New Street Fighter Coming In August

According to a post on 7ch. Japan will be receiving a "Female Only" Street Fighter Game. It will be running on the Street Fighter V engine and will reportedly feature "Every Female Street Fighter Character" as well as a few new comers. The roster is said to contain more than 40 charaters. Alternative costumes will be in abundance as well. No word on a Western release but it could be revealed next Month.

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>amerisharts find this attractive

Wow this is definitely not true.

Who is this dude?

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Not even trying to fucking hide the photoshop anymore.

She looks nothing like that irl

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I've fapped to her camversity streams several times.
No regrets.



It looks like her knees are bending inwards because they can't support her fat fucking self anymore.


Imagine the smell.

Cool beans

Attached: 43914054_293352897947725_7226502225808047782_n.jpg (1080x1350, 133K)

Is it bad that once I found out how much of a piece of shit she apparently is that it only fueled my hate fuck fantasies of her?



How is that cosplay? That’s like going to a con with goggles, a hard hat, and a speedo and saying you’re the engineer from tf2

Is this Momokun?

I did too

Disgusting. Chubby girls are only cute in 2D. Also source in your faggot rumor.

it would be cool if there were guest characters from other games

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Imagine the smell...

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how do you even get this fat?

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That's not how knees work, you fucking retard.


No we don’t

What is this fat ugly cunt's goal? To ruin every character in existence by cosplaying as them? Bitch needs to get some lipo and say no to carbs. Absolute salad dodger.

Attached: Thot audit.jpg (890x960, 69K)

>female only
does that include some characters who were "pranked"?

Attached: pranked.jpg (1779x3484, 1.28M)

hate fighting games but I buy street fighter anyway because it looks so great

momokun is fat but still fappable, this one is just a fat fuck.

What exactly do you find attractive? She's got a goofy face but that's an extremely attractive body to me

I'm French and this is all I'd fuck.

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if you dont you might have the gay

why didn't I think of that

Attached: 123245352.jpg (300x300, 15K)

Why'd you have to get my hopes up that a new street fighter might be real, fuck you fag

>eat ice cream and chocolate all day
>take pictures for weird fat obsessed pathetic niggers at night and sell them
living the dream

Look at all those people having fun while the poor beached whale is struggling to get back to sea. Sad

>American wants to fuck a fridge



>Those shoulders
Ayy, its a man.

imagine the smell

>extremely attractive body to me

Attached: Burgerfat.jpg (1200x1017, 705K)


It came out awhile back that she was harassing lots of other cosplayers, basically she got Me Too'd and outed for a lot of bullshit but still just kept doing her thing
I can't understand the hate for this type of body, there's such a thing as too fat and misproportioned but she's got a hot body


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Barry Manilow should lay off the carbs

It's far from ideal but I'd bang.



Just say black


She actually lifts weights.

Wtf this bitch is actually built like an Orc.

Attached: 25525.png (756x674, 569K)

>you'll never be crushed by those thighs
Why live
>this is the same as this when it clearly isn't
when you're done being retarded we can discuss

except shit like that happens

you fatfags need jesus

Attached: 14733291_1115001235247830_4848105456763142144_n.jpg (1080x1289, 104K)

Why? SNK's attempt at doing the same thing bombed horribly.

I love me a slampig

God bless

I'm off to visit my brother in prison now, although I don't know if I'll get there since I broke a leg and can't pay the medical bill so I'll need to hitchhike a ride and I may get shot, ah well, such is life in the glorious USA

Great thread guys

>implying people havent done this
>implying this is a bad thing


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Yeah lots of weight every time she get off the couch

>Game has 13 Cammys

I still fap to the idea of her fucking several skinny female cosplayers with a strap-on.

She'd look better if she embraced her gut instead of tucking it in and if she toned down on the makeup.

What are these called?

Attached: IMG_20190409_174927.jpg (1080x2160, 295K)

yeah, ten gallon jugs of ben and jerry's cookies and cream from the freezer aisle

Now that's an ass I can get behind of.

I don’t even know what to call this.


Attached: Disgust.png (318x318, 267K)


that's a guy

>fat fuck cosplaying as a fit character
I hate this trope.

Imagine if she jumped

Bending the fabric of time and space

What are my girls chances?

Attached: akira-hr.jpg (600x800, 331K)

You just know she likes to wear a strap-on.

Who would win Yea Forums?

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small jej

maybe she tied the fat into a bow behind her

Side abs.

fuck u cunt i laughed

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Underrated post

lol well spotted


>"Female Only" Street Fighter Game
>Most likely rated Teen
>underestimating how much people dont play female characters EVER
>during the Social Justice Era
>during the Sony of California Era
>during the STEAM-pedophilia era


was she a mtf tranny or a female bodybuilder or what?

Attached: 1424130904700.jpg (661x720, 35K)

Ribbed for his pleasure.

>You live to floss blubber...

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>hey bro wheres the torque wrench? I need to put my corset on

Hes calling you a fat retard, not that you like pic related too

why would you post this hideous fucking landwhale, you've ruined my entire day

God she's ideal snuff material.

Attached: 1554682431345.gif (500x500, 908K)

Not Street Fighter.

>all female


>Street Fighter game

Fuck you. Good thing this is fake.

It's a broad-shouldered fat dude in a corset. Pecs wouldn't fucking spill over the top like that.

It's a fatass tranny with broad shoulders even for male standards who wears a corset to make her feel more 'femenine' but in reality it looks absolutely grotesque.

Literally who gives her money? I still don't understand.

Attached: Chinking.png (500x429, 291K)

Not really, it was a pretty unoriginal joke. Faggot.


What the fuck even is her body type?

Like she's fat but it feels like it's placed weirdly.

She should RP guro hentai in real life.

Reminder that even copious amounts of photoshop cant save that awful face

oh shit i didnt even realize that was a corset
thats fucking funny

I'm a raging fatfag and even I wouldn't do Momokun

Her face looks like it's sliding off.

You haven't answered the question user

Attached: ganon.jpg (960x720, 237K)

EZ grips


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That's what happens when you get the fat sucked out of you, but you're too lazy to put in the work to keep it off.

its photoshopped


No way Capcom would spend the money to add every single female SF character to ANOTHER game on UE4 and not just add it to SFV.

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She's close enough. Rival Schools is dead can't it live on in some way?

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LTG is a meme but he says some real shit.


I wish I was the girl haha

Attached: aibou.png (760x871, 624K)

No he doesn't, he's a retard and a fag.

Anyone got a link to this?

>All those pimples on her inner thighs visible in spite of the shitass camera quality, dirty mirror, and awful smoothing filter she used
Jesus Christ, lady

That says some real shit sometimes

Why the fuck would you want to see this?

You guys know she's sucking in her gut, right?

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>this chick in an orc cosplay
Muh dick

she had liposuction in the past
that combined with losing and gaining alot of weight I guess messes with the body.

Fat thread?

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On the other hand, it would shut down "no X, no buy" forever and learn just how much costumes for Chun-Li can carry.

thats what they call photoshop these days?

why do you automatically assume it must only be Americans? that just makes you look extremely ignorant and not someone who Is in touch with reality

Okay but will my wife be in it?

Attached: sf3rd-makoto.jpg (550x1100, 102K)

That just means she is extremely good at sucking other things


is this what photoshop can do? impressive

Learn to read.


Shut up burger.

Well played user, here s my payment

based LTG posting

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Looks like the last guy to fuck her left handprints.

>makes you look extremely ignorant and not someone who Is in touch with reality
You projecting and perfectly describing yourself, American.

Literally just came to that image.

sauce this bitch up, fat goths with fatter tits are good.

>all the fat got relocated to the worst possible quadrants
nothing worse than a fat chick with no tits to go with it

Momokun is a teasing whore but she's no where near as bad as that faggot

Holy shit

Attached: Rye-you.jpg (350x350, 69K)

yeah like he wants to piss in your sink

Sorry, I'm retarded.

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You'd best post more goth fatties

12.1% black in america
3% in france

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What is the most extreme harassement momokun's ever done to a girl? That idea kinda gives me a massive boner.

Fucking jej

>pancake tits
>loose skin on gut, no abdominal definition
>that fucking upper arm
Baffling that anybody falls for that shit in the first place.

I’ll bite. This sounds like a game that could be even worse than SFV

>calorie sacs

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Chun Li looks better as a THICC white female to be perfectly honest


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Stop enabling this unfunny faggot.

Let me tell you boys fat sex is the best sex, having all that cushion and weight riding your dick is a mind melting experiance

So what? I have a fridge in my kitchen too.

Attached: Jimmies.jpg (299x288, 21K)

>SF game without m*les
Not a single normie (majority of SF fan base) gonna buy this game, 100%

Nice try MooMoocunt, but you're not fooling me

Her head is too fucking small for her body

t. Momokun

Attached: nope.jpg (125x100, 2K)

I’m not even a fatfag, but this image is doing things for me

This desu. They are better to cuddle up to afterwords and are usually tighter too. Confidence issues makes it easy to get them in bed and more likely to let you do weird shit to them too.

Watch the train wreck and feel the embarrassment in the room.
Hearing the people talk about nonsense that got jack shit to do about video games.
There was another thing about some tranny named Anna something that sat on stage talking about video games with a 5 o clock shadow.

Shits gold.

Exactly the same body as my gf.
I'm going to rail her so hard when she gets home from work.

Attached: Only good thing in DS2.gif (300x242, 1.13M)

No we don't. Goblinos do, but true Americans wouldn't get near this.

Get out chubbychaser.

This line doesn't get enough love. Guess it's too long and doesn't roll off the tongue.

how much do weigh

If it has
>man hands
>man feet
then there is no point.

>but true Americans wouldn't get near this.

What? Normalfags don't touch fighting games beyond shit like dbfz for like a week. Only dedicated autists play the genre. Capcom creating the ultimate waifu wars would hook a ton of people.

She had a breast reduction before becoming a cosplayer so you're basically salivating over mutilated tits.

Hopefully they won't do the same mistake as SNK did with Heroines

>true Americans
So, goblinos.

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If its his girlfriend isnt the chase over?

wow she looks like an actual human here


How is this attractive? Shes a fucking obese cow with an old Italian lady face.

>why do you automatically assume it must only be Americans?
Only Americans can think such a fat ugly mutt is attractive.

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Look at popularity pool in online matchmaking.
You could create game with Ruy, Ken, Akuma and Sagat and it will sell a lot more than waifu simulator.

whats the weight?


Does she have a friggen oversized binder clip pinched on her back holding back all her fat?

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>you will never be smothered between them thighs while eating out her hot moist fuck hole

Attached: tfw2049.gif (500x324, 2.49M)

God she's so fat

Stop using this in place of "morbidly obese and disgusting"

Now that's an ass I could motorboat all night long.

give a name before this thread dies

Attached: i could drop them on the floor and you can pretend to be a.jpg (856x480, 37K)

As if your microdick could even penetrate all that blubber

Would you Yea Forums?

Attached: 1538339417761.jpg (800x600, 66K)

>thread could have been about all the cute SF girls
>it's just normalfags posting 3dod fat shit

Attached: Cats.jpg (1200x675, 255K)

Low test beta detected

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>hot moist fuck hole

Attached: eltingville club big sad.jpg (677x848, 157K)


I'd kill for a black forest ham right about now.


I don't expect most of you virgins to know, because you're all desperate losers who would be happy if even a 300lb hambeast looked your way, but fat women are fucking disgusting.
Their body is a reflection of their personality. Fat women are essentially slobs who smell like shit, have financial trouble, are probably single moms, etc. etc.

Put me in the screenshot faggot

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Orangekisses old selfies

Attached: C81F02B0-DAF2-4804-B704-4171C9FAF8C3.jpg (960x1254, 185K)

fat slob detected

Literally zero test.
How long til you cut your own dick off?

only if she has pubes

Captain Ahab detected.


Invisible man's hand

>t. incel trying to disguise it


With hairy down under, no problem. I'm not certain how to feel with hairy armpits tho.But overall, of course! But i also have no standarts

THAT is orangekissess? christ

Yeah, that looks very nice to me.


>thirsting after Jabba the Hutt
Dude you have no fucking standards. This has nothing to do with test and everything to do with you being a desperate virgin.

Attached: XGPhxfe.jpg (640x2609, 429K)

This confused the fuck out of me for a few seconds. It's like that picture of the bald guy kissing his baby.


You know that sack of fat that hangs from above your groin is called a pannus?

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Are you blind?

Attached: 1418226004924.jpg (800x409, 58K)

I'm on a fucking train and legitimately and loudly kekked at this, thanks for making look like more of an autist than I actually am

Amerifats ruin everything. I blame OP for starting the thread with such a garbage picture.

I'd love to lick under that crease above the loveheart


>have found her disgusting for years, yet find that image hot as fuck
end it

I thought it was called a FUPA

Just masturbate and feel bad about it afterwards

wait, the same orangekisses who draws all those muscle girls?
that's kinda hot

Attached: 1552258059617.jpg (1600x1600, 144K)

the artist?

>projecting your virginity this hard.
I slay bitches like her weekly

Do you guys really find this attractive? I can't even imagine where you need to be in life to find this garbage attractive.

You mean like this but without the hardhat?

Attached: ∞.gif (545x596, 2.31M)

That's the non medical definition, I find it finny that the latter sounds like penis


Attached: 1547225840163.png (720x424, 303K)

Sounds like what you're doing.

No we don't.
t. Black man

This, most people haven't seen fat people actually in motion or been within sniffing distance

Attached: cat stare.jpg (1080x1080, 83K)

I'd love for this to be true.