11 minutes of 4k RAGE 2 gameplay

IGN just uploaded a new video, and it looks fucking amazing if I might say so.


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Other urls found in this thread:


do people ironically shillpost or is this an actual shill

This is what a real woman looks like, incels.

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Wow. WOW.

This is the game we've been waiting for. Yes, that's right, this one right here. Look at those graphics... allow me to describe them in a few words:

Crisp. Seamless. Quality.

And the gameplay? Like nothing we've ever seen. I cannot fucking wait. This is what video games should be. This is the bar... and the bar just got raised.

i want a car waifu too.

looks much better than the first but still no more than a $20 purchase, they should've added coop

Looks like the bastard child of Mad Max and Bulletstorm but not as good as either

Can't wait to buy it for 40% off after three months just like I did Prey and DOOM not saying either of those two were bad just that I will buy heavily discounted a few months after release.

Why would you tag everyone-

Not gonna lie this looks kinda fun

I bought those discounted only to discover that they were worth the full price.

Maybe watch the video and you'd realize it actually looks good? Like an open world DOOM game.

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This looks actually worse than the first one, which is a real feat.

Plus DOOM is the only game I've regret buying in years now, so I'm going to stay away from anything even remotely related these days.

It looks alright. I know people will endlessly shitpost about the cover girl like they do with the cyberpunk default fem mc, but it's not like either of these are what you'll be playing as. Rage 1 was just okay though and megatextures were a huge meme but this game looks a bit better desu

>playing a shooter on console
fucking vomit

>voice protag
>health bars
>radio com npc dialogue
I fucked up and pre-ordered this

It's stacked with absolutely disgusting design choices, like they wanted to make sure I'll not buy it

Frankly you deserve the misery you'll get from it. How could you possibly have thought that was a good idea? If this is true, it's a case of more money than sense and you sure as shit don't have a lot of money.

>It's stacked with absolutely disgusting design choices

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>playing with a controller
and they want us to buy this

Some of the weapons look fun, but i can't shake the feeling it's gonna turn out like the previous game.

Jesus fuck, what is the point of even making a shooter when your aim assistance snaps so hard that it borders on straight up autoaim? Just make an rpg or something.

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That haircut reminded me that Keith Flint from Prodigy died.

The bfg looked absolutely retarded and out of place

not bad

It feels like eight years behind time in the design and and art direction. This shit wasn't fun or interesting when fucking Bulletstorm did it, and making it even more spread out and diluted by an already worn out and annoying sandbox is DEFINITELY not looking like an improvement.

All of these shooters really fucking show some developers still have problem of tearing themselves away from the Halo formula, even though it has been ages since people saw through how bad it is.

kys faggot shill

I'll pirate it. They can go fuck themselves in their faggot asses after the first Rage.

>Maybe watch the video and you'd realize it actually looks good?
It doesn't.

What's the point of using gravity shot when I can spend less time just shooting them in the face with a regular weapon?

>not good

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The first one was an incredible disappointment. I have no doubt the second will be just as bad.

I dont get the negativity. Yeah the cover art is obnoxious but the game looks good.

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im pirating this for sure, it could be fun

I think Im gonna download it again. I got it for the gears 3 beta as a stupid teen and loved it

Bulletstorm was quite good, much better than Rage 1.

>I dont get the negativity
rage 1 is shit and literally a meme (MEGATEXTURES)
people blindly hate bethesda even as a publisher
people blindly hate id because they think hating on d44m makes them fit in with the other pretend zoomers

>publishers are so fucking unwilling to greenlight new IPs they'd rather do squeals to failed ones no one even asked for


Oh the fucking contrariansism of Yea Forums, there really is no end to it, is there?
Bulletstorm may have not been worse than Rage 1, but it was a shit shooter regardless. And Rage 2 does not seem to have learned any lessons from either of the game's failures.

I actually think it looks great.
It's been so long since I last seen a vehicle combat game, and the rest of the gameplay looks more interesting than doom

>overhypes game
>doesnt live up to his retarded expectations
>wow bad game!

Yeah Rage 1 pissed me off, but like it's different developers and years later. I bought Rage 1 on release and had a bad fucking feeling coming home and then beat it in a sitting. I couldnt believe it.

That said I think 2 looks pretty good and I really doubt they are gonna repeat that ending. Not even the same studio

>I might say so.
Fucking shills

but this is nothing like rage 1 and doesnt even use the id tech engine anymore

Im glad there arent any obnoxious vehicle entering animations in that footage. Reminds me a bit of a PS2 game before everything had to have drawn out animations for realism and flow

or you could pirate it for free day one like a not retarded person

The first one was made back when ID knew more about how to make rocket engines than making videogames.

It was fucking id man. Only 10 year olds didn't hype the game into high heavens


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>back when
id has only ever made a bad game and thats the first rage, doom 2016 is a great game nigger


I mean they still know how to make video games. Doom 2016 is fucking excellent.

after doom 3?

I can't seriously be the only guy looking forward to this game.
The first rage had classic Bethesda tier easter eggs and the TV show arena was pretty cool.

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>console footage
>still has proper FOV
Refreshing after the last few months full of game with shit fov

Yes? Doom 3 was a good game

>he fell for the darkness memes

>console footage

Its probably PC footage with a controller

iD until Doom 2016 was an odd fucking company who didn't make games and when they did they werent good.

You had Doom 3 and then Rage. Thats it Think about that

Lol it's recorded on pc :DD sorry consolefags

>implying doom 3 isnt good

A lot of console FPS have FOV sliders now if you look in the settings menu.

I remember ID having some kind of identity crisis after Doom 3 and Bethesda's managament was total shit during Rage's development (which is the COD build of Doom 4 is a thing) and it clearly shows in Rage 1's quality.
They admitted that the studio's morale was low until they decided to make Doom 16 proper as we know it.

based retards

>Rage is bad

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Well I'm just glad the PC version has a fov slider

Looks like an awful doom rip off

well you remember wrong because zenimax didnt buy id until less than a year before rage was released

Only prove my point though. ID had some issues after Doom 3.

You can't get away with not having a fov slider in 2019
Our hero died for this

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I feel nothing... it's looks so bland

Borderlands 3 killed all Rage 2 hype.

I don't see any constant blinking, punching and kicking though.

Nobody cares about your loot autism, play a real game that isnt a glorified gacha machine

Borderlands has awful gunplay.

hello shill

The vehicle segment the video opens up with is awful. An absolutely disgusting amount of autoaim and pissant enemies that do basically nothing to fight back. The first on-foot segment looks a little better. The open world thing clearly isn't working in the game's favor, causing bad/non-existent level design and padding the game for time by inserting boring driving segments. And what was with that shop menu? The civilizations in this world have the technology to instantly teleport armed vehicles for a hundred bucks? That's some random fucking bullshit power level and nonsensical world building. Of course calling that "world building" would be giving id too much credit. They just didn't want the player to be out of a ride in the middle of going from one shitty little "kill 10 dudes, grab random doodad" mission to another and saw a vehicle spawn menu as the most expedient solution.

It's gonna be shit alright.

fucking western devs. They know what we want. We do they refuse to give it to us?

Maybe you want to fuck lolis in a post-apoc Mad Max setting but I don't.
Try not thinking with your dick for a second retard.

its literally far cry with doom gunplay
looks fun but will probably run like ass on my old CPU because muh open world meme
im more hyped for doom eternal than this though

The real question is senpai are they gonna have a scorchers dlc in rage 2 with her ass in it?

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>Character talks to themselves out loud

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You dont do this?

>vehicle combat
What combat it's straight up autoaim

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Isnt the entire point of rage to be over-the-top?

So this is coming to steam? what happened with the beth launcher exclusive?

I'm definitely more interested now than I was after seeing the announcement, but that driving section looks weak. I'm liking that some of the weapons are fairly unconventional though, that's always a good sign.

>immediately jumps to lolis
That seems like projection, dude. I just want women who are attractive in games. Western devs refuse to do that and it makes me much less likely to play their games.

looks alright, avalanche knows what they are doing unlike modern id

>western shit
No thanks

I liked playing Rage, but ending was meh. I Rage 2 at least has bigger world and better vehicle controls then it's good enough for me.

This thread i full of marketers

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>want women to be attractive
>in mad max-inspired world
fuck off incel and watch a movie

>game is shit
>game is shit
>game is shit
They must be bad at their job then

I mean if you think about it this is actually realistic though, in a real apocalypse all the roasties and Stacies would die out leaving only the uggos who actually had to learn how to fend for themselves

I'm sure you can find plenty of weeb school girl games that don't take place in the post-apocalypse.

Sweet, I love hitmarkers as a stand in for weapon feedback!


The vehicle spawning was almost the exact same in Just Cause so it's probably the best compromise they could come up with. I don't think you're meant to think too much about what's going on anyway.

Funny you say that considering Mad Max always had attractive girls

Not an argument

ive only seen fury road and these literal sex slaves represent all women in the mad max universe

Looks pretty boring, the enemy just mindlessly charges you because they're all melee so you're just running around shooting them popping off abilities

>ive only seen fury road
Holy fucking shit you goddamn zoomer

Of course it's not an argument to you. You only think according to what makes your pee pee hard.

kys weeb

Blame CoD, they've shown that players get a little endorphin bump every time the target reticle changes shape.

no, its literally you
you have only seen fury road and think the literal sex slaves represent all women in the mad max universe

Post your 5 top games then

ultimate doom
doom 2
doom 3
doom 2016
doom 64

Not an argument as well, there's more to beauty and attractive designs and that's not limited to female characters, but a seething numale like you wouldn't be able to understand that since sex and how much of it you get is your only personality.

>the same game 5 times
LMAO you're a jock

>Goalpost moving
Retard. MM1 and 2 are my favorite movies of all time.

Pretty shit list

Looks like a call of duty game

Based and dare I say redpilled

pretty low standards

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>weeb unironically calls someone "a jock" as an insult
holy shit you cant make this up

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boy, you guys sure are bent out of shape over this. Sorry I prefer attractive characters

you're right, but I'd prefer attractive characters over "realism" in this case. Just my preference though. And who knows, maybe there will be someone attractive in the game. Time will tell.

>zoomer! zoomer! ZOOMER!
how to concede an argument

looks kinda boring and soulless desu

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damn incels are retarded

looks fine, except for driving
hope it feels better than it looks. car customization seems great though

>defending western shit in the current year
Post your list, nigga

remind me of doom

this whole trailer looks scripted from start to finish. also gameplay seems slow as fuck. i am not even mad this is just another case of 2019 tier bad

>no counter-argument

>2019 tier bad
>remake 2
>doom eternal
>hollow knight silksong
? 2019 is the best year in games since forever

>Yea Forums
>everyone should be a 10/10 model in every game no matter the setting
>also Yea Forums
>boy do I hate how every other race has females that look like repainted ideal looking human women and not ugly like their males

>slow as fuck
people said the same about DOOM 2016 and eternal when they first showed it but those were shown with a gamepad. its much faster with M+kb

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That sounds terrible you dumb tranny. Why would doom be better if it were open world? What about doom is improved by an open world structure?

At least its colorful

Doubt that gameplay wise it will be better than even the first Rage.

100% this, your basic weapons seem much more effective at everything in this video.

still better than your underage loli, weebshitter

>more feminist pandering shit by having all the women be butt ugly eventhrough the first rage used to have several very sexy and cute girls
no buy

Great it's a ubisoft open world.
Guess I'll pass.

>hit markers
>bullet sponge enemies with health bars
That's gonna be a cringe and a yikes from me.

yeah grey and brown was way better

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the M/kb Eternal footage has the same speed as the gamepad one

I unironically think this will be a fun run and gun game. People slept on the first game.

I don’t think you’ve played the first rage

arent zoomers supposed to be familiar with mad max because of fury road?

The fact that this fat cuck even got popular in the first place is the real crime.

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I'll repeat the question I asked when watch_dogs_2 was announced.
Who even wanted this?

>i dont want this therefore nobody does!
are you quite literally two years old

Why are modern games so completely devoid of any personality and soul?

>zoomer is too young to remember the punk era

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Vehicular combat looks like 100% autoaim, slow regular walking speed with springt button and other dodges instead of fluid fast oldschool movement, memeweapons and lots of boring hitscan, quests they show on the map so far look like boring openworld filler shit. Might pirate it to check it out, cause I like id but if I remember correctly this shit isnt even developed inhouse right? Last game they outsourced was a pretty big letdown

looks cool enough. I just hope you can adjust the HUD to take all that extra bullshit off the display

This will sell worse than the first game lmao.

How fucking mad will zoomers be when cyberpunk 2077 comes out?

Stop sucking cock, and maybe you might like something else.

Will zoomers even be a thing in 2077?

I'm like 2 minutes into this video and I legitimately have never seen a more generic, less interesting game in my entire life.

It's like the most uninspired generic "muddy sci-fi weightless shooter" tropes all in one bundle.

What the actual fuck is happening to games

Funny, coming from the corporate cocksucking drone shilling this shit.

That would be 59.99 + tax + tip.

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Bethesda realized just how shit their launcher is when they did a Morrowind giveaway and the resulting downloads crashed their servers so hard F76 players couldn't log in on ANY platform.
That, and Valve was probably willing to cut them a better deal with Epic dicking around.

where did these advertisers come from

ur mums pussy

most of the time it's actually a paid shill.

I like iD but this looks generic as shit.

Good to see they're being consistent with the series then

they hired some smash bros shills since ultimate is already dead

it looks like doom gameplay but with open areas.

they should have focused on a bike and the ability to jump from car to car in order to make the driving more special

This looks like fucking dogshit.

>Like an open world DOOM game.
Wow. What a sell.

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I fucking hate this place, you cant even discuss a game anymore, as soon as we get a thread that isnt about trannies SJWs and niggers people get triggered and start shitting themselves and demanding the thread to be closed.

I mean most of the time that claim is true.

What's the problem? I'm going to kill them right? I don't see the issue.

The open world looks okay, and the shooting and powers look pretty good, but where's the fun mission objectives? This is a make-or-break thing here, the missions look like they suck major ass.

i was smoking my vape and almost died from coughing after reading this :DD

Looks just as shallow as Just Cause 2 and Mad Max. I guess it looks better than the first Rage, though. I wouldn't spend more than ten bucks on it.

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It looks fun to me. Bethesda did a right thing by releasing it on Steam.

if it's generic then show me 3 games that look like this

they already are mad. WHERE'S MUH NEON

>people hate cyberpunk for not being pink enough
>but hate these for being to pink

I mean its a Far Cry game, you just shoot at enemies until they die and there's usually no gimmics.


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Looks like a mashup between Doom and far cry or mad max.

The shooting looks actually cool.

would you be saying this if it was a new ip?
would you even be saying anything at all?

Train folk?

i bet you didn't even watch it. you're just writing completely based on your own biases

There’s some Prey mechanics too, like holding a button to collect everything in a shelf.

>wow this game is so generic. you kill things
>i'd rather have my games let you hug them instead

>take bulletstorm, remove the point scoring system so you don't have a reason to kill creatively other than the novelty for it, stuff in levels crafting materials skill tree upgrade because any AAA game should have it, and then throw in sandbox open world and vehicles everywhere because fuck level design and fuck pacing

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I can smell this image

They do that sometimes. you can usually find them in whatever artsy district your city has playing a drum or a ukulele shittily and asking you for money. feel free to tell them to get fucked and possibly even spit on them

Looks alright, desu.

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I have sinusitis. So thankfully I cant

> western AAA gayms
*yawn* 2k19 made clear only japanese games are worth of hype. Everything other is just a boring ass filler. Only normies and sois could'be hyped with this trash.

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why does it take a week to mark them

I mean that in Rage you at least have some interesting items to use like RC cars and turrets, electric bolts that kill everyone standing in water, wingstick is pretty good. Also even when AI is not perfect they have interesting movement, even when an enemy runs at you, he still evades your shots by jumping, ducking, moving to the side and such.


>Openworld FPS with MMO quests

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shit.. pirating this turd of game now 100%
sorry todd

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So it's going to be kill X enemies or bring Y amount of Z?

>console footage
things that never happened

Games like this need 1st and 3rd person for driving and walking. I can imagine driving would feel way the fuck more intense, it looks like a toy car and the gameplay is boring as fuck since it autoaims for you, so the joy is in the spectacle. Seeing it in 1st person would be more impressive. Similarly, the game isnt trying to be realistic, so seeing the boring gun animation wouldnt be as interesting as seeing your character hop, jump, teleport, and slam shit.
In my immaculate opinion.


Looks fun.
I'll give it a pirate.

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open world doom is fucking stupid, doom thrives off of tight, deliberately designed environments that channel a specific flow to the combat such that each one both A) feels like a unique fight among the literal hundreds of fights and B) is fucking satisfying to play multiple times in different ways
open world environments are bullshit for fast-paced shooters because devs just take the tighter designed areas and add thousands of miles of bloat and nothing between them, where you end up fighting scores of boring, samey fights
lets keep borderlands 2 and the hour and a half of walking or driving it took to get to the same giant open plain with one actually designed building in it in mind

ironic shillposting is still shillposting

Doom levels were always shit.
Doom 1 and 2 = The floor is lava!
NuDoom = Haha try this jumping puzzle.

if you cant (or wont) cancel the preorder you should really just end it now because you are contributing to the decline of good AAA games

why would you waste your time with do X/3 and clear out X/5 bullshit ?

reductionist arguments hold no water with me because you can reduce any game to really stupid-sounding quips. if youre gonna make a claim about map design and really want people to pay attention, you bring images into the mix and show what and where the problems are. dont ever try that on me again

You could toggle to first person while driving in Mad Max, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was included as an option here.

that woman looks like heihachi


Check out this AMAZING design guys.

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>no proof it isnt from a wad in a game known for custom levels
I said dont EVER try that on me again


Recognize this map, Jabroni?

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A single player shooter in a series no one likes in 2019? For real?

>literally a path designed for you to walk on it
>the challenge is not being retarded and stepping in the damage goo
>is too stupid to not walk into the damage goo, or too bad at games to avoid maneuvering into it, as was the design intention

dog thats 3 strikes, try again next thread and
Dont you ever, EVER, E V E R, try this shit on me again

>gun literally takes up about 40% of the screen
what the fuck

>4K gameplay

The developers already said that it will be 1080P/60 on Pro and X, not 4K.


it's a big gun


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almost 50% of those are shit

>>the challenge is not being retarded and stepping in the damage goo
So the challenge in the Rage 2 video was not going offroad. Sounds like Superb classical design theory.

I'm pretty sure this game only exists because Warner Bros. turned down a Mad Max sequel after the franchise went dormant again, so the devs took their engine to Bethesda who already had their own Mad Max-esque series to work off of.

I'm not going to buy your game, Todd

>I'm pretty sure
> the devs took their engine to Bethesda
i'm pretty sure you're retarded since Rage 2 is developed by ID and it uses the IDTech engine

you're not even wrong, in theory thats great and yes exactly what good classical design would be
unfortunately like all other open world horseshit there isnt enough incentive to stay within the designated and deliberately designed areas. Its not really a challenge because theres no disadvantage to straying other than time wasting.

keep making excuses for modern developers not knowing how to make engaging environments, im gonna sit over here and enjoy my tried and tested classics, and one last thing, if you ever try that on me again, well just dont do it

Meh, looks like any other ubisoft game.

it's developed by avalanche, dipshit retard.

the company is id not ID. it has never been ID in history. ever.

>Rage 2 is developed by ID and it uses the IDTech engine
It's largely being developed by Avalanche with some help by id and it's not running on idtech at all. Retard.

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They should have put lava on the side of the road.

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D55M: People killing and cars edition

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>more weightless vehicles
>more lens flare
>more weightless character movement
>more wasd+m1 shooting

This isn't ticking any boxes for me.

Looks pretty generic, like they took doom 2016 and changed assets.

The driving section looked mediocre as fuck. Doesn't seem to have any Mad Max thrill of high speed risk.

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>focus of game is ragdolling enemies
>exact ragdolls from just cause 2 with zero work put into making them look more physically believable


is this far cry new dawn dlc?

Room of E1M1 level in the game where imps (aka enemies using projectiles instead of hitscan) appear for the first time. Zigzag path is there to automatically teaches everybody that you can use movement to counter enemies using projectiles. Just saying

>>more wasd+m1 shooting
the fuck is wrong with that?

Man the next season of fortnite sure looks hardcore.

romero used to be a god of level design
What happened? He can only think 2 dimensionally?

okay the ''intentional'' screen tearing glitch effects can go fuck itself

hard fucking pass

doesn't look bad, thanks shillberg

yeah turned game off a posisble $30 buy into nothing for me

why would they think i would ever want to look at that

>He have to shit up our games with green snot to teach the babies to move left and right.
Wow, gaming was cursed by casuls from the start.

Doom 2016 actually has elements from first Rage, it's a neverending cycle of id releasing same game over and over, shit keeps going since the 90s.

>Doom 2016 actually has elements from first Rage

not really.

Did you not play Nu-doom?

Just boring the way they handled it is all. Like yeah it's better than a cover system. But it's weightless as fuck, and it looks like the MC is another invulnerable tough guy that sprints through everything mindlessly blasting his feeble opponents without cause for concern. Just another game where you pick one weapon and stroll through a 20h+20h campaign and sides using mostly one weapon and mostly one ability without ever being challenged.

>B-but you can switch! It's m-more fun!
Yeah and play suboptimally while I try my damndest to finish the shitpile of grindy kill #x at y quests that pollute the game. Or worse they have a fucked up ammo system like in D44F where you get forced to swap because good guns are inherently ammo starved.

It's fucking old, and not the good parts of ye olden shit either.

i mean considering there was nothing like doom before and how revolutionary it was, people weren't really used to that type of movement in a game
This guy made a really awesome series on ID's wolfenstein>doom>quake progression if you're interested

then just dont use the ability, brainlets

>he played on easy mode
inb4 nuh uh

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yeah man i prefer dmcv which is just like doom from level design perspective but its CUHHHHRAAYYYZZZEZEEEE

That's retarded. You're retarded.

>console shooter

and oof

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That was in borderlands 1

>mfw I had to unlock difficulties
I played on the default highest which was a joke, and the game was shit so I won't be returning.

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ahhhhhhh pull the trigger already

it looks fun

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>he said the 3 letter word
What the hell is wrong with you

Thx, will watch. Playin Ace Coombat 7

non-based and bluepilled

Nope, this one is running on Just Cause 4's engine. It's being developed internally by Avalanche's main team with Id Software consulting on the fps parts.

You'll get Loosum Hagar as a GILF now and you're gonna like it.

fucking ubisoft. ban all lean spamming cucks

fucking amazing. Artist name?

Alex Jones


Idk why but I got DOOM for $20 4 weeks after it released at Walmart for pc

It seems there isn't a single developer who can make vehicles in shooters NOT handle in a godawful way. The driving doesn't look to be interesting at all.


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>overblown colors and contrast, literally zero lighting work
>looks good

This doesn't look good because it's Quixel or Unreal Engine, it looks good because 50% of the entire work was lighting the thing.

It'll be solid so long as the sidequests are made well.
Seems like it might be good in that respect considering the game developers keep shilling them.

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>tech demo

>rage 1 is shit and literally a meme (MEGATEXTURES)
And yet Megatextures was years ahead of other engines because it basically made it effortless and a non-issue performance-wise to give levels a vast amount of unique details. Nowadays every engine has it albeit under different names.

>wojak posting
a sure sign i don't need to read your post

They have a video where someone jumps into editor mode for editing and fucking around and it looks exactly the same there. There is no excuse for Rage 2 to look this bad with a budget this big.

Jesus Christ... I was gonna pirate cause it looked like it might be kinda fun but that video just killed any interest at all. Literally fucking soulless cookie cutter dog shit.


Attached: images.jpg (220x229, 8K)

>and it looks exactly the same there
no it doesn't.
that's where you realize it's just low res rocks that look good from a distance and there's nothing else. not to mention the area he showcased was super small


>it looks exactly the same
Battlefront unironically has better textures.

Attached: 6abc754188f46b3d3c95208612062cd1.jpg (1917x995, 742K)

>low res rocks that look good from a distance and there's nothing else. not to mention the area he showcased was super small
"I have never heard of LOD"
If you want realistic large areas feel free to download any of their other demos.

Agreed, Frostbite is capable of all of this as well.

>he runs faster than his future care

>Frostbite is capable of all of this as well.
Yes, in either small or linear maps. If you make an open world game with it like NfS or Anthem it looks shit.

Literally comparing small area tech demos to open world games.

Looks fucking fun

So it's borderlands with the cod aesthetic?

So go and compare it to Far Cry or RDR2 then.

>half the game the screen is trying to give you an epileptic seizure
What cheap tricks

Borderlands with actual decent gunplay.

Looks better than borderlands 3 by a country mile.

rdr2 looks terrible

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181028033843.png (1920x1080, 2.97M)

I'm actually happy we're getting some saturation after the era of washed out "realism".

If decent gunplay is ripping off Doom 2016, then I guess. Nothing to really brag about.

there are real shills, ironic shillposting, shitposting, and then retards that shitposted too much and became retarded. With sprinkles of Autism and social outcasts.

I'm sold. I'll buy the sequel for this alone.

Saturation is one thing, constantly having static playing in your ears and on screen is something different.

Wasn't this game to be supposed to be a COOP?


Attached: Far Cry® New Dawn2019-2-17-22-12-54.jpg (3840x2160, 1.88M)

I know reading youtube comments is dumbshit but what the fuck, it's like nothing but a bunch of bots posting. Do they filter the comments this hard?

That's how forests look in real life, I swear! Keep looking at all the work we put into the flowers on the ground, WAIT! DON'T LOOK TOO MUCH AT THE FLOWERS!
>Meanwhile over a year ago

Attached: 31moviwnd7i01.jpg (3000x2000, 1007K)

>it's like nothing but a bunch of bots posting.
It most likely actually is a bunch of bots posting.

If those are bots I have to give them props for emulating nomralfags so credibly.

Half of them are calling it a doom clone, and they're not wrong.

looks pretty shit to me, it could be interesting if they removed the annoying scifi technology features

>Raiders have hair like this in Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>This is fine
>Raiders have hair like this in Rage 2

Raiders had florescent blue sweet tooth hair in fallout?

Looks alright.
They confirmed its coming to steam, didn't they?

Considering that some bitch with purple hair is one of the first results for "Fallout 3 raiders" google search, I'm going to go with yes, probably.

Attached: ThePittRaiderFighters.png (1284x917, 1.45M)

So having a comb over and liberty spikes is the same as having cotton candy blue heihachi clown hair?

I was going to buy Rage but IGN gave it 4/10

>Moving the goal posts
I'll make it simple for a retard like you. Here is an image showing the saturated blue hair color, and a raider with the exact same hair style as the woman in the Rage image. Fuck you, neck yourself.

Attached: Fuck you retard it took me 2 minutes to makie this that's a lot of time.png (661x312, 335K)

Except 99.9% of raiders didn't have that hairstyle or color.

>I claim that Fallout 3 has NPCs with X hairstyle in Y color
>You claim that's not true
>I provide proof of this
>W-well not many NPCs have that combination!
Not an argument, all you did was concede to my original claim. Thanks, glad we're in agreement.

Attached: Letterman.png (717x839, 793K)

This is the apocalypse my guy. Go back to your weebshit.

found the faggot

>randomized npc has slightly similar colored hair
>randomized npc also has this WACKY hairstyle
>haha, you have a 1% chance of having an npc in fallout barely look like the OP that means I win!
Did you even watch the live action trailer?
>Everybody has hair 20x worse than fallout
>commie music
Yeah, enjoy your victory.

Attached: rage-hair.jpg (730x411, 69K)

>game where society has collapsed, and inbreeding and mutations are rampant
>"why do woman look ugly >:^("

Neck yourself

Nigga this faggot is only following the latest trend trying to fit in, cut him some slack

Is that Yuri voicing the mc?

>aim assist
>fps drops
This looks way worse than the first one! How is that even possible because it was absolute shit.

I hope he's baiting for his sake, or else he's retarded.

>I will claim that this permutation is extremely rare (0.1% of NPCs according to your claim in )
>I won't actually do any sort of quantitative analysis to prove this though
Jesus, you suck at this man. I don't have to do jack shit until you prove this ridiculous assumption.

Attached: imagev1e1d61617c901b2d271a1c258cb69a224-ck258klbl7or82ykhq2_t460.jpg (460x345, 26K)

Every shooter on consoles does this.

>open world Doom
>when the character is slow as fuck
It ain't Doom unless it's sanic fast

he sprints much faster than doomguy

>show hair that's far worse than the one from fallout
This somehow doesn't invalidate your claim that Fallout 3 had just as retarded character designs as Rage 2? Maybe you should take up your complaints with Bethesda's marketing department for only showing retarded bluehairs

Attached: Rage-2-female-protagonist-option-confirmed-1024x647.jpg (1024x647, 151K)

Rage 2?
More like Pirate 2!

What are the 3 games? Far cry new dawn, rage 2 and.....

How is any more retarded than pic related? They both look like fucking headcases to me. Trying to move the goal posts with no actual analysis again I see.

Attached: Vikia.jpg (910x650, 280K)

So it's Borderlands?

That grav-dart thing actually looks neat, and I sorta dig the abilities.
Overall, it's shaping up to be decent. Might pick it up on a sale at best, but I'd just prefer some more fucking DOOM Eternal gameplay.

Why are you only posting DLC characters?

Hell ya, Show me 1 Jap game that looks better than this.
Stupid weebs can't tell what's good and bad.

It's borderlands with doom gameplay.

Lol no, if anything all that fat asswipes would die out or get thin. Assuming that they aren;t overweight, your average, average woman with no makeup looks way better than the abominations you see these western games modelling, Maybe not supermodel plastic japanese fighting game doll tier gorgeous, but way easier on the eyes than this shit.

>More goalpost moving
aren't DLC, pic related isn't DLC (also lmao at you referring to this terrible JUST shave as just a "combover" in )

Attached: Jacklyn.jpg (800x571, 150K)

Looks so generic I will forget about it in 2 minutes

>Assuming that they aren't overweight
>Assuming you aren't including half the

What did Rage 2 mean by enemies wearing pins like this?

Attached: 1540318010847.jpg (1021x850, 141K)

It looks like they took all the character skills and movement types from Quake Champions and slapped it together in a single player game. Which, unlike what character abilities do to Quake multiplayer, will prove to be a pretty fun game probably

>posting modded content
>posting 1 wacky dlc character
>this was in the base game
Okay retard I get it.

Attached: 1554074803030.jpg (768x768, 93K)

Literally the only reason Rage 1 was bad was because of all the shitty driving and loading screens, the gameplay and story was good.

Attached: 1529999511763.jpg (1080x1080, 179K)

actually I would be including roughly 70% of women. Yes, 70% of the female population is overweight. I was saying though that in a post-apocalyptic situation there wouldn't be any overweight people, therefore your average woman would be thin

looks generic as fuck, almost like a parody

>trying to nick points with the BFG
Rage really isn't doing itself any favors by reminding me of an infinitely better IP.

>Rage really isn't doing itself any favors by reminding me that it's just a reskinned doom

He looks slower to me. Either that or the open worls environments make it seem like he's traveling at a slower speed. Not to mention enemies seeming like damage sponges in comparison to enemies in Doom. The gameplay just doesn't scream "Doom" to me.

The Doom and Quake guys helped them work on the guns to make them feel good

Attached: 1527768712545.jpg (496x678, 113K)

What does the character being a mod have to do with the fact that she uses an original hair asset that is also available to player characters? Here are 3 generic Fallout 3 raiders with retard hairstyles. Seems like a lot more than the 0.1% that you claimed, user.

Attached: FO3MultipleGenericRaiders.jpg (1440x900, 544K)

>The gameplay just doesn't scream "Doom" to me.
>UI is ripped straight from doom

>all the zoomers ITT that don't understand a good shooter only needs good and satisfying shooting
Muh story fags are peak cringe

Attached: 1549956404295.jpg (380x380, 34K)

>Seems like a lot more than the 0.1% that you claimed, user.
Yeah it's so common you had to find the one DLC character and a russian mod to support your claims

Like seriously man, explain to me how that character being a mod matters when she looks literally no different than generic NPCs.

Attached: c90d7cabb8b99688bd13d7985f61c736.png (850x680, 451K)

>nu-Yea Forums hates it
confirmed for good game

I swear to god, the vapid facebook-netflix personalities, colored hair, piercings and incurable STDs generation has effectively killed my sex drive.

Attached: 1515124811753.jpg (480x486, 35K)

>still posting modded content
Are you doing this on purpose?

Shut the fuck up faggot and address:
As well as pic related for good matter.

All non DLC characters, all non-modded characters. You still haven't explained why a character with a retard hairstyle in DLC somehow makes it okay. You're leaving a lot of holes user. Did you honestly think I wouldn't be able to swarm you with generic retard raiders? I knew you'd try and attack being a mod, when I was just using it to show the non-mod hairstyle.

Attached: FNVV3BossNoHelmet.jpg (240x150, 10K)

How much install/memory we talking here? Anyone knows? XB1.

Attached: urgh tha good SHIT.gif (350x266, 829K)

>i'm severely retarded and i will talk shit about anything

Why are you posting wiki images?

>Armor replacement mod on a generic NPC
>Altering their hairstyle

You going to continue to ignore the following?
Pic related as well.

Attached: Capital_Wasteland_Raiders.jpg (633x311, 205K)

>One of the faction leaders has a weird haircolor to set her apart from the 1000 grunts you have blasted though
No way! Call Bethesda!

Bulletstorm was fun you pretentious faggot and this game looks fine too.

Not an argument

top bait equipped with coveted trips

I'm jsut asking because you've already burned through all the pictures and are starting to sound a bit schizo. I'll give you a bit to find more wiki pictures of crazy hairstyles like pic related.

Attached: taTt2ErsvTAjWDPC3VogHf.jpg (1875x973, 252K)

>A shooter playing the game by itself isn't a valid complaint
Fuck you and fuck people like you.

Attached: Shadow.gif (245x184, 703K)

A boss character's design is more emblematic of the overall design of the game since they're an important character. It's more telling of Fallout NVs design that a boss character looks like a JUST retard and not just some random grunt mook. Thanks for pointing that out, user. But arre you going to address all the generic raiders I've posted who still look retarded though?

You see pretty scared to touch:
And lets not forget that we've already agreed upon my original claim.

Attached: 1v1+me+kid+ill+wreck+you+_7280d9f5f7715078b6d00962ff176df0.jpg (400x267, 21K)

So you ran out of wiki pictures and are now going to try and claim that 1% of the game's characters are representative of the entire game?

ill bash your fucking face in

But that's obviously just from another angle? Why are you projecting, user? It seems like your the one having issues finding examples. Still waiting on that quantitative analysis on hair style/color permutations as well.

I've posted more examples than you user. You have 3 characters, I easily have 20 plus. It's time for you to catch up. Hell I'm still waiting on proof regarding your 0.1% claim (which has just bumped up to 1% now? Suddenly 10 times more?) You're trying so hard to flip the tables and it's just sad.

I think the middle one is Outer Worlds

So just because you burned through the entire fallout wiki to find two somewhat wacky hairstyles from the DLC you win?

>How DARE you talk about video games.

Attached: 1554076596706.jpg (1280x960, 264K)

Rather than it be irrelevant on PC?

Attached: Pirates.png (420x447, 268K)

>2 hairstyles
Why are you lying?

>Single Player.
>Open World
>No loading screens.
I like it. But I knew already Yea Forums would ruin something others like. So it's cool. But I like it.

Attached: Go Fuck yourself..jpg (1360x768, 159K)

No ones going to buy it so who cares bitch.

Why are you burning through an entire wiki of a decade old game schizo?

Sorry let me rephrase that, why are you burning through an entire wiki of a decade old game to talk about rare hairstyles, schizo?

Why do you think people who actually provide evidence to back up their claims are schizophrenic? That would explain why you're so apprehensive to do the same, but I don't get it.

Because it's obvious from the get-go that this guy was shitposting, purposefully misquoting me and exaggerating. It's obvious now that this guy's a fucking nutter though.

>Shitposting, purposefully misquoting me and exaggerating
But that's what you're doing with Rage? You're acting like 2 in game characters and a promotional picture means the game is some sort of SJW design infested shithole. Stop trying to flip the tables man, really.

I'll humor your original post Creature on pic you were referring to looks like literal orc from LotR. It plays same role in Rage 2, however:
>face is super clean despite her probably fighting 24/7 with other bandits and shmucks
>retarded band-aid which wouldn't even hold in such environment
>lots of hair, obviously shaven here and there to make hair-cut
>bright color despite her spending her life in literal desert
>wash her, she still would look like orc

Now look at Fallout 3/NV raiders:
>faces are all smeared in shit, since they always fight, and when they don't, they dig around garbage dumps
>hair are weak, with bald spots, and generally there's very little of it - they either say fuck it and roll with it, or figure out some ways for it to look at least not like 3-day old salad
>color is washed out and dusty, since they most likely used chemicals and not proper hair paint
>wash them, they'll look like normal people

Attached: LordofTheRings-GEJ4N5.jpg (1594x1195, 389K)

Read the first thing posted. It was a bait post that said all character designs have equals in fallout 3 not whatever you think I think.

Every summer Wild Lupins blooms and near every unkempt fields looks like purple mess. Its wonderful.

Attached: lupin.jpg (1024x768, 225K)

Attached: 137_Lupins_07-600x400.jpg (600x400, 128K)

>face is super clean despite her probably fighting 24/7 with other bandits and shmucks
Those crusty eyebrows, that rough skin and that brown goop running down her mouth looks clean to you? I disagree.

>Retarded band-aid which wouldn't even hold in such environment
Lets look at a group of generic NPCs in Fallout 3. I see plenty of impractical things like the guys helmet and chest piece from the 2nd right. Wow it's almost like post apocalyptic games have wacky stupid designs sometimes.

>Lots of hair, obviously shaven here and there to make hair-cut
The lady in has an almost identical hairstyle to . In fact, I'd argue that Fallout's is even more overdesigned, because it has those strands running down the sides, plus the spiked tips. The girl's hair in is a better example, but I argue that fallout once again has a very similar style as seen in and .

>Bright color despite her spending her life in literal desert
I don't see how living in a desert would stop one from dying their hair bright colors.

>wash her, she still would look like orc
She has an ugly nose, but stop exaggerating (there you go again, fucking exaggerating)

>faces are all smeared in shit, since they always fight, and when they don't, they dig around garbage dumps
Have already shown that is dirty too. The woman in has a really roughed up face as well.

>Color is washed out and dusty, since they most likely used chemicals and not proper hair paint
The color is washed out and dusty because the gamebryo engine is shit. There's a reason why most people who play modded fallout use some sort of ENB/lighting mod to fix things and add a little more saturation. Hilarious that we've gone from BROWN AND BLOOM BAD, COLOR GOOD to the reverse.

>Wash them, they'll look like normal people
And so would the people in Rage, what's your point?

At least you tried to make an actual argument this time. There was an attempt.

Attached: yakuza-0-screen-04-ps4-us-26sep16.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

I was referring to these raiders by the way for bad design examples: I further add that the most recent iteration of Fallout, with an updated engine, has much more lively colors.

Attached: fallout-4-wallpaper-5.jpg (1920x1080, 617K)

Why do large hulking enemies like they showed at the end always seem so dull? Always big and slow with huge tells. Hulk smash attack. Charge at you. Throw a big rock that came from nowhere. Bullet sponges galore that give no good feedback as you pepper away at them. I almost find giant enemies in light gun games back in the day gave better response due to the sole nature of how those played.

It's the post apocalypse, what do you expect


How is bait? I've more than shown that Fallout has plenty of similar looking characters with wacky hairstyles and colors. More importantly, how is you arguing that DLC characters or boss characters don't count as examples, or that I seemingly can't use google image search for evidence, not shitty fucking bait posts?

Attached: hmmmm.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

>100% of females in Rage 2 have been shown to have INSANE hairstyles
>Check out this DLC character and this chick from a russian mod, Fallout 3 is literally Rage 2

Attached: 155576897654.jpg (600x600, 18K)

>Accuses me of being the exaggerator while saying shit like "100% of females in Rage 2 have been shown to have INSANE hairstyles"
Your quality is deteriorating, user.

Attached: Rage-2_01-30-19.jpg (600x337, 66K)

>Those crusty eyebrows, that rough skin and that brown goop running down her mouth looks clean to you? I disagree.
Only thing you named that counts as "dirty" is goop. Do you call people with rough skin dirty too?

>I see plenty of impractical things like the guys helmet and chest piece from the 2nd right.
Those are impractical, but still means to defend yourself. Also, they won't fall off if you break a sweat.

>has an almost identical hairstyle
Style is indeed identical, but volume of hair is clearly different. Also those are from mod, so let's not talk about them again.

>I don't see how living in a desert would stop one from dying their hair bright colors.
It doesn't, but relentless sun burns on daily basis, and dust sticks to hair pretty quickly. I don't think raiders/bandits care so much to wash their heads daily, nor they have enough water to waste it on washing.

>stop exaggerating
Should we call a strawpoll on what race she belongs to according to other anons?

>The color is washed out and dusty because the gamebryo engine is shit.
Come on now, it's not fun if you do shit like that. I made an attempt, you do so too.

Attached: x_454d7b27.jpg (604x453, 124K)

Uh oh he's googling again! Quick, find me that other quest npc that's somewhat normal looking that was only shown for half a second in the gameplay trailer!

>Finding the one normal chick in all of the gameplay reveals
>It's the one from nearly a year ago
Do you have this shit already saved in a folder or what?

looks better than I expected but still pretty generic. if it's balanced for the higher difficulty setting (ie you need to use all those fancy moves in combat to win) it might have some fun gameplay. but I really doubt it. also open world drive a car around to randomly generated chores is so goddamn tired.

>Doom 2016 combat
>Mass Effect Andromeda vehicles
>Borderlands story

this is an unfair comparison because rage 2 was announced before both of them and new dawn was a cash grab free standing DLC and OuterWorlds is still in development RAGE 2 was the first to try the punk apocalypse

>RAGE 2 was the first to try the punk apocalypse
It's just one faction. It really goes to show how little content is in the game when they focus on one of like 4-5 factions.

> Also those are from mod, so let's not talk about them again.
The hairstyle is still an original asset user, I don't see why you have such a hard time with this.

>stop exaggerating
>Should we call a strawpoll on what race she belongs to according to other anons?
Ah so you think brown people = ogres/orcs or whatever. I can't really help you with that.

>Style is indeed identical, but volume of hair is clearly different.
Woah a 2019 game has more emphasis on hair physics/simulation than decade old games running on an engine from the 1990s. What kind of fucking complaint is this? The hair looking more like hair is bad?

>It doesn't, but relentless sun burns on daily basis, and dust sticks to hair pretty quickly
Yea the game is shit because it doesn't simulate sunburns and dust. At the same time, you're jumping the gun to say that these people live in a desert. Most of the gameplay video takes place in a densely forested area. For all we know, the desert area only makes up a small section of the map, and the actual climate is much more forgiving. At the same time, I don't think water is as nearly as rare as you make it out to be.

>I see plenty of impractical things like the guys helmet and chest piece from the 2nd right.
>Those are impractical, but still means to defend yourself. Also, they won't fall off if you break a sweat.
Enjoy the bloody chaffing from running around with bare metal against your chest all day. I'd much rather wear shitty band aids than experience that. And yea, I'm sure that armor which leaves the majority of your vitals exposed, while still being heavy because it's just iron or some scrap metal shit, has legitimate defense applications. You don't get to apply realism to Rage, but not Fallout as well.

>Come on now, it's not fun if you do shit like that. I made an attempt, you do so too.
Then why are Fallout 4 and Skyrim, the two most recent gamebryo games much more saturated than FO3 and New Vegas?

>Year ago

>Oh no he's backing his claims up
>This is somehow worse than me just making baseless assumptions

Is this game coop?

looks pretty good desu

Wow you get to shoot shit, This is so fucking new and exciting!

>A hairstyle so common it has to be modded onto a follower
>Rage 2 would look like Fallout 3 if it was made 10 years ago
>Implying they're not going for a mad max aesthetic
>Arguing about realism
>Skyrim is saturated
This is modded Skyrim Special edition (Saturation boost) with saturation boost mods. Fuck off retard,

Attached: 155487690654.jpg (1920x1080, 389K)

>leveled up
>AI looks worse than original
>go into randumb area and shoot things
otherwise pretty good

why would you ever use a controller on PC when keyboard and mouse are superior in every way

Attached: 1551244002533.png (908x908, 860K)

>unlock difficulties
The only difficulty you have to unlock is the permadeath one with no saves.

rip game. I was already only considering buying Borderlands 3, but this image alone is enough to just say "no"

Rage 2 is the poor man's Borderlands. Even Borderlands 1 is much better than this train wreck

im buying it idgaf what you niggers think

Attached: 16dt60.jpg (400x300, 29K)

It's a fucking weird story after going back on console to play Blops 4 with friends because I was paranoid about hackers on pc - the Aim assist on consoles is a literal soft aimbot. The game is literally no different from a shitty RPG. Totally understand what you're sayin though.

Just look at the original gameplay trailer. The crosshair snaps to enemies even though he's shooting 4ft to side of them

they are content with making a game that sells at a mediocre level, at least that's just my guess

>A hairstyle so common it has to be modded onto a follower
The mod I linked, , is an armor replacer for generic NPCs and doesn't alter their hair in anyway.

That some post apocalyptic game in a fictional universe has brown characters isn't a legitimate criticism. Try again.

>Rage 2 would look like Fallout 3 if it was made 10 years ago
You still haven't explained why hair having more volume and looking realistic is bad. Why do you keep ignoring the actual questions?

>Arguing about realism
Only because you did it first with muh dust, muh sunburns muh band aids wouldn't stick. I personally don't care about realism in post apocalyptic worlds where you're fighting mutants with hand held nuke launchers.

>This is modded Skyrim Special edition (Saturation boost) with saturation boost mods
This is modded Skyrim too, what's your point? Of course it's not nearly as saturated as Rage 2, but it is certainly more so than FO3 and FNV. And FO4 is subsequently more saturated than Skyrim.

>>Implying they're not going for a mad max aesthetic
There's supposed to be half a dozen biomes according to a video I just watched. They've mentioned Swamps, Forests, Snowy mountains, cities and canyons so far. Only the canyon areas look like a desert. So yea, it doesn't seem like they're going for a mad max aesthetic, outside of the emphasis on vehicle combat. Avalanche has also already done an actual Mad Max game, so they probably want to do something a little new here when it comes to world design

Attached: 20160629194006_1.jpg (2560x1440, 1.08M)

i wonder if its a setting you can enable for the controller and that turning it off when using a mouse makes you eat shit retard

I seriously play and read video games for a total of 10 hours a day and ONLY know about *pic* about Rage 1.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

>posting mod overhauled skyrim
kill yourself

>I can post my modded skyrim but you can't


Attached: 1553309308300.gif (200x189, 828K)

what the fuck is this? are your lives so mundane that you consider this a conversation?

reminder, most pc gamers won't even be able to play the game in this quality.

>Comparing punks with SJW feminists

Oh no, looks like I broke him.

Attached: amy.png (381x396, 180K)

If a person posts modded content and tries to claim it's base game content for 4 hours doesn't mean they have no life, user.