? Nop. So what different will classic do that drastically differs it from the 2004 game?
>dying with ony buff
>So what different will classic do that drastically differs it from the 2004 game?
It will exist as an alternative to the modern WoW garbage.
It's part of the d2 questline. Won't be there until the AQ patch I think
Because most of the players longing for the game are actually longing for their childhood when they had zero cares in the world.
Now, being total losers having grown up, they think everything is going to change come summer. But, in reality, everything will stay the same and they will quit in a few months.
But they already said the graphics are going to improve. Setting it to medium will give old graphics.
>Get both city buffs as a 20 Warrior right after getting a blue weapon
>Go around 3 shotting mobs
I don't play Runescape, what happened?
When I see posts like this I know these threads are a coordinated marketing campaign. No one actually responds like this to criticism other than a chink unable to form an argument.
It's like a prebaked response letter given to them by a project manager or something.
You talk about classic fags, but all you bring up is
pserver garbage
>chink influence on the markets
Chinkdale is called chinkdale for a reason. While there will be gold farmers in classic, 50% of the server won't be chinese
>mara farms, raid consumables for the week
pserver garbage. I raided up to AQ40 without touching a flask.
Fucking nostbabbies
it turns out that they can see pop numbers u know? Imagine some faces when retail goes below classic
How do your mental gymnastics get over the fact that vanilla private servers have been so successful for so long?
But most of the current WoW audience won't touch Classic after a month of playing. And I am generous here. They will just see what it is, find it archaic and tedious, and drop it. What will remain will be the autist boomers.
Fair enough. Although WoW isn't known for its modern breathetaking graphics.
Denial 101.
I think he means classis runescape became more popular than new runescape.
I’ve been on there, consumable abuse ruins the whole experience I agree. Glad classic won’t be like that
This game makes people so fucking mad while I'm gonna be comfy as hell
Nah but the style gives it a lot of room to work with so even if the game is very old it still looks good enough. People hardly play the game for the graphics anyway.
>You can keep your shit in /wpsg/ or whatever general that trash is in nowadays.
visited it last night just to see the state of things
>700+ posts by 85 IPs
half of them were probably this faggot
>Going to get myself and other people lost inside Sunken Temple again after a wipe
Going to be glorious
Going human warrior and my brother is going human paladin. King’s honor, friend
Where my troll hunters at?
>tfw camping the barn roof near the DM entrance with my troll hunter and ZG bat
Classic MUST fail
I didn't collect over 30000 achievement points, 400 mounts, 1000 pets and 5000 transmogs just for it to become worthless
Fuck you and your nostalgia fetishism, it's 2019 and we must look forward, not backwards to the dark ages of the Bush presidency
Right here lad
Deciding between female or male.
Female hunters just look so much more aesthetically pleasing.
male pose also gets really tiring after a while
>stop liking things i dont like
Ayyy. Good memories. I absolutely loved the bow animation for troll hunters which of course means there's only crossbows and guns in the game.
>Tfw see all this hype for WoW Classic
>Never actually played WoW nor even know how it works because I was too busy playing other shit at the time
Can anybody tell me exactly what WoW is and why it's bad now? Is it like a bunch of players in one open world?
Go female, the only downside is the fucked up feet that are always visible.
You mean perfect feet
gonna be my first time playing wow
I'm leaning on human paladin, I already know my role will be healer/buffer eventually and i'm fine with that. Sounds fun.
When's WoW Classic coming out anyways?
I do wonder whether they'll allow healbot and autodecurse addons again
Nostalgia is a mental illness.
Best guess is July 16 but it’s based on some serious memes. All we know is summer
Between June 21st and September 23rd.
thanks for the free HK ;^)
>September 23rd.
that's not summer tho
No, I can't dig the toe fungus ass looking toe nails behind the heels.
literally who
Even the autist boomers won't remain for long.
Vanilla WoW has always been a game based around taking advantage of others and that leads to a fucking weird scenario when it's also a game that has been fully solved and play tested by autists for the past 10 years.
How it's always worked out on Private servers anyway is
>one guild of autist absolutely crushes everyone else.
>get all the world firsts and have multiple sub guilds run by clique members with fodder feeding them all the relevant gear drops.
>get bored of farming and turn to griefing the overworld.
>"midcore" players who can't compete eventually get frustrated by having 50+ people camping DM North/BRD entrance
>"midcores" reroll onto other faction
>server pop ends up 60/40 split for the faction with the most people griefing instance entrances
>server ends up 75/25 since the other faction ends up not having enough people to raid let alone get to the raid/dungeon entrances
>main factions super raiders eventually get bored because no one left to grief and can't run BGs because the queue times are so long thanks to faction pop difference.
This is the death of every single Private server and will be the death spiral of Classic WoW as well.
It's the last day. :^)
God humans look like shit but I’m too much of a faggot to give up weapon mastery and diplomacy
Shouldn't we be getting a beta or a testing phase soon?
what is life like as a holy paladin in classic?
Why do humans suffer indecision? It's too fucking much bros I'm gonna be suffering everyday for the next 97 days trying to decide between F-HM mage and F-NE priest. Kill me now!
>spam flash of light
>spend a solid minute throwing out buffs
>spam flash of light
Wow is the one game where I can safely call an experience
Classic not only has the polish and details and SOUL of old blizzard games but it's also boosted by a huge community of people that are willing to help or fuck you over, mostly help.
Coupled with the deep carefully crafted world building and the dangerous quests and mobs, it creates a wild west free for all feeling where anything can happen.
It's shit and was only popular because stuff like Discord didn't exist. Don't believe the memeing faggots in this thread
I dont know about Yea Forums but for me its that it ruined the entire MMORPG genre.
Obviously you should pick a cute Priestess of Elune.
Don't forget, Shadowmeld + Mind Control!
Cross dressing holy man
hunters poop on rogues what are you talking about
I wouldn't even bother since they would probably wipe the progress
Never played WoW here, gonna play Classic when it comes out. What am I in for?
WoW sucked up too much of my fucking time as a kid/teen. There's no way in hell I'm going back to it as an adult knowing how much time I will lose to it.
It will be funny to see a new wave of relationship/marriage break down due to WoW addiction though
>hunters poop on rogues
should we tell him?
99% of the people who played real classic were satisfied with their time in the game and moved on with their lives, why can't you?
The "good" classic community won't exist, it's going to be 90% retail people who are sick of BFA.
What is there even to do for you? Are you really going to waste thousands of hours just so that you can get cred and show off to other losers in a 15 year old game?
You shouldn't feel inferior for not having finished Naxx, less than 0.01% of the classic players did. That is why they brought it back in lich king.
>night elf priest
if you're gonna be a memer might as well go all the way and pick male then
It's important for testing though. Look at all the important things we found out in just the Blizzcon demo.
You'll lose yer social life
summer ends 31 august
where do you live
user this fucking hillarious.
You can't seriously expect anyone to believe that shipping the game like they did was in any way "polished".
I mean holy fuck they literally only implemented a pvp system months after the launch
Most people playing are going to be experts so you're gonna have a big learning curve to catch up
>muh rose glasses
I've literally never played wow up until Elysium a few years ago, and thoroughly enjoyed vanilla
I've also played retail for a couple months, it was sorta fun since i had 15 years worth of never seem before zones to explore around, but i legit feel sorry for anyone who only has bfa 10 hour long 110-120 content and "endgame" to experience
I’m going to play it because it’s fun, autist
What's a good way to learn?
But you can't be a cute Priestess of Elune like that user.
make friends and practice
there's not really any better way
It’s wow, you can’t be cute at all
>Imagine being 12 years old
>Imagine all the boys in your class playing the same game
>Imagine exploring a new world together
>Imagine LAN parties every other weekend, fuled by energy drinks and pizza
>Imagine it all coming to an end
Fuck it all
>dueling a combat rogue
yeah, and this is emblematic of probably 10% of the fights against rogues that occur in the world. Most rogues you won't have the advantage of knowing they're coming, and they'll open on you with a huge ambush crit followed by backstab.
Yeah boy
Guys, I'm gonna play Classic when it comes out. I know absolutely nothing about World Of Warcraft, what race should I pick?
United States (specifically the same city Blizzard's in). Fall starts late September here.
Gimme some good videos, then
Whichever one you like the best. There are some differences but they aren’t so gigantic to really dissuade you.
>the one that has the class you want to play
and most importantly
>the one that looks best to you
>That is why they brought it back in lich king
You have no idea what you’re talking about
>only one of the female troll faces isn't leathery terribleness
Troll for swag
Undead if you wanna be a minmax fag
NE if you wanna be a tranny and do easy mode raiding (Pallies and blessing of salvation)
Does it have any Tolkien-inspired races? I know it has Orcs but are there any others?
reminder that dwarf priest is the only viable priest
Trolls are just ugly, just look at the alpha troll female model. They were originally hunched over like the men
Shadowmeld + MC> muh fear ward
Dwarves. I guess gnomes sorta pass for Hobbits, but not really. Blood Elves are the closest to regular Tolkien elves, but they're not in Classic.
Are dwarves tolkein inspired? It has purple elves, dwarves, gnomes, humans, undead, orcs, weird lanky blue trolls, and native american cow people called tauren
Dwarf and gnome (hobbits), night elves to a smaller degree
Troll Priest with Blackout = salty melee.
>opening with ambush
Blood elves but they're tbc
Classic has night elves that follow the tree hippie elves line while blood elves would be the rivendell posh fags
night elves are blue tho
Yeah they’re heavily Tolkien inspired
>I guess gnomes sorta pass for Hobbits, but not really.
Well, if they smoke pipe and live in a comfy setting, they pass as hobbits to me. Can they also fight pretty well?
Mm, they might be off your mark. Gnomes are actually kinda of a race based around engineering.
enjoy getting no raid spots
Retailfags absolutely seething.
you know why
>Gnomes are actually kinda of a race based around engineering.
What do they engineer?
dwarves are literally a 1:1 copy paste of tolkien dwarves
Gnomes are like the genius inventor race archetype, they don’t really live anywhere because their oddly-advanced-for-the-setting got nuked or something and is taken over by weird lepers, so they’re refugees in the snowy mountain area
Who wants to group with autists anyway
gnomes are all about technology and industry in warcraft. polar opposite of hobbits personality-wise.
Not every raid will be made up of minmaxing hyper autists like you user
are those the pants?
Dwarves are DnD inspired, which itself is tolkein inspired. I know that’s being pedantic but they’re not quite the same for the reasons you’d call a game a WoW cline instead of an EQ clone.
I mean, what you just posted is true and we've seen time and time again. What personally troubles me is their complete denial. Why? You know the game by book by now. And if they add twists and changes then it won't be vanilla again. How can they be so intentionally blind and oblivious to it? It can't be all nostalgia here.
And ok, be oblivious to it, it's on you after all. Why do you have to spam the board with it? It becomes annoying after a while, same as those Smashfags for example.
True, imagine being a horde priest. LITERALLY no priests on that faction can raid since the class is useless outside of fear ward
They are just Tolkien hobbits but made smart to be mirror opposites to goblins
Well, Gimli was my favorite character in LotR. If I can wield an axe, I'm sold.
can’t wait t b h
A lot of comically anachronistic stuff, like tram systems, and robots.
>desperate retailfags
Hell yeah you can get a fucking axe
Gnomes are not hobbits at all, the fuck. The only thing they have in common is height.
That's it, I'm gonna be a fucking Dwarf
We're Coming Home Yea Forums!
Country Roads, take me home To the place I belong, West Virginia, Mountain Mamma, take me home Country roads.
I'm going to be a human dps warrior and you can't stop me.
>inb4 you'll never get invited
Ignoring that you can just run with guildmates, you'd be amazed how long it can take in a city trying to find 1 more dps for a group just because no one feels like running the dungeon.
Imagine hating a video game company so much, lol. People around here act like Blizzard is committing genocide. Their expansion flopped horribly. Who gives a flying fuck? Play what you like or don't.
I'm seeing alot of posts of people who never played WoW lately too. More people will find their home now.
>open with ambush
>scatter immediately
>youre dead
Wrong, if a company has a product you don’t like you can’t like their other products. Sorry cuck
I'm definitely playing PVE ele shaman, but I'm having a hard time deciding whether it should be a tauren or orc. I'm probably not gonna be a troll just because I hate the way their totems look
>tfw going to be in Japan for a year when classic comes out
What server should I play on? I think USA West and Australia are equally far away. I think the Asia realm is just going to be 99% chinks unless there is some niche Japanese audience that I've never heard about, but I doubt that considering the game was never even translated for them.
I’m actually really excited to see a lot of people try out classic for the first time. I hope they like it as much as we did back in the day
All totems look the same, they’re all the tauren model. That update wasn’t until cata
Dutchfag here, should I play on a USA server or are the Dutch servers just fine?
All race has the same looking totems in classic.
>Also, vanilla launched with NO battlegrounds and this is emulating that.
The pvp gear was weaker prior to...I think 1.9
this is what most rogues do
>activate frost reflector
>you froze yourself
gg huntard
Cope faggot. Only you and your autistic online "friends" will end up playing it. "Ye olde times" are over.
Just look at the posts ITT and other threads, many people who never played WoW are going to get introduced to it by Classic.
I almost feel like the garrison was them trying to do player housing, and if they didn't revolve everything in the expansion around it then it would've been much better received.
>actively responding to bait
based retard
Never played WoW here, can anyone give me a quick and easy rundown on the combat? Is it action0oriented or a bit calmer?
It was the way you would dps as a warrior prior to mechanical changes with the AQ patch making it so Fury damage scaled much better with gear than before. So since we're working on 1.12 mechanics, fury will still be better but arms is amazing for pvp.
Don't call me stupid ok im just bad at detecting bait and shit fuck you
Too soon user
Trying it for some weeks and actually sticking to playing it for more are two TOTALLY different things.
>PvP on private server
>frost trap aura
but why
My biggest complaint was the economy being so cucked. It was common for players to get their level 40 mount way later than 40.
Sorry guys. I just want to apologize for this post. It's just that I work a shitty dead-end job, make shit for money, no girlfriend, family hates me, depressed, overweight, no energy. I have lost all essence of my childhood and it angers me that people are getting excited for this. Sorry again, anons. I'll stop now.
Classicfags: ReTAilCuCks sEeThInG
Vendor trash alone can get you there if you approach it properly.
Nigger, the game got popular due to it's addicting nature. Trying it already causes many people to get hooked.
Twitter-tier post, leave
it's almost like peeveepee is just a minigame and was never the real focus of blizzard's game design for WoW
Classicfags: We're coming home
Retailcucks: (Posting in a thread about a game they hate because they are SEETHING.)
>This is what boomer Classicfags tell themselves to feel right that they won't be alone
>play horde
>never invite troll niggers
>play alliance
>never invite gnome fucking shits
Get the fuck out of my country!
if I want to actually read the quests and enjoy the storyline while leveling, which faction and race should I pick for the best experience?
You are revealing that you were a literal child at the time and do not know what you are talking about.
>play Troll Warrior
>make my own groups
>kick DPS Warriors
>Retailfag saying this
The absolute hypocrisy, you are only thinking this because you spend all your cash and shit on the game and all of that will be worthless in the end.
Alliance because Horde was blantantly unfinished in vanilla in terms of quests
Poorfag NEET here, do I absolutely have to spend 15 bucks a month on this game? Is there no other option?
You fucking nerds seriously arguing over this shit? lmao
You could buy wow tokens with gold.
Alliance was too
>the missing diplomat
Private servers gon' keep on keepin' on.
How do you get gold?
>Make a Thread about Any Blizzard game but Classic
>"Fuck off Shill" then thread goes crashing down with just shitposting
>WoW Classic Thread
>0 Mention of shilling
>Literally almost 2 thread everyday for months
That was by design, Horde had many quests that didn't go anywhere purely because they were worked on second and ran out of time.
user is there’s two sides of something I HAVE to choose one so people will call me based.
Because, for all our nostalgia, we know it ultimately wouldn't live up to it, even if the project WASN'T run by nu-blizzard.
>Renember when I used to spoil Harry Potter Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows on WoW
Good times, I will make sure to do that with Classic too.
It’s much worse in recent years. The Chinese have destroyed your ability to earn gold while leveling.
They have bots designed to farm every basic resource and pile it onto the AH at vendor cost. This might sounds great at first like “Oh hey I can level my crafter for like 10 gold and my bandages are dirt cheap” but in reality it means that those nice cloth drops are now just another vendor trash item. The only items of worth are high level crafted gear and mats like Felcloth and Elemental Fire, all of which is completely locked down by chinks cross faction collusioning their way into making a completely impenetrable market.
The only way around this is by farming vendor trash like Mara farms with a designated hunger alt. The issue is EVERYONE knows this and it leads to an even bigger issue, inflation. Suddenly all of the gold in the world is coming from vendors and very little of it is going back into them. This is the exact reason why many servers require 1.3k gold worth of consumables per week for raiding (about 25-30 hours of Mara farm).
Ur so hardcore XD
Nice LARP, retailfag.
Was it? Because they continued it later on in BC. To me it looks like something they just didn’t have time for
It's the hypocrisy. A classic symptom of pure nostalgia.
Well, WoW Classic is actually a good game for one.
Reminder that this one engineering trinket makes hunters free honor kills
I never played an horde characters back in the day. What horde character should i roll when classic comes out?
I know, did you also know that Snape killed Dumbledore on page 596?
Ned Stark dies. EPIC XD
An old and solved game on top of that since many years.
Wait can you pop this and step on a freezing trap?
It will be to late for Avengers spoilers, maybe Villeneuve's second Dune film if the first one is successful enough.
HotS was well liked (by Yea Forums's standards). Their dev team was great and it was a decent moba. Hopefully the people who got moved from that department got put into Classic because they were incredibly passionate for a project which was doomed to fail.
So do you think [The Nicker] will be in game?
yep, and it freezes the hunter.
good hunters (lmao) will see the animation and not freeze you, but then they've wasted their scattershot on you
See how easy it was?
And you damn well know that this is the prevailing meme and not what you posted.
is that a bad thing? Longer queue for alliance, shorter for horde
Troll rogue or hunter
It's the prevailing meme because Yea Forums is filled with retarded zoomers. >OLD BAD NEW GOOD is literally the quintessential NPC mentality. Any NPC will immediatly hate on something old because the media has told him progressiveness is good and old traditions are evil.
Based and truthpilled. Zoomers need to kys
True, but Horde are going to get raped in the first PvP phases when there's no BGs. In Phase 1 with no dishonorable kills, Crossroads will be camped 24/7 on some servers a month in
From what I understand, fury starts outpacing arms with AQ gear. In fact, a lot more specs get better around that time.
>An interactive Yea Forums without zoomers where you can kill trannies
Fuck, make it happen.
Not really, there's not that much of a disparity
you could say the same of southshore or lakeshire
It's completely the opposite you faggot. Your denial is showing. The "Soul-Soulless" meme is directly connected to the "new bad - old good" meme.
Wow, the mental gymnastics and hypocrisy you are willing to make to justify your nostalgia.
>Literally not even trying to prove me wrong and just saying "N-NO ITS THE OTHER WAY AROUND FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU"
Kek, I think your chip is overheating, zoomer NPC.
A man in a dress who never dies or goes oom and dabs on horde
>WoW Classic becomes successful
>Valve notices and makes a legacy TF2 that reverts the game to the same state as it was during the Engie Update
Valve already tried following Blizzard by releasing Competitive Matchmaking early, maybe they'll go this route too
>thinking this is bait instead of making fun of zoomers
multiple reasons. it makes me sad that one of the major "new" mmo announcements is a remake of something that actually existed years ago, which just shows again how fucked the mmo genre is.
another reason would be that they could invest their time into creating something better, since im pretty sure classic will fail.
i finally want warcraft 3 reforged, maybee a new diablo, or day i say? a brand a new game.
>Your original statement was that the New Good - Old Bad is the current trend in chan.
>I showed you that this is not true and it's actually the other way around.
>If it's the other way around, you are completely wrong.
It's Logic 101.
Drop the Monster. It doesn't help you concentrate.
>WoW Classic becomes successful
In what?
This isn't a private server. Some realms will be Alliance favored, and others might be Horde favored. Also there won't be 10k people shoved into a single server so it will be less likely that people will be at Crossroads or Lakeshire to gank, even without battlegrounds or dishonorable kills.
>I showed you
One dense motherfucker.
i'd assume there will be ATLEAST 3. a rp server, a pvp and a pve server.
I'm pretty sure you're baiting, nobody is this retarded
I hope that classic will be a success and inspire some other mmos to go more multiplayer again, but i actually really doubt that it will be a success
>Night Elf
Seething. You can't reply for shit.
There is no way Classic can be a success since you have no idea what will constitute as success for it. Do you believe that it will gather a lot of subscription money? It won't. Do you believe it will gather a large following of people? Not for long. Only the boomers will be left.
How on earth can Classic be considered a possible "success"?
It's literally impossible for Classic to be considered a financial success these days. Blizzard is looking for what, 150k subs to make Classic pay off? But even then mmo's don't really make money from subs these days and Classic wont have a cash shop. Even if Classic were to somehow get the same amount of active players as retail it still wouldn't be anywhere near as profitable.
>Uniroinc Activsion shill
>Low effort Wojak edits
>Spamming threads shitting up the board
>actually being excited for the MMO that ruined and casualized the genre forever
>Kids game with the most cartoony KR MMO aesthetics.
Geee I wonder why people find it annoying that shills spam and shit up the board so much.
>This nigga STILL can't reply properly to the points
Good night sweet prince.
I think this might be a bot.
Not that user, but he's not entirely wrong. It sucks for sure, but a game like Classic doesn't really work in the modern market. Even if it is popular and manages to pull in a reasonable sub count, share holders will eventually ask what Blizzard intends to do to maximize on that potential profit. Since there is already a precedent for things like micro transactions they would be forced to use them. The only alternative would be finding a way to prove that they can turn a comparable profit through other methods, but if that were possible I'd love to see how. Either way it's incredibly unlikely that the game will ever achieve the critical mass to even encounter those issues, which is a problem in its own right. There's no real winning situation. All we can hope is that enough true fans stick around to keep the game playable until it reaches its natural conclusion.
This has nothing to do with anything that was posted in the comment chain you are replying to.
>But even then mmo's don't really make money from subs these days
How do you even breath?
>when you ask a rhetorical question about a certain demographic's state of mind and they came back frothing at the mouth asking the same question for you backing themselves up with appeal to popularity and "this is true because I say so" and then attack you for not coming up with proper arguments even though nothing they've said is worth anything
>shitloads of hype threads and everyone excited etc
>durr let me tunnelvision on the 10% that is against it they represent EVERYONE
way to undersell the value of yourselves lmao
It has everything to do with what was said. His arguments are to the point. There is no success for classic from a marketing standpoint. He speaks completely logical. Your classic-tinted glasses just don't let you see it.
You read anything in that post past "seething?" You are aware that he just added that in and the posts before it were arguing about "new good/bad old bad/good," right?
>shitloads of shill threads
Fix'd that for you.
Having you read through any of the earning reports? WoW makes a significantly more off of its in game purchases than it does off of subs. It's part of why they don't report sub numbers, because ultimately they don't reflect the games success and uneducated people will read them as a sign that the game is failing. Blizzard has been pandering specifically to the demographic that is most likely to made those kinds of purchases, which is why a lot of players feel alienated. It's also why the game is still a financial success for the company. It doesn't matter how many subs they have just so long as the ones they 'do' have are spending enough money in the cash shop to make the difference.
>His arguments are to the point.
These threads invariably devolve to the point that people talking about the game aren't even visible between the shitposting.
Look at this shit. Jesus.
Now fuck off poor shill.
You have no arguments. Only memes
The problem was that it was made so essential, you could play the game while barely ever needing to leave. Also it didn't have the true customization that would appeal to player housing types. Like, if you're Alliance, you're stuck with Human aesthetics, and if you're Horde, you're stuck with Orc aesthetics. Night elves, undead, blood elves, draenei, goblins and Pandaren feel like strangers in their own garrisons.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still a Classic/vanilla fan and really want it to succeed, I just know better than to get my hopes up. I'm still going to play and enjoy the hell out of it, and I have high hopes at least for the early life span.
Not sure what you're implying.
How do you do it, user?
Skinning my dude. That and just be sure to loot/sell literally everything.
Nice image editing, retard
>we are getting already nerfed AV
one job, they had one fucking job
Again, not sure what you're implying.
i had skinning on my character back in vanilla. i think i got 60-70% of the way when I hit 40
my friend lent me some gold for it though
good times.
Don't reply to him user. Can't you see he's braindead and not even fit for discussion?
The PvP update killed Classic sadly.
The game will be, and I mean this in the most literal way, unplayable. Every 48+ zone will be completely unplayable. Hubs like Menethil Harbor will mean certain death.
Hopefully Blizzard understands they have made a massive mistake.
60-70% is good, especially if you were as clueless about the game as the rest of us. Just think about what you know now going in, it should be easy enough to get the gold you need by 40.
I know, you're right. That kind of weird stubborn autism is just frustrating.
1. The “GOING HOME” threads are complete cancer.
2. FFXIV is still the trannycord MMO of choice so you can expect discussion of any other MMO on Yea Forums to go straight down the shitter.
why? because the first few months wont have dishonorable kills?
it dosent make that much of an impact
Glad you are gone, now never post again in one of these threads.
No, it's that I'm not exactly interested anymore because you retards pile up on me and I can't keep up because you autists post every 60 seconds. You're basically using a large volume of posts to silence the opposing end.
>x killed Classic
Not sure why people are so fucking anxious to throw this kind of stuff around. Like does it make you feel smart and interesting to have such a strong unsubstantiated opinion? Don't get it.
You guys are utterly clueless like most people in these threads. It will be horrible because the best way to gain honor WITH BATTLEGROUNDS is to gank people in the world, with no battlegrounds to play it will be THE ONLY WAY to gain honor.
Even with battlegrounds out, it would have been a slaughterfest at every popular hub and every single zone containing 48+ people. But with no battlegrounds at all AND 1.12 items, it will be unplayable. We have already seen this on both Kronos and Northdale, and they even had battlegrounds available.
yo whats the best hunter ammo for lvl 60 there doesnt seem to be any guides on it
also what you fags rolling, dorf hunter here
I dunno, I played during vanilla before BGs were added and it was never that bad. Plus your whole issue can be avoided by just playing on a PVE server. Not sure why it would spell death for the entire game. Besides even if the armor/weapons are the 1.12 versions it's going to take a long fucking time before have the honor and gold required to buy them. You're also talking about high population cap private servers, but we haven't heard anything about server pop yet so it might be a reasonable comparison.
I am the herald of the OBJECTIVE TRUTH! Only I see the truth behind everything. I AM THE AUTHORITY! WALLOW IN MISERY WITH ME
Why the FUCk is there WAR in world of WARcraft???
I thought we were just going from point a from point b?????????????????????????????????????????
am i supposed to hate the enemy faction?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
can we like not??????????????????????????????????
It's retail players knowing deep down their days are numbered
Dude for real. Like how stressful must life be if you're always catastrophizing everything? Why is it that people are so unwilling to take a measured approach and think reasonably about things?
>I played in 2004
Congratulations, so did I. Things have changed.
There is a reason PvP servers are more popular than PvE servers.
>it's going to take a long time before you have the rank and gold
No it's not. Gold is not an issue, ever, and ranking to 14 takes 12 weeks.
Population doesn't matter, gold doesn't matter, and if it was like you said "it takes a long fucking time" then this issue would be even worse. The fact of the matter is this is the worst possible case and I hope Blizzard realize this.
>can we like not?
Troll Shadow Priest is big ups.
>no cheevos
>no pets
>no mogs
>Only like 5 mounts to collect
Stop user!! I can only get so errect
>the pvp update has the private server virgin minmaxers seething because of no bgs
Stay on your chink private servers, faggots. We immersion chads are going home.
Holy shit it's going to be so amazing seeing people on fucking cats and horses again. I don't think I've seen a nightsaber in literally fucking years
If you're so confident of all that then, like I said, just play on a pve server.
How many pserver fags do you think will complain about "bugged mechanics" which are in fact authentic and pservers have always got them wrong, after the game launches?
a fuckload actually
I won't be playing classic at all because it will be bad. I'm just saying people are in for a very rude awakening with these changes and decisions they have made.
Only Light's Hope shitters will complain since they think their funserver is Blizzlike.
Didn't you see the complaints about the warlock pet summons disappearing being 'not classic' during the Blizzcon demo?
You'll see the same thing with stuff like Warriors and Paladins trying to /sit macro and other nostcore inaccuracies
I'm playing pve so I don't care
>blizzard: we literally have the original game running here, this is how it was
>private server shitters: REEEE YOU'RE WRONG
these people are mentally ill. I hope they find something that causes them to sperg out so hard that they stay on their chinkshit servers and leave the rest of us alone
something that doesn't have to buy a mount
You're effectively asking Blizzard to find a cure for cancer. I think it's a bit much.
same. i want to play a lock but i want to press more than one button in pve
>raptors and nightsabers
Because it's FREE, dipshit.
I have a question for the private server players.
Back during retail I ran a website for my server (Magtheridon-US) which featured a ranked/ladder system for Dueling which was fairly popular at the time. I'm thinking of recreating this for the re-launch, but I've been gone from the WOW community for so long that I don't know if anyone would care enough to utilize it. Do you think this would be popular amongst the 'modern' Vanilla playerbase? Do people still duel on private servers?
To be fair $15 might as well be free as long as you're not a third worlder or neet.
How hard(hours per day) do you guys think it'll be to get to Rank 11? I want that mount.
I play private servers pretty casually but see duels a lot. As long as people like PvP I'm sure they'll be popular.
I think the majority of people on Yea Forums either don’t care or are happy about it, it’s just an outspoken minority of retail fags that spam threads endlessly about how classic is going to fail.
You’re insane if you think there aren’t people who will pay for a stable server, in fucking NA, with talents and spells that work, and won’t vanish overnight
not for the server owners, they require donations to keep the servers running
just because you don't pay doesn't mean the game itself is actually free.. same with P2W gacha games, the average player isn't the one holding up the fort
Someone posted this video in another thread
and it helped me understand why the ranked system is so fucked time investment wise. Basically you'll need to no-life for a couple months but for the average player I imagine it would take a lot longer.
Hordefags, how does it feel to be rolling the wrong faction that Blizzard literally didn't finish while they gave all the attention to Alliance content?
The exact math is out there but it's several months for sure. And that's if you're hitting honor cap each week which takes an autistic amount of time to pull off. For a reasonable person with a job you'll be going at it for a while and pvp will basically occupy every moment of your game time.
It's even simpler than that. It's just shitposters. People pretend to be seething retailfags here for (You)s, and you all need to learn to ignore them.
its the same as when ds1 got remastered, people were so high on nostalgia that they forgot how bland thease older games were
Undead warrior because that's cool
Well, let's go through it step by step.
What faction do you prefer?
Undead priest, because devouring plague is amazing
Undead warrior, because cannibalize helps a lot
Troll Hunter, because good racials in general
Orc Hunter, same as troll hunter, but more melee/pet focused
Tauren Druid, because druids are awesome for leveling
I have it between warrior, shaman, or mage, and I like them all for completely different reasons that I don't think I can really weigh vs each other. I might just have to roll for it
It's also worth noting that trolls are the only warriors that start with a ranged weapon proficiency (throwing).
Orc Warrior (dps)
Troll Warrior (tank)
Orc Rogue
Troll Shaman
Troll Priest
Troll Mage
Troll Hunter
Undead Warlock
Only viable options
Southshore and lakeshire can be countercamped, because killing horde guards doesn't reduce goblin rep. Ratchet not only has neutral guards that you don't want to piss off, but also has that boat to booty bay, so you got shitheads streaming in from the other continent, as well.
Tolkien hobbit + wow goblin smart/craftiness - wow goblin jew greed - lore importance = gnomes
Oh yeah, I think we're going back, brothers.
How about Orc Shaman (dps)
Shamans heal.
No need to be upset that it's the best combination user
Get ready to spam buffs and go oom
Horde offers no advantages in PvE, Undead does, therefore Undead is better.
Go NH for that run they had to do in classic to get to Stormwind
enjoy your amazing pvp utility friend. only part that sucks is leveling as a pally
>tfw three alliance hunters with frost traps and the chance on tic to root talent can hold the AV bridge by themselves