Why did you stop playing League?

Why did you stop playing League?

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I tried Dota 2

>multiplayer only game
>but the playerbase is made up of antisocial cretins, weebs, and the painfully underage
atleast i see the pretty cartoon girl and pp get hard hyuck hyuck

They progressively made Akali more unfun through the years.

if by "playing" you mean "fapping to", i didn't

What’s that

I never started.

Mobas are dumb

Luckily she's at the point where she's so bad she's not worth picking. Hope it stays that way


This it is fucking boring f2p point and click garbage

I'd still be playing it religiously if they didn't delete my son. Now I only play during events because muh good goy pass

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>what if we gave a champ a spammable q with no counterplay other than staying out of range
>also said q must be able to slow
>also it gives her a speed boost
Wtf were they thinking?

A better question is why does anybody still play Lol?

I got into the dota2 beta. Omniknight + Dragonknight patch.

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it's been 4 years and still not a new/original Kalista skin
fuck riot

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>Playing league in 2019
I bet if you asked a room of zoomers they wouldn't even know what it is

>still more streamed than fortnite on most days
not a chance in hell at least one of them wouldn't know

Realized the game was so painfully unfun not even playing with friends could make it better.

Because I only tried it for yordles.

I only log in periodically for my waifu
and to spend time with a grill I like

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Who said I did?

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Of course they wouldn't, LoL is a boomer game.


They added too many pants on heads retarded characters just to be “””””””unique”””””””

>let's make Skarner dogshit in anything not Jungle

never played before, i dont see the appeal of this game

i miss ap skarner top

>playing video games
Good one, user.

I got bored

I play games to death for a week or three and then lose all interest in them

after I got permabanned 4 times

this. i'll be addicted for a period under a month at a time and then drop it for several

because they ruined the game to pander to chink gaming cafe atmosphere. Games are either literally over in 15 minutes or beyond repair by that point. league has a lot of fun champs but who cares when the game itself is a fucking joke now

you think thats bad, try being a shaco main, whose playerbase not only never gets any new skins but also told by every bronze shitter on the planet that the champ is OP cause they are drooling retards who somehow die to one of the most underpowered stealth champs in the entire game.

Meanwhile khazix can stealth an entire lane and one shot someone with Q but people think its fine

I stopped having fun, mostly because the community started taking the game way too seriously and took streamer's opinions as fact
I played release Bard for months and told everyone I played with that he was really good and that all it would take is a small heal buff and he'd be popular and OP, but they all called me an idiot for playing him because the streamers say he's trash
then all of a sudden he gets a small healing buff and in the next LCS he's pick/ban and everyone loves him because now the streamers play him
fuck the community, fuck league, the only things I miss are Bard and Singed

>my bara bear ornn will never be viable again
fuck pro play

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Computer can barely handle it at this point. When they said they'd make it playable on the same computers as the old client, they lied like commies.

my 10 year old laptop can run it above 30 fps just fine. Is your pc powered by pigeons

Tired of Riot balancing the game around Yasuo, Zed, and Riven mains. Also they changed Rumble's E into an ammo based ability from a CD based ability. Fucking niggers. I loved Rumble. Also you can't call people niggers or you get banned.

I got sick of the community. It would be fine if this was a single player game but I have to be social with these manchildren and it just stopped being fun. Also one of my friends told me to avoid macro-heavy games because it attracts people who think theyre better than they actually are and he was right.

>he thinks companies will infinitely keep supporting his 2 decades old hardware
Thanks for turning my 10 second load times into 5 minutes, twat

i play a game of aram every day. i used to get very mad in ranked but i don't play summoners rift anymore. aram is just much more relaxing and it's just constant teamfighting

I wonder if a time will come, when Riot will let people who call others nigger slide, just to maintain the already steadily decreasing player base.

Pretty much what said, you get way too many people holding the team hostage and acting like actual fucking children who just don't want to win the game, which makes it more like babysitting than having fun.

And if the game isn't fun, why bother?

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because the amount of fun you'll get during a match depends on the 9 other players in the match more than yourself and I don't want rng to choose if i'll have fun or not

yordles are thicc

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Wukong was my favorite character and carried me from low Silver to Diamond 5 playing mid and top. Suddenly a faggot started playing him jungle at LCS and everyone started picking him. They nerfed him and I got mad at the game.

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only really enjoyed playing top lane, and they decided that top lane would be the ultra cancer lane and that was that. i didn’t really want to put the effort into learning another role because i had played basically nothing but top lane for like 7 years, so i stopped playing regularly.

I stopped playing every single team based game there is, they're a huge waste of time where you're always subject to the whims of a bunch of 14 year old kids.


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