What went wrong?
What went wrong?
You were born
Every character plays the same
No footsies
No neutral
"Press button to get close to the enemy for free"
20sec guarding string or 20 sec combo - boring like shit for players and people watching
Terrible second season
>garbage and flat characters
>fighting game with no unique characters
>garbage netcode
could have chosen a better series but still sold good because muh childhood
i feel the same, they should definitely make one about naruto
This. It's basically just like Marvel 3
explain how krillin and broly plays the same faggot
It's not fun to play
Nothing. Yea Forums doesn't like fighting games and isn't every good at them, so the reaction is normal.
this but unironically
Bandai went full retard and accidentally killed the entire tournament scene because they wanted money from one tournament, they made everyone think they were pretty much gonna stop the game from being streamed and didn't ever tell anyone their real intentions for weeks. A lot of bigger players had swapped focus to other games by then fearing dbfz was on its last legs.
Really, genuinely, the stupidest fucking thing i have ever seen a company do while still claiming to want their e-sports scene to thrive.
the combos you have to do to stand a chance are completely retarded and don't work most of the time
you forgot
>everyone has TOD's
>publisher killing its own scene
>no neutral
>best player right now is a defense god
> op dlc character
> one button ultimate combos
> retarted fan base
here you go user
bigger players like who? Most of the top players that were playing before are still playing even after the news
Oops, All Goku
Touch of death combos
Season 2 of DLC is anti-hype
Pic not related, right?
It wasn't a jojos game instead. inb4 hurr durr jojobrony, I hate the fanbase as much as the next guy but jojos has so much potential for a fully fledged fighting game, especially one made by ArcSys. The capcom FG is okay but really broken and only has part 3 characters
Bandai Namco and Arcsys
No counter-play or combo breakers. You get tapped once and you might as well stop playing for a few seconds since you can't do shit while your opponent does a 20 hit combo.
Half of the roster is good, the other half is trash. Most of the DLC is boring, Goku, or both.
Game is just boring for the most part.
You're in the wrong thread, this is for people that actually know how to play fighting games
guard cancel
Latest patch was god tier
4 Versions of Goku
ToD Combos
Fucking Anime Fighter
Too many gokus
Fuck Dragonball z!
Fuck Anime Fighter!
Fuck Chinks in general!
I get it's not a good competitive game but as a complete casual and massive DB fan I think it's really fun to mess around with and look at since it's easy to play and visually stunning. My main problem is that even after all the DLC the roster is still very underwhelming compared to past DBZ games. The menu UI is super bland and uninspired and the story mode is so bad I never finished it.
>ask for fighting game opinions on Yea Forums
>get a streamboar's opinion that's literally 100% wrong because he's never played the game
checks out
You'd still have the first two bulletpoints as problems.
Idk hey me and my m8 have a blast playing against each other on the regular over a hookah or DUDE
Why did SonicFox drop Hit? That’s probably why idk
Shitty meme game turns out to be shit when the hype died down so fast. Imagine my shock.
A truely horrible, awful roster
Not much. It's fun, fast, looks gorgeous, and has a decently well balanced roster with lots of fan favorites.
Every character plays the same and shitty dlc characters.
You posted him.
Needs less Goku and more 21, preferably in her human form.
Shit taste.
Enjoy your 4th Goku, user.
I will, thanks.
You posted a fighting game thread on Yea Forums.
>Gobglima 21
shit taste
auto combos
shit netcode
20 gokus
only popular because niggers and spics love dragonball and mahvel
not mahvel 2
I want to see every fatefag put into a gas chamber
Lack of neutral makes this game a button masher.
>lots of fan favorites
yea man, I sure love playing as Goku, Goku, and Goku
>people still don't realize dragon ball is just the Goku show now
Terrible, terrible story mode. Everything that isn't the fighting itself looks like shit, runs like shit, sounds like shit.
Fighting itself looks and runs nice and is decently fun and balanced, using characters' famous moves. Can't help but feel there's a lack of moves or options though.
Can't put my finger on it, but just feels like there is way less you can do with a character in this game than you can with any other fighter.
you need to lack a soul not to enjoy this game as a dragon ball fan. Go fuck yourself.
this but for xenoverse
FighterZ is so uninspired
but every point he made is valid, if exaggerated
95% of the roster plays with the exact same toolkit
the neutral game would be bland as a result of this if it wasn't already marred by superdash+assist and ki blast+vanish
the entire game revolves around putting your opponent in long block strings and then going for multiple simple high/low mixups
it's just incredibly bland all around from the characters to offense, defense and neutral
>but just feels like there is way less you can do with a character in this game than you can with any other fighter.
Everyone generally has the same/similar tools for the most part so outside of certain characters and gimmicks it feels pretty same-y.
Japan sure fucking does
The new patch literally busted open the doors for most of the cast in terms of combo routes.
so then new optimal combos will be found, that doesn't change how the game is played
it will still revolve around getting in using superdash or vanish and then putting your opponent in a long blockstring with a couple of simple high low mixups
adding new combos won't dislodge that as the dominant strategy that every character can follow
GC was made invulnerable for that reason. It can still be baited out and punished but now it's a genuine defense mechanic rather than just s crapshoot.
I wanted to link the absolutely braindead posts but I ended up with a huge list.
The game is great and healthy. I'm not a fan of the character choices for the second season but the gameplay is still addicting.
Tournaments are fine, online is fine unless you live in the US and playerbase population is fine.
Literally nothing went wrong except for character choices. This thread has no idea what they're talking about
entry level is too low
attracts too many retards
player a gets in with superdash or vanish
player b gc out of the block string
>if player a baited it and punishes
combo into hard knockdown into another block string
>if player b gets out
both players now try to get in with superdash or vanish again
it's a never ending cycle, the base mechanics of the game force this playstyle on every player and every character
there is no choice, there is no strategy, there are no playstyles
there is but the singular, get in with superdash or vanish and begin blockstring
nothing will change that until they fundamentally change these tools (which they will not)
Cross Tag turned out better
Wow after enough time passes and all the normies and pretenders move on it's almost like actual conversation can be had
hardly, after the white noise normies, pretenders and streamboars move on the only people left to hear genuine criticism are mindless drone dickriders like
Yeah so much better it's already pronounced dead
buu saga
It's bizzare how the weakest saga is also chock-full with some of the most iconic moments of Z.
worst mistake was not making gohan the main character
Buu > Cell > Saiyans > Namek/Frieza
>Not getting opened up by your opponent's blockstring is neutral
The absolute state of anime players
Good job proving Yea Forums knows nothing about fighting games.
there are exceptions but thats all they are, exceptions
Speaking of the Saiyan saga
haha no
goku is fucking shit
What moves would he even use?
He punched like three times total in the show.
>Have to buy $15 DLC just to have music from the actual show in the game
There is no possible way anyone can defend this.
Really the only problem is limited mixup options without mixups and sparse defensive mechanics.
>goku is the fucking shit
you must be at least 18 to post here
nothing really went wrong except the online sucks and they damaged its tournament reputation by shutting down tourneys. they can definitely pick things back up if they choose to.
Kill yourself, Pablo.
Double Sunday and nothing else.
Blame that on how arcsys handled the marketing and the slow news of patches. The game itself is solid in terms of variety and tech. If only they got rid of active switch iframes earlier.
this is 100 %, also thisand
>Devs added a huge as balance patch but only a few characters got any decent visual or gameplay change but the core of the game is still the same
>trying to find the gap in the pressure and the little details that just frustrate the fuck out of people makes every match a fuckfest.
that shit ain't bringing new playters and it ain't aking anyone buy DLC. i am already not interested in season dlc i am glad it is dying a slow and painful death. This and GG are the only games i ever bought from arcsys and i am enver buying any of their games again.
The hype died, the game is not dead by any means, things just normalized. In both mayors so far this year DBFZ was seeing about the same numbers in entrants and viewers as Tekken. The game definitely had the potential to be the next big fighting game but they played it too safe and made the game too casual. Sadly is nothing you can fix until a next installment since the biggest issues are at it's core mechanics.
>Sadly is nothing you can fix until a next installment since the biggest issues are at it's core mechanics.
same as SF5.
Got damn it i really wish these 2 games were good. nothing else really interested me.
As a guy who watched DBZ on TV before going to school in the early 90's I would say: I don't know what you're talking about and I don't give a shit. That game is insane from my point of view.
remember when dbfz was supposed to carry the fgc? LMAO
DBFZ and Smash have the worst netcode this generation.
KI had amazing netcode, and even MK11 in beta had great netcode.
>Say I won't get it unless Raditz gets added. Entirely sure that he will be added
>He doesn't get added
>Can't go back on my word, as a man, so I will never get it
you are not missing anything mate.