Japan(ONE country) vs west

>japan(ONE country) vs west


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Japan is so great.

>Rockstar(ONE developor of the west) made a more ambitious game with higher attention to detail than anything that has ever came out of Japan ever

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Japan would be the perfect country if they weren’t so ugly, shame.


I'm surprised people say west and not just the individual countries where the games came from?


"the west" always means bioware anyway so who the fuck cares

this, eurojank need not apply and UK doesn't make games, so west means North America pretty much with some contributions from France

it's not even the best gta

japan is a defacto american territory, the only reason they exist is because we have bases there.
we’re busy defending the entire planet while they’re jerking off to naked drawn japanese people

t.no culture

May they save us all.

There is no vs because the west is superior in everything, you don't see western developers making games for nips but nips make games for western players. They also make autistic games for 12 year old otakus and western weebs like those games.

all the more embarrassing for Japan that it is the most ambitious and highest attention to detail game that has ever come of the 21st century.

Because Chinese and Koreans don't bother translating anything

>T-There is no vs because the west is superior in everything, y-you don't see western developers making games for nips but nips make games for western players. T-They also make autistic games for 12 year old otakus and western weebs like those games.

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No Kikes, no Niggers, and no feminists

>Brother tried telling me that "japan doesn't really make games"
What did he mean by this

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Your marines are embarrassing as fuck and make a fool out of themselves when they leave the bases at the weekends to go to an Airbnb. Bongs, Aussies and New Zealander's are pretty well liked over here but you amerisharts are fucking awful and have the worst banter off all time.

Go home white piggu

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>Bannerlord(ONE game) vs the entire industry
Go fuck yourself you twink lover.

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Korea translate's a few games but it's mostly MMO's

Japan has extremely few but true hard workers that also pour their passion into their work. The West has a warped idea of creation, where inspiration comes from profits and longevity. Think about how there are so many well known game directors in the east but not in the west. The closest the west has ever gotten to that sort of recognition was unironically Bethesda, Valve and Blizzard but those companies have become so warped that they're not really as notable as they used to be.

>UK doesn't make games
>what is total war


How come obsessive one man army devs seem to only be from the US or Japanese? Why don't you Hispanic or European people lock themselves in a room for years to churn out something entirely by themselves?

Dumb larping nigger.

Typical butt blasted americlap response

Don't you have a Walmart to shit in?

>my penis (ONE penis) vs your entire family

You can squash a lot of ants with one swing before they all swarm it in anger.

Japan vs France, or Japan vs UK make more sense considering its nation scale desu.

>the west

no thanks american, Europeans are not part of "the west"

stop lumping us euros with americans, we are not the same

America is not a part of western society, it is Afro-Hispanic

>defending the entire planet
t. brainwashed slave to the 1%. People who actually think that should be strung up along with the rest of the pigs of this country.

it's a slave colony for the wealthy.

>considering its nation scale
Japan has 127 million population
France only has 67 million and the UK only has 66 million.

so you're saying Europe is part of the middle east? is that why they want middle eastern immigrants so badly?

Why do people say "the West" when they just mean America most of the time?

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No fag, I'm saying Europeans are not part of the spics

No, they're just a part of the caliphate.

Japan: Meritocracy (best person gets the job)

West: *d*v*e*r*s*i*t*y* (oh you're a black tranny, welcome to bioware!)

Because Japan is basically the only country in the "East" that makes decent games.
The rest is just third world bullshit or Chinese propaganda.

>How is Japan able to compete with so many other countries by itself?
That is literally the point of this thread you buttblasted Euros, it takes combined power to compete with one island nation

T. Chair Force

Armyfag here. Your not WRONG but you have no place to talk. At least Marines have a basic.

>Japan: Meritocracy

lmao, it's all patronage. Good luck advancing in a Japanese company if you're not related to the boss.

Ninja Theory and Rare are both UK. There's also Sweden making plenty of games today too, and Poles are getting mainstream recognition.

imagine if HItler killed the poles and we couldn't play their games.

Extreme work ethics and the US half-owning the country after WWII pretty much made them the useful tech superpower they are today.

have sex

Why don't people understand that the japanese videogame industry is per capita the biggest in the world and they dominated the industry for three decades?

Show me a big JP game where the developers put the gun back to front.

>turning down the compliment of having the same vidya output as burgers


The true westerners are europeans, retard, mutts only claim they are

They're actually passionate about games.


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America isn’t defending shit but there own self intresets u faggot

Pretty much every game and thing represented there is trash

>a country in the western hemisphere isn't western

which games do have Chinese propaganda?

>arabs aren't mutts

God you need to go outside if you think any of this is real

>Go home white piggu

No. We won the war. We’re going to stay and there’s nothing you can do about it.

>The US
>Japan, Korea, China
>UK, Canada, Australia combined
>Euro excluding UK, including Slav

Grouping the countries into the 4 groups you can make a meaningful comparison because these 4 are almost equal in industrial size, the number of holding franchise and developers.

So mexicains are westerners ? Haitians are westerners ?
Learn history, the term "West" comes from the Western Roman Empire

They are western in comparison to Japan, yes

And guineans are also westerners in comparaison ? Morroccans too ?

Honorary Aryans will always be better than the diverse west.

Obviously. But they do not make video games, so they are not relevant to this thread.

I like korean mmos
Rip vindictus

>the entirety of the western world plus a few eastern european shitholes
>vs. one island country that suffered two (2) nuclear bombs
>japan still winning


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Trauma is required for good art. Name one good artist who never suffered.

Winning what? Not wars, apparently.

Japan is just like every other country.

Fill this is for me Yea Forums
____ ___



have sex with a loli, nigger.

Nazis and Japs would have taken over the world (and made it better) if not for the global bankers

it's enough of a stomping as it is, japan vs a single country would be a slaughter

if Japs stayed the way they were we wouldn't even be talking about jap games cause very few if any would even be translated cause they wouldn't be selling media to the west nor would they allow media in from the west which means we wouldn't get western inspired games like Metal Gear.

>call of duty
>the worst pokemon game

I wonder if the Japanese have self flagellation threads where they admit inferiority to the west

Yeah, they do. 2chan used to have a lot of that shit. Not as much as weeboo faggotry around here, but they do.

No they’re too busy not procreating and seppukuing themselves

Because weebs started the comparison of japan to the rest of the world

The west views Japan like it's a wildlife conservation rather than just being another country with humans in it. It's one of the few countries that's well developed yet still remains relatively untouched by prude western values and cultures, giving them a bit of appeal of distinctiveness.

>tfw this was almost the case with Ethiopia, but communists ruined it